
星期一, 11月 27, 2017

Governor Baker Ceremonially Signs Legislation Increasing Penalties for Handicap Parking Fraud and Abuse

Governor Baker Ceremonially Signs Legislation Increasing Penalties for Handicap Parking Fraud and Abuse
An Act Relative to Handicapped Parking will increase penalties for fraudulent use of disability parking credentials

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker was joined by members of the Senate and House and Registrar of Motor Vehicles Erin Deveney at a ceremonial bill signing for An Act Relative to Handicapped Parking, legislation which increases the current penalties for the fraudulent use of disability parking credentials.  The new law also provides the Registrar of Motor Vehicles with additional statutory authority that can be used in the process of reviewing applications and investigating fraudulent claims for handicap placards and motor vehicle license plates.

“The use of disability parking placards should be reserved for our most vulnerable residents,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We were pleased to work with the Legislature to pass these important protections for those in need of dedicated parking, while increasing penalties for those who abuse the system.”

“This administration and the Registry of Motor Vehicles continue to be supportive of ongoing efforts to address placard abuse and welcome the new tools this legislation provides,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.“We will continue working with our state and local law enforcement partners to hold those who fraudulently use disability parking credentials accountable.”   

The new law amends Chapter 90 in Sections 2 and 24B, and includes the following key provisions:

·       Prohibits the use of a handicap plate or placard used by someone who is using the name of a deceased person.  An individual using a decedent’s placard or plate will be fined $500.00 for a first offense and $1000.00 for a second or subsequent offense;

·       Increases the license suspension for a person who wrongfully displays a handicap plate or placard from 30 days to 60 days for a first such offense;

·       Increases the license suspension for a person who wrongfully displays a handicap plate or placard from 90 days to 120 days for a second offense;

·       Provides that anyone who obstructs the number or expiration date of a handicap placard or otherwise makes its visibility unclear will be fined $50.00;

·       Amends Chapter 90, section 24B to impose criminal penalties for forging, stealing or counterfeiting a special parking identification placard; and

·       Allows the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to refuse to process applications for handicap plates or placards if the applicant does not provide documentation or information required by the Registrar to verify the information contained within the application.
“The goal of this new law is to prevent the use of handicap placards by individuals who do not need them,”said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack.  “Plain and simple, placards are to help people with disabilities.  Those who would use them fraudulently are breaking the law and should be held accountable with higher fines, a license suspension or other criminal penalties that are deemed appropriate.”
“The Registry continues to work with our stakeholders to share information that can be used to curb the fraudulent use of placards,” said Registrar of Motor Vehicles Erin Deveney. “Anyone not eligible for a placard and who uses one fraudulently is taking away an option for someone truly in need. A placard may only be used by the person to whom it was issued; placard holders should be guarding their placard as closely as they would their identification card, bank account information or social security number.”

“The abuse of handicap placards is a shameful practice that prevents people with disabilities access to much needed parking close to their destinations. This bill cracks down on offenders and curtails the misuse of placards,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst).

“The improper use of handicapped parking is not only disrespectful, it is dangerous,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo. “This legislation will help ensure that individuals with disabilities and limitations have access to appropriate parking accommodations.”

“The misuse of handicapped parking placards robs municipalities of much-needed revenues and prevents persons with disabilities from finding accessible parking,” said Sen. Eileen Donoghue (D-Lowell). “This law will benefit both disabled individuals and local governments.”

The MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles continues to make progress towards curbing placard abuse through the establishment of the Massachusetts Disability Placard Abuse Task Force, and the creation of an online site for the public to report suspected fraud, https://www.mass.gov/how-to/report-disability-parking-abuse.

The Registry is part of the Massachusetts Disability Placard Abuse Task Force that meets quarterly with stakeholders to share information and best practices on fraud reporting procedures, and discuss ways to increase placard training for partners in law enforcement and members of local commissions on disabilities. The task force has representation from the Massachusetts Office on Disability, Boston’s Commission for Persons with Disabilities, the Inspector General, Massachusetts State Police, Boston Police, local police, the Boston Transportation Department and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

星期四, 11月 23, 2017


            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 紐英崙中華公所將於1128日召開本年度最後一次會議,訂125日改選下屆幹部。主席在報告中聲明,中華公所行事以英文版公所章程為依據,其中並無禁止職員競選連任條文。
          7月份的會議中,中華公所董事會投票批准聘用Tarlow, Breed, Hart and Rodgers律師樓的律師Al DeNapoli來為中華公所辯護。此案目前仍處於發現證據過程中。
          關於發展大同村南向停車場一事,中華公所已聘請MunkenbeckDavid Traggorth製作資格要求(RFQ),招標書(RFP)。目前資格要求已送給13家有發展可負擔住宅經驗,或以前曾對此開發案表示過興趣的發展商,包括華人經濟發展協會(CEDC),亞美社區發展協會(ACDC),可負擔住宅保存會(POAH),社區建造者(TCB)EA費雪發展公司,榮門(Wingate),烽火(Beacon)Penrose,以及睿聯置業(Related Beal)。中華公所目前已收到6家發展商的回應,包括ACDC, POAH, TCB, Winn, BeaconPenrose
中華公所門前的孔子像,損壞的速度很快,Arthur Choo已為重做,準備了一套規格,也未修理殘障坡道做了準備。中華公所目前只收到兩份競標書,稍後將問在審閱合約上一向很幫中華公所的NEI。這讓中華公所多收到4份競標書。NEI已同意幫中華公所監管合約,內容包括水泥工,以及塑像維修。不過,看起來費用會是在65,000元至70,000元之間。關於此事,物業小組會有更詳盡的報告,並向董事大會要求更高的發包合約權力。

MITCHIEF 2017年會(圖片)





晶泰攜手騰訊 深圳辦AI醫療創新峰會 (圖片)




邵黎明,国家“千人计划”创新人才, 复旦大学药学院特聘教授




第二區市議員當選人送玩具 支持華裔退伍軍人會義行

波士頓第二區市議員當選人愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)為回饋華埠社區的支持,還未走馬上任,就立即在助選功臣阮鴻燦的陪同下,展開親民之旅,進華埠,送玩具。(圖由阮鴻燦提供)

星期三, 11月 22, 2017


                             (本報訊) 2017年麻州100大女領導排行榜日前出爐,大波士頓華人中的劍橋美國高中聯盟總裁林欣韡,連續三年榜上有名,今年排第39位。
              麻州機構(The Commonwealth Institute)2000年開始製作麻州女領導100大排行榜(Top 100 Women-Led Businesses in Massachusetts)”。上榜公司的平均營業額及員工人數,從2000年的2400萬元,172人,陡增到2016年的44500萬元,871人,極佳的佐證著女性的經商才幹,絕對不遑多讓於男性。
               在今年的上榜名單中,布瑞根婦女醫院(Brigham and Women’s Health Care)BMC 健康系統,波士頓兒童醫院,麻州大學羅爾分校,J. Jill PGR媒體,哈佛大學,班特利(Bentley)大學,甚至全球第四大共同基金富達(Fidelity)等不同領域知名企業,機構,學校的女領導,都名列其中。
過去兩年來,她們還投資了三百萬元美金來建資訊科技(IT)辦公系統,為每個學生提供個性化教育方案,也提高改善營運效率。今年11月,公司總部喬遷至麻州華森市(1601 Trapelo Road, Waltham, MA),佔地3萬平方英尺,12月將再推出全新網站。林欣韡說,為培養優秀孩子,促進中國和世界和諧,她要好好經營這有著高中留學服務界黃埔軍校美譽的劍橋美國高中聯盟,幹一輩子的美國媽媽(圖與文: 劍橋美國高中聯盟提供)

美中医学交流学会 2017年年会在哈佛医学院盛大召开

美中医学交流学会 2017年年会在哈佛医学院盛大召开


刘君博士(Tiffany chien 代领,左五),颁奖者:刘昭医师(),胡克勤医师( 右三),孔学君医师(右二),李维根医师(右一)

与药物有关的介绍有哈佛医学院助理教授Margo Hudson论新糖尿病药物的非血糖作用,以及Admera 健康医疗副总裁Zeil Rosenberg博士分析纳入临床实践的药物基因组学。


David Gould从医疗实践的法律角度以生动的案例为医疗从业人员以及病人提供了另一个重要视角,而哈佛朝圣者项目主任Rose Hom则一步步详细说明怎样理解医疗保险的承保范围和医疗账单。

在学会特意为医学界新生力量提供的平台上,波士顿儿童医院博士后张颖以“免疫疗法”,布莱根妇女医院高级住院师邹天乐以“器官损伤”, 哈佛大学牙科学院Morgane Amat 以“自闭症与牙医术” 的学术报告充分显示了他们坚实的科研、临床能力。



随后美中医学交流学会会长孔学君医师总结了学会的宗旨、任务以及今年所取得的成就和未来前景展望。学会不仅继续出版两份医学期刊,组织医生教育,社区教育,及社区服务等公益活动,尤其在自闭症的防治和科研工作硕果累累。另外学会的各项国际合作交流今年有增无减,如日中天,学会分别在今年6月和9月和深圳妇幼保健院共同组织了第三届国际自闭症高峰论坛神经影像国际论坛“ ”中美脑科学研讨会,邀请到著名Bruce Rosen院士及Roula Chorei 教授主讲,到会人数数百人,两个会议圆满成功。会长孔学君还带队应邀作为嘉宾参加20179月在青岛举办的世界医师盛会,孔学君医生获得世界华人医师协会颁发的华医智汇千人计划特约专家,并受聘青岛大学附属市立医院荣誉教授,在北京应邀出任国家发改委主办自闭症防控委员会副主委。学会副会长宋一青教授带队应邀出席在天津医科大学举行的学会协办的首届国际营养大会并作了主题讲演,学会秘书长卢刚教授也应邀参加国际针联会议,并组织了学会与同济校友会共同组织的波城盛会,取得圆满成功。此外学会各项科研合作在深圳,北京,上海,杭州,长沙,武汉等地开展,国际医师培训项目也定期举办。


今年学会的新加亮点是以高质量的声乐、器乐和舞蹈节目为年会提供赏心悦目的最后一道亮丽风景。演唱中外不同形式曲目的声乐演员有:吴浩、Guy ChiapponiRaymond Wang, Amy Wu, 陈明华(京剧),Bonnie Wang; 演奏不同乐器的演员有:Haiyan Lotus Feng (古筝)Ronald ClayJake Carter (吉他)以及Fiona Wang  (笛子和葫芦丝);表演舞蹈的演员有:刘国玉,鲁文岚和牛江河。(圖與文:美中醫學交流學會提供)

Governor Baker Signs Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Flexibility to School Districts Teaching English Language Learners

Governor Baker Signs Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Flexibility to School Districts Teaching English Language Learners
An Act relative to Language Opportunity for Our Kids provides school districts ability to tailor programs for English Language Learners

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed An Act Relative to Language Opportunity for Our Kids (LOOK) at the State House, giving school districts more flexibility in how they teach students who are English language learners, while maintaining accountability for timely and effective English acquisition.

The new law does not overturn the existing requirement that schools teach all students in English as rapidly as possible.  Rather, it gives school districts flexibility to choose a research-based teaching method other than Sheltered English Immersion to help them develop their English language skills, after review and approval by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The review is not intended to restrict districts’ prerogatives, but to enable the state to fulfill its legal obligations to ensure English Language Learners receive services to which they are entitled to under state and federal law.

“This legislation preserves an existing approach that works well for many students, while providing school districts with the opportunity to adopt alternative, credible ways to teach English that may be more beneficial for certain students,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are pleased to have worked with the Legislature to pass this bill to keep providing a quality education for students from all backgrounds.”

“While the bill provides districts with new flexibilities, we will ensure programs for English language learners remain rigorous, properly staffed, and regularly evaluated,” Lt. Governor Karyn Polito said. “Parents in several communities will have opportunities to participate on local advisory committees and have more direct input into the education of their children.”

The new law also raises expectations for data collection and program evaluations, to ensure greater transparency and accountability, while providing a stronger basis for improvement. It creates parent advisory committees at schools with a high concentration of English language learners, and gives parents input into their children’s program.

“Every student has unique needs and it is our obligation to foster an environment where they are afforded an education tailored to them,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “Massachusetts’ education system is the best in the nation, and I believe that this law will enhance our standing while ensuring that education is indeed, the great equalizer.”

"Allowing parents and local school districts the flexibility to choose the most effective programs to cater to the specific needs of their students is not only good public policy but also what is best for our students to be successful,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst).  “We live in a global community and we must be able to adapt to the changing needs of our communities in a thoughtful and constructive way.  This bill achieves that goal.”
“Over the past six years the state undertook a comprehensive strategy for raising standards, training teachers, and evaluating program quality. As a result of these efforts, many students are building their English language skills at a faster pace,” Secretary of Education James Peyser said. “Although Sheltered English Immersion is succeeding for many students, it is not succeeding for all students. English language learners are not all the same.”

Under the law, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will also develop “seals of bi-literacy” for high school diplomas to recognize students who are proficient in English and another language.