星期一, 11月 18, 2024

哥倫布公園燈光秀 11月25日開幕有表演

(Boston Orange編譯) 波士頓市北端 (North End)的哥倫布公園(Christopher Columbus Park), 將於11 25 日下午5點,啟動第22屆棚架燈光秀,以5萬盞藍燈為波士頓佈置出一個有如仙境角落。

在波士頓歷史海濱大西洋大道 110 號公園舉行的這燈光秀,由H.P. Hood, LLC、樂高探索中心波士頓、波士頓名人系列、新英格蘭咖啡和藍人組合大力贊助與支持。

               活動由 Sean Stellato 主持,北端音樂和表演藝術中心(NEMPAC)的學生和教師,歌手Phadedra 和抒情男高音Miguel Cabrera ,東北大學無伴奏合唱團Pitch , Please! ,將分別表演精彩節目。聖誕老人和紅鼻子馴鹿魯道夫也將驚喜現身,為大人和孩子們帶來歡樂。

               現場還將提供豐富美食,包括H.P. Hood 的蛋奶酒、Joe's Waterfront 的蛤蜊濃湯、Drakes Cakes 的烘焙食品、新英格蘭咖啡,以及波士頓萬豪長碼頭的熱巧克力和餅乾,樂高探索中心波士頓展台還有季節性樂高積木搭建等活動,為遊客增添更多樂趣。

               在接下來的節日期間,波士頓公園和娛樂部還將舉辦一系列慶祝活動。 11 30 日,馬丁公園兒童碼頭海港步道的船舶將被點亮;12 5 日,波士頓公園聖誕樹亮燈儀式以及聯邦大道購物中心樹木亮燈活動將相繼舉行。值得一提的是,11 26 日上午11 點左右,來自新斯科細亞省的2024 年官方聖誕樹將抵達波士頓公園,這棵30 年樹齡、45 英尺高的白雲杉由新斯科細亞省Mattie Settlement Liz Hugh Ryan 捐贈,屆時公眾可前往一同慶祝。

               更多節日活動詳情可訪問boston.gov/holidaylights,如需獲取波士頓公園最新消息和活動資訊,可訂閱郵件列表bit.ly/Get - Parks - Emails,或關注社交媒體渠道@bostonparksdept(推特、臉書和Instagram)。 

Columbus Park Trellis Lighting November 25

The Boston Parks and Recreation Department and the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park will host the 22nd annual holiday lighting of the trellis at Christopher Columbus Park in the North End on Monday, November 25, at 5 p.m.

Located at 110 Atlantic Avenue on Boston’s historic waterfront, Christopher Columbus Park will be transformed into a beautiful holiday display when the park and its trellis are illuminated with 50,000 blue lights.

The celebration is sponsored by H.P. Hood, LLC and the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park.  Additional support is provided by LEGO Discovery Center Boston, Celebrity Series of Boston,  New England Coffee, and the Blue Man Group. 

The trellis lighting ceremony at Columbus Park will feature a festive lineup of entertainment, with performances by students and instructors from the North End Music and Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC). Guests will enjoy holiday classics sung by vocalist Phadedra and the rich voice of lyric tenor Miguel Cabrera. Adding to the seasonal spirit, Northeastern University a cappella group, Pitch, Please!, will deliver unique renditions of holiday favorites. Special guests Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer will make an appearance, delighting children and adults alike. The evening will be hosted by Sean Stellato, creating an unforgettable kickoff to the holiday season.

Refreshments will include eggnog from H.P. Hood, clam chowder from Joe's Waterfront, baked goods from Drakes Cakes, coffee from New England Coffee, and hot chocolate and cookies from the Boston Marriott Long Wharf.  Visit the LEGO Discovery Center Boston table for a seasonal LEGO build and more!

Other 2024 holiday celebrations hosted by the Boston Parks and Recreation Department include the lighting of the ship in Martin’s Park at the Children’s Wharf Harborwalk on November 30, and the Boston Common tree lighting followed by the lighting of the trees on Commonwealth Avenue Mall on December 5. 

The arrival of Boston’s official 2024 holiday tree from Nova Scotia will be celebrated on Boston Common at approximately 11 a.m. on November 26. This year’s tree is a 30-year-old, 45-foot-tall white spruce donated by Liz and Hugh Ryan of Mattie Settlement, Nova Scotia. 

Visit boston.gov/holidaylights for more information about the season’s festivities. To stay up to date with news and events in Boston parks, sign up for our email list at bit.ly/Get-Parks-Emails and follow our social channels @bostonparksdept on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
