
星期三, 9月 24, 2014


駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組920日舉辦新格蘭地區中華民國 (台灣)同學會會長聯席會議。來自20多所學校近50名會長、副會長在薩福克 (Suffolk) 大學法學院會議室交流,聽講。




Photo右起 :謝如鍵(Vice-President & English Secretary),許楊威(President),談家權(Chinese Secretary),謝中之(Administrator),代表紐英崙昭倫公所出席在西雅圖舉辦的全美昭倫公所第廿一屆懇親代表大會。

Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine -- Six States


波士頓華埠傳假火警 六消防車,兩醫療車趕來

中華公所巡邏隊為義務工作,歡迎加入,接受捐獻,有意者請聨系中華公所 617-542-2574,或巡邏隊總司令翁宇才 617-388-8063。(圖及文-----謝中之)


Mayor Walsh Announces Partnership with TicketZen

City of Boston parking violations will now direct recipients to mobile-based payment feature

BOSTON – Today Mayor Walsh announced the City of Boston’s partnership with a Boston tech company to encourage parking ticket recipients to pay their fines using their smart phones. The new customer service improvement is the result of a request for proposals issued by the City, which invited entities to propose a mobile parking ticket payment solution for City-issued parking tickets. The resulting partnership is between the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, the Boston Transportation Department (BTD), and TicketZen, Inc., a company created by Boston-based Terrible Labs. For a three month pilot period, beginning on Tuesday, September 23, a reference to the mobile app TicketZen will be featured at the bottom of every computer-generated parking ticket issued by the Boston Transportation Department and will guide those with parking tickets through this new option for making payments.

“The City of Boston continues to innovate around customer service,” said Mayor Walsh. “Implementing new technology that makes the unpleasant chore of paying a parking ticket more efficient and effective, makes life in the city easier. I’m pleased that we were able to partner with a local tech company to get this app done.”

TicketZen, a smart phone app available for both Android and Apple devices, utilizes the smart phone camera to scan the barcode on a parking ticket and connect the user’s payment details with the City of Boston’s payment network. The app provides a smoother user experience than navigating to the City’s parking ticket payment website from a mobile phone. In addition, by prompting users to make timely payments, it helps them to avoid late fees that are routinely added to the original fine after 21 days. During the pilot period, the TicketZen service will be provided at no cost to Boston users beyond the standard credit card processing fee associated with the City’s payment portal.

“BTD is excited to have this opportunity to work with the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics and a local technology start-up on this parking ticket payment app,” said Interim Boston Transportation Department Commissioner James E. Gillooly. “We intend to continue to aggressively research and pursue new technology available to us that can help drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to navigate our local transportation systems, to enhance the customer service experience that we provide to our constituents.”

“We are thrilled to partner with Mayor Walsh and Boston’s Transportation Department to ease the process of paying a parking ticket,” said Cort Johnson, Director of Business Development for Terrible Labs. “Boston continues to be a leader through their sustained efforts to modernize the way its residents and visitors interact with the City and TicketZen is excited to be a part of that plan.”

The City of Boston continues to innovate to make government processes more accessible through digital channels. Recent efforts include: HubHacks, a civic-minded Hackathon to reinvent the City’s online permitting experience; the installation of digital kiosks at several agencies across the City to connect constituents within two business days to City of Boston business development specialists; and the expansion of Wicked Free WiFi, providing free wireless internet across Boston’s Main Street districts.

Smart phone users with questions or comments about the new app are encouraged to contact the Mayor’s Hotline at 617-635-4500.

Boston Public Market to Partner with Interise and CropCircle Kitchen, Offer StreetWise ‘MBA’™ Program to Local Food Vendors

Boston Public Market to Partner with Interise and CropCircle Kitchen, Offer StreetWise ‘MBA’™ Program to Local Food Vendors
Vendors at Boston’s first permanent, indoor farmer’s market to benefit from award-winning curriculum, local instructor
BOSTON — Interise, CropCircle Kitchen and the Boston Public Market today announced a new partnership that will provide innovative business training to local food vendors at the planned public market slated to open in summer 2015.

“Interise’s StreetWise ‘MBA’™ program has a proven record of helping small businesses grow and flourish, and we’re excited to work with them on a new initiative focused specifically on the needs of food businesses as a way to support our vendors.,” said Liz Morningstar, CEO of the Boston Public Market. “We’re also looking forward to working with CropCircle Kitchen—benefiting from their deep knowledge of the food business and connecting our vendors to their tremendous new commercial kitchen facilities in Dorchester.”

Vendor applicants and local small food businesses will participate in Interise’s award-winning StreetWise ‘MBA’™ program aimed at growing jobs and creating more revenue. The program covers topics such as business development, strategic planning, access to capital, government contacts, financials, marketing and sales, and human resources.

Unlike some formal training, participants in the StreetWise ‘MBA’™ program don’t study large corporations, they work on their own businesses. Each participating business functions as a live case and owners use their own experiences as a case study. As business owners learn about each topic, they instantly apply the lessons to their business and implement change.

Mayor Walsh Announces Cabinet Level Chief of Arts and Culture

Mayor Walsh Announces Cabinet Level Chief of Arts and Culture

Important step in ongoing elevation of arts in Boston, Appointee led Chicago’s cultural planning process

BOSTON – Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the appointment of Julie Burros as Boston’s first Chief of Arts and Culture in more than 20 years, following a national search. Burros will be tasked with stewarding the creation of Boston’s Cultural Plan, and work as an advocate for the arts community across new policy creation. Burros is currently the director of Cultural Planning for the City of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, a position she has held for more than 15 years. She will begin her role as Chief of Arts and Culture for the City of Boston in December 2014.

“I’ve said from Day One that I want to elevate Boston’s arts and culture profile,” said Mayor Walsh. “During the campaign, I often heard about the need for the arts to be more integrated into the lives of residents and visitors. Julie will bring a fresh perspective and a strong foundation of expertise to envision Boston’s cultural future and execute a master plan for the arts.”

In her position with the City of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, Burros works at the intersection of planning, culture, community development, and capacity building. During her tenure she has strengthened the arts community, and improved the City of Chicago’s cultural identity. Burros has a diversity of experience in policymaking, grant programming, non-profit development, and municipal government.

“Julie was instrumental in developing the 2012 Chicago Cultural Plan and engaging the public in that process,” said Michelle T. Boone, Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events. “Our heartfelt congratulations to Julie. This is a tremendous opportunity for her, and she will do a wonderful job.”

“I am so thrilled to be joining Mayor Walsh’s team and look forward to putting all my experience to work for the people of Boston,” said Julie Burros. “Boston has great potential in the arts world, and this is a unique opportunity to examine all of Boston’s cultural assets and align them with Mayor Walsh’s vision to make arts and culture a key piece across all City departments.”

Burros led the creation of the Chicago Cultural Plan 2012, which was awarded the Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning from the Metropolitan Planning Council, and is leading its implementation. In addition, in her current role she acts as a liaison between the arts community and regulatory City departments resolving issues with zoning, licensing, permitting, and building codes; visions the redevelopment of vacant spaces in the City for arts uses, and supports Chicago’s cultural districts. Her signature work in Chicago includes the 2009 Burnham Plan Centennial Pavilions in Millennium Park and the Chicago Cultural Landscape survey of 2002.

Burros did her undergraduate work at the college at the University of Chicago, majoring in sociology, and did her graduate work at Columbia University at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, with a focus on planning for the built environment.

As Chief of Arts and Culture for the City of Boston, Burros will oversee a staff of 9 housed within the Boston Arts Commission and the Boston Cultural Council, with a budget of $1.3 million. The Chief position has an annual salary of $125,000, and also includes oversight of the Boston Public Library system. The Arts + Culture cabinet was created by Mayor Walsh to elevate arts and culture by separating it from the previous administration’s Office of Arts, Tourism, and Special Events.

Pulling from her experience working on the Chicago Cultural Plan, Burros will steer Boston’s 15-member Cultural Planning Committee through Boston’s cultural planning process. The Plan will be shaped by a public conversation with the goal of creating a long-term vision that better capitalizes on existing resources and makes the City’s arts and culture creative portfolio stronger, more accessible, more sustainable, and more diverse. Burros will promote and execute the final plan, secure resources, and oversee its implementation and evaluation. In addition, she will be tasked with ensuring that all relevant City programs are aligned with the Plan.

In addition as Chief, Burros will work to create a vehicle through which the City can increase diversity and inclusion in the arts, seek grants and sponsorship opportunities, and secure funding and support for Boston’s arts community. Burros will seek to grow the arts in Boston across disciplines, from theater to dance, to the visual arts to public art.

The Arts and Culture Chief search committee included 11-members, and was led by Joyce Linehan, Mayor Walsh’s Chief of Policy.

Committee Members:

Kathy Bitetti, Artist
Patricia Boyle-McKenna, Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics
David Dower, ArtsEmerson
Michael Evans, Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics
Danny Green, Mayor’s Office
Vineet Gupta, Boston Transportation Department
Para Jayasinghe, Public Works Department
Jill Medvedow, Institute of Contemporary Art
Charlayne Murrell-Smith, Children’s Museum
Lois Roach, playwright/teacher
Miguel Rodriguez, Boston Baroque

星期二, 9月 23, 2014


          (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)胡炳超是波士頓內的知名武術大師傅之一,早從1966年就在大波士頓開武館“竹廬(Bamboo Hut)”,一度強調少林洪家拳,在林肯街另設武館。自創揉和身體軟硬能力,既能自衛,又能攻擊的五元太極(5 Elements Tai Chi)功夫後,開始以“超武館”為名,繁衍門派,今年三月八日還在羅爾市(Lowell)威利街(Willie)開張了一家新武館。

新英格蘭中文教師專業協會秋季講座談 Can do Statement

(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州牛頓市報導) 新英格蘭中文教師專業協會(NECTA)九月廿日在波士頓華僑文教中心舉辦秋季講座。三十多名老師上課一整天,從教學標準,應用程式到文化,技藝項目,學得許多有用知識。
            當天共安排有四場講座,分別為退休前擔任波士頓市公校國際語主任的林遊嵐講解“能力描述標準(Can do statement)“,布魯克蘭高中老師張麗華講”舌尖上的中國美食“,前任會長葉金惠老師講解把谷歌應用程式用在華語教學上,前任新英格蘭中文學校協會會長王月娥分享”吸管藝術“手工藝創作。
            葉金惠在應用電腦科技來輔助教學上,卓有心得,也不吝分享。這天她用廿多張幻燈片,簡明扼要地闡述如何使用谷歌(google)所提供的各種工具及服務,包括Chrome瀏覽器,及延伸工具,谷歌驅動器(Google Drive),谷歌語音(google voice),網站,年曆及其他。
            Chrome是谷歌自己的瀏覽器,既有搜索引擎,也可和電子郵件相連結,加強許多的谷歌搜尋功能。她還教出席者如何使用谷歌延伸工具(extension)裏的一些小程式,來個人化各人使用谷歌瀏覽器的經驗。其中有許多應用程式,在谷歌瀏覽器上就是一個鏈接而已,變得非常好用。谷歌文件(Google docs)則是容許人不論身在何處,都可取得自己所需文件的好工具,分享功能還容許創作文件者和其他人合作。老師要改作業,學生交作業,也都因此自然而然的有了更清楚的記錄。

未來醫療預防重於治療 科技應用將全面改革醫療業運作

經濟學人(The Economist)日前在波士頓海港酒店舉辦”醫療保健論壇(The Healthcare Forum)“。包括美國國家醫學院首名華裔院長曹文凱在內,與會巨頭都認同,未來的醫療護理,強調預防及重用科技,縮減費用,提供服務方式及相關政策,都將在國際化交流中大幅改革。
”醫療保健論壇(The Healthcare Forum)“在會中舉辦的辯論,經出席會議者即席投票,儘管也有不少人贊成雅典健保(Athenahealth)執行長Jonathan Bush所說的,應該更研發出一種視結果付費制度,以減少不必要的醫療,刪減費用,但絕大多數人支持奧巴馬(Obama)的可負擔醫療保險法,認為由政府補助貧困者,並幫助他們獲得醫療護理,仍然利大於弊。
這場會議由經濟學人主辦,該機構情資組亞太區社論主任Charles Goddard主持,旨在全球地理人口正在轉型,人口老化,醫療費用漲到人們負擔不起,電子病歷漸成業界標準,全世界各地都要求醫療護理業能夠更透明,更有效率的情況下,從全球角度探看醫療健保業未來展望。
應邀與談者包括禮來製藥(Lilly)美國董事長,人類(Humana)公司執行長Bruce Broussard,全球健康做法(Practice of Global Health),美國國家醫學院(IOM)院長曹文凱(Victor Dzau), iTriage董事長Jim Greniner,山間健康(Intermountain Health)董事長Charles Sorenson等,共不下35人。




            通用公司的醫療護理超聲波執行長Anders Wold(左)拿出該公司的新型超聲波儀器指出,以前超聲波是很大的機器,如今卻小到可隨身攜帶,用途也擴大許多。(菊子攝)

星期一, 9月 22, 2014

BPHC Receives 3-Year Mass in Motion Grant to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Roxbury

BPHC Receives 3-Year Mass in Motion Grant to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Roxbury

BOSTON—The Boston Public Health Commission announced today that it has received the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s (DPH) Mass in Motion Municipal Wellness and Leadership 3-year grant to support obesity and chronic disease prevention efforts in the neighborhood of Roxbury. The annual funding of $50,000 will support a robust partnership of representatives from multiple sectors including community-based organizations, resident coalitions, healthcare, local business, and city government.

"This new collaboration among residents, city agencies, and community-based organizations with deep ties to the neighborhood will allow us to build upon the great work that’s already happening here,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “It is exciting to be a part of the innovative and thoughtful programs that will continue to transform Roxbury.”

“These grants enable cities and towns across the Commonwealth to make healthy eating and active living easier for people to achieve,” said DPH Commissioner Cheryl Bartlett. “Grantees, such as Roxbury in Motion, are working to make the healthy choice the easy choice by ensuring the availability of healthy affordable foods and promoting opportunities for physical activity.”

BPHC will serve as municipal lead with Madison Park Development Corporation (MPDC) serving as the principal community partner for the new initiative, Roxbury in Motion. For nearly 50 years, MPDC has worked to promote the revitalization and redevelopment of Roxbury. This new endeavor builds on their years of experience in organizing adults and youth around healthy eating and active living.

Strategies will focus on policy, systems and environmental changes aimed at reducing inequities in obesity and chronic disease that Roxbury residents experience at a higher rate compared to Boston overall.  In Roxbury, the prevalence of adult diabetes is significantly higher than that of Boston overall at 15%, compared to 9% citywide.

“Roxbury in Motion aims to transform where residents already call home, and give them better access to healthy and safe places to live, work, play, pray, and learn so that they can lead healthier, more productive lives,” said Barbara Ferrer, Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission.

Roxbury in Motion will focus on three action areas:
1.      Expand existing initiatives by MPDC, the Dudley Real Food Hub, and other Roxbury organizations to improve on the availability and affordability of healthy food through farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), community gardens, urban agriculture, and improved options in retail stores
2.      Support ongoing efforts by the City of Boston, resident groups, and other stakeholders to design and develop shared space for all modes of transportation, including vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians, within Dudley Square and along Melnea Cass Boulevard
3.      Collaborate with established neighborhood initiatives, including the Violence Intervention Prevention (VIP) coalition, to develop innovative strategies that will increase usage of Roxbury’s many parks and green spaces

“Madison Park Development Corporation is honored to embark on this exciting new endeavor to promote the health and wellbeing of the residents of Roxbury,” said Jeanne Pinado, Chief Executive Officer of MPDC. “We are excited to work alongside partners from across the neighborhood to make lasting changes that support our community to thrive.”

“I’m so proud of the work that’s happening on the ground in Roxbury to address health disparities in this community,” said City Councilor Tito Jackson who will serve on the Roxbury in Motion Leadership Team.  “This new funding through Roxbury in Motion will help us to take existing work to the next level, to take a closer look at how we can address barriers to health here in our community and work together to ensure the optimum health of all our residents.”

Roxbury in Motion will launch on October 1, 2014, aligning with Roxbury Rising Against Diabetes, a month-long series of events led by the Healthier Roxbury Coalition.  Residents and other interested stakeholders are welcomed to join Roxbury in Motion for free Wednesday Walks to learn about this work and become involved.  Gently paced walks will begin and end at Hibernian Hall and will be held each Wednesday in October from 12-1pm. 

For a complete calendar of Roxbury Rising Against Diabetes events, visit www.bphc.org/RoxRising. For schedule updates and additional information, visit www.facebook.com/HealthierRoxbury or follow the conversation on Twitter @HealthyRoxbury with the hashtag #RoxRising.