
星期四, 3月 23, 2017


(Boston Orange)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)宣佈415日將是永久性的波士頓團結日(One Boston Day)”。波士頓今年也將繼續誌記這個特別的日子,表揚那些有如在2013415日慘劇發生時,彰顯了波士頓韌性和精神的個人。
              去年415日,#OneBostonDay 在全美社交媒體上的帶領潮流,在各個社交頻道上,有來自個人或機構的不下77,000個帖子,分享各自做了哪些服務或好事。今年,Hill Holiday公司仍將作為這一活動的創意及數位行銷夥伴,擴散波士頓團結日的知名度,能見度。

Encourages the public, organizations to get involved in spreading goodwill

BOSTON - Thursday, March 22, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh has announced that the City of Boston will once again honor Boston's resilience, generosity and strength on April 15, now permanently known as "One Boston Day". The day serves as an opportunity to recognize the good in Boston's community and reflect on the spirit and resilience of the people of Boston that was exemplified in response to the loss and tragedies of April 15, 2013.

The City of Boston will utilize a website where individuals and organizations can share their plans for One Boston Day, and post about it on social media using the hashtags #OneBostonDay and #BeBoston. Members of the public are encouraged to share how they plan on spreading goodwill on April 15, and show support on social media by using the One Boston Day logos.

"The Boston Marathon is a key part of our city's identity, and continues to show the world that Boston is strong, and our traditions will endure, no matter what," said Mayor Walsh. "The spirit of the day on April 15 shows the best of Boston: how Bostonians from all backgrounds come together to line the streets, celebrate one another and do good for their community. I hope everyone can mark this day in a way that inspires each other with the love we have for our community, our neighbors and our City."

Mayor Walsh announced this year's remembrance of One Boston Day  at the unveiling of the 2017 Boston Marathon street banners hosted by John Hancock at Marathon Sports on Boylston Street earlier this week.

One Boston Day encourages random acts of kindness and goodwill, and activities across the City will encourage individuals to give back to their community. This new tradition came together in 2015 based on the desire expressed by many survivors to pass on the kindness, generosity and support they received following the 2013 Boston Marathon.

Last April 15, #OneBostonDay was a leading trend nationally on social media, and there were over 77,000 posts across social channels from individuals and organizations marking this day of service and goodwill. As in the past, Hill Holiday is serving as the creative and digital marketing partner to help spread awareness and raise the visibility of One Boston Day.


                (Boston Orange) 經文處賴銘琪處長321日赴緬因州首府奧古斯塔(Augusta)拜會州長李佩吉(Paul LePage) ,祝賀該州2016年捕獲龍蝦量創新紀錄,並廣受亞洲各國市場歡迎;並稱臺灣消費者也十分喜食新英格蘭龍蝦,近年進口之緬因州龍蝦在臺備受青睞;賴處長允未來於各種時機場合續媒合拓銷龍蝦等產品出口臺灣。
          賴處長此行另分別拜會緬因州參議長Mike Thibodeau、眾議長Sara Gideon、參議會助理多數黨領袖Andre Cushing、聯邦參議員Susan Collins (R-ME)的選區代表Kate Simson、聯邦參議員Angus King Jr. (I-ME)的選區服務代表Scott WilkinsonSarah Graettinger及多位州議會領袖,積極促進臺灣與緬因州之友好關係,並推薦各種投資與合作機會。(波士頓經文處提供)

星期三, 3月 22, 2017

一旦共和黨健保法上路 麻州可能有50萬人會失去醫療健保

(Boston Orange)麻州州長查理貝克( Charlie Baker)321日時警告式地指出,共和黨廢除聯邦醫療健保法的計畫,可能讓50萬名麻州居民失去醫療保險,使州政府預算出現一個20億元大洞。麻州這全美第一個的全民醫療健保承諾也將受到危害。
麻州健康及人民服務署署長Marylou Sudders更是直接,照目前公布的法案來看,對我們不利。
指揮全民健保(Health Care for All)Stephen Rosenfeld表示,查理貝克給國會議員的信數量化了麻州預算可能面對的巨大預算影響,大家應該呼籲麻州州長慫恿全美其他州長來聯手打擊這有害的法令。
Marylou Sudders概要形容了川普法案對麻州可能有哪些特定影響。她說,在幾年內,麻州可能每年失去11億到19億元的聯邦醫療補助(Medicaid),這為貧窮及殘障人士提供的醫療保險,名為麻州健康(MassHealth)”


            麻州一職是醫療保險改革上的領袖,自從2006年共和黨籍的朗尼(Mitt Romney)州長簽署後,這法案為麻州居民創造了幾近全民的健保。其中的主要內容包括規定每個居民都要買健康保險。


Boston School Committee approves Boston Public Schools' FY '18 budget in 5-2 vote

Schools receive nearly 4 percent increase in funding


BOSTON - Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - The Boston School Committee passed the fiscal year 2018 Boston Public Schools' (BPS) budget in a 5-2 vote during its March 22 meeting, totaling $1.061 billion.

The budget is the largest in BPS history, representing a projected $40 million increase since last year, and a $143 million increase since Mayor Martin J. Walsh took office in 2014 despite declining state and federal aid. The FY18 allocation makes targeted investments in programs that increase academic rigor and enrichments, pre-kindergarten, extended learning time, vocational programming, and resources for students experiencing homelessness.

"Boston is entering a new era of investment in our schools and I thank the Boston School Committee for continuing to come together for our students and their futures," Mayor Walsh said. "Through the largest school investment in the city's history, we are adding additional classroom time for kindergarten through eighth grade, more-prekindergarten seats, expanding vocational programming and significantly increasing funding to our classrooms. Last year, we saw more schools reach Level 1 and Level 2 status than ever before and high school and college graduation rates are at an all-time high. It is my priority to continue to build on that success and provide every student in every neighborhood with the high-quality education they deserve."

Funding directed to schools will increase by almost 4 percent, even before the largest driver of BPS costs, employee collective bargaining increases, are negotiated. When taking into account total spending at schools, funding directed to schools is projected to increase at 96 schools even with flat overall district enrollment. This includes additional funding for lengthening the school day at 39 schools, new homeless resources, weighted student funding (WSF) allocations, a projected allotment from the collective bargaining reserve, other supports added to schools after WSF, and other new investments.

BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang thanked School Committee members for their careful deliberation of the budget.

"On behalf of the Boston Public Schools (BPS), I thank the Boston School Committee for carefully considering and approving a budget for fiscal year 2018 that increases funding for schools and provides critical resources - including expanded academic rigor, extending the school day, additional pre-K seats, and services for students experiencing homelessness," said Superintendent Chang. "This $1.061 billion budget, the largest in BPS history, is a sustainable financial plan that aligns with the district's core values of equity, coherence, and innovation, and helps ensure that every student has an opportunity to succeed. BPS is excited by the commitment of Mayor Walsh, whose administration has increased projected funding for the district by $40 million since last year and $143 million since taking office. The new and continued investments from the Walsh administration will strengthen the district's mission of closing opportunity and achievement gaps."

The record-setting funding for BPS comes as the district experiences major gains. In 2016, the four-year high school graduation rate climbed to a record high of 72.4 percent, marking a 13-point gain since 2006. Additionally, BPS has more state-designated Level 1 and 2 schools than ever before, with a combined 46 schools ranked among the highest-performing in the state. More than 600 additional students will be enrolled in Level 1 and 2 schools next year, indicating more families are taking advantage of the school choice process.

Targeted supports in the fiscal 2018 BPS budget include:

      A $1.2 million investment to support more than 2,500 students experiencing homelessness.
      An additional $700,000 for the groundbreaking Excellence for All initiative that increases academic rigor and enrichments for students in fourth and fifth grade.
      $600,000 to expand pre-kindergarten seats and laying a foundation for the Mayor's goal of universal pre-K.
      $1.3 million for new vocational programming at The English High School and Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers.
      An additional $650,000 for facilities improvements.

Under the new Opportunity and Achievement Gap Policy, the fiscal 2018 budget was proposed after a careful equity analysis to ensure funding is directed toward our highest-need students in a manner that is consistent with closing opportunity and achievement gaps.

The budget also solidifies the commitment of Mayor Walsh and BPS to strengthen the district's long-term financial plan; and improve infrastructure for the next decade and beyond through the BuildBPS educational and facilities master plan.

In addition, Mayor Walsh recently filed comprehensive education finance reform legislation at the State House that aims to invest equitably in public education and expand access to high-quality education for students of all ages. This includes a proposal to close the "quality gap" in pre-kindergarten seats in Boston by fiscal year 2025 by creating approximately hundreds more quality pre-kindergarten seats, which would be funded by redirecting $16.5 million of surplus revenue raised in Boston from the Convention Center Fund to the City of Boston for early education.

The approved budget will be submitted to the Boston City Council for final approval later this spring. 


            (Boston Orange 周菊子法國坎城報導)在全世界規模最大房地產展之一的MIPIM中,2017年中國表現亮眼,儘管來自中國的參展者不多,由Aedas公司Andrew Bromberg設計,座落在北京的中國世貿中心第三期,不但贏得零售休閒類的建築評審獎,還贏得最佳未來項目獎。
            根據Cushman & Wakefield公司公佈的數據,全球房地產投資的新資金大約有4350億元,比2016年低,但仍是2009年以來第二高的數據。
            倫敦副市長Jules Pipe也出席了會議,還說,不論如何,英國會熬過來。
巴黎地區(Paris Region)將會見出300萬平方呎的辦公室空間,以及5300萬平方呎的歐洲最大商圈,斥資300億元的投資項目將讓巴黎地鐵到2030年時的載客容量加倍。巴黎地區也將在未來十年投資50億元,以迎接大約22000名高中生,翻修650萬平方呎的現有房地產。
            預計耗資70億歐元的伊斯坦堡大機場,將耗資300億歐元的大巴黎快車,預定2030年竣工,連接東西倫敦,將耗資170億歐元的跨鐵路鍊接(Crossrail link)預計2020年起分階段啟動。
            有些人認為,MIPIM今年最惹人注意的項目是義大利國防部控制的威尼斯Vignole Island,將在50年退壤協議中,由發展商蓋酒店及休憩用地。
            MIPIM的主辦單位Reed MIDEM在會議中宣佈了1011日在紐約舉辦地產科技峰會,十月十八,十九兩日在倫敦奧林匹亞舉辦英國MIPIM會展。

            最佳醫療護理項目獎為丹麥的Slagelse,最佳酒店及旅遊休憩地為法國的Albar Hotel Paris Céline,最加工業及物流項目為比利時的Nike歐洲物流園區,最佳創新綠化大樓是巴西的”明日博物館(The Museu do Amanhã)”,最佳辦公商業項目為波蘭的Warsaw Spire,最佳翻修樓宇為比利時布魯塞爾的Chambon。最佳住宅項目為德國柏林的li01,有六棟公寓的新建築。最佳購物中心為英國LeedsVictoria Gate。最佳市區新生項目是比利時的be-MINEBeringen。最佳未來項目為中國的中國世貿中心第三期。最佳未來巨型項目為日本的Kashiwa-no-ha 智慧城市。特別評審獎由土耳其伊斯坦堡的Beyazit State圖書館。

Graduation of the Fourth Class of the Pre-Vocational Skills for Retail Employment Job Training Program

Graduation of the Fourth Class of the Pre-Vocational Skills for Retail Employment Job Training Program
BOSTON, MA – The Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center and the Chinese Progressive Association celebrated the graduation of their fourth class of the Pre-Vocational Skills with ESOL for Retail Employment training program.  Nine students graduated, with three having already begun work in their new customer service positions.
Two of the graduates will be working as cashiers at local supermarket chain Roche Bros., which is a longtime partner of this program and has provided expert retail knowledge and behind-the-scenes tours to all students of the class. Joe Curtin, who is the Director of Recruiting, Training, and Development at Roche Bros., was the keynote speaker at the graduation. Already familiar to the students from his energetic and informative tour of the store’s Downtown Crossing location, Mr. Curtin impressed upon the graduates the importance of continually striving for better English proficiency. He urged the students to step outside their comfort zones and take risks with language. Mr. Curtin was excited to have hired two of the graduates and emphasized that at Roche Bros., there is always opportunity for people who are willing to work hard.
The graduation was also attended by representatives of the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development, which supports the program through the Neighborhood Jobs Trust. In a short speech, Marsha Gelin of the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development recognized the students’ achievements and wished them the best in their future careers. Next, attendees heard from Alison Fong, the co-founder and owner of Bon Me. Ms. Fong, a former Chinese Progressive Association intern, now owns an Asian-inspired restaurant and food truck business with over 160 employees across Greater Boston. Bon Me currently employs six graduates of the program, and Ms. Fong provided insight into their progress at her company while encouraging the most recent graduates to apply.
Finally, each graduate gave a speech about the impact the class has had on them. Student Amy Lam shared what she had learned from her experience, saying, “If I didn’t attend this program, I wouldn’t have the knowledge to sell products and I wouldn’t know my good classmates. This class is very important to me – I met great people!”  
The 10-week training provides low-income immigrants with the English, customer service, and mainstream job search skills needed to obtain and maintain employment in the retail and customer service industries. Students also have the opportunity to speak to local employers, including Roche Bros., Bon Me, and Uniqlo.

Registration is now open for the next training, which is set to take place this summer. Students must meet low-income requirements and be residents of Boston; those interested should go to CPA at 28 Ash Street, Boston, to register and to schedule a time for an English test and an interview.

Artist Genaro Ortega

BOSTON - Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that artist Genaro Ortega has been selected to create a mural at Peters Park in the South End following an open call for artists through a Request for Proposal. Ortega will work with a selection of Boston youth to paint the mural in May 2017.  

The Peters Park Art Wall was proclaimed a legal graffiti wall in 1986 in an effort to decrease vandalism in the South End. The Boston Art Commission, in partnership with The African Latino Alliance Collective, City Lights, Washington Gateway Main Street, Friends of Peters Park, and Old Dover Neighborhood Association will continue the tradition of curating and programming the Art Wall. This allows for the enrichment of the neighborhood as well as the preservation and celebration of the South End's diverse cultural history.

"The Peters Park Art Wall is culturally significant to our city, particularly for our residents in the South End," said Mayor Walsh. "We look forward to continuing the tradition of allowing Boston's youth the opportunity for creative and cultural expression in Peters Park."

Genaro Ortega is a Boston-based visual arts specialist who has taught painting and drawing for over 20 years. Currently, Ortega is a painting mentor at South Boston's Artists for Humanity as well as the Mural Curator for Madison Park High School. Ortega's proposed mural pays homage to current equality movements. Ortega graduated from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design with a Bachelors in Fine Arts in Art and Design with a focus in Illustration.

"The Peters Park Art Wall will once again bring the community together to celebrate and preserve a history of culturally relevant art," said Julie Burros, Chief of Arts and Culture for the City of Boston. "Peters Park mural has been gracing the community with art for many years and we look forward to seeing what Genaro will create."

"The South End neighborhood has long been defined by the creative energy of our community," said Kristin Phelan, Board President, Washington Gateway Main Street. "The synergy that has formed around this project between the Mayor's Office, South End organizations, artists from the original ALA Collective, residents, and creative enthusiasts is inspiring. Clearly, there is power in collaboration, and we look forward to this being the first of many projects to come."

Learn more and find additional information about community involvement with the Peters Park Graffiti Mural at www.petersparkart.com.