
星期一, 1月 02, 2017

波士頓第一夜 (圖片)

Robert F. Rivers named Chairman and CEO of Eastern Bank

Robert F. Rivers named Chairman and CEO of Eastern Bank

Succeeds Richard E. Holbrook; Quincy Miller appointed Vice Chairman and President

BOSTON, Jan. 2, 2017 – Robert F. Rivers has been elected by the Eastern Bank Board of Directors to the position of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the bank announced today.
Rivers joined Eastern Bank in 2006 as its Vice Chairman and Chief Banking Officer, becoming President in 2007, Chief Operating Officer in 2012, and an Eastern Bank Director in 2015.  The Board also elected Quincy Miller to succeed Rivers as bank President.  Both promotions were effective Jan. 1.
“In just 16 months, Eastern Bank will celebrate our 200th year in business as the United States’ oldest and largest mutual bank,” said Rivers. “While our leadership has changed over the years, our commitment to mutuality and the communities we serve remains the same. I look forward to building upon Rich Holbrook’s legacy and I’m grateful for the Board’s confidence in me as we lead Eastern into our third century of business.”
A native of Stoughton, Massachusetts, Rivers began his banking career in 1982 as a teller while in college, joining the former Old Stone Bank in Providence upon graduation in 1986.  From 1991 to 2005, he held a number of staff and line leadership positions at M&T Bank in Buffalo, N.Y.  Prior to joining Eastern, he was an Executive Vice President for Retail Banking at the former Commercial Federal Bank in Omaha, Nebraska.
Rivers earned his undergraduate degree at Stonehill College, and his MBA from the University of Rochester.  He lives in Needham with his wife and two children.
Miller, who joined Eastern last year as Vice Chairman and Chief Banking Officer, began his banking career in 1997 at M&T Bank in New York, N.Y.  He worked for M&T in a number of leadership roles until 2006 when he joined Citizens Bank in Cleveland, Ohio.  Prior to joining Eastern, he spent 10 years at Citizens, most recently as President of Citizens Bank, Massachusetts and President of its Business Banking division.
Miller, who lives in Milton with his wife and two children, earned his undergraduate degree from Lafayette College and is a graduate of the Consumer Bankers Association Graduate School of Retail Bank Management. 


當天出席的貴賓包括牛頓市議員Scott LennonJohnRice、僑務委員梅錫銳、僑務委員蔣宗壬、紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊等人也分別致詞祝賀僑胞鄉親新年快樂賴銘琪也表揚僑界協助辦理慶祝105年國慶活動的團體,以及頒發紀念國父150歲誕辰活動有功團體獎狀此外今年會場特別布置具有波士頓及臺灣地標的舞臺布幕,並設置照相專區,也令僑胞鄉親大表讚賞。

星期五, 12月 30, 2016


右起,麻州港務局執行長Tom Glynn,國泰航空公司美國資深副總裁Philippe Lacamp大波士頓會議旅遊局董事長Patrick Moscaritolo,波士頓喜來登酒店總經理Angela Vento,海南航空北美執行總經理梁浦斌(Pubin Liang)。(大波士頓會展中心提供)

       (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)儘管川普(Donald Trump)上台後,中美關係是否持續走高,仍待觀察,麻州旅遊業對中國遊客的期待,可是十分高昂。大波士頓會議旅遊局(Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau)訂了5年計畫,希望到2021年時,可以吸引到50萬中國遊客來訪。
      為達到這一目的,大波士頓會議旅遊局12月中辦了一場研討會,還預定20173月組織一個行銷團(Sales Mission)訪問中國。
旅遊市場洞察(Travel Market Insights)董事長Scott Johnson。
      中國遊客人數多,出手闊綽,人們早已耳聞。旅遊市場洞察(Travel Market Insights)董事長Scott Johnson在會中陳述的2015年約有21萬名中國遊客到波士頓,約佔中國訪美遊客的10分之一,總共花了24600萬元等統計數據,加上到2020年時,中國大概會有25000萬人出國旅遊,每年成長幅度約14%的估計,讓大波士頓旅遊業人士無不摩拳擦掌。
大波士頓會議旅遊局董事長Patrick Moscaritolo。(周菊子攝)
      大波士頓會議旅遊局在201612月安排的這場為期一日中國友好研討會,邀有波士頓喜來登酒店總經理Angela Vento擔任早上環節主持人。請得標誌旅遊(Trademark Tours)執行長Daniel Andrew,波士頓海港遊團體銷售主任Doug Hall,梅西百貨旅遊行銷全美主任Keri Hanson,聯邦地產副總裁Andi Simpson,波士頓喜來登酒店房間主任Charlie York等人分享他們接待中國遊客的經驗。
海南航空公司貨運經理王森水,歐洲渠道經理鹿岳森(Joseph Colby)
麻州港務局執行長Tom Glynn,國泰航空公司美國資深副總裁Philippe Lacamp,海南航空北美執行總經理梁浦斌(Pubin Liang)等人也特地出席午餐座談。
從協助與會者拓展市場的角度出發,大波士頓會議旅遊局還邀來Mailman的客戶主任Michael LinLobsBoston客戶主任Justin Wei分享如何以社交媒體,數位行銷來爭取中國遊客。
逍遙道(Attract China)執行長David Becker。(周菊子攝)
      大波士頓會議旅遊局Patrick Moscaritolo表示,該局早從2012年就開始參加活躍美國中國(Active America China)這類的行業展覽,和中國的旅遊業者接洽,還製作了中文網站,中文視頻。2013年,為因應海南航空的即將開通波士頓直飛北京航線,他們還在波士頓喜來登酒店總經理Angela Vento率領下,組成一個中國友好市場行銷委員會。由於波士頓是設在北京的世界旅遊城市聯盟所認可,僅有的5個美國城市之一,波士頓有著比美國其他地區更好的機會來爭取中國遊客。該局因此訂定到2021年要吸引50萬名中國遊客的這5年計畫。

128華人科技企業家協會歡迎創會會長張曉明 (圖片)


Appointment establishes first-ever Director of Public Records for the City of Boston
BOSTON - Thursday, December 29, 2016 - Building on his commitment to transparency and good governance, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Shawn Williams as the City of Boston's first-ever Director of Public Records. As Director of Public Records, Williams will coordinate and streamline the City's procedures to receiving and responding to public records requests.

"Shawn has written the book on public records law, and I'm thrilled he will be joining City Hall to ensure openness, transparency and compliance around all public records matters," said Mayor Walsh. "With his experience and dedication, Shawn is a wonderful addition to our public records team, and I welcome him to City Hall."

Williams will work closely with the Press Office, Department of Information and Technology and additional departments throughout the City. Williams will report to the City's Corporation Counsel.  

Key responsibilities for the Director of Public Records include serving as the main point of contact for all public records requests, ensuring timely compliance with all requests, identifying potential responsive records, determining appropriate fees for records requests, coordinating with City departments to gather records, providing training to City employees, and conducting any other necessary reviews to confirm compliance with all public records laws.

Prior to joining City Hall, Williams served as Director-Supervisor of Records for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the last five years, and worked in the division for 11 years in total, beginning as a staff attorney. While working for the Commonwealth, Williams also served as chair of the State Records Conservation Board, a member of the Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board and presented workshops on public records to municipal and state organizations, cities and towns. Williams received his undergraduate degree from Boston University, and his juris doctor from Suffolk University Law School.

"Public records statutes are key to creating an open, transparent, thriving democracy, and I am grateful for the opportunity to lead the City of Boston's public records division," said Williams. "As Director of Public Records, I look forward to ensuring Boston is the leader in public records good practices."

Williams lives in Beacon Hill with his wife and son.