
星期一, 5月 22, 2017


劍橋合唱團於521日晚間在麻省理工學院Kresge Auditorium  舉行2017春季音樂會【聽泉】,由顏毓芬博士擔任指揮,波士頓大學鋼琴博士候選人林宜穎擔任伴奏,近40位熱愛合唱音樂的歌手擔綱演出,吸引300餘位華洋人士到場聆賞。
這場音樂會上下半場風格迥異。上半場演出台灣校園民歌及當代青年作曲家的作品,包括劉新誠改編的「聽泉」、冉天豪作曲的「尋夢者」(原為戴望舒詩作)、「願」(原為蔣勳詩作)、現居波士頓的鋼琴家周鑫泉作曲的「去罷」(原為徐志摩詩作)、林育伶的台語合唱曲「四季的風」;下半場的「肯亞彌撒Missa Kenya」是作曲家Paul Basler將自己在東非肯亞的教學經驗與西方音樂融合的美麗果實,邀請波士頓音樂學院的法國號演奏家呂佳鴻、打擊樂手鄭育薇、張慈恩跨界演出。而最後的安可曲,更是最受團員熱愛的曲目。




劍橋合唱團5月21日星期日晚間7點將在麻省理工學院Kresge Auditorium 
(48 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA) 舉行2017春季音樂會【聽泉 】。

本次音樂會上下半場風格迥異。上半場將演出台灣校園民歌及當代青年作曲家的作作品,包括劉新誠改編的「聽泉」、冉天豪作曲的「尋夢者」(原為戴望舒詩作)、「願」(原為蔣勳詩作)、現居波士頓的鋼琴家周鑫泉作曲的「去罷」(原為徐志摩詩作)、林育伶的台語合唱曲「四季的風」。下半場的「肯亞彌撒Missa Kenya」是作曲家Paul Basler將自己在東非肯亞的教學經驗與西方音樂融合的美麗果實,將邀請波士頓音樂院的法國號演奏家呂佳鴻、打擊樂手鄭育薇、張慈恩跨界演出。最後還有最受團員熱愛的隱藏曲目,精彩可期。
本次音樂會由顏毓芬博士擔任指揮,波士頓大學鋼琴博士候選人林宜穎擔任伴奏,近40位熱愛合唱音樂的歌手擔綱演出。演出憑票入場,購票請洽cccs-officers@mit.edu 。現場購票僅收支票。

聯絡電話:217-979-9719,Email: cccs-officers@mit.edu






City-wide initiative to bring together business, government, education and community leaders to create an action plan for addressing racism
BOSTON - Monday, May 22, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a partnership with the Hyams Foundation to launch a series of race dialogues in Boston neighborhoods, as a continuation of the work started to acknowledge systemic racism and work toward racial equity.

The Hyams Foundation is a private, independent foundation dedicated to achieving economic, racial and social justice in Boston and Chelsea. Through this partnership, Hyams will lead efforts to engage local organizations, businesses, agencies and communities in a wide range of dialogues, programs and projects related to racial justice and equity across the Greater Boston community.

"I am grateful to the Hyams Foundation for their partnership in the effort to bring these important conversations to every neighborhood in Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "When we hosted the first citywide race dialogue last November, we saw there was great interest for these conversations to take place, and also saw the healing power that comes with being open and honest about racism. As we continue our work in the city to close persistent racial gaps, I hope all residents will consider stepping forward to get involved in the conversation and help move us closer to racial equity."

"Boston is at a key moment: with increased economic development, a growing population that is becoming more diverse, and a new city-wide strategic plan, a huge opportunity exists to ensure all Bostonians are able to contribute to the city's vitality and growth," said Hyams Executive Director Dr. Jocelyn V. Sargent.  "We've seen dialogues around race happening locally and nationally over the last few years, but we've seen little progress in transforming these dialogues into action. It's time for us to walk the talk."

From June to December, each of Boston's neighborhoods, will hold a facilitated discussion on race, open to all Boston residents. Facilitators will be trained by experienced consultants, and will be provided with a common framework for conducting these dialogues. In addition, Hyams will serve as a resource for other sectors as they develop action plans and benchmarks to achieve racial equity.

It is the hope that the launch of the neighborhood dialogues on racism will inspire community-based groups, philanthropic institutions, businesses, academic institutions, the health-care sector, faith-based organizations, youth groups, mass and social media who have made commitments to working across their fields to realize racial equity in Boston.

Boston's focus on issues of racism and racial equity is linked with its membership in the 100 Resilient Cities Network (100RC), a project of the Rockefeller Foundation, which the City joined in December 2014. Through its partnership with 100RC, the City has hired its first Chief Resilience Officer, Dr. Atiya Martin, and formed the Mayor's Office of Resilience and Racial Equity.

In November 2016, as part of that office's work, the City hosted "Boston Talks About Racism," a public forum attended by over 600 residents, which served as the kick-off to a citywide conversation about racism. As part of the event, Mayor Walsh released  "The Blueprint: A Preview of the Principles and Framework for Boston's Resilience Strategy," a report outlining how racial equity lies at the heart of the forthcoming Resilience Strategy.

Governor Baker and Boston Mayor Walsh Announce Expanded Early College Program

Governor Baker and Boston Mayor Walsh Announce Expanded Early College Program
Expansion of dual enrollment program between John D. O’Bryant Math and Science High School and Massachusetts Maritime Academy guarantees admission; financial aid.
BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker and Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Boston Public School officials to announce the expansion of a dual enrollment program that will guarantee admission to the maritime college. College officials also pledged to fully-fund financial aid needs for qualified students from the John D. O’Bryant High School who are enrolled in the partnership program and admitted to the Academy.

The announcement comes as part of the Baker-Polito Administration’s ongoing education series, as state officials are highlighting various education programs, initiatives and funding opportunities from early education to college level, all aimed at providing a quality and affordable education for every student in the Commonwealth.

“Exposing Massachusetts students to college-level courses while they are in high school will create more opportunities for them and improve their overall educational experience,” Governor Charlie Baker said. “The expanded partnership between Mass Maritime and the John D. O’Bryant will strengthen both schools and all students involved and could serve as a model for similar programs across the Commonwealth.”

“We are very pleased that Mass Maritime Academy and the City of Boston launched this innovative partnership to expose Boston Public School students to STEM college courses before they graduate from high school,” Lt. Governor Karyn Polito said. “Encouraging more students to pursue studying STEM subjects through programs like this will ultimately lead to an even stronger Commonwealth.”

“The City of Boston and Mass Maritime have a long, historic relationship that has grown even stronger with this partnership that brings more opportunities to our students," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “We’re focused on providing Boston Public School students the education and resources that will lead to successful, rewarding careers, and I’m proud this partnership will allow graduates to bring their unique strengths to Mass Maritime.”

Mass Maritime Academy and the John D. O’Bryant High School first launched dual enrollment courses in the fall of 2015, aided by a $30,000-a-year state dual enrollment grant. Academy faculty travel to the high school in Roxbury once a week to teach classes in coastal navigation, emergency management, and introduction to engineering. Students can earn up to 12 college credits, and receive mentoring and college counseling. They are also eligible for scholarships to attend the Academy’s summer academic camps, Sea, Science and Leadership.

Since the program’s inception, nearly 100 students have completed at least one dual enrollment course. School officials hope to greatly increase that number with the expanded partnership.

Mass Maritime was recently ranked #3 in the nation in a list of “best value” colleges – looking at tuition and fees versus the average starting salary, according to a recent ranking by SmartAsset.com Mass Maritime made the list for having an average starting salary for graduates of $58,900 and in-state tuition costs at $7,127.

“Successful dual enrollment and early college programs make college more accessible to low-income students by giving them opportunities to earn college credits while still in high school, at no cost to them, which could help ease the financial burden for them later,” Education Secretary James Peyser said. “Dual enrollment also exposes students to career pathways they may not have thought about before.” 

“One of the most exciting aspects of this partnership is its potential to impact Boston students and their families. The college counseling, mentoring, experience with college-level courses in STEM subjects is extremely valuable, particularly for some first-generation college-goers,” Massachusetts Maritime Academy Rear Admiral Francis McDonald said. “We launched this program, with help from the state, because we wanted to impact students’ lives. By expanding this opportunity we hope to make an even bigger impact on more students.”

“I want to congratulate Admiral MacDonald and the staff of Mass Maritime for building this partnership with the John D. O’Bryant,” Carlos E. Santiago, Commissioner of Higher Education, said. “This is exactly the kind of engagement that closes opportunity gaps and demonstrates that our public campuses are committed to their primary mission of serving the students of our state and providing employers with the high-skilled talent they need.”

“This is a great example of how a thoughtful partnership can benefit our students,”said Boston Public Schools (BPS) Superintendent Tommy Chang. “This partnership truly breaks down barriers to success by providing students hands-on career readiness skills for college credit, and eliminating a financial burden for families. We look forward to growing this partnership and are grateful for the support of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.”

The Baker-Polito Administration has proposed increasing spending on all K-12 schools by more than $318 million dollars since taking office in 2015. In March, Governor Baker announced a commitment to significantly increase the number of students in designated early college programs across the state over the next five to 10 years. Successful Early College programs make college more accessible to low-income students, and give them the opportunity to learn in college-level courses while at the same time earning college credits, at no cost, which helps ease financial burdens later. Earlier this year, after years of nominal increases for providers, Governor Baker proposed a 6% rate increase for early education providers, worth more than $28 million dollars, and includes plans to increase annual support for infant and toddler providers by more than $9 million. Massachusetts was recently ranked #1 in the country for education by U.S. News and World Report, and also tops the list for best performing states on Advanced Placement Exams.

星期日, 5月 21, 2017

牛頓市長Setti Warren正式宣佈參選麻州州長(圖片)

牛頓市長Setti Warren偕同妻小,在自宅門前宣佈參選麻州州長,規模盛大。他倡議單一稅制,包括公立大學教育都免費,呼籲人們重建核心道德價值,分攤社會責任。(周菊子攝)

曾任麻州州長的杜卡吉斯(Mike Dukakis)也支持Setti Warren,稱讚他

牛頓市長候選人馬惠美(Amy Mah Sangiolo)和傅萊明罕市長候選人
Yvonne Spicer。(周菊子攝)


台灣美食廚藝巡迴講座今(21)日開鑼 (圖片)


Try something different ! 
- Learn to make special Taiwanese Cuisine for Memorial Day Weekend!

Chef: Cathy Lee 李怡君, 高雄餐旅大學副教授
Assistant Chef: Mr Liao 廖昱翔, 同德家商餐飲教師
Host: Taiwan Chamber of Commerce of New England - Greater Boston
Taiwan Youth Chamber of Commerce of New England
Sunday Workshop: May 21, 2017, 2-5pm
Place: 99 Chestnut Hill Ave, Brighton, MA 02135
Spiced Steamed Sticky Rice 五香蒸油飯
Pepper Beef Bun 台式胡椒餅
Taiwan Style Pickled Cabbage 黃金漬泡菜
Fee: $20
Monday Workshop: May 22, 2017, 2-5pm
Place: 108 Oak St, Newton Upper Falls, MA
Scallion Multi-Layers Pancake 手工蔥抓餅
Salt & Pepper Fried Chicken 鹽酥雞
Distiller's Grains Minced Pork 臺式紅糟肉


中國駐紐約科技參贊邢繼俊,麻州生命科學中心執行長Travis McCready
            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)大波士頓5月19日再添中國勢力。齊魯製藥正式入駐,邀得波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)等嘉賓,在布萊頓(Brighton)為齊魯製藥波士頓創新中心(QBIC),以及齊魯波士頓生物技術有限公司(QLB)舉行了剪綵儀式。
            齊魯製藥的齊魯製藥波士頓創新中心(QBIC)和齊魯波士頓生物技術剪綵儀式十分盛大,邀有波士頓市長馬丁華殊,麻州生命科學中心執行長Travis McCready,濟南市市委常委,高新區管委會主任徐群,中國駐紐約總領事館科技參贊邢繼俊等人出席剪綵。
           據悉,齊魯製藥為波士頓創新中心及齊魯波士頓生物技術公司在波士頓Soldier Field Place 50號買下的辦公室廠房,佔地25,000平方呎,耗資1000萬元。


台灣人公共事務協會麻州分會520(週六)下午2點半至5點,在Clypd (212 Elm St., Somerville, MA 02144)舉行年會,邀林倢講談"國家邁向正常化之路"。

FAPA - MA Chapter Annual Meeting

Passionate about Taiwan? Interested in learning how to make a difference for Taiwan in America? Join us to learn what FAPA had accomplished in the past year and the plan going forward. Come and meet like-minded individuals and see how you can put ideas into action. To give everyone a peek into how Taiwan is currently being discussed in Washington, we have invited June Lin, Sunflower activist and currently Policy Associate at FAPA HQ, to share her insight. See below for more information on her talk!

2:30-3:00pm: Registration and membership dues
3:00-3:30pm: Chapter report
3:30-5:00pm: Featured Talk, Q&A, social

Snacks and bubble tea will be provided!

If you are driving to the event, here is a map of public parking lots in Davis Square: http://www.parksomerville.com/pdfs/davisparking_map.pdf
It's unclear how much available parking there will be in these lots, so we encourage you to carpool or park at Alewife and taking the red line to Davis.
Navigating the path toward Taiwan's normalization as a country

As a small but tenacious country, Taiwan performs a complicated balancing act between two great powers - the United States and China. In the past few years, with the rise of civic power and vibrant democracy movements, the political landscape and the fate of Taiwan has forever been changed. With the KMT party-state’s power deteriorating, we are finally making the steps toward the normalization of our country. However, with the recent election of President Trump, we are now at a critical juncture of US-Taiwan relations, facing both new challenges and new opportunities. As Taiwanese American grassroot advocates, how can we find a path for Taiwan to establish itself as a country, despite the looming uncertainty worldwide?


Guest Speaker: June Lin 林倢
Soon after the Sunflower Movement came to an end, June and several other participants founded the social justice group Democracy Tautin. The group aimed to follow up on the cross-strait agreement issues and to continue the energy of Sunflower Movement. Later that year, she also joined KP’s campaign in the Taipei City mayoral election. From 2015 to 2016, June worked in the Lee Tung-Hui Foundation as a Researcher and also in Legislative Yuan as Legislator Su Chi-fen's congressional aide. June is now based in DC and is currently working as a policy associate at the Formosan Association for Public Affairs.

MA:NTU Graduate Institute of National Development (Currently leave of absence)
Democracy Tautin – Coordinator of the Media Department/Deputy Coordinator/General Coordinator/Spokesperson
2014 KP’s Election Campaign – Taiwan Association for Strategic Simulation’s RA
2015-2016 Lee Tung-Hui Foundation – Researcher
2016 Legislator Su Chih-Feng – Congressional Aid
FAPA – Intern (2015)/Policy Fellow (2016)/Policy Associate(2017)

作為318運動參與者之一,林倢在佔領行動結束後積極投入社會運動工作,與議場內其他參與者共組青年團體「民主鬥陣」(現「民主維新」),持續針對兩岸政治、經貿問題進行倡議與監督。除體制外倡議工作之外,2014年林倢曾作為台灣戰略模擬學會的研究助理,組成柯文哲台北市長選舉中的戰情部;2015至16年,她曾任李登輝基金會的研究部專員,並在2016選舉後成為蘇治芬委員的國會助理。現在,林倢在華府的台灣人公共事務會擔任政策助理(Policy Associate)。

2014-16 民主鬥陣:媒體部統籌/副召/總召/發言人
台灣人公共事務會:Intern (2015)/Policy Fellow (2016)/Policy Associate(2017)

波城僑胞聲援臺灣參與WHA 發表共同聲明







BOSTON - Saturday, May 20, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, members of the Boston Public Library and the City of Boston's Public Facilities Department today celebrated the reopening of the Jamaica Plain Branch at 30 South Street with a ribbon cutting ceremony that was attended by community members and elected officials. The $10 million renovation revitalizes the branch services and spaces, including a 20 percent increase in space for the community to read, browse the collection, access computers, attend and host meetings, and participate in programming.

Reaffirming Mayor Walsh's commitment to bringing quality library services to neighborhoods throughout the City, nearly $14 million in library projects are planned across the city as part of the Mayor's Capital Plan in FY18 and an additional $102 million in funding for library projects is slated for FY19-FY22.

"Libraries are essential resources for neighborhoods, and it is important that we continue investing in them to improve access, add services, and build a strong sense of community," said Mayor Walsh. "The Jamaica Plain library branch is the second busiest in our BPL library system, after the Central Library, and it is exciting that with the expansion we'll now be able to accommodate even more visitors. As the first project under the City's Percent for Art program, we're excited to start integrating arts and culture into our public facilities, and look forward to the future projects across the City that will enhance our libraries."

"We are thrilled to reopen the Jamaica Plain Branch and provide a transformed building and services to community members that inspire intercultural and intergenerational connections.  Once again the library will be the center of civic life at the corner of South and Sedgwick streets," said Evelyn Arana-Ortiz, Vice Chair of the Board Public Library's Board of Trustees.

"The success of this renovation is a tribute to collaboration between the City of Boston's Offices of Public Facilities Department, Budget Management, Library staff and the Architects and Construction partners, and especially the longstanding advocacy of the Friends of the JP Library, and we are confident this newly renovated space will serve lifelong learners, today and well into the future," said David Leonard, President of the Boston Public Library.

The renovation features a 700-square foot addition facing South Street that will serve as a community reading lounge; a terrace along Sedgwick Street where residents can read and mingle; multiple meeting spaces; improved and more flexible space for children, teens, and adults; and a refreshed collection of 30,000 items. Technology improvements include 15 new desktop and 20 laptop computers, free WiFi, additional self-checkout stations, creativity software in the new digital maker-space, and hearing loop technology for people with hearing loss. Other features include an elevator for full ADA accessibility to all levels, new and more efficient mechanical systems, parking for over 15 bikes, and new exterior landscaping.

Mayor Walsh recently announced a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a public art project at the Jamaica Plain Branch, the first call for artists under the new Percent for Art Program, first announced with the release of the City of Boston's cultural plan,Boston Creates. The Percent for Art program is a critical policy outcome of the planning process and addresses Goal 4 of the plan: to integrate arts and culture into all aspects of civic life, inspiring all Bostonians to value, practice and reap the benefits of creativity in their individual lives and their communities. Through the Percent for Art Program, the City will invest $1.7 million in public art projects in FY18, one percent of the City's planned borrowing for the year.

The Jamaica Plain Branch hours are Monday through Wednesday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Thursday from 12 - 8 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Community members are encouraged to follow the Jamaica Plain Branch Facebook page or online calendar for information on upcoming programs and events.

Boston Public Library, the City of Boston's Public Facilities Department, and Utile, Inc. Architecture & Planning, the design firm for the project, collaborated closely with the Friends of the Jamaica Plain Branch Library and the community at-large to design a renovated library that fulfills the needs of library patrons and visitors. The general contractor for the project is Colantonio, Inc.
Most major renovations or new construction projects undergo a programming, design, and construction phase, including significant community engagement to gain input, feedback, and insight from users. Follow progress on these projects via www.bpl.org/branchcapitalprojectsImages of the renovated branch are available upon request.