
星期一, 11月 24, 2014


麻州候任州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)昨(廿三)日與曾任美國駐梵蒂岡大使,波士頓市長的雷夫連Ray Flynn,聯袂到波士頓援救任務(Boston Rescue Mission發放火雞,感恩大餐給流浪漢,貧苦人家,期盼更多人能享受一個美好的感恩節。
美國消除無家可歸圓桌會議(The American Round Table to Abolish Homelessness董事長曼加諾(Philp Mangano)昨日也應邀出席。他在致詞時表示,無論是民主黨籍的雷夫連,或共和黨籍的查理貝克,這兩名他認識已有廿,三十年的人,都有顆為人服務的好心。
根據查理貝克團隊公佈的訊息,麻州候任州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),候任副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)的就職典禮,已定一月八日中午舉行。整個慶祝將為期一週。典禮主題將為“麻州,讓我們偉大(Let's Be Great, Massachusetts)”。就職典禮活動接受的捐款,將設有二萬五千元的上限,具有說客(lobbyist)身份者,捐款上限為二百五十元。


        麻州後任州長查理貝克(立者)和雷夫連(左一),曼加諾(Philp Mangano)(左二)出席“波士頓救援任務”感恩節聚會。(菊子攝)





The FBI reminds shoppers in advance of the holiday shopping season to beware of cyber criminals and their aggressive and creative ways to steal money and personal information. Scammers use many techniques to defraud consumers by offering too good to be true deals via phishing e-mails advertising brand name merchandise, quick money making offers, or gift cards as an incentive to purchase a product. Remember, if the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is and never provide your personal information to an unknown party or untrusted website.
Scammers often use e-mail to advertise hot-ticket items of the year that may become hard to find during the holidays to lure unsuspecting consumers to click on links. Steer clear of untrusted sites or ads offering items at unrealistic discounts or with special coupons. You may end up paying for an item, giving away personal information and credit card details, and then receive nothing in return, along with your identity compromised. These sites may also be offering products at a great price, but the products being sold are not the same as the products they advertise. This is known as the bait and switch scam.
Beware of posts on social media sites that appear to offer vouchers or gift cards, especially sites offering deals too good to be true, such as a free $500 gift card. Some may pose as holiday promotions or contests. It may even appear one of your friends shared the link with you. If so, it is likely your friend was duped by the scam after it was sent to them by one of their friends. Oftentimes, these scams lead to online surveys designed to steal personal information. Remember, if the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. And never provide your personal information to an unknown party or untrusted website.
When purchasing gift cards online, be leery of auction sites selling discounted or bulk offers of gift cards. When purchasing gift cards in the store, examine the protective scratch off area on the back of the card to see if it has been tampered with.
Be on the lookout for mobile applications designed to steal your personal information from your smartphone. Such apps are often disguised as games and are often offered for free. Research the company selling or giving away the app and look online for third party reviews before installing an app from an unknown source.
Tickets to theater, concerts, and sporting events are always popular gifts during the holidays. If you purchase or receive tickets as a gift, do not post pictures of the tickets to social media sites. Protect the barcodes on tickets as you would your credit card number. Fraudsters will create a ticket using the barcode obtained from searching around social media sites and resell the ticket. You should never allow the barcode to be seen on social media.
If you are in need of extra cash at this time of year, beware of sites and posts offering work you can do from the comfort of your own home. Often, the work from home opportunities rely on convenience as a selling point for applicants with an unscrupulous motivation behind the posting. You should carefully research the job posting and individuals or company contacting you for employment.
As a consumer, if you feel you are a victim of an Internet-related crime, you may file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at www.IC3.gov.
Here are some additional tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim of cyber fraud:
  • Check your credit card statement routinely.
  • Protect your credit card numbers from “wandering eyes”.
  • Do not respond to unsolicited (spam) e-mail.
  • Do not click on links contained within an unsolicited e-mail.
  • Be cautious of e-mail claiming to contain pictures in attached files, as the files may contain viruses. Only open attachments from known senders. Scan the attachments for viruses if possible.
  • Avoid filling out forms contained in e-mail messages that ask for personal information.
  • Always compare the link in the e-mail to the link you are actually directed to and determine if they actually match and lead you to a legitimate site.
  • Log on directly to the official website for the business identified in the e-mail, instead of “linking” to it from an unsolicited e-mail. If the e-mail appears to be from your bank, credit card issuer, or other company you deal with frequently, your statements or official correspondence from the business will provide the proper contact information.
  • If you are requested to act quickly or there is an emergency, it may be a scam. Fraudsters create a sense of urgency to get you to act quickly.
  • Verify any requests for personal information from any business or financial institution by contacting them using the main contact information on their official website.
  • Remember if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

華裔移民對美國貢獻特展 11/29 揭幕

展覽將以50 幅傑出華裔照片,以及珍貴的歷史圖片,講述華裔移民在美國社會佔據的份量 ; 包括來自台灣和中國的移民,如何在美國土地上,辛勤努力,奮鬥向上,貢獻心力,創造出一個又一個令人動容,又激勵人心的故事,成就美國今日的活力充沛。
參展者可從圖片中看到美國華裔移民史、華工修築鐵路景況 、排華法案始末 、天使島 、早期中國城、爭取人權的華裔風雲人物,以及現在處處可見的優異華裔青年在各個不同領域發光發亮。

展覽將透過有系統的歷史回顧,綜觀華裔從19世紀到現在,在美國的奮鬥歷程,以及華裔對美國政治、經濟、文化、社會、體育的卓越成就。希望藉此讓下一代年輕人了解先人遠赴新大陸謀生的辛酸歷程,以及他們如何在美國落地生根 , 並用自己的所學和勤奮回饋美國社會,成就如今美國社會的蓬勃和多元化。

    緬懷美國華裔移民傑出的貢獻由透過50 幅傑出華裔的照片及珍貴的歷史圖片,講述華裔移民在美國社會扮演的重要角色 ; 來自台灣和中國的移民如何在美國的土地上,勤奮地付出智慧和勤勞創造出動人又激勵人心的故事,也創造了今天充滿活力的美國。
    這次特展主要包括美國華裔移民史、華工修築鐵路 、排華法案始末 、天使島 、早期中國城、爭取人權 、華裔風雲人物誌等到現在處處可見優異的華裔青年在各個不同領域發光發亮。透過有系統的歷史回顧,綜觀華裔從19世紀到現在,在美國的奮鬥歷程,以及華裔對美國政治、經濟、文化、社會、體育的卓越成就。希望讓下一代年輕人了解先人遠赴新大陸謀生的辛酸歷程,以及他們如何在美國落地生根 , 並用自己的所學和勤奮回饋美國社會,成就如今美國社會的蓬勃和多元化。

Commonwealth will partner with City of Brockton, Massasoit Community College, Bridgewater State University and the University of Massachusetts Boston to increase access to quality education

Commonwealth will partner with City of Brockton, Massasoit Community College, Bridgewater State University and the University of Massachusetts Boston to increase access to quality education

BROCKTON – Governor Deval Patrick today joined leaders from Massasoit Community College (MCC), Bridgewater State University (BSU) and the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB) as well as state and local officials to announce $21.5 million for the renovation of 226 Main Street to bring a new higher education campus to downtown Brockton. This is the first stage of the ‘Downtown Brockton Education Collaborative’, a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the Commonwealth, the city of Brockton and the heads of three major learning institutions, and is the first step in bringing the learning center to downtown Brockton which will allow students to participate in programs from MCC, BSU and UMB under one facility.

“By investing in education we are building stronger communities in Brockton and beyond,” said Governor Patrick.  “This unique campus will foster opportunity and growth by providing students with access to more educational programs to get them on a path to a brighter future.”

Funding for the downtown Brockton-centered learning community was included in Governor Patrick’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 - 2019 Capital Investment Plan, continuing the Governor’s commitment to providing more opportunities and access to quality education for students across the Commonwealth and in Gateway Cities like Brockton.

“This collaboration is going to be a proud centerpiece of what Brockton has to offer,” said Secretary of Education Matthew Malone. “We have to meet our students where they are and this campus will allow us to do that better than we ever have before in this part of Massachusetts.”

The Commonwealth’s investment will enhance downtown Brockton through the renovation of the Main Street building creating nearly 250 construction and permanent educational jobs, attracting more people to the area, increasing foot traffic and providing affordable short-term training, certificate and degree programs for students. The Patrick Administration has been committed to funding higher education for the past eight years, making sustained critical investments in education, innovation and infrastructure.  Under Governor Patrick’s leadership, the Commonwealth has projects completed or under construction at every one of the states’ 29 public campuses.

“The concept of bringing three state universities together under one roof will not only create educational and training opportunities for the people of Brockton but will be a cornerstone of the revitalization of the downtown business district,” said Brockton Mayor Bill Carpenter.

“The Downtown Brockton Higher Education Collaborative’s 226 Main Street Renovation project is the result of an innovative public/private partnership.  This project result in a shared services campus that adds to the many exciting revitalization efforts going on in downtown Brockton,” said Commissioner Carole Cornelison of the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance. 

The campus is expected to serve approximately 1,000 students, providing them access to resources from three major learning institutions in one place.  Online education materials will allow for a seamless pathway to student success using effective and innovative learning technologies. 

Today’s announcement furthers the continued commitment of the Patrick Administration to closing achievement gaps where they are most persistent, such as in Gateway Cities like Brockton. The Governor’s Gateway Cities Education Agenda provides targeted and differentiated support to English Language Learners and better prepares high school students for career success. The agenda utilizes tools provided by the 2010 Achievement Gap Act, a sweeping education reform bill passed in 2010 that gives educators the resources they need to dramatically improve student outcomes.

Furthering his commitment to redeveloping Gateway Cities, Governor Patrick and his Administration are dedicated to major infrastructure investments across the Commonwealth.  In Brockton alone, the state has already invested $15 million to fund the redevelopment of an entire block in downtown near the commuter rail station. The Enterprise Block’s private developers have started on 55,000 square feet of new commercial space and the construction of 113 new housing units.  

“This exciting partnership will provide new educational opportunities for local students and hopefully be a catalyst for the ongoing revitalization in the downtown Brockton area. For us, being co-located with Bridgewater State University and UMass Boston it will provide our students with new pathways to the bachelor's, master’s and, doctoral degrees,” said Massasoit Community College President Charles Wall.

“We are particularly proud that this first-ever collaboration between the three sectors of public higher education in the Commonwealth – Massasoit Community College, Bridgewater State University and the University of Massachusetts Boston – has resulted in the first permanently sited and shared satellite campus that’s being located here, in the historic heart of downtown Brockton,” said Bridgewater State University President Mohler-Faria.

“This project has the potential to be a national model for collaboration among and between institutions of higher education in service to the community,” said UMass Boston Chancellor J. Keith Motley. “We will work together to offer programming that will meet the needs of the citizens of Brockton and the region, and assist Mayor Bill Carpenter and the City of Champions in bringing additional vibrancy to downtown.”

FBI Releases 2013 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted

FBI Releases 2013 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted 

According to statistics collected by the FBI, 76 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents in 2013. Of these, 27 law enforcement officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 49 officers died in accidents. In addition, 49,851 officers were victims of line-of-duty assaults. Comprehensive data tables about these incidents and brief narratives describing the fatal attacks and selected assaults resulting in injury are included in the 2013 edition of Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, released today.
Felonious Deaths
The 27 felonious deaths occurred in 16 states. The number of officers killed as a result of criminal acts in 2013 decreased by 22 when compared with the 49 officers who were feloniously killed in 2012. The five- and 10-year comparisons show a decrease of 21 felonious deaths compared with the 2009 figure (48 officers) and a decrease of 30 deaths compared with 2004 data (57 officers).
Officer Profiles: The average age of the officers who were feloniously killed was 39 years. The victim officers had served in law enforcement for an average of 13 years at the time of the fatal incidents. Twenty-five of the officers were male, and two were female. Twenty-five of the officers were white, and two were black.
Circumstances: Of the 27 officers feloniously killed, six were killed in arrest situations, five were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances, five were ambushed, four were involved in tactical situations, four were answering disturbance calls, and two were conducting traffic pursuits/stops. One was conducting an investigative activity, such as surveillance, a search, or an interview.
Weapons: Offenders used firearms to kill 26 of the 27 victim officers. Of these 26 officers, 18 were slain with handguns, five with rifles, and three with shotguns. One officer was killed with a vehicle used as a weapon.
Regions: Fifteen of the felonious deaths occurred in the South, six in the West, four in the Midwest, and two in the Northeast.
Suspects: Law enforcement agencies identified 28 alleged assailants in connection with the felonious line-of-duty deaths. Twenty of the assailants had prior criminal arrests, and six of the offenders were under judicial supervision at the time of the felonious incidents.
Accidental Deaths
Forty-nine law enforcement officers were killed accidentally while performing their duties in 2013. The majority (23 officers) were killed in automobile accidents. The number of accidental line-of-duty deaths increased by one from the 2012 total (48 officers).
Officer Profiles: The average age of the officers who were accidentally killed was 41 years; the average number of years the victim officers had served in law enforcement was 13. All 49 of the officers were male. Forty-one of the officers were white, six were black, and race was not reported for two officers.
Circumstances: Of the 49 officers accidentally killed, 23 died as a result of automobile accidents, nine were struck by vehicles, four officers died in motorcycle accidents, four officers were killed in falls, two were accidentally shot, two drowned, one died in an aircraft accident, and four officers died in other types of duty-related accidents. Seatbelt usage was reported for 22 of the 23 officers killed in automobile accidents. Of these, 14 officers were not wearing seatbelts, three of whom were seated in parked patrol vehicles. Eight officers were wearing their seatbelts at the times of the accidents.
Regions: Thirty-one of the accidental deaths occurred in the South, nine in the West, five in the Northeast, and 4 in the Midwest.
In 2013, of the 49,851 officers assaulted while performing their duties, 29.2 percent were injured. The largest percentage of victim officers (31.2 percent) were assaulted while responding to disturbance calls. Assailants used personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) in 79.8 percent of the incidents, firearms in 4.5 percent of incidents, and knives or other cutting instruments in 1.8 percent of the incidents. Other types of dangerous weapons were used in 13.9 percent of assaults. Expanded assault details have been included in the 2013 publication. Data for assaults during which officers were injured with firearms or knives/other cutting instruments are located in new tables, figures, and selected narratives.



NEW BEDFORD – Monday, November 24, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today joined Acting MassDOT Secretary and CEO Frank DePaola and local officials to announce a contract award for the replacement of four bridges in New Bedford and Fall River along the future South Coast Rail Line. The improvements will advance South Coast Rail while providing immediate benefit to the active freight operations in the region.  

“Residents of the South Coast have been waiting for 20 years for a reliable transit system that connects conveniently to Boston and everything in between,” said Governor Patrick. “These infrastructure investments will help us make it happen.” 

As part of the early action projects associated with the South Coast Rail Project, the $42 million project will replace three Fall River bridges and the Wamsutta Bridge in New Bedford. The contract for the bridge replacement work was awarded to Cardi Corporation. 

“Today’s announcement means we are one step closer to having South Coast Rail become a reality,” said  Congressman Bill Keating.  “We all know the countless benefits that South Coast Rail will bring to our communities, most importantly, it’s contribution to the economic vitality of our historic South Coast.  I applaud Governor Patrick for his continued support of this project and thank him for his ongoing commitment to making Massachusetts a great place to live and work.”

In June, the MassDOT Board of Directors approved a contract award of $210 million over 10 years to the joint venture of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB)/HNTB) Corporation. The contract officially moved the South Coast Rail project from planning to construction.  The Board granted $12 million in first year funding to begin program management, early design development and environmental permitting, with additional awards in succeeding years up to the contract limit of $210 million.

The bridge replacement project announced today is in addition to the 10-year South Coast Rail contract. The four rail bridges along the South Coast Rail right of way to be replaced include the President Avenue, Brownell Avenue, and Golf Club Road Bridges in Fall River and the three-span Wamsutta Bridge in New Bedford. In addition, a separate MBTA contract will completely upgrade five grade crossings located on Dean Street in Taunton; Copicut Road, Elm and High Streets in Freetown; and Nash Road in New Bedford.  

“Having been a leading advocate for the creation of South Coast Rail for many years, the rebuilding of these bridges represents a major milestone in bringing this project to fruition,” said Senator Mark Montigny. “I applaud the efforts of the Patrick administration in awarding these contracts and making the realization of a South Coast rail that much closer to reality. We must continue to be vigilant as so much more remains to be done. Those of us who have fought so hard for funding to ensure this project gets the outcome it deserves know there are still hurdles to clear, but are feeling ever confident the effort we’ve put in was not in vain”.  

“I’d like to thank the Patrick Administration for taking some more major steps towards bringing South Coast Rail to the Commonwealth,” said Senator Marc R. Pacheco. “Southeastern Massachusetts residents have long awaited the economic and tourism opportunities this important transportation project promises the region; we must keep moving forward with contract awards like these to make sure South Coast Rail stays on track as we transition to the next administration.”

“This demonstrable progress on these early action projects related to SouthCoast Rail is heartening for the entire region,” said Senator Michael J. Rodrigues. “I am grateful to the Administration for ensuring these early steps are done in an effective and timely manner, so that SouthCoast Rail can proceed without delay. I cannot overstate the importance of SouthCoast Rail for the region’s accessibility and prosperity, and I am so pleased to see this project moving along.”

“I’m glad that the Administration is making the necessary investments in bridges that will immediately benefit freight transportation,” said Representative Antonio F.D. Cabral. “I will continue to work to ensure that this investment will also one day benefit South Coast Rail.”

“I’m pleased that the Wamsutta Railroad bridge replacement project is about to begin, as this is an important bridge for rail travel and transport,” said Representative Bill Straus.  "Replacement of the bridges is a significant step in bringing South Coast Rail to the region.”

“I am pleased the Patrick administration is continuing to address Southcoast rail needs with the awarding of this contract to replace the Wamsutta rail bridge,” said Representative Bob Koczera. “The Wamsutta bridge replacement is necessary for the safe operation of freight service and the anticipated restoration of passenger rail service to New Bedford.”

"The Governor's commitment to SCR is once again exemplified by putting money where his mouth is,” said Representative Christopher Markey. “We in the Southcoast owe a great deal of thanks to Governor Patrick for getting us one step closer to this project being completed. I will certainly be forever grateful."

“The commencement of South Coast rail construction will be one  of Governor Patrick's most enduring legacies and it will be generational in its impact,” said Representative Paul Schmid.

“The replacement of the Wamsutta Bridge is not just a critical step on the road to passenger rail service, it is a strategic investment in the Port of New Bedford,” said Mayor Jon Mitchell. “Cargo activity in our Port is already rapidly increasing, and a new Wamsutta Bridge will enable us to grow our freight operations even faster in the years ahead.  I appreciate all that Governor Patrick, Secretary DePaola, and former Secretary Davey have done to advance this project.”

All early-action projects will be completed over the next two years while ongoing preliminary engineering design work continues on the overall South Coast Rail project. 

Mayor Walsh to appoint Austin Blackmon as new Chief of Environment and Energy

Mayor Walsh to appoint Austin Blackmon as new Chief of Environment and Energy

Current Chief Brian Swett stepping down at the end of the year

BOSTON -- Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the appointment of Austin Blackmon to serve as the City’s new Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space, succeeding Brian Swett when he steps down at the end of the year. This position oversees the Inspectional Services Department, the Environment Department, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Office of Energy Policy and Programs.

“I am excited to announce the addition of Austin Blackmon to my cabinet, as we continue to grow our focus on energy, environment, and sustainability across the City,” said Mayor Walsh. “I’m grateful for the service of Brian Swett, who has had a powerful impact on the City in the areas of climate action and preparedness, historical preservation, open space planning, and ensuring the health and safety of rental housing.”

“It has been an honor and privilege to serve Boston in the Walsh and Menino administrations,” said Brian Swett. “Working with talented management and staff, I am proud of our efforts to make the City greener, healthier, safer, and more climate prepared for the decades to come.”

Currently Blackmon serves as the Interim Head of Project Finance for Terraverde Renewable Partners, a clean energy consulting firm that advises schools, municipalities and companies on solar power, energy storage and alternative fuel projects. Previously, Blackmon worked for C12 Energy, which produces low-carbon energy through technical application of carbon dioxide sequestration. He has also consulted with U.S. Renewables Group, where he evaluated potential investments in waste recovery solutions by developing and presenting investment theses. Blackmon has also previously worked in Energy Investment Banking for Wells Fargo Securities, and advised organizational strategy with consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. Blackmon is a graduate of Harvard College and received his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, where he led the Harvard Council of Student Sustainability Leaders. 

Brian Swett was appointed to this role in August 2012. During his tenure, Swett led a variety of major policy and program initiatives, including: developing and passing a rental housing inspection ordinance and a building energy disclosure ordinance; launching Greenovate Boston, a sustainability education and outreach initiative; spearheading the City’s climate preparedness initiatives; and completing the 2014 update of Boston’s Climate Action Plan. Boston is currently the highest-ranked city in the country for energy efficiency policies and programs by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Swett also serves on the Executive Committee of the Boston Green Ribbon Commission.

"Brian Swett's outstanding leadership and guidance within the Boston Green Ribbon Commission and the City at large has resulted in significant action on climate change in the public and private sectors," said Amos Hostetter, Co-Chair of the Boston Green Ribbon Commission. "Working collaboratively with the business, civic, and institutional community, Brian has taken Boston's climate and sustainability agenda to the next level and established the City as a recognized global leader."



