
星期五, 1月 20, 2017

章雨亭音樂會1/21@Jordan Hall


Baker-Polito Administration Announces $8.8 Million in Local Grant and Community Compact Funding

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $8.8 Million in Local Grant and Community Compact Funding

BOSTON – Speaking at the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s (MMA) Annual Meeting today, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito announced that the Baker-Polito Administration plans to file $4 million for Community Compact grants and $2.8 million for the District Local Technical Assistance Program in their Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) operating budget proposal, to be released next week. Lieutenant Governor Polito also announced that the administration plans to include $2 million in the Governor’s FY18 Capital Budget, released in the spring, for the Community Compact IT Grant Program.
“Establishing our administration as a reliable and responsive partner for the Commonwealth’s cities and towns has been a top priority since day one,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to building on that commitment through our upcoming budget proposal and continuing all of our work with local officials on making Massachusetts a great place to live, work, and raise a family.”
“As former local officials ourselves, the Governor and I understand how important a town’s relationship with state government can be,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “As Chair of the Community Compact Cabinet, I have been fortunate enough to work with cities, towns, and regional planning agencies on establishing best practices, upgrading essential IT infrastructure, and identifying thoughtful efficiency and regionalization opportunities. The Baker-Polito Administration looks forward to another successful year of state and local partnership.”
“We are pleased to once again provide this important funding to invest in our communities,” said Secretary Kristen Lepore. “We have spent over $15 million on Community Compact programs over the past two operating and capital budgets, and the FY18 commitment will allow this successful program to support best practices at the local government level.”
In the FY18 budget proposal that the administration will file next Wednesday, $2 million will be proposed to continue the Community Compact’s Best Practices Program. To date, 252 cities and towns from across the Commonwealth have signed a community compact with the state. Of the more than 600 best practices identified, approximately 75% of them are either complete or underway.
The administration’s budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year will also include $2 million for the Community Compact’s Efficiency and Regionalization Grant Program. Administered in two rounds per fiscal year, the first round of grant applications in FY17 was highly competitive and led to $1.25 million in grants for 72 municipalities and 10 school districts. The application process for the second round of this fiscal year is currently underway and closes on February 1st.
Additionally, $2.8 million will be included in the Baker-Polito Administration’s FY18 budget proposal to continue funding the District Local Technical Assistance Program, so the state can continue working with the 13 regional planning agencies across the Commonwealth on technical issues dealing with economic development, housing, transportation and environmental projects at the local level.
In the Governor’s third capital budget, released this spring, $2 million will be provided for the Community Compact IT Grant Program. In the program’s first year, grants were awarded to 52 municipalities for various projects aimed at driving innovation at the local level. The FY17 grant application period runs from March 1 – April 1 and those municipalities who have signed up for the Best Practice program by February 15th are eligible, except for those who received an IT grant in FY16.
About the Community Compact Cabinet:
Formed in January 2015, the Community Compact Cabinet is chaired by Lt. Governor Polito and comprised of the secretaries of Housing & Economic Development, Education, Transportation, and Energy & Environmental Affairs, the Senior Deputy Commissioner of Local Services, the Assistant Secretary of Operational Services, and the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth. The Community Compact Cabinet elevates the Administration’s partnerships with cities and towns, and allows the Governor’s Office to work more closely with leaders from all municipalities. The Cabinet champions municipal interests across all executive secretariats and agencies, and develops, in consultation with cities and towns, mutual standards and best practices for both the state and municipalities.  The creation of Community Compacts creates clear standards, expectations and accountability for both partners.



紐英倫客家鄉會為擴大慶祝 2017 年 "天穿日",(全國客家日),訂於 2 月 18 日, 星期六, 隆重舉辦午餐會。除一般常見食物外,本會將特別提供深具傳統客家風味之食品數種,以享嘉賓,並藉此宣揚客家美食文化。
餘興節目將客家舞蹈表演, 抽獎, 及其他表演項目。


2 0 1 7 年 2月 1 8 日 ( 星期六) 上午 1 1 時 3 0 分 至 下午 2 時 3 0 分 

地點Hyde Community Center, 90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands, MA (僑教中心樓上體育館)
收費:會員會費, 家庭 ($20), 個人 ($15), 學生 ($10), 已繳會費者, 午餐會免費。非會員每人 $15, 8 歲以下孩童免費。

由於會場座位有限,有興趣參加午餐會者, 請盡快向下列鄉親會理事報名,以便統計人數謝謝

祝大家新年健康快樂! 萬事如意!!
周一男 敬

紐英崙中華專業人員協會春節猜謎 1/28

2017 Chinese New Year Riddles Luncheon Party

Chinese New Year Riddle Luncheon (春節猜謎餐會) January 28, 2017, 12pm at Bamboo Restaurant in Bedford.  We are very honored to have 8 local organizations co-sponsoring this event.  That means you'll have a fair chance to meet with your good old friends at the party.  Registration please either click this Eventbrite link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chinese-new-year-riddle-luncheon-tickets-30518932950

蔡明機 Ming-Chi Tsai, Ph.D.
New England Association of Chinese Professionals

January 28, 2017

Bamboo Bedford (竹葉青) 213 Burlington Road, Bedford MA 01730 Tel: 781-275-5888 Lunch Buffet Begins 12pm

主持人:王世輝醫師 MC: Dr. SH Wang,   袁尚賢博士 Sun-Shine Yuan Ph.D.

Lunch for NEACP and co-sponsor members: $20 Lunch for public:  $25 Child: under 12 years old: $10; under 6 years old: free   Registration required/suggested.  Please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chinesenew-year-riddle-luncheon-tickets-30518932950#tickets 

Contact Info:    NEACP : www.NEACP.com  Email: 2neacp@gmail.com  活動: 彭淑敏 shuminpy@gmail.com;  Yafen Kang  ycain@hotmail.com 
NCKUAA: 新英格蘭成功大學校友會
MJNE: 新英格蘭玉山科技協會
TCCNE: 新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會
Greater Boston CKHS Alumni Association: 波士頓建中校友會
GBAANTU:  大波士頓區台大校友會
BEINUAA:  波士頓北一女校友會
HAKAA:  紐英倫客家 鄉親會
CCCI: 華夏⽂化協會



R.O.C Veterans Association in Boston

E-MailBoston1031@gmail.com Tel:(508)366-2024

    P.O. Box 80578, Stoneham, MA 02180





時間:二月二十六日(星期日) 下午四時正 (提倡守時風氣,敬請準時入席)

地點: Purple Bamboo Restaurant (福成肥牛), 265 Boston Road, North Billerica MA01862

Tel: (978) 877-5176


報名登記:請於月二十二日前 向石家孝(Tel:508-366-2024)、王梵(508-245-3962)



*2017年會費已開始接受繳納,年度會費為20元。如欲繳交會費者請寄至財務理事陳世隆:Mr. Paul Chen34 Selfridge RoadBedfordMA 01730或於春宴當日交繳。支票抬頭為R.O.C. Veterans Association in Boston








波士頓 - 代表顏色,移民,婦女,殘疾人和LGBTQ社區的群體人計劃在波士頓市中心舉行一個巨大的遊行與總統就職典禮同時舉行。他們還宣布這個活動是“慶祝我們的社區的成就”以及他們為爭取更加公正的未來努力。


由受影響的社區組織的“波士頓人民宣誓典禮” 同時與全國數十個城市類似活動協調。將是一個和平的,家庭友好的,適應所有年齡的活動,強調團結最受影響的社區和社會正義運動中的重要性,以及面對右拍的(保守)攻擊。

活動將於下午3:30在波士頓的杜威 Dewey)廣場(南站附近)舉行,然後遊行到主要雇主和金融機構的地點,這些集團就是與川普的保守立場一致,只是注重集團利益,同時破壞工人和住客的權利。




(由 Dewey廣場出發)


行動在麻州波城南站附近的杜威 Dewey)廣場開始


在波士頓大公園示威和舉行人民 “宣誓”典禮儀式,參加者會更新他們對爭取社會正義的承諾 去面對不斷升級的右派攻擊和種族歧視。



認可組織名單正在迅速增加,目前包括但不限於:巴勒斯坦水法正義聯盟,社區和環境替代辦法,API運動,阿靈頓街教會 - 社會行動委員會,亞裔美國資源研討會,波士頓杜拉項目,波士頓女權解放,波士頓無家可歸團結委員會,波士頓解放保健集團,波士頓動員,巴西婦女集團,巴西工人中心,經濟民主中心,華人前進會,城市生活/ Vida Urbana,城市學校,普通街道精神中心,美國民主社會主義者 - 波斯頓,多明頓發展中心,多切斯特人民為和平,消滅波士頓學院種族主義,爭奪$ 15時薪,自由之路社會主義組織,綠色之心,IfNotNow波士頓,猶太和平之聲波士頓,LeftRoots波士頓,MassADAPT,馬薩諸塞不同信仰工人正義,馬薩諸塞和平行動,Matahari女工中心,匯點,Moishe Kavod房子,穆斯林社區鏈接,穆斯林正義聯盟,鄰居鄰居,城市權利,展示為種族正義 - 波士頓,Somerville社區公司,學生移民運動,350大眾為更美好的未來,聯合為公平經濟,聯合追求正義與和平,選民MA,年輕廢除主義者,青年正義和權力聯盟 (波士頓華人前進會提供)

星期四, 1月 19, 2017



2017 Public Leadership in the Arts Award presented by Americans for the Arts and the United States Conference of Mayors

Mayor Walsh receives the Public Leadership in the Arts Award.

BOSTON - Thursday, January 19, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh was honored today with the 2017 Public Leadership in the Arts Award, presented by Americans for the Arts (AFTA), the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education, and the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM). The National Award for Local Arts Leadership for cities with a population of 100,000 or more was presented at the USCM Winter Meeting in Washington, DC.
"I'm honored to be recognized for the work we are doing, ensuring Boston is a city where arts are accessible to all and where artists can thrive," said Mayor Walsh. "Our success is a collaborative effort, bringing together government, artists, residents, businesses and philanthropic partners, working together in support of a common goal: making arts and culture a part of the fabric of everyday life in Boston."
Today's award recognizes the Mayor's work in ensuring the arts are a priority for the City.  These efforts include increasing the budget of the Boston Cultural Council, creating a Cabinet-level position for arts and culture and launching Boston AIR, an artist-in-residence program within City government.  
In 2015, Mayor Walsh launched Boston Creates, a cultural planning process designed to create a long-term plan for arts and culture. When the plan was unveiled in 2016, it detailed five goals designed to create a cultural shift in the city: building a sustainable arts ecosystem, supporting Boston artists, promoting cultural equity, integrating arts and culture into all aspects of civic life and engaging both likely and unlikely partners, uniting them in the goal of ensuring Boston becomes a leading city for the arts.
"As a Massachusetts native and frequent visitor to Boston, I can see that the arts are alive like never before thanks to Mayor Walsh," said Robert L. Lynch, President and CEO of Americans for the Arts. "His commitment to the arts is unwavering. He understands the importance of using the arts in very creative ways to help enhance the quality of life for Boston's residents, while at the same time harnessing the economic potential of investment in culture. We applaud Mayor Walsh for his leadership worthy of this recognition."

Starting with a vision of Boston as a municipal arts leader, Mayor Walsh has provided both financial support and leadership in the implementation of the Boston Creates Cultural Plan.  He has announced a million-dollar investment in local artists, including creating an artist resource desk at City Hall and a new grant program to ensure artists have access to funds needed to showcase their work.

His commitment to a Percent for Art program will allocate one percent of general borrowing to public art in public buildings and major infrastructure projects and he has pledged to set aside public housing units for low income artists.  

He has also recognized the challenges of cultural spaces in the city, playing the critical role in helping the Huntington Theatre Company stay on Huntington Avenue; launching the Alternative Space Pilot program, creating collaborations between private entities and artists for rehearsal spaces and undertaking a Cultural Facilities Study, designed to help understand the current performing arts landscape and determine the best next steps for supporting, developing, and sustaining performing arts facilities.
"We congratulate Mayor Walsh for his dedication to supporting advancement of the arts and artists in his city. USCM has a commitment to support leaders in the arts and Mayor Walsh is one of our strongest" said Mitch Landrieu, Mayor of New Orleans and Vice President of the USCM. "From expanding cultural spaces in Boston to securing investment in local artists and their work, Mayor Walsh has shown his commitment to working with partners to make the arts accessible to all Bostonians."
The Public Leadership in the Arts Awards
The Public Leadership in the Arts Awards are given in recognition of elected officials who advance the arts and arts education within their communities and whose vision and leadership provide heightened visibility to the value of the arts. A full list of previous winners can be found at http://www.americansforthearts.org/
Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture (MOAC)
The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture's mission is to support artists, the cultural sector, and to promote access to the arts for all. The office houses the Boston Cultural Council, the Boston Art Commission, and the Poet Laureate program. Responsibilities include implementing the City's cultural plan, Boston Creates; managing the Boston Artist-in-Residence program; curating exhibitions in City Hall; and operating the historic Strand Theater in Dorchester.
For more information go to: www.boston.gov/departments/arts-and-culture

Josiah Quincy Elementary School is among seven recipients of a $300K Tufts Medical Center grant  to combat smoking

Josiah Quincy Elementary School is among seven recipients of a $300K Tufts Medical Center grant  to combat smoking
BOSTON - Thursday, January 19, 2017 - The Josiah Quincy Elementary School of the Boston Public Schools (BPS) is among seven recipients of a $300K grant from Tufts Medical Center, aimed at educating the city's Asian community about tobacco, a deadly drug.

"Addressing matters of addiction is our responsibility as a city, and I thank Tufts Medical Center for supporting our work in Boston Public Schools, starting with some of our youngest students," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "The grant provided by Tufts will provide the Josiah Quincy Elementary School an opportunity to identify useful educational tools that will resonate with students."

Nationally, the Asian population is among the lowest when it comes to smoking - 7 percent of Asian adults in the United States smoked cigarettes in 2015 compared to 15.1 percent of U.S. adults overall. But according to the Boston Public Health Commission's Health of Boston report, the rate of smoking in Boston among Asians tallied 14.7 percent in 2013, the latest data available. The higher rate is in part due to the larger number of Vietnamese adults living here, one of the subgroups with a particularly high incidence of tobacco smoking.

"This generous contribution from Tufts Medical Center will help improve health and wellness outcomes for our children, and ultimately, our broader community," said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. "Integrating anti-tobacco lessons into our curriculum will engage students earlier on how they can proactively and positively take charge of their own lives and exercise self care."

"We're pretty convinced the incidence is higher in the Asian community than the general population in this area. You can see it when you walk around Chinatown," said Sherry Dong, Director of Community Health Improvement Programs at Tufts Medical Center. "Part of our mission at Tufts Medical Center is to help the community be healthier. We need to do what we can to provide education about the dangers of smoking in our Asian neighborhoods, and this year's awardees are going to help us do that."

Tufts Medical Center established the Asian Health Initiative (AHI) in 1994 to focus on health issues impacting the local Asian community. The recipients of the 2017-2019 grants will put into place a variety of programs and outreach including anti-smoking education for Asian youth - by youth, workshops for adults, and phone counseling to help smokers quit. They will also publish a new bi-lingual quit smoking directory.

"Having the opportunity to educate our young students about the dangers of Tobacco is a preventative intervention that adds to our school's vision of students becoming contributing global citizens," said Principal Cynthia Soo Hoo of the Josiah Quincy Elementary School.

Other grantees include:  Asian American Civic Association, Boston Asian: Youth Essential Services, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center, The Rose Kennedy Greenway and the The Wang YMCA of Chinatown.

"Nationwide, we are starting to see a decline in cigarette smoking in many ethnic groups, which is the result of decades of prevention messaging," said Deeb Salem, MD, Physician-in-Chief at Tufts Medical Center. "But Boston's Asian residents are largely immigrants from countries where smoking is commonplace. Many don't speak English and have never seen or read any messaging that suggests smoking causes cancer."

BPS adopted a comprehensive Tobacco-Free Environment Policy in 2012. The policy is part of a comprehensive Wellness Policy.

The policy prohibits students from possessing, using, consuming, displaying or selling any tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia at any time on school property, at off-campus, school-sponsored events and extracurricular activities, within vehicles located on school property, and within 50 feet of school property.  Additionally staff and visitors are prohibited from using or consuming or displaying or promoting tobacco products.  The policy is motivated by the philosophy that every staff person, student, parent and visitor should have the right to breathe clean air in their school and work environment, and that BPS is acutely aware of the serious health risks associated with the use of tobacco products, both to users and non-users.

BPS strives to be one of the healthiest school districts in the country.  We know that healthy students are better learners and want to create safe, healthy and welcoming school environments that support the social, emotional and physical well-being of all our students.

The BPS Wellness Policy requires comprehensive health education, including tobacco prevention, for all students in grades K-12.

Obama's farewell letter

My fellow Americans,
It's a long-standing tradition for the sitting president of the United States to leave a parting letter in the Oval Office for the American elected to take his or her place. It's a letter meant to share what we know, what we've learned, and what small wisdom may help our successor bear the great responsibility that comes with the highest office in our land, and the leadership of the free world.
But before I leave my note for our 45th president, I wanted to say one final thank you for the honor of serving as your 44th. Because all that I've learned in my time in office, I've learned from you. You made me a better President, and you made me a better man.
Throughout these eight years, you have been the source of goodness, resilience, and hope from which I've pulled strength. I've seen neighbors and communities take care of each other during the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. I have mourned with grieving families searching for answers -- and found grace in a Charleston church.
I've taken heart from the hope of young graduates and our newest military officers. I've seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain his sense of touch, and wounded warriors once given up for dead walk again. I've seen Americans whose lives have been saved because they finally have access to medical care, and families whose lives have been changed because their marriages are recognized as equal to our own. I've seen the youngest of children remind us through their actions and through their generosity of our obligations to care for refugees, or work for peace, and, above all, to look out for each other.
I've seen you, the American people, in all your decency, determination, good humor, and kindness. And in your daily acts of citizenship, I've seen our future unfolding.
All of us, regardless of party, should throw ourselves into that work -- the joyous work of citizenship. Not just when there's an election, not just when our own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime.
I'll be right there with you every step of the way.
And when the arc of progress seems slow, remember: America is not the project of any one person. The single most powerful word in our democracy is the word 'We.' 'We the People.' 'We shall overcome.'
Yes, we can.
President Barack Obama
P.S. If you'd like to stay connected, you can sign up here to keeping getting updates from me.

星期三, 1月 18, 2017


City-coordinated trauma teams to lead ongoing support for vulnerable populations
BOSTON - Wednesday, January 18, 2017 - During his third State of the City address Tuesday, Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the establishment of five new neighborhood-based trauma response and recovery teams that will strengthen efforts to support Boston residents impacted by violence.
The Neighborhood Trauma Teams (NTT) in Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Roxbury, Mattapan and East Boston will be managed by the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) and co-led in each neighborhood by teams consisting of a community health center and a community partner.

"With the new Neighborhood Trauma Teams, in the aftermath of violence, community health centers, hospitals and community groups will now be able to coordinate immediate response and sustained recovery for all those affected," said Mayor Walsh. "Together, we'll break the cycle of violence and heal our city."

This model was designed with feedback from a community engagement process that included 14 listening sessions hosted by BPHC, during which BPHC staff heard from more than 350 residents  about what their individual and community needs have been following a violent or traumatic event.

"Through this new partnership, the City, community-based organizations and community health centers will work together to ensure continuity of care for residents and communities from the moment that we respond to incidents of violence through the ongoing provision of behavioral health services," said BPHC Executive Director Monica Valdes Lupi, JD, MPH. "We're grateful to have support on this effort from from Children's Hospital Boston and Partners HealthCare System. Their resources have made it possible to build on our existing trauma response efforts to best serve our communities' needs."

The NTTs are supported through a combination of City funding and grants from Boston Children's Hospital Boston and Partners HealthCare System. The teams were selected through a competitive RFP process. The three grants to support Neighborhood Trauma Teams in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Jamaica Plain have already been awarded. Two additional grants will be awarded in March to fund the teams in East Boston and Mattapan. 

The Justice Resource Institute's SMART Team will provide a 24-hour hotline for residents seeking support and will provide citywide trauma response services for neighborhoods that do not have a funded team. This mobile team will also support the five funded teams with backup care as needed.

The currently funded teams include:
  • Dorchester:
    • Lead Agency:  Bowdoin Street Health Center
    • Community Partner: Greater Four Corners Action Coalition
  • Jamaica Plain
    • Lead Agency:  Brigham and Women's Hospital with Southern Jamaica Plain and Brookside Health Centers
    • Community Partner:  Tree of Life
  • Roxbury
    • Lead Agency:  Whittier Street Health Center
    • Community Partner:  Madison Park Community Development Corporation
This new NTT model builds on existing trauma resources, programs, and services, including the Violence, Intervention & Prevention (VIP) neighborhood coalitions. BPHC engages with residents through five VIP coalitions to design and implement violence prevention strategies at the community level. VIP works with residents to develop strategies to prevent violence where they live by providing support for resident-led coalitions, promoting youth engagement in positive activities, and creating opportunities to develop leadership.

The NTTs will add to the efforts of VIP by supporting the healing of residents following a traumatic event. NTTs will offer immediate individual and family support and ongoing access to evidence-based trauma treatment. The teams will conduct community outreach and engagement to make sure residents know how to access services, and will host community meetings to share safety information and provide safe spaces for groups to come together for healing.



BOSTON – January 18, 2017 – Today, the City of Boston’s Licensing Board unanimously approved rules and regulations to allow for BYOB (bring your own bottle) in Boston.

Previous regulations prohibited patrons from bringing alcoholic beverages for their own consumption onto licensed premises. The new rules permit restaurants outside downtown neighborhoods with a capacity of 30 or less to apply for a BYOB license. Please see the attached regulations for details.

“Today’s vote brings us one big step closer to implementing BYOB in Boston,” said City Council President Michelle Wu. “Not only will BYOB give small business owners another tool to boost economic activity, but it will also provide consumers with more dining out options in our neighborhoods. The result will be a more vibrant restaurant scene across the whole city.”

In December 2015, the City Council passed and Mayor Martin J. Walsh signed an ordinance to allow for BYOB to be considered by the Licensing Board.






星期日, 1月 15, 2017

中國音協音樂會慶新春 秀才藝


(Boston Orange 周菊子美國麻州溫徹斯特報導) 波士頓中國音樂家協會114(週六) 晚在麻州溫徹斯特統一會教堂 (Winchester Unitarian Society ) 慶祝農曆雞年新春,兩百多人歡聚一堂,欣賞22個節目,讚嘆大波士頓華裔音樂人才濟濟。

            該會音樂總監郭天生當晚在會中宣佈,2017年他們將把泱泱國風系列化,會推出泱泱國風 中國少數民族經典影視歌曲音樂會,以及”2017仲夏之夜音樂會等活動。


            該會會長林湛濤在開幕致詞中指出,該會去年在大波士頓成功上演三場泱泱國風 – "紅樓夢全版主題歌曲音樂會,連為87紅樓夢電視連續劇創作音樂的王立平都親自出席,肯定該會的演出,讓該會大感欣慰。







            演唱部分最是讓人驚嘆,原來大波士頓華人中有那麼多的好聲音,無論是易茗的中國夢,趙寶玲、林堅、嚴亦文,杜佩玲的女聲小合唱飄落Susan Wang獨唱瑪依拉,馮麗麗的拜年歌,周軍培和孫華航的男女聲二重唱”All I ask of you”,李嘉音的京劇獨唱貴妃醉酒,都博得長長掌聲。







麻州長查理貝克、馬友友、蔡明昊支持 Project 351 (圖片)