
星期五, 5月 23, 2014

中華耆英會慶42週年 董事增至十一人

            波士頓市議會議長林乃肯(Bill Linehan)表示,在社區支持外,康樂樓擴建工程得以推動,完成,梅伍銀寬功不可沒。
            當晚出席的嘉賓,還包括駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長洪慧珠,波士頓華僑文教中心主任郭大文,波士頓老人局局長Emily Shea,紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦。

            會中,中華耆英會送出一幅巨大攝影傑作給塔芙茨醫療中心最近真除為執行長的魏格納(Michael Wagner),頒發獎牌給退休董事余陳佩珍,波士頓安良工商會,感謝他們對該會的支持與服務。


中華耆英會現有梅炳鈿,余國峰,李壽泮,朱自律,梅許影萍, 司徒沃生,譚達明,黃瑞瑜,黃貝芝,陳建立,甄雲龍等董事共十一人,其中後四人都是新任董事。

            中華耆英會當晚的聯歡春宴,由梅麗梨,梅子聰擔任司儀,陳建立和紐英崙至孝篤親公所主席陳滋源,陳禮分別朗讀他們送上的賀詩,楊書旺表演四川變臉,陳彤吹奏牛皮。當晚的拍賣品有梅國治,梅宇國,林卓培的攝影,繪畫,書法作品,W酒店的一晚酒店,波士頓紅襪隊捐出的該隊總經理John Farrell簽名棒球。





            中華耆英會董事長梅炳鈿(右起),行政主任梅伍銀寬送攝影作品“黃山”給塔芙茨醫療中心執行長魏格納(Michael Wagner)。(圖由梅國治提供)




            這些藝術名作,包括倫布朗(Rembrandt),維米爾 (Vermeer)和馬奈(Manet)的作品,都是1990年時,被兩名假扮成警察的人,從伊莎貝拉嘉納藝術博物館(Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum)偷走的。
            負責調查的聯邦調查局探員Geoff Kelly告訴 WFXT電視台,失蹤藝術品的線索,並未失效。
            他找到了三名涉及該案者,全都和組織犯罪有關,包括Carmello Merlino,Robert Guarente,以及Robert Gentile。其中的 Merlino 和 Guarente 已過世,而Gentile則否認他知道這些失蹤藝術品的蹤跡。



提供連鎖金,捐地給好事福/平安巷大廈建可負擔住宅的波士頓弧度大廈(Radian Boston),昨(廿二)日邀得波士頓市長馬丁華殊剪綵啟用。
波士頓弧度大廈(Radian Boston)是由北美乞臣集團的奧瑞朗(Ori Ron)與其子諾安(Noam Ron)這對父子檔發起,其後森林市(Forest City)集團加入的土地發展計劃,樓高26層,約70個停車位,共有240戶,都是豪華出租單位。
弧度大廈(Radian Boston)是森林市(Forest City)集團在波士頓的第一個土地開發項目,也是緊鄰綠路的第一個私營機構,由波士頓著名的Elkus Manfredi建築師樓所設計,主要設計者為Perkins Eastman
根據波士頓市府及弧度大廈管理單位提供的資料,全部240戶,都是出租單位,其中235個市價單位,5個可負擔住宅。每月租金約為套房(studio$2960,一睡房 $3410,兩睡房 $4160,共有十八個單位的頂層閣樓 $5995

            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(左一)稱讚奧瑞朗(Ori Ron,右二)的弧度大廈是個真正的合作開發案例。右一為華埠社區議會共同主席陳灼鋆。(菊子攝)

            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(左四)與奧瑞朗(Ori Ron,右二),陳灼鋆(右三)等人因昨日下雨,改在帳篷內剪綵。(菊子攝)


Newest Luxury Rental Anchors Southern Portion of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway

BOSTON– May 27, 2014 — Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined co-developers Forest City Boston and Hudson Group North America to celebrate the opening of Radian – Downtown Boston’s newest luxury rental development – with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting on Thursday, May 22 on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. The event welcomed local dignitaries, members of the community and development and construction teams, who witnessed the opening of the premier 26-story development.

“We’re pleased to announce the official opening of Radian. Our team believes the project’s notable location, as it’s right on the Greenway near the Financial District and South Station, truly sets it apart in the market,” said Ron Ratner, President and CEO of Forest City Residential Group. “With the influx of tech start-ups and the increase of the city’s venture capital, more residents will be setting their sights on this neighborhood and we foresee that Radian will be coming onto the scene at the right time to serve as a prime residential destination.”

Mayor Walsh, alongside Ratner; Frank Wuest and Doug Arsham of Forest City Boston, Noam Ron and Ori Ron of Hudson Group, Jesse Brackenbury of the Greenway Conservancy, as well as 
Bill Moy, chairman of the Chinatown Neighborhood Council took scissors to the ribbon, announcing the building’s official completion. The $130-million project broke ground in September 2012 and opened for occupancy this May.

Located at 120 Kingston Street, at the nexus of the Leather District, Financial District and Chinatown, the development is one of the premiere residential projects situated on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway and is in close proximity to Downtown Boston’s South Station transportation hub.

Radian, composed of 240 homes, offers expansive amenities including a resident lounge equipped with a conference room, bar, catering kitchen and continental breakfast bar, fitness center, cold storage and 24-hour concierge service. Additionally, residents of the building will have access to James Beard Finalist 
Matt Jennings’ latest restaurant, Townsman, slated to open in late 2014.

Remaining homes include studios, one-, one-with flex, two-and three-bedroom residences. Pricing begins at $2,960 for a studio and $4,160 for a two-bedroom home, and penthouses begin at $5,995 per month.

麻州修訂選舉法 選民將可提早投票,網上辦登記

麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)昨(廿二)日大筆一揮,麻州選民將可提早投票,網上辦理選民登記,提前至十六歲辦理選民登記。
麻州投票(MassVote)行政主任Cheryl Clyburn Crawford表示,麻州此舉是加入其他23州行列,通過了網上登記成為選民法。她指該做法已經顯示出,不僅提高了選民投票率,也促成很大幅度的費用節省。在亞利桑納州(AZ)處理紙板登記表的費用是83分錢,但辦理網上選民登記的費用為3分錢。網上選民登記是用汽車監理處的資料庫來做確認的。

Governor Signs Senator Finegold’s Groundbreaking Election Laws Reform Bill into Law
Bill allows for early voting, online voter registration and pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds

BOSTON – Senator Barry R. Finegold (D—Andover) announced today that the Governor signed his comprehensive Elections Laws Reform bill into law, modernizing our state’s election laws and preserving our fundamental voting rights. The new law authorizes early voting for biennial state general elections, online voter registration and pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds. Finegold advocated for passage of the bill for years and served as the Senate’s lead negotiator on the conference committee.

“Anytime we can increase access and voter participation it is a positive step towards greater electoral engagement.” Senator Barry Finegold (D-Andover) said. “I am proud of the bill the Legislature passed and the Governor signed to update our antiquated election laws and make voting more accessible to the modern Massachusetts family. Early voting, pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds and online voter registration are a few of the significant reforms passed today that will enhance voter access and increase participation in the electoral process.”

Under this bill, Massachusetts will become the 33rd state to allow early voting. The period for early voting will begin 11 business days before an election and end at the close of polls two business days before the election. Furthermore, the bill requires the Secretary of State to create an online voter registration system as well as a secure online portal to allow voters to easily check their voter registration status and polling location.

The bill also requires audits of voting machines every four years after Presidential general elections. This stands as another significant reform in the bill and a key step in ensuring that we maintain the integrity of our voting system. Specifically, the bill necessitates that the state conduct election audits during presidential general election years in races that have more than one candidate on the ballot for President and Vice President, Representative in Congress, Senator in Congress, State Representative and State Senator, as well as one statewide ballot question. Precincts to be audited must be chosen in a random drawing and the number selected must be equal to 3% of all precincts in the Commonwealth. The Secretary of State will oversee the audits, and if a discrepancy arises, subsequent audits may be performed.

This piece of legislation also places voters on the inactive list only after failing to respond to two consecutive annual town censuses and not voting in an election during that time. Under current law, a voter can be placed on the inactive list for not filling out an annual census. In addition, the bill allows a voter whose political designation does not list a candidate in a primary election to be considered unenrolled and receive a ballot for the political party of the voter’s choosing. The legal definition of “political designation” does not include the republican and democrat political parties.

The bill also includes provisions that:

  • Require municipal election officials to attend annual training given by the Secretary of State regarding applicable state and federal election laws;
  • Permit municipalities to apply for a waiver from the Secretary of State in order to hire fewer election officers than required by statute;
  • Eliminate the requirement for a cancellation device on voting machines;
  • Require the Secretary of State to study existing laws with regard to residency requirements for purposes of voting; and
  • Establish an elections task force to review early voting and expanding technology, including costs, administrative requirements, reductions in wait times on Election Day, the feasibility of additional early voting sites and hours, voter turnout, Election Day mobile alerts and online voting.  

星期四, 5月 22, 2014


            成立於1985年的中華頤養院康復中心(South Cove Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center)已於五月十八日完成從波士頓市所物(Shawmut)街搬遷至昆士市華盛頓街288號的大工程。從100增至141個的床位,目前仍在安排新院民入住。該機構留在波士頓市的辦公室將由住院協調員劉嘉琳(617-939-7197, mandy.lau@southcovemanor.org)負責聯繫,每週有兩天,安排車輛在波士頓接送民眾進昆市。
昆士市市長柯奇(Tom Koch),麻州眾議會的多數黨領袖Ronald Mariano,轄區在昆市的眾議員陳德基等人都應邀到會,並歡迎該機構成為新的昆士市一分子。
會中頒發了丁大衛(譯音,David T. Ting)傑出領袖獎,表揚該中心護理質量主管(MDS Coordinator)姚斌,宣佈護士謝承歡(譯音,Chenhuan Xie)獲得喬治史立德中心/SCM護理設施基金獎學金。
當晚獲選連任董事會幹部者,包括主席雷偉志,副主席May Y. Chin,財政陳遇均,Hemmie Chang,陳逢想,獲選連任三年董事者,包括Marianne B. BowlerHemmie ChangMay Y. ChinSusan Xu Luo

            丁大衛(譯音,David T. Ting)(左)夫婦頒傑出領袖獎,表揚姚斌(中)。(菊子攝)


            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)(右)稱許陳秀英(左)和中華頤養院的成績,歡迎他們進昆市。(菊子攝)