
星期二, 9月 15, 2015

Boston Asian American Film Festival (10/22-10/25)

Boston Asian American Film Festival (10/22-10/25) 2015 Announces Opening, Closing and Centerpiece Films
New England Premieres of Benson Lee’s Seoul Searching, Ravi Kapoor’sMiss India America and Arthur Dong’s The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor

BOSTON, MA [September 15, 2015] – The Boston Asian American Film Festival (BAAFF), a production of theAsian American Resource Workshop (AARW), announces a provocative and entertaining program ofindependent cinema highlighting recent, significant works by and/or about Asian Americans and the Asian diaspora. The festival theme is Home in America, celebrating the diverse stories about how and why America is home.

This year, the festival takes place October 22 to 25, 2015 in Boston at ArtsEmerson’s Bright Family Screening Room in the Paramount Center and in Cambridge at the Brattle Theatre.

The Boston Asian American Film Festival (BAAFF) is pleased to announce the 2015 festival will open with a special presentation of the ‘80s teen comedy from filmmaker Benson Lee (Planet B-Boy, Battle of the Year): Seoul Searching, an official Sundance Selection, LA Film Festival Gala Presenation and winner of the CAAMFest Audience Award.

The coming-of-age film stars Justin Chon (Twilight Saga series, 21 and Over), Esteban Ahn, a.k.a Hispanic Korean musical artist Sanchobeatz from the popular YouTube channel CoreanoLoco, and features actors Jackie Im and Judy Im of Beverly, MA.  Seoul Searching is a 1980s John Hughes inspired romantic teen comedy about a group of Korean misfits from around the world forced by their parents to attend a cultural propaganda camp in Seoul resulting in the best summer of their lives.

The opening film will screen at 7:30PM on Thursday, October 22nd at the Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA. Writer and Director Benson Lee, will be in attendance.

The festival’s centerpiece film will feature The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngorproduced, directed, written, and edited by Oscar®-nominated and triple-Sundance award-winning filmmaker Arthur Dong (Hollywood Chinese, Forbidden City USA), The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor is a singular documentary on one of the most well-known survivors of the Cambodian genocide. Arthur Dong will be present for this screening (Saturday, October 24 at 6:15pm, Paramount Center)

The Boston Asian American Film Festival will close with the film Miss India America, a comedy by Ravi Kapoor,where Election and Legally Blonde meets the world of Indian-American beauty pageants. An ambitious teenager whose lifelong plans are ruined when her boyfriend falls for the reigning Miss India National beauty queen, leaving her no choice but to try to become Miss India National herself. The film is both a South Asian story, and an American story about the way we define success.  Miss India America won the CAAMFest Comcast Narrative Jury Award, and LA Asian Pacific Film Festival Best Screenplay Award.  Meera Simhanwriter, creative producer, and actress; whose one-woman stage show, Miss India America, provided the basis for the film, will also be in attendance (Sunday, October 25 at 5pm, Paramount Center).

Photography opportunities will take place prior to each screening, and following the screening there will be a conversation/Q&A with film talent in attendance.
The full festival line up will be released in late September, and tickets will be on sale by October 5th. For more information please visit: www.baaff.org or www.facebook.com/baaff

麻州府撥款420萬元 兩美國總統昆市墓地將建公園

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)與能源及環保事務卿畢頓(Matthew Beaton)昨(14)日聯袂到昆士市,宣佈撥款420萬元,協助昆士整修亞當綠地(Adams Green)公園。
這筆經費是由能源及環保事務的“門戶城市公園(Gateway City Parks)”項目中撥出。
查理貝克指出,昆士市是兩名美國總統的出生地,其中的約翰亞當斯(John Adams)更是美國開國者之一。他和妻子Abigail Smith Adams等家族故事,有許多歌劇,電影,小說演繹版本。這前後兩任總統的埋葬地,對美國,對麻州歷史來說,都太重要了。
查理貝克說,麻州人有時忘記了“歷史和我們如此接近”。 他很高興州政府有機會加入整建“亞當綠地”行列,美化這地方,也是尊敬前總統的一種表示。
            亞當綠地 ”是封閉昆士市政府面前那段興國街(Hancock),讓車輛繞經華盛頓街,再右轉連接星國街,把昆士市府和對面埋有約翰亞當斯(John Adams),以及約翰昆西亞當斯(John Quincy Adams)這兩名總統的聯合第一教堂(United First Parish Church)之間的路面,變成一個綠地公園的開放空間。
            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)透露,麻州長查理貝克曾經在昆市工作近十年。早年他在構思整頓昆市時,曾邀請時任現名哈佛格林健保公司執行長的查理貝克出席討論會。兩人因此結緣。查理貝克上任州長後,也一直很支持昆士市。           
            麻州參議員約翰基南(John Keenan)表示,這可能是州政府撥給昆市府的最大一筆捐款。整個工程將先從交通路線調整開始,再設計,建造公園,估計要幾年功夫,才能完工。
            轄區在昆士市的麻州眾議員陳德基(Tackey Chan),Bruce Ayer曾任聯邦眾議員的狄拉罕(William D. Delahunt )都出席了宣佈儀式。 






紐英崙藝術學會慶中秋 琴詩書畫加嗩吶

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙藝術學會913日晚在龍鳳酒樓以一場詩書樂畫俱全的藝術饗宴,慶祝乙未羊年中秋。藝術家們還攜手,即席揮毫完成一幅“報春圖”,藉以彰顯團結合作精神。
朱紹昌,Sophia Yee兩人分別做詩朗誦。其中朱紹昌吟誦得格外有韻味。
其他的節目表演包括小提琴演奏,梅國治講笑話等,其中的“拿名” 因發音不准,變成“攞命”, 以及一封討論妻子從大陸到香港探親的短信,竟可以有37個“出”字,最讓廣東人嘴角泛起意在不言中的微笑。
紐英崙中華藝術學會的下一場活動是定926日至1025日舉行的“荷花特展”。查詢可洽梅芬芳,fenfangmei@hhcc.com,或 fenfangmei@msn.com,或梅宇國, 617- 818- 2973林浩宗,781- 363- 6476 
紐英崙藝術學會地址為: 25 Edinboro St. Boston, Ma. 02170
梅芬芳 (右起)、林浩宗、梅宇國主持義賣。
梅芬芳 (右起)、林浩宗、梅宇國主持義賣。



“Game Change: The Patriots Anti-Violence Partnership” will train students, teachers, coaches on relationship violence in public high schools across Massachusetts;
$1.5 million in gifts distributed by New England Patriots Charitable Foundation
to address domestic violence and sexual assault

BOSTON – New England Patriots Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft and Attorney General Maura Healey today announced a groundbreaking partnership aimed at preventing youth relationship violence. 
“Game Change: The Patriots Anti-Violence Partnership” takes a multi-faceted approach to violence prevention education. The program, funded with $500,000 from the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation and $150,000 from the Attorney General’s Office, will provide training for students, faculty and coaches at 90 public high schools in Massachusetts. It also includes an innovative partnership that will pair schools with local domestic violence and sexual assault service providers to provide ongoing support to schools.
The Game Change program is one component of a $1.5 million domestic violence and sexual assault prevention initiative developed by the Kraft Family and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation. The initiative will also fund a comprehensive training and community building initiative, provide skills training and capacity support for frontline advocates and leaders in the movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as major funding to select service providers that are delivering programs at the local level.
“One in three young people has experienced physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse in a relationship,” said Attorney General Healey. “Too often, we don’t see it until it’s too late. This program will help prevent violence by reaching students at an early age and teaching them about healthy relationships, how to recognize warning signs and how to intervene. I want to thank Robert Kraft and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation for their incredible leadership on this issue. It will make a difference for so many young people and their families.”
“We are excited to team up with Attorney General Healey to help prevent relationship violence, particularly among young people,” said Kraft. “We need to tackle this problem from all angles – through preventive measures like this one, and by providing resources for survivors in the aftermath of trauma.”
The Game Change trainings will be conducted by the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program (MVP), a nationwide leader in addressing violence prevention. Run by the Center for the Study of Sport in Society at Northeastern University, MVP uses a sports-themed curriculum and employs collegiate athletes and former professional athletes as trainers.
“The Attorney General and the Kraft Family have each been tireless advocates for using sport to promote positive social change,” said Dan Lebowitz, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Sport in Society. “Northeastern University’s Center for the Study of Sport in Society has embraced that platform for over 30 years and is excited to be a part of this first-of-its kind statewide initiative to empower young people, teachers and coaches with the skills and tools they need to promote healthy relationships and to recognize and prevent teen dating violence in their schools and communities.”
Together, the Attorney General’s Office, MVP, and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation will select the first 90 schools to participate in the initiative. Schools will be chosen from every region of the state and will include a cross-section of rural, urban and suburban schools. Two adult representatives from each school will participate in a three-day training run by the MVP program. Schools will be selected this fall with trainings to begin in the winter.
MVP will also provide more in-depth trainings to 30 high schools – five in each of the six statewide regions – in partnership with local domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy organizations. The advocacy organizations will help train school staff and parents and work with school administrators on policies and services for students and families dealing with violence. Students from each of those schools will also be trained to become peer leaders who can teach younger students about healthy relationships and bystander intervention.
With assistance from Jane Doe Inc., and in coordination with the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation, the Attorney General’s Office will select the local domestic violence and sexual assault organizations that will pair up with MVP in order to provide ongoing support for schools that have gone through the training.
“Through this investment, Mr. Kraft and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation are helping to change how we work across disciplines to promote safety and justice for all survivors,” said Debra Robbin, Executive Director of Jane Doe Inc. “From our local sexual and domestic violence member programs to our partners in government and the private sector, this generous gift will afford us the opportunity to strengthen prevention, support survivors and build a culture free of violence and abuse.”
The Game Change program will also include online support tools for schools and an evaluation component to determine the effectiveness of the program in changing attitudes and behaviors.
Schools interested in applying for the Game Change program can visit www.mass.gov/ago/gamechange.
AG Healey has made tackling domestic violence and sexual assault a key priority. AG Healey is committed to building on that work by raising awareness and providing assistance for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors of every walk of life.





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