
星期一, 6月 12, 2017

第38屆波士頓龍舟賽華人青年會奪冠 (圖片)

               香港盃冠亞季軍依序為,華人青年會(CYPN),波士頓一龍舟,狼群競賽俱樂部(Wolfpack Racing Club)。成績依序為206389207536207770
               企業組冠亞季軍依序為,Trapology波士頓,強生及強生鴨子隊,PWC Pacin隊。成績依序為214329230668236568
               社區組冠亞季軍依序為,波士頓華埠社區中心竹圈 華林聯隊,TBFKWDPG。成績依序為225453229823232124
               癌症倖存者隊,冠亞季軍依序為,佛蒙特龍心姊妹隊,健康戰士男女混和隊, 樂園市龍舟。成績依序為230468233775238000            
大賽的A組比賽,冠亞季軍依序為華人青年會暴風組(Storm),活根(Living Root)藍隊,佛蒙特州龍心耆英混和隊。時間依序為235452554125885
B組冠亞季軍依序為,一比賽(ONE Racing)" 海洋州龍舟俱樂部, 紐約市電子龍。成績依序為27931212614217291
D組冠亞季軍依序為,波士頓華埠社區中心竹圈 佛蒙特龍心婦女耆英隊,公民龍。成績依序為220510220711223332
E組冠亞季軍依序為,波士頓大學CPE專業隊,TBFKWDG ,華人醫務中心無比快龍。成績依序為224132250722626
F組冠亞季軍依序為,華美福利會(AACA),波士頓專業人士網(BPN) Waifair龍。成績依序為224831226204227952

WGBH “Loving Day” Series explore interracial marriage

WGBH News, Schuster Institute Explore Interracial Marriage Through Commemorative “Loving Day” Series

The series, in partnership with the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University, marks the 50th anniversary of “Loving Day”

BOSTON, June 13, 2017 — WGBH News, in collaboration with the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University, has launched “Loving Day,” a commemoration series on interracial marriage airing on 89.7 WGBH June 12-14.

Fifty years after the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 12, 1967 landmark civil rights decision in Loving v. Virginia legally allowed interracial marriage, the effects of the case continue to reverberate.
Mildred Jeter Loving, a woman whose disputed racial heritage has been called both African American and Native American, and Richard Perry Loving, a whiteman, had been legally married in Washington, D.C. in 1958. But two weeks later, after they had returned to Virginia, they were arrested on charges of violating the state’s 1924 Racial Integrity Act and sentenced to one year in prison. The Lovings challenged their conviction and lost in state court.
Instead of giving up, they moved to Washington, D.C., and took their case all the way to the highest court in the land. And in 1967, they won.
The Supreme Court's groundbreaking civil rights decision in Loving v. Virginia invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage in the U.S. At the time of the decision, 16 other states banned marriage between people of different races. Such anti-miscegenation laws date back to 1664, when Maryland, still a colony, was the first to adopt this kind of law.

The June 12 anniversary is known as Loving Day.

The three-part radio series, “Loving Day,” reports on interracial marriage over the past 50 years, and real-life repercussions as experienced by individuals, couples and families today. How have they dealt with continuing discrimination aimed at them? How have children with interracial parents approached their search for racial identity? And why is one the Lovings’ descendants protesting a new commemorative monument in Richmond?

“This anniversary is an ideal time to revisit the Loving decision and examine the evolution of interracial marriage over the past several decades, as we do on our website,” said Florence Graves, founding director of the Schuster Institute. “As with previous stories from the Institute's Race & Justice reporting project, Sally's work illuminates a complex aspect of race that continues to affect Americans today.”

The stories were produced by reporter Sally Jacobs and producer Josh Swartz and edited by executive editor and producer Aaron Schachter and senior editor Ken Cooper.

“This landmark decision is just as relevant today as it was 50 years ago, and there are important stories to be told by those most greatly affected by it,” said Schachter. “Sally did extensive, thorough reporting for this series, including visiting the Lovings’ hometown and speaking with sources who have never spoken to the media.”

Related resources, including a timeline of state anti-miscegenation laws and important case law, an excerpt from Sheryll Cashin’s recently released book, Loving: Interracial Intimacy in America and the Threat to White Supremacy, and links to maps, relevant websites and other resources to spark learning and discussion can be found on WGBH News’ and the Schuster Institute’s websites.

Sally Jacobs’ profile of Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni, who is featured in the series along with her parents, an interracial couple, was published in the Boston Globe on Monday. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, Cox DiGiovanni will perform her one-woman, multimedia solo drama called “One Drop of Love” in Cambridge, Mass., today.

For more information and additional resources, please visit:
www.wgbhnews.org and the Schuster Institute microsite at WeInvestigate.org

MHS Offers Pre-Apprenticeship Program

MHS Offers Pre-Apprenticeship Program

Monday, June 12, 2017
Malden High School Principal Ted Lombardi is pleased to report the School has signed a Pre-Apprenticeship Agreement with the Division of Apprentice Standards. Malden High School is the first non-vocational technical high school to be able to grant pre-Apprentice hours to their students. Pre-Apprentice hours may be awarded to youth participating in on the job training in HVAC, Laborer, Carpentry, Culinary, and Mechanics at Malden High School and through the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program for the City of Malden. Henry Mattuchio, Deputy Director of the Division of Apprentice Standards, and his agency have demonstrated a great willingness to work with our youth to help them prepare for future careers in the trades.

星期日, 6月 11, 2017

BCNC Hosts 3rd Annual Savor the Flavor

BCNC Hosts 3rd Annual Savor the Flavor

From left Leya King Lim, Joy Lim Nakrin, NBC Boston MC , Russell Chin, BCNC Board Member and event co-chair, Mintong Li and
Cuifeng Tan, BCNC Adult Ed students and event speakers) and Lori Wirkus, event co-chair
(Image Courtesy of Steve Sulewski)

Quincy, MA – Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) Quincy hosted its 3rd annual “Savor the Flavor”event on Saturday, June 3rd  at the Quincy Center for Innovation. More than 150 guests gathered to celebrate this community fundraising event in support of BCNC’s Quincy programs for families.

Guests also enjoyed accomplished musician and teacher, June Qin’s captivating performance on the Guzheng.

BCNC celebrated the occasion by offering a sampling of delicacies from local restaurants, Including Vivi Bubble Tea from North Quincy, voted the “best flavor,” of the day by attendees. Additional food and beverage partners included The Chicken and Rice Guys, JP Fuji Group, Mem Tea, Capital One Peets Coffee, Pho Pasteur, and Pho Linh Cuisine of Vietnam.

Joy Lim Nakrin, NBC Boston anchor and reporter, engaged the audience, once again, as the Master-of-Ceremonies. She spoke about BCNC’s commitment to providing access, opportunity, and community to the Asian families in the Greater Boston area. She also praised BCNC in their efforts to help families of the South Shore achieve greater economic success and social well-being. 

Quincy Mayor, Thomas Koch, welcomed event goers and Quincy City Councilor, Nina Liang, emphasized the importance of providing community services to a growing Asian population in the Quincy area.

BCNC Adult Education speakers included: Tracy (CuiFeng) Tan and Mintong Li. Tracy arrived in the U.S. in 2016 and started a BCNC Quincy Adult Education Foundations English class last August.  She spoke about looking for work that will allow her to continue learning English and to study accounting at Quincy College.

Mintong emigrated from China just a year ago and found BCNC through her grandmother, who was a former BCNC student.  Mintong is now studying at Bunker Hill Community College and plans to be an accountant.  “I’m very glad to share my story with you,” said Mintong. “And, I want to thank you for supporting BCNC, so they can continue to help people who are like me to have a meaningful life!”

Sponsors included: Bank of America, Tufts Medical Center, South Cove Community Health Center, East Boston Savings Bank, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Chin Law Firm, South Cove Manor at Quincy Point Rehabilitation Center, Flynn | Wirkus | Young, Rockland Trust, Helen Tang, and Guyder Hurley.(From BCNC)

波士頓龍舟賽今日決戰 北大,清華和復旦、同濟聯隊爭校友組冠軍




 2017-06-08 爱滑雪的小胖子 CYPN

本月的6/10-6/11日,波士顿将再次迎来一年一度的龙舟节,这也是北美规模最大的龙舟赛。今年登记参加队伍的数量更是接近70支,今年参赛的有清华,北大,复旦,浙大,上海交大,东北学生会,南开-天大,UMass学生会,Wellesley,留学生网,华人青年协会 CYPN,NAAAP, South Coast Stats, BPN,OCEAN State, 专业队伍 Living Roots, Boston1, Wolfpack, Ohana 以及各个公司员工组队。身在波城的你,一定不会想错过这样的盛事。


这些都不是问题,快快加入“龙舟观战小分队”吧,为自己心仪的队伍喝彩,留下美丽的影像,围观约饭,交朋结友,尽皆在此. 另外,作为北美最大的针对年轻华人团体的501c3非盈利社团,华人青年协会CYPN 也会派出三支强队 CYPN Storm,从专业组到女子组都力争奖牌,希望有你给我们加油喝彩! (群如满请加 CYPN小助手微信号 CYPNXZS, 我们手动拉入大群)

6/11 周日的具体地点在查尔斯河的靠近Harvard Foot Bridge。比赛队伍大本营设立在查尔斯河的南侧,停车建议是停靠在河南侧的哈佛商学院 (免费或者很低的收费), 然后步行到Storrow。 从早上开始到中午是各个分组预赛,下午开始开始决赛,如果你没有很多时间,我们建议留出中午到下午的时间前来给各个友队加油。另外从中午开始查尔斯河北侧开始正式的Festival events, 从小吃到表演可以慢慢逛半天。当然不要忘记随时往河中间看给各个队伍加油哦. 预计到下午五点以前A 组总冠军决赛出炉,这个是代表参赛70支队伍最高水平的总决赛,也是北美龙舟赛事含金量最高的赛事之一,千万不要错过哦。

CYPN的大本营设立在河南侧靠近Harvard Foot Bridge, 欢迎过来打个招呼,各个友队也会在附近扎营,好久不见的老友们可以走一次全见完~

另外周六 6/10 还有CYPN 年度招新活动哦,如想加入北美最具活力的年轻华人社团,锻炼领导组织能力,扩展职业发展空间,结交年轻有为同好,就不要错过我们这周六的招新. 周六的见面地点就在MIT Boat House 隔壁,申请截至周五,具体请参考: CYPN招新啦!



Sunday June 11, 2017 - Races and Cultural Festival

Along Charles River Near Harvard (Festival Directions)
Boston Side - Docks
7:00AM – 5:00PM
  Dragon Boat Races - Finals
Cambridge Side - Along Memorial Drive
12:00PM – 5:00PM
  Asian Food
Cambridge Side - Main Tent
12:00PM – 5:00PM
  Arts and Crafts & Asian Cultural Performances
Performances & Demonstrations
The performance schedule for 2017 is posted below for reference.  
The schedule may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
12:00Eye-dotting ceremony < Opening Ceremony> 

Chinese Waist Drum Dance (Boston side)GBCCA
12:15Dragon Dance Wahlum Kungfu Academy
12:45Opening Ceremony
1:00Chinese Tradional Music and Chinese Yo-YoGBCCA
1:25Suona SoloGuo Yazhi
1:40Korean Traditional DanceBoston Korean Dance Group
2:10Asia Folk SongFeng Lili
2:15Chinese Martial Arts DemonstrationWahlum Kungfu Academy
2:45Qipao Walk ShowWorld United Qipao Association Boston Branch
2:55Taekwon-doJae Hun Kim Taekwon-do Institute
3:30Popping ShowTian Bochao
3:45RhythmicGirls for Girls' Sports
4:00Chinese and Asia art demonstrationCCCC
4:30Japanese Taiko DrummingOdaiko New Englang
5:00Award ceremony for wining teams

Chinese Young Professionals Networking (CYPN)
户外运动,龙舟比赛,舞蹈训练,公益论坛,创业求职,我们是美国最大的青年华人社团,也是正式注册的501c3 非赢利机构。不管是参与活动还是加入作为志愿者我们都欢迎。表错过我们的2017年度招新哦: CYPN招新啦!

作为一个政府认证的501.c3 非赢利组织CYPN联手亚马逊 Amazon 共同为公益活动筹款。大家可以不捐钱也能帮助到我们举办更好的活动啦~  欢迎童鞋们去Amazon购物请前点击 smile.amazon.com 选择"Chinese Young Professional Networking", 收入的0.5%会被Amazon用来资助CYPN 未来的活动。记住回家打开电脑吧Amazon Smile加入favorite哦~ 我们也致力于将获得的经费反馈给青年华人社区,来更好的帮助童鞋们. 记住设置后也要通过smile.amazon.com 购买才有效哦
记住,每次购买的 0.5% 会有Amazon捐助我们,不需要各位童鞋自掏腰包一分钱哦~

星期六, 6月 10, 2017


(Boston Orange 整理) 波士頓市第2選區市議員候選人,經選務局認證,共7人,將在926日的初選中角逐,票數最高的兩人將進入117日的大選。
波士頓環球報認為在這7人中最有希望的3人是波士頓前市長雷夫連(Raymond Flynn)的兒子艾夫連(Ed Flynn),波士頓前市長萬寧諾(Tom Menino)的助理麥凱利(Michael Kelly),以及藝術家兼社區組織者葛瑞(Corey Dinopoulos)。他也是由私人企業所支持的爭取波士頓2024年主辦奧林匹克比賽活動的共同創辦者。
麥凱利(Mike Kelly,右)和昆士市議員梁秀婷。(周菊子攝)
另外4人是住在華埠,有華裔血統的林馬克(Peter Lin-Marcus),以及Joseph F. Kebartas, Erica J. Tritta Kora Roberts Katz Vakil
其中艾夫連和葛瑞都住在南波士頓,麥凱利來自灣村(Bay Village)。葛瑞和麥凱利都是同性戀者。
林馬克(Peter Lin-Macus)。(周菊子攝,檔案照片)
已連任5屆市議員的林乃肯(Bill Linehan)決定卸任,竟吸引來那麼多人參選,曾任波士頓市議會議長的尼克森皮博地(Nixon Peabody)合夥人羅倫斯狄卡拉(Lawrence DiCara)表示,整個大環境改變了許多也是原因。
林乃肯也指出,過去10年來的波士頓市土地發展,50%都發生在這一區。年輕專業人士紛紛搬進來,更豐富的夜生活出現,堡壘點(Fort Point)重振,華埠一帶土地發展一個接一個,已使得波士頓市第2選區成為波士頓市內變化最快地區。
艾夫連(Ed Flynn,左二)在阮鴻燦(左一)陪同下,今年初出席紐英崙
移民署署長張瑪麗(Mary Truong)同桌而坐。(周菊子攝,檔案照片)
            長期觀察南波士頓政治的薩福克郡高等法院民事書記董納文(Michael J. Donovan)表示,這個社區的改變,傳統投票者的流失,新來居民的出現,支持同性戀者大幅增加等都改變了大環境,出身南波士頓的候選人一定受歡迎的政治氛圍已漸消失。不過他說,關鍵還是誰會出來投票。
在波士頓市第2選區中的南波士頓,競選時的傳統”兵家必爭之地”,包括堡壘島(Castle Island)Mul的晚餐,以及菜鋼鐵工人廳舉行的聖派翠克日早餐會,都成了候選人較勁場合。這週末的”驕傲遊行(Pride parade)”就更不用說了,艾夫連,麥凱利,葛雷都已登記參加。


星期五, 6月 09, 2017


(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 如無意外,紐英崙中華公所大樓今年8月將登入美國國家史蹟名錄(National Register of Historic Places),正式成為美國史蹟之一。
               根據維基百科,國家史蹟名錄(NRHP)是美國政府認為值得保護的建築財產的官方名冊,1966年設立,第一個收錄的建築物是羅德島州的斯萊特工廠(Slater Mill)。迄今全美共有85,014個地點被收入史蹟名冊,其中有9,494個地點目前處於空置或無人使用狀態。
