
星期一, 10月 19, 2015

查理士河划船賽 萬科集團等三中國隊參賽

為期兩日的第51屆查理士河划船賽(Head of the Charles Regatta)昨(18)日落幕。在今年參賽的2222人,776船隊中,至少三隊來自中國。萬科集團主席王石也親自操槳。
1965年起,每年十月倒數第二個週末在波士頓舉行,長3哩的查理士河划船賽,今年共有2,222人,776船隊報名參賽,其中包括2012年在倫敦,2008年在北京二度贏得奧林匹克賽金牌,擔任舵手的 Mary Whipple。
據悉,由於部分隊員未能取得簽證,萬科隊情商主辦單位,才得以下河划船。萬科的兩支隊伍,17日在共有20隊參賽的40歲以上,男子大師組中掛尾,成績分別為1943秒,以及19 53秒。
王石這組,有2人年紀在60歲以上,年紀最輕的是31歲的Deirdre Moore,年紀最長的是64歲的王石。
查理士河划船賽的獎牌有著奧林匹克賽的份量,幾乎每一個參加划船賽的人,都希望能在這比賽中至少贏得一次獎牌。下週六,在費城斯庫爾基爾河(Schuylkill River)舉行的750米加速划船賽,金牌得主可獲得10,000元獎金。           



ONLINE BROKER TO PAY MORE THAN $160,000 FOR MISLEADING MASSACHUSETTS INVESTORS IN MUTUAL FUND PROMOTION TD Ameritrade Failed to Supervise Representatives in Sale of Reserve Yield Plus Fund

BOSTON – An online broker of financial products has agreed to pay more than $160,000 after its representatives misled Massachusetts investors, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

In an assurance of discontinuance, filed in Suffolk Superior Court, AG Healey alleged that representatives of Omaha-based TD Ameritrade, Inc. (TDA) deceived investors by wrongfully claiming that its Reserve Yield Plus Fund was a money market mutual fund. Representatives described the investment as “safe as cash” and as an investment with guaranteed liquidity.  However, in reality, the fund possessed neither of those characteristics, and when it lost value during the financial crisis, its investors lost liquidity and value in their investments. 

Under the terms of today’s settlement, TDA has agreed to make whole certain Massachusetts investors whom the Attorney General alleged were misled by the TDA representatives. Payments to the investors will exceed $100,000. TDA will also make a $60,000 payment to the state. 

This agreement follows a similar settlement by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which required TDA to distribute 0.012 per share of the fund to eligible customers. 

This case was handled by Deputy Division Chief Monica Brookman, with assistance from Michael Beaulieu and Legal Analyst Emily Garvey, all of Attorney General Maura Healey’s Insurance and Financial Services Division. 

星期六, 10月 17, 2015

梁秀婷競選昆士市議員 社區助力多

昆士市今年的不分區市議員選舉,共有五名候選人,角逐三個席位。其中唯一的女性,華裔候選人梁秀婷(Nina Liang)爭取支持的觸角,在昆士市之外,還廣及波士頓市,尚莫維爾市。
包括JP富士集團負責人梁戰士在內的梁氏家族,將於1021日(週三)下午五點至八點,在昆士市的花崗岩鏈接館帳篷(Granite Links Pavillion Tent, 100 Quarry Hills Drive, Quincy)舉辦籌款會,主辦名單全是要人,包括尚莫維爾(Somerville)市長Joe Curtatone名設計家Taniya Nayak波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),普斯莉(Ayanna Presley),劍橋市議員張禮能(Leland Cheung),以及Bureau家居及汽車服飾公司董事長Joseph Coyne
亞裔,尤其是華裔社區,對這次的梁秀婷參選,顯然抱有更大興趣,在107日,不下五,六個在昆士市為亞裔民眾服務的社區機構攜手舉辦了一場候選人論壇之後,1013日又有紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦,同源會波士頓會長李徐慕蓮,李衛新夫婦,Lime Light老闆鄺國彬,投資人劉伯岳等人在波士頓為梁秀婷辦了一場籌款會。
昆士市今年的不分區市議員選舉,五名候選人中只有梁秀婷是全無從政經驗,最年輕的新人。其餘四名候選人,兩人是競選連任的在位市議員,方安(Joseph Finn),麥法蘭(Michael McFarland)。另兩人是昆士市現任學校委員會委員,狄邦納(Noel DiBona),麥卡錫(David McCarthy)。
梁秀婷目前在她表哥梁戰士(Jimmy Liang)經營的JP富士集團中擔任辦公室經理,一旦在113日時當選,將成為昆士市有史以來的手名亞裔/華裔市議員。
狄波納(DiBona)現年 40,在昆士市擁有一個景觀公司,還是一名青少年足球教練,2013年當選為學校委員會委員。一旦他當選市議員,昆士學校委員會將出缺。
麥卡錫(McCarthy)現年 54歲,在通用動力(General Dynamics)公司做安全經理,擔任學校委員會委員已12年。他表示自己在昆市建成新高中,以及中央中學,以及實施全日制幼稚園上,出力極多。
方安(Finn)現年59歲,是昆市議會現任議長,擔任市議員已長達14年。他也是麻州住宅及庇護所聯盟行政主任。2012年時,他是要求州政府檢察長(inspector general)調查昆市長柯奇(Tom Koch)和地產拍賣商Daniel Flynn之間有爭議土地交易的三名市議員之一。
麥法蘭(McFarland)現60歲,是殖民地聯邦儲備銀行(Colonial Federal Savings Bank)的董事長兼執行長。在2005年起擔任市議員之前,他做過8年學校委員會委員。他認為總體來說,昆士市是個經營,管理良好的城市。


紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦(前坐者右二),李衛新(左二起),同源會波士頓會長李徐慕蓮夫婦,波士頓市議員吳弭,Lime Light老闆鄺國彬(第二排左四),投資人劉伯岳(第二排左八)等人在波士頓為梁秀婷(前右三)辦了一場籌款會。(圖由梁秀婷競選陣營提供)


            5人中的Amy Tran, 蘇靜恩(Andrea So,鄧稀賢(Austin Tang3人為成人,Ricky Mei 和陳城熹( Thomas Tran 2人為青少年。
            兩名都來自麻州摩頓市的華林功夫太極學校團員,都因為參加這比賽,獲得學校的專業發長表揚。陳城熹12歲,上Cheverus學校,Ricky Mei 16歲,上摩頓高中。

摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christensen)恭喜學生得獎。(圖由華林功夫學校提供)

後左起,陳城熹,Amy Tran,蘇靜恩,鄧稀賢,Ricky Mei等得獎者和師父余脆梅(前左),摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson.)。(圖由華林功夫學校提供)       

            余翠梅(左)和 Zackary Desario ,以及摩頓市長葛帝生。圖由華林功夫學校提供)

星期五, 10月 16, 2015

Boston Man Indicted for Armed Bank Robbery

Boston Man Indicted for Armed Bank Robbery 

BOSTON—A Boston man was charged today in U.S. District Court in Boston in connection with robbing a Citizens Bank in Brighton.
Kenneth E. Denny, 60, was indicted on one count of armed bank robbery.
According to court documents, on July 24, 2015, a man, dressed in a tan hat, gray wig, blue sports coat, shirt and tie, entered a Citizens Bank on Washington Street in Brighton. Once inside the bank, the man allegedly handed the teller a demand note, removed an item which appeared to be a bomb from a newspaper he was carrying, placed it on the teller’s counter, and demanded money. The man was given $4,040, but was confronted by the bank’s manager when he attempted to leave. The man dropped the bag containing the money removed a white cell phone from his pocket and stated “I am going to blow it up.” The individual then exited the bank and was seen heading down Washington Street.
The Boston Police Bomb squad arrived and determined that the bomb was a hoax. Inside the bank, law enforcement officers allegedly found that the robber had left his wallet on the teller’s counter with a picture ID inside in the name of Kenneth E. Denny. Law enforcement officers recalled that they had observed a man who resembled Denny on Washington Street as they were approaching the bank. A few minutes later, officers located the man and confirmed that his name was Kenneth Denny. Denny was asked to produce identification and stated he must have lost his wallet.
Denny was detained and returned to the bank for a live line-up. Court documents allege that bank employees identified Denny as the man who had robbed them earlier in the day.
The charging statute provides for a sentence of no greater than 25 years in prison, five years of supervised release, and a fine of up to $250,000. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.
United States Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz; Harold H. Shaw, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Division; and Boston Police Commissioner William Evans, made the announcement today. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth G. Shine of Ortiz’s Major Crimes Unit.
The details contained in the indictment are allegations. The defendant is presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in the court of law.
This content has been reproduced from its original source.