
星期一, 10月 14, 2013


兩年一度,今年在波士頓大學舉行的國際跨文化交流會(TransCultural Exchange),昨(十三)日落幕。台灣文化部贊助的“超越:台灣藝術家行動”,讓與會各國藝術家對台灣新媒體及駐村藝術的多元化及蓬勃發展,留下深刻印象。
            十二日晚,由亞洲文化會(Asian Cultural Council)台灣基金會贊助,目前在紐約做半年駐村藝術研究的“雲門舞集二”舞者及編舞人黃翊,在大會晚宴中演出地平線下(Hnder the Horizon)”片段,這個他以final cut pro電腦軟體,把投影和真人揉和共舞的駐村創作,搏得藝術家們起立鼓掌。
            在波士頓大學808藝廊舉行的這場晚宴,有駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長洪慧珠,文化部紐約辦事處主任游淑靜,波士頓大學藝術學院院長Benjamin Juarez,牙醫師阮浩鑾等嘉賓,藝術家,不下二百多人出席。
            率領15名台灣藝術家與會的竹圍工作室創辦人蕭麗虹表示,這是她本人第三度參加國際跨文化交流會(TransCultural Exchange),深知駐村藝術創作,國際交流經驗,具有改變藝術家人生,改變社會的力量,她們很榮幸,今年有機會擴大這樣的參與,交流。
            蕭麗虹透露,國際上的藝術組織,目前有三大類,美國工會及歐盟協會,都有比較繁瑣,嚴格的規定,以及需由其他會員推介等要求,會員年費也貴到要一千美元以上,一般年輕藝術家往往無緣親近,例如國際跨文化交流會,有140名來自不同國家藝術家參與會議,今年以“藝術:觸動思想(Arts: Engaging Minds)”為主題,強調國際機會的這組織,就成為有心接受國際思潮,文化衝擊的最佳途徑之一。
她也透露,大會統籌Mary Sherman去年曾親往台灣,面見文化部部長龍應台,他們才得以在今年這麼大規模的組成15人代表團,來這國際場合,介紹台灣藝術家經由獨特角度省思日常生活,藉由與媒體,科技,科學界,多元社群級機構合作,以藝術改變社會未來及環境的行動。
當晚與會的本地藝術家,包括從紐約來的Alfred 大學訪問助理教授傅嘉琿,麻州石雕藝術家謝茵,水墨抽象畫家田文浩等人。




            左起,國際跨文化交流會(TransCultural Exchange)統籌Mary Sherman,波士頓經文處處長洪慧珠,竹圍工作室創辦人蕭麗虹,文化部紐約辦事處主任游淑靜。(菊子攝)

            右起,波士頓大學教授Christopher Muller,波士頓大學藝術學院院長 Benjamin Juarez,波士頓經文處處長洪慧珠, 文化部紐約辦事處主任游淑靜,竹圍工作室創辦人蕭麗虹,牙醫師阮浩鑾都是晚宴嘉賓。(菊子攝)

Martin Walsh獲三名前市長候選人及華人協選會支持

ariama White-Hammond。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 只剩下三星期,就是十一月五日的波士頓大選日了。兩名市長候選人中,儘管約翰康納利(John Connolly)在十月二至七日的民意調查中領先八個百分點,馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)毫不示弱,一連爭取到三名初選時的市長候選人支持他。
 小阿若約(Felix G. Arroyo)(前右一),以及雷琪(Golar Richie)(前左拍手者),

波士頓市在現任市長萬寧路在位廿年,決定不再競選連任後,市長初選出現空前熱鬧場面,共有包括六名有色人種的不下十二名候選人跳入選戰。初選結束後,打入大選的是二名愛爾蘭裔現任民代,約翰康納利(John Connolly)是已在位六年的波士頓市不分區市議員,馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)是已在位十六年的麻州眾議員。
在過去一周內,馬丁華殊一連爭取到巴洛斯(John Barros),小阿若約(Felix G. Arroyo),以及雷琪(Golar Richie)等三名前市長候選人的支持。其中雷琪在初選中的得票率排第三名,小阿若擁有大批西班牙語裔支持者,巴洛斯早前獲得華人協選會支持。
雷琪說,她在競選市長時談到過“雙城傳奇(tales of two cities)”,考慮良久後,她認為馬丁華殊曾經歷過打工階層人民的掙扎,能夠瞭解這些人的需要。
十二日一早,拉丁裔的¿Oíste?,華人協選會(Chinese Progressive Political Action),以及城市投票權(Right to the City Vote等三機構發起,在洛士百利(Roxbury)的杜爹利廣場(Dudley Square)聚集了三十多人,並邀請前述三名前市長候選人一起為馬丁華殊站台,造勢。
嬉合項目(Project Hip-Hop)行政主任Mariama White-Hammond在這聚會中代表發言,稱當天出席者都是有色社區的民意領袖,要一起支持馬丁華殊成為下一任波士頓市長。她說,他們支持馬丁華殊是因為他有為所有打工人爭權益的記錄,會願意為所有的波士頓居民爭取公平,正義。
一名教師表示,他相信馬丁華殊一旦當選市長,將在任期結束前,把波市內的每一所學校,都變成第一級(level one)的學校。
波士頓學院政府及社區事務辦公室副校長Thomas J. Keady也是這天在場的支持者之一。他透露,馬丁華殊以一年修兩堂課的方式,耗時十年,從該校畢業。過去這些年間,他們在許多民主黨選舉中合作,成為好友,也讓他相信馬丁華殊能做一名好市長。



星期日, 10月 13, 2013

Stephen Sambu (KEN) and Kim Smith (NZL) Each Win $100,000 USD Grand Prize in the 2013 B.A.A. Distance Medley

Stephen Sambu (KEN) and Kim Smith (NZL) Each Win $100,000 USD Grand Prize in the 2013 B.A.A. Distance Medley

By Michael Keebler and Chris Lotsbom

BOSTON - 2013 Boston Marathon® champion Lelisa Desisa (ETH) and Kim Smith (NZL) won the 13th B.A.A. Half Marathon, presented by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, under sunny skies in Boston ’s Franklin Park . Desisa and Smith both broke the event record on this rolling course through Boston ’s picturesque Emerald Necklace park system, running 1:00:34 and 1:09:14, respectively. Stephen Sambu (KEN), who placed third today, and Smith won the 2013 B.A.A. Distance Medley and earned $100,000 each.

The 13th B.A.A. Half Marathon is the third and final event of the 2013 B.A.A. Distance Medley, a three-race series which combines the B.A.A. 5K on April 14, the B.A.A. 10K on June 23, and the B.A.A. Half Marathon . Sambu, 25-years old, and Smith, 31, won $100,000 each as the male and female with the fastest cumulative time in the three-race series.

Desisa, 25, remembering his victory in the 117th Boston Marathon just six months ago, smiled at the cheers from the crowd at the finish line inside White Stadium. “I like the people of Boston , and I am considering myself now one of the people of Boston ,” said the reigning Boston Marathon champion.

Desisa will be remembered in Boston for more than his victory on April 15, 2013. He also returned for the B.A.A. 10K on June 23, where he gifted his Boston Marathon winner’s medallion to Mayor Thomas M. Menino in a gesture of solidarity with the City of Boston and as a tribute to those who were affected by the events of April 15.

Following the B.A.A. 10K, Sambu held a 26-second lead over Daniel Salel (KEN) on the B.A.A. Distance Medley Leader Board. 2012 B.A.A. Distance Medley champion Allan Kiprono (KEN) and 2012 B.A.A. Distance Medley runner-up Lani Rutto (KEN), were both within one minute of the overall lead.

In the early stages of the race, a pack of more than ten runners controlled the pace, passing the first mile marker in 4:26, two miles in 9:06, and reaching 5K in 14:11. Kiprono and Rutto led the pack by a step in these first few miles, as Rutto took the pace-setting duties until the sixth mile. Passing the 10K mark in 28:17, Kiprono made a move to take the lead by a step, but the pack remained largely unchanged.

By the eight-mile mark, the lead pack was narrowed to Sambu, Salel, Kiprono, Desisa, and Sam Chelanga (KEN). Following a 4:22 mile split in the ninth mile, Salel and Sambu took the lead and raced side-by-side.

The four runners clocked consecutive 4:48 splits for the next two miles, passing the 11-mile mark in 50:52. As they entered the Franklin Park Zoo, the runners remained together. Desisa said later that he had made his decision to start pressing and pushing at 10 miles, but it was in the zoo in the eleventh mile that Desisa made a decisive move, using the narrow pathways to his advantage. As Sambu noted after the race, “When Lelisa sprinted inside there, we just followed him.”

The crowd inside White Stadium stood and cheered as Desisa broke the tape in 1:00:34. Salel and Sambu finished second and third, respectively, and both were recorded with a time of 1:00:41. Also finishing under Kiprono’s old event record of 1:01:44 were Chelanga and Rutto, finishing in fourth and fifth respectively.

After the race, Sambu, who lives and trains in Arizona , discussed his plans to use his $100,000 grand prize winnings in the B.A.A. Distance Medley to buy water purification resources for his native village in Eldoret , Kenya , where his family still lives.

“I know back home, we don’t have those things; we don’t have clean water,” Sambu said. “It’s really bad. So that’s my plan … I really want to make a little bit of a change in my village. If I would be able to do that, it’s going to be a really big deal for my village.”

As for Desisa, his victory in today’s race brought memories of the cheering crowds at the Boston Marathon. When asked if he plans to run the 2014 Boston Marathon, Desisa said, “I come, I come. I will do more training to win Boston again.”


For the second consecutive year, New Zealand Olympian Kim Smith asserted her dominance at the B.A.A. Half Marathon , claiming victory in a course record time of 1:09:14. The 31-year-old resident of Providence , R.I. , led from start to finish, going on to successfully defend not only her race title, but also the B.A.A. Distance Medley crown.

With her win, Smith becomes only the second women's champion in race history to win the B.A.A. Half Marathon two years in a row.

"It's really cool!" Smith said moments after breaking the finish tape, who had both her parents from New Zealand and her in-laws from Maine present to watch her run. "Living in Providence and coming up here to race was an easy choice... It's just amazing."

Shortly after leaving the start in Boston 's Franklin Park, Smith found herself out front with Ethiopia 's Aheza Kiros and Kenya 's Alice Kimutai tagging alongside. The three would pass five kilometers in 15:52, then five miles in 25:39.

Running in her first race since June's B.A.A. 10K, Smith came into today's event holding a one minute, eleven second advantage in the B.A.A. Distance Medley standings. Knowing she would have to push the pace for her chance at the $100,000 grand prize, Smith kept her foot on the gas pedal, leading every step of the early miles.

"I just tried to set a pretty decent pace and drop them," Smith said. "The first 10K was pretty fast."

Together through 10 kilometers in 31:48.7, it appeared Smith and Kiros would race neck-and-neck through the final half of the contest. But moments before reaching the seven mile mark, Smith put any thoughts of a duel to rest. Pumping her arms ferociously, the three-time Olympian eased away from Kiros. A five second lead soon became ten seconds, then 34 seconds at the nine mile mark.

"Once they dropped off I knew they must be tired, and I felt pretty good at that stage. I thought  'I think I got it,'" Smith said.

All by herself, Smith continued to push over the latter stages of the race, through Franklin Park Zoo and into White Stadium with no woman in sight. By then it was clear the previous course record of 1:10:52 would be beaten. The only question was by how much.

The answer wound up being one minute and 38 seconds, as Smith broke the tape with 1:09:14 reading on the clock. Though she easily secured the course record, Smith said it was never on her mind.

"I knew I was running pretty fast going through 10K. I didn't really worry about course records. I just wanted to win," she said. "I was just running and felt pretty good."

Defending her race title and picking up the B.A.A. Distance Medley victory was a thrill, Smith added.

Behind Smith, Kiros would finish second in 1:10:03, with Kimutai third in 1:10:37. Kristen Fryburg-Zaitz was the top American in fourth, timing 1:13:12.

"It's always great when you can be the first American," said Fryburg-Zaitz. "I'm thrilled to be at this race and be here for Boston . With what happened in April, this is just a great opportunity to prove how strong American distance runners are."

In the push rim wheelchair division, Tony Nogueira, of New Jersey , won his eighth B.A.A. Half Marathon title, finishing in 55:06. Carla Trodella, of Massachusetts , won the women’s wheelchair division in 2:12:25.

Joseph Ekuom, of New York , won the masters division in 1:13:38. Scituate , MA resident Holly Madden won the women’s masters division, running 1:28:01.

Behind the day’s top finishers, an event record crowd of 6,535 participants started the race. Also in the field were nearly 650 runners representing Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who are raising funds to improve patient care and cancer research at Dana-Farber. The B.A.A. Half Marathon has been presented annually by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund since 2003. Dana-Farber runners have raised more than $4 million USD through this event over the past 11 years.

星期六, 10月 12, 2013

絲竹春吟:第六屆青少年中國器樂比賽 2013 10/12

絲竹春吟:第六屆青少年中國器樂比賽 2013
Youth Poetry in Silk and Bamboo
The Sixth Annual Chinese Music Instrument
Audition and Concert 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013, 7:30 PM.
First Church Boston
Admission $10 at the door

Saturday, October 5, 2013, 2 PM
to select 15 to perform on 10/12/2013
Performers (solo or group) receive cash award and certificates.
Application deadline: September 30, 2013
Application fee: $30

Any youth within the age groups listed below;
regardless of nationality or ethnic origin;  audition must be live in person.

Age groups :
(based on birth date as of October 5, 2013)
A: 9 and under, B: 10-13, C: 14-17, D: 18-22 (in group or solo)

string(拉絃), wind(吹管), plucked(彈撥), and percussion(打擊) .

First Church in Boston, www.firstchurchboston.org,
66 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA 02116

Jury 評審委員:

1. Mr. Lynn Chang 張萬鈞(winner of International Paganini violin competition, current faculty at MIT, Boston Conservatory, and New England Conservatory) (To Be Confirmed)
2. Dr. Doris Chu 朱蓉(art critics and scholar)
3. Prof. Anthony De Ritis (Chairman Music Department at Northeastern University)
4. Mr. Yazhi Guo 郭雅志, Suona 嗩吶professional, 1998 Pro Musicis Award
5. Prof. Wai-fong Loh 陸惠風(art critics and scholar)
6. Ms. Ree-Ven Wang 王麗文(soprano)
7. Mr. Pei Yin 尹沛(Artistic Diploma in Saxophone from Longy School of Music)
8. Mr. Chang Feng Zhang 张长峰(Guzheng soloist, founding principal of Haixin Art school of Xiaman.)