
星期四, 11月 03, 2016

紐英倫客家鄉親會辦講座 11/19 談理財、眼睛保健


        主講: 李國富先生

2. 中老年人眼睛的保健及疾
                             主講: 鄭宏銘醫師

地點:波士頓僑教中心大廳,90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands


紐英倫客家鄉親會聯絡電話:617-792-8828 (曾秀梅),  617-965-0867 (周一男)

*李國富先生, CHFC, CSA,  榮獲美國特級理財師之證照。畢業於麻州大學 (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), 獲商業管理學位(BBA), 致力於協助小型企業業主及富戶人理財服務,已有三十七年經驗。專精領域包括退休規劃和資產規劃,特別是針對即將退休和已退休人士,提供專業諮詢服務。現任職於 Integrated Financial Partners, Inc. as a financial planner. 

*鄭宏銘醫師 歷任哈佛醫學院眼科Research Fellow, 講師,助理教授升副教授後應邀任新加坡國家眼科中心眼科研究所主任。返波士頓後為Schepen's Retina Associates Foundation 顧問數年,其間並返台服務,任台灣中山醫大教授及特聘講座教授。現續為日本金澤醫大,東北文化學園大學客座教授,並任台中霧峰亞洲大學講座教授。 


麥當勞教育講座 11/15 在昆士市


Free "ONE STOP" Workshop 
for College Application
"2016 McDonald's Education Workshop"
PLUS raffle drawings. Grand prize: Smart TV

11月5日星期六 Nov. 5
上午10時 10am
Ruth Cameron Auditorium
Eastern Nazarene College
23 E. Elm Street
Quincy, MA 02170




(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)麻州挑戰(Mass Challenge)11月2日晚在波士頓會議展覽中心,舉辦第7屆頒獎晚會,發出100萬元獎金,給16家初創企業,其中包括華裔韓璧丞創辦的腦機器人(Brain Robotics)。
CASIS及波音公司當晚也藉這場合,另外頒發50萬元獎金給3家初創公司,支持他們的國際太空站研究。包括麻州的Angies, Dover Lifesciences,以及康州的Lambda Vision。
當晚獲得10萬元鑽石獎的公司有3家,包括,Adhesys醫療器材公司,Eyl網路安全公司,TellUs Labs大數據公司。
獲得75,000元白銀獎的公司有2家,分別為分析空間的Analytic Space,隨機密碼保護的TapLink。
獲得50,000元金獎的公司有11家,包括3D Fortify,腦機器人(Brain Robotics),美麗鏈(BeautyLynk),綜合營運(Coo Composite),Joulez,海洋機械(Sea Machines),旗艦口腔矯正(Signature Orthodontics),全心細節(Whole Heart provisions),Tembo,電池資源(Battery Resourcers),Polis,Luminop,多福生命科學(Dover Life Science),Lambada等等。
Chobani優乳酪的創辦人暨執行長Hamdi Ulukaya分享經驗。(周菊子攝)
11日2日晚約有1600人出席盛會,欣賞26家決賽公司的簡短說明,還邀集了麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),Chobani優乳酪的創辦人暨執行長Hamdi Ulukaya致詞。
麻州挑戰波士頓總經理Scott Bailey表示,該機構從2010年迄今,已有1,211家企業獲得加速孵化服務,其中2016年就有373家。"麻州挑戰"這品牌如今已從波士頓擴展至倫敦,耶路薩冷,Lausanne,和墨西哥。
麻州挑戰創辦人John Harthorne(右一)上台頒獎。


麻州眾議會議長狄樂毆(Robert DeLeo)也應邀致詞。

MIT科技評論2016最聰明50家公司出爐 9家創辦人有華裔

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理)麻省理工學院科技論壇(MIT Technology Review)112日公佈本年度全世界50家最聰明的(smartest)公司,美國佔32家,其中15家在加州,5家在麻州,中國有百度,華為,騰訊,滴滴出行,阿里巴巴等5家上榜。
除了中國這5家公司之外,在這2016年的最聰明50家公司中,創辦團隊成員包括華人的公司,至少還有黃仁勳的Navida,張鋒的Edita Medicine,蔣業明的24MJonathan ZhaoVeritas Genetics4家公司。
50家公司,依照排名順序,分別為亞馬遜(Amazon),百度,Illumia,特斯拉汽車(Tesla Motors)Aquion EnergyMobileye23andMeAlphabetSpark Therapeutics,華為,第一太陽能(First Solar)NavidiaCellectisEnlitic,臉書(Facebook)SpaceX,豐田(Toyota)AirwareIDE Technologies,騰訊,滴滴出行,Oxford Nanopore24M,阿里巴巴,Bristol-Myers squibb,微軟(Microsoft)FanucSonnenImprobableMovidiusIntrexonCarbonBoschT2 BiosystemsEdita Medicine TherapeuticsLine, subsidiary of NavarTransfer WiseVeritas GeneticsFireEyeSeven Bridges, SlackCoupangIBMSnapcchatAfrica Internet GroupLittle Bits,英代爾(

Massachusetts School Committees Urge Voters to Reject Question 2

Massachusetts School Committees Urge Voters to Reject Question 2

The Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) today urged voters to vote No on Question 2, which would erase the limits on charter school expansion. 

By an overwhelming show of hands, delegates to MASC’s annual conference passed a resolution saying, “[T]he possibility of the expansion of Commonwealth charter schools in Massachusetts poses a threat to the ability of public school districts to provide services to the children of the Commonwealth.”

“The people elected to govern Massachusetts public schools overwhelmingly agree that Question 2 will harm children across the state, and especially the most vulnerable children in our urban areas,” said MASC President Jake Oliveira of Ludlow after the vote. 

He noted that School Committees in all of the state’s 10 biggest cities and in more than 90 percent of urban districts have already passed their own resolutions opposed to Question 2. They are among 207 school committees that have passed No on 2 resolutions, mostly by unanimous votes.

“Question 2 would not only take significant revenue from our schools, but will undermine our ability to give public school children, including kids in economic despair and emotional need, the education to lift them up,” said Framingham School Committee member Beverly Hugo, vice president of MASC

MASC delegates passed the Question 2 resolution on the first day of their annual conference in Hyannis. 

In addition to urging voters to reject Question 2, the resolution proposes far-reaching reforms in the charter school system in Massachusetts:
·      A requirement that charter schools enroll a representative cross section of students who live in the school districts from which they draw;
·      Accurate reporting of students who leave charters and return to their home district schools;
·      Requiring the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to report accurate data on enrollment of students with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, economic disadvantage, emotional disability and status as racial and linguistic minorities;
·      Separate state funding for charter schools that are not approved by the community, rather than using funds earmarked for that community;
·      Full funding for the state mitigation program that is intended to offset temporarily the loss of state money when students attend charter schools. This program has been funded at slightly over 50 percent for the past three years. 
“It is our job to provide the best possible education for every child in our district,” said Oliveira. “That’s why we propose these reforms. Charter schools should not harm the education of other children.”

星期三, 11月 02, 2016

MIT 100K 2017 創業賽敲鑼

麻省理工學院新一輪的100K創業比賽,從140多組報名團隊中挑出23隊,11月1日晚在MIT 10-250大教室中做二,三分鐘的電梯陳述(elevator pitch),為新年度的創業比賽熱身。Smart News,Infinite Cooling各贏得2000元獎金,High Q Imaging贏得3000元獎金。MIT校報今年七月報導過的Pison公司創辦人Dexter Ang,雖未報名參加活動,在主持人於活動結束,歡迎在場者上台陳述時,走到台前,向三,四百名出席者作了簡報,歡迎有興趣人士加入該公司行列,一起幫助受困於ALS等病症者,更輕鬆的和人溝通,交流。新年度賽事將從11月16日舉辦的組團隊活動開始。
Thank you to everyone who joined us last week for the Pitch Finale. It was a great, action packed night where we gave out $7,000 in prizes. Learn more about the winners below:

First Place: 
High Q Imaging, a technology that reduces the cost, weight and size of a MRI machine

Second Place: 
Infinite Cooling, a technology that captures water that is lost in thermoelectric power plants

Audience Choice: 
Smart News, a smart, personalized news outlet for the modern consumer

Read more about the winners here
MIT $100K Events, News & Updates

$100K Team Formation Mixer
Join us on November 16th from 6:30-8:30 PM for a drink on the MIT $100K Team! This meet-and-greet mixer will be a great chance to meet the $100K organizing committee, as well as current and alumni $100K participants. If you are interested in finding a team to participate in the MIT $100K Accelerate Competition, come mingle with other entrepreneurs and students pursuing their startup aspirations. We will provide an opportunity to pitch your idea to the group as well as detail what you are looking for in teammates. Food and drinks will be provided! 

Sign-ups are limited so please RSVP here

Accelerate, MIT $100K's Second Competition, Is Coming Up!
Accelerate is the second contest of the MIT $100K. The purpose is prototyping. Semi-finalists will have a small budget, access to industry experts, and a dedicated month to turn their idea into a product or service. They then present their prototypes behind closed doors. Ten outstanding finalists will compete live for a $10K Grand Prize and a $3K Audience Choice Award.

Applications open 11/22, they're due 12/4 and the Finals are 2/15


Pison科技公司創辦人 Dexter Ang。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市長反對第二號選票問題 稱危及政府其他服務

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)111日晚,慷慨激昂的批評關於擴大特許學校的第二號選票問題。他認為根本就不該有這個選票問題出現,強調這麼做改善不了教育制度,卻會危及市鎮府服務民眾的整體運作,波士頓市並不是唯一受影響的城市。
波士頓市政務長 Dave Sweeney就第二號選票問題做過分析。他在報告中指出,波士頓市本年度大約得付給特許學校15700萬元,另外再付1350萬元交通費。這筆錢是直接從波士頓市府預算中扣除的。