
星期五, 12月 08, 2017


               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所125日的職員改選,由在位主席陳家驊以30票的高票當選下屆主席,得票數之高打破近10年紀錄。(12月8日更正)

紐英崙華史會活動探討"誰是美國人" (圖片)

左起,紐英崙華人歷史協會總監甄翠嬿,教育家Benny Sato Ambush,
麻州大學亞美研究院院長保羅渡邊(Paul Watanabe)回應聽眾提問。


麻州大學亞美研究院院長保羅渡邊(Paul Watanabe)。




美國司法部逮捕前任麻州參議員 Brian Augustine Joyce


BOSTON – Brian Augustine Joyce, a former Massachusetts State Senator, was arrested this morning by federal authorities for allegedly using his state senate office for private gain. 

Joyce, 55, of Westport, Mass., was charged in a federal indictment unsealed today with racketeering, extortion, honest services fraud, money laundering, conspiracy to defraud the IRS, and other charges.  The indictment alleges that Joyce secretly profited from his position as state senator by accepting a stream of concealed bribes and kickbacks in exchange for his official action on matters before the state legislature and for exerting pressure on and advising state and municipal officials to take official action on government matters.  The indictment further alleges that Joyce employed sophisticated methods to conceal his corrupt acts, including using a shell company and other entities to launder proceeds from his bribery and kickback schemes and to conceal his ongoing criminal activities.  

Specifically, the indictment alleges that Joyce agreed to use his official position to exert pressure on and advise Town Administrators to use a particular energy broker in return for kickbacks in the form of commissions to a shell company, which Joyce controlled.  It is further alleged that Joyce used his official position to pressure and advise members of the Milton Planning Board to approve a property subdivision waiver that a developer sought, in exchange for a kickback.  Joyce allegedly concealed the kickback by, among other things, falsely telling a Milton Planning Board member that he had not been paid by the developer, and by accepting payment from the developer in the form of a Jeep from one of the developer’s car dealerships.

In addition, it is alleged that Joyce took official action, or pressured others to take official action, on behalf of a coffee-business franchise owner in exchange for hundreds of pounds of free coffee.  Joyce took steps to conceal this by submitting backdated checks to the State Ethics Commission and instructed the franchise owner and his relative to falsely represent to the Ethics Commission that they had agreed to provide Joyce coffee in exchange for legal services. 

According to the indictment, Joyce also exerted pressure on and advised officials at the Massachusetts Division of Insurance to take official action on matters in favor of an Energy Insurance Brokerage Company (EIB), who paid Joyce in exchange for his official assistance in promoting, sponsoring, and filing legislation that would benefit the EIB.  The indictment also alleges that Joyce attempted to use his official position as state senator to collect money for “legal work” from representatives of a Philadelphia solar company who sought Joyce’s assistance with local permitting and pending legislation. 

Joyce is also charged with conspiring to defraud the IRS in connection with his purchase of more than $470,000 in common stock from the EIB Company and falsely reporting the stock purchase as a tax-exempt retirement account rollover in his personal tax return.

The charges of racketeering, mail fraud, wire fraud, honest services fraud and extortion provide for a sentence of no greater than 20 years in prison; the money laundering charges provide for a sentence of up to 20 years in prison; and the charge of fraud, misapplication involving federal funds provides for a sentence of no greater than 10 years in prison.  Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Acting United States Attorney William D. Weinreb; Harold H. Shaw, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Division; and Joel P. Garland, Special Agent in Charge of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation in Boston made the announcement today. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Dustin Chao and William F. Bloomer of Weinreb’s Public Corruption and Special Prosecutions Unit are prosecuting the case.

The details contained in the indictment are allegations.  The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


The Asian American Commission welcomes Jenny Chiang as Interim Executive Director!
BOSTON – This fall, the Asian American Commission’s former Executive Director, Bora Chiemroum, ended her three-year term. It is our pleasure to introduce AAC’s new Interim Executive Director, Jenny Chiang. She will continue to build upon the foundation that Ms. Chiemroum so effectively built over the past three years. We are confident that Ms. Chiang will successfully assume these responsibilities in addition to her unique contributions to the betterment of AAPI communities throughout the Commonwealth.

Ms. Chiang is a second generation Taiwanese American. She first got involved in the AAPI community after taking Asian American Studies at UMass Boston; it was an explorative process that revealed the inequities faced by the AAPI community and offered a space that fostered a sense of leadership. She continued her exploration through community organizing in Chicago’s Chinatown as an AmeriCorps VISTA at the Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community.
Ms. Chiang furthered her education with a Master of Social Work degree at Boston College, focusing on Macro Intervention, with a determination to improve systems affecting the AAPI community. She has worked alongside community leaders in her work with UMass Boston, the Boston Public Health Commission, and the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK). Ms. Chiang has been dedicated to advocating for undocumented immigrants, supporting AAPI health equity, and encouraging youth leadership and civic engagement.

波士頓 - 麻州亞美局在行政主任Bora Chiemroum 三年任期告滿,今秋卸任後,現覓得新人蔣如婷(Jenny Chiang)暫代主任一職。
蔣如婷(Jenny Chiang)是第二代台裔美人,在麻州大學波士頓芬校選修亞美研究課程時,開始接觸亞裔太平洋島民社區,既看見了亞太裔社區所面對的不公平,也日漸培養出領導力。她後來到芝加哥華埠,經由美國志工(AmeriCorp) VISTA項目,加入更好的華美社區聯盟,經由組織社區工作,繼續探討相關議題。
Jenny Chiang後來進了波士頓學院,取得社工碩士學位,專注於宏觀角度的干預,決心要改善影響亞太裔社區的體系。她在麻州大學波士頓分校,波士頓公共衛生局,以及亞太裔反家庭暴力小組等機構工作時,都曾和社區領袖一起共事。一直以來她都致力支持無證件移民,亞太裔在健康上的平等,並鼓勵青年培養領袖,參與公共事務。

波士頓公校新學年 更多學校早上8點開始上課

Boston Public Schools Announces School Day Start- and End-Times for 2018-19
New Times Aim to Better Serve Students, Reflect New School Committee Policy
BOSTON — Thursday, December 7, 2017 — Today, Boston Public Schools (BPS) released the school day start- and end-times for the district’s 125 schools for the 2018-19 school year, significantly increasing the number of middle and high school students who will begin their school days at or after 8:00 AM.

“School bell times have tangible impacts on the lives of families, ranging from jobs to a student’s academic performance,” said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. “As a district, we must make sure that our students and families are set up for success, and they deserve nothing less. I am confident that next year’s school bell schedule will be an improvement for the majority of families, and is reflective of the feedback we have received from thousands of students, parents, and staff.”

Of the district’s 125 schools, 105 will have new bell times next year.

The later secondary school start times come after a body of research shows teenagers have better academic outcomes when their school days begin later in the morning. Under the new scheduling plan, more than 94% of secondary students will begin their days at or after 8:00 AM, compared to 27% of secondary students who do so currently.

The new times are the result of nationally-leading optimization work conducted with the MIT Operations Research Center18 months of community feedback from 10,000 students, family members and staff, and input from the Boston School Committee, which on Wednesday voted unanimously in favor of a start- and end-time policy that sets best practices for school scheduling district-wide.

Because the school bus system is highly interconnected, it is nearly impossible to alter any one school’s schedule without a system-wide change. The new times for schools were announced this evening in an automated phone call to families and on bostonpublicschools.org/starttimes.

Dr. Judith Owens, the director of sleep medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital, applauded BPS for establishing start times that facilitate better sleep patterns for secondary school students.

“In moving middle- and high-school start times later, Boston Public Schools is taking a critical step to ensuring an academic environment that promotes health, safety, well-being and learning in adolescents,” Owens said. “The BPS community and leadership are to be commended for recognizing the substantial body of scientific evidence that demonstrates the importance of sleep patterns that are in sync with teenagers’ biological needs. Later school start times promote healthy sleep, which not only helps students perform better academically, but decreases the risk of car crashes, depression, and alcohol and substance abuse. We all win.”

The new school schedules are reflective of the priorities that are now formalized in the new district policy, which are:

  • To increase the number of middle and high schools that begin after 8:00 AM;
  • Where possible, increase the number of elementary schools dismissing before 4:00 PM;
  • Where possible, assign schools with higher concentrations of medically fragile students or students with autism or emotional impairments to bell times reflective of the needs of their student body;
  • Where possible, maximize reinvestment in schools;
  • And, work with out-of-school partners to ensure a range of before- and after-school programming options for students who experience schedule changes.

In addition to the priorities outlined in the policy, the district accounted for several unique factors, such as:

  • Traffic patterns throughout the city at various times throughout the day.
  • Schools sharing the same building do not start or end at the same time.
  • Secondary schools close to each other will have different dismissal times so as not to overcrowd MBTA stations or streets.
  • Equity considerations, including, for example, the ability for families in different neighborhoods to have multiple school start-time choices.

Over the past three years, 57 BPS elementary schools extended the length of their school days, resulting in dismissal times of 4:10 PM in 27 schools this year, which some families feel is too late for them. The percentage of elementary school students being dismissed after 4:00 PM will decrease from 33% currently to 15% next year.

While collecting community feedback, a sizeable number of parents indicated their desire to keep later start times for their elementary school students and, therefore, would appreciate this element of choice.

The new system-wide scheduling plan eliminates a three-tier system in which most schools began at 7:30 AM, 8:30 AM, or 9:30 AM, and replaces it with a 10-tier system in which schools begin every 15 minutes between 7:15 AM and 9:30 AM.

“The district should be commended for taking an innovative approach to providing solutions to a decades-old problem,” said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael O’Neill. “The adoption of this policy allows the district to implement system-wide solutions to provide the best possible scheduling outcomes for our students, families, and staff. While the majority of families should see scheduling improvements, it is critical that the district also support those schools, families, employees and partners who may be subject to challenges due to a new bell time.”

BPS Chief of Operations John Hanlon said the voices of students, parents, and staff have been invaluable during the scheduling process.

“We heard loud and clear from parents, students, and staff that bell times need to better reflect the sleep patterns of teenagers and provide earlier dismissal options for our youngest students,” Hanlon said. “Getting input from thousands of students, families, and staff members, as well as the optimization experts from MIT, has been vitally important to our work of creating a comprehensive, district-wide solution.”
The optimization team from MIT’s Operations Research Center, led by Professor Dimitris Bertsimas, worked with BPS to formulate the best possible scheduling options by taking into account community feedback along with the astonishing 1.8 octodecillion possible school start time combinations.

The MIT solution can design BPS bus routes based on school start-times more quickly than BPS staff can manually. It has historically taken about 3,000 hours to manually design routes, whereas MIT’s solution can produce a robust estimate in 30 minutes and allows the district to look at a much broader range of scenarios.

Deb Putnam, the parent of a Boston Latin Academy student who is also the Boston chapter leader of Start School Later, Inc., said she appreciates the district’s thoughtful approach to scheduling.

“I’m heartened and pleased that the school department looked at research and dove deep to find solutions in a way that values the health and wellbeing of students,” Putnam said. “BPS has put in much forethought and bold thinking on the issues of start times and transportation. I’m excited about the plan, and that there will be an evaluation of its impact in the near future.”

星期四, 12月 07, 2017


僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國10612月第1

Culture Center of TECO in Boston
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僑委會發行僑胞卡 盼行銷台灣促觀

106)年111日起,中華民國臺灣成為全球第12個正式啟用美國「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)之國家
臺美雙方分別於本年1026日及31日在桃園中正機場及美國華府海關暨邊境保護局(CBP)總部舉行美國「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)及我國「入出國自動查驗通關系統」(e-Gate)互惠機制啟用儀式,並自本(11)月1日起,我國成為全球第12個正式啟用美國GE之國家,美國則為第1個適用我國e-Gate國家,歡迎在臺設有戶籍之我國國民申請加入美國「全球入境計畫」,以享免排隊、快速通關服務。
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A Statement from the Office of Speaker DeLeo on DCF audit report

“Speaker DeLeo is incredibly upset and troubled by the Auditor’s DCF report. He has long-prioritized DCF and he views protecting vulnerable children as a central mission of state government. The Speaker’s office has reached out to the Office of the Child Advocate to consider next steps.”


BOSTON – Following a vote yesterday by the U.S. House of Representatives in favor of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, Attorney General Maura Healey was joined by the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association, the Massachusetts Major City Chiefs of Police Association and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association in issuing the following joint statement opposing the legislation:

“In the aftermath of so many mass shootings, it would be tragic for this to become the next deadly loophole in our nation’s gun laws. This legislation is dangerous for the state of Massachusetts, our law enforcement officers, and our residents. We are disappointed in the House for passing this reckless legislation and we urge the Senate to respect state laws, to protect the safety of our communities, and to reject this bill.”
In October, AG Healey joined a coalition of attorney general in strongly opposing the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, arguing that the legislation would override local public safety decisions and endanger communities and local law enforcement. The letter sent to House and Senate leadership was signed by 17 attorneys general, representing more than 140 million Americans.