
星期一, 7月 28, 2014

中華成棒抵波士頓 首三戰皆捷

中華成棒培訓隊廿一日抵麻州後,出賽三場,連戰皆捷,將於今(廿八)晚七點,在聖十字(Holy)學院Fitton球場和烏斯特勇心隊(Worcester Bravehearts)做友誼賽。
昨(廿七)晚原定在北亞當斯(North Adams)舉行的比賽,因天雨取消了。
七月廿二日在新罕布夏州和海岸特立獨行隊(Seacoast mavericks),七月廿三日在麻州林市和地區密碼隊(Area Code)隊,七月廿五日在新罕布夏州和盧倫堡菲利斯隊(Lunnenburg Phillies)等三場友誼賽,中華成棒培訓隊依序以六比五,四比二,十二比零的成績,連戰皆捷。
未來大學生棒球聯盟負責人霍爾(Chris Hall)表示,在大波士頓的七場比賽中,大概只有昨日的北亞當斯尖頂貓(Steeple Cats)隊,以及今(廿八)日的屋斯特勇心隊,在球隊實力上還可和中華成棒隊聊作一戰。如果明年中華成棒隊再來大波士頓,並提早通知,他將可安排中華成棒隊和實力更加登對的球隊比賽。
麻州屋斯特(Worcester)商會為歡迎中華成棒隊到訪,今(廿八)日在屋斯特州立大學(Worcester State University)舉辦促進台灣與屋斯特地區的經貿及教育交流座談會。有意出席者可報名,聯絡人Sam Johnson,1-508-753-2924,sjohnson@worcesterchamber.org。



            經文處副處長陳銘俊(前中)夫婦和經文處新聞組組長朱永昌(後右三),外交部組長官大鉎(後右一),設宴招待中華成棒培訓隊,和總教練呂明賜(前左二),未來大學棒球聯盟負責人霍爾(Chris Hall)等人在香滿園合影。(菊子攝)


中華多媒體交流會將於八月廿三日(週六) 早上十點至下午四點,假波士頓市多徹斯特區的教宗保羅二世公園(Pope John Paul II Park),舉辦第十二屆東西相約-風箏文化節。
主辦單位表示,2003年時,該會第一次舉辦風箏文化節活動,第一次在美國上空飄揚起一條 450呎的長龍風箏。其後,除天候影響年份,每年都盛極一時,2005年八月在新澤西州自由公園還打破了大紐約的歷屆參加風箏文化節人數記錄。今年在麻州的活動為期兩日,八月廿四日為自由放飛日,也是一旦週六下午的後備日。

麻州 Tobin 橋改為全電子收費

International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association Applauds Tobin Memorial Bridge’s Move to All-Electronic Tolling
“Tolling once meant stop, but today, high-tech tolling means go, go, go,” said Patrick D. Jones, Executive Director and CEO of IBTTA
WASHINGTON, DC – On the heels of last week’s transition by the Tobin Memorial Bridge to cashless, or all-electronic tolling (AET), Patrick D. Jones, Executive Director and CEO of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA), the worldwide association representing toll facility owners and operators and the businesses that serve them, released the following statement applauding the move:
“IBTTA applauds the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s transition of the Tobin Memorial Bridge to all-electronic tolling. All-electronic tolling provides efficiencies and will ease congestion for Bostonians and New England drivers. New technologies being incorporated into today’s highways, bridges and tunnels offer safe and reliable mobility across the United States.
“In the old days, you paid a toll by stopping at a tollbooth and handing your money to a person or dropping your coins in a basket. This frustrated motorists because they had to stop and wait to pay a toll.  Not anymore – it’s no longer your grandfather’s tolling. Tolling once meant stop, but today high-tech tolling means go, go, go.”

The decision by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to transition the Tobin Memorial Bridge to all-electronic tolling last week is part of a pilot for plans to transition cashless tolls statewide.  All-electronic toll collection is a trend occurring across the country.   


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BNY Mellon Awards Operating Support Grants to Boston-area Nonprofits

Eugene F. Fay Trust Mini-Grants Program to provide critical funding for organizations focused on basic needs and workforce development

BOSTON, July 28, 2014 — Through the generosity of The Eugene F. Fay Trust, BNY Mellon has awarded operating support grants to 10 Boston-area nonprofits, providing them with critical funding for capacity-building activities. The Eugene F. Fay Trust Mini-Grants Program provides organizations with $5,000 grants for technical assistance and non-programmatic support aimed at strengthening the overall organization or a particular program.

“Operating support is more important than ever to nonprofits, who are tasked with providing critical services to people in need and are expected to do so with the latest technologies,” said Joanne Jaxtimer, BNY Mellon Regional Executive. “However, state-of-the-art equipment costs money, and since so often a nonprofit’s budget is donor-driven and mission-specific, more often than not, it’s money that these groups don’t have. Through the generosity of the Eugene F. Fay Trust, we’re able to help fill that gap.”

Ellis Memorial, Boston’s first settlement house, received a Eugene F. Fay Trust grant in 2013 to upgrade its email system and migrate its website content management system. “The Eugene F. Fay Trust grant from BNY Mellon provided the way forward for us when we needed to strengthen our internal and external communication tools,” said Leo Delaney, CEO of Ellis Memorial. “Now that we have the tools we need to work more efficiently, we’re able to grow in ways and areas we hadn’t before.”

RESPOND, Inc., New England’s first domestic violence agency, received a Eugene F. Fay Trust grant in 2013 and is also one of this year’s recipients. “Our crisis hotline is often the first place survivors of domestic violence turn when looking to escape abuse, but our phone system was so outdated that it was no longer able to be serviced, which meant that we were unable to adequately support incoming calls for help,” said Jessica Brayden, executive director of RESPOND, Inc. “Because of the funding we received from BNY Mellon, we were able to upgrade to an internet-based telephone system and answer 3,500 crisis calls this year.”

“At BNY Mellon, we have always felt that it’s our mission to identify good partners and provide them with the funding they need to move forward with their work,” added Jaxtimer. “We know that they appreciate the financial support, but it’s wonderful to hear from our community partners about the positive impact these grants have had on their organizations, since it reaffirms our strategy of providing non-programmatic lifeline grants.”

The 2014 Eugene F. Fay Trust Mini-Grant awardees are:

• Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence – To purchase an integrated database management system that will improve the efficiency and impact of the organization’s programs.

• Elizabeth Stone House – To purchase performance management and outcomes measurement software that will allow the organization to better track and report on its program data.

• Family Nurturing Center – To undertake a re-branding project that will allow the organization to increase awareness and name recognition among new donors.

• Family Service of Greater Boston, Inc. – To purchase 14 computers that will support the agency’s clinical operations.

• InnerCity Weightlifting – To fund retreats that will provide staff with meaningful professional and personal development opportunities.

• Pine Street Inn – To provide Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Training to its staff so they can better serve their clients who are experiencing homelessness.

• RESPOND, Inc. – To purchase new and different types of outreach materials that will help domestic violence survivors recognize abuse and seek help.

• Rosie’s Place – To purchase 10 iPads and a docking station that will help homeless women gain technology skills.

• Solutions at Work – To purchase a cloud-based centralized database that will allow the organization to better capture, report on and share program and donor data.

• Women of Means – To upgrade its information technology system to ensure a secure email system that will allow clinicians to remotely access and maintain patient records.

In selecting grantees, BNY Mellon chose programs and initiatives that fit both the Eugene F. Fay Trust’s charitable purpose and the company’s philanthropic focus on helping people in need by concentrating on basic needs and workforce development opportunities. Learn more about the company’s world-wide commitment to social responsibility at 

BNY Mellon is a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle. Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, BNY Mellon delivers informed investment management and investment services in 35 countries and more than 100 markets. As of June 30, 2014, BNY Mellon had $28.5 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration, and $1.6 trillion in assets under management. BNY Mellon can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, hold, manage, service, distribute or restructure investments. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE: BK). Additional information is available on 
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