
星期三, 6月 14, 2017

哈佛大學校長Judy Faust宣佈2018年6月離職

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導)哈佛校報15日發表消息,哈佛大學校長佛斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust)將於20186月卸任。
               哈佛企業(Harvard Corporation)這哈佛大學管理機構中的資深學者李威鳳(Bill Lee)表示,身為內戰歷史學家,原籍維琴尼亞州的佛斯特將休假一年,專注學術工作。李威鳳也是10年前提名佛斯特出任校長的校長搜尋委員會成員。
哈佛新建奧斯頓科學及工程學校園這很有野心的計畫,2010年暫停,就是因為經濟衰退。不過2015年來自風險基金億萬富豪John A. Paulson4億元捐款,這計畫得以重新啟動。


星期二, 6月 13, 2017


Through more than 6,000 jobs, Boston teens have earned nearly $10 million since the inception of one of the nation's largest corporate-based teen summer jobs programs
BOSTON - Tuesday, June 13, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh yesterday joined John Hancock interim President and CEO Michael Doughty and other corporate and civic leaders to celebrate 10 years of the company's MLK Scholars Program. Since its inception, John Hancock has funded more than 6,000 jobs and provided nearly $10 million in wages for youth summer jobs.  

The event also served to kick-off the 2017 teen summer job program (#BostonWorks), which will give 642 Boston teens a summer job, financial literacy training and leadership development experience. John Hancock works in close partnership with The Boston Globe, Boston University and Partners HealthCare to the offer MLK Scholars Program.

"John Hancock's MLK Scholars Program understands the need for Boston's business and community leaders to lead the charge in providing our City youth with meaningful opportunities," said Mayor Walsh. "I congratulate John Hancock on 10 years of commitment to supporting our young people through the MLK Scholars Program. We will continue to work collaboratively with our community and corporate partners to create more employment resources for youth in Boston and positively shape our City."

Along with gaining valuable paid work experience, teens also receive coaching and guidance to help empower them to achieve their goals. Scholars attend bi-weekly forums at Boston University, which are designed to expose them to business and civic leaders, challenge them to learn new skills, and inspire them to realize the difference they can make in their communities.

Mayor Walsh continues to make youth summer employment a priority, challenging businesses to partner with the City to increase employment opportunities for Boston's youth. John Hancock remains a leader in the effort.
"MLK Scholars is one of John Hancock's signature philanthropic initiatives, and we are committed to helping the City's young people gain the knowledge and skills they will need to achieve upward economic mobility," said Hancock's Doughty. "As we celebrate 10 years, we proudly reflect on all that has been accomplished and more fully appreciate the value created when young people gain meaningful work experience. Better preparing our youth in a fast-changing economy is essential to building individual and community prosperity."

As part of the kick-off event, Mayor Walsh addressed two hundred Boston teens at John Hancock's headquarters in South Boston. The event included a motivational appearance by Paralympic gold medalist and 4-time Boston Marathon champion Tatyana McFadden. Following the speaking program, the teens participated in an interactive exercise, engaging one-on-one with the Mayor, McFadden, other business and civic leaders, and each other.

"John Hancock's MLK Scholars program addresses two important social factors that have a profound influence on future health: education and employment," said Dr. David Torchiana, President and CEO, Partners HealthCare. "We are both pleased and committed to collaborate with John Hancock and the City of Boston to provide excellent educational and professional opportunities to help Boston young people grow up healthy and ready to join Boston's workforce."
"For over a decade The Boston Globe has partnered with John Hancock, the City of Boston, Boston University, and Partners HealthCare to provide work opportunities and life-skills training to the next generation of leaders through the MLK Scholars program," said Linda Henry, Boston Globe Managing Director. "Working with nonprofit organizations in Greater Boston, the 600 talented and motivated teenagers in this year's program will directly impact their communities by showcasing their talents and experiences."

"At Boston University we recognize the importance of these internship program opportunities, which is why we are pleased to support the MLK Scholars program, working with great partners--Mayor Walsh and the City of Boston, John Hancock, The Boston Globe, and Partners HealthCare," said Boston University President Dr. Robert A. Brown.
Mayor Walsh's summer jobs program has funded 3,300 positions for the summer of 2017. Under the Walsh Administration, 30,600 youth summer jobs have been funded, representing an 18 percent increase from 2013 despite the increase in minimum wage from $8 to $10 hourly.
About the John Hancock's MLK Scholars Program
The MLK Scholars Program provides funding to local community-based not-for-profits to enable them to offer meaningful summer employment opportunities to Boston youth. Organizations are given the flexibility to hire youth of their choosing and must provide internal resources to help Scholars succeed in their jobs. In addition to the knowledge gained from the work experience, the program offers a unique series of job readiness and life-skills workshops that prepares the Scholars for the days and years ahead. For more information, please click  here.

About Mayor Martin J. Walsh's Summer Jobs Program
The City of Boston and the Boston Private Industry Council have worked to organize private sector employers, from the region's leading companies to neighborhood small businesses to provide Boston youth with summer job opportunities for the Mayor's Summer Jobs Initiative. Urban teens develop positive work habits, including but are not limited to the habits of paid work opportunities, attendance and punctuality, speaking and listening, accepting direction and criticism, and problem solving and taking initiative. Through this program, Mayor Walsh aims to tackle Boston's most pressing community priorities today, and at the same time, addresses employer needs by preparing a skilled and motivated workforce for the very near future.


Multistate Coalition Files Lawsuit Against Department of Energy for Obstructing Energy Efficiency Standards That Will Save Consumers Nearly $12 Billion
BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today joined a coalition of 11 state attorneys general and the City of New York in filing a lawsuit against the Trump Administration for violating federal law by failing to implement critical energy efficiency standards that would save consumers and businesses an estimated $11.6 billion over a 30-year period.
In today’s lawsuit, the coalition alleges that the Department of Energy (DOE) is violating the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), the Federal Register Act (FRA), and the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) by stalling the final standards for portable air conditioners, uninterruptible power supplies, walk-in coolers and freezers, commercial boilers, and air compressors.
 “These standards will save consumers money on their energy bills, significantly reduce air pollution, and promote a clean energy economy,” said AG Healey. “I will not hesitate to go to court to ensure that the Trump Administration cannot block common-sense standards like these from going into effect, as the law requires.”
In the complaint filed today in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, the attorneys general of Massachusetts, California, New York, Washington, Maine, Connecticut, Illinois, Vermont, Oregon, Maryland and Pennsylvania and the City of New York assert that the DOE’s failure to publish final energy efficiency standards for these appliances harms consumers, the environment, public health, natural resources, and the economy. According to federal estimates, these standards would save consumers and businesses an estimated $11.6 billion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 159 million tons, and conserve over 242 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity – the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of more than 19.3 million households – over a 30-year period.
DOE issued a “prepublication notice” of a final rule for compressors on Dec. 5, 2016 and for the four other products on Dec. 28, 2016. The posting of these five rules triggered a limited “error correction” period for the public to identify any typographical or numbering errors for correction by the agency.  By law, DOE was then required to publish final energy efficiency standards for compressors by Feb. 21, 2017 and for the four other products by March 15, 2017. To date, the DOE has not published any of these final standards.  
Today’s lawsuit follows a lawsuit filed in April in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit by AG Healey and a coalition of states including New York, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington, as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the City of New York against the DOE challenging a similar delay in finalizing energy efficiency standards for ceiling fans.
Following the lawsuit in April, the Trump Administration published notice in the Federal Register on May 24, reversing course and finalizing the ceiling fan efficiency standards as written. 
This matter is being handled on behalf of Massachusetts by Assistant Attorney General Andrew Goldberg of AG Healey’s Environmental Protection Division and Assistant Attorney General Joseph Dorfler of AG Healey’s Energy and Telecommunications Division.


              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 美國退伍軍人會328華埠分會12日晚在喜臨門酒樓舉行第68屆幹部就職典禮,首次出現麻州警察風笛鼓樂隊演奏,慶賀麻州州警余國華接任會長。
               當晚就職的美國退伍軍人會328華埠分會20172018年度幹部包括會長余國華,資深副會長陳文浩,副會長王元輝,副官周暢,財政李錦堂,會議主管Jones Wing,牧師Genie Boland4名執行委員會委員包括卸任會長區靖儀,以及黃國麟,司徒文信,Vinnie Wong
               卸任會長歐靖儀致詞時透露,她才當媽媽五個月,休假了頗長一段時間,很感謝該會幹部同心協力,承擔所有工作,確保了會務的推行無誤。她還宣佈,該會今年將續辦頒發獎學金,鼓勵年輕退伍軍人深造。典禮司儀Jake Comer代表麻州分會表示捐助獎學金500元。
               曾在美國軍隊任職,現已退休的伍振中,也特地捐出一幅畫作義賣,為獎學金籌款。328分會副會長陳文浩透露,伍振中的一幅Tom Brady接到球的畫作,在波士頓華埠社區中心的拍賣活動中,以1300元售出。
               麻州退伍軍人服務署署長Francisco Urena,波士頓市退伍軍人服務局局長Giselle Sterling,以及駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪,經文處副處長陳銘俊,波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊等,當晚都是座上嘉賓,紛紛讚揚退伍軍人們對國家的貢獻,陳家驊更強調退伍軍人們維護了美國的民主,自由。

Jake Comer,經文處處長賴銘琪,雲雯蓁夫婦,僑教中心主任歐宏偉,
麻州退伍軍人事務署署長Francisco Urena。(周菊子攝)
麻州警察風笛鼓樂隊(The Massachusetts State Police Pipes and Drums


波士頓聯絡處社會教育推廣班,將於6/25日星期日下午三點, 假波士頓Newton聯絡處 (15 Summer st. Newton, MA 02146) 舉行社推班 “open house 開放日.” 除了為您介紹由音樂家陳志新博士開設一年頗受好評的打鼓班外, 還將介紹即將新開設的新班別:

由舞蹈家陳秀惠老師授教, Nia 是一種將武術,現代舞蹈藝術和瑜珈融合在音樂中,藉由身體舞動達至身心健康之道。陳老師是唯一東方人領有Nia 認證的教師。
Authentic Movement 
由舞蹈治療師俞伶授教 Authentic Movement 是舞蹈治療的一種技巧,一套照顧自己心靈健康的方式 ,透過Authentic Movement 可以讓自己心靈有好好對話, 在生活中減壓,找到心靈上的平靜與解決之道。俞老師具有美國舞蹈治療協會註冊舞蹈治療師督導資格 (BC-DMT),以及美國伊利諾州諮商師執照,也是個專業舞者。
由慈濟師兄黃崇校師兄所教授吉他班 黃崇校師兄是位電腦工程師 學習吉他 是台灣電視節目五燈獎歌唱比賽節目五度五關得獎主。熱愛彈奏吉他 技巧純熟平常頗活躍於社區音樂節目演出。


當天除了有課程介紹, 還將有一個小時的鼓樂音樂節目演出。鼓樂節目由陳志新老師籌劃,集他所有波士頓地區鼓樂班學生演出。

陳志新老師,波士頓大學演奏博士,主修低音號。目前擔任大波士頓中華文化協會國樂團 (GBCCA Chinese Music Ensemble) 音樂總監與指揮和波士頓水底魚打擊樂團 (Boston Synchrony Chinese Percussion Ensemble) 總監,也是勒星頓中文學校、波士頓慈濟人文學校、紐英崙中文夏令營以及華心藝術學校的節奏鼓樂班老師,並活躍於新音格蘭地區的音樂活動中。

節目精彩 歡迎社區朋友光臨參與!!如您有任何問題請電波士頓聯絡處:617-762-0569

DCR, Zipcar Outfit 200 Zipcars with Free Annual Passes to Massachusetts State Parks


DCR, Zipcar Outfit 200 Zipcars with Free Annual Passes to Massachusetts State Parks

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Zipcar, the world’s leading car-sharing network, today announced a unique partnership that equips 200 Zipcars in Massachusetts with annual state park passes, enabling residents and visitors to explore the outdoors. Members of Zipcar can now reserve a vehicle equipped with a pass and park for free throughout the state parks system from now until the end of the year.  Today’s announcement coincides with the development of a new Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) partnerships webpage, which will serve as a resource for those interested in working with the Secretariat in the future to expand access to open spaces, and recreational and educational opportunities.

“The Baker-Polito Administration places a high priority on building public-private partnerships that enable entities, such as Zipcar, and state government to work together to reach a common goal that is in the best interest of the public,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The development of a partnership webpage, which will showcase invaluable opportunities for stakeholders, will serve as an excellent resource. Importantly, this unique approach will further reach non-profits, private businesses, friends groups, organizations, and other stakeholders and will encourage cooperative efforts efficiently.”

The state parks system offers over 450,000 acres of parks, forests, reservations, reservoirs, and beaches to explore, and include important natural, cultural, and recreational resources. Additionally, the state parks system offers over 4,000 miles of trails, and is home to diverse flora and fauna throughout the Commonwealth.

“Boston Zipsters tend to be adventure-seekers who enjoy living in the city but also enjoying escaping into nature,” said Zipcar Regional Community Marketing Manager, Chris Moulding. “Now they have an even easier way to enjoy the outdoors with free parking passes on a number of sporty vehicles from Ford Escapes to Jeep Renegades and even a few Subaru Crosstreks decked out with Yakima bike racks.”

 “An important element of the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s mission is to increase awareness and visitorship at our state parks system, which is one of the best in the world offering natural and historical locations to visit throughout the Commonwealth,” said DCR Commissioner Leo Roy. “Whether traversing the summit of Mount Greylock or enjoying a respite from the summer heat at Horseneck Beach, Zipcar vehicles will enable members to discover some of the most breathtaking landscapes Massachusetts state parks have to offer.”

The new EEA partnerships webpage will provide visitors with ongoing program information, an alert system, newly established partnerships, and contact information to begin the process of a new partnership with EEA and its agencies.

To learn more about the state parks system, please visit the DCR’s website, where lists of activities and locations, such as parks and beaches, can be found.

天氣太熱 波市長開放市內所有BCYF

              (Boston Orange)氣象局預測波士頓今日最高華氏92度,波士頓市長馬丁華殊提醒市民,天氣太熱,注意安全。市內各青少年及家庭中心(BCYF)將從早上9點開到晚上9點,供民眾納涼。


BOSTON - Tuesday, June 13, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh is reminding residents to take precautions during the hot weather forecast for this week. Information on heat safety tips can be found online at boston.gov/heat and by following @CityofBoston on Twitter.
At this time, Mayor Walsh has not declared a Heat Emergency, but can do so after temperatures have reached 95 degrees or higher for three or more consecutive days.
However, due to the continued high temperatures, Mayor Walsh has decided to open cooling centers at Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) locations across the City. Standalone sites are open from 9am-9pm, while school-based sites are open from 2pm-9pm. BCYF also has 16 indoor pools openduring normal operating hours for families looking to cool off in the summer heat.
Residents can sign up for Alert Boston, the city's emergency notification system, to receive emergency alerts by phone, email or text. Sign up online here. Residents are also encouraged to call 311 with any questions about available city services.
Heat Safety:
Adults and children should use sunscreen containing an SPF-15 or higher and wear protective, loose fitting clothing, including long sleeve shirts and hats.
The elderly, young children and those with chronic medical conditions are more susceptible to the effects of heat.
Always check in on family or neighbors who may be at risk of heat exhaustion or heatstroke as temperatures climb.
Children and pets should never be left alone in vehicles, even for short periods of times.
If you become lightheaded, confused, weak or faint, stop all activity and immediately find shade or a cool area to rest. If symptoms persist, call 911 immediately.
Limit outdoor activity to morning and evening hours. Rest often in shady areas and be extra cautious from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., when the sun's UV radiation is strongest.
Drink plenty of fluids regardless of activity level. Avoid alcoholic beverages and liquids high in sugar or caffeine.
Homeless individuals can become dehydrated rapidly due to a lack of access to water or shelter from the heat. If you observe someone who appears in distress, call 911 immediately.
If you have a child in your home, use child window guards in addition to screens on any open window on the second story or above. Falls are the leading cause of injury for children under the age of six.
Secure all window air conditioner units according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Playground Safety:  
Children should always wear shoes on playgrounds because surfaces can become extremely hot and cause burns, even splash pads and spray decks.
Outdoor Fires and Grilling:
No outdoor fires are allowed in Boston, including fire pits, chimineas and bonfires.
Charcoal grills must be on the ground and away from buildings. Keep in mind the wind and never leave unattended. When done, dispose of the ash in a metal container once completely out.
Propane tank grills are only allowed on first floor porches with steps to the ground. Do not place propane tank grills near air conditioners or up against a building. Make sure all connections are tight and never carry propane tanks into a home.
Grills should always be used in a well-ventilated area.
Mosquitoes and Ticks:
If you are in a grassy or wooded area, apply a DEET containing repellent that will protect against mosquitoes AND ticks. Always check yourself, children and pets for ticks after returning indoors and remove attached ticks immediately using tweezers. Mosquito bites can spread West Nile virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), while attached ticks can spread Lyme disease.
Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants and socks to prevent mosquito bites. Limit your time outdoors between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active and apply an approved mosquito repellent.

描述無證件移民影片"美國;我也是" 6/30 波士頓首映

BOSTON and LOS ANGELES – Newton native Anike Tourse will debut her film America: I Too, starring Academy Award nominee Barkhad Abdi and featuring music by Grammy winners Quetzal, at the Roxbury International Film Festival on Friday, June 30, as part of a series of narrative shorts about the American experience.
Movie-posterThe film was produced by the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), the largest immigrant rights organization based in California, and is being promoted in Boston by the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), the largest organization in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees.
“This is a powerful film with an important message for immigrants and native-born Americans alike,” said Eva Millona, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA). “Our democracy can only thrive if we all enjoy the rights and protections granted to us by the Constitution. We are thrilled to work with our coalition partner CHIRLA to promote America: I Too, and encourage all who are working to advance immigrant rights to join us at the screening.”
The Roxbury International Film Festival is a competitive festival taking place over 10 days, with workshops, panel discussions and film screenings in greater Boston. The festival celebrates people of color, featuring films that include a multicultural cast, theme, or production team and that show diverse images of people from around the world.
“This screening could not come at a more critical time, given how President Trump has pledged to increase detentions of undocumented immigrants, speed up deportations, and a growing number of American citizens are getting caught up in such actions,” said CHIRLA Executive Director Angelica Salas.
Tourse, who wrote, produced and directed the film, has written for television and for the stage, and produced multilingual videos and public service announcements for the immigrant rights movement (see her website). She said she is particularly pleased that the film will screen as part of an evening of shorts that explore what it means to be part of American culture today.
“I have long since felt that the criminalizing of immigrants is not happening in isolation but is instead connected to a series of collective actions geared towards creating an underclass of marginalized people in this country, a second-class citizenship that includes African American men targeted as felons, and low-income disenfranchised communities of color,” Tourse said. “My hope is that this film will remind Americans of what is at the core of the American dream: justice, fairness, opportunity and yes, fighting like hell for our constitutional rights.”
Barkhad Abdi signed up for the project unaware that two of the places he lived – Somalia and Yemen – would be included in President Trump’s travel ban. Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1985, Abdi earned wide acclaim for his first film role in Captain Phillips (2013) and has gone on to be cast in the highly anticipated Blade Runner reboot.
“We need to help each other, just as we all need help at one time or another,” Abdi said. “I wanted to do this project because while this information might be helpful to some people, someday I may need help too. You can’t abandon what’s right just because you may not be the person being affected at the time.”
Tickets for America; I Too are available at http://www.mfa.org/programs/film/shorts-5-america. To see a trailer for the film, go to https://youtu.be/sFlYkH1be2A (English) or https://youtu.be/hWNDlfsN6wk (Spanish).

Note to editors: Advance interviews with Anike Tourse can be obtained through the contacts listed above, or by emailing her directly at anike@aniketourse.com (please cc media contacts). 


    第十屆全球華文網路教育研討會(International Conference on Internet Chinese Education,簡稱ICICE10)於本(106)年62425日在臺北張榮發基金會國際會議中心舉辦,本研討會提供國內華語教學者與海外僑校教師學術交流平臺,並進行論文徵求,計核錄單篇論文42篇、小組論文6篇及教學工作坊論文9篇,總計57篇。






星期一, 6月 12, 2017








