
星期二, 2月 28, 2017






林全出席高雄228追思 稱政府為團結推轉型正義

林揆:弭平228歷史傷痛 落實轉型正義 讓民主持續深化與成熟





一、   「政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例」已於去(105)年810日公布施行,行政院也隨後成立「不當黨產處理委員會」。到今年215日止,已收到292件檢舉及陳情案,對於符合該委員會職權的個案,都已經立案調查。

二、   政治檔案的解密公開:政治檔案為國家保存了民主歷程的重要紀錄及資產,但仍有許多威權時代的檔案沒有公開。行政院去年已核定「政治檔案清查、徵集與整理計畫」,預計3年內完成政治檔案的清查、徵集、整理等作業。目前檔案局所徵集典藏的檔案,已全部解密,並自31日起陸續進行內容分析、索引編製及數位化工作,有助於政府及民間後續推動轉型正義研究、文物保存、以及教育等相關工作。

三、   為彰顯言論自由的重要性,並紀念鄭南榕先生對推動民主自由的貢獻,行政院於去年129日核定,從今年開始,每年的47日訂為「言論自由日」。





















星期一, 2月 27, 2017

Governor Baker, MBTA to Celebrate 10,000 Rides in Paratransit Pilot Program

Governor Baker, MBTA to Celebrate 10,000 Rides in Paratransit Pilot Program with Uber, Lyft
Will announce future of innovative partnership delivering RIDE customers on-demand service

BOSTON  On Feb. 28th in Charlestown, Governor Charlie Baker and MBTA Acting General Manager Brian Shortsleeve will celebrate the 10,000th ride provided by the MBTA’s The RIDE On-Demand Paratransit Pilot Program with ride-share companies Uber and Lyft, and make an announcement regarding the program’s future. The pilot is delivering on-demand service for approximately 400 individuals with disabilities and providing reduced fares, lower wait times and faster trips.

Governor Baker, Acting General Manager Shortsleeve and executives from Uber and Lyft will welcome pilot customer Joshua Boissoneau to celebrate the 10,000th ride. Boissoneau, who travels frequently to medical appointments and remains an active para-rower, has used the pilot since its launch to travel to and from rowing practice along the Charles River in Brighton and to his place of work at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Charlestown.

Last September, Governor Baker visited the Perkins School for the Blind to launch the MBTA’s first-of-its-kind innovative pilot with Uber and Lyft. The pilot provides customers same-day booking compared to The RIDE’s day prior notice and has found MBTA trip subsidy differences of 71% ($31 for traditional RIDE service versus $9 for on-demand) with an average $4.38 cost to customers for a same-day, on-demand trip (same-day trips for The RIDE cost $5.25). Governor Baker highlighted the program’s ingenuity in his 2017 State of the Commonwealth Address last month, sharing the story of a pilot user and the benefits and flexibility the program has offered to customers.

This pilot is a part of a larger transformation of The RIDE to improve the customer experience and reduce the cost of service.  Other initiatives include centralizing its call and dispatch functions and soon offering a revamped taxi subsidy pilot program.

一亞裔女子在昆士卡拉OK店遇刺 警方籲目擊者協助

昆士市警方表示,226(週日)大約凌晨12:30分時,警員因為一名女子被刺,趕到位於昆士道217號的爵士月(Jazz Moon)卡拉OK吧。警方趕到時,一名亞裔男子開輛深色SUV廂型車,正離開停車場。

昆士警察呼籲任何在現場,把事件用手機拍照或錄影下來了的目擊者,撥打電話617-479-1212和昆士警察偵查組(detective bureau)連絡,也可使用MyPD應用程式來遞交訊息,並保持匿名狀態。

On Sunday, February 26, 2017, at approx. 12:30am, Quincy Police officers were dispatched the Jazz Moon Karaoke Bar, 217 Quincy Avenue for a female who had been stabbed. A dark color SUV, being operated by an Asian male, was exiting the parking lot while officers were arriving on location.

The officers entered the establishment and observed a female on the ground surrounded by a large amount of blood. Officers preformed life saving measures on the female victim, who had been stabbed over five times. The female victim had lost a large amount of blood. Witnesses to the incident have described the suspect as an Asian male with a dark knit hat and three quarter length coat, possibly green or multi colored. The suspect was armed with a knife that was not recovered at the scene. The victim taken to BMC and is in critical condition. Victim is a 43 year old Asian female.

The Quincy police is asking any witnesses who may have been there and have cell phone pictures or video of the incident to please contact the Quincy Police by dialing 617-479-1212 and asking to speak to the detective bureau. You may also submit a tip using our MyPD app. You can remain anonymous.


Multistate Amicus Brief Argues Companies that Purchase and Collect Defaulted Debt Are Subject to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

            BOSTONIn her efforts to protect consumers from unlawful debt collection practices, Attorney General Maura Healey joined a multistate amicus brief filed in the United States Supreme Court arguing that debt buyers who purchase defaulted consumer debt and attempt to collect it are subject to the federal fair debt collection law.

            “Debt buyers purchasing defaulted consumer debt for pennies on the dollar, only to turn around and pursue consumers using unlawful and harassing collection tactics should be subject not only to state law, but also federal law,” AG Healey said. “It is vital that states have all the resources at their disposal to protect consumers from unscrupulous debt collectors.”

            The amicus brief, led by the Oregon Attorney General’s Office, supports the petitioners in Henson v. Santander Consumer USA, Inc. The brief argues that a company that regularly purchases and collects delinquent debts is a “debt collector” subject to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Debt buyers who purchase defaulted consumer debt are, from a consumer’s perspective, no different from debt collectors who do not own the debt. While debt buyers can and should be able to pursue lawful means of debt collection, the law should protect consumers from abuse and deception by such companies.

The FDCPA established a uniform nationwide floor to protect consumers from, among other things, “unscrupulous debt collectors who harass consumers from another State.”

As Congress recognized in enacting the FDCPA, abusive debt-collection practices contribute to “personal bankruptcies, to marital instability, to the loss of jobs, and to invasions of individual privacy,” inflicting irreparable injury not only on individual consumers but on their families and communities as well.

AG Healey’s office regularly receives consumer complaints about debt-collection abuses and has taken legal action against a number of debt collection companies. In September 2016, the AG’s Office announced that Ditech Financial, LLC, a national mortgage servicer, paid $1.4 million and agreed to strengthen its policies over its alleged abusive debt collection practices that affected more than 5,000 borrower accounts in Massachusetts. In December 2015, AG Healey sued one of the largest debt collection law firms in Massachusetts, Lustig, Glaser, & Wilson, P.C., and its two owners, alleging that the firm repeatedly sued consumers for debts they did not owe or were inaccurate.

Attorneys general involved in today’s amicus brief include Oregon, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia.


By Date
3:13 am
Hélène PINOT
Press release: SFS Group at MIPIM in Cannes
2:55 am
Emily Torres-Cullinane
Thank you for registering for MAPC Open House 2017
1:40 am
[欧美精英] Reminder: 协会组织4月初欧美精英天津行活动,报名03/01号截止。报名从速!天津创新创业领军人才给予一次性经费资助300万元!
1:29 am
Lucas DiLeo
Re: Only an advertisement today
1:09 am
Lucas DiLeo
Re: Only an advertisement today
Mon, 11:33 pm
Mon, 11:32 pm
CEO Leadership Team
[ceo-announce] BICI USA与斯坦福教授鲍哲南共同探讨技术产业化
Mon, 11:00 pm
BCIC Boston Chinese Investment Club
BCIC March Gathering: Trump执政对中美经济的潜在影响, 3/17 @MIT, 张礼卿教授, 中央财经大学金融学院原院长
Mon, 10:34 pm
Lucas DiLeo
Only an advertisement today
Mon, 7:32 pm
Wang, Alton
RELEASE: CAPAC Chair Judy Chu’s Statement on Kansas Shooting
Mon, 7:32 pm
Join us: Community voices are heading to Beacon Hill
Mon, 7:19 pm
Today's TED Talk
Smelfies, and other experiments in synthetic biology
Mon, 6:33 pm
The Boston Globe
Help your favorite non-profit earn a free ad | Voucher enclosed
Mon, 5:54 pm
Chakrabarti, Anisha (GOV)
MEDIA ADVISORY: Lt. Governor Karyn Polito's Schedule for Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Mon, 5:19 pm
Matia Robotics
Mon, 5:18 pm
Brent Grunander
Chutze, what works best?
Mon, 4:53 pm
How that Best Picture screw-up really felt at the Oscars
Mon, 3:48 pm
Small Business Administration
Education Calendar l March 2017
Mon, 3:42 pm
Boston Entrepreneurs' Network (ENET)
On March 7 ENET takes a look at Term Sheets and Valuation
Mon, 3:11 pm
Carolyn M. Jones, Publisher
Afternoon Edition: Fidelity to offer buyouts; Momenta expands; Raytheon's $1.1B deal
Mon, 2:45 pm
The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
Two Weeks Left to Apply for the 2017 Pardee Center Graduate Summer Fellows Program!
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Massachusetts Life Sciences Center
MLSC Weekly Digest (2/27/2017)
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May H. Gao
[SAUPO] 2017 SAUPO updates-April 14 at Loews Atlanta Hotel
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MedTech Boston
MedTech Minute | February 27, 2017
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�de80 Musk's SpaceX Announcement | World's Fastest SD Card | 800% Increase in Solar
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Vinan Aggarwal
Organic SEO Proposal!!!
Mon, 1:19 pm
HKTDC Research
E-commerce Series: Challenges and Opportunities
Mon, 1:17 pm
SmartBrief on Small Business
An alternative to ESOPs for succession planning
Mon, 1:14 pm
Microsoft Modern Workplace
Last Chance - save your seat for the next Modern Workplace webcast
Mon, 12:54 pm
Michael Duncan Smith
EMBARGOED PRESS RELEASE: New Repertory Theatre Announces 2017-2018 Season
Mon, 12:46 pm
Marina Petroleka
Reminder: YPE London Speaker Series – “Middle East Oil & Gas - Facing New Realities” , 1 March
Mon, 12:42 pm
Martignetti Enterprises, Inc.
Belgard Plant Tour
Mon, 12:41 pm
Midtown Properties Office
BALA Seminar: Saturday, March 11, 2017 波士頓亞裔房東協會講座
Mon, 11:59 am
MA Conference for Women
Free Teleclass Tuesday at 1pm: Be Noticed as a Real Leader
Mon, 11:31 am
HKTDC Research
E-commerce Series: Challenges and Opportunities
Mon, 11:23 am
Elena Gantvarg
[meetup-group-tujBrpxk] BostInno Entrepreneurs & Technology Meetup
Mon, 11:14 am
ShuWen Zhang
NAAAP to Host Symposium on Employee Resource Groups
Mon, 11:14 am
ShuWen Zhang
NAAAP to Host Symposium on Employee Resource Groups
Mon, 11:03 am
District Hall
District Hall News + Events: Get a sneak peek of Boston's new open data hub!
Mon, 10:57 am
Toni Troop
[JDI Media] 100 Flags. 730 Ambassadors. 120 Affiliates. 800 seats. 10 years. 1 Goal: Working to End Gender-Based Violence.
Mon, 10:19 am
Make it Stoke & Staffs
Join Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire at MIPIM 2017
Mon, 10:18 am
Gainey, Emalie (AGO)
Mon, 10:16 am
Gainey, Emalie (AGO)
Mon, 10:15 am
Mindy McHorse, AWAI
It only takes a few minutes to start your copywriting career
Mon, 10:11 am
HKTDC Exhibition
Hotel sponsorship for new visitors @HK Gifts & Premium Fair 2017
Mon, 9:55 am
Airfarewatchdog Route Fare Alert
Fare to Hong Kong: $625+ RT
Mon, 9:35 am
Keith Cline
VentureFizz - Boston's Weekly Tech Buzz (Feb 21 - Feb 26)
Mon, 9:20 am
Re: 馬總統與學生座談
Mon, 9:18 am


Proposal would require action in response to petitions signed by 250 or more residents

BOSTON – February 27, 2017 – Today Boston City Council President Michelle Wu filed an ordinance to codify the right of free petition at the municipal level in Boston. The proposed legislation would require the Council to hold a public hearing on the subject of any group petition signed by 250 or more residents.

“Good government thrives on civic engagement,” said Wu. “This ordinance will provide another outlet for residents to get involved in influencing policy and public discourse in Boston. One of the Council’s most important duties is to provide a platform for community voice. Codifying the right of free petition will ensure that the City Council is as responsive as possible to the issues facing families across the city.”

Council President Wu also gave special thanks to Boston activist and civic leader Jamarhl Crawford for sparking the idea of exploring free petition at the local level in Boston. “This proposal itself is an example of how conversation and partnership with community leads to new ideas,” said Wu.

Jamarhl Crawford said, "The Right of Free Petition Ordinance is a simple and logical step to encourage civic participation in all neighborhoods and will provide residents with a voice on issues that affect their quality of life in the City of Boston. My hope is that the residents of Boston will use this new ordinance as a tool to bring their long neglected issues and innovative ideas to the forefront."

The right of free petition is unique to Massachusetts, found in Article XIX of the state constitution and dating back to colonial times. At the Massachusetts State House, the right of free petition guarantees that any citizen may file a bill through his or her state legislator. Several cities and towns have laws codifying free petition at the municipal level in place already, including Chelsea, Lawrence, Winthrop, and Newton.

Councilor Wu will formally introduce the proposed ordinance at this week’s City Council meeting on Wednesday, March 1st, and it will be assigned to the Council’s Government Operations Committee to schedule a public hearing.

星期日, 2月 26, 2017

Socially Adaptive Robots is on its way

By Lucas DiLeo
Contributing writer

Socially Adaptive Robots is a new field that addresses how robots can better interface with and engage with humans. Increased personalized and human-like interaction will be important as the industry moves from performing repetitive tasks or responding to requests, to developing robots who can assist with rehabilitation, coaching, behavioral modification or patient care.

Dr. Maja Matarić from the University of Southern California, presented her work at the Harvard Institute for Applied Computing. Dr. Matarić is professor and Chan Soon-Shiong chair in Computer Science Department, Neuroscience Program, and the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California, founding director of the USC Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center (RASC), co-director of the USC Robotics Research Lab and Vice Dean for Research in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. 

Dr. Matarić's work explores how people interface with robots and how to make robots more engaging, communicative and responsive. This will determine the effectiveness of robots serving as trainers and health monitors and educators. 

She presented the results of projects that utilized robots for interfacing and motivating patients for stroke and rehabilitation, Alzheimer's, and Autism, as well as educating young children. 

A project for stroke rehabilitation, for instance, had the robot playfully interacting with a patient who was trying to game the sensors tracking her exercise actions. Some therapies require patients to be motivated to participate. Ordering or instructing will not work for many.

Future Robots will need to learn how to interact with people during a conversation. Such as judging how much feedback to give and the type of feedback - say based on goals or speed of learning. And style of training: should the robot be programmed to teach thru imitating, or understanding the issues that matter, or teach thru demonstrating.

According to Dr. Matarić, having a body is complex - we are hard-wired for many aspects of how we perceive people, such as body language. However, it is difficult for a robot to change what it looks like, so her lab experiments with behavior instead. One example: testing how a robot faces a person and interacts with them- looking directly at them, establishing social distance. 

Moreover, social dynamics - conversations and interactions - change over time as the mood and level of interest of the human interface changes over time. And facial signals can be tricky. As people are often immersed in problem solving so their expressions may indicate their attention to the problem, not their emotional response.

Another lab project entailed small group encounters, where the robot served as a moderator. Within groups there is often the challenge of a strong leader crowding out the participation of others. Where the robot moderator was instructed to look at and ask questions of the person saying the least - there was greater participation and group adhesion.

A final project presented using robots to explore ways to work with children visiting doctor's offices and testing different pain coping strategies. They looked at empathy, distraction and content - explaining what was going on.

In the future, Dr. Matarić's lab will be undertaking a robotic care project in an elder home.

Key takeaway from Dr. Matarić's talk: To be effective companions, trainers or health coaches, robots will need to better judge the emotions of the humans they work with, and intuit their needs and intentions, and better relate to and engage with their human counterparts in terms of the style, content and tone of their conversation.