
星期六, 5月 16, 2015

昆士市長柯奇正式展開第五度連任競選 麻州長、波市長馳賀

昆士市市長柯奇(Tom Koch)十四日晚在五百多名支持者擁護中,正式展開競選第五度連任行動。他說自己有信心,但絕不把任何一票視為理所當然,籲請支持者一路追隨,直到十一月。
柯奇十四日晚在昆市麋鹿小屋(Elks Lodge)的Tirrell室,舉行競選連任行動會。他的妻子,三名子女,母親,妹妹等全都出席支持。柯奇競選陣營表示,從柯奇2007年當選昆士市長以來,這是規模最大的一次競選活動。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),聯邦眾議員林奇(Steven Lynch)當晚分別以推特(Twitter)等社交媒體,轉達祝賀。查理貝克說,“我的朋友要展開連任競選了”,“願力量與你同在”;馬丁華殊說“祝我的朋友湯姆有最好的一切”,林奇謝謝柯奇的領導力,以及他為昆市人民所做的一切。
十四日晚,出席支持的華裔選民也不少,在擔任柯奇市長助理的邱潔芳外,柯奇的鄰居梁寶炎,以及翁渭澄(Al Young),池元山,唐若望的妻子等,有不下三十名華人出席。





BRA想延長徵用土地權十年 CPA促居民想像2030年

         美國聯邦政府在1949年時通過住宅法,藉以促進房屋建造速度,刺激經濟,更新環境日漸惡化的市區。波士頓市在19501960年代引進該法,成立了波士頓重建局,也賦予該局徵用(eminent domain)土地等權利。
         波士頓重建局為此在去年十二月時,設立網站www.bostonurbanrenewal.org,還於三月底到四月中,在波士頓市政府大樓,黑石社區中心(Blackstone Community Center),麥迪遜公園(Madison Park )高中舉辦了三場社區會議。
         現在,波士頓重建局繼續收集民意,推出“都市更新在行動(Urban Renewal on the Move)”活動,預定在五月十五日至廿一日之間,隨著“流動波士頓市府(City Hall on the Go)”的卡車,深入社區,邀請民眾直接提交意見。
         華人前進會為此,特地於昨日在華埠公園,“流動市政府”卡車的對面,擺開一個“穩定華埠”標語牌,鋪開一幅15x15呎的手繪華埠地圖,標出華埠內的有哪些地方是可負擔住宅,公有土地,呼應波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)日前提出“想像波士頓2030“計畫,要市民一起參與規劃未來的波士頓行動,打出”想像華埠2030“口號,請華埠居民表達一下,他們希望到2030年時,見到一個什麼樣的華埠。


華森愛樂樂團慶29週年 林湛濤二胡技藝觀眾讚嘆

華森愛樂樂團(Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra )慶祝成立29年,日前在華森市JFK中學舉辦“東方夢境”亞洲音樂晚會,四百多名出席者大讚飽享耳福,二胡演奏家林湛濤的演奏,讓觀眾激動得頻呼安可,逼他一連出場謝幕了三次。
這場音樂會由該團指揮Michael Korn帶領, 上半場第一首曲目是19世紀作曲家Aram Khachaturian創作的《D 小調小提琴協奏曲》,由今年獲得華森愛樂樂團器樂比賽優勝獎的小提琴新秀Haig Aram Hovsepian擔任獨奏;第二首曲目是18世紀作曲家Alexander Borodin(鮑羅丁)的交響音畫《on the steppes central Asia在中亞細亞草原上》; 中場休息後,華森普林普頓兒童合唱團演唱了韓國歌曲《阿里郎》和日本歌曲《獻給日本》;接著交響樂團奏了中國作曲家葉小鋼創作的《嶺南組曲》。
華森愛樂樂團是一群音樂專業人士1985年組成的樂團。2009年加入該團的現任指揮Michael Korn,出生於西伯利亞,擅拉小提琴,具有豐富音樂演奏經驗。


            林湛濤(中)演奏完畢謝幕,獲贈鮮花。前右為樂團指揮Michael Korn。(圖由Cary Chu提供)

            Haig Aram Hovsepian在華森愛樂樂團伴奏中拉小提琴。(圖由Cary Chu提供)

第九屆全球華文網路教育研討會 6/19-21 波士頓召開

分享雲端科技成果  拓劃華語教學新局

地點:美國麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,MIT
      77 Massachusetts Avenue ,Cambridge,MA 02139,U.S.A.


More than 130 Asian American organizations sign open letter supporting equal opportunity in higher education

More than 130 Asian American organizations sign open letter supporting equal opportunity in higher education
WASHINGTON - Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Advancing Justice) joined 135 Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community organizations from across the country in an open letter in support of equal opportunity and affirmative action in higher education, highlighting that a majority of Asian Americans strongly support affirmative action in higher education.  
In response to an administrative complaint being filed today by Asian American groups seeking to dismantle race-conscious admissions policies at Harvard University, Advancing Justice issues the following statements:
“Historically, affirmative action programs have opened doors and provided opportunities for Asian Americans and other communities of color, who have been systematically denied everything from entrance into and citizenship in this country to educational opportunities, job promotions, and leadership positions,” states Betty Hung, Policy Director at Advancing Justice – Los Angeles. “Today, these programs continue to benefit communities of color and, in the education context, also has provided opportunities to members of our own ethnically diverse Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities, particularly Pilipino Americans, Southeast Asians, and many Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.”
Advancing Justice has a long supported and continue to support programs to ensure equal educational access as well as a diverse and inclusive society. As civil rights organizations, we remain a strong supporter of diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity in all contexts, including in education, employment, and contracting.
“Instead of asking Americans to come together to help address serious problems in our education system, these folks are trying to divide communities. We are in this boat together and Asians won’t save our children’s future by pushing other communities overboard,” said Christopher Punongbayan, Executive Director at Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus.

Dewey Square Farmers Market To Return Tuesday, Bringing Fresh Local Food to the Greenway

Dewey Square Farmers Market To Return Tuesday, Bringing Fresh Local Food to the Greenway
Popular Seasonal Market Will Return to Dewey Square on Tuesdays and Thursdays
BOSTON — The Boston Public Market’s farmers market in Dewey Square will return for the season on Tuesday, May 19, bringing fresh local food to residents, workers, and visitors on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. The market offers farm fresh produce; meat, poultry, and eggs; milk and cheese; fish; bread and baked goods; flowers; and an assortment of specialty and prepared foods from more than a dozen local farmers, fishermen, and food producers.

The Dewey Square Farmer’s Market is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. on the Rose Kennedy Greenway across from South Station. It has operated seasonally from mid-May through November for over eight years.

In July, the permanent, year-round Boston Public Market will open above Haymarket MBTA station, housing over 30 permanent, year-round vendors selling locally produced items such as farm fresh produce; meat, poultry, and eggs; milk and cheese; fish and shellfish; bread and baked goods; flowers; and an assortment of specialty and prepared foods.

The Boston Public Market will be the only locally-sourced market of its kind in the United States. Everything sold at the Market will be produced or originate in New England. The Boston Public Market’s seasonal markets will continue to operate on the Greenway once the permanent Market opens.

In Massachusetts an estimated 3,399,092 individuals with private insurance are guaranteed access to free preventive services

In Massachusetts an estimated 3,399,092 individuals with private insurance are guaranteed access to free preventive services
In Massachusetts an estimated 3,399,092 individuals, including 1,412,394 women and 654,577 children, have private health insurance that covers recommended preventive services without cost sharing, according to a new ASPE Data Point from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Under the Affordable Care Act, most health plans are required to provide coverage for recommended preventive health care services without copays.  Nationwide, about 137 million individuals, including 55 million women and 28 million children, have private health insurance that covers recommended preventive services without cost sharing. Increased access to preventive services can reduce and prevent costly chronic diseases and help Bay Staters live healthier lives. These services include but are not limited to:

* Blood pressure screening                                * Well-baby and well-child visit
* Obesity screening and counseling                   * Flu vaccination and other immunizations
* Well-woman visits                                          * Tobacco cessation interventions
* Domestic violence screening and counseling  * Vision screening for children
* Breastfeeding support and supplies                * HIV screening
* FDA-approved contraceptive methods          * Depression screening

“Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, more Bay Staters have access to preventive services, including vaccinations, well-baby visits, and diabetes and blood pressure screenings," said Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell. “These services can substantially improve the health of families, and in some cases even save lives. We urge all individuals with health care coverage to take advantage of these services.  This can make a tremendous difference in the health of Americans.”

The data released today are broken down by age and gender.  Of the estimated 3,399,092 Bay Staters with access to recommended preventive services without cost sharing:
  • 654,577 are children, who have access to free preventive service coverage for flu vaccinations and other immunizations, vision screening, and well-baby and well-child visits.
  • 1,412,394 are women, who have access to free preventive services such as well-women visits, breastfeeding support and supplies, and recommended cancer screenings.
  • 1,332,122 are men, who have access to annual wellness visits, blood pressure screening, and cancer screenings.
Some of the estimated 137 million individuals nationwide that are guaranteed access to preventive services without cost sharing today may have had access to one or more of those services without cost sharing prior to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.  According to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Employer Health Benefits Survey in 2012, 41 percent of all workers were covered by employer-sponsored group health plans that expanded their list of covered preventive services due to the Affordable Care Act.  Based on this and available Health Insurance Marketplace data at the time, HHS previously estimated that approximately 76 million Americans – and 30 million women – received expanded coverage of one or more preventive services because of the Affordable Care Act nationwide.  In Massachusetts, approximately 1,786,000 Bay Staters – and 692,000 women – received expanded coverage of one or more preventive services because of the Affordable Care Act. 

To read today’s data point, please visit:  http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2015/Prevention/ib_Prevention.pdf

Governor Baker Proclaims May 15, 2015 “Plant Something Day”

Governor Baker Proclaims May 15, 2015 “Plant Something Day”
EEA Secretary Matthew Beaton Celebrates with Tree Planting at Elementary School

CHARLEMONT– May 15, 2015- Governor Baker has proclaimed today, May 15, 2015, “Plant Something Day” to support the Commonwealth’s many flower and nursery growers. In celebration, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton and Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) Commissioner John Lebeaux joined state and local officials for an apple tree planting ceremony at Hawlemont Regional Elementary School in Charlemont this morning.

“A strong and vibrant agriculture industry helps keep our communities healthy and our economy strong,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am proud to proclaim today Plant Something Day to honor the contributions Massachusetts’ flower and nursery growers make to the Commonwealth.”

“By declaring today Plant Something Day, the Baker-Polito Administration continues its commitment to the environment and its support for Massachusetts’ vital agriculture industry,” said EEA Secretary Matthew Beaton. “I urge everyone to get outside and plant something today. It’s a great way to spend time in nature, help the environment and support our local agricultural economy.”

There are 1,039 Massachusetts farms in floriculture, nursery, greenhouse and sod, employing more than 4,000 workers. The industry generated $144 million in sales last year, a third of total agricultural sales in Massachusetts.

Plant Something MA is an annual statewide initiative that encourages communities across the Commonwealth to support their local nurseries, garden centers, landscapers and floriculture growers by purchasing and planting something. The campaign is organized by the Massachusetts Flower Growers Association (MFGA) and the Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association (MNLA). The apple tree planted today was donated by Wanczyk Nursery in Hadley, MA and installed by Snow and Son's of Greenfield, MA.

“Plant Something Day is a wonderful opportunity to remind Massachusetts residents that the long planting season is now upon us,” said DAR Commissioner John Lebeaux. “From now through mid-fall, Massachusetts greenhouses, garden centers and nurseries are stocked with quality assorted plant material suited for Massachusetts conditions. They have plants to provide beautiful flowers, wonderful fragrance, interesting foliage, cooling shade, or something tasty and nutritious, while at the same time improving our environment.”

“The Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association is honored to participate with Secretary Beaton and Commissioner Lebeaux in the May 15th Plant Something Day,” said MNLA Executive Director Rena Sumner. “Planting something is good for you, your community, and the local economy.”

星期五, 5月 15, 2015


"I want to thank the jurors and the judiciary for their service to our community and our country. I hope this verdict provides a small amount of closure to the survivors, families, and all impacted by the violent and tragic events surrounding the 2013 Boston Marathon. We will forever remember and honor those who lost their lives and were affected by those senseless acts of violence on our City. Today, more than ever, we know that Boston is a City of hope, strength and resilience, that can overcome any challenge."


“Our thoughts are with the survivors and victims of this senseless act of terror. I want to thank the jurors for their service to our Commonwealth and our country. What is clear is that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev tried to strike fear in the heart of a city, and failed miserably. While this trial may be completed, we will never forget those that we lost and the strength and resilience that our community showed in the face of such evil.”