
星期二, 5月 30, 2017


Boston first city to integrate broadband ready principles into real estate development process
BOSTON - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) and the City of Boston's Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with WiredScore that will ensure that future residential and commercial developments strive to serve the broadband needs of Boston's residents and businesses. The MOU will add the Broadband Ready Building Questionnaire into Article 80, the BPDA's review process relating to new projects, planned development areas and institutional master plans to assess a project's impact on transportation, public realm, environment and historic resources and gather public input.
"In order for Boston to be an innovative and equitable city for all, we must ensure that all of our residents and businesses have access to reliable, fast, and, affordable broadband service," said Mayor Walsh. "I am proud of our nation-leading work with WiredScore, which will lead to further success in creating a city committed to advancing broadband and digital equity goals."
The City of Boston is the first city to work with WiredScore to integrate the technical principles of broadband ready building design into the real estate development process. WiredScore is the company behind Wired Certification, the first and only international rating system for commercial real estate that allows businesses looking for office space to easily find best-in-class connected buildings. It also empowers landlords to promote their buildings' internet connectivity and infrastructure to tenants. Internet connectivity is rapidly becoming one of the most important utilities to business tenants and Wired Certification provides those tenants with crucial insight into connectivity as their requirements become more complex. Designing to Wired Certification standards ensures a new or re-development is tech-forward and ready for the next generation of business tenants.
"The Broadband Ready Building Questionnaire signifies the BPDA's recognition that connectivity must be a critical consideration for any new development," said Arie Barendrecht, founder and CEO of WiredScore. "By advocating for superior technological infrastructure in the development process, the City of Boston is further positioning itself as a sought-after destination for any innovative business dependent on high-speed, reliable broadband."
The Broadband Ready Building Questionnaire furthers the City of Boston's goals to cultivate a broadband ecosystem that serves the current and future connectivity needs of residents, businesses, and institutions. Departments across the City are working to streamline and otherwise adapt existing policies and processes to enable private investment in broadband infrastructure, expand broadband competition and choice for residents and businesses, and create a built environment that is equipped to support a diverse range of connectivity purposes now and in the future.
The questionnaire was created through a collaboration process including the BPDA, the City of Boston, DoIT, and WiredScore. It will enable the BPDA and the City to:
* Collect baseline telecommunications infrastructure information to inform future building codes and development policy;
* Utilize data that is collected to better understand how developers are thinking of broadband in the development process and how the BPDA and the City can support them in integrating best practices;
* Ensure that building stock meets current and future connectivity needs of residents and businesses;
* Advance the goal of residents and businesses having the choice of 2 or more wireline or fixed wireless high-speed Internet providers;
* Prime building stock to be responsive to new and emerging technology;
* Minimize disruption to the public right of way.
The Broadband Ready Building Questionnaire aligns with Wired Certification criteria, which enables the BPDA to mirror industry standard language and integrate industry best practices for developers.
Over 900 buildings, totaling more than 350 million square feet globally, have achieved Wired Certification designations., The Wired Certification criteria will allow the City to understand how Boston's broadband-ready building stock compares to that of other cities across the country and world.
By including the questionnaire in Article 80 filings, the BPDA will not require that developers pursue Wired Certification. If developers determine that they would like to pursue Wired Certification for their building, the developer will enter into a relationship with WiredScore that is separate and apart from the City's integration of the themes of Wired Certification into the broadband questions posed in the Article 80 Design Review process. At this time, the questions will not be used as a regulatory tool.
The City of Boston's Broadband and Digital Equity efforts improve access to affordable and reliable high speed Internet for households and businesses, expand the availability of high speed Internet in public places, and facilitate ease of access to up-to-date digital tools. Enabling a more competitive broadband marketplace is at the cornerstone of the City's work to ensure that households and businesses can choose among a range of high quality, affordable high speed Internet options.
WiredScore is rapidly growing its presence in Boston and has already certified over 20 million square feet of office in the Boston Metro area for landlords including Jumbo Capital, National Development, Jamestown, Beacon Capital, TH Realty (FKA TIAA) and Alexandria Real Estate Equities.
"As we expand our portfolio into downtown Boston, we've seen significant value in ensuring that our properties are technologically equipped to serve the companies of tomorrow," said  Jay O. Hirsh, Managing Partner of Jumbo Capital Management LLC. "We're pleased that WiredScore and the BPDA have partnered to further advocate for top-notch connectivity throughout the city, which is sure to make Boston an even more attractive destination for businesses for generations to come. We are proud to announce that we are pursuing Wired Certification for nine office properties in the Greater Boston Area."
Wired Certification is available for existing commercial buildings, new constructions, and redevelopments. The newly released Wired Certification Guidelines for Commercial Developments and Redevelopments is a free telecom design resource available to developers, architects and engineers. The Wired Certification standards were developed in collaboration with the New York City Economic Development Corporation and an Advisory Committee consisting of leaders from tech, telecom and real estate including Google Fiber, Cisco, eBay, Time Warner Cable, Rudin Management, and WSP / Parson Brinkerhoff. and the Telecommunications Industry Association.


僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國1066月第1

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Baker-Polito Administration and City of Boston Announce Historic Tuition-Free College Program

Baker-Polito Administration and City of Boston Announce Historic Tuition-Free College Program
Tuition-Free Pilot Program launched for 2017 High School Graduates in Boston through City-State Partnership.

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker and Mayor Martin J. Walsh today launched a new college affordability pilot program for Boston high school graduates, which will enable low-income students to complete a four-year degree without having to pay tuition and mandatory fees.

The new pilot program, known as The Boston Bridge, will be open to all 2017 high school graduates who live in the City of Boston, including students from Boston Public School, charters and parochial schools.

The City of Boston and the Commonwealth together will cover students’ tuition and fees, after taking into account federal Pell grants, from the time a student enters community college to when they graduate from a four-year public college or university.

The new tuition-free college program builds on the City of Boston’s Tuition Free Community College initiative, and the state’s Commonwealth Commitment, both launched in the spring of 2016.  The City’s Tuition Free Community College program currently provides free tuition to low-income BPS graduates who attend Bunker Hill Community College, Mass Bay Community College or Roxbury Community College. The Commonwealth Commitment offers deeply discounted tuition and fees to Massachusetts residents who earn a Bachelors’ degree at any public four-year institution after first earning an Associates’ degree at any one of the state’s community colleges, while maintaining a 3.0 grade point average and graduating within four-and-a-half years. Through this partnership, students from Boston who qualify to participate in the Commonwealth Commitment will not have to pay tuition or mandatory fees to earn their Bachelor’s degrees.

“College affordability too often serves as a barrier for students in the Commonwealth seeking to complete a degree, and this program is intended to provide more opportunities for a quality education,” Governor Baker said.  “We are pleased to partner with the City of Boston on this important pilot and will keep pursuing ways, like the Commonwealth Commitment, to create a runway for all students to get a quality and affordable education that can unlock a bright future.”

College students who go to school full-time in Massachusetts earn degrees at more than twice the rate of their peers who go part-time, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Center. Nationally, fewer than 20 percent of Pell-eligible college students earn a bachelor’s degree within six years, and for first-generation college-goers, the number falls to 11 percent, according to the Pell Institute.

“This is an exciting partnership between the City of Boston and the Commonwealth that we hope will change the lives of many Boston high school graduates,” Lt. Governor Karyn Polito said.

“Since launching our program in 2016, we have helped fifty Boston Public Schools graduates attend community college,” Mayor Walsh said. “As we come up on the end of the second semester, 94% of those students are on track to finish the first year and 73% have earned transferable credits. We are also pleased that 16 of our students are from Madison Park Technical Vocational High School. This partnership means that a free bachelor’s degree is within reach for all of Boston’s low-income high school students.”

Eligible students must meet federal Pell grant income standards to qualify for the tuition-free program, and must enroll full-time at either Bunker Hill Community College, Roxbury Community College, or Mass Bay Community College. They will be required to complete their associate’s degree within two-and-a half years, before transferring to a Massachusetts public college or state university. 

“We hope this college affordability program will create a powerful incentive for more students to attend college full-time and complete on-time,” Education Secretary James Peyser said. “The Baker-Polito Administration is very pleased to partner with Mayor Walsh to offer this program for all low-income Boston high school graduates.”

“We built The Boston Bridge to take students all the way from high school to college commencement,” said Commissioner of Higher Education Carlos Santiago. “Our message to students is clear – If you commit the time and do the work, we’ll be beside you every step of the way to help you complete your college journey while avoiding burdensome debt.”

"Our core mission at the Boston Public Schools is closing opportunity and achievements gaps,” Superintendent Tommy Chang said. “Expanding this program will help ensure that this crucial effort extends well beyond our schools. By providing our most underserved students access to a debt-free college education, we are opening up doors that might have been closed to them due to the heavy financial burdens of getting a four-year degree.”

Students who enroll in The Boston Bridge must major in one of the Mass Transfer pathways, which ensures that credits earned in any community college are accepted at any public four-year institution.

While students attend community college, the City of Boston will cover the costs for tuition and mandatory fees, after taking into account Pell grants and discounts and credits from the Commonwealth Commitment program. Once a student earns an associate degree, they can transfer to a Massachusetts public college or university to complete their bachelor’s degree within two years. While they are enrolled in a public four-year institution, the City and the Commonwealth together will cover the costs for tuition and mandatory fees, excluding room and board.

Importantly, The Boston Bridge will also leverage the resources of the Success Boston College Completion Initiative, which supports students in getting to and through college by engaging a network of non-profit and business partners to coach, mentor, and employ thousands of first-generation college-goers.  According to a recent study by Abt Associates, Success Boston has helped to raise the college completion rates of BPS graduates to over 50 percent.


City of Boston Tuition Free Community College (TFCC): In April 2016, Mayor Walsh’s office launched Tuition Free Community College for Boston Public School students. It is run through the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development, with support from the City’s Neighborhood Jobs Trust.

Tuition Free Community College pays for up to three years of tuition and mandatory fees for income-eligible graduates of Boston Public Schools. Students can attend Roxbury, Bunker Hill and Mass Bay community colleges.

As of March 2017, 50 students were enrolled in TFCC, with 94% completing their first semester of community college. Of that group, 73% earned college credits they can transfer to a four-year institution.

Commonwealth Commitment: In the spring of 2016, the Baker-Polito Administration launched Commonwealth Commitment, providing community college graduates who transfer to a state college or university discounts, rebates, and a freeze on all mandatory student charges. Students who complete their bachelors’ degree within 4 1Ž2 years, while maintaining a 3.0 GPA, can see a savings of 40% or more on the typical sticker price for a four-year degree. As of April 2017, 80 students statewide are enrolled in Commonwealth Commitment

新英格蘭台商會高爾夫球賽 蔡高進隊奪回冠軍寶座

            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會527日舉辦「第十六屆台商盃慈善高爾夫球公開賽」,共有從19歲到86歲的1560人,在風和日麗的難得好天氣中揮桿,既運動,聯誼,還做善事,開心十分。
            新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會今年的高爾夫球賽,仍在在坎頓鎮 (Canton) Ponkapoag高爾夫球場舉行,參賽的新朋舊友包括駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處副處長陳銘俊,以及該會榮譽會長蔡坤喜在Weston Leo-Martin高爾夫球場的早鳥隊友,4名年紀在7486歲之間,已4度組隊參賽的越戰老兵。
            比賽結果,團體組部分,蔡高進和林展輝,金雪松與Ray Yu4人組成的新舊合併隊,以低於標準桿10桿的成績奪得冠軍,Nancy BeckermanLouis BeckermanJack O-Day Sheri Siegel這隊西人組,以低於標準桿7桿,獲得亞軍。最早在大波士頓華人圈中發起舉辦高爾夫球賽的李庚仁,今年也和老朋友,趙研田,理台,劉友恭攜手組隊,來參加台商盃比賽,還寶刀未老的以低於標準桿4桿獲得季軍。
            個人部分的比賽結果,女子離隊最近獎得主為Nancy Cottone,男子離洞最近獎為周健夫,女子最長距離獎為Nancy Beckerman,男子最長距離獎得主為John Irvine
            當晚的頒獎儀式,由蔡坤喜主持。他宣佈今年的台商盃高爾夫球賽盈餘,將捐給達納法伯癌症研究機構(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute),感謝Westnet Medical/ Surgical Research & Supplie公司多年來的鼓勵,支持。蔡坤喜還感謝台商會會長歐陽露,副會長李苡惠,台商會高爾夫球俱樂部總召胡美惠,總教練蔡高進等人協辦比賽。他也照例為比賽做了一首打油詩,為比賽助興。

星期一, 5月 29, 2017

地31屆中華民族舞蹈展 6/24 舉行




為了彰顯藝協宣揚中華文化的宗旨,今年藝協仍以不消售入場劵,而以免費索取入場劵的方式,譲更多有興趣觀賞的朋友們有機會欣賞到這兩場精彩的演出。現仍剩下少許入場券,可email到中華藝術協會 jadelin@verizon.net索取,只要寫清楚姓名、票數與場次,可在演出前半小時在蔡氏演藝中心門口領取到所訂的入場劵。直至贈送完為止。

藝協傳統中國舞蹈團每年舉辦一次的新團員甄試將在八月二十六日(周六) 上午在位於 Woburn 的藝協活動中心舉行。有興趣者請至藝協
網址 www.acas-ne.com 下載報名表。

另外藝協主辨的第十八屆中華民族舞蹈夏令營將於八月十三日至八月十九日舉行,今屆邀聘到的中國舞蹈老師是舞蹈家蔡君柔老師,蔡老師畢業於國立台灣藝術學院舞蹈系,獲美國著名的紐約Case Western Reserve University碩士。欲報名者請至藝協網址 www.acas-ne.com 下 載 報 名表。(中華藝術協會提供)

星期日, 5月 28, 2017

Hello Taiwan 5/29 到波士頓

Hello Taiwan金曲星光閃亮,周一波士頓開唱!
地點:PA's Lounge, Boston
Hello Taiwan 2017開跑了!本年度邀請到布農族金曲歌手王宏恩、2016金曲獎「最佳演唱組合」獎項得主黃昺翔、金曲獎提名「最佳樂團獎」的客家樂團「吉那罐子」將在本周一到波士頓演出。

Governor Baker: "Honor and Remember Those We’ve Lost and the Families They’ve Left Behind"

VIDEO: Governor Baker: "Honor and Remember Those We’ve Lost and the Families They’ve Left Behind"

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker attended the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund Memorial Day Ceremony with Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Mayor Marty Walsh and Secretary Francisco Urena to honor and remember our fallen military heroes in recognition of Memorial Day.

Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Boston Common, Boston, MA
May 25, 2017

GOVERNOR BAKER: "I can’t stress how important it is that we do honor and remember those we’ve lost and the families they’ve left behind. 

"I was at an event back in January and speaking to a crowd about something that had nothing to do with military service but I knew that one of the folks who’d been a part of this organization had actually been a member of our Armed Services and had in fact died in Iraq. So in the course of my comments I just spent a few minutes talking about him: about where he was from, what he was interested in as a kid, why he joined the service, how he died, and how much he would have loved to have been there that day to continue to participate in this community service activity with all of his friends and his colleagues. And I asked for people to just take a moment of silence to remember him. People did that, and it was beautiful. 

"And then a few months later, a letter showed up at my house that had gotten lost in the mail of the State House, and it was a letter from his mom. She said I just wanted you to know, that even though I wasn't there that day, a whole bunch of people told me what you said about my son and I just want you to know how important it is for us, the parents, the families of those who are lost, that they not be forgotten, that they be remembered and that people continue to speak of them and speak well of them now that they are no longer here to continue to create their own memories. It was a beautiful letter. 

"It spoke to this notion that we, those who benefit from the service and the sacrifice of those who wear the uniform and their families, need to be clear about our commitment to honor them, to remember them, and to thank them for what they have done on our behalf." 

In honor of Memorial Day, Governor Baker has ordered that the United States flag and the Commonwealth flag be lowered to half-staff at all state buildings from sunrise until noon and full staff from noon until sunset on Monday, May 29th, 2017. The order applies to the main or administration building of each public institution of the Commonwealth, other state-owned or state-controlled buildings and all state military installations.