
星期五, 5月 29, 2015


30-day toll amnesty for Tobin Bridge Pay-By-Plate to start Monday, June 1, 2015

BOSTON – Thursday, May 28, 2015 – Today, MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack announced changes to the fine structure to the all-electronic, Pay-By-Plate, toll collection system on the Tobin Bridge.  Additionally, Secretary Pollack also announced a 30-day amnesty program that starts Monday, June 1, where drivers can simply pay the amount of outstanding tolls and will have all late payment fines waived..  Both the new fine structure and the 30-day toll amnesty apply exclusively to the Tobin Bridge. 

“While the use of the new All-Electronic Tolling technology has certainly proved its worth, piloting the system first on the Tobin Bridge taught us some valuable lessons.  Too many of our customers were incurring hundreds or even thousands of dollars in late payment fines,” said Secretary Pollack.  “The goal of the program should be payment, not punishment.  We can ensure that our customers pay their tolls with much smaller late payment fines that are fair, reasonable, and will not result in substantial charges to people who may have missed the notifications.  And no one will ever incur more than $500 per year in late payment fees.”  

The Tobin Bridge’s All-Electronic Tolling system was activated on July 21, 2014, and eliminated the need to pay tolls in cash.  The system employs a dual technology that detects E-ZPass transponders, or for vehicles without transponders, captures an image of the registration plate and sends an invoice to the address listed on the vehicle registration.

Known as Pay-By-Plate, vehicles without transponders that cross the Tobin Bridge are mailed invoices and reminder notices based on a monthly billing cycle.  Subsequent reminder invoices and notices of non-payment are accompanied by a fine structure that was modeled after the structure that has been in place on the Turnpike since 2000.

“This new structure is the result of a thorough review that incorporated a substantial amount of public feedback into the final product,” said MassDOT Highway Administrator Thomas J. Tinlin.  “At the end of the day, our goal is to collect tolls, and we feel that this new structure is a way to ensure that continues without unduly burdening drivers with substantial fines.”

Under the new structure for the Tobin Bridge, fines will be assessed according to the following:

·        A $1 late fee will be added to every unpaid Pay-By-Plate toll after an invoice goes unpaid for 30 days;
·        An additional $1 will be added to each toll transaction after 60 days of non-payment, and another $1 after 90 days;
·        Under the maximum fines allowed, each unpaid Tobin Bridge toll transaction will be capped at $6; also at that time, the vehicle owner’s driver’s license and vehicle registration will be placed in a non-renew status, until the toll balance and fines are resolved.  Also at this stage, there is an additional $20 fee to remove the hold on driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. 

Additionally, beginning Monday, June 1, 2015, MassDOT is offering a 30-day toll amnesty program, whereby Tobin Bridge Pay-By-Plate customers with outstanding balances have the opportunity to pay tolls only in full, with all fines waived dating back to July 21, 2014.  The 30-day amnesty also includes the suspension of the $20 fee to remove the hold on registration and driver’s license renewals. 

Programming changes are under way to roll back Tobin Bridge fines and to allow for the amnesty program to begin on Monday, June 1, 2015 To facilitate the programming and transition, the phone and online Pay-By-Plate payment options will be suspended for the weekend and will be available Monday morning. 

星期四, 5月 28, 2015

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $10 Million Energy Storage Initiative

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $10 Million Energy Storage Initiative

BOSTON – May 28, 2015 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the launch of a new $10 million initiative aimed at making Massachusetts a national leader in energy storage.

The Energy Storage Initiative (ESI) includes a $10 million commitment from the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and a two-part study from DOER and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) to analyze opportunities to support Commonwealth storage companies, as well as develop policy options to encourage energy storage deployment.

“The Commonwealth’s plans for energy storage will allow the state to move toward establishing a mature local market for these technologies that will, in turn, benefit ratepayers and the local economy,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Massachusetts has an exciting opportunity to provide a comprehensive approach to support a growing energy storage industry with this initiative's analysis, policy and program development.”

“Massachusetts is nationally recognized for energy efficiency and clean energy job growth,” said EEA Secretary Matthew Beaton.  “This Energy Storage Initiative will ensure the Commonwealth continues to be on the forefront of advancing innovative clean technology. Through this initial $10 million announcement and the subsequent studies, Massachusetts is primed to leverage the expertise of the storage industry to reduce barriers to project implementation, and ultimately advancing a crucial component of modernizing our electric grid.”

DOER Commissioner Judith Judson, a nationally-recognized expert on energy storage, announced the new initiative today at the Energy Storage Association’s 25th Annual Conference on “New Market Structures and Policy Enabling Storage.”

“Our Energy Storage Initiative will lay the ground work, through a holistic approach of analysis, assessment and demonstration projects, so that Massachusetts can confidently move forward with policies and regulations that will ensure Massachusetts becomes a national leader in the deployment and cost-effective use of energy storage” said DOER Commissioner Judith Judson.

“Massachusetts’ $10 billion clean energy industry already supports a promising energy storage cluster,” said MassCEC CEO Alicia Barton. “By launching the Energy Storage Initiative and fostering this sector at home, Massachusetts will position itself to grab a disproportionate share of the economic opportunities arising out of the fast growing global markets for storage technology.”

The worldwide market for grid-scale energy storage alone is estimated to reach $114 billion by 2017, according to an analysis by Lux Research. Common methods of energy storage include batteries, flywheels, compressed air energy storage, pumped storage, hydrogen storage and thermal energy storage.

The two-part study will start by analyzing the industry landscape, economic development and market opportunities for energy storage, while also examining potential policies and programs that could be implemented to better support energy storage deployment in Massachusetts. The second part of the study will provide policy and regulatory recommendations along with cost-benefit analysis for state policy makers.

In parallel, DOER will leverage $10 million in Alternative Compliance Payments (ACP) to establish and support the Commonwealth’s energy storage market. DOER will work to identify and evaluate the appropriate value of the services energy storage can provide to ratepayers and the grid through a market signals assessment, while funding demonstration projects from the utility to residential scales. DOER will work with MassCEC and key market players, in-state and across the country, to assist in the development of innovative projects in the Commonwealth.  Through this initiative, Energy and Environmental Affairs will hold several forums to engage experts and industry in storage policy opportunities in the coming months.

“Massachusetts continues to play a leading role in creating solutions for a more flexible and resilient grid,” said Matt Roberts, Executive Director of the Energy Storage Association. “These investments in studying the positive impact that energy storage will have and funding new projects will undoubtedly spur continued advancement in the industry.”

"Energy storage is an essential component of the Commonwealth's transition to a 21st century electricity system, which can provide customers more affordable, efficient, resilient and cleaner energy," said NECEC President Peter Rothstein. "With numerous Massachusetts-made energy storage companies already developing technologies, the energy storage sector has great potential to provide economic development opportunities here, while keeping the state competitive in the rapidly evolving global energy economy." 

The ESI will build upon existing state support for energy storage projects, including $13 million in projects featuring an energy storage component through DOER’s Community Clean Energy Resiliency Initiative.

麻州聯邦員工慶亞裔傳統月 范文南籲亞裔勇於發聲

左起,安豐貴,Stephen Griffin,周樹昂,范文南,柬埔寨裔林市議員,Elisa Choi
Bora ChiemruomKajal Chattopadhyay,鄧春美等人合影。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 聯邦政府特別強調項目聯盟,環境保護局,平等雇用機會局昨(廿七)日攜手舉辦慶祝亞美傳統月活動。麻州企業發展助理卿范文南(Nam Pham),以及麻州亞美局(AAC),應邀分論“許多文化,一個聲音:推廣平等及包容”。
            范文南曾經擔任越助中心(Viet-Aid)行政主任,在查理貝克(Charlie Baker)當選為麻州州長後,獲指派為麻州企業發展助理卿(Assistant Secretary of Business Development)。他說,要談分享經驗的話,最重要的訊息是要有聲音(Be Vocal),看見什麼,感覺什麼,都要說出來。
        他坦言自己幸運,在查理貝克上任後,獲指派進州政府工作。但是亞裔美人以麻州為家已逾百年,卻現在卻只有兩人在州政府內閣工作,包括2014年十二月獲指派的他自己,以及今年一月或指派為麻州健康(MassHealth)助理卿的Dan Tsai
            范文南以亞裔美人和猶太裔美人做比較,直指亞裔處境若此,全因聲音不響(have not been vocal)。他說,有句流行語說“亞裔美人是新猶太“,但他認為還沒到那程度,亞裔該學習猶太人如何打造社區,保持文化。
            麻州聯邦政府員工昨日的慶祝亞美傳統月活動,還邀請了麻州亞美局主席Kajal Chattopadhyay,副主席Elisa Choi,以及新到任的行政主任Bora Chiemruom出席,談說亞美局的組織結構,曾辦過的健康論壇,青少年領導力培訓會議等活動。
            該慶祝活動由勞工部的鄧春美(Christine Tang)做開幕致詞,環保局的Stephen Griffin做結語,平等機會就業局第一區主任安豐貴等人策劃。

僑立學校求租 中華董事要求釐清保險責任、證明未欠款

 (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所(CCBA)五月廿六日晚召開本年度第三次董事大會。中華僑立學校申請租用教室一節,因牌照,欠租,保險等爭議,延至下次大會再議。中華公所職員選舉改為輪值制的議案,也待進一步研究。









哈佛大學展陳澄波畫作 5/30-6/14

Paintings by famed Taiwanese artist Chen Cheng-po (陳澄波) are visiting Harvard from 5/30 to 6/14 this summer! Selected 19 works, including Sunset in Tamsui (淡水夕照) and Chiayi Street Scene (嘉義街景), will be on display in the concourse of CGIS South.

Chen’s works represent a colonial intellectual’s engagement and response to the hybrid, multifaceted modernity of his time, which involves the interplay of Taiwanese local colors and transnational techniques through the artist’s border-crossing experiences in the 1920s and 1930s.

Come join us at the Opening Ceremony on May 30th to have a taste of nostalgic Taiwan scenery!

Reception: 2:00 p.m., May 30 (hors d'oeuvre will be provided)

Venue: CGIS (Center for Government and International Studies) South Concourse, Harvard University

In collaboration with Cafe Philo@Boston: Exciting event will take place prior to the reception at room S050, CGIS South: 

Sponsor: 財團法人陳澄波文化基金會 Chen Cheng-po Cultural Foundation; 北美臺灣研究學會 North America Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA); Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University; Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston; Harvard GSAS Taiwan (ROC) Student Club (HTROCSC)

John Connolly co-founded 1647 to work on education

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The campaign’s e-blast service is expiring so this is it.  I’m excited to use this final e-blast to share my new work with you… at long last.
A quick family update first: My incredible Meg has returned to work as a psychologist after putting her career on hold while I ran for mayor.  Clare and Teddy are thriving at the Trotter Innovation School in Roxbury.  MaryKate is walking, talking, and wreaking inspired havoc on a daily basis.  These days, I spend a lot of time at little league, soccer, and street hockey games.  I love it.
I have also been working quietly, but diligently, to launch 1647, a new organization named for the year the Massachusetts legislature declared education a community responsibility.  I serve as the co-founder and executive director.  Read about our launch here.
After the election, I wanted to continue working to empower families to improve schools, but I didn’t know how.  Last May, I visited a non-profit in Washington D.C. helping 30 schools engage families through teacher home visits.  In one of DC’s toughest schools, I listened to a mom share her frustrations at only hearing from school when her child was in trouble.  She felt judged as a parent and unwanted at school.  I listened to a teacher share her frustrations with her school’s lack of parental involvement.  She felt unappreciated for all her hard work.  This mom and teacher met through a home visit.  The visit shifted their perceptions and enabled them to build a real relationship.  During the year, the teacher kept mom updated on her child’s performance, and mom worked on academics at home with her child.  Mom ultimately joined the parent board at school.  And I found my new work.
What does 1647 do?  We strengthen the connection between schools and families by training teachers to conduct home visits and partner with parents to support learning at home.  We work with schools in Salem and Lawrence, and hope to work with schools throughout Massachusetts.
If you want to help or learn more about 1647, here are three things you can do:
  1. Visit www.1647families.org and sign up for e-mail updates.
  2. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
  3. Make a tax deductible contribution here.
Thank you again for your friendship and support through the years.  Please let me know if I can ever be helpful, and please spread the word about 1647.
All the best,
John R. Connolly
Executive Director, 1647

JavaScript SDK and the National Day of Civic Hacking (Saturday, June 6)

Developer Community:

Introducing our new JavaScript SDK and the National Day of Civic Hacking (Saturday, June 6)

Over the last two years, we've been engaging software developers around the country and has had the opportunity to observe how they use our API. Based on this experience, we have built some of the most commonly needed functionality into a prototype JavaScript software development kit (SDK). In support of the National Day of Civic Hacking (See: Local Events! below), today we’re launching the City SDK, which aims to provide a user-friendly toolbox to help new and existing users connect local and national public data with Census data and geographies.


  • Never have to figure out what your FIPS code is again! Just pass in lat/longs, we handle the translation. Only have ZIP codes? No problem, we translate those too.
  • Get values (currently American Community Survey (ACS) 5-yr 2013 only) and Census geographic boundaries (currently GeoJSON only: down to ‘block-group’ level) with a SINGLE CALL... whoohoo!
  • modular architecture which makes mashing Census data up with third-party data a snap.
  • Pull down Census Bureau geographic boundaries by sending your own custom geography in the request (currently GeoJSON support only)
  • showcase of examples to help you get started.
  • A starting list of aliases for some of our most popular variables (currently ACS 5-yr 2013 only)
  • More coming soon! (We hope to extend these functions to more languages. You may add to our issues using the #user stories label to make these and other feature requests)
We'll be giving a live demo of these features and more on June 1, 12pm EST. To register visit: http://bit.ly/1Hvu0Xg


Join us for the National Day of Civic Hacking!

National Day of Civic Hacking: On Saturday, June 6, 2015, thousands of volunteers from across the United States will come together in their local communities to help residents, community groups, and government collaborate to make their communities stronger.

Sign up and attend a local event to take our challenge:

Don't forget to submit your #citySDK projects to our Challenge.gov national City SDK challenge.
Teams taking on the CitySDK Challenge and the makers of the City SDK will be participating IN PERSON at the following local events (please let us know if you'd like to lead up a team in your city! Contact info below):
Chicago, IL:Join the Urban Sustainability Apps Competition featuring Avi Bender, Census CTO.  Register here and be sure to check the box: “Using the City SDK”
Washington, DC:The Census CitySDK team is partnering with Small Business Administration for the D.C.  CODE-A-THON SMALL BUSINESS EDITION
Minneapolis, MN:Join the Twin Cities Census CitySDK team.
Boston, MA:Join the Open Data Nation CitySDK teamOpen Data Nation helps cities and causes put their open data to good use.
Los Angeles, CA:  Join the ESRI team at hackforla.org and work on a CitySDK project.
Philadelphia, PA:Join the CodeForPhilly team
St Louis, MS:
Join OpenDataSTL

For more info on any of these events, email: lilibeth.a.gangas@census.gov