
星期四, 10月 22, 2020



麻州州長Charlie Baker(左)和塞冷市市長Kim Driscoll勸民眾今年萬聖節別進塞冷市。
            (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導)「今年不是旅遊年」,「塞冷市(Salem)不扮鬼城」。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和塞冷市市長Kim Driscoll1021日召開記者會,強調塞冷市已取消所有萬聖節慶祝活動,力勸群眾這週末別去。

            塞冷市市長Kim Driscoll表示,每年萬聖節,大概都有5萬到6萬人湧入塞冷市過萬聖節,塞冷市也推出各式各樣活動以表歡迎,但今年情況不一樣,塞冷市怕人潮大批湧入,可能加劇新冠病毒疫情,逼使該市全面關閉,因而採取預防措施,不但全面取消所有萬聖節活動,還規定戴口罩,遊客進城得填報旅客表,火車也將過站不停。

塞冷市市長Kim Driscoll說明該市將要求店家,停車場提早關門。(周菊子攝)
           Kim Driscoll強調,塞冷市今年沒有舞台,沒有街頭表演,沒有啤酒花園,沒有DJs,沒有煙火,而且他們希望沒有「群眾」。



麻州州長Cahrlie Baker稱讚塞冷市防疫工作做得好。(周菊子攝)
           麻州鐵路系統(MBTA)的通勤火車(Commuter Rail)也將在未來的2個週末,調整行程,跳過塞冷站。





            (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 一轉眼間,冬天就要來了! 紐英崙客家鄉親會1018日藉網路和鄉親聚會,不但特別請美食專家教做禦冬飲品,還放映一段「浪漫台三線」影片,帶人進一步認識在台灣的客家之美。







星期三, 10月 21, 2020


             (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市府宣佈,鑑於新冠病毒(COVID-19)確診率從上週的4.5%陡升至5.7%,明日(1022)起,波市公校所有學校恢復遙距上課。



            波士頓市上週的新冠病毒確診率是4.4%,截至1017日的這週,確診率陡升至5.7%。波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)表示,這是五月底以來單週增長幅度最大的一週。


            波士頓市長馬丁華殊和公校總監Brenda Cassellius已兩度展延波士頓公校恢復回校上課的下一階段進程,包括原定1015日讓托兒所和幼稚園學生回校的安排,也已延後。

            Brenda Cassellius表示,做這決定,讓她的心都碎了。尤其是那些家裡沒有科技設備,或語言有障礙的家長,學生們,對於回校上課需求更迫切。



Students will return for in-person learning following a sustained decrease in the positivity rate.

Boston Public Schools announced today that due to a rising COVID-19 infection rate in the city, and in support of efforts to contain the spread, all students will shift to remote learning effective tomorrow, Thursday, October 22. The city’s seven-day average COVID-19 positive test rate was reported at 5.7%, an increase from last week’s rate of 4.5%. Students will remain in remote learning until there are two full weeks of falling infection rates.

“We have said all along that we will only provide in-person learning for students if the data and public health guidance supports it, and this new data shows that we are trending in the wrong direction,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “We will continue to monitor the metrics and work towards our goal of welcoming students back into our classrooms, learning among their peers, supported and educated by our dedicated staff.”

The announcement was made in consultation with public health officials and in reviewing data that shows two weeks of increased confirmed positive cases across the entire City of Boston.  

“BPS remains committed to providing in-person learning opportunities to our students as soon as it is appropriate to do so, and will continue to prioritize our students with the highest needs for in-person learning,” said Boston Public Schools (BPS) Superintendent Dr. Brenda Cassellius. “I know our students and teachers have been making great progress since in-person learning started on October 1 and that schools and families were looking forward to a return to school buildings. But we must do our part to slow the spread and keep our students, families, and staff safe.”

Once the citywide seven-day COVID-19 positivity rate is below 5% for two consecutive weeks, students with the highest needs will have the option to return to in-person learning. When the citywide seven-day COVID-19 positivity rate is below 4% for two consecutive weeks, BPS will restart the phase return of students for in-person learning, beginning with our youngest students. BPS will continue to respect family choice and will provide fully remote learning for all who choose it.

BPS will provide updates to plans as soon as they develop. In addition, schools will work with families who may need to pick up technology or other personal items students may have left at school. The district is exploring options for providing services for our students with complex disabilities and will update families with more information in the coming days.


All BPS students started the school year learning remotely on September 21. Families were able to select if they wanted to keep their students in all-remote learning or opt into a hybrid learning model. Students recognized as High In-Person Priority were able to return for in-person learning beginning October 1. Families will be notified of an updated timeline for their children to resume or begin in-person learning for the school year as soon as public health data allows.

For more information on the BPS reopening plan, work done to prepare buildings for in-person learning, and the district’s health and safety protocols visit bostonpublicschools.org/reopening.

華埠社區反對聲浪高 大麻店Sanctuary Medicinals申請牌照被拒

                 (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓市大麻委員會(Boston Cannabis Board)以社區強烈反對為由,今日下午無異議的否決”Sanctuary Medicinals”在天滿街(Tremont)253-255號開張的牌照申請。

               大麻委員會在今日的表決會議中複述了一些社區人士的反對理由,包括有人指出,政府以前把紅燈區(Combat zone)塞進華埠,現在是糾正錯誤的時候了。


             ”Sanctuary Medicinals”早從20187月就開始申請娛樂用零售大麻牌照,20193月還舉行過公聽會,也曾分別到波士頓華埠社區安全會議,波士頓華埠居民會,波士頓華埠社區議會等地方組織陳情。

             由於” Sanctuary Medicinals”店預定設址於添滿街253-255號,幾乎就在許多華裔耆英居住的南灣東座旁邊,又和青少年就讀的昆士中學距離很近,關心華埠社區環境的人,都很擔心鄰近治安會受影響,絕大多數反對該公司在天滿街開張新店。


             "Sanctuary Medicinals”的董事長暨執行長Jason Sidman在歷次公聽或陳情會中說明,該公司源自新罕布夏州,目前在新罕布夏州有2家店,在麻州的DanversGardnerWoburn Brookline等地有4家店。

            "Sanctuary Medicinals”計畫在天滿街建2層樓來開新店,預定每天早上10點至晚上9點營業,會聘用保安,檢查身分證,以防止未成年人買大麻,還會以時薪最低17元的幅度,盡可能優先聘用本地及少數族裔員工,預計聘用77人。

             根據麻州大麻控制局(Cannabis Control Commission),截至101日,麻州個市鎮,已發出691張大麻牌照,其中Worcester郡最多,有147張,其次為Berkshire郡的61張。波士頓華埠所在的薩福克郡(Suffolk)已發出16張大麻牌照。

星期二, 10月 20, 2020


 Baker-Polito Administration Launches Express COVID-19 Free Testing Site in Revere

BOSTON — The Baker-Polito Administration has launched a new free testing site in Revere open to all residents of the Commonwealth. The Stop the Spread site, which is run in partnership with Project Beacon and medical care partner, PhysicianOne Urgent Care, will be able to test 1,000 residents per day at full capacity.

Tests must be scheduled in advance and will be performed using a self-swabbing method in a drive-through format. Walk-up testing is not available. Residents arriving for a scheduled test must remain in their car at all times during the testing process. Specimens will be processed by the Broad Institute.

Residents interested in scheduling a test must make an appointment online. Hours of operation are also available on the website. Testing appointments may be scheduled up to 10 days in advance.

The testing site is located across the street from the Shops at Suffolk Downs on Tomasello Way at 31 Furlong Drive in Revere, MA. The site can be accessed from either Revere Beach Parkway or Route 1A (William McClellan Parkway), but residents are recommended to access it from Route 1A to drive directly into the queue. In addition to the website, more information is available by calling 617-741-7310.

The Commonwealth currently has over 250 testing sites available, including free testing sites in 18 communities through the Stop the Spread Initiative. For a full list of testing sites in the Commonwealth, visit mass.gov/gettested.

Project Beacon is a social benefit organization focused on helping to increase the capacity, availability, accessibility and affordability of COVID-19 testing in Massachusetts. PhysicianOne Urgent Care is the medical care partner managing the clinical site and all medical aspects of testing.




Double the investment of Fiscal Year 2020; funds now available for nonprofits providing programming for youth violence prevention and identified gaps


BOSTON - Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Offices of Health and Human Services and Public Safety today announced $1,000,000 in grant funding through the 2021 Youth Development Fund to support and increase youth development and violence prevention programming. With this funding, the City of Boston is targeting two priority areas: youth violence prevention programming and a continuum of support to fill gaps in existing programming. Up to 25 nonprofits will be selected to receive funding and awards will vary in size up to $100,000, with $75,000 of the funds reserved to be awarded for the 2021 summer. Applications for grant funding are now open, and responses are due by Monday, November 9, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.

"In Boston, we are committed to expanding access to youth programming and violence prevention strategies because we know this is important for our residents' public health and public safety," said Mayor Walsh. "At a time of increased stress and uncertainty as we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic, this additional programming is vital now more than ever. I look forward to working with partner organizations to further our reach in engaging the youth in our community."

Priority One: Youth Violence Prevention 

Grants targeting youth violence prevention will be funded to nonprofit organizations using evidence-based strategies that work to shape individual behaviors, and address relationship, community, and societal factors that influence risk and protective factors for violence. Programming must be for Boston youth ages 10-24.

Examples of youth violence prevention strategies include:

  1. Strengthening youth's skills
  2. Connecting youth to caring adults and activities
  3. Creating protective community environments
  4. Intervening to lessen harms and prevent future risk

Priority Two: Continuum Support 

Funding will support nonprofit organizations whose activities and services address the City of Boston's identified needs in the youth and young adult violence prevention continuum. For Fiscal Year 2021, these gaps include:

  1. Services for youth and young adults up to age 30 that address unmet needs created by or directly related to COVID-19.
  2. Case management or supportive services for school-age youth ages 13-18 who are Department of Youth Services-involved or high-risk for gang involvement due to history of neighborhood or family gang activity.
  3. Programs aimed at mitigating or preventing the use of social media to incite or promote violence, focused on ages 18 to 30.

Building on his commitment to bolstering the City of Boston's coordinated, cross-departmental violence prevention efforts and continued investments in opportunities for youth, Mayor Walsh has doubled funding for the Youth Development Fund each year for the past three years. For Fiscal Year 2019, Mayor Walsh invested $250,000 into the Youth Development Fund, $500,000 was allotted for Fiscal Year 2020, and for Fiscal Year 2021, Mayor Walsh has committed $1,000,000. 

"As the City continues to respond to the impacts of COVID-19, part of our work to keep residents safe and healthy must include ensuring the continuity of youth engagement and violence prevention programming," said Chief of Health and Human Services Marty Martinez. "I look forward to partnering with nonprofit organizations working directly with the community."

In an effort to centralize youth violence prevention services and strategies, the City of Boston has transitioned the Fund to the Office of Health and Human Services to administer in an effort to strengthen the City's collaboration among nonprofit organizations and city departments working to increase youth engagement and development, and violence prevention. The Office of Health and Human Services includes the city's Office of Public Safety. 

"The effectiveness of the City of Boston's violence prevention strategy and framework is dependent on our continued collaboration with our non-profit partners," said Director of Public Safety Rufus Faulk. "The Mayor's Office of Public Safety relies heavily on the contextual expertise of our external partners and our ability to increase the funding available (through the YDF) to these nonprofit partners will further support their efforts to ensure that all of Boston's youth have the opportunity to succeed."

The City of Boston seeks to fund nonprofits that complement the violence prevention work of the City. For the 2020 summer, the City of Boston added $4.2 million in funding to provide 8,000 youth jobs and engagement opportunities. The Mayor's Summer Jobs Program works to empower youth by connecting them to jobs that provide mentorship and guidance, and promote skill building and networking opportunities that create lasting professional pathways to success. 

In addition to increasing the investment into the Youth Development Fund, Mayor Walsh has allocated $600,000 into SOAR Boston (Street Outreach, Advocacy, and Response) to improve services and hire additional staff for the program. SOAR Boston engages gang-involved youth and young adults. Also, under Mayor Walsh's leadership, in 2016, the Neighborhood Trauma Team (NTT) was created by the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC). The NTT supports a coordinated and comprehensive approach to providing citywide trauma response and recovery services for all residents. There are currently six teams that serve Boston residents: Bowdoin Geneva/Greater Four Corners, East Boston, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Roxbury and Grove Hall. 


波士頓台灣同鄉會在網上迎新。(TAA Boston提供)
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓台灣同鄉會(TAA Boston)1018日在網上迎新,兼顧人文、地理,一口氣介紹十餘個大波士頓地區組織,還在交流環節安排有獎趣味問答和朗讀台語,客家話,引人動念要按圖索驥遊波城,出席者彼此調侃該上語言補習班。



               新英格蘭玉山科技協會會長蘇皓暐,紐英崙中華專業人員協會會長康雅芬,波士頓台灣人生物科技協會會長孟憲薇,波士頓台灣影展協會會長藍凡耘,波士頓哲學星期五魏禹嫻,波克萊台灣商會會長徐小玲,新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會理事莊保羅,台灣人公共事務協會麻州分部代表Howard Fass等人分別介紹各會概況及特色。新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會青商會,以及新英格蘭地區台灣同學聯合會也分別由代表做了簡短介紹。


第一道題是Good Will Hungting The Town, The DepartedMystic River這幾部電影,哪部沒在波士頓拍?還是全都在波士頓拍過。答案是全都有在波士頓取景。

第二道題的波士頓地標舊漢考克大樓(Old Hancock Building)晚上會用不同燈色來預報次日天氣。讓波士頓新人知道了以後進出波士頓市區,抬頭望一下這座高樓,就知道明天天氣如何。

第三道題,波士頓紅襪隊以前沒用過哪個名稱。原來在紅襪隊前東主John Taylor1907年取了紅襪隊這名字之前,曾經用過Americans, Pilgrims, Somersets, Puritans,以及Plymouth Rocks等許多不同名稱。

               第四道題,波士頓市議會有哪一位市議員有台灣血統?這道題成了當天最簡單的遊戲題,搶答的每個人都回答Michelle Wu (吳弭)

               第五道題,波士頓市區內有條環繞市中心的紅磚路線,代表什麼?原來這是波士頓人當年爭取自由時經過的路線,現在成了波士頓旅遊名勝的自由小徑(Freedom Trail)”

               第六道題,有台灣官方正名的原住民族共有幾族? 許多人記得九族文化村,會以為答案是九族,但其實台灣原住民族共約575067人,佔台灣總人口的2.4%,得到台灣官方認可的已有阿美,泰雅,排灣等16族了。

               另外台灣和麻州最高的山是玉山及Mount Greylock


               答對最多題的Tony Ho獲得全美台灣同鄉會的台美認同宣導胸章一枚。



               成立於1970年代的波士頓台灣同鄉會,現有理事10人,會長為林碧憶,其餘理事為林致中,杜荷洲,鄭永志,Ava Lee,唐崧晏,李坤珀,林怡璇,陳薇帆,周怡吟等人。(更新版)





$5 million available to aid residents at risk of eviction, with up to $4,000 in rental assistance

BOSTON - Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the reopening of applications for the Rental Relief Fund, created in early April to help Boston residents at risk of losing their housing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fund reopened with $5 million available to help residents pay their rent following the end of the statewide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures on October 17th. Over the last six months, the Fund distributed more than $3 million in payments to landlords on behalf of more than 1,000 households. More than fifty percent of the households that have been awarded funds earn less than $58,000 per year with two income earners. Qualified residents interested in applying to this round of funding can submit their application here, available in 11 languages.

"As we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic, it's vital that we provide residents with the resources and supports they need to stay housed, especially with the statewide moratorium on evictions lifted," said Mayor Walsh. "I'm proud that we are able to reopen the Rental Relief Fund so that we can expand our assistance for residents to ensure they remain housed during and after the pandemic."

The Rental Relief Funds may be used for short-term rental assistance for up to three months and to supplement partial payments of rent. After verifying initial eligibility, the City of Boston will refer tenants to partner non-profit agencies to finalize eligibility. Once materials are verified and the calculation of assistance is determined, the landlord receives payment directly. For each household, including recipients of previous application rounds, total financial assistance may not exceed more than $4,000 in a 12-month period.

Completed applications will be reviewed and funded on a first-come, first-served basis until all funding is distributed. Income- eligible applicants can apply for the funding on the Office of Housing Stability's website

To qualify for assistance, tenants must:

  • Earn less than 80% Area Median Income (AMI) or $90,650 for a family of four, 
  • Be financially impacted by COVID-19, 
  • Be renters in Boston as of March 1, 2020, 
  • Certify they do not receive a rental subsidy or have funds to meet their needs, and 
  • Not be a full-time student. 

A person's immigration status is not asked during the Rental Relief Fund application process and receiving funds does not impact other financial assistance that a person may be already receiving. Additionally, assistance from the Rental Relief Fund does not affect immigration applications as a "public charge" ground of inadmissibility.

Eligible respondents from previous funding rounds were referred to partner agencies and sent application forms to complete for disbursement of the funds to their landlords. Residents who entered the first or second lottery and have not yet returned a completed application to one of these agencies are asked to reapply. To ensure that the Fund is disbursed in a timely manner, the City of Boston has expanded its partnership with nonprofits Metro Housing Boston and Neighborhood of Affordable Housing (NOAH), to include Project Hope to process applications received, and disburse payments directly to landlords.

"Project Hope applauds the City for stepping in and providing millions to families who are at risk of eviction. It will ensure that families have a roof over their head and parents and children can thrive," said Christine Dixon, Executive Director of Project Hope. "This fund and the help it provides compliments our work assisting families in our community with eviction prevention resources. In partnering with the City on this effort we will be helping to provide housing stability to hundreds of families. We thank Mayor Walsh for always making safe and stable housing a priority in the City."

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayor Walsh has remained focused on preventing evictions due to financial hardship. Recently, he announced a Housing Stability Pledge for landlords, urging landlords to honor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) eviction moratorium, create payment plans with and for tenants and connect them with resources, and work with the relevant voucher administrator for tenants with housing vouchers. This pledge will aid tenants who are unable to pay their rent due to loss of income during the COVID-19 public health crisis. 

Mayor Walsh also filed the "Housing Stability Notification Act" with the Boston City Council to ensure Bostonians at risk of eviction know their rights and have access to the resources available to them. The ordinance would require property owners and constables who are serving a Notice to Quit (the first step in the legal process of an eviction) to provide a document containing information on tenant rights and resources available to them when issuing one. Mayor Walsh continues to advocate in support of An Act to Ensure Right to Counsel in Eviction Proceedings, a bill at the Massachusetts State House, which would provide any low-income tenant facing eviction with a court-appointed attorney for representation. 

The City has also taken steps to enhance programs to help homeowners, many of whom are small landlords, to meet their own financial obligations, make critical repairs, and stay in their homes. The Boston Home Center (BHC) has partnered with the City of Boston's Tax/Title division to reach out to more than 8,000 homeowners who are past due in property taxes. This multilingual insert directs homeowners at-risk to the BHC's Foreclosure Prevention and Intervention services

Although the Massachusetts moratorium on evictions and foreclosures ended on October 17th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) remains in effect until December 31, 2020. In order to be covered by the CDC moratorium, tenants are required to sign and submit a declaration to their landlord stating that they qualify for protection under the moratorium. The City of Boston has translated this declaration into 11 languages and posted it on the Office of Housing Stability website so eligible tenants can sign it and send it to their landlord. 



AG’s Office Intervenes in Whistleblower False Claims Act Case; Company Allegedly Submitted Millions of Dollars in False Claims to the State’s Medicaid Program

            BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that her office has sued a national addiction treatment center chain for submitting millions of dollars in false claims to the state’s Medicaid program, known as MassHealth, for urine drug tests that were medically unnecessary and violated federal and state self-referral laws because they were performed at the company’s own laboratory.

The AG’s Office filed the complaint in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts under the Massachusetts False Claims Act against Total Wellness Centers, LLC, CleanSlate Centers, Inc., and CleanSlate Centers, LLC (collectively, “CleanSlate”), and former company owner Dr. Amanda Louise Wilson.

“This company’s business model was to illegally profit by cheating our state Medicaid program, which provides vital health care resources to some of our most vulnerable residents,” said AG Healey. “We will take legal action against this kind of misconduct in order to recover funds for our state and protect the integrity of MassHealth.” 

CleanSlate was based in Northampton before it relocated its headquarters to Tennessee. The company owns and operates many office-based opioid treatment centers in Massachusetts and around the country, where individuals receive medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders. Locations in Massachusetts include Athol, Boston, Falmouth, West Springfield, and Worcester. CleanSlate also owns and operates an independent clinical laboratory in Holyoke where it performs tests of clinical specimens for its patients.

The AG’s lawsuit alleges that CleanSlate required patients, depending on their stage of treatment, to submit to a variety of qualitative and quantitative urine drug tests, some of which were medically unnecessary. The AG’s Office also alleges that CleanSlate and Dr. Wilson caused false claims to be submitted to MassHealth and its contracted managed care entities for these unneeded tests, which violate medical necessity requirements under MassHealth regulations.

The AG’s complaint also alleges that the company’s policies, which directed clinicians at CleanSlate to refer laboratory work to its own Holyoke laboratory, violate federal and state self-referral statutes. Dr. Wilson owned both the clinic and lab in Massachusetts and developed the policies directing the self-referrals.

The self-referral law, originally proposed by the AG’s Office, prohibits referrals between clinical laboratories and any entity with a direct or indirect ownership interest in the laboratory and vice versa. State law also prohibits a laboratory from testing any specimen received from an entity with an ownership interest in the laboratory. 

            These allegations were originally made in a case filed in April 2017 under the whistleblower (or qui tam) provision of the False Claims Act. The act permits private parties to sue for fraud on behalf of the government, and it also permits federal and state governments to intervene in such actions, as Massachusetts has done in this case, which is captioned U.S. et al. ex rel. Wendy Welch v. CleanSlate Centers, Inc., et al.; Civil Action No. 17-CV-30038-MGM (D. Mass.).

This matter is being handled by Managing Attorney Kevin Lownds, Assistant Attorney General Gregoire Ucuz, Senior Healthcare Fraud Investigator Steven Pfister, and Investigator William Welsh, all of the AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division, with substantial assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General.

The AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division receives 75 percent of its funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under a grant award. The remaining 25 percent is funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

星期一, 10月 19, 2020

10/19新冠病毒確診數 麻州新增827 美國47,035 死亡人數麻州新增15 美國475

             (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州的新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)1019日新增確診數陡升至827宗,累計141,474宗,新增15人死亡,累計9,532



