
星期三, 3月 30, 2016

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Governor Baker Signs Bipartisan Legislation Reducing Barriers to Re-Entry for Individuals Convicted of Drug Offenses

Governor Baker Signs Bipartisan Legislation Reducing Barriers to Re-Entry for Individuals Convicted of Drug Offenses
Bill repeals automatic drivers’ license suspension and $500 reinstatement fee

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed bipartisan legislation passed unanimously by both branches to ease the transition for those convicted of drug offenses to re-enter society, hold employment and care for their families by repealing the automatic suspension of drivers licenses and a subsequent $500 reinstatement fee for all drug convictions.

“As the Commonwealth takes important steps to battle substance abuse and reexamine our criminal justice system, I am pleased to sign legislation providing opportunities for those convicted of drug offenses and who have served their time to re-enter society, find and keep a job and support their families,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Removing this significant barrier to re-entry reduces the prospects of recidivism as individuals continue treatment or recovery and gives them a better chance at getting back on their feet. I thank Senate President Rosenberg, Speaker DeLeo and their colleagues for their leadership and important attention to this necessary reform.”

The legislation, An Act relative to motor vehicle licenses suspension (Senate Bill 2021), provides certain exceptions for drug trafficking convictions and takes effect immediately, except as provided for in Section 7.

"We are proud to support this legislation that would ensure those who have paid their debts to society for drug offenses have the means to be productive citizens, capable of supporting themselves and their loved ones," said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. "I'm proud of our administration's efforts and collaboration with the legislature to counter opioid addiction, and ending the automatic license suspension is a reform that will help put people on a path that keeps them out of our criminal justice system."

“By the Governor signing this bill today Massachusetts takes an important step towards reforming our criminal justice system. This bill repeals an ineffective and unfair law that made it harder for those who have paid for their mistakes to re-enter society,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst).  “Approximately 7,000 people had their license suspended last year due to a drug conviction even if that conviction had nothing to do with the operation of a motor vehicle. That’s 7,000 people who cannot drive to their jobs and miss court dates and rehabilitation meetings, making it harder for them to rejoin their families and their communities. Thank you to Governor Baker, Speaker DeLeo, and Senate Majority Leader Harriette Chandler for their leadership on this issue.”

“We must seize every opportunity possible to help residents reintegrate into society, find fulfilling jobs and support their families,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “This legislation is an important part of that effort. I’m proud that this law also advances our efforts to help those battling addiction. I thank my colleagues in the Legislature, the Baker Administration and the individuals who bravely shared their stories.”

星期二, 3月 29, 2016

紐英崙李氏公所迎新春 七百人同歡


            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙李氏公所327日晚在龍鳳酒樓設宴,封利是給3個慈善機構,送紅包向3名百歲人瑞拜年,七百人歡聚一堂,慶祝猴年新春,並宣佈今年8月將在紐約召開第22屆全美懇親大會、改選美東,美西正副總長。

麻州長,昆士市長為Dana Farber落髮 花崗岩電信捐 425萬元

            (Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導)麻州州長理貝克(Charlie Baker)和昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)今(29)日二度落髮,和花崗岩電信公司(Granite Telecommunications)執行長羅勃海爾(Rob Hale)及該公司700多名員工一起,為達納法伯癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)籌得425萬元。
            花崗岩電信公司今年是第三度舉辦“剃髮省錢(Saving By Shaving)”活動。麻州州長理貝克和昆士市長柯奇,已連續第二年參加,和花崗岩電信公司的大約714名員工,一起為籌募研究癌症經費出力。
            今日一起落髮的,還有能源及麻州環境事務部長畢頓(Matt Beaton),WGBH電台主持人Jim Braude,在昆士市組成的美國凱爾特龐克樂隊Dropkick Murphys的主唱Ken CaseyWAAF電台主持人Greg Hill等人。
            花崗岩電信公司的這剃頭髮為達納法伯癌症研究所籌款的義舉,始於2014年,執行長羅勃海爾挑戰一名員工,如果他敢剃頭,就捐10,000元給達納法伯癌症研究所,沒想到二週後,有428名花崗岩電信員工剃了頭,或者剃光了鬍子,還把他們的鬚髮,捐給了提供假髮給患癌症兒童的“愛鎖(Locks for Love)”。

            羅勃海爾和他母親Judy Hale那一年共捐了220萬元給達納法伯研究所,2015年,他們為“達納法伯“籌得330萬元。

Saffron Circle now accepting Grant Applications

Saffron Circle now accepting Grant Applications!

Saffron Circle 2016 Grant Cycle
The funding foci of 2016 are Civic Engagement, Health, Workforce Development and Youth. Saffron Circle grants target collaborative models, organizations/projects that directly engage members of Asian communities to create change in their community, and new and emerging agencies.
Proposals are due on May 13, 2016, and grant recipients will be announced in late June 2016. Grants will generally range from $5,000 to $10,000.
A complete application includes the 2016 Application Form and an Application Budget which may be downloaded here in thisDropbox folder.
For 2015 Saffron Circle grantees that wish to reapply for funding, please also submit a short report via the Common Report Form which you can also find in the Dropbox folder.
The application and all attachments should be submitted by May 13, 2016 via email to: saffroncircle@gmail.com.
- 2016 Saffron Circle Grantmaking Committee



BOSTON– Executive Office for Administration and Finance Secretary Kristen Lepore today announced the appointment of Mike Heffernan as Commissioner for the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR). Heffernan, an experienced financial services executive, will begin leading the agency responsible for the state’s tax, child support, and municipal finance laws on May 2, 2016. Kevin Brown, current General Counsel for DOR, will serve as acting Commissioner beginning on April 4, 2016.

“Mike’s financial services experience and commitment to public service makes him an ideal Commissioner for the Department of Revenue,” said Governor Baker. “I’ve asked Mike to serve on two important public boards already and look forward to his continued service and leadership in this essential role.”

“The Department of Revenue’s daily functions and timely projections are essential to the operation of state government,” said Kristen Lepore, Secretary of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance. “Mike’s extensive finance experience and entrepreneurial background will be critical to leading an agency with crucial responsibilities to the Commonwealth and the customers who pay taxes here.”

“I am honored to be named Commissioner of the Department of Revenue and thank Secretary Lepore for this great opportunity,” said Mike Heffernan. “DOR serves a critical role in the Commonwealth by leading compliance with our tax, child support and municipal finance laws, and I look forward to working with the staff, taxpayer community and other key stakeholders to deliver the agency’s mission in a consumer-friendly manner.”

Mike Heffernan has more than 25 years of experience in financial services, capital markets and entrepreneurship. Heffernan spent nearly two decades in increasingly senior roles at Citigroup’s Markets & Banking division, where he oversaw Citi’s 7 U.S. Regional Distribution offices in institutional equities. He co-founded Mobiquity Inc. in 2011, a Massachusetts-based tech start up in the mobile-IT professional services space. Previously, he was a managing director at Salomon Brothers and spent the early part of his career with NatWest Markets and EF Hutton & Co. Heffernan was named to the MBTA Retirement Board and Pension Reserves Investment Management Board by Governor Baker in 2015.

About DOR: The mission of the Massachusetts Department of Revenue is to achieve maximum compliance with the tax, child support and municipal finance laws of the Commonwealth. In meeting its mission, the Department is dedicated to enforcing these laws in a fair, impartial and consistent manner by providing professional and courteous service to all its customers.



星期一, 3月 28, 2016

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Progress on DCF Reforms in Recognition of Social Worker Month

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Progress on DCF Reforms in Recognition of Social Worker Month

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration and union officials announced today that a significant number of the reforms recommended last fall to overhaul the Department of Children and Families (DCF) are complete. In the last six months, there has been an intensive effort underway to restructure DCF with the primary goal of keeping children safe. The administration was joined by members of SEIU Local 509 to discuss updates and pledge to move forward to implement policy improvements, hire and train staff and focus on the challenges that lie ahead.

The department now has five major new policies developed in partnership with the union, including putting all at-risk kids on the same investigation track, and the first ever medical director who started in January.  Both Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) and Sexual Offender Record Information (SORI) checks are now required on all relevant persons in a household, DCF workers review 911 call history and response to a home, new case screening teams are in place in all offices and there is a new Central Massachusetts Regional Office up and running.

There has also been targeted outreach to recruit and hire frontline staff, with a record of new hires resulting in a net increase of 170 full-time employees (FTEs) since the start of Fiscal Year (FY) 2016. The foster care application backlog has been reduced, training has been rolled out and DCF’s IT system has been upgraded to allow for more advanced capabilities.

During a media availability at the State House, the administration explained these reforms and highlighted the ongoing collaboration and partnership with leadership of SEIU Local 509 that has made such progress possible in a short amount of time.  

“Last fall we pledged, with union leadership, to better support our social workers who are on the front lines every day and reform a broken system of policies,” said Governor Baker. “Today, while we still have more work to do to improve how the Commonwealth cares for the most vulnerable children, the Department of Children and Families is making robust strides in their mission to keep kids safe. My administration will continue to invest in frontline workers and continue to reform this critical department.”  

To demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the Department, the Baker-Polito Administration has budgeted $938.2 million to DCF for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, a $30.5 million increase above the FY 2016 budget, and has maintained an open dialogue with the union to address their concerns.  

“While these new reforms improve the lines of communication among social workers, supervisors and managers, reducing the stress on social workers is a priority and we are accelerating efforts to recruit the next wave of social workers to reduce caseloads and protect children,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders. “We now have a solid foundation that the Department can build off of going forward.”

The Department and union have moved swiftly to hire and train more social workers, social work supervisors, medical social workers, managers, clerical staff and attorneys. Since September, 332 positions have been posted and 201 staff have started or will start in the next few weeks.

“We are appreciative of the positive working relationships we have maintained with union officials throughout this process.  Most of all, we are grateful to our workers for their efforts to accept and move forward with reforms,” said DCF Commissioner Linda Spears. “Our agency is more equipped than we have ever been to protect those who need us most – children. I thank our staff today and every day for your tremendous work.”

“The policy reforms announced today are more than three decades in the making, and critical to the work we do,"  said Peter MacKinnon, a veteran child protection worker and president of the union chapter representing DCF’s 2,900 social workers and investigators. "Now our attention must turn fully to addressing the caseload crisis and attrition rates that loom over our efforts to keep at-risk children safe throughout the Commonwealth."

Progress Over The Last 6 Months for DCF in Partnership with SEIU Local 509:

 Overhauled the Department’s intake policy, putting all screened-in reports of abuse and neglect (51A) on one investigation track instead of two. 

o Requires Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), Sexual Offender Record Information (SORI), and national criminal history database checks for parents, caregivers and all household members over 15 years old. This is for 100 percent of cases.

o Workers now request 911 call history and police response to the residence of any child or family involved in a report of abuse or neglect. The Department is now working with law enforcement. 

o All screened-in reports – those that require investigations to be opened – are assigned to an Investigation Trained Response Worker. 

o The revised policy puts decision-making at the appropriate level of intervention. 

o For the first time, this policy enables Response Workers to search online sources of information to assess child safety.

o Mandates use of the Department’s Risk Assessment Tool to better identify and assess potential future risks to the child’s safety.

 Created the first Supervisor Policy in DCF history to provide training, supervision and review of all complex cases. 

 Trained over 1,700 staff and implemented the Department's new protective intake and supervision policies.

 Negotiated three additional policies that will be implemented later this year: The Family Assessment and Action Planning Policy reinforcing the requirement for family assessment and action planning which will be updated every six months; In-Home Case Practice Policy to ensure regular visits to the child; and the Case Closing Policy, which lays out the process and criteria for closing a case. Training for the newest policies is in development and will begin in late spring and early summer. 

Staff Recruitment and Retention:

 Increased the number of licensed social workers to 91% compared to 54% in October 2014.

 With SEIU Local 509, convened a work group to develop social worker retention strategies, which has been meeting regularly.

 Since the start of the FY 2016, the Department has had a NET increase of 170 Full Time Employees (FTEs).

 332 positions have been posted for social workers, social work supervisors, medical social workers, managers, clerical staff and attorneys. 

Other Completed Reforms:

 In January, DCF reestablished the Central Massachusetts Regional Office, allowing for greater oversight and managerial capacity. This moved the Department closer to a manager-to-supervisor ratio of 4:1.

 Reduced 75 percent of backlog for Foster Home Applications. The Department will be working to increase the number of foster homes. 

 Closed 680 fair hearing cases in the months of December, January and February with the support of two newly hired hearing officers and nine newly hired paralegals.

 Hired the Department’s first ever full-time Medical Director, Dr. Linda Sagor, to provide oversight of the medical needs of children in foster care; to ensure DCF meets its requirements for 7- and 30-day initial medical screens; and to offer expert consultation on medically complex cases. 

 Planned IT modifications to incorporate new policies into the FamilyNet System. 

 Launched a significant technology upgrade to support changes in the new supervision policy and protective intake policy that include the ability to track substance misuse in families.

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Progress on DCF Reforms in Recognition of Social Worker Month

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BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration and union officials announced today that a significant number of the reforms recommended last fall to overhaul the Department of Children and Families (DCF) are complete. In the last six months, there has been an intensive effort underway to restructure DCF with the primary goal of keeping children safe. The administration was joined by members of SEIU Local 509 to discuss updates and pledge to move forward to implement policy improvements, hire and train staff and focus on the challenges that lie ahead.

Governor Baker, HHS Secretary Sudders, DCF Commissioner Spears and SEIU Local 509 Chapter President MacKinnon
Press Briefing RoomMassachusetts State House
March 28, 2016

GOVERNOR BAKER: There’s no citizen of this Commonwealth more in need of support than a child in a difficult and potentially dangerous situation. Six months of intense scrutiny of existing policies, six months of working to build consensus with frontline social workers and others and six months of investing millions so that DCF can start to build the resources they need to get better at their mission is creating progress. We will listen, continue to work to improve policies and find ways to strengthen the system so that children’s needs can come first and we can act to keep kids safe.

SECRETARY SUDDERS: We’ve increased the number of licensed social workers to 91 percent. We’ve posted 332 positions for social workers, supervisors and other staff, and as the Governor said we’ve had a net increase of 170 FTEs, and we’ve launched the technology upgrades to support policy implementation. Changing policies and shifting practices that have been in place for 20 years or more is not easy. Together we’re shifting from a culture of blaming social workers to one of learning together, and we acknowledge that this is a work in progress. Child welfare will always be a work in progress.

COMMISSIONER SPEARS: Recently completed is a new Family Assessment and Action Planning Policy. That policy streamlines casework so that parental capacities and risk factors affecting child safety are regularly reviewed, recorded and discussed with service providers and parents. We have for the first time in the history of the Department an In-Home Case Practice Policy that was completed this month. That policy outlines requirements for home visits and contacts with others such as doctors, family therapists and others serving the family. Like the new intake policy, there are new requirements for management review of cases to be sure that safety and services are on target.

SEIU 509 PRESIDENT MACKINNON: It is important to recognize how far we’ve come at the Department of Children and Families in just a few short years. The Commonwealth has invested millions of dollars in frontline hires, bringing a net of more than 300 staff since the start of the crisis two and a half years ago. Policy reforms we’ve pushed for for years are finally becoming a reality, and attrition rates have begun to slow for the first time in recent memory. We have a lot to be proud of. The work we’ve done so far is vital to the long term health of the agency. But the systemic challenges we confront together are more than three decades in the making, and our efforts are just the tip of the iceberg.

GOVERNOR BAKER: I want to thank Peter MacKinnon and his leadership team for the efforts that they continue to make and the imagination and the creativity and the determination and the perseverance they bring to getting this right. What we’re investing in, and I believe we are building with the help of many others, a Department that can keep kid safe and makes keeping kids safe its highest priority.