
星期五, 9月 04, 2015

華埠邊上又一棟豪華住宅大廈 預定明春開工

            這一土地發展計畫,座落在麻州公路(Mass Pike)對面,華盛頓街(Washington),夏利臣街(Harrison),旅行者街(Traveller),以及穆林斯街(Mullins)交界處,另一名稱為灰吧(Grey Bar)。
            在問答部分,土地發展商表示,目前還不確定可負擔住宅的可負擔程度,所有單位全供出租,有套房,一及二睡房單位,以及很多的三睡房單位。房屋價格將類似附近的墨水塊(Ink Block),以及特洛伊(Troy)大樓。



波士頓華埠居民會改選執委 首度出現非華裔

波士頓華埠居民會(CRA92日晚在大約60名居民出席投票中,順利改選新一屆不分區執委。8名候選人同額當選,其中的Arturo Gossage還成為該會首名非華裔執委。
            8名候選人中有4名新人,4名競選連任者。4名新人中,並不會說中文的Arturo Gossage,在波士頓本地出生長大,從麻州大學波士頓分校畢業的黃楚瑜,在候選人顯得最與眾不同。
Arturo Gossage2007年起住在乞臣街,經常目睹販毒、賣淫事件在那條街上發生,同時他也認為租金越來越貴是個大問題。

        波士頓華埠居民會執委與顧問合影。前排右起,曹鼎榮,陳丹心,余仕昂,馬華,陳策平,後排右起,Arturo Gossage,黃楚瑜,伍新杏,李素影等人。(圖由居民會提供)


波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)正推動給市議員加薪13.7%
            波市長發言人邦尼麥吉萍(Bonnie McGilpin)表示,波市議員已將近十年未加薪,市長相信他所提的折衷加薪幅度,是公平且合適的,可讓市府回歸到處理波士頓市所應優先面對的問題。
            波士頓市長所指派的一個獨立委員會建議加薪到97,000元,但帶頭發起加薪提案,今年將在無人競爭下同額當選連任的波市議會議長林乃肯(Bill Linehan)表示,市長此舉貶低了市議會的努力。他說,原本他期望市長提出的數額會高些,以解決大家在加薪幅度上的歧見。

Boston Students Invited to Apply for the City’s Exam Schools and Advanced Work Class Program

Boston Students Invited to Apply for the City’s Exam Schools and Advanced Work Class Program

Boston Public Schools (BPS) will offer the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) for entrance to the city's three examination schools on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. at six locations across the city.  The registration deadline is Sept. 30, 2015. 
Students must currently be in grades 6, 8 and 9 to take the ISEE. Interested candidates may obtain application materials from the Principal/Headmaster of his or her present school.  Applications will also be available at the BPS Welcome Centers and all branches of the Boston Public Library starting the third week in September.

The three exam schools are the Boston Latin Academy, Boston Latin School, and John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics & Science.  New students are admitted to grades 7 and 9 at all three exam schools.  John D. O'Bryant is the only exam school that accepts new students for grade 10.

As of June 2010, the Boston School Committee voted to approve the Superintendent's recommended change in the residency date for application to exam schools. This residency policy requires both the applicant and the parent or legal guardian to reside in the City of Boston and complete the verification process no later than Friday, November 6, 2015.
Additionally BPS will offer the TerraNova test to students currently enrolled in grades 3, 4, and 5 at private, parochial and charter schools for possible entrance into the Advanced Work Class (AWC) Program beginning in September 2016. AWC is a full-day program located in select Boston Public Schools across the city. The AWC program includes the same subjects as the regular education program. However, each subject is studied in more depth at an accelerated pace and requires the completion of more classroom work and homework by the student.

Registration materials for the TerraNova test will be mailed to all non-public schools in Boston, and available for pick up at BPS Welcome Centers as well as branches of the Boston Public Library.  The deadline for registration is Sept. 18, 2015.

The TerraNova will be administered free of charge to Boston residents currently attending private, parochial or charter schools at the Washington Irving Middle School, 105 Cummins Highway in Roslindale on Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015.  Students who attend Boston Public Schools must take the test in their assigned school.

For further information on the ISEE, contact the Enrollment Planning & Support at 617-635-9512.  For information about the BPS TerraNova please contact the Data & Accountability Department at 617-635-9554

NEWS RELEASE: Mosquito Spraying Planned for Readville

BOSTON – Friday, September 4, 2015 - The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) would like to advise residents and community members in Readville of an upcoming spraying to help control the mosquito population in the residential neighborhood adjacent to Fowl Meadow.  The Suffolk County Mosquito Control Project is planning to spray for mosquitoes using a truck mounted aerosol sprayer in the vicinity of the Neponset Valley Parkway between Meadow Road and Prescott Street on Wednesday, September 9, 2015. If spraying is postponed on Wednesday night, it will be re-scheduled for Thursday night.  All spraying is done between dusk and 11:30 PM.

A map depicting areas to be sprayed has been posted on the Project website at http://scmcp.webs.com.

The Project uses a spray formulation containing the pesticide product Anvil to control mosquitoes. Anvil contains the pesticide, sumithrin, to control mosquitoes. Sumithrin is a pyrethroid that is classified as slightly toxic by the EPA. Mosquito control applications of sumithrin do not pose a significant risk to people or their pets due to the low toxicity of sumithrin and the small amount used to control mosquitoes. As with any pesticide, people should minimize exposure. If residents see a spray truck approaching, they are advised to go indoors for a couple of minutes while the spray dissipates. Residents are also advised to close windows facing the street. Beekeepers do not need to take any special precautions since spraying begins after dusk.

To help prevent mosquitoes from breeding, BPHC advises residents to limit places around the home where standing water can collect. People should turn over unused flower pots, buckets, wheelbarrows and garbage cans; remove leaves and other debris that can clog gutters and trap water; dispose of or cover old tires; and cover swimming pools when not in use.
To avoid mosquito bites, BPHC recommends using insect repellant when outdoors, especially from dusk to dawn when mosquitoes are most active and, when possible, wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants. Residents should also mosquito-proof their homes by making sure that their window and door screens are in good repair to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside.
If residents have any questions related to the spraying or any questions on mosquitoes, they may call the Suffolk County Mosquito Control Project at 781-899-5730.  For more information on sprayings, please visit bphc.org/mosquitocontrol.

For more information on mosquito-borne illness, call the Boston Public Health Commission at 617-534-5611 or visit www.bphc.org/mbi.



            BOSTON – A property owner and manager have been sued by Attorney General Maura Healey for violating state anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws when they denied an individual a rental unit on the basis of the source of his income.

            The complaint was filed in Suffolk Superior Court against Matteo Gallo, as trustee ofOcean View Nominee Trust (OVNT), and IPM Management, Inc. The AG’s Office alleges that the defendants refused to rent an apartment in Woburn to the individual based on his receipt of assistance through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and the requirements of the rental assistance program. 

            “Discrimination against prospective tenants who receive public or housing assistance is against the law,” AG Healey. “These programs help low-income families obtain affordable and safe housing, and landlords cannot use the requirements of these programs as an excuse to refuse to rent.”

Gallo is the sole trustee of OVNT, which owns and manages approximately 31 housing units in three buildings located in Woburn, where the tenant was looking to rent. In addition, OVNT owns and manages several other residential properties, including properties in Boston, Everett and Reading. IPM Management, Inc. is a real estate management, marketing, and consulting company for several residential properties, including the building in Woburn. 

According to the AG’s complaint, the tenant, who sought to find housing before a major surgery he was scheduled to undergo in October 2014, applied for an apartment and was told by OVNT that his rental application was approved. He then paid a key deposit. However, rather than going through with an inspection required by the Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, which administers the voucher program, the defendants rented the unit to individuals who did not receive Section 8 housing assistance.

Because of the defendants’ actions, the complaint alleges, the tenant was unable to secure alternate housing before his surgery and spent his recovery living in shelters and staying with friends. He found more permanent housing four months later located in a community further from his medical appointments in Boston.

The AG’s Office seeks injunctive relief, compensatory damages, civil penalties, and attorneys’ fees and costs.

Under Massachusetts law, it is illegal to refuse to rent to a prospective tenant because the tenant is a participant in a housing subsidy program, or to avoid any of the requirements of such a program. It is also illegal to make a statement indicating a preference, limitation, or discrimination against a recipient of a Section 8 subsidy.

            The case is being handled by Assistant Attorneys General Kerry Tipper and Brittany Williams of Attorney General Maura Healey’s Civil Rights Division.

MassDOT, Partners Awarded Federal Public Transportation Workforce Development Grant

MassDOT, Partners Awarded Federal Public Transportation Workforce Development Grant

BOSTON- Thursday, September 3, 2015- The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has been awarded a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Workforce Development grant to support the Massachusetts Construction Career Development (MCCD) program preparing the next generation of skilled workers in construction trades.  MassDOT is one of 19 grant recipients from 13 states, as announced this month by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

The $750,000 grant will provide funding for the MCCD program and four Coalition for Equal Access to Jobs community partners across the Commonwealth to improve existing and successful pre-apprenticeship programs in the construction trades with a focus on under-represented groups including women and minorities.

“The Federal Transit Administration’s support for workforce development programs will allow us to prepare future generations for construction trades,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This targeted investment in our Commonwealth’s talent pipeline will have a major impact on the future of our construction industry and help us to ensure we have the skilled workforce needed to maintain and repair our roads, bridges and public transit systems, and build new developments that spur economic growth.”

MassDOT worked in partnership with the Coalition for Equal Access to Jobs in pursuing this grant opportunity.

“This grant will enhance the successful efforts already in place to provide training and apprenticeships that will lead to outstanding careers in public transportation and the construction industry,” said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “It is also especially important that we continue to focus on attracting women and minority candidates to these opportunities.”

The Massachusetts Communities Action Network (MCAN) organized the Coalition for Equal Access to Jobs in 2009 to work on funding pre-apprentice construction training to especially enable more people of color and women to get these jobs.  The Coalition met with MassDOT for several years on this issue and MassDOT began initial funding to two pre-apprentice training programs this year. Coalition members met with MassDOT staff to help in writing this application that we are very pleased was funded by the US Department of Transportation.

Jack Livramento, the Massachusetts Communities Action Network Board President and a participant in the Coalition for Equal Access to Jobs, said, "Over the past decade or more, workers in the city of New Bedford, where I live, are continually searching for jobs that pay a living wage.  Our citizens are always looking for the proper training to find a good job.  This pre-apprentice training program will assist them in finding that position that leads to a stable job.  Finding the training that helps persons in their employment is an opportunity that our young men and women need. Hopefully this is just the beginning."
The Massachusetts Construction Career Development Program is a statewide partnership collaborating to enhance and augment existing registered pre-apprentice programs for minorities, women, and disadvantaged individuals in order to increase the targeted groups’ participation in the transportation industry.

The Coalition for Equal Access to Jobs includes a number of programs and initiatives, including the following:
·       Community Works- a multi-partner pre-apprenticeship program which provides low-income and low-skilled Springfield and Holyoke residents, particularly minorities, women and disadvantaged young adults, access to family-sustaining careers in construction. 
·       Building Pathways- a state registered pre-apprenticeship sponsored by the Building and Construction Trades Council of the Metropolitan District in partnership with the Boston Housing Authority and Action for Boston Community Development, Inc., providing training to low-income and minority participants with the skills and certifications necessary for successfully entering into post-secondary apprenticeships and employment in the construction industry.  .
·       Pre-Apprentice Construction Training (PACT)-a registered pre-apprenticeship program of the South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc., conducted through the Martin Luther King Jr. Business Empowerment Center.
·       Youth Build Boston- a registered pre-apprentice program that seeks to empower and assist underserved young people with essential social, vocational, academic and life skills necessary to navigate a positive pathway to self-sufficiency and neighborhood responsibility.

Federal Transit Administration workforce development projects develop or expand strategic partnerships with transit agencies, labor unions, nonprofits, and academic institutions, and some also support small businesses in the transit sector owned by women and minorities.

The FTA says reports show employers nationwide will need to hire and train a total of 4.6 million new workers – 1.2 times the current transportation workforce – due to expected growth, retirements, and turnover in the transportation industry from 2012 to 2022.

星期四, 9月 03, 2015

Governor Baker Urges Entergy to Address Concerns at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

Governor Baker Urges Entergy to Address Concerns at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
Corrective action needed to address NRC downgrade; ensure public safety

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker wrote the leadership of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.-owned Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station to urge facility operators to take corrective actions that addresses the recent downgrade by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to the Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone Column, or Column 4, due to failure to address the causes of several unplanned shutdowns dating back to 2013. 

In the letter, Governor Baker notes that while the NRC’s determination that Pilgrim Station continues to operate safely and the issues raised are of low to moderate significance, Entergy should “take all steps necessary to perform an appropriate root cause analysis of the shutdowns and to complete all necessary repairs and corrective actions.”

In recognizing Pilgrim Station’s significance in the Commonwealth’s economy and energy supply, Governor Baker also writes that, “the most important task at hand is for Entergy to ensure the safety of the plant’s operations and that of all of the residents of the Commonwealth that live within proximity to the plant.”

Further, Governor Baker asks “that Entergy work closely with my administration to make sure that we, and the residents of the Commonwealth, have access to the most up to date and accurate information about the corrective actions that will be taken to ensure the public’s safety.”


BOSTON - Thursday, September 3, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today released the following statement:

"Today is a great day in New England and Patriots fans across the country are celebrating.  Now, let's get back to football - I am looking forward to a great season and cheering on the Patriots one game at a time."