
星期二, 9月 06, 2016

Lisa Rosinsky Selected as 13th Annual Associates of the Boston Public Library Writer-in-Residence Recipient

Lisa Rosinsky Selected as 13th Annual
Associates of the Boston Public Library Writer-in-Residence Recipient

Boston, MA – September 06, 2016 – Lisa Rosinsky, of Boston, Massachusetts, has been selected as the thirteenth annual recipient of the Associates of the Boston Public Library Writer-in-Residence fellowship. A welcome reception and reading will be held on September 14th at the Boston Public Library’s Central Library in Copley Square.

The Associates of the Boston Public Library Writer-in-Residence fellowship, created in 2004, furthers the Associates’ mission of supporting the Boston Public Library by promoting the importance of writers, books, and reading in our culture. The fellowship provides an emerging author with the financial support and space needed to complete one literary work for children or young adults within a nine-month period. One of the most financially generous programs of its kind in the U.S., the winner receives a $20,000 stipend and the use of a private office in the Boston Public Library’s Central Library. The program is funded through the generosity of an anonymous donor.

Rosinsky was enthusiastically selected as the 2016-2017 winner by a panel of judges – including authors, young-adult editors, and librarians – in a blind judging process, based on the strength of her proposed young-adult novel, Robin & Mariana.

Robin & Mariana is the story of Robin Chen, a butch poet from Baltimore, and Mariana Gomes, a high-school dropout from Berkeley. They meet online, fall in love, and run away from home to meet exactly halfway across the country – in rural Nebraska. Along the way, they befriend queer teens living on the streets and decide to start a radical community for LGBTQ homeless youth. But small-town America is not always friendly to kids who defy labels. Rosinsky describes the book as a “queer, modern-day Robin Hood retelling about privilege, social justice and survival.”

“I am deeply honored that the Associates of the Boston Public Library have given me not only their vote of confidence but these incredibly valuable resources—time, space, and funding—to research and write my next novel,” Rosinsky proclaimed. She added “To write for children is to help shape the minds of the next generation: to encourage kids to learn, ask questions, and change the world. I can't imagine a more exciting calling in life. And I can't thank the Associates of the BPL enough for this amazing opportunity to make a difference. The Boston Public Library is my favorite place in the entire city and I am thrilled to be able to call the BPL my home-away-from-home for the next year.” The residency term runs from September 2016 through May 2017.

Rosinsky earned her B.A. and M.F.A. in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University and Boston University respectively. Her debut young-adult novel, Inevitable & Only, will be published by Boyds Mills Press in spring 2018. Rosinsky’s stories have been published inHighlights and Cricket, and her poetry appears in Prairie Schooner, Measure, Hunger Mountain, 32 Poems, and other journals. She has worked as a freelance writer and editor, a yoga teacher, and as one half of a traveling two-person production of The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe.

The Associates is hosting a welcome reception on September 14, 2016 at the Central Library. Both Rosinsky and outgoing Writer-in-Residence, Jennifer De Leon, will read from their respective works. For more information or to RSVP, please visit www.writer-in-residence.org.  

The Associates of the Boston Public Library Writer-in-Residence fellowship, created in 2004, provides an emerging author with the financial support and space needed to complete one literary work for children or young adults within a nine-month period. The winner receives a $20,000 stipend and the use of a private office in the Boston Public Library’s Central Library during their residency.

The residency has enabled several talented children’s authors to launch their literary careers. Program alumni have published (or are in the process of publishing) twenty-six books. This includes several books written at the Boston Public Library: Hannah Barnaby’s Wonder Show,Elaine Dimopoulos’ Material GirlsAnnie Hartnett’s Rabbit Cake (which will be published in May 2017), and Natalie Anderson's City of Saints and Thieves (which will be published in spring 2017.)

The application and guidelines for the 2017-2018 fellowship will be posted online in early 2017 atwww.writer-in-residence.org.

The Associates of the Boston Public Library is an independent nonprofit dedicated to conserving the Boston Public Library’s Special Collections of rare books, manuscripts, prints, musical scores, and other items of literary, cultural and historic importance. The Associates is working to ensure continued public access to these irreplaceable treasures by underwriting their conservation, cataloging, digitization, and exhibition. Through these efforts, the Associates aims to help the Boston Public Library fulfill its most essential mission of providing the finest free educational resources to the public, as well as preserving knowledge, culture, and history for the benefit of all.

Since its founding in 1972, the Associates has created and underwritten an array of programs, including: Literary Lights, (an annual black tie dinner honoring outstanding New England authors); the Hundred Year Retroactive Book Award competition; art and architecture tours; readings; lectures; curatorial evenings featuring select library holdings; exhibitions; musical performances; and discussions of current events featuring key decision makers. To learn more, visit www.TheAssociates.orgwww.Facebook.com/AssociatesBPL,www.Instagram.com/AssociatesBPL or follow the Associates on Twitter at @AssociatesBPL.

星期一, 9月 05, 2016



波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)9月4日預發警告,提醒市民,賀敏(譯音,Hermin)颱風已在300哩外的南特島以南,可能威脅波士頓,請市民登記加入"波士頓警報(AlertBoston)"這緊急通知系統。

BOSTON - Sunday, September 4, 2016 -  Mayor Martin J. Walsh today issued a set of safety tips In advance of Hermine, the Post-Tropical Storm currently located about 300 miles south of Nantucket, potentially impacting Boston.  All residents are encouraged to stay informed by signing-up for  AlertBoston to receive emergency notifications.  

"I urge all residents to take every precaution in advance of the threat of this storm on Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "Please remember to check on elderly neighbors, and stay inside if you are able to." 

In Boston, the primary concern will be 25-40 MPH wind gusts that will begin around midnight this evening and continue into Monday afternoon.  Approximately 1 inch of rain is expected in Boston.
  • With winds this strong downed trees and power outages are possible. 
    Have supplies available including flashlights, batteries and non-perishable food. 
  • Lock doors and windows during a storm to ensure that they are closed tight to help protect against strong winds and rain.
  • Make sure storage sheds, children's playhouses and other outside structures are securely anchored, either to a permanent foundation or with straps and ground anchors.
  • Watch out for debris and downed power lines. Call 911 for any
    emergency situations. 
  • For insurance purposes, make a record of your personal property.  Take photos or videos of the interior and exterior of your home and of your personal belongings. Keep an itemized list of your furniture, clothing and valuables to assist insurance adjusters in case you need to file a claim.
  • Protect your insurance policies and other important documents in a secure place like a safe deposit box or a watertight box. Many people back up important documents online.
  • Residents are encouraged to use Boston 311, the city's platform to report non-emergency issues. 
    • Boston 311 can be accessed anywhere within the City limits from both landlines and cellphones. 311 is available through several different platforms, including:
  • Mobile: download the free BOS:311 app on iOS or Android
  • Online: Boston.gov/311
  • Social media: tweet @BOS311
  • Phone: dial 3-1-1 (For those with VoIP and for calls from outside Boston, callers should dial 617-635-4500.

星期日, 9月 04, 2016



羅德島2016龍舟賽台灣日冠蓋雲集 首次在國家公園舉辦

(Boston Orange周菊子羅德島州報導) 駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處與羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局、羅德島華人協會合作,93日在羅州普塔基市攜手舉辦第17羅德島州龍舟賽暨臺灣日,不但出席政要眾多,來自各地的參觀民眾也逾萬人,現場熱鬧非常。
羅州政要的出席人數之多,層級之高,大概也破紀錄,不但有羅德島州國會議員西西里尼(David Cicillini) ,副州長麥基(Daniel McKee) ,州務卿葛比雅(Nellie Gorbea) ,財政廳長馬克力尼(Seth Magaziner) ,還有3名市長,克蘭斯頓市長馮偉杰(Allan Fung) ,普塔基市長蓋比思(Donald Grebien),中央瀑布市長狄奧沙(James Diossa),以及參議員葛蘿莉(Elizabeth Crowley) 、眾議員圖布(Carlos Tobon) ,藝術節主席包思特(John Baxter)等人。
羅德島州國會議員西西里尼(David Cicilline)指出,美國國家公園今年慶祝100週年,羅德島州龍舟賽暨臺灣日今年也是有史以來第一次是在國家公園裏舉行,別有意義。
羅德島州龍舟賽比賽場地黑石河谷歷史迴廊(Blackstone River Valley Historic Corridor),今年一月才被正式指定為美國國家歷史公園,已在那兒辦了16年的羅德島州龍舟賽,因此締造今年第一次在美國國家公園裏舉辦的紀錄。
羅州龍舟賽今年共有20隊參賽。主持人,黑石谷旅遊局總裁畢靈頓(Bob Billington)在比賽結束後宣佈龍獅虎3組的冠亞季軍。其中龍組冠軍為聯合龍(United Dragon)”,成績一分零五秒,獅組冠軍為壯志凌雲隊(Top Gun)” ,成績一分零十八秒,虎組冠軍為火上水(Fire on the Water)” ,成績一分廿二秒。
另有海洋州龍舟俱樂部(Ocean State Dragonboat Club)贏得羅德島州最佳隊伍獎。羅德島州的22 餃子隊也獲得獎勵。
來自麻州的華人青年協會暴風雨隊(CYPM Storm) ,波士頓DRS,波士頓一龍隊,儘管有麻州龍舟賽的主辦人劉忠凱,伍振中做為羅州龍舟賽顧問到場助陣,依序在龍獅虎三組中都屈居亞軍,其中的華人青年協會暴風雨隊和冠軍隊的成績只差3秒,一名女隊員的賽後飆淚,不知是否為此含恨。
Athletigen Technologies公司工作的波士頓一龍隊隊員陳莉晶,贏得吃西瓜比賽,抱走獎品大西瓜一個。
36人參加的吃餃子大賽,由去年與競爭對手打平,續賽兩次,5分鐘內吃下70多個餃子仍敗北,今年捲土重來的Eric Ming-de Skinberg奪冠,成績是42個餃子。已連續3年贊助吃餃子比賽的長榮航空公司代表,客運課課長俞炳亮送上紐約、台北來回機票一張。




Eric Ming-de Skinberg(左二)今年奪得吃餃子冠軍。


吳新興出席歐台協會年會 籲團結挺台

吳新興出席歐台協會年會 籲團結挺台



由於出席年會人員來自世界各地,吳委員長另以英文向在場貴賓簡要致詞,內容深獲包括德國黑森邦資深議員Ismail Tipi等多名外籍人士共鳴。「聽了吳委員長的演講,也觸發我的鄉愁情懷,想起在土耳其的點點滴滴」,Ismail Tipi有感而發地表示。

Ismail Tipi還在年會現場致贈吳委員長勳章,並親自為吳委員長配戴,為年會開幕式畫下完美句點。


Labor Day is about more than picnics and parades. We celebrate this day to reflect on America's labor movement -- the men and women who have helped build this country and our middle class. Because they've spoken up together and demanded fairness, we can all enjoy things like the 40-hour workweek, overtime pay, minimum wage, safer workplaces, health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, and retirement plans.
For generations, hardworking Americans have been raising their voices, together. Giving people a voice at work -- the ability to organize and negotiate for their fair share of the value they helped create -- is absolutely essential to a growing, vibrant middle class. For the past seven and a half years, President Obama has worked not only to grow the economy but to create a balanced economy, where everyone's hard work is rewarded, where everyone gets a fair shake, where everyone has the chance to get ahead. Simply put, America is stronger when more people have more.
As the President has said, all of that progress is stamped with the union label. And it's all fueled by a simple belief: that our economy works better when it works for everybody.
That's the spirit that's made the progress of these past seven and a half years possible. Not only have businesses added 15.1 million jobs since early 2010, and we've seen the longest streak of total job growth on record, but we've cut the unemployment rate in half since the depths of the recession. So many American families are better off this Labor Day than they were seven years ago.
But we still have work to do. We can only make progress -- like raising the minimum wage and expanding access to paid leave -- if hardworking men and women raise their voices.
"History shows that working families can get a fair shot in this country -- but only if we are willing to organize and fight for it. So whether you simply talk to your coworkers about what matters to you, or take the step of joining a union, the power ultimately rests with you." -- President Obama
 So this Labor Day, read a special message from the President on the power of American workers, then learn more about how we've worked together to strengthen our voices in the workplace.
Happy Labor Day. Let's continue standing with our workers -- not just today, but every day of the year.
Secretary Tom Perez
Department of Labor



WASHINGTON - Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement today in honor of Labor Day, which will be celebrated on Monday, September 5.

“This Labor Day we honor the millions of hard-working men and women across the United States. Decades ago workers successfully banded together to demand fair wages and working conditions. Too often today we lose sight of the tremendous gains the labor movement has made for all American workers and our economy. That is why every Labor Day I plan to highlight two individuals whose work has improved the lives of American workers.”

Eugene Debs
Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, Eugene V.  Debs was a prominent labor organizer in the 1800s. Early in his career, Debs was involved in the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. He later founded the American Railway Union, which was one of the first industrial unions in the nation. While leading the Pullman Strike, Debs was jailed for his actions. However, undeterred by resistance to the labor movement, Debs continued to travel the country advocating for the rights of workers throughout his life. To learn more about Debs, please visit http://debsfoundation.org/index.php/landing/debs-biography/.

Larry Itliong
Larry Itliong was a Filipino farm worker and labor organizer in California. In 1965, Itliong led more than 1,000 workers in the Delano Grape Strike demanding better wages. During this time Itliong also worked with Cesar Chavez, bringing together Filipino and Mexican laborers, to organize the United Farm Workers. Itliong’s work, particularly with the Delano Grape Strike, was critical in sparking the farm worker movement. In 2015, to honor the legacy of Itliong, Governor Brown signed legislation marking October 25 as Larry Itliong Day. To learn more about Itliong, please visithttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/19/us/larry-itliong-forgotten-filipino-labor-leader.html?_r=0.