
星期四, 5月 01, 2014

New Seed Fund Aimed at Health Care Innovation

New Seed Fund Aimed at Health Care Innovation
State of Wisconsin awards grant to Bridge to Cures for effort to help commercialize university R&D

MADISON, WI. April 28, 2014 – In an effort to deliver the benefits of medical discovery to patients seeking relief, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) today announced that it has awarded a $140,000 grant to Bridge to Cures Inc. (B2C) for the establishment of a new seed fund.

The matching grant will enable B2C, a new nonprofit corporation, to provide seed money to entrepreneurs at academic institutions in southeastern Wisconsin seeking to translate their medical research and inventions into products and companies in the health care field.

The Medical College of Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Concordia University, the BloodCenter of Wisconsin, Marquette University, and the Milwaukee School of Engineering, through the Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, are all working with B2C as part of the initiative.
The grant will provide financial assistance to four health care startup companies annually through the Bridge to Cures Health Care Innovation Fund. Two of the startups would focus on products, such as pharmaceuticals or medical devices, and two would focus on services, such as clinical and diagnostic services.

The goal of the seed fund is to take an advanced medical concept developed at a university and help it grow to the point where it would be viable for venture capital funding within two to four years.

In addition to the seed funding the four companies will receive, each will also benefit from the strategy and experience of the three founders of B2C, academic drug development scientists who collectively have helped raise more than $150 million in venture capital and federal funding for past initiatives.

“The core strategy of B2C is to deliver exceptional experience on entrepreneurial finance to emerging biomedical ventures,” said Chief Business Officer and co-founder Doug Stafford of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “This way, a startup will have the best chance of receiving subsequent venture capital funding.”

A key to the success of the seed fund and to B2C’s overall mission is a strong partnership with academic institutions in southeastern Wisconsin that focus on translational research. Along those lines, B2C has formed an alliance with the six academic institutions and the BloodCenter of Wisconsin—an initiative that builds on more than $200 million in federal grant awards these institutions receive annually for health care research. This alliance is through a recently formed inter-institutional drug discovery partnership, created by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute.

“This effort is unique in that it crosses institutional boundaries, and encourages collaboration and synergy to accomplish a goal that would be much more difficult for any of the partners to achieve on its own,” said John R. Raymond Sr., president and CEO of the Medical College of Wisconsin.

WEDC and B2C officials say one area the program hopes to emphasize is the development of new drugs. With pharmaceutical companies scaling back on their research and development efforts, more of that work is being done in university research labs. The new seed fund is expected to help bring new drugs to market.

“As the pharmaceutical industry emerges from the most dramatic downsizing in its history, due to shrinking drug development productivity, it is increasingly turning to in-licensing innovation from startups as the future source of new medicines and devices,” said Daniel Sem, co-founder, CEO and president of BC2. “We aim to seed and grow these startups in southeastern Wisconsin by pioneering a new model in public/private and academic/industry collaboration that will bridge the gap between academic basic research and industrial development.”

To help achieve its goals, B2C’s founders have engaged leading Wisconsin and coastal venture capitalists and serial entrepreneurs to serve on an investment committee that will help select the four companies that will receive the seed funding.

Reed Hall, secretary and CEO of WEDC, said the initiative is part of the organization’s overall strategy to help commercialize the research and development taking place at Wisconsin’s educational institutions. WEDC and the University of Wisconsin System recently announced the creation of Ideadvance, a $2 million seed fund to help commercialize technology and ideas developed at UW campuses statewide. Both initiatives are part of WEDC’s Capital Catalyst Program, which is investing $1 million this fiscal year in similar efforts.

“Even with an abundance of world-class research taking place at Wisconsin’s public and private universities, comparatively few ideas and products are being successfully commercialized into new business ventures,” said Hall, who heads the state’s lead economic development organization. “WEDC wants to ensure that more startups stay on track and reach that critical stage of commercialization, which help create and grow more businesses, and generate more jobs across the state.”

Applicants will be accepted for the program later this year. The investment committee will choose the top proposals among those submitted and those companies will then be asked to submit a business plan. Throughout the selection process, the finalists will receive mentoring and training from B2C as they develop and refine their business plans.

In the final stage, top applicants will take part in a Wisconsin Healthcare Innovator Pitch event, where they will present their ides to the investment committee in a format that simulates a presentation to venture capital investors.

The top applicant in the product category will receive a $200,000 grant as well as obtain access to space in the B2C headquarters at UWM’s new Innovation Campus in Wauwatosa. The top service company will receive $42,000 in funding as well as space at the campus.

In addition, a $28,000 grant would be provided in the product category, and a $12,000 award will be given in the service category.

星期三, 4月 30, 2014

Registration for 2014 B.A.A. 10K to Open on Thursday, May 1


BOSTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION   185 Dartmouth Street, 6th Floor   BostonMassachusetts 02116   617-236-1652   www.baa.org

For Release: Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Registration for 2014 B.A.A. 10K to Open on Thursday, May 1

The B.A.A. 10K, scheduled for Sunday, June 22, is the second event of the 2014 B.A.A. Distance Medley and has a field size limit of 8,000 entrants.

BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) today announced that registration for the 2014 B.A.A. 10K will begin on Thursday, May 1 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. The 6.2-mile road race will be held on Sunday, June 22, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. EDT at Boston Common, and will be the B.A.A.’s first event following its successful 118th Boston Marathon® on Monday, April 21. Registration will be held online at www.baa.org and will be limited to 8,000 entrants. Participants must be at least 12 years of age by June 22 in order to register. The cost to register is $60 (USD).

The B.A.A. 10K is the second race of the 2014 B.A.A. Distance Medley, a three-race series which also includes the B.A.A. 5K in April and the B.A.A. Half Marathon, presented by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, on October 12. Already registered for the B.A.A. 10K are 2,625 entrants who signed up for the all three events of the B.A.A. Distance Medley in January.

The 6.2-mile course is a scenic tour through Boston's Back Bay. Notable neighborhoods and attractions inc ude the legendary Bull and Finch Pub, after which the television series "Cheers" was developed, the campus of Boston University, and Kenmore Square. The race begins on Charles Street, winds down picturesque Commonwealth Avenue and Bay State Road as far west as Babcock Street near Boston University. The course then heads back on Commonwealth Avenue, around the Public Garden, and finishes on Charles Street.

A prize purse of $48,500 (USD) will be distributed to the top 10 runners overall, the top three masters finishers (ages 40 and older), and the top three push rim wheelchair finishers. Prize money awards are equal for men and women and are based on gun time results. The men’s and women’s champions will each receive $10,000 (USD) in prize money.  

In the 2013 B.A.A. 10K, Kenya’s Stephen Sambu won in 28:06, defeating 2013 Boston Marathon® champion Lelisa Desisa, of Ethiopia, who finished second in 28:15. Kenya’s Daniel Salel placed third with a time of 28:30. 

In the women’s race, Ethiopia’s Mamitu Daska led from the start and won in 31:45. New Zealand native and Providence, RI resident Kim Smith placed second in 33:45. Millicent Kuria, of Kenya, finished third with a time of 33:52. 

B.A.A. 10K Entrants in Prior Years 


中華頤養院昆市新址剪綵 五月中搬家

  右起,陳逢想,Wayne PatenaudeMargaret LaForest,陳毓璇,昆士市長柯奇,雷偉志,陳秀英,麻州參議員基南 (John Kenan),Joseph Flaherty,黃樹臻等人一起剪綵。(周菊子攝)
             (Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導)“哇!好漂亮,好寬敞,好舒服“。遷往昆士市擴建的中華頤養院,昨(29)日在逾百政要,社區人士讚不絕口中剪綵,預定五月下旬啟用 。
            中華頤養院原本座落於波士頓所物街(Shawmut)120號,在該院試圖於波士頓市內覓地擴建,包括向紐英崙中華公所洽購,或承租目前出租給中國超市,又稱SCM大樓的喜露街50號不果後,轉赴昆市,買下位於華盛頓街288號,哈桑汽車廠(Hassan Automobil)的五萬七千餘平方尺舊址,籌資三千三百七十萬元重建。
中華頤養院董事長雷偉志(右起),黃景佩,陳毓璇,王安的大兒子Fred Wang,陳秀英,
        為中華頤養院新址做設計的LWDA設計公司首席建築師黃樹臻指出,無論是外觀或內部裝潢,他們在設計時都揉進很多中華文化傳統,包括大門入口的弧形線條有如蛟龍,屋簷翠綠,樓宇磚塊採用中國陶瓷的乳白配紅陶,藉以和昆市中心顏色相呼應。 二樓的院民居住區,採用松,竹,梅,蓮,桃等花朵顏色,來襯托季節感。三樓則以月亮,山,天等精神性的形象做設計。
            LWDAPhil Dowds則透露,中華頤養院新址在興建過程中,遭遇數難以記的障礙,該院董事,職工們能撐過來,建成新址,非常令人敬佩。
            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),轄區在昆士市的麻州參議員基南(John Keenan),昆市議員Margaret LaForest等人,昨日都應邀致詞,並和提供融資給中華頤養院的麻州住宅投資公司執行長Joseph Flaherty,劍橋市儲蓄銀行董事長Wayne Patenaude一同剪綵。
            中華頤養院董事陳秀英昨日四處打招呼,感謝Fred Wang,范王柳娥等許許多多的捐款者支持。
            中華頤養院執行長陳逢想表示,中華頤養院新址共約需資三千三百七十萬元,其中一千九百萬元來自債券(bond),五百六十萬元來自新市場抵稅優惠(tax credit),六百萬元來自中華頤養院的發展儲備金。剩下的三百萬元差額,目前已籌得二百一十萬元左右,希望社區內熱心人士,能繼續捐助。
            該院將製作一面捐款牆,列出所有捐款五千元以上的人名,掛在該院入口處,以感謝捐款者。根據該院的捐款記錄,捐款三十萬元以上的為美國銀行的Charles H. Farnsworth信託,捐款十萬元以上的有亞裔健康護理基金,劍橋儲蓄銀行,陳秀英,陳氏家族,麻州至孝篤親公所Mabel Louise Riley基金,Ling Tang,王氏基金,競運(麒麟)瓜菜批發公司等
            根據麻州公共衛生局的2014年資料,麻州共有426家領有牌照頤養院(nursing home)。但熟悉耆英服務者指出,員工百分之九十以上是華人,入住院民無論說普通話,台山話,廣東話,都能暢通無阻溝通,吃唐餐,欣賞華語電視的頤養院,在整個麻州中,迄今大概仍然只有中華頤養院一家。在中華頤養院擴建,更新得如此美輪美奐後,華裔人家勢必更加趨之若鶩。




麻州大學波士頓孔子學院四月廿六日舉辦第四屆新英格蘭地區“漢語橋”大學生中文演講比賽。哈佛大學唐文理(Stephen Turban),東北大學夏尼克(Nicholas Sypteras)分獲高、初級組一等獎,將得到海南航空公司所提供,往返波士頓、北京的免費機票。
麻州大學波士頓分校副教務長Schuyler S. Korban教授賽後稱讚活動辦得好,有意義。




            麻州大學波士頓分校副教務長Schuyler S. Korban講話。(圖由麻州大學波士頓孔子學院提供,張國珍攝)



Mayor Walsh and Boston Landmarks Commission Release 
Calendar of Events for National Historic Preservation Month

BOSTON -- Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a calendar of special events for National Historic Preservation Month this May under the theme of "Buildings and Grounds." The City will host a variety of tours, talks and exhibits that celebrate and promote Boston’s history, architecture, archaeology, and historic neighborhoods. The full calendar of events for National Historic Preservation Month is available at: http://www.cityofboston.gov/landmarks/pdfs/2014_Preservation_Month.pdf.

"Boston’s historic buildings and landscapes enrich our neighborhoods. They enhance the daily experiences of our residents and visitors," said Mayor Walsh. "I hope residents and visitors alike will take advantage of all the excellent programming we’re offering this month."

On Thursday, May 1, Mayor Walsh will host a keynote event to kick off National Historic Preservation Month. The event will take place at the historic Taj Boston Hotel, overlooking the Public Garden. The event will feature a lecture entitled "Mated for Life: Boston and the Swan Boats," presented by Lyn Paget, the fourth generation of Boston's Swan Boats operators. Paget will share how her great-grandparents introduced the Swan Boats to the Public Garden in 1877, and discuss the origins of the now-familiar swan imagery, relate interesting facts and anecdotes, explain how the vessels are operated and maintained, and offer her unique perspective on a historic Boston icon. The event is co-sponsored by the City of Boston's Department of Parks & Recreation, Friends of the Public Garden, the Back Bay Association, Taj Boston, and The Swan Boats of Boston. Space is limited; pre-registration is required. Interested attendees can email tonya.loveday@boston.gov to pre-register. 

In addition to hosting a keynote program, the staff of the Boston Landmarks Commission (BLC) will offer free walking tours and presentations in all nine local historic districts in the City. Offerings include tours and events in Charlestown, Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Fort Point, and the South End. BLC staff will also host a special midday tour series titled "Tour de Grounds," featuring stops at coffee houses downtown and in historic districts throughout the City.  

"Boston’s buildings and grounds are inextricably linked," said Nancy L. Girard, Commissioner of Environment. "Combined, they create a unique urban landscape that continues to be shaped by the City’s development and enjoyed by residents and visitors alike." 

The Boston Landmarks Commission was established in 1975 to identify and protect historic buildings, structures, areas and sites, review development and demolition activities affecting older properties, provide public information and assistance related to preservation and archaeology, and provide staff support to the local Historic District Commissions. There are over 8,000 properties within local Historic Districts or designated as individual Boston Landmarks by the Commission.

The City is pleased to partner with organizations across the City to offer a wide array of events focusing on Boston’s unique architectural and historic landscape heritage. The BLC’s Preservation Month Calendar has more than 60 pages of activities, and is also available in print version from the Boston Landmarks Commission.

波市長Ken Brissette出任旅遊、體育,娛樂主任

BOSTON – Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that Ken Brissette will serve as Boston’s new Director of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment. The announcement was made this past Saturday evening, at the 2014 Men’s Event to benefit Fenway Health.

“I’m pleased to welcome Ken Brissette to the economic development team,” said Mayor Walsh. “Brissette has the experience and public and private sector contacts to attract new energy and investment in the City of Boston and invite the world to experience our city.”

“I’m honored and excited to market such a lively and robust city,” said Brissette. “Boston is already host to hundreds of top notch events, but there are more opportunities to bring new attractions that will further enliven the City.”

In his role, Brissette will work to bring major athletic and cultural events, conventions and conferences to Boston, and aggressively market the City nationally and internationally. The newly-created position is reflective of Mayor Walsh’s campaign promise to separate the City’s tourism strategy from its arts and culture strategy so each can focus on their respective missions.

Brissette brings more than a decade of municipal marketing and tourism experience to the job. Since 2007 Brissette has served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism. In his position he worked with the Massachusetts Sports Partnership and Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau to attract the NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship, the Women’s Frozen Four, the National Governor’s Conference, and the annual Gay & Lesbian Travel conference to Massachusetts, boosting the state’s national and international visitor profile.

Brissette also has experience inside the tourism industry. From 1995-2001 he worked at several companies focused on travel industry marketing, management and business development. In these positions he developed tour programs, and directed tours throughout the South Pacific, Canada, and the United States.