
星期五, 7月 15, 2016


中華表演藝術基金會 2016-2017年度的節目已排定,包括從七月份開始的第二十五屆胡桃山音樂營,十月份起至明年多場知名音樂家的演奏會,加上第九屆『絲竹春吟』青少年中國器樂選拔和音樂會,及第二十六屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽。一如往年,今年請到在音樂界極有成就的華裔音樂家 在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) 精彩演出。今獲得第十七屆全美蕭邦鋼琴比賽第一名獎的華裔青年鋼琴家Eric Lu將舉行其波士頓首演。七月份開始的第二十五屆胡桃山音樂營將有十三場重量級音樂會和十三場大師班及講座。除許多世界級大師的演奏及大師班之外,還有許多明日之星多場清新演出。前來的30位大師,及經甄選的 53位青年才俊,三周密集切磋,風雲際會,激出燦爛的火花。所有演出都是免費入場,每人樂捐五元。除八月十二日在哈佛大學聖德斯音樂廳 (Sanders Thertre) 演出外,全部在Natick 胡桃山音樂學校 (Walnut Hill School)舉行。地址及詳細內容請上網查詢:http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/contents/festival/index.htm

The Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts’ 25th Annual Music festival will start next week. A total of 13 concerts and 13 master classes-lectures are scheduled and will open to public for free, with donation $5 at door.
Among those orchestra concerts, one will be held at Harvard Sanders Theatre on Friday 8/12. 
The Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts wish everyone could attend at least a few of those concerts.
This year, there are 53 students come from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and US via audition and several are returning students.
Detailed concert schedule is attached below.
For more information, please contact Cathy Chan at 617-968-7094

1, 七月二十四日週日晚上七點半: 韓裔青年大提琴家Taeguk Mun 和韓裔鋼琴家       SangYoung Kim聯合演出。
2, 七月二十五日週一晚上七點半: 鋼琴家陳必先和紐英音樂學院小提琴教授         Nicholas Kitchen 聯合演出。
3, 七月二十六日週二下午三點: 紐英倫音樂學院小提琴教授 Nicholas Kitchen示範     演出及講解:貝多芬的手稿和巴赫的字句 ”一層再一層”
4, 七月二十七日週三下午二點: Carpe Diem弦樂四重奏大師班
5, 七月二十八日週四下午三點: 2006 普立茲音樂獎主Yehudi Wyner室內樂大師    
6, 七月二十八日週四晚上七點半: Carpe Diem弦樂四重奏音樂會
7, 七月二十九日週五下午二點半: 協奏曲比賽 : 格里格鋼琴協奏曲A小調,作品       16
8, 七月二十九日週五晚上七點半:  紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴系主任Bruce Brubaker      琴大師班
9, 七月三十日週六下午四點: 紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授 Alexander Korsantia          琴大師班
10, 八月一日週一下午下午三點: 紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授Victor Rosenbaum鋼琴     大師
11, 八月二日週二下午三點: 小提琴家胡乃元講座及示範演奏巴赫獨奏組曲
12, 八月二日週二晚上七點半: 紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授 Alexander Korsantia        琴演奏會
13, 八月三日週三下午三點: 小提琴家James Buswell小提琴大師班
14, 八月三日週三晚上七點半: 獲得第十七屆全美蕭邦鋼琴比賽第一名的華裔青年    鋼琴家Eric Lu鋼琴演奏會
15, 八月四日週四下午三點: 韓裔名鋼琴家紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授Wha Kyung        Byun鋼琴大師
16, 八月五日週五晚上七點半: 音樂營教師聯合音樂會
17, 八月六日週六晚上七點半: 韓裔名鋼琴家 Minsoo Sohn 鋼琴獨奏會
18, 八月七日週日下午三點: 樂壇泰斗,當今最受尊敬的鋼琴家 Russell Sherman      鋼琴大師班
19, 八月八日週一晚上七點半:由本屆傑出學生們演出第一場  明日之星         音樂會。
20,  八月九日週二下午三點: 著名指揮家 Benjamin Zander 大師班; 音樂的詮釋     人生課題
21, 八月九日週二晚上七點半: 由本屆傑出學生們演出第二場  明日之星       樂會。
22, 八月十日週三晚上七點半: 教授學生聯合音樂會
23, 八月十一日週四下午三點: 紐英格蘭音樂學院前任校長 Laurence Lesser大提       琴大師
24, 八月十二日週五下午兩點: 音樂營學生演出第一場獨奏及室內樂。
25, 八月十二日晚上八點: 本營管弦樂學生在哈佛大學聖德斯音樂廳 與水銀          (Mercury)交響樂團聯合演出。鋼琴獨奏由本營協奏曲比賽優勝者擔任
26, 八月十三日週六晚上七點半: 音樂營學生演出第二場獨奏及室內樂。

         1, 2016月二十四日週六晚八時鋼琴家陳薩在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳                         (Jordan Hall) 演出
2,  2017年一月二十一日週六晚上八時,大提琴家章雨亭和鋼琴家Adam Neiman        在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 聯合演出
3, 2017年三月二十五日週六晚上八時,來自中國的紫禁城室內樂團及 鋼琴家       孟捷在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 聯合演出 
4, 2017年五月十三日週六晚上八時,由獲得第十七屆全美蕭邦鋼琴比賽第一名        的華裔青年鋼琴家Eric Lu在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 舉行其波士頓首演。

1, 2016年十月一日週六及十月八日週六第九屆「絲竹春吟青少年中國器樂    拔和音樂會 波士頓第一教堂 (First Church in Boston) 舉行
選拔賽: 2016年十月, 音樂會: 2016年十月八日
2, 2017年四月十五日: 第二十六屆全美青少年國畫書法賽。詳情歡迎上網查詢。



BOSTON - Friday, July 15, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the extension of the Senior Citizen Property Tax Work-Off Abatement program. The tax work-off abatement law allows a city or town to establish a program giving property owners 60 years or older the opportunity to volunteer services to their city or town in exchange for a reduction in property tax.

A five year extension of the program was recently approved by the City Council and signed by the Mayor and allows qualifying seniors to receive a credit of up to $1,000 toward their real estate tax liability. It also gives residents an opportunity to make meaningful contributions at the Boston Center for Youth and Families (BCYF) community centers, public libraries, public schools and City Hall. In addition, significant changes were made to expand this vital program by increasing the income limits to $40,000 for an individual and $55,000 for a couple, doubling the number of seniors who can participate in the program, and expanding the amount of time participants have to complete their hours.
Applications are available at the city's Commission on Affairs of the Elderly and are due by August 1, 2016. Applications were mailed for the FY17 Senior Citizen Property Tax Abatement Work-Off Program to over 2,200 eligible seniors including participants from last year as well as potential new candidates. Interested older adults are encouraged to call the Commission on Affairs of the Elderly at 617-635-4366 for additional information and to request an application.  

"Extending and expanding our senior citizen tax abatement program is a continuation of the City's commitment to providing resources and financial assistance to our seniors," said Mayor Walsh. "I am dedicated to ensuring all seniors can live comfortably in their homes. As a city, we are committed to giving back and improving the quality of life for our seniors."

The Senior Citizen Property Tax Work-Off Abatement Program is managed through a partnership between the city's Assessing Department and the Commission on Affairs of the Elderly. The City of Boston administers the tax abatement, keeping track of hours worked and crediting the resident for each hour worked. According to State Law, the hourly wage cannot exceed minimum wage.

The Property Tax Work Off Program is one of many programs the city offers to help older homeowners. Other programs eligible seniors can access include:
  • Tax exemptions including a residential exemption, elderly and veterans' exemption
  • The Senior Home Repair Program, through the Boston Home Center, allows seniors to access a wide range of home repair services including low interest loans
  • Seniors Save helps eligible residents fund a replacement for an old or inefficient heating system
  • 30% discount on water portion of Boston Water and Sewer bill  
Other recent initiatives for seniors include the Comcast Cable legacy senior discount, which was finalized in 2015. The agreement Mayor Walsh brokered with Comcast expanded senior discount opportunities for cable TV and internet while preserving the legacy senior discount package for existing customers.

In addition to senior cable TV discounts,Comcast offered eligible Boston seniors an opportunity to purchase significantly discounted high-speed internet access. The benefits that Comcast offers Boston seniors include:
  • A ten percent discount on both Basic and Digital Starter Cable TV;
  • Continued support for Senior Basic Lifeline cable service at $5.00/month for existing customers, and;
  • Internet Essentials high-speed service for $9.95/month, and access to discounted equipment and training programs
"Boston has a diverse and growing older adult population," said Emily Shea, Commissioner of Affairs of the Elderly. "Under Mayor Walsh's leadership we have made a commitment to be an Age-Friendly City. The expansion of the Property Tax Work Off Program Boston is an important Age-Friendly accomplishment, and the City is eager to continue its work on behalf of our senior residents."

In June, the City's Commission on Affairs of the Elderly released data from its Age-Friendly Boston Initiative. The Age-Friendly Boston project challenges the city's public agencies, community groups, businesses, cultural, educational and religious institutions to consider how changes to policy and practice can enhance the quality of life for Boston's aging residents. The report focuses on Boston residents' feedback on growing older in Boston and indicates that a majority of residents want to stay in their homes for as long as possible. This tax abatement extension is being implemented by the City of Boston to ensure the City's seniors can age comfortably in their homes and is an example of the city responding to the needs of older residents.

CAPAC on Passage of Key Asian American and Pacific Islander Amendments in FY 2017 Interior and Environment Bill

CAPAC on Passage of Key Asian American and Pacific Islander Amendments in FY 2017 Interior and Environment Bill

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 231-196 to pass H.R. 5538, the FY 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill. This bill provides funding for the Department of the Interior and includes key provisions authored by Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) that will benefit the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, including tripling funding for the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center and fulfilling the President’s funding request for the historic preservation of World War II Japanese American confinement sites. CAPAC Members released the following statements:
Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:
“The annual interior appropriations bill is critically important in preserving our nation’s heritage and environment. I am pleased that the House bill includes Congresswoman Grace Meng’s provision to triple the current funding for the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center which will allow the Center to add necessary staff positions and increase cultural outreach across the country. The bill also fulfills the President Obama’s funding request to preserve World War II Japanese American confinement sites where thousands of innocent Japanese Americans were imprisoned during WWII.  These sites serve as a critical reminder to future generations of the costs of xenophobia and the ongoing need to remain vigilant in upholding the civil and constitutional rights of all Americans.

“Despite these achievements, the bill fails to fully fund other key AAPI priorities, including assistance to the U.S. territories and the Historic Preservation Fund. The bill also fails to provide many basic functions of government, underfunds the Environmental Protection Agency, and includes harmful riders that endanger the health and safety of Americans as well as the preservation of our environment and natural resources.

“Going forward, I urge Congress to fully fund the AAPI community’s top priorities and put aside partisanship when it comes to seriously addressing our nation’s health and environmental well-being.”

Congressman Mike Honda (CA-17), CAPAC Chair Emeritus:
"The incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II constituted one of the darkest periods in our country’s modern history. I was less than one year old when my family and I were forcibly removed from our homes and put into internment camps. This happened because I simply looked like the enemy. As George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It is imperative that our nation remembers these darkest chapters of our history, in addition to the best moments. As one of the two remaining former internees to currently serve in Congress, I am proud to have fought for funding for the preservation of Japanese American confinement sites.“

Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY-06):
“I am pleased to have secured this extra and important funding for the Asian Pacific American Center. Using these additional dollars to hire individuals for critical and needed positions will further enhance this outstanding facility and allow it to remain a leading voice on the Asian Pacific American experience. The money will also enable APAC to host events in cities across the country to empower Asian Pacific American communities and promote America’s Asian Pacific heritage. I thank my colleagues in the House for supporting my amendment, and I urge the Senate to now follow suit.”

The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) is comprised of Members of Congress of Asian and Pacific Islander descent and Members who have a strong dedication to promoting the well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Currently chaired by Congresswoman Judy Chu, CAPAC has been addressing the needs of the AAPI community in all areas of American life since it was founded in 1994.

星期四, 7月 14, 2016

​Statement on Launch of Charter Expansion Ballot Campaign

Statement on Launch of Charter Expansion Ballot Campaign

BOSTON — The Save Our Public Schools campaign, a grassroots organization of Massachusetts families, parents, educators, and students opposed to Question 2, which would expand charter schools in Massachusetts, released the following statement on the launch of the Yes on Question 2 campaign:

“Every time a new charter school opens or expands, it takes funding away from the public schools in that area. Under this proposal, the number of charter schools in Massachusetts would nearly triple in just 10 years, costing local public school districts more than $1 billion every single year.
If some public schools are falling short, we should fix them by investing in areas such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), arts and music, and Pre-K, not diverting even more resources to charters, which educate just four percent of students.”

In the current school year, over $400 million in taxpayer money is being diverted to charter schools statewide, with money withdrawn from 243 local school districts. The charter school ballot question would allow the state to approve 12 new charters schools a year, every year, with no limit on how much money a single district could lose. If all the allowable schools were opened, the annual losses would grow from almost $450 million in the first year to more than $550 million the next year, $670 million the year after, and so on. By the seventeenth year after the ballot question was passed, more than $3 billion would be diverted from district public schools to charter school every single year.

Local communities and their school committees have no say in the approval or operation of charter schools. The state approves charter schools even when the communities where they will be located are opposed to them. This has happened in Brockton, Gloucester and many other communities.

CAPAC Applauds Senate Passage of Filipino WWII Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Act and Urges House to Follow

CAPAC Applauds Senate Passage of Filipino WWII Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Act and Urges House to Follow

Washington, D.C. – Last night, the U.S. Senate voted unanimously to pass S. 1555, a bill authored by Senator Mazie K. Hirono to award Filipino World War II veterans with a Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of their dedicated service during World War II.  In the U.S. House of Representatives, a counterpart to this bill (H.R. 2737) was introduced by Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and currently has 172 co-sponsors. House rules require Congressional Gold Medal legislation to have 290 co-sponsors before it can be considered for a vote. Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus released the following statements:
Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:
“I applaud the Senate for passing critical legislation to honor Filipino veterans who fought bravely for our country during World War II. With many of these veterans in their twilight years, it is urgent that we move swiftly to grant these veterans with the long overdue benefits and recognition they earned decades ago through their valiant service. As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I commend Senator Hirono for her leadership, and am committed to working with my colleagues to get this legislation through the House of Representatives before the end of the year.”

Senator Mazie K. Hirono (HI):
“Yesterday, the Senate provided recognition to Filipino World War II veterans for their brave and courageous service to the United States. These veterans were instrumental to an Allied victory in the Pacific theater, but their fight didn’t end with the war. For decades, they have continued to fight for the benefits they have earned and to be reunited with their families in the United States. I thank my Senate colleagues for joining me in recognizing these veterans’ service and sacrifice with the Congressional Gold Medal, one of our nation’s highest civilian honors.”

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02):
“More than 200,000 Filipino and Filipino-American soldiers responded to President Roosevelt’s call-to-duty and fought under our American flag during World War II. With just 18,000 Filipino WWII Veterans alive today, time is truly of the essence to honor these courageous men with the long overdue recognition they deserveWe’ve made tremendous progress over the past year to gather bipartisan support from lawmakers for this legislation. Yesterday, the Senate cleared an important hurdle.  172 Members from both parties have co-sponsored this bill in the House so far, and we will continue working to pass  H.R.2737 in the House before the end of the year.”

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo (GU), CAPAC Vice Chair:
“Filipino World War II veterans fought bravely alongside U.S. servicemembers and demonstrated strong loyalty and patriotism to our country. Granting them the Congressional Gold Medal would recognize their exceptional sacrifices and pay tribute to those who gave their lives in support of freedom and liberty. I commend Senator Hirono for her leadership in the Senate to pass this bill. I hope that my House colleagues will also recognize the heroism and courage of Filipino World War II veterans and bring this to the President’s desk for enactment.”

Congressman Mike Honda (CA-17), CAPAC Chair Emeritus:
“It is with great joy that I congratulate the Senate for making the decision to recognize and acknowledge the sacrifices that the Filipino Veterans made by dedicating their service and protecting our nation during WWII. I am filled with pride to see such measures taken to promote the Asian American community and their contributions to this country. It is now our turn to take similar actions and that is why I am urging the House to pass H.R. 2737. It the responsibility of the House to continue this movement to show our support to these veterans.”

Congressman Mark Takano (CA-41), CAPAC Whip:
“I strongly support the Senate's passage of Senator Hirono’s bill to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Filipino World War II veterans who fought for the United States. America’s victory was due in large part to the diverse communities across the country that answered the call to serve. This bill honors the tremendous sacrifices made by Filipino veterans and I call on my colleagues to follow the Senate’s lead and send this bill to the president’s desk.” 

Congressman Ami Bera (CA-07):
“Too often, our brave men and women in uniform who serve this country are overlooked despite their tremendous sacrifices for our freedom. I’m proud to co-sponsor legislation to ensure that Filipino World War II veterans get the recognition and rightful benefits they deserve for their service.”

Congressman Ted Lieu (CA-33):
“Yesterday, the Senate unanimously approved a bill to award Filipino WWII Veterans the Congressional Medal, one of our nation’s highest civilian honors. I congratulate Senator Hirono on this great achievement and urge the House to do the same and pass H.R. 2737, the House companion bill which I am a proud cosponsor of. Our nation’s Filipino veterans played an integral part in World War II and it is time we recognize their brave and courageous service to the United States.”

Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-06):
“It is so important that we honor the great sacrifice of the Filipino veterans who valiantly served during World War II,” said Congresswoman Matsui. “I’m pleased that my colleagues in the Senate have recognized their countless contributions during a critical moment in our nation’s history, and I’m grateful to Senator Hirono for her leadership in Congress on behalf of this noble cause.”

Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY-06):
“I commend the Senate for approving legislation to award Filipino World War II veterans with the Congressional Gold Medal, and congratulate Senator Hirono for all her efforts to get it passed. Brave and dedicated Filipino veterans served and sacrificed with U.S. troops, and deserve the same recognition to which all former service members are entitled. I have fought for and sponsored legislation to ensure that Filipino veterans receive the benefits they earned and rightly deserve, and I applaud this latest effort to award these veterans with one of our nation’s highest civilian honors. I urge the House to promptly pass this legislation as well.”

Congressman Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (CNMI):
“I congratulate Hawai’i Senator Mazie Hirono for leading the U.S. Senate to recognize the critically important contribution that Filipino soldiers made, fighting alongside America, in World War II. Their valor and sacrifice may now finally receive the honor deserved.”

Congressman Bobby Scott (VA-03):
“As a member of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and the only Member of Congress with Filipino ancestry, I applaud the Senate for passing the Filipino World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act.  More than 200,000 Filipino solders fought alongside Americans in World War II.  Their invaluable service helped provide the necessary support to defeat the Japanese in the Pacific.  As a cosponsor of the Filipino World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act, I urge the House of Representative to take up and pass H.R. 2737.”

Congressman Mark Takai (HI-01):
“Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed a bill that recognizes the tremendous sacrifice and bravery of our Filipino World War II veterans. These veterans were vital in the war effort and have been fighting for the benefits they earned ever since. While we can never fully repay the debt that we owe to these soldiers, we must pass this identical resolution in the House to award our Filipino World War II veterans the Congressional Gold Medal. While this recognition is a step in the right direction, Congress can do more. As the number of World War II veterans continues to diminish, we can continue to build on recent improvements the visa process and make it easier for the families of these selfless Filipino veterans to be reunited with their loved ones in the United States.”

Congressman Alan Lowenthal (CA-47):
“Hundreds of thousands of Filipino soldiers answered the call to arms and fought under the orders of American generals against the Japanese in World War II. Tens of thousands died in battle and in horrific captivity as prisoners of war. Ultimate U.S. victory in the Philippines was assured by the heroics, bravery, and sacrifice of these Filipino soldiers. It is only fitting that we as a nation honor them with the Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of their devotion, dedication, and valor.”

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-46):
“I applaud the Senate for voting to justly award the Congressional Gold Medal to our brave Filipino World War II veterans who fought to protect the United States of America. Their dedicated service and selfless sacrifice truly earned this honor, which is the highest civilian award that Congress can bestow. I strongly urge my colleagues in the House to join me in voting to award these World War II veterans with the important recognition they deserve.”

Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09):
“Filipino World War II veterans served our country bravely and should receive the full honors they deserve for their heroic acts. It is past time for us to provide our Filipino veterans with the proper recognition for their service and sacrifice. I applaud the Senate’s unanimous passage of the Filipino World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act, and urge House Republican leadership to bring this legislation to the House Floor.”

Congressman Eric Swalwell (CA-15):
“The Senate has done the right thing – and now the House must as well. Filipino World War II veterans bravely served the United States and were a key part of our victory in the Pacific, and they should not have had to fight so hard for the benefits and recognition they so richly deserve. It’s never too late to properly honor their service and sacrifices, and I’m honored to cosponsor Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s bill to accomplish that.”

Governor Charlie Baker Issues Statement on Attack in Nice, France

Governor Charlie Baker Issues Statement on Attack in Nice, France

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker released the following statement on the attack in Nice, France:  

“Our hearts break to again see images of terror on our televisions as innocent people were targeted while going about their day,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our nation stands with the people of France as they celebrate their independence, and mourn the dead and pray for the injured and their families. The French are a strong and proud people, and on Bastille Day, we know they will unite to overcome this horrific attack, find those responsible and defend the democratic way of life we both share.”

Governor Baker Signs Legislation Supporting Veterans’ Benefits and Housing

Governor Baker Signs Legislation Supporting Veterans’ Benefits and Housing 
Expands scholarship and community support opportunities; establishes Gold Star Memorial Park in Fall River

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker was joined by active duty service members and veterans of the United States Armed Services, Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders, Secretary of Veterans' Services Francisco Ureña and members of the legislature as he signed ​An Act relative to housing, operations, military service, and enrichment, (H. 4285) or "The HOME Act," into law. The omnibus legislation provides additional support for members of the Armed Services, veterans, gold star families, and the Commonwealth's two Soldiers’ Homes. 

“We are grateful to the brave men and women who have answered the call for our nation and Commonwealth​," said Governor Charlie Baker. "I am honored to sign this legislation enhancing the services Massachusetts provides to those active service members, veterans and families who selflessly serve to secure our safety and freedom."

“This legislation provides important support for the veterans and service members of our Armed Services who have fought to uphold our nation’s values,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We are pleased to provide critical assistance with financial security, housing, and educational opportunities for all those who have served and for their loved ones here at home.”

“These laws highlight our commitment as a Commonwealth to our veteran population,” said Secretary of Veteran Affairs Francisco Ureña. “I am pleased to see the legislature’s support of our country’s heroes.”

“I am so proud of the commitment from my colleagues and the Baker Administration in continuing to address the needs of our veterans,” said Senator Mike Rush, Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs.  “This legislation not only provides comprehensive services and programs to those who serve their country, but give them the recognition that they deserve.  It is our job as elected officials to do all we can to support those brave men and women and their families who serve this great country.”

“There is no question that Massachusetts is number one in terms of providing services to our veterans,”said Representative Jerry Parisella, Chairman of the Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs.“Although we do so much for our veterans, it is important that we continue to improve the lives of those who have so gallantly served their country.”

 The legislation (as amended in H. 4477), signed into law by Governor Baker includes:

  • Section 1, Designates the Fall River Gold Star monument the official gold star monument of the Commonwealth.

  • Section 4, Expands the Public Service Scholarship to extend support to benefit children of service members held as prisoners of war or missing in action in any conflict.

·        Sections 6-8, Extend pay and benefits protections for employees of the Commonwealth who serve in the National Guard units or in reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces when they are called to service
  • Sections 9-10, Extend total municipal real estate tax exemption to cover surviving spouses of any service member killed during active duty service and veterans with service-connected blindness that results in a 100% disability rating from the Federal Veterans Administration.
  • Section 12, Allows for municipalities to establish a way for individuals to voluntarily check off, donate, or pledge an amount of money which shall go to the Municipal Veterans Assistance Fund. The Fund provides support for vets and their dependents in need of immediate assistance with food, transportation, heat and oil expenses

·        Sections 17-20, Expand provisions establishing preferences for veterans in publicly-supported housing units.

  • Sections 22-24, Add veteran status as protected class under the law prohibiting discrimination in employment (Ch. 151B, §4).

星期三, 7月 13, 2016

Governor Charlie Baker and Mayor Martin J. Walsh Break Ground at Treadmark in Dorchester

Governor Charlie Baker and Mayor Martin J. Walsh Break Ground at Treadmark in Dorchester

Former Ashmont Tire site will become 83 units of mixed-income, transit-oriented housing

Boston – July 11, 2016 – Today Governor Charlie Baker joined Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Senator Linda Dorcena Forry, Greater Ashmont Main Streets and officials from the real estate development firm Trinity Financial to break ground on Treadmark, an 83 unit, mixed-income housing development in Dorchester's Ashmont neighborhood.

The project transforms an underutilized neighborhood parcel, advances the Commonwealth's workforce housing production goals, and is transit oriented. It builds on past and ongoing development in the neighborhood, and follows on the success of Trimity's Carruth building, bringing more housing and retail space to Ashmont. Treadmark is advancing with significant state and city support, including over $3 million in state and federal tax credits that will generate approximately $22 million in equity for the project, $3 million in rental subsidy funds, and over $4 million in funding from the City of Boston.

“This development continues to build on our commitment to significantly increase the production of workforce housing throughout the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. "Treadmark is an impactful project for Dorchester, showcasing how affordable and workforce housing can transform underutilized neighborhood parcels, and build community in the process."

“Dorchester is a vibrant and growing neighborhood, and this development will provide new opportunities for housing and economic development for the families and residents of Ashmont,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We welcome opportunities like this to work with our local partners and collaborate on advancing the vibrancy and wellbeing of communities across the Commonwealth."

"Treadmark exemplifies the type of mixed-income and transit-oriented housing development that is needed in neighborhoods across our city," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "I am proud that the city's investment in this project will help support new affordable rental housing for families in Dorchester. I want to thank the many partners involved who helped bring this project to fruition, adding to our city's affordable housing stock and helping us achieve our housing goals."

"Community-driven housing construction is a cornerstone of our broader economic development agenda," said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “Mixed-income smart growth housing development, like Treadmark, helps keep Massachusetts competitive, by creating new opportunities for young professionals and families to set down roots.”

“Today's groundbreaking brings a strong neighborhood vision to fruition," said Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Chrystal Kornegay. "We are proud to partner with the City of Boston, and with the residents of Dorchester, to move this compelling housing project forward."

“We believe this project is a model for how to create affordable and middle-income housing,” said Trinity Financial Senior Project Manager Mathieu Zahler. “This public-private partnership is a national model for collaboration; the city and the state made significant investments, and our relationships with the public and private institutions we worked with were vital in making this project come to fruition.  The Architectural Team, along with Taniya Nayak Design, will bring the design to life, integrating the character of Dorchester into the growing need for transit-oriented, urban development. Our goal is to accelerate Ashmont’s revitalization while maintaining a strong connection to the community whose involvement was so vitally important to getting this project underway.” 

The Treadmark development includes 51 affordable rental units and 32 homeownership condominiums. Four of the condominiums meet the requirements of the City of Boston’s Inclusionary Development Policy (80-100% of AMI), 16 units are affordable to individuals making up to 110% of AMI (workforce units) and the balance are market rate. The building also includes 5,000 square feet of ground floor neighborhood retail.

Investments in affordable housing developments and renovations reflect the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to ensuring that residents have access to affordable housing throughout Massachusetts. In May, the administration unveiled a 5-year Capital Budget plan that includes a $1.1 billion commitment to increasing housing production. This commitment represents an 18% funding increase for production and housing preservation for existing affordable units across the state.

Last fall, the Administration awarded $75 million in Affordable Housing Development awards that support the construction and preservation of 1500 housing units across the Commonwealth.

Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito Issue Statements on Confirmation of Judge Frank Gaziano to Supreme Judicial Court

Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito Issue Statements on Confirmation of Judge Frank Gaziano to Supreme Judicial Court

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito released the following statements on the Governor’s Council’s unanimous confirmation of Judge Frank Gaziano to the Supreme Judicial Court:

“I want to congratulate Judge Frank Gaziano on his unanimous confirmation to the Supreme Judicial Court, and look forward to the contributions his experience and tireless work ethic will bring to the Commonwealth’s highest court,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I thank the members of the Governor’s Council for their thoughtful deliberation and overwhelming approval of a highly qualified candidate like Judge Gaziano, and look forward to their future consideration of our remaining nominees.”
“The experience, character, and dedication Judge Frank Gaziano will bring to the Commonwealth’s Supreme Judicial Court ensures that the citizens of the Commonwealth will be served with tremendous justice and fairness,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “I am pleased to congratulate Judge Gaziano on his confirmation as an Associate Justice and thank the Governor’s Council for their consideration and their unanimous consent." 

星期二, 7月 12, 2016

Boston Children’s Museum Receives National Leadership Grant to Directly Support School Readiness through Partnerships

Boston Children’s Museum Receives National Leadership Grant to Directly Support School Readiness through Partnerships
Grant and Launch of New Website Enhance the Capacity of Museum and Library Educators to Support Children and Families
BOSTON, MA – July 12, 2016 – Boston Children’s Museum recently received a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services dedicated for School Readiness through Partnerships: Museums, Libraries and State Early Learning Systems Project.  
This grant harnesses the collective power of museums, libraries, state early learning systems and other community organizations to directly support school readiness for children and especially those in underserved communities. The Collective Impact Framework will build upon the success of Boston Children’s Museum’s Race to the Top – Museums/Libraries Project, which effectively created a wide network connecting museums and libraries across Massachusetts. 
“We are thrilled to be able to continue the valuable work we have been doing with museums and libraries over the past four years,” said Carole Charnow, President & CEO. “This program allows us to leverage our decades of experience developing school readiness programs and resources for young children and to share our knowledge with thousands of families. We deeply thank our funders who have made this important work possible."
With the generous support of Institute of Museum and Library Services, the new School Readiness through Partnerships project will enhance the capacity of museum and library educators to support children and families through:
1) Convening of regional networks of museums, libraries, state early learning systems and other communitybased organizations
2) Coordinating with the regions to create a shared vision for informal learning opportunities through effective collaborations
3) Auditing of informal learning programs for quality and engagement
4) Informal review of family engagement practices
5) Assessing professional development opportunities for educators
6) Developing of new programs, resources and services based on needs articulated by the collaborative team
The Project will continue to strengthen the regional network in Massachusetts and, working with strategic partner, BUILD Initiative, expand the program to three additional states over three years.
“The importance of school readiness has been well documented, as has the need to invest in those efforts,” said Dr. Kathryn K. Matthew, director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. “IMLS has challenged libraries and museums to take a leading role in their communities’ early learning strategies. We are proud to support leaders like Boston Children’s Museum as they work on collective impact models that can be adapted for use across the country.” 
Boston Children’s Museum will work closely with the following partners to implement the project: BUILD Initiative; working with early childhood leaders at the state level across the country to better prepare young children to thrive and succeed. Imagination Playground; committed to creative freeplay supported by an engaged community of parents, educators, caregivers, researchers and leaders. Creators of largescale eponymous building blocks. Goodman Research Group; evaluators with a longstanding practice in evaluating the efficacy of programs at the state, regional and local levels. Association for Children’s Museums; a clearinghouse for data and shared best practices for the children’s museum field internationally.

An expansion of the resources for families with preschool children includes a newly launched website with tools and additional information that increases the high quality and enriching experiences may be found at 

About Boston Children's Museum
Boston Children’s Museum engages children and families in joyful discovery experiences that instill an appreciation of our world, develop foundational skills, and spark a lifelong love of learning. More information about Boston Children’s Museum can be found at 
www.BostonChildrensMuseum.org. Become a fan of the Museum on Facebookand follow us on Twitter
Hours and Admission
The Museum is open daily from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Fridays until 9:00 p.m. Adults, $16, children (1-15) and senior citizens, $16; children under 12 months and Museum members are always free. Fridays 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., all visitors $1.