
星期三, 1月 04, 2017


陳吳荔(Lai Chen)在BCNC壁畫前。(BCNC提供)
Boston, MA – Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) employee Lai Chan is recognized by Blue Hills Bank as one of the 2017 Hometown Heroes.  Lai Chan will be featured in the Bank’s fifth annual Hometown Hero Calendar, which honors 12 groups or individuals who go above and beyond to make our community a better place to live and work. 

“Our Hometown Hero calendar is a tribute to the amazing individuals who contribute to the vibrancy of our communities,” comments Blue Hills Bank president and CEO William M. Parent. “It is an honor to recognize these hardworking, selfless individuals each year.”

Lai Chan has been working at BCNC’s Acorn Center for Early Education and Care for 35 years.  
Since Lai arrival in Boston’s Chinatown in 1974, Lai has provided valuable services to the local Chinese community. She began her career as a teacher at Kwong Kow Chinese School and BCNC. Lai was instrumental in securing city funding for community nonprofits. Lai has touched the lives of thousands of children through her commitment to their education and her 35 years of passion for helping her community make her a role model in Chinatown.  

"Lai Chan is a role model for all of us at BCNC," said executive director Giles Li. "Now the first children she taught are grown up, and bringing their kids back to Lai's classroom. Most of us do not get to meet truly inspirational people in our lifetime; I am so lucky to get to work with Lai Chan every day." 

Along with this honor, each hero receives a $1,000 donation from the Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation for one of their favorite charities.  Lai Chan nominates BCNC as her favorite charity.

The recipients of 2017 Blue Hills Bank Hometown Hero Awards represent various Greater Boston‐area neighborhoods and are:  Antoinette Hemphill, Catholic Memorial School, Lai Chan, Officer Darryl Owens, Dr. Jean Bonnet, Scott Batey, Kalsie King, June Cooper, Tony Andreotti, Michelle Williams, Pete Downing and Kimberly Jones.  Calendars are free, while supplies last, and are available at all Blue Hills Bank branches beginning December 1st. 

About Blue Hills Bank: 


BOSTON - Monday, January 2, 2017 - Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the re-appointment of Michael D. O'Neill to the Boston School Committee for a third, four-year term. O'Neill was first appointed as a member of the School Committee on July 15, 2008 and he was elected Chairman of the School Committee on January 7, 2013. O'Neill will be sworn in on Wednesday, January 4 at 5:30 p.m.

"I am honored to re-appoint Michael O'Neill to the Boston School Committee," Mayor Walsh said. "Michael is a proven leader who understands the importance of moving the school district forward and broadening quality educational opportunity for all students across the city. I look forward to his continued work with the district and the community to improve our schools."

The seven-member Boston School Committee is responsible for defining the vision, mission and goals of the Boston Public Schools; establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget; hiring, managing and evaluating the Superintendent; and setting and reviewing district policies and practices to support student achievement.

O'Neill is a Boston Public Schools graduate and holds a Masters in Entrepreneurial Studies from Babson College. He is the Executive Vice President of Financial Services at 451 Marketing in Boston where he leads a sector focus on Financial Services. He is Board Chair of the Boston Private Industry Council's Youth Council and a member of the Boston PIC Workforce Development Committee. O'Neill is a current resident of Charlestown and a lifelong Bostonian.

"I thank the Mayor for this opportunity and I greatly appreciate his commitment to the students of Boston," O'Neill said. "The Boston School Committee has enjoyed working closely with the Mayor and his team and I look forward to continuing our work together to improve the lives and futures of the 57,000 students in the Boston Public Schools."

The seven members of the School Committee are Boston residents appointed by the Mayor of Boston to serve four-year staggered terms. Mayor Walsh made this appointment based on a list of candidates recommended by a 13-member Citizens Nominating Panel composed of parents, teachers, principals, and representatives of business and higher education.


left to right: Irene Ruan, East Boston Savings Bank, Chinatown Branch;
Kevin F. Kiley, EVP, Massachusetts Bankers Association; Giles Li,
Executive Director of BCNC; Daniel J. Forte, President, Massachusetts Bankers
 Association; Russell Chin, East Boston Savings Bank Board of Directors.
BOSTON, January 3, 2017 – Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) was awarded a grant of $5,000 from the Massachusetts Bankers Association (MBA)Charitable Foundation. The Foundation, supported by the 155 member banks of the MBA throughout Massachusetts and New England, distributed 37 grants in 2016 totaling a record amount of $155,000 over eight geographic regions in Massachusetts. BCNC has been selected as one of the deserving social services agencies. MBA member East Boston Savings Bank nominated BCNC for the grant. “We feel a small measure of pride, once again, to be able to help these deserving nonprofits,” said Charles P. O’Brien, chairman of the MBA Charitable Foundation and president and CEO of Adams Community Bank. “Yet we are still humbled by the realization that there is so much need across the Commonwealth. That’s why each year, we rededicate ourselves to this effort to help in any way we can.”





比賽每組將取優勝者兩名。個人組第一名將獲獎杯及獎金$100元,雙人或三人組第一名將獲獎杯及獎金$150元,團體組第一名將獲獎杯及獎金$200元。每組第一名並可獲在June 24, 2017中華藝術協會第三十一屆中華民族舞蹈展演出的機會。個人組第二名將獲獎杯及獎金$60元,雙人或三人組第二名將獲獎杯及獎金$80元,團體組第二名將獲獎杯及獎金$100元。每組並設有榮譽獎,將獲獎杯一座。所有參賽者皆獲頒參賽證書。


星期二, 1月 03, 2017


僑 務 簡訊

Culture Center of T.E.C.O. in Boston90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461Tel: 617-965-8801 Fax: 617-965-8815


      (地址: 90 Lincoln St. Newton Highlands, MA 02461 U.S.A)。

   ()於各式學士班適用簡章中,增列採計「國際文憑預科課程考試 IBDP
   () 106學年度「個人申請」報名及放榜期程提前2週辦理。

      項,請逕洽國際醫療管理工作小組陳怡伶經理(電話:02-2885-1528 ext.12

      活動,在世界大學運動總會(FISU) 和國際技術委員會(CTI)多次來臺灣訪



(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)開車進波士頓市後灣區(Back Bay),海港區(Seaport)的人得注意了,路邊計時停車收費漲價了,1月3日起,後灣區每小時漲到3.75元,海港區就看需求,最高可達每小時4元。
路邊計時停車收費漲價的地區,後灣區部分在麻州大道( Massachusetts Avenue)和查理士門(Charlesgate),以及畢肯街(Beacon),阿靈頓街(Arlington),史都華街(Stuart)之間。另外就是海港區。

星期一, 1月 02, 2017

波士頓元旦升中華民國國旗 近500人出席破紀錄

(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州牛頓市報導)2017年1月1日,400多名大波士頓地區僑胞齊聚麻州牛頓市海德社區,在國歌,國旗歌聲中,摀著心,敬著禮,仰望象徵世代傳承的升旗手把青天白日滿地紅國旗升起,祝禱新一年的和平,安定。
升旗典禮的出席嘉賓包括今年將競選牛頓市市長的牛頓市現任市議長藍儂Scott Lennon),牛頓市議員萊斯(John Rice),波士頓僑務委員蔣宗壬,梅錫銳,紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊等。


The White House, Washington

In 1796, as George Washington set the precedent for a peaceful, democratic transfer of power, he also set a precedent by penning a farewell address to the American people. And over the 220 years since, many American presidents have followed his lead.
I'm just beginning to write my remarks. But I'm thinking about them as a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey, to celebrate the ways you've changed this country for the better these past eight years, and to offer some thoughts on where we all go from here.
Since 2009, we've faced our fair share of challenges, and come through them stronger. That's because we have never let go of a belief that has guided us ever since our founding -- our conviction that, together, we can change this country for the better.
Because, for me, it's always been about you.
President Barack Obama