
星期二, 1月 30, 2018


昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)發表市情咨文。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange周菊子昆士市報導)昆士市第33位市長柯奇(Tom Koch)129日晚在湯姆斯鶴(Thomas Crane)公共圖書館發表市情咨文,週到的感謝政客,民代,綜述昆士市的財政及經濟發展,基礎建設,即將於2025年來到的建市400週年慶,以及毒癮問題。
                      201511月當選為昆士市首名一任四年市長的柯奇(Tom Koch)27日晚在古色古香的昆市公共圖書館中發表長達8頁的市情咨文。
在麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),麻州財政長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg)等嘉賓出席的隆重中,柯奇從感謝開始。他先感謝帶領宣誓的消防員Andrew Smith,接著指出過去十年來,有100名以上的退伍軍人,從戰場回家後,加入了昆士市消防局,警察局,或者擔任老師,佔了那段時期新聘人員總數的一半以上。再感謝三名離任的市議員,學校委員,包括在位16年的Joe Finn,在位8年的Margaret Laforest,在位8年的Barbara Isola
麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)特地出席致詞。(周菊子攝)
           他指稱麻州正副州長,查理貝克(Charlie Baker)及白莉朵(Karyn Polito)和昆士市建立了前未曾有的夥伴關係,在重大基礎建設上,經由麻州工作(MassWorks)這項目給昆士市提供了數以百萬元計的資助,讓昆士市經由海港經濟協會(Seaport Economic Council)把握住可能有的沿岸資產,還斥資逾十億元翻修紅線地鐵,讓昆士市及鄰近地區的公共交通體系趕得上21世紀的時代進步。
麻州財政長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg,左)也來支持昆市長。(周菊子攝)
           聯邦眾議員林奇(Stephen Lynch),聯邦參議員馬基(Ed Markey),伊莉莎白華倫(Elizabeth Warren),麻州財政長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg),代表昆士市的麻州參議員約翰基南(John Keenan),麻州眾議員Bruce Ayer,陳德基,以及麻州眾議員Randy Hunt, Ronald Mariano等,一個也沒漏。
           他也歡迎了兩名新任市議員David McCarthyAnn Mahoney,兩名新任學校委員會委員Anthony Andronico,以及曾任市議員的古楚(Doug Gutro)
曾經兩度和柯奇(Tom Koch, 中)競爭市長職位的昆士市前市長費林
(William J. Phelan)(左),也到會場。(周菊子攝)
           柯奇引用William Jennings Bryant的話,指命運不關機會,在於選擇,不需相信,要去成就。
麻州眾議員陳德基(Tackey Chan)。(周菊子攝)
           興國亞當綠地(Hancock-Adams Green)發展案中規模最大的一部份,將於今年完工。那也將事昆士市中心第一個大型公民空間。
麻州參議員約翰基南(John Keenan)。他也市昆士市長夫人的兄弟。
           昆士市將和Fox Rock 發展公司,以及花崗岩電信公司執行長Rob Hale合作,在曾經是羅斯停車場(Ross Parking Garage)的那一帶,建造出100萬平方呎的商用土地。這計畫估計今春就會送交市議會討論,一家大的醫療供應商將會是主要租客。
熟稔昆士市政壇的Jimmy Hui。(周菊子攝)
           柯奇提及昆士市將推出該市首個自行車共享項目,在市內特地地區增設自行車道。在Fox Rock贊助下,昆士學校系統也將推出新的課餘公開體育館項目,以及新的上癮科學課。

           在講話中,柯奇表示他將要求是億元通過一項名為"將軍橋(General Bridge)"的法案,以表揚昆士市的4名愛國者,加起來共有13顆星的美國空軍將軍Ronald Rand,陸軍將軍及幕僚長Gordon Sullivan,陸軍將軍James McConville,海軍將軍Joseph Dunford。他還會組成一個委員會來設計紀念碑,誌記曾經參戰的昆士子民。


聯邦參議員伊莉莎白華倫(Elizabeth Warren)。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子摩頓市整理報導) 代表麻州的聯邦參議員伊莉莎白華倫(Elizabeth Warren)128日選在麻州學生最多元化的摩頓市,舉辦她的2018年首場城鎮會議,為競選連任開始造勢,但她的談話內容幾乎全部針對川普。會場坐得滿滿的支持者,人數逾千,幾乎讓人覺得她準備競選總統了。
麻州眾議員Steve Ultrino。(周菊子攝)
她說,回到麻州後,她忍不住深思,要怎麼辦。共和黨控制了參議院,眾議院,白宮,民主黨要怎麼應對。唯一機會是從外施壓,鼓勵人民提高聲音,打造一個對抗隊伍。過去這一年來,川普和共和黨想要拿走3500萬人的可負擔健保(ACA),破壞投票制度,打擊獨立司法,踐踏法官,攻擊真相(truth),換言之,一而再,再而三的攻擊民主基礎,以及實施民主的方法。共和黨還通過稅改法案,從大企業那兒放棄了1.5兆的稅收,讓大富翁得到永久性減稅優惠,保羅萊恩(Paul Ryan)卻要全民為這國家收入差額買單,要刪減醫療補助,基礎設施,研究,以及所有促使美國邁向更好未來的公益事項經費。
麻州參議員Kathrine Clark。(周菊子攝)
摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)明示伊莉莎白華倫可能
伊莉莎白華倫在會場上回應了很多出席者的提問。會後和媒體見面時,她談到最近出現的有爭議事件,認為正在Everett建造耗資24億元賭場的發展商,也是涉及性騷擾,127日才辭任共和黨全國財務委員會主席Steve Wynn,應該被審查。賭博局有責任調查在麻州經營賭場者道德上是否適任。
伊莉莎白華倫對於社會經濟對人們家庭的影響之巨,感受極深。當年她還在奧克拉荷馬市(Oklahoma)時,父親得了心臟病,家庭經濟頓陷困境,母親每夜啜泣後,毅然走出家門,去西爾斯(Sears, Roebuck)公司應徵接線生工作,才保住家裡的房子。她也後來才有機會上大學。
            伊莉莎白華倫在摩頓市的這場城鎮會議,由麻州眾議員Steven Ultrino,摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson),麻州參議員克拉克(Katherine Clark)等摩頓市民代,公僕開場。



麻州議會通過法案鼓勵亞裔在BMI 23 時就做檢測

Massachusetts House and Senate Come Together to “Screen at 23”

Joint Resolution Calls on the State’s Public Health System and Providers to Use BMI 23 When Screening Asian Americans for Diabetes

Boston, MA – (January 22, 2018) – Legislators from both the Massachusetts House and Senate have voted on a Joint Resolution to urge the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and other public and private health providers to screen Asian Americans for diabetes at a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 23, which is a lower screening BMI than for the general population.
Joslin’s Asian American Diabetes Initiative (AADI), along with a coalition of other diabetes organizations, led the effort to change screening guidelines for Asian Americans on a national level through the “Screen at 23” campaign. Now states are officially adopting the change as well.
In Massachusetts, screening at 23 BMI would reveal more than 6,000 additional cases of diabetes among Asian Americans and close to 20,000 new cases of prediabetes, allowing treatment, interventions and prevention to begin before damaging associated conditions develop or worsen.
“This is a significant milestone for all of us who have worked over the years in the AADI at Joslin. Screen at 23 is the first of several  important steps to ensure Asian-American populations have proper health care for their diabetes and we are so thankful to the Legislature, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and all of those who have advocated for the adoption of these screening guidelines,” said Dr. George L. King, Chief Scientific Officer, Joslin Diabetes Center.
Dr. LaShawn McIver, Senior Vice-President of Government Affairs and Advocacy at the American Diabetes Association (ADA) said, “The Legislature’s resolution brings attention to a critical health concern affecting the Asian American community. As more providers and patients become aware of the Screen at 23 guidelines, we are hopeful screening will become more widespread–and preventive steps can then be set in motion for those at risk of developing diabetes.”
"The science shows that when it comes to diabetes, Asian Americans are different; guidelines are now reflecting this reality, and screening practices must change to reflect these guidelines," shared Dr. Ho Luong Tran, President and CEO of the National Council of Asian Pacific Islander Physicians (NCAPIP).
The “Screen at 23” campaign is coordinated by the NCAPIP, Joslin Diabetes Center, and members of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Diabetes Coalition.
The Massachusetts resolution was championed by State Representative Tackey Chan (D) and State Senator Jason Lewis (D), and an event will be held on the Grand Staircase at the Massachusetts State House to announce the resolution on Thursday, January 25, 2 p.m.
Visit Joslin’s Asian American Diabetes Initiative to find out more about AADI, and Screen at 23 website for more information on the campaign.


BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey has secured millions of dollars in relief for hundreds of Massachusetts residents in a settlement with a national mortgage servicer over its failure to help homeowners avoid foreclosure.
Pursuant to an assurance of discontinuance, filed in Suffolk Superior Court, Nationstar Mortgage LLC (d/b/a Mr. Cooper) will provide direct payments and loan modifications to hundreds of homeowners in Massachusetts. The company will also update its practices and be subject to compliance oversight from the AG’s Office.
“In Massachusetts, mortgage servicers are required by law to help prevent unnecessary foreclosures and keep families in their homes,” said AG Healey. “Nationstar failed to stop foreclosures and this settlement gives homeowners in the hardest hit areas in Massachusetts a chance to stay in their homes. It also sends a clear message that we will hold accountable companies that are not following the law.”

The AG’s Office alleges that the company violated the MassachusettsAct to Prevent Unnecessary Foreclosure, known as “35B,” landmark law passed in 2012 that protects certain borrowers from foreclosure. The law requires creditors to make a good faith effort to avoid foreclosure for borrowers whose mortgage loans have unfair subprime terms.  
Under the terms of the settlement, Nationstar is required to implement a loan modification program that will provide millions in borrower relief in the form of principal reductions, pay $500,000 in restitution to certain foreclosed-upon borrowers, and provide the loan modification review protections required by state law for borrowers who fall into default in the future.
At least 500-600 Massachusetts residents are eligible for loan modification review under the terms of the settlement and more than 100 foreclosed-upon borrowers will be eligible for restitution. Borrowers eligible for restitution will be contacted about how to apply for payments.
Nationstar is the largest non-bank mortgage servicer in the country. The AG’s Office began an investigation into Nationstar after receiving hundreds of complaints from Massachusetts consumers.
According to the AG’s Office, Nationstar allegedly offered unfair and deceptive short-term, interest-only loan modifications to borrowers that did not consider the borrower’s ability to repay the mortgage debt over the life of the modified loan. After one or two years, the monthly payments on those modifications ballooned to an amount higher than on which the borrower originally defaulted. The AG’s Office alleges that this loan modification program set borrowers up to fail and put them at heightened risk of foreclosure.
The AG’s Office also alleges that Nationstar failed to provide a fair opportunity for a modification review. When borrowers filled out and returned the necessary forms, Nationstar failed to log, track, and process those forms as required by the law. Instead, borrowers faced massive delays, repetitive requests for modification paperwork and were often denied loan modifications on the grounds that they had failed to submit proper documentation, which had indeed been submitted.
This case is part of the AG’s Office’s investigation of the mortgage servicing industry and its compliance with the Massachusetts Act to Prevent Unnecessary Foreclosures. The Office is committed to ensuring that all mortgage servicers respect the rights of homeowners under this important law.
The AG’s Office has been a national leader in securing restitution and other relief for borrowers from banks and servicers. The office has obtained recoveries and other relief from Morgan StanleyGoldman SachsRoyal Bank of ScotlandCitigroupJPMorgan ChaseCountrywideFremont Investment & LoanOption OneHSBCDitechPHH and others on behalf of Massachusetts homeowners. 
Consumers with questions or concerns about deceptive or abusive foreclosure and loan servicing practices can call the Attorney General’s consumer hotline at 617-727-8400 or file a complaint with the office.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Lisa Dyen and Michael Lecaroz, and Division Chief Max Weinstein, with assistance from Paralegals Gabrielle Crossnoe and Sneha Pandya, all of AG Healey’s Consumer Protection Division.

AARP樂齡會調查揭示 亞太裔因詐騙備受財務和情緒傷害

AARP Fraud Survey Reveals the Financial and Emotional Toll among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

AAPI Fraud Victims Age 50 and Older Lost More Than $15,000 on Average, Reported Emotional and Health-Related Issues
Read the report and download the infographic at aarp.org/AAPIfraudsurvey.


“亞太裔社區的每個人都有被詐騙的風險,” AARP樂齡會多元文化領導部門亞太裔受眾副總裁郭為婉(Daphne Kwok)說。“這項調查提醒我們需要對欺詐和騙局加以防患,以防止財務損失和非財務傷害。AARP樂齡會希望幫助亞太裔社區的民眾和家庭,保護他們辛勤掙取的積蓄。”


  • 國外彩票詐騙(36%)
  • 與災難有關的慈善捐款(33%)
  • 科技騙子假裝清除病毒(32%)
  • 假冒國稅局來電要求補稅(24%)
  • 釣魚電子郵件(20%)

  • 明白你並不孤單,感到憤怒、羞恥和尷尬十分正常。
  • 將這些感受轉化成為行動。教育他人關注不同的騙局,避免再墜陷阱。與家人和朋友分享一些防騙的心得。
  • 如果你仍然感到羞恥、尷尬或憤怒,請尋求專業幫助,包括與你的醫生或其他專業人士討論。

  • 傾聽你的親友的遭遇,並施以同情。
  • 提出問題,以更好地了解詐騙發生的情況和背景。
  • 保持溝通渠道暢通。請記住,沮喪和憤怒等的情緒應發洩到騙局和肇事者身上,而不是受害者。
  • 留意受害者是否出現可能再次被騙的行為,例如說:“我要贏錢……”或“那個好人在電話裡說……”。
  • 閱讀免費的AARP樂齡會防止欺詐手冊,並與你的家人討論(詳情見下文)。


瞭解詳情,請瀏覽網站:aarp.org/AAPIfraudsurvey。欲取得更多關於防止騙案的詳細指引,請下載免費的AARP防止欺詐手冊(英文版本) (中文版本)。

WASHINGTON, DC — Nearly four in ten (39 percent) Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) age 50 and older report that they or their family members have experienced fraud schemes, according to the recent fraud survey from AARP. Additionally, one-third (33 percent) of victims lost $15,000 on average. Non-financial costs are even more widespread, with most fraud victims (72 percent) experiencing some sort of emotional, physical or mental health impact, including anger, stress and anxiety, difficulty sleeping and shame.

“Everyone in the AAPI community is at risk for fraud,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “This survey underscores the need to raise awareness around fraud and scams in order to protect against financial and non-financial loss. AARP seeks to help the AAPI community protect their families and their hard-earned savings.”

Awareness and education are major factors in avoiding fraud, but many AAPIs age 50 and older may be overconfident in their ability to spot common scams. In the survey, nearly three of four participants (73 percent) were confident they could spot a fraudulent offer, yet the majority (71 percent) failed a general fraud knowledge quiz of six questions, unable to correctly answer more than half of the questions.

Some of the most common types of fraud targeting AAPIs age 50 and older include:
  • Foreign lottery scams (36 percent)
  • Crisis-related charitable donations (33 percent)
  • Tech support scammers offering virus removal (32 percent)
  • IRS imposter calls to collect back taxes (24 percent)
  • Phishing emails (20 percent)

AARP offers advice on dealing with the non-financial impact of fraud, including:
  • Understand you are not alone and that it's not unusual to experience feelings of anger, shame and embarrassment.
  • Re-channel those feelings into action. Volunteer to help educate others about fraud. Share tips with family and friends.
  • If you have continued feelings of shame, embarrassment or anger, seek professional help. Talk to your doctor or another professional.

Family members can also support a victim of fraud by:
  • Listening with an empathetic ear to your loved one.
  • Asking questions to better understand the situation and context in which the fraud occurred.
  • Keeping lines of communication open. Remember to focus frustration and anger on the scam and the perpetrator — not the victim.
  • Listening for clues of continued participation, such as: “I’m going to win money” or “the nice man on the phone said.”
  • Reading the free AARP Fraud Prevention Handbook and discussing it with your family members (see below for details).

AARP urges people who have lost money to a scammer to report it immediately to the consumer credit bureaus (directions available on their websites) and credit card companies if a charge card was involved. Victims should also report scams to the Federal Trade Commission and their state Attorney General’s office.

For more information, visit aarp.org/AAPIfraudsurvey. For detailed tips on avoiding fraud, download the free AARP Fraud Prevention Handbook in English and Chinese.

AARP樂齡會委託研調機構“Asian American Decisions”,就50歲以上亞太裔民眾遭受欺詐和遇到騙案的情況進行今次調查。從2017年10月2日至11月6日期間,該機構在全國抽樣電話訪問1,120人。電話採訪以英語、普通話、廣東話、菲律賓語、越南語和韓語等多種不進語言進行。數據並經加權處理以反映50歲以上亞太裔民眾的人口分佈。在95%置信水平下,1120名受訪者的最高抽樣統計誤差為±2.93%。瞭解調查方法詳情,請瀏覽網站:aarp.org/AAPIfraudsurvey

AARP樂齡會是全美最大的非營利機構及無黨派組織,旨在強化美國50歲以上的民眾以使他們在逐漸年長的過程中能夠選擇各自的生活方式。AARP樂齡會擁有將近3,800萬會員,及在全美50州、華盛頓特區、波多黎各和美屬維京群島均設有辦事處,藉此增進各個社區及致力倡導和改善與大多數家庭息息相關的議題,尤其是:醫療保健、財務安全、及個人發展。我們並關注在市場上的個人權益,因此不斷推出新的方案及悉心挑選值得冠以AARP樂齡會名稱的優質的產品和服務。作為可靠的消息和資訊來源,AARP樂齡會並出版全球發行量最大的《AARP樂齡會雜誌》(AARP The Magazine) 及《AARP樂齡會通報》(AARP Bulletin)。瞭解詳情,請瀏覽網站:www.aarp.org及通過社交媒體@AARP及@AARPadvocates關注我們。

Survey Methodology
AARP commissioned Asian American Decisions to conduct a research study among Asian American and Pacific Islanders age 50-plus concerning fraud and scams. The national sample included a total of 1,120 interviews by telephone between Oct. 2 and Nov. 6, 2017. Telephone interviewing was conducted in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Korean. Data were weighted to reflect the AAPI 50-plus population. The total sample of 1,120 respondents yields a maximum statistical error of ± 2.93% at the 95% confidence interval. A full methodology statement is available at aarp.org/AAPIfraudsurvey.

AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With nearly 38 million members and offices in every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen communities and advocate for what matters most to families with a focus on health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also works for individuals in the marketplace by sparking new solutions and allowing carefully chosen, high-quality products and services to carry the AARP name.  As a trusted source for news and information, AARP produces the world’s largest circulation publications, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit www.aarp.org or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.


BOSTON – Continuing her commitment to rooting out fraud in state programs and recovering taxpayer dollars, Attorney General Maura Healey today announced that her Medicaid Fraud Division recovered more than $45 million for the state’s Medicaid program in 2017.
The AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of fraud against the state’s Medicaid program, known as MassHealth. The Division recovered nearly $11 for every dollar appropriated in the 2017 fiscal year budget for its work.
            “MassHealth provides critical health care services to many of our most vulnerable residents,” AG Healey said. “Our office works hard every day to stop fraud against the program, recover taxpayer dollars, and make sure those funds are used properly to benefit our residents.”
In 2017, AG Healey’s Medicaid Fraud Division pursued a variety of cases for Massachusetts that achieved substantial settlements from various entities including pharmacies, doctors, home health companies, and dental practices.
            In addition to the civil settlements, three individuals were convicted in 2017 after the Medicaid Fraud Division brought criminal charges against them for defrauding MassHealth. An additional nine people were criminally charged in 2017 and their cases are currently pending.
The Division prioritized cases involving providers who contribute to the opioid epidemic by illegally prescribing or dispensing pills. The AG’s Office reached a settlement with Walgreens over its improper dispensing of controlled substances that resulted in an additional $200,000 to the AG’sYouth Opioid Prevention grant programThe settlement also requires Walgreens, similar to a previous settlement with CVS in 2016, to strengthen its policies and procedures around the dispensing of opioids and requires its Massachusetts pharmacy staff to check the state’s Prescription Monitoring Program before filling prescriptions for commonly misused opioids.
In criminal cases reflecting AG Healey’s focus on fighting the opioid epidemic, a Dorchester doctor, Dr. Ashok Patel, was indicted in connection with charging patients cash for opioid addiction treatment already covered by MassHealth and illegally profiting off of vulnerable patients in Massachusetts.In May, another doctor, Dr. Fernando Jayma, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in jail for illegally prescribing opioids to patients for no legitimate medical purpose, some of whom had documented substance use disorder.
The Division has also focused on combating fraud, waste and abuse in the home health industry. In the largest settlement with a home health company in Massachusetts, Centrus Premier Home Care Inc. d/b/a/ Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. agreed to pay more than $14 million to settle allegations that it improperly submitted claims and received overpayments for services from MassHealth after a voluntary provider overpayment disclosure. In August, Apria Healthcare, a nationwide provider of home healthcare products, paid more than $750,000 for directly billing people for services already covered by MassHealth, a payment that includes refunds to hundreds of affected MassHealth members.
In her continued efforts to address fraud in the home health industry, AG Healey criminally charged multiple individuals for false billing schemes. In October, Hellen Kiago and her company, Lifestream Healthcare Alliance,were indicted for allegedly stealing $2.7 million from MassHealth by routinely overbilling and falsely billing for services that were not authorized. In July,Harmony Home Health Care, owner Elena Kurbatzky and an employee were charged in connection with allegedly stealing nearly $2.7 million from MassHealth by falsely billing for services that were not authorized or provided to patients.
AG Healey’s Office also continues to maintain a leadership position nationally in the fight against fraud, waste and abuse in the Medicaid program. The $45 million recovered in 2017 is primarily the result of 24 civil settlements, 14 of which were multistate agreements.

Representatives from the AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division serve on national multistate fraud teams that negotiate the resolution of these cases, which in 2017 resulted in the return of $580 million to the federal government and state Medicaid programs across the country.

In October, as part of a multistate settlement, pharmaceutical company Mylan paid $20.3 million to MassHealth to resolve allegations that it knowingly underpaid rebates owed to the Medicaid program for EpiPens dispensed to MassHealth members.
Medicaid is a multi-billion-dollar joint state and federal program that provides health insurance for the economically disadvantaged. The Medicaid Fraud Division works cooperatively with MassHealth and other state and federal agencies to prosecute provider fraud in the Massachusetts Medicaid program. Many of the cases handled by the AG’s Office were referred by MassHealth.