
星期日, 7月 16, 2017

波士頓僑教中心僑務簡訊 7月第2期

僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國1067月第2
Culture Center of TECO in Boston
90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461
Tel: 617-965-8801
Fax: 617-965-8815          

◎波士頓華僑文教服務中心 誠徵雇員1
應徵資格:中華民國僑民,在美國具有合法居留權及工作權者,大專以上畢業學歷,並具備中文電腦打字及文書處理能力,能配合加班及週末輪班;經通知錄取後,自91日起開始上班。意者請備中華民國護照、永久居留證(綠卡)及學經歷證明文件之影本及中文履歷表、自傳與二吋光面相片各3份,於725 日下午5時前寄()達僑教中心 (90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands,MA 02461) ,如有洽詢事項請電:617-965-8801







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◎僑務電子報 歡迎上網瀏覽
為提供全球僑胞嶄新、即時的瀏覽經驗,僑務委員會於520日正式啟用「僑務電子報」網站。除採用互動式技術,打造適合手機、平板電腦可流暢閱讀的介面,網站也具備影音內容,提供文字及圖像外更多、更豐富訊息。「僑務電子報」為僑務專業新聞網站,涵蓋「聚焦臺灣」、「僑社新聞」、「國際兩岸」、「新南向快訊」、「English News」及「看見臺灣」等多元內容,提供僑社最新動態及國內要聞,希望僑胞能一站取得全部所需僑社及國內資訊。其中「English News」單元報導國內要聞,提供英語讀者瞭解台灣的管道,也有利僑胞新生代認識台灣。「僑務電子報」網址www.ocacnews.net,歡迎各位僑胞上網瀏覽。

臺灣的醫療技術在亞洲排名第一,全球排名第三,已位居國際醫界翹楚,並擁有下列六大優勢--高品質、合理價格、高科技、感動服務、完整專科服務、專業團隊。僑務委員會目前正推動「海外僑胞返國自費體驗優質安心醫療服務」,提供健康檢查、美容醫學及特色醫療等服務項目,並在桃園國際機場、高雄國際航空站、臺北松山機場及臺中航空站等地設置臺灣國際醫療服務中心,以提供各國旅客能即時瞭解來臺就醫資訊、取得醫療旅遊行程安排及後續醫療服務。歡迎僑界組團或自行來臺進行自費醫療(健康檢查、醫學美容),凡取得合法入境文件之陸僑、港澳僑或外籍人士亦非 常歡迎!! 詳細資訊可參閱臺灣國際醫療全球資訊網(內含各醫療院所介紹、數位影音、動態及臺旅遊等資訊)(http://www.medicaltravel.org.tw),更歡迎洽詢波士頓僑教中心



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華大基因7/14深圳上市 總價5億5000萬元

      (Boston Orange)華大基因(BGI)714日宣佈,在深圳股票交易市場的高科技股市ChiNext上市,以每股人民幣13.64價格售出4010萬股,總值54700萬元,約和美金8060萬元。

波士頓悼齊柏林 再映"看見台灣"



       (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 波士頓華僑文教中心場地不大,715日擠進將近一百人,或席地而坐,或全程站立,只為再次看見台灣,遙向610日墜機身亡的該片導演齊柏林致敬。
     沒想到只不過是二年半後的2017610日,就在齊柏林宣佈將以眾籌方式集資,要開拍看見台灣II”的兩天之後,齊柏林竟在花蓮勘景時墜機辭世了。                              大波士頓許多人在臉書等社交媒體上紛紛悼念,曾邀請齊柏林到波士頓的紐英崙中華專業人員協會格外難過,於是包括台美菁英會波士頓分會(TAP Boston)等共12個本地僑團再辦放映會,緬懷這位因為劉克襄的一本書而開始關心生態,因為應邀上台講環保時學生打瞌睡,才興起拍電影念頭,儘管只有工專畢業學歷,卻能在高空攝影上有傑出成就,克服眾多困難,拿過學學文創特殊貢獻獎,第50屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片獎,第47屆休士頓國際影展攝影金牌獎,第21屆國際綠色影展金太陽獎等等獎項,讓人看見台灣的勇敢追夢人。



星期六, 7月 15, 2017



Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D I California) and Congressman Ruben Gallego (D I Arizona) take to the House Floor to read Donald Trump Jr.’s emails.




Congressman Lieu is a member of the House Foreign Affairs and House Judiciary Committees.  
Mr. Lieu is also a Veteran, an Assistant Whip for the Democratic Caucus, and a Colonel in the Air Force Reserves.


(Boston Orange) 17年漲10? 公路村居民714日上演街頭劇,指責三一金融公司(Trinity Financial)”公路打劫(Highway Robbery)”
波士頓華埠社區土地信託會主席駱理德與公路村居民委員會會長Bill Oranczak14日以公開信對外表示,華埠居民要求公路村由社區來控制。
               三一金融的Jim Keefe引述該金額來自獨立公平市價估計,但居民協會稱該一估計未遵循2000年時的協議條文。公路村居民協會和合夥的非牟利機構因此遞入法院的訟案,還在排期等待審訊。
               公路村居民協會會長Bill Oranczak表示,該會目的是永久保持可負擔性,並控制這土地上的未來發展。他們相信那對華埠的未來很重要。他指出,三一金融買下公路村幾年後,就有一在公路村土地上蓋市價房屋。公路村居民們提議把該村土地轉變為由華埠土地信託會擁有,而公路村這棟大樓則由承租居民及合夥的非牟利機構擁有。


Tenants from Mass PIke Towers, a 200-unit low-income housing development in Boston Chinatown, staged a protest today with supporters to highlight an ongoing dispute over the tenant association’s right to purchase the tenants’ homes according to a 2000 agreement between Trinity Financial and the Mass Pike Towers Tenant Association.

Tenants wore bandanas and held plastic squirt guns to dramatize what they called Trinity's "highway robbery."  Trinity received about $15 M in public financing to purchase the project in 2000, but now demands that the tenants and their non-profit partner pay a sale price of $61 M.  Jim Keefe of Trinity Financial cited an independent fair market appraisal for that amount, but the tenant association claims the appraisal does not follow the terms of the 2000 agreement . A lawsuit brought by the tenant/non-profit partnership is pending.

Tenant association leader Bill Oranczak explained that the association's goals are "to preserve affordability in perpetuity and to control any future development on the land, which we believe is important for Chinatown's future."  He noted that Trinity Financial sought to build market-rate housing on the Mass Pike Towers property a few years after their purchase, but dropped the proposal after months of community opposition. The tenant association proposed to convey the land to community ownership by the Chinatown Community Land Trust, while the buildings would be owned by the tenant/non-profit partnership. 

The time-limited purchase option passed from the tenant association to the City of Boston last year, which opted to give the rights back to the tenant/non-profit partnership.  According to the City's Department of Neighborhood Development, the City of Boston exercised its option to purchase and assigned the option back to the tenant/non-profit partnership through an open public process, affirming its support for tenant ownership and community involvement in real estate.

Tenants took their case to the street today, passing out informational flyers to protest Trinity’s “highway robbery” in front of the developer’s offices. They noted that Trinity Financial is one of five developers currently bidding to redevelop the Mary Ellen McCormack public housing project in South Boston, but tenants say that its broken promises and excessive greed make Trinity a poor choice for continued public investment.


RocqueJean-Louis Maccario2016年華語文獎學金生Alex Bernard
駐波士頓教育組組長黃薳玉、本年華語文獎學金生Sabrina Castle
Jeremiah Karass。
                   (Boston Orange)  緬因州今年有5人申請到教育部華語文獎學金,人數創歷年紀錄。
                     波士頓經文處教育組7月11日時,舉辦行前說明會,先由 駐波士頓經文處教育組組長黃薳玉在會中頒發受獎證明出給每名獎學金獲得者,表達祝賀之意,再由教育組秘書黃瑋婷就受獎生在臺留學應注意事項、簽證申請流程等做了說明。
華語文獎學金生Cameron Larocque。
                        2013年的獲獎生顧覺民(Benjamin Gallant),以2016年的Alex Bernard,當天都輕鬆有趣的分享了他們到台灣留學時的點點滴滴。
                   顧覺民當年是到臺灣大學學華語,後來繼續留在臺灣攻讀學位。剛從臺灣留學回美約半年的Alex Bernard對臺灣生活記憶猶新。他提供了找租住處,買賣二手貨的臉書群組頁面等許多資訊,還推薦了許多手機應用程式(App),如台北市UBike、氣候預報等實用App
                 談到租住房屋,Alex 建議可以找有陽臺的屋屋,方便曬晾衣物,至於房屋不附廚房,其實不要緊,因為台灣到處都是餐廳,美味還價廉。
6月份獲獎生Renee Reeves(右)。

6月份獲獎生Add caption。


WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement regarding the passing of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo.

"Liu Xiaobo was a champion for human rights, freedom of expression, and peaceful democratic change in China.  His life's work remains aspirational to many in China and around the world. One of the reasons he won the Nobel Peace Prize was because he eloquently spoke truth to power. We must continue to pursue Liu's vision and work to secure the ability for his wife, Liu Xia, to leave China for a country of her choosing."


161 residential units approved at July BPDA board meeting
Projects represent a total of $105 million in investments 

Boston – Friday, July 14, 2017 - The Boston Planning & Development Agency’s (BPDA) board of directors approved three new development projects and one Notice of Project change at the July board meeting. The projects represent a total of $105 million in investments. 

In addition to the approval of the new projects, the board also voted to approve the expenditure of the Harvard Allston Public Realm Flexible Fund (HAPRFF) to seven non-profit organizations. The HAPRFF was originally created as part of a package of public benefits approved in 2013 when Harvard University committed to provide $5,350,000 to projects that contribute to the goal of bettering the Allston neighborhood. The seven non-profits receiving funding from the HAPRFF are: Allston Village Main Streets, Artists for Humanity, Brain Arts Organization, Charles River Watershed Association, Gardner Pilot Academy, Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture, and Ringer Park Crime Watch. 

New Development Projects

10-16 Everett Street approval will bring 19 condos to East Boston

Live: 19 Housing Units, 2 Affordable Units, ADA Accessible Unit
Work: 40 Construction Jobs, +/- $6.5 Million Investment, $94,000 Inclusionary Development Policy( IDP) Fund Contribution
Connect: $25,000 in Community Benefits, Piers Park Sailing Center, Bicycle Storage
Project Size: 22,544 total square feet

This four-story, residential building will total approximately 22,544 square feet and contain 19 condominium units. In addition, there will be 21 on-site/off-street garage parking spaces located at-grade level. Bicycle storage and a trash/recycling room will be located within the ground-level of the building. As currently proposed, the 19 condominium units will consist of 17 market rate units and two Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) units. There will be a mix of six one-bedroom units and 13 two-bedroom units.

Pipefitters Association Local 537 Training and Office Facility given green light by board

Live: 70,000 Square Feet Training & Office Space, State of the Art Classrooms & Training Equipment, Public Pedestrian Mid-Block Connector
Work: 50 Construction Jobs, 59 Permanent Jobs, 460 Apprentices/Students
Connect: 8 Bicycle Storage Spaces, LEED Silver Certifiable, Boston Police Department (BPD) Security Cameras
Project Size: 70,000 total square feet

The Pipefitters Association Local 537 Training and Office Facility will be a four level, 70,000 square foot training and office facility with two surface parking lots accommodating approximately 117 off-street vehicles. The new structure will include training, educational, assembly, and office space, replacing the the existing Pipefitters facility. The building will be approximately 65 feet tall and positioned on the north end of the project site in an “L” shape. A new pedestrian through block connector will be provided on the site, aligned with the adjacent West Howell Street extension being constructed as part of the adjacent South Bay development.  

20 condominium units move forward for East Boston’s 114 Orleans Street

Live: 23 Housing Units, 3 Affordable Units, Accessible Adaptable Units
Work: 50 Construction Jobs, $5.5 Million Investment
Connect: $47,000 Community Benefits, Salesian Boys and Girls Club, Samuel Adams School, Ciampa Public Garden
Project Size: 29,385 total square feet

This project will create a five-story residential building totaling approximately 29,385 square feet. The building will contain 23 condominium units and there will be 25 onsite/off-street garage parking spaces located at-grade level. Bicycle storage and a trash/recycling room will be located within the ground-level of the building. The 23 condominium units will consist of 20 market rate units and three IDP units. There will be a mix of 11 one-bedroom units, 11 two-bedroom units, and one three-bedroom. 

In addition, this project will provide a number of community benefits to East Boston and the City of Boston. A total of $47,650 has been committed towards the Salesian Boys and Girls Club, Hammer East Art Garage, Ciampa Public Garden, East Boston Museum and Historical Society, Piers Park Sailing Center, and the Samuel Adams Elementary School.

Notice of Project Change

99 Sumner Street NPC approval yield to 119 homeownership units, Harborwalk updates

Live: 119 Condo Units, 6 Affordable Units, $2,190,000 payment to the IDP Fund
Work: 200 Construction Jobs, Approximately 7,200 square feet of Work-Share Space, 9 Permanent Jobs
Connect: 147 Bicycle Storage Spaces, LEED Silver Certifiable, Approximately 35,570 square feet of Public Open Space, including new addition to the East Boston Harborwalk.
Project Size: 125,614 total square feet

The project proposes the construction of a six story, 125,678 square foot, mixed-use building. The building will contain approximately 119 residential homeownership units, a public facility with 7,200 square feet of shared-work space, approximately 83 off-street vehicle parking spaces in a below-grade parking garage and associated site and landscape improvements. The site will also include 119 bicycle storage spaces within the building for residents and 28 exterior bicycle storage spaces to be made available for the general public, visitors, and residents. Approximately 35,750 square feet of the project site will be used as public open space. A separate private open air deck will be constructed for residents of the building. In addition to the new mixed-use building, the project also includes construction to fill the missing link of the East Boston Harborwalk. This will take place along the shoreline, connecting the existing Carlton Wharf and future Clippership Wharf Harborwalk sections with LoPresti Park’s Harborwalk and other green space to the west.



Newly-wed couples post in front of the newly installed 'Married in Boston' located outside of the City Clerk's Office

BOSTON - Friday, July 14, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture today announced a series of new artwork is now on display at Boston City Hall, including four new art exhibitions and three new murals. This effort is part of Mayor Walsh's commitment to creating a City Hall that is a vibrant public space and is welcoming for all.

"City Hall Galleries have been an incredible success, showcasing the work of local artists both to City employees and to everyone who comes into City Hall to conduct business," said Mayor Walsh. "It's a great example of how we continue to incorporate the arts into everything we do as a City, elevate and value the contributions of individual artists, and also provide opportunities for artists to showcase their work to a wider audience."

The new art exhibitions represent a diverse mix of artistic mediums, and include:
  • A Summer Proposal: Boston City Hall: features the work of eight Boston and Cambridge based artists who have created pieces for Boston City Hall using various mediums including film, sound, video, ceramic and painting. Inspiration for their work comes Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles' architectural design of the building, constructed in 1968. The eight artists, all who teach at local universities and colleges, include Azra Aksmija, Mark Cooper, Sheila Gallagher, Andy Graydon, Nick Montfort, Ben Sloat, Mary Ellen Strom and Deb Todd Wheeler. The show is part of an ongoing series of exhibitions featuring guest curators from Greater Boston's leading cultural organizations announced as part of the Boston Creates Cultural Plan.The exhibit is on display through August 18 in the Scollay Square Gallery and third floor lobby of City Hall, and is curated by Paul C. Ha, director of the MIT List Visual Art Center. 
  • Saturn's Transit: A Selection of Journal Entries: features cut paper organized into imagery as a result of the artist's process of mindfulness. The work is excerpted from a larger series of journal pieces based on current events and the artist's personal anxieties. The exhibit is curated by Jeremy Hetherington, a Boston-based industrial designer and artist, and will be displayed in the fifth Floor Mayor's Gallery through August 11, 2017. 
  • Sail Boston: Celebrates June 2017's "Sail Boston," photographer Kevin Davis will showcase images from Sail Boston 2000, Op Sail Boston 2009, Op Sail Boston 2012, Op Sail Philadelphia 2015, Gloucester Schooner Festival, Camden Windjammer Festival, and Boothbay Windjammer Festival. These photos will be displayed in the second Floor Mayor's Neighborhood Gallery from July 15 - August 30, 2017. 
  • Historic Artifacts from the City's Archaeology Laboratory: features artifacts found in sites that record Native American history of Shawmut and contribute to the history of Boston and our nation. The laboratory serves as part of the City Archaeology Program, founded in 1983, that supports Boston as the "City of Archaeology," by protecting below-ground cultural resources in the City, educating the public on archaeology through various city programs, and managing Rainsford Island, one of the City's most important historic holdings. The exhibit is curated by City of Boston staff archaeologist Joe Bagley, and will be on display through July 30, 2017 in the Mayor's Display Case on the 5th floor of City Hall.
More information about the upcoming exhibition in the City Hall Galleries can be found here.

In addition to the City Hall Galleries,  Mayor Walsh announced the unveiling of three new murals at Boston City Hall. Two murals depicting Boston's circles, squares, and corners were installed on the seventh and eighth floor of City Hall. In addition, a mural that serves as a backdrop for City Hall weddings faces the City Clerk's office on the sixth floor.

In collaboration with Boston Property Management and DCL Ltd., Heidi Schork, Director of the Mayor's Mural Crew, designed "Circles of Boston" (floor 7) and "Squares of Boston" (floor 8), which are a colorful and modern take on various beloved and recognizable iconic neighborhoods, such as Codman Square, Audubon Circle, and Upham's Corner. Schork also collaborated with the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics to create a backdrop for those who get married in City Hall at the City Clerk Office on the 6th floor. The mural was produced as part of the New Urban Mechanics' Married in Boston project, a photography series that highlights weddings at City Hall. People who use the backdrop are invited to use the hashtag #MarriedInBoston on social media.

Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture (MOAC)
The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture's mission is to support artists, the cultural sector, and to promote access to the arts for all. The office houses the Boston Cultural Council, the Boston Art Commission, and the Poet Laureate program. Responsibilities include leading up the City's Cultural Plan, Boston Creates; managing the Boston Artist-in-Residence program (BostonAIR); curating exhibitions in City Hall; and operating the historic Strand Theater in Dorchester.  For more information go to: www.boston.gov/arts 

About the Boston Creates Cultural Plan
The cultural plan is a ten year plan for supporting arts and culture in the City of Boston. It was created out of a year-long community engagement effort designed to help local government identify cultural needs, opportunities, and resources and to prioritize, coordinate, and align public and private resources to strengthen Boston's cultural vitality over the long term. The full cultural plan can be found online at http://plan.bostoncreates.org. 


WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement in response to the House passage of his amendment (#93) to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 that requires the Departments of Defense and State to report to Congress on whether the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners are abiding by their commitments in Yemen.

“Today, we have achieved an important victory for the civilians of Yemen and for accountability in our foreign arms sales. Despite years of documentation that the Saudi-led coalition operating in Yemen has failed to avoid civilian casualties, this Administration has refused to answer basic questions about the coalition’s track record as it has continued selling them weapons. I am proud that the House has adopted my amendment to this year’s defense authorization bill to require basic answers and bring accountability to both the coalition in Yemen and the Administration supporting it. We must never allow arms sales to move forward – even to U.S. allies – if we do not have absolute confidence in our partner’s willingness and ability to avoid civilian casualties.”

In May 2017, following extensive Congressional concern over the operational conduct of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, Saudi Foreign Minister al-Jubeir sent a letter to Secretary Tillerson with a list of commitments the Saudis were taking to improve their targeting capabilities and avoid civilian casualties. Those commitments included abiding by a No Strike List and Restricted Target List of over 33,000 targets and increasing their vetting of targets. Congressman Lieu’s amendment to the FY18 NDAA, which passed by voice vote, requires the Departments of Defense and State to submit a joint report to Congress every six months on whether the coalition is abiding by those commitments.

In April 2017, Congressman Lieu led a letter with a bipartisan group of 30 Members of Congress to Secretary of Defense Mattis and Secretary of State Tillerson requesting information related to the operational conduct of the Royal Saudi Air Force in Yemen.

In August 2016, Congressman Lieu led a bipartisan group of 64 Members of Congress in sending a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to postpone the sale of new arms to Saudi Arabia. The letter raised concerns regarding the Saudi-led Coalition’s killing of civilians. Previously, Congressman Lieu had repeatedly raised similar concerns, sending letters to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretaries John Kerry and Ash Carter. He also introduced legislation to establish new guidelines for weapons sales to Saudi Arabia.

星期五, 7月 14, 2017


