
星期二, 11月 21, 2017

Governor Baker Signs Bill To Fund New Facility at Chelsea Soldiers’ Home and High Speed Internet in Western Mass

Governor Baker Signs Bill To Fund New Facility at Chelsea Soldiers’ Home and High Speed Internet in Western Mass
$244 million capital bond bill will support both Soldiers’ Homes and the Massachusetts Broadband Institute

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed An Act providing for immediate capital improvement needs of the Commonwealth that increases bond authorization by $244 million to support initiatives across the Commonwealth including construction of a new long-term care facility at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home and expanded access to broadband in Western Massachusetts.

“This bill funds critical projects across the Commonwealth, including the Last Mile broadband project and money for the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home renovation project,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  “We thank the Legislature for bringing us one step closer to updating the Chelsea Soldiers' Home for our veterans and their families and to providing high speed internet for the remaining unserved towns in Western Massachusetts.”

“Increasing the authorization for broadband services will help continue the work the administration has done to increase access to high speed internet in all communities in the Commonwealth,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “The administration encourages the Legislature to take action once the new session begins on the remaining bond requests before them, including funding for municipal grant programs   for IT equipment, ADA adaptations, and other local priorities.”

The bond legislation signed today includes $199 million to replace the long-term care facility at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home, which is expected to be partially reimbursed by the federal government pending final approval from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The bill also directs the administration to study the long-term needs of the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke.

“The Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea provides comprehensive, quality health care and residential services with honor, dignity and respect to the Commonwealth’s veterans,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “The upgrades to the Soldiers’ Home  ensure that the physical plant meets modern health care requirements commensurate with the needs of our veterans.” 

The legislation also includes $45 million for broadband infrastructure, to provide new capital funding to hasten efforts to close the broadband gap for unserved or, Last Mile, communities.

In May 2016, the Baker-Polito Administration launched a new Last Mile leadership team and a new framework to accelerate implementation of broadband projects in unserved or underserved communities. This effort has supported multiple efforts to expand broadband coverage in Western and North Central Massachusetts. To date, 42 out of the 54 unserved or partially-served Last Mile towns have a working project that has been supported by the Commonwealth through either a direct grant for a municipal-led Last Mile project, or a solution from a private provider.

Today’s new authorization will further drive these efforts, critical to economic development, education and quality of life in unserved communities.

“With this new funding, the administration is going the extra mile to ensure we continue to build the momentum we have in closing the broadband gap for communities in Western and Central Massachusetts,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “High-speed, broadband internet is a necessity in today’s internet-connect world, and we will continue to work with municipalities to pursue collaborative solutions that best fit the unique needs of our unserved communities.”​

“We are pleased to see authorization for the replacement of the Quigley Hospital at Chelsea Soldiers’ Home passed, which was proposed in our capital budget plan,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan. “By leveraging the use of significant federal resources to build the new facility, we optimize the value of the Commonwealth’s capital investment in this project.”

On May 31, Governor Baker filed legislation to address immediate capital needs statewide, including $950 million for higher education projects, $880 million for construction, renovations, and accessibility improvements at state office buildings, $700 million for health and human services facilities, $550 million for public safety facilities and $375 million for court facilities. While the legislation signed today includes authorization for the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home, several items from this bill remain pending.

感恩節來臨 麻州長籲民眾出門小心

Governor Baker Urges Holiday Travel Caution, Highlights Road Safety Initiatives
New and existing legislative proposals aim to reduce distracted & impaired driving and work zone fatalities, while keeping impaired offenders off the roads

BOSTON – In advance of the Thanksgiving Holiday and travel period, Governor Charlie Baker today joined Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack to highlight a package of new and existing legislative proposals to promote safety on Massachusetts roadways, including support for pending legislation to reduce distracted and impaired driving and new legislation improving workplace safety in construction zones, while providing law enforcement the flexibility to keep impaired drivers off the roads.

“During the holiday season, millions of people will travel across the Commonwealth to be with loved ones, and we are making it a priority to keep the roads safe,” said Governor Baker. “We encourage everyone to travel safely and limit dangerous behaviors like distracted or impaired driving. To give law enforcement and officials the tools to increase enforcement, we are pleased to highlight a series of bills that could make a difference in road safety for all.”

According to data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, there were 389 fatalities on Massachusetts roadways in 2016, an increase of 12.8% from the 345 fatalities in 2015. Alcohol-impaired driving fatalities also increased 9.2% from 109 fatalities in 2015 to 119 fatalities in 2016.

Joined by Undersecretary for Law Enforcement at the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Jennifer Queally, MassDOT Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver and Highway Safety Division Director Jeff Larason at MassDOT’s Highway Operations Center, Governor Baker and Secretary Pollack announced the filing of two new legislative proposals:
  • An Act Promoting Construction Zone Safety: Increases safety in work zones by providing MassDOT the ability and flexibility to set and enforce lower speeds, which can currently only be suggested, through active work sites. Doubles fines for speeding in work zones. (Bill text)
  • An Act Relative to the Admissibility of Evidence in a Prosecution for Operating Under the Influence (OUI): Provides uniform standards for the admissibility of the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) eye test in OUI prosecutions. While scientifically and nationally recognized as a reliable indicator of intoxication levels, and regularly used by law enforcement in Massachusetts and across the country, current state law hinders use in the courts, requiring prosecutors to scientifically establish its validity in each and every case to be introduced as evidence. These gaps can lead to unnecessary, inefficient and unjust outcomes in prosecutions. (Bill text)
Governor Baker also stressed the need for passage of two items pending before the legislature:
  • Filed by the Baker-Polito Administration in June and currently before conference committee in the legislature’s criminal justice reform bills, An Act Protecting the Commonwealth from Recidivist Drunk Drivers (S. 2087clarifies a legal loophole following a recent Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) ruling to make explicit that people charged with a third OUI offense should be eligible to be held in custody when a judge determines their release would pose a severe danger to the community.
  • Passed by the State Senate, An Act to Prevent Driver Distraction and Motor Vehicle Fatalities (S. 2103) would strengthen and clarify the Commonwealth’s current “hands free” statute and prohibit the use of mobile electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle.
“Our dedicated first responders and highway construction crews work every day to ensure public safety and improve the reliability of road conditions for the millions of people traveling between our communities,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “This legislation encourages responsible and safe driving habits, while holding accountable those who put our work crews, law enforcement, school children and families in harm’s way.”

The holiday travel season is an important time to talk about highway safety and these legislative proposals are important to reducing a rise in recent crashes,” said Secretary Pollack. “During the Thanksgiving travel period a year ago, there were six fatalities in Massachusetts due to automobile crashes. We look forward to seeing these initiatives take effect with the goal of slowing drivers down, encouraging them to keep eyes on the road and to not get behind the wheel when they are impaired.”

“Over the last several years we have seen an increase in fatal crashes in Massachusetts and around the nation,” said Daniel Bennett, Secretary of Public Safety and Security. “Stronger laws deter unsafe and impaired driving behaviors and help assure that police have the ability to keep our roads safe.”

“We are committed to ensuring the safety of everyone on our roadways, including drivers, passengers, law enforcement officers, and our work crews and contractors,” said Administrator Jonathan Gulliver. “We appreciate the support of Governor Baker and Lieutenant Governor Polito and thank them for their efforts to encourage safe travel and limit unsafe behaviors that place everyone on our roadways at risk.”





波士頓僑務簡訊 11月第2期

僑 務 簡 訊
中華民國 106 年 11 月第 2 期 波士頓華僑文教服務中心
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全球華文網線上教學分享會 歡迎報名參加
為瞭解全球僑校既有資源與優勢,全球華文網線上教學分享活動將邀請全球各地 具華語文教學示範點、數位教學融入以及結合經驗之華語老師,分享其融入新科 技的華語文教學經驗,期能使全球僑校與僑校教師透過與成功運用資訊科技融入 華語教學的第一線教師之互動,瞭解新科技在全球各地僑校教學現場的運用方式 及可能性,共同討論未來全球華文網的發展方向。研討會時間將訂於臺灣時間 106 年 11 月 30 日於上午 09:00 至 12:00(美洲場)及下午 13:30 至 16:30(歐 洲場)請各位老師依時區選擇較適當的場次。如有洽詢事項,請致電:617-965-8801 

◎「2018 年海外華裔青年語文研習班」開始招生
中華民國僑務委員會為增進海外華裔青(少)年華語文能力、認識傳統中華文化 與台灣多元文化,瞭解中華民國進步發展現況,並促進海內外青年互動交流,2018 年所舉辦的「海外華裔青年語文研習班」,即日起接受報名。 凡年滿12足歲至未滿24歲目前居住於海外,身心健康、學行良好、有高度學習華 語文意願,並能適應團體生活、願意遵守學習生活公約之華裔青(少)年均可報 名參加。 各班期開課前6個月開始受理報名,至當期人數額滿即截止。惟暑期(7月及8月) 之營隊開放自107年1月1日起受理報名。有關活動詳細內容與申請表格請上僑委會 網站下載(www.ocac.gov.tw/華裔青年活動專區/海外華裔青年語文研習班/2018年)。

◎(106)年11月1日起,中華民國臺灣成為全球第12個正式啟用美國「全 球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)之國家
臺美雙方分別於本年10月26日及31日在桃園中正機場及美國華府海關暨邊境保護 局(CBP)總部舉行美國「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)及我國「入出國自 動查驗通關系統」(e-Gate)互惠機制啟用儀式,並自本(11)月1日起,我國成 為全球第12個正式啟用美國GE之國家,美國則為第1個適用我國e-Gate國家,歡迎 在臺設有戶籍之我國國民申請加入美國「全球入境計畫」,以享免排隊、快速通 關服務。 何謂「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)? GE係美國國土安全部海關暨邊境保護局(CBP)透過預先審核程序,加速低風險 旅客入境美國之措施,該計畫目前在全球已有超過470萬名會員。自本年11月1日 起,在臺設有戶籍之中華民國國民經審核加入會員後,即可在美國主要機場設有 GE之自動櫃檯入關,享有快速通關待遇。 我國民申請流程? 1. 在臺設有戶籍之中華民國國民可赴各縣市政府警察局申請「警察刑事紀錄證明 書」(俗稱良民證); 2. 持有效「警察刑事紀錄證明書」1年內,在美國「全球入境計畫」GOES(Global Online Enrollment System)網站登錄申請資料並繳交100美元(無論通過與否,均 不退費); 3. 個資審查通過後申請人至GOES網站預約面談時間,並親赴美國CBP註冊中心接 受面談,通過面談後,取得5年會員資格。 4. 接受每2年複查。 相關網站連結: Global Entry https://www.cbp.gov/…/trusted-traveler-programs/global-entry e-Gate https://egate.immigration.gov.tw/ge-frontend/home

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Baker-Polito Administration Establishes New Commission on Digital Learning

Baker-Polito Administration Establishes New Commission on Digital Learning
GE, Microsoft, Partners Healthcare, edX.org and higher education institutions announce partnerships to advance online degree obtainment

CAMBRIDGE – Governor Charlie Baker announced today he will establish a new Commission on Digital Innovation and Lifelong Learning to develop recommendations that will lead to more online learning opportunities for Massachusetts residents to obtain education and skills for in-demand fields. Governor Baker made the announcement during the “Governor’s Online Digital Learning Summit,” hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which brought together businesses and higher education institutions to announce new partnerships around online learning. 

Among the announcements at the summit, was a commitment by GE and Microsoft Corp. to provide no-cost opportunities for Massachusetts residents to take online courses in in-demand technologies, through a partnership with edX.org - the leading online learning platform founded by MIT and Harvard. 

GE committed to interview any Massachusetts resident who completes an edX MicroMasters program in the in-demand fields of supply chain management, cybersecurity, cloud computing, or artificial intelligence. Those who complete an online MicroMasters program in these subjects will be considered for full-time job opportunities with GE or internships at the company’s Boston headquarters. In addition, GE will provide 100 Massachusetts residents with a certificate in any online course offered on edX.org. 

“These partnerships represents another opportunity to capitalize on innovation and deliver an affordable education for people across the Commonwealth,” Governor Charlie Baker said. “We appreciate our local employers and higher education institutions creating more online programming to help address the diverse and changing needs of employers and students, including non-traditional learners and young people.”

Ted Mitchell, the new president of the American Council on Education, gave the keynote address during the Governor’s Online Digital Summit held at M.I.T’s Samberg Center. He served as U.S. Undersecretary of Education from 2014 until January 2017, reporting to the U.S. Secretary of Education and overseeing postsecondary education policies and programs.

“New approaches are needed to expand higher education opportunities for all Massachusetts residents, particularly for those who need flexibility and are not able to take traditional classes on a college campus,” Lt. Governor Karyn Polito said. “Massachusetts’ talented employers and higher education providers are poised to ensure the Commonwealth leads in online learning.”

“GE is thrilled to announce this groundbreaking commitment. Our partnership with edX is a true testament to the value GE sees in innovative online education and the transformative power of technology,” said Paul Fama, global learning leader at GE. “Offering Massachusetts residents who have completed these MicroMasters programs an opportunity to pursue a career with GE demonstrates our continued investment in furthering employment opportunities in the Commonwealth.” 

Microsoft committed to support community college students in Massachusetts by offering to contribute toward the cost for any community college student in Massachusetts to complete the entry level Computer Science Professional Certificate program on edX. In addition, Microsoft will provide 500 Massachusetts residents with a certificate in any Microsoft online course offered on edX.org. Offering access to these courses opens doors for jobs in the IT industry and will equip learners with the knowledge and necessary skills for career success.

“Microsoft is excited and proud to be a part of this initiative. Bringing learning and training for the modern technology landscape fits perfectly with the Microsoft mission to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more,” said Chris Roy, Senior Director Microsoft. “By providing students and Massachusetts citizens with the necessary skills to bridge gaps in the tech industry, it helps them open new opportunities and be successful in their careers.”

“As a Massachusetts-based company committed to providing access to high-quality education that transforms lives and advances careers, we are thrilled to be working with the Commonwealth, GE and Microsoft to offer innovative pathways from online learning to career success,” said Anant Agarwal, edX CEO and MIT Professor. “Through this groundbreaking partnership, we are providing Massachusetts residents​ with the tools they need to gain knowledge in the most cutting edge fields, including Data Science, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence, in order to fast-track their careers and secure ​high-level employment opportunities.” 

The Governor’s Commission on Digital Innovation and Lifelong Learning will be a 15 to 20-member board made up of employers, higher education leaders, online education providers and entrepreneurs, students, workers, and K-12 education representatives. The Commission will be organized under the auspices of Commonwealth Corporation, a quasi-state agency that designs and executes workforce programs in partnership with businesses and educators. 

The Commission will develop recommendations on ways the state can partner with industry and higher education to make online learning opportunities accessible and affordable for all residents of the Commonwealth. The commission will look at replicating promising practices, such as competency-based education, prior learning assessments, stackable credentials and customized employer-higher education training initiatives. 

The Commission on Digital Innovation and Lifelong Learning will be scheduled to complete deliberations by June 2018, and release its recommendations in September. 

“Notwithstanding the proliferation of technology on college campuses, the basic delivery model for the vast majority of courses and programs remains stuck in the 20th Century. We need innovative approaches to serve students who have long been left out by traditional higher education models,” Education Secretary James Peyser said. 

"Today's summit on digital learning shows the importance of collaboration between higher education and industry partners," said Carlos E Santiago, Commissioner of Higher Education. "We will need to continue building effective partnerships as we work to bring affordable, high quality  digital learning opportunities to students of all ages and backgrounds."

Several other corporations and higher education institutions made announcements during the Governor’s Digital Learning Summit, including, Partners Healthcare, Match Beyond, and the state’s 15 community colleges. 

Partners Healthcare announced plans to expand opportunities for its employees to earn a certificate in Health Care Management, co-created by Partners and CfA. The certificate will be “stackable” to an associates’ or bachelor’s degree, or can stand alone as a focused certificate program. During the past three years, Partners Healthcare and SNHU’s College for America piloted a degree program for employees. More than 400 employees enrolled in online courses to work toward an associates degrees, bachelor’s degrees or certificate. The initiative was supported in part with a grant administered by Commonwealth Corporation, through the state’s Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund. Partners’ new initiative is an effort to help thousands of employees take advantage of the opportunity to advance their skills. 

Other announcements included: 
  • Northern Essex Community College and Middlesex Community College will make it easier for early childhood care providers to use their experience to gain a degree in their field. The two community colleges are developing competency-based pathways in early education that will allow adult learners to start and complete courses online, gaining credit for their experience. This initiative will help meet employers’ needs for well-educated early education professionals.
  • Match Beyond, an innovative college and career non-profit launched in Boston in 2014, announced plans to grow, aiming to serve 600 students annually in Greater Boston by 2022. Match Beyond helps students, typically young adult learners, earn their associates and bachelor’s degrees with online courses, through a partnership with Southern New Hampshire University. 
  • The 15 Massachusetts community colleges announced plans to launch two new websites that will be able to recognize credit for prior learning, making it easier for adult learners to begin or continue their college educations. MassExperienceCounts will be an opportunity for adult students who have some professional experience to gain Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) through a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). 
  • The 15 community college consortium also is in the midst of launching a website that enables prospective students to research high-demand jobs. The website factors in individuals’ needs and expectations to match them to courses at nearby community colleges, and give them a plan tailored to their career objectives. 
To learn more about the edX, GE and Microsoft opportunity: learn.edx.org/massachusetts


之姪子Mr. David Smith(右二),名人堂主席Frank Lennon(左一)及美國
陸軍少將Christopher Callahan(右一)
駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處賴處長銘琪夫婦於1118日晚間應邀出席「羅德島航空名人堂」(Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame)在羅州Cranston市舉辦的年度餐會,代表中華民國政府向二次大戰期間協助我對日抗戰之美國飛虎隊英雄致敬。

賴銘琪處長夫婦係第四度應邀出席,也是全場唯一受邀的外國政府代表,18日晚上共有來自羅德島州軍方、受獎者、遺屬及各界人士近200人出席。賴處長致詞時表示,中華民國政府及人民感謝由陳納德將軍領導的美國飛虎隊於二次大戰期間赴華助戰。隨著珍珠港事變,太平洋戰爭爆發,美國正式對日宣戰,中美兩國聯合對抗入侵中國領土之日軍。現年97歲來自羅德島州的前美國空軍飛行員史密斯中校(Lt. Colonel Warren Smith),隸屬駐紮昆明的美軍第374轟炸中隊,曾駕駛B-24轟炸機在中國戰區執行75架次對日軍船艦的低空轟炸任務,今天由其姪子David Smith代表出席並從賴處長手中接受航空名人堂頒贈之表揚狀。


羅德島航空名人堂為非營利機構,由退休海軍飛行軍官Frank Lennon2003年創立,以表彰該州貢獻卓著之航空界人士為宗旨。該機構迄已表彰7位曾於二次大戰期間赴華助戰之飛虎隊成員。


星期一, 11月 20, 2017


More Than 600 Home Health Workers Will Receive Their Unpaid Wages

BOSTON – A home health care company has agreed to pay more than $1 million in restitution and penalties after failing to pay overtime to more than 600 home health aides and failing to keep accurate payroll records, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

In a settlement agreement with the AG’s Office, Lawrence-based Maestro-Connections Home Health Systems, LLC (Maestro) and its sole manager George Kiongera have agreed to pay $1,007,717 in restitution and penalties for failing to pay employees overtime and failing to keep true and accurate payroll records between June 2013 and October 2016.

“These workers provide critical health care services to seniors and others and they deserve to be paid properly, not cheated by their employer,” said AG Healey. “With this settlement, hundreds of home health aides will now be paid the money they are owed.”

The AG’s Fair Labor Division began an investigation in 2016 after receiving an anonymous tip.

The investigation found that Maestro, established to provide home health services, including skilled nursing and home health aide visits, failed to pay its home health aides time and one-half when they worked over 40 hours in a week. The state’s overtime law requires employers to pay qualifying employees time and one half their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a work week. 

Employers are also required by state law to keep true and accurate records which contain information including the names of each of their employees and the number of hours they work each day and each week, which Maestro did not do.

On average, workers will receive $1,450 in restitution pursuant to the settlement agreement. The company has since changed its practices to ensure that all eligible workers are paid overtime and accurate records are kept.

AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division is responsible for enforcing state laws regulating the payment of wages, including prevailing wage, minimum wage and overtime laws.
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace can call the office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465. Workers may also file a complaint and findinformation about the state’s wage and hour laws in multiple languages atwww.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Anita V. Maietta and InvestigatorLeah Lucier, both of AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division.

Governor Baker Signs Bipartisan Contraceptive Coverage Legislation

Governor Baker Signs Bipartisan Contraceptive Coverage Legislation
 An Act Relative to Advancing Contraceptive Coverage and Economic Security in Massachusetts protects important coverage for many Massachusetts women.

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BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed legislation, An Act Relative to Advancing Contraceptive Coverage and Economic Security in our State (ACCESS), at the State House to protect access to contraception coverage without co-pays for many women across the Commonwealth.

The new law requires health insurers to cover at least one form of each type of FDA-approved birth control and will protect Massachusetts’ residents from any changes to this specific provision of the federal Affordable Care Act. The Governor was joined by House Speaker Robert DeLeo, Senate President Stanley Rosenberg, Attorney General Maura Healey, members of the Legislature, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts President and CEO Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, Blue Cross Blue Shield President and CEO Andrew Dreyfus, as well as additional stakeholders and state officials.  

“We are proud to join our colleagues in the legislature to protect women’s health care and access to family planning services,” said Governor Baker.  “Massachusetts leads the country in health care with nearly universal coverage, and signing this important, bipartisan bill into law ensures critical access to contraceptive coverage for women across the Commonwealth.

“All women deserve the right to affordable, reliable and safe contraceptive care,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “This is not only a health issue, but one of equity as well. Being able to make decisions about contraception is one of the most influential factors in whether women complete their education and achieve their career goals. I’m proud that Massachusetts did the right thing in the face of shameful decisions on the federal level.”

“Without assurances from the Federal government to protect women's healthcare and access to contraception, Massachusetts is re-asserting our values by standing up for our mothers, daughters, friends and neighbors by ensuring access to no-pay contraception,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst).

“Every woman should have affordable and reliable access to the birth control option that is best for her. It is basic health care. We must do everything we can to protect the rights of women and families here in Massachusetts. I thank the House and Senate for their leadership on this legislation and Governor Baker for signing this critical bill into law,” said Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey.

“Blue Cross has a long history of working collaboratively to develop innovative, cost-effective solutions to challenges in health care delivery,” said Andrew Dreyfus, president and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. “We’re proud to support this legislation that once again establishes Massachusetts as a model for the rest of the country.”