
星期三, 11月 08, 2017

馬丁,吳弭順利連任 Ed Flynn當選 昆士梁秀婷連任

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導) 選舉結束了,波士頓市的選舉結果一點也不令人意外,在位市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)4名在位不分區市議員,全都順利連任,只有分區市議員部分,有新人。
在昆士市,華人關心的不分區市議員選舉,該市唯一的華裔市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang)順利連任,另兩名當選者為在位的狄波納(Noel DiBona),以及曾兩度參選市長的馬洪妮(Anne Mahoney)
截至117日大選日晚上10點的開票結果,還只有58%的選區回報了結果之際,馬丁華殊已以68.5%的高得票率,遠拋對手提多傑克遜(Tito Jackson)31.5%
馬丁華殊在費爾蒙柯普立廣場酒店(Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel)的站台上,有麻州財政廳廳長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg),麻州檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey)等人左右陪同,接受近千名支持者歡呼馬丁,馬丁
阮鴻燦(右一),阮浩鑾(左一)與Ray Flynn(左二)為愛德華費林
(Ed Flynn)(右二)助選,(周菊子攝)
波士頓市曾在位20年的前市長萬寧諾(Tom Menino)2001年創下76%得票率紀錄,還不那麼容易被打破。
波士頓市議員選舉部分,4名在位不分區市議員,吳弭(Michelle Wu),普萊斯莉(Ayanna Pressley),米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty),艾妮莎(Annissa Essaibi George),全都順利連任。這次,吳弭的得票率最高,24.6%64978票,其次依序為21.7%57479票,19.5%51621票,以及17.3%45524票。
波士頓不分區市議員當選者,第一區是有李超榮支持的利蒂亞(Lydia Edwards)52%6897票,第二區是有阮鴻燦,阮浩鑾,陳寶萍,關麗莎等人支持的愛德華費林(Edward Flynn)51.8%7458票。第七區是Kim Janey56.2%4940票,第八區是在位的查金(Josh Zakim)64.7%3995票,第九區是在位的Mark Ciommo61.6%4672票。

星期二, 11月 07, 2017

Baker-Polito Administration Supports Urban Agriculture Projects Across Massachusetts

Baker-Polito Administration Supports Urban Agriculture Projects Across Massachusetts
Eight Urban Farming Enterprises Receive Grants to Improve Operations

LOWELL – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $343,079 in grants for eight urban agriculture projects across the state. The funding continues the Administration’s support for an emerging urban agriculture sector and a commitment to ensure city residents have access to fresh food. The announcement was made by Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) Commissioner John Lebeaux during an event at UMass Lowell.
“Massachusetts’ urban agriculture programs remain a critical way to address food access and food insecurity in the Commonwealth’s urban areas, while revitalizing communities and creating local jobs,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration is proud to provide funds to help these innovative enterprises expand and improve their operations.”

“Urban food production positively impacts the health and standard of living of residents, and is an avenue for local job creation and improving community camaraderie,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Many of today’s grant recipients also have programs dedicated to youth development and leadership, inspiring the next generation of Massachusetts farmers.” 

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) launched an Urban Agriculture Program to support the emerging urban agriculture sector in early 2014. As of today, MDAR’s Urban Agriculture Program has released four rounds of funding which have provided support for  57 urban agriculture projects and facilitated five statewide urban agriculture conferences, attracting hundreds of practitioners, advocates, and policy makers.

“In urban areas, small-scale urban agriculture sites can make a big difference in increasing access to fresh, healthy produce, preserving open space and beautifying neighborhoods,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary (EEA) Matthew Beaton. “Through the Urban Agriculture Program, the Baker-Polito Administration is dedicated to supporting the growth and viability of food production in urban centers.”

“I am so pleased that MDAR is able to award eight organizations with Urban Agriculture Program grants this year,” said MDAR Commissioner John Lebeaux. “Each grant recipient has their own original way of increasing access to locally grown food with programs that will support mobile markets, new infrastructure or equipment for commercial food production.”

Urban agriculture ranges from traditional in-ground growing and rooftop farms, to aquaponics, greenhouses and “freight farms.” The local food movement is taking root in neighborhoods, especially where vacant land or buildings are available and fresh food is hard to find.  Previously funded projects have reached communities including Boston, Springfield, Lowell, Holyoke, Lawrence, Salem, and Somerville.

The successful demonstration of these projects has ranged from innovative markets, expanding production space, refurbishing production facilities and investments in market opportunities within low to moderate income communities.

The following projects received grants:

Wellspring Greenhouse, Springfield – $65,400
Wellspring will use its award to build a hydronic growing system, and purchase equipment and materials for their large-scale greenhouse. The grant will enable the company to increase its energy efficiency, enhance sales and create more economic opportunities in the Springfield community.

Urban Farming Institute, Roxbury – $50,908
Urban Farming Institute will use this funding to increase overall farm production with the purchase of small hand tools, amendments for soil health, refrigeration cooler, and pick-up truck for distribution purposes.

Gardening the Community, Springfield – $74,230
Gardening the Community will use this award for the construction of a permanent farm stand. The stand will create a new direct market in a low-income neighborhood and will be on the site for their Walnut St. Farm.

NUBIA, Boston – $4,104
NUBIA will use this funding to purchase a “walk behind” tiller with snow attachment.  This additional piece of equipment will be crucial for production prep and winter maintenance for this organization’s growing number of production sites.

UMass Lowell, Lowell – $71,808
UMass Lowell will utilize its grant award for equipment, installation and tools for the final phase of their Urban Agriculture Innovation Site.  The project is in partnership with a local urban farm that will be a model of sustainability and organic food production.

Victory Program, Boston – $27,221
The Victory Program will use its award for their urban farm capacity building project, which includes greenhouse infrastructure, soil enhancement, and equipment for production efficiency.  The overall project will help to increase produce production and commercial sales to the Dorchester and Mattapan neighborhoods.

Mill City Grows, Lowell – $36,934
Mill City Grows will utilize its award for the purchase of several pieces of mobile equipment to help their staff manage and maintain multiple urban farm sites.

Regional Environmental Council, Worcester – $12,474
The Regional Environmental Council will utilize its grant to upgrade their current marketing and mobile market vehicle and add to the small scale tools in their commercial kitchen to diversify products for their markets. They will also pilot a packaged food program utilizing food grown on the YouthGROW urban farm.

“Urban agriculture plays a vital role throughout greater Lowell by assisting families struggling with food insecurity, promoting healthy dietary habits, and supporting our local economies,” said State Senator Eileen Donoghue (D-Lowell). “This grant funding will support UMass Lowell and Mill City Grows as they continue their important work in expanding urban farm sites and encouraging environmental sustainability. Congratulations to these two outstanding institutions for all they do for our community.”

“My congratulations to UMass Lowell and Mill City Grows for their respective grants that will allow them to build upon their innovative programs to produce healthy foods in a sustainable and accessible manner,” said State Representative Thomas A. Golden, Jr. (D-Lowell), Chairman of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy.  “These grants are critical to spur the growth of urban food production and I thank the Baker-Polito administration, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Beaton, and Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner Lebeaux for their leadership on this program.”

“Congratulations to both Mill City Grows and UMass Lowell for the tremendous change you are fostering by creating an urban agricultural garden where Lowell’s residents can not only take part in farming but our children can see and learn the value of sustainable, environmentally proactive lifestyles,” said State Representative Rady Mom (D-Lowell).

星期一, 11月 06, 2017

台灣啟用美國全球入境計畫 民眾可快速通關

            (Boston Orange) 2017111日起,臺灣成為全球第12個正式啟用美國「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)之國家

臺美雙方分別於本年1026日及31日在桃園中正機場及美國華府海關暨邊境保護局(CBP)總部舉行美國「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)及臺灣「入出國自動查驗通關系統」(e-Gate)互惠機制啟用儀式,並自本(11)月1日起,臺灣成為全球第12個,亞太第4個正式啟用美國GE之國家,美國則為第1個適用臺灣e-Gate國家,歡迎在臺設有戶籍之我國國民申請加入美國「全球入境計畫」,以享免排隊、快速通關服務。

「全球入境計畫」是美國國土安全部海關暨邊境保護局(Customs and Border Protection)透過預審機制,加速低風險旅客入境美國之計畫,111日正式實施後,國人可透過美國「全球線上註冊系統(ttp.cbp.dhs.gov)」註冊,並繳交美金100元,經面試及審核通過後,即可成為會員,效期長達5年。會員入境美國時,僅須在美國主要機場之「全球入境計畫」自助式通關亭(Kiosk)完成入境及海關申報手續,即可由專用通道入境,使用簡便。


Baker-Polito Administration Re-Establishes Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes

Baker-Polito Administration Re-Establishes Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes

Governor Charlie Baker swears in members of the Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes
Click here for high-resolution

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today signed an Executive Order re-establishing the Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes and was joined by Secretary of Public Safety and Security Daniel Bennett to swear-in members of the commission.  The Task Force will advise the Governor on issues relating to the prevalence, deterrence and prevention of hate crimes in the Commonwealth and the support of victims of hate crimes.

“Our administration is committed to making Massachusetts a safe and welcoming place with zero-tolerance for hate or violence,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to working with this diverse group of qualified members who represent different backgrounds and parts of our state to enhance our commitment to inclusive and tolerant communities.”

Members of the Task Force include gubernatorial appointees with expertise in community advocacy, law enforcement, health care, law, government and education and represent a group diverse in gender, race, industry, region, age and education. Secretary of Public Safety and Security Daniel Bennett and CEO and President of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston Josh Kraft will serve as co-chairs.

“The Commonwealth is comprised of 351 cities and towns with diverse populations that proudly celebrate their diversity,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “I thank the members of this Task Force for their commitment and willingness to serve the Commonwealth and help all our residents feel safe from hate and violence.”

This task force will meet at least quarterly and submit a formal written report annually that addresses the mission of the Task Force, targeted objectives, options and recommended actions and metrics to measure the effects of the recommendations on hate crimes in Massachusetts to the Governor.

The Task Force will promote full and effective coordination among law enforcement agencies in order to improve prevention, investigation and prosecution of hate crimes. The Task Force will encourage and assist agencies in safe reporting of hate crimes pursuant to the Hate Crime Reporting Act, as well as analyze and publicize hate crime reports pursuant to the Hate Crime Penalties Act. This group will develop best practices related to technical assistance for school districts that may seek to incorporate hate crime education into their curricula.

In 1991, Governor Bill Weld initiated the Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes by letter, coordinating and giving priority to state implementation of the Hate Crimes Reporting Act. From 1994 to 1996, the Task Force led the successful legislative effort to amend the Hate Crimes Penalties Act to expand its scope and increase penalties for those who commit hate crimes. In 1997, Governor Paul Cellucci formalized the Task Force through Executive Order 401. The reconstitution of the Task Force reinvigorates the Commonwealth’s statewide commitment to fighting hate crimes and supporting victims and impacted communities.

Task Force on Hate Crimes

Secretary Daniel Bennett
Secretary, Public Safety and Security, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Josh Kraft
CEO and President, Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston

Anthony Gulluni
District Attorney, Hampden County

Ana M. Javier
President, Merrimack Valley Project

Dr. Robert E. Johnson
Chancellor, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

Michelle Jones-Johnson
Vice President for Talent Strategy and Chief Diversity Officer, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Jody D. Kasper
Chief of Police, Northampton Police Department

Dara Kaufman
Executive Director, Jewish Federation of the Berkshires
Israul Marrero
Police Officer, Boston Police Department

Genevieve Nadeau
Chief, Civil Rights Division at the Office of the Attorney General, Massachusetts

Dr. Nawal Nour
Director, Ambulatory Obstetrics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Kelly A. Nee
Director of Public Safety & Chief of Police, Boston University

Nan M. Sauer
Co-Chair, Massachusetts LGBTQ Bar Association

Emily Todisco
State Trooper, Massachusetts State Police

Robert O. Trestan
Executive Director, Anti-Defamation League, New England Regional Office

Yusufi S. Vali
Executive Director, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center

Deborah Williams
Student, Amherst College


The annual "Don't Be Alone On Thanksgiving" free community turkey dinner will be held Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23, 2017, noon – 2pm, at the Malden High School cafeteria, 77 Salem Street (enter from the rear entrance off of Ferry Street into the cafeteria.) This dinner is free and open to anyone who would like company on the holiday, or who needs a good hot meal. No reservations are needed. The site is handicap accessible. The event is sponsored by Bread of Life, Anthony’s of Malden, Ferryway School in Malden, Forestdale Community Church in Malden, Hoff’s Bakery, Malden Lions Club, Marty's Caterers of Stoneham, Mayor Gary Christenson of Malden, Knights of Columbus IC  Council 13966, and the staff of Salemwood School in Malden.

Donations of roasted turkeys (preferably de-boned) and baked goods (pies, cakes, sweetbreads, pastries, cookies) would be appreciated. Donations may be brought to the Malden High School cafeteria, rear entrance off of Ferry Street, on Wednesday, November 22 from 4 - 7 pm.

Marty’s Caterers, a major donor for Bread of Life events, will donate mashed potatoes  and gravy. Anthony’s of Malden is roasting turkeys.  About one hundred volunteers pitch in each year to cook about 900 meals for a sitdown feast and delivery to homeless families and to senior citizens who are home-bound. To volunteer in the kitchen or dining hall on Thanksgiving Day, between 8am and 4pm, or on the evening before from 4-7pm, call Bread of Life, 781-397-0404 of email: info@breadoflifemalden.org.  To volunteer delivering meals on Thanksgiving Day to elderly shut-ins in Malden, Medford, Everett or a  surrounding town, call Gene Pinkham of the Knights of Columbus Council 13966, at 781-321-0994 (eve) or email: pinkhamgene@gmail.com.



      陽光明媚,清風徐送,羅德島大學孔子學院迎來了第六屆羅德島地區中文演講比賽。此次演講比賽由羅德島大學孔子學院主辦,布朗大學協辦,共有16位來自羅德島大學,7位來自布朗大學的同學參加了比賽。比賽分為三個年級組,各有8位(一年級組)、7位(二年級組)和8位(三年級組)同學進行了激烈的角逐。擔任本次演講比賽的評委是新英格蘭地區中文教師學會會長,布朗大學東亞系高級講師胡龍華;羅德島大學孔子學院教師,華南師範大學副教授週芍, 布朗大學東亞系訪問講師朱慧傑,和羅德島大學語言系助理教授吳瑜。
在比賽臨近尾聲時,羅德島大學孔子學院院長何文潮老師對大家今天的表現做了積極的肯定,對各年級的選​​手們進行了點評,也對同學們未來的漢語學習提出了希望。來自布朗大學的藍凱文同學、來自羅德島大學的肖夢喜同學以及來自布朗大學的司愛悅同學分別獲得了一二三年級組的一等獎,6位同學獲得二等獎,9位同學獲得了三等獎的榮譽。羅德島大學文理學院副院長Trish Morokoff博士與何文潮院長為獲獎的同學及參賽的選手進行了頒獎。

星期日, 11月 05, 2017

Governor's Task Force on Hate Crimes will be re-established

MA Governor Charlie Baker will join Secretary of Public Safety and Security Daniel Bennett on 11/6 to re-establish the Governor's Task Force on Hate Crimes. He will sign an executive order and swear-in members of the Task Force who will advise on issues relating to the prevalence, deterrence, and prevention of hate crimes in the Commonwealth and the support of victims of hate crimes. The Task Force was initiated by Governor Bill Weld by letter in 1991 and formalized by Governor Paul Cellucci through Executive Order 401 in 1997.


(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 今年的選舉雖然是市級選舉年,由於每個市鎮首長的任期年限不同,麻州的351個市鎮,並不是每個市鎮今年都得改選首長。波士頓市之外,波士頓環球報建議關注5個城市的市長選舉,其中華裔選民最關注的是牛頓市。
            明年,2018年,華裔選民勢必忙碌許多,因為一東一西,各有一名華裔參選州長,西部加州有加州現任財政長江俊輝(John Chiang)2016年就宣佈了角逐加州州長一職;東部有羅州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)重披戰袍,上週才正式宣佈,再次參選羅德島州州長。
            波士頓環球報建議民眾在波士頓市之外關注的五個城市,有羅倫斯市(Lawrence),牛頓市( Newton),塞冷市(Salem),林市(Lynn),以及傅萊明罕市(Framingham)
            進入波士頓市市長大選的兩名候選人,一是在位市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),一是在位市議員提多傑克遜(Tito Jackson)。馬丁華殊挾在位優勢,一般咸認連任絕無問題。提多傑克遜的願意跳入選戰,博得不少人讚他有勇氣。
            在麻州之外,緬因州有一半華裔血統的陳樂(Ben Chin),今年捲土重來,再次參選路易斯頓市市長。

星期六, 11月 04, 2017


(Boston Orange)新英格蘭玉山科技協會於114日在麻省理工學院舉辦2017年會,為彰顯今年「超越邊界的創新--醫療互聯網」的主題,特別藉由研討會的形式,邀請等多位在醫療、生技等產業及學術界各領域的學者專家,分別就數位與移動式醫療、醫療分工管理、消費者穿戴式設備設施,以及實務中的困難與挑戰等議題發表演講,並透過經驗分享與傳承,鼓勵與會人士促成新觀念,並建立新產品的合作關係和機會,共計近百位各界專家及僑界專業人士參加。







波士頓關懷救助協會首場講座 長金滿分享經驗、技巧


             (Boston Orange)由波士頓僑教中心與波士頓地區僑界關懷救助協會合辦的「關懷救助教育訓練講座」活動於114日在僑教中心舉行,邀請波士頓慈濟聯絡處長金滿師姐以「關懷救助的技巧及經驗分享」為題發表專題演講,並與出席人員座談,共計10餘位該會幹部及會員參加。


