
星期三, 3月 02, 2016

麻州眾議會議長 DeLeo 在波士頓商會致詞文稿

Speaker DeLeo: 2016 Address to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce 1 Thank you, Miceal for the kind introduction. I’d like to acknowledge my esteemed colleagues here today. Whether in business or in government, we all know that an organization is only as effective as the partnerships within it. I am proud of the work that each member of the House has undertaken to foster collaboration and forge consensus. Thank you. Jim, thank you for having me. I was proud to work with you at the Convention Center, and I’m proud to be with you here today. In the months since you started, you’ve preserved the Chamber’s clear voice on items vital to the region’s economy, built a strong team, and signaled your enthusiasm to partner with government. Whether lending the House your expertise and insight on MBTA matters, explaining the Convention Center’s position in the national and global environment, or serving as a cheerleader for our region, your friendship has been invaluable. Your experience and ambition are a perfect pairing for this role. My colleagues and I are very enthusiastic about the strong relationship between the Chamber of Commerce and the House of Representatives. The Chamber remains a key contact for our conversations with the business community. Our relationship is one that works and one that supports the House in fostering consensus-based solutions. Together, we helped our state weather the great economic downturn. We created a new entertainment and gaming industry in the Commonwealth, a key generator of thousands of blue-collar jobs with more soon to come. We reformed our municipal health insurance, saving hundreds of millions of dollars for our cities and towns. We raised our minimum wage and improved our unemployment insurance system. Last year, we gave the MBTA vital tools to cut costs and get its finances in order. All of these actions have reaped rewards. Within the last year, Massachusetts has been named the most livable state, the best state for education, and, according to the Bloomberg U.S. Innovation Index, the most innovative state in America. Our state economy outperformed the national economy in the last quarter of 2015, as the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute reported in “MassBenchmarks.” Our journey together is two-fold. While our region is increasingly recognized as a global leader, we stand poised for a larger role on the international stage. At the same time, we must support each Massachusetts resident. Our journey, therefore, begins right here, in our own hometowns. About a year ago the House began its efforts to expand the circle of prosperity to each corner of the Commonwealth and bring together diverse industries for a stronger tomorrow. With that, let me echo the Chamber’s vision which we, in the House share: we “do not believe there are two economies – the old and the new, the established and the emerging – there is just one Massachusetts economy operating successfully in the 21st century and driven by innovation at every level.” Today I am pleased to announce a partnership with the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce to reinvigorate those efforts which will formally begin this spring at the Baystate Business Link forum. Earlier this year Jim Rooney and I held a roundtable in Springfield to hear about the challenges facing Western Massachusetts. From that discussion, the Baystate Business Link will concentrate on connecting businesses across the state, highlighting B2B opportunities and encouraging mentorships. I am proud today to welcome former Secretary Rick Sullivan, CEO of the Western Mass Economic Speaker DeLeo: 2016 Address to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce 2 Development Council; Scott Bailey, Managing Director of MassChallenge; and Jack Healy from MassMEP. These gentlemen, among others, will form a working group to advance the work of the Baystate Business Link and help weave together untapped potential in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth excels at producing champions. Let’s take the next step. Let’s leverage our existing successes so that energetic entrepreneurs, promising students and small but worthy businesses outside of Boston are no longer overlooked. We also want to translate the Commonwealths’ success in the innovation economy to rebuild our historically-strong industries, like manufacturing, in an effort to provide jobs to individuals of all skillsets. In Massachusetts we are heirs to a tradition of discovery and invention. We must now embrace reinvention as well. For validation we need to look no further than General Electric, which has written the playbook on corporate evolution. The Commonwealth’s greatest strengths – our intellectual capital and innovative spirit – are inherently compatible with GE’s mission “to invent the next industrial era, to build, move, power and cure the world.” As GE has indicated, the economy of tomorrow will fuse together disparate sectors and create new industries like the industrial internet and smart-connected-products. Big Data is the next exciting step in this continuum. It is an industry that’s inclusive of Massachusetts’ most formidable sectors. We have the brainpower and economic infrastructure to guarantee that the Commonwealth is The Big Data Hub. That’s why this year the House will fund a $2 million Big Data Innovation and Workforce Fund to promote the use of big data and analytics, and bring together the public and private sectors to prepare the innovators of tomorrow for game-changing careers. As technology progresses, we have come to learn that many of history’s best inventions were indeed, discovered by accident. Take Penicillin, for example, or the commercial microwave, which was invented in Massachusetts. Similarly, I am convinced Big Data will unlock discoveries we cannot fathom as we sit here today. I want those breakthroughs to happen right here, in Massachusetts. Let’s seize this opportunity. Let’s make the decision to propel our economy to new heights and give ourselves the tools to address social concerns about public health, transportation and energy. One of the first steps in this effort is to maximize the potential of all our students in Massachusetts; not just those with the means to afford private education. That is why I am so focused on connecting community college students to the Commonwealth’s dynamic economy. And our efforts are resonating. Aware that companies need tech workers across all levels of educational training, the House created the STEM Starter Academy program. Last fall, the Petit Family Foundation recognized a team of five STEM Starter participants at Springfield Tech Community College enabling them to attend the annual Women in Engineering Conference in Tennessee, the world’s largest conference and career fair for women in that field. Mass. Bay Community College has developed a STEM Mentor Program under the auspices of the Academy. Students are paired with mentors from companies, such as Genzyme, who counsel them on career opportunities in STEM areas. I’m proud to welcome a group of students, administrators and Genzyme mentors here today. I’ve seen firsthand the work you’re doing and I look forward to following the bright futures ahead of you. Let’s give them a hand folks . . . Speaker DeLeo: 2016 Address to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce 3 While we expand our prosperity across geographic regions and all educational levels, we must be aware of the rapidly changing global economy. We must make sure Massachusetts remains a welcoming climate for investment, ingenuity and innovation while supporting our core employers. In recent years, the House of Representatives has sought to target key issues that have cried out for consensus-driven solutions. A key such issue is that of non-compete reform. We believe an economicallyhealthy Commonwealth relies on balancing the concerns of all our business sectors. I think I speak for many people in this room in saying we should reach a compromise on non-compete reform, to build upon our legacy as a leader in technology and innovation. That’s why the House will take up non-compete legislation this session. Our goal will be to protect businesses here and improve Massachusetts’s reputation as the premier incubator for talent. Our legislation will strike an appropriate balance on non-competes, and create a more desirable environment for both employers and employees. The idea behind our compromise is as follows:  We understand the benefit these agreements often bring to our core employers and will allow for businesses to have the option to enforce them, but we will limit their use to a 12-month restricted period.  Our bill will also include a requirement of notice. Employees should know whether they will be asked to sign a non-compete before they agree to work somewhere, and that shall include a stated right to counsel;  To eliminate the stories we’ve all heard about the sandwich shop maker not being able to pay off his student loans, or the camp counselor not being able to work somewhere else the following summer, the House will be on record opposing non-competes for low-wage workers and those without a voice. When implemented, I am confident that these changes and the other provisions in our bill will improve the overall business climate in Massachusetts. These measures reflect the type of compromise that makes this region so unique, and I can’t thank many of you enough for your support in building consensus and helping us to keep the elite talent our universities and start-ups produce within the state. This is a signal that Massachusetts is and will continue to be open for all types of business. I rarely leave a meeting with an employer or potential employer without hearing about the role energy plays in influencing business decisions. We are at a unique moment in time, when significant changes are occurring in how we power our homes and businesses. Energy affects every individual, every family, every company, but we often take it for granted, or shirk at the immense responsibility of updating our current systems. This session the House will take up comprehensive energy legislation that will promote resource diversity and cleaner energy; contain costs; and ensure that we maintain a reliable electric grid. We will protect our hardworking residents while structuring a promising future for the next generation. Massachusetts energy efficiency programs are ranked first-in-the-nation. We are leaders in supporting the growth of solar power. At the same time, we need to keep the lights on at a reasonable cost to our families and businesses. That’s why, much like in the non-compete area, our plan hinges on a careful balancing act. Speaker DeLeo: 2016 Address to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce 4 By embracing a variety of approaches, resources and programs our legislation will seek to heighten our national standing and meet the Commonwealth’s ambitious environmental goals. They include the following:  To provide a significant amount of energy at reasonable prices, our legislation will create a competitive procurement process to allow hydroelectricity and renewable energy to play a greater role in the region’s energy mix;  Hydroelectricity is a low-emission, renewable and reliable source of energy. When partnered with wind resources, hydropower can provide energy when the wind doesn’t blow. The two are complementary; they are a natural pair;  We will also encourage the development of our own, local energy resource: offshore wind power;  Massachusetts’ coastline provides unrivaled offshore wind resources and it’s encouraging that the federal government’s auction of offshore leases has attracted interest both locally and internationally. This resource has the additional benefit of creating local jobs. We have the opportunity to launch a new industry that is successful in other parts of the world, right here at home;  Because competition is the fairest and surest way to achieve our goals, the procurement process outlined in the House’s bill will reflect a commitment to require providers to compete;  Project developers will have to demonstrate cost benefits, feasibility, and a guarantee that their power will be delivered during critical times like the terrible winter we experienced last year;  And by requiring competition among developers, projects will need to keep their costs low. I believe that by fostering healthy competition, having people to come to the table and demonstrate the value of their proposals we will encourage diversity. It will help replace the energy infrastructure currently scheduled to go offline, while allowing ample room for the marketplace to fill additional needs the region may require. And propel us forward as we create a healthier and more sustainable Commonwealth. While speaking to a chamber of commerce in 1977, the former publisher of The New York Times, asked the executives in the room: “Why are there so few business heroes.” Looking out at this group I know that that question is no longer relevant. When taken at face value, early education and care may not seem like a business or labor issue. But make no mistake, it is. Those of you here today should recognize that; you know firsthand how significantly childcare affects your work and the work of your employees. The benefits of high-quality programing for our youngest residents are undisputable and the House will continue its focus on building a strong workforce, while also pushing for heightened access. Although access is important, we need to ask ourselves “access to what?” Without support for a quality workforce there is no access to meaningful programming. Therefore, we must build on the foundation we have laid. We must move upwards and give early educators, parents, and, most of all, our children a system they deserve. We do this by finding better Speaker DeLeo: 2016 Address to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce 5 ways to support those who make it their business to educate and care for our youngest and most vulnerable residents. I’ve no doubt my colleagues and I can benefit from your expertise. That’s why today I am calling on you. I am inviting business leaders from here and across the state to join in the creation of an Early Education and Care Business Advisory Group so we can discuss how the business community can help us address the critical needs of the early education and care field. I believe in the great potential of those in this room today and I know that with your input we can find ways to build and provide ongoing support for a strong EEC workforce. My friends, this has the potential to be one of the most productive legislative sessions in my tenure as Speaker. With important energy legislation; substance abuse and economic initiatives all in the balance, the House of Representatives will remain a voice of balanced, practical and most importantly, workable, progress. We will courageously defend the policies we believe are in the best interests of the people of Massachusetts. Thanks to the foundation we have built over the last decade, Massachusetts is in a position to capitalize on our advantages. Now is the time to consolidate our progress and make lasting policy decisions that prepare us long into the future. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you this morning. I’d be happy to take a few questions.

星期二, 3月 01, 2016

紐英崙至孝篤親公所慶猴年 麻州長、波市長、聯邦參眾議員先後現身

摩頓市又添一家華人食肆 Ming海鮮二百萬裝修

這回是店東Ling Zhang Jay Chen斥資兩百萬元,精美翻修改造,座落在愉悅街(Pleasant)上的“名海鮮(Ming Seafood)“,不但有新鮮海味,蔬菜肉類,還供應點心,酒水。
摩頓市市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson),第三區市議員John Matheson,麻州眾議員Paul Donato,摩頓商會的Hilda TorresLisa O’Loughlin,以及店東 Ling Zhang, Jay Chen等人在華林功夫太極學校的醒獅表演後,一起為新店開張剪綵。


品貴高中生華埠學華語 駐波士頓教育組鼓勵赴臺留遊學

美國麻州品貴高中 (Pingree High School) 辦理校外中文教學,由中文教師呂圣筑帶領師生29名於本(105)225日到波士頓華埠進行課外教學,安排喝珍珠奶茶,逛中國超市等活動,讓學生從生活中應用所學華語。駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組特別為他們辦理「赴臺留遊學說明會」,準備了包括中華民國教育部獎學金、各大學校院開設的英語課程及暑期華語夏令營等資料,鼓勵這群正學習中文的高中生到臺灣進修華語或攻讀學位。




Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Announces Launch of 2016-17 Internship Challenge

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) is excited to announce the launch of the next round of our Internship Challenge program! This year-round workforce development program focuses on enhancing the talent pipeline for Massachusetts life sciences companies by providing students and recent college graduates with hands-on work experience through internship opportunities at life sciences companies. The program creates hundreds of new internships each year by enabling small companies to hire paid interns. 

To date, the MLSC has facilitated the placement of nearly 2,280 interns at more than 500 companies across the Commonwealth. 
The Internship Challenge is our state's premier STEM internship program,  It is a direct pipeline between our world leading biopharma and medical device industries and our state's community colleges, state colleges, and public and private higher education institutions. We are proud that employers have relied heavily on our program to fulfill their scientific and workforce needs in years' past, and based on demand, this year we have added additional resources to make available additional opportunities.
This round of the program will run from May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017. Participating companies will be given access to search a robust database of hundreds of resumes submitted by students and recent graduates. Candidates are then hired as interns and paid directly by companies. Upon conclusion of the internship, the MLSC reimburses each company for intern stipends.
Companies with 100 or fewer employees in Massachusetts, and not more than 250 globally, are eligible to receive reimbursement for intern stipends. Larger companies are welcome to recruit students through the program, but will not be eligible for reimbursement. This year, the MLSC is increasing funding for the program, and increasing the reimbursement cap to $8,160 ($17/hour) per intern. Furthermore, companies will be eligible to hire more than the maximum four subsidized interns provided that each additional intern replaces an intern that was hired by the company as a full time employee.
Interns must be Massachusetts residents or attend a Massachusetts college/university and be completing at least their sophomore year prior to the start of the internship. Students enrolled in a two-year/community college/certificate program, students pursuing a Master's Degree, and recent graduates that completed their degree/certificate within the past year are also eligible.
For those interested in either hosting an intern or becoming one through the Internship Challenge, please visitwww.masslifesciences.com/programs/internship to learn more and to apply.

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Announces Launch of 2016-17 Internship Challenge
This year’s program features more funding, higher pay, and a new incentive for long-term hiring by participating companies

Waltham, MA – The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) today announced the launch of the 2016-17 Internship Challenge program.  This year’s program will feature a $700,000 increase in funding, an increase in the maximum reimbursable pay rate for interns from $15/hour to $17/hour, and a new incentive for long-term hiring by participating companies.  Under the new hiring incentive companies that offer a long-term position to a participating intern will be able to receive funding for a replacement intern.
The Internship Challenge program links college students and recent graduates with paid internship opportunities at life sciences companies across Massachusetts.  Eligible college students and recent graduates can apply online through the MLSC’s website for an internship with a life sciences company registered to host interns. Companies review candidates through a web-based interface in which they can match skills with their needs. Upon conclusion of the internship, the MLSC reimburses companies for stipends paid to their interns. 
Since the program first launched in 2009, the MLSC has facilitated the placement of nearly 2,280 interns with more than 500 companies. Many of these interns have indicated that their MLSC internship helped them decide that they would like to pursue a career in the life sciences. Nearly 25% of interns have been offered full or part-time jobs at the conclusion of their internships.
“The MLSC’s Internship Challenge is our state’s premier STEM internship program, providing hundreds of growing life sciences companies with scientifically proficient talent, and giving hundreds of students and recent graduates a pathway to life sciences employment every year,” said Travis McCready, President & CEO of the MLSC.  “It is a direct pipeline between our world leading biopharma and medical device industries and our state’s community colleges, state colleges, and public and private higher education institutions. We are proud that employers have relied heavily on our program to fulfill their scientific and workforce needs in years’ past, and based on demand, this year we have added additional resources to make available additional opportunities.”
The Internship Challenge provides interns with practical, “hands on” experience that prepares them to step into the workforce ready to meet the job requirements of life sciences employers.  Interns must be Massachusetts residents or attend a Massachusetts college/university and be completing at least their sophomore year prior to the start of the internship. Students enrolled in a two-year/community college/certificate program, students pursuing a Master's Degree, and recent graduates that completed their degree/certificate within the past year are also eligible.

“As a participant in the MLSC Internship Challenge, Ras Labs was able to secure key product development support prior to our ability to hire additional members to the team,” said Eric Sandberg, CEO of Ras Labs. “Ras Labs had the opportunity to work with a highly skilled and dedicated scientist over the course of the summer, and was given the time to make it possible to hire her at the conclusion of the internship. The MLSC Internship Challenge gives young scientists and start-ups the opportunity to evaluate working relationships that may not otherwise be possible. I would highly recommend this program.”

In addition to exposing local life sciences companies to top-rate talent, the program provides opportunities for students to immerse themselves in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, diagnostics and bioinformatics industry sectors, and to gain exposure to an entrepreneurial environment.

After receiving an Associate’s Degree from Quincy College, Taissah Prosper joined Cambridge-based STC Biologics through the MLSC Internship Challenge to help the company with its operations.  She was quickly offered a full-time role as Operations Manager after her training was completed. “I was given an opportunity of a lifetime to advance my career at STC Biologics. To hold an Operations Manager position at such a young age still shocks me. Because of MLSC support, STC was able to give me the chance to prove myself and acquire new skills to serve in this managerial role.” Said Prosper. While working at STC, she is pursuing a BS degree at Boston University.  STC Biologics is a biotechnology company, founded in 2009, with capabilities in both biologics development and development of targeted liposomal formulations.

“The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center has created a critical pathway that pays enormous dividends for students and companies across the Commonwealth,” said UMass President Marty Meehan. “More than 400 UMass students have followed this path and have obtained internships with life science companies since this program was established. We view this program and partnership with great enthusiasm, and see UMass and the MLSC continuing to work together on many fronts to strengthen and advance the state’s innovation economy.”​

“The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center’s Internship Challenge is an example of what we are trying to do more of in the Baker-Polito administration. The internships give students hands-on training so they are able to step into the workforce prepared to meet employers’ demand for skilled workers,” Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Ronald L. Walker II, said. “We know that employers have a difficult time finding qualified skilled workers. We need more programs around the state like the Internship Challenge to address the skills gap.”

Students who are selected for the Internship Challenge this year will be paid up to $17 per hour for a total of up to $8,160. Companies will be reimbursed this amount upon conclusion of the internship. Companies with 100 or fewer employees in Massachusetts (or up to 250 globally) are eligible to receive reimbursement of intern wages, including any payroll taxes.  Larger companies are welcome to participate and host unsubsidized interns.  Host companies must commit to providing a dedicated mentor and meaningful internship opportunity.
Individuals interested in applying or companies interested in participating can learn more atwww.masslifesciences.com/programs/internship/.

麻州總檢察官奚莉 3/7 談消費者權益

On Monday, March 7, the Office of Attorney General Maura Healey will be at Haitian Multiservice Center/Catholic Charities of Greater Boston, helping community members with consumer rights issues. If you know of anyone with landlord/tenant issues; or who bought a defective product and is having issues with the seller; or who is having problems with an insurance company; or who has a worker’s rights problem (non-payment of wage, sick time, etc.) please invite them to join this event. March 7th celebrates National Consumer Protection Week, and the “People’s Law Firm” will be in Boston helping the community, free of charge.

What: Community Action Hours at Haitian Multiservice Center/Catholic Charities of Greater Boston
185 Columbia Road, Suite 314
Dorchester, MA 02121
Who: Staff from the Office of Attorney General Maura Healey
When: Monday, March 7, 2016
Time: 5:00 – 7:00PM


Call for Nominations for AARP’s
Asian American & Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 1, 2016 – AARP is pleased to announce its new Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards to acknowledge hard-working staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations. The call for nominations is open now until March 31, 2016 at AARP’s AAPI Community Facebook page.

“We encourage everyone to nominate the passionate and committed individuals in our community for their work helping older adults,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “This award is our way to say thank you to individuals who are making the lives of our older adults better.  This award is also an opportunity to inspire others to work for or to volunteer time assisting our elders.”

To submit a nomination, visit facebook.com/AARPAAPICommunity to fill out the online form. Eligible nominees include any employee or volunteer of a non-profit organization that serves Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders age 50-plus. Nominees can be any age and ethnicity.

Finalists will be chosen from the submitted nominees and featured on a Facebook photo album for open voting. Users can “Like” the finalist to cast their vote during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May. Three heroes will be announced in June, and they and their organizations will each receive a cash prize of $1,000.

For more information about how AARP helps Asian American & Pacific Islander families get more out of life, visit aarp.org/aapifacebook.com/AARPAAPICommunity and@AARPAAPI.




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Governor Baker Declares March “Massachusetts Maple Month”

Governor Baker Declares March “Massachusetts Maple Month”

BOSTON - March 1, 2016 – Governor Charlie Baker has declared March “Massachusetts Maple Month” in an effort to support the Commonwealth’s many maple producers and encourage Massachusetts residents to purchase locally-produced maple products.

“Creating maple syrup is a time-honored Massachusetts tradition that the more than 300 maple syrup producers in the Commonwealth keep alive,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I encourage residents to support our local maple syrup producers and purchase delicious Massachusetts maple products.”

“The income of our dairy farms is supplemented by the production of maple syrup, making it not only the first agricultural crop of the season but also one of the most important,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “By declaring March as Massachusetts Maple month, we hope everyone will take part in recognizing the importance of the Commonwealth’s maple producers.”

“Maple syrup is an inherently sustainable agricultural product because healthy, well-maintained trees can be tapped for over 100 years,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito Administration is proud to recognize and support the maple syrup producers that help protect our environment and contribute to the Commonwealth’s vibrant agricultural and tourism industries.”

Massachusetts is home to approximately 300 maple syrup producers, including many who are open to the public throughout the sugaring season.  Last year approximately 75,000 gallons of maple syrup worth more than $4.3 million was produced across the Commonwealth, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. Approximately $1.9 million in revenue is generated by maple farms, restaurants, bed and breakfasts, country inns, and other attractions in farm communities.  Additionally, Massachusetts sugar makers steward more than 15,000 acres of woodland.

“Maple syrup is a delicious and versatile natural sweetener, compliments of Mother Nature and the state's maple producers,” said Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) Commissioner Lebeaux.  “Maple syrup is the first farm product of the season and the oldest agricultural enterprise in the country, and its production helps contribute to the diversity of our agricultural products.”

To kick off the Massachusetts maple season, DAR Commissioner John Lebeaux will join local and agricultural officials on Friday, March 4, 2016 at Stonegate Farms in Conway at 10:00am for a ceremonial sugar maple tree tapping.

“This event signifies the start of maple season in Massachusetts and celebrates the hard work, dedication and tradition of sugar makers across the Commonwealth,” said State Representative Stephen Kulik (D-Worthington).  “I am proud that this event is once again being held in my district at Stonegate Farm in Conway, a town with a rich history in agriculture and maple sugaring.  I hope this season is one of the sweetest and most productive yet!”

“We’ve already had a good run of sap with the early mild weather in February,” said Dana Goodfield, owner of Stonegate Farm in Conway.  “The sap is excellent, yielding syrup that has a wonderful color and great flavor.”

While March has earned the distinction of Maple Month, tapping in Massachusetts can start at the end of January and continue through April. For prime sugaring, nights must be below freezing and days must be above freezing. Everything from the weather, soil, and genetics of the tree can affect maple syrup flavor - like wine, flavor can differ from region to region.   

The Massachusetts Maple Producers Association (MMPA) will hold its 3rd Annual Maple Weekend March 19 to 20. Maple Weekend will feature open house events at over 45 sugarhouses, and special maple menus at participating restaurants made with 100% pure Massachusetts maple syrup.

Go to the MassGrown website and click on maple for a complete listing of maple sugar houses orwww.massmaple.org