
星期六, 4月 20, 2024

波士頓名人系列 5/2-5 推出Alvin Ailey新作

主辦單位提供  photo by Dario Calmese

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 世界上最受歡迎舞蹈公司之一的Alvin Ailey美國舞團,將於52日至5日,回到波士頓天滿街 (Tremont) 270號的博客中心王氏劇院 (Boch Center Wang Theater) 做年度演出,以3種不同節目組合,表演5場,其中的世紀 (Century)” (Ode)  )” 是波士頓首演。

            跨入創立65週年的Alvin Ailey舞團,這次將演出炙手可熱編舞家Amy Hall Garner受託,為Ailey舞團編導的第一支作品世紀Jamar Roberts2019年作品 (Ode)”。全新製作的Alonzo King 2000年作品跟著細水上流 (Follow the Subtle Current Upstream)”,以及Ronald K. Brown2009年最受喜愛作品 跳舞精神 (Dancing Spirit)”

            每場演出最後,還將以摘自Ailey最佳舞蹈,經典大師傑作 啟示錄 (Revelations)” 中,重點強調Alvin Ailey生動編舞天才的片段,來做結尾。

            作為舞團回到波士頓演出的一部分,從1971年起,邀請Ailey舞團來波士頓表演的波士頓名人系列 (Boston Celebrity Series),將於51 (週三) 7點,在洛士百利 (Roxbury) Reggie Lewis跑道體育中心 (1350 Tremont Street),舉辦一場免費的公開工作坊,每一個人的啟示錄 (Revelations for Everyone)”,舞團舞者將示範教導 Alvin Ailey舞團代表作品,以及非常受歡迎的舞蹈 夜間生物 (Night Creature)”

            排定的幾場表演包括,52日晚8點,以及55日下午3點,在波士頓地區首演的,Jamar Roberts (Ode)  )”,以及Amy Hall Garner世紀 (Century)”。其中的世紀是一支極具個人色彩的作品,靈感來自Hall Garner的祖父100歲生日的那個晚上。Ray CharlesCount Basie,以及The Dirty Dozen銅管樂隊等為這支舞編曲。世紀一舞慶祝生命、韌性及愉悅。是在槍枝暴力時代位生命的美麗與脆弱而沉思的作品,以甜蜜Malcolm (記憶與槍聲第一部分)為背景,並以全女班演員來重新想像。

            53日週五,以及54日週六的晚上8點,演出舞碼為Ronald K. Brown跳舞精神,以及Alonzo King跟隨細水上流跳舞精神的音樂由Duke Ellington, Wynton Marsalis War製作,激發出傳奇性的Ailey藝術總監Emerita Judith Jamison的優雅,尊嚴及慷慨。跟隨細水上流則是大膽,舞動不歇的作品,如同人生中的起起伏伏。

            54 (週六) 下午2點的Ailey經典節目,則跨越Alvin Ailey的豐富作品,包括回憶錄夜間生物沒有公爵 (Pas de Duke)”” Masekela Langage” “Opus McShann”, “情歌 (Love Songs)”, “為鳥帶著愛 (For 'Bird'–With Love)” , 以及隱藏的儀式 ( Hidden Rites)等。

             波士頓名人系列的Alvin Ailey舞團,將於52日至5日在波士頓市天滿街 (Tremont) 270號的Boch Center Wang Theater舉行。購票可上網celebrityseries.org,或bochcenter.org/alvinailey.

星期五, 4月 19, 2024

4月20、21兩日波士頓籃球決賽 Canal街禁行車輛


Canal Street to close to vehicular traffic for upcoming Bruins and Celtics home playoff games

BOSTON - Friday, April 19, 2024 - Mayor Michelle Wu, in partnership with Downtown North Association, today announced the return of the Boston Playoff Hub on Canal Street, creating a car-free zone for fans to gather before and during home playoff games at TD Garden. The return of this pedestrian zone builds on Mayor Wu’s commitment to reimagining Boston’s streets and transforming public space in a way that’s enjoyable for residents, small business owners, and visitors.

“We’re thrilled to give Boston fans an opportunity with both the Bruins and the Celtics in the playoffs this year to come together safely, cheer on their favorite teams, and support our local businesses,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m grateful to our partners for working with us to bring back the Playoff Hub, creating a joyful experience for our hockey and basketball fans. I encourage everyone to come out before and during the playoff games to build community and support our teams.”

“This is a really great thing for us to be doing to ensure we are encouraging local fans to support small businesses while celebrating Boston’s legacy as the city of champions at the teams’ doorstep! Our fans show up for our iconic teams year after year, so I can’t wait to take part in these festivities as we root for the Celtics and Bruins to take it all the way,” said District 8 City Councilor Sharon Durkan.

The Playoff Hub will be free and open to the public, providing more space for residents and visitors to gather outdoors and celebrate Boston’s home teams. Canal Street will be closed from noon on game days, through one hour after the game ends. Parking regulations will be posted ahead of the first Bruins playoff game on Saturday, April 20. Vehicles in violation of posted regulations will be towed. 

“We are looking forward to creating vibrancy and camaraderie on Canal Street,” said Segun Idowu, Chief of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion. “Activating this space will give visitors and residents the opportunity to support local businesses while supporting Boston’s sports teams.” 

"We are grateful to Mayor Wu and the City of Boston for bringing back the Playoff Hub on Canal Street," said Glen Thornborough, President of TD Garden and COO of Boston Bruins. "With both teams in the playoffs, it's a great opportunity for fans to gather before games and bring the palpable energy from TD Garden out into the community.”

“There’s nowhere quite like TD Garden, especially on Celtics and Bruins gamedays,” said Rich Gotham, President of the Boston Celtics. “We extend our appreciation to Mayor Wu and the City of Boston for bringing back the Playoff Hub on Canal Street, which creates a space outdoors for fans to continue cheering on both teams and support local businesses throughout the playoffs.”   

“The Downtown North Association is excited to see the return of Canal Street as the Playoff Hub,” said Jay Walsh, Executive Director of Downtown North Association. “We look forward to welcoming Bruins and Celtics fans to the area and to create a festive atmosphere.  We are grateful to Mayor Wu and our members look forward to what will hopefully be lengthy playoff runs for both teams.”  

The first Bruins playoff game will be on Saturday, April 20. The first Celtics playoff game is Sunday, April 21. 

Alison Brizius 訂5月6日出任麻州海岸區管理主任暨助理能源廳長

            (Boston Orange編譯) 麻州能源及環境事務廳廳長Rebecca Tepper 19日宣佈,指派Alison Brizius出任助理廳長,以及海岸區管理辦公室 (CZM)主任。她將於56日上任。


               Alison Brizius原本在波士頓市政府擔任環境事務局局長,負責處理氣候變遷衝擊,達到零排放目標,以及保護空氣、水、氣候,土地等資源,促進環境正義,改善波士頓市居民的生活品質等議題。在那之前,她擔任芝加哥大學氣候及能源政策穩健決策中心的執行主任。

            Alison Brizius獲有芝加哥大學的物理博士學位。

                 麻州政府從波士頓市府挖角,撬走人才的行動,得到波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)支持。吳弭在支持聲明中表示,Alison Brizius獲聘是麻州政府的一個關鍵時刻,Brizius的領導力將不只對波士頓市有好處,還將有益於整個麻州。

Healey-Driscoll Administration Names Alison Brizius New Coastal Zone Management Director

Brizius will oversee state’s coastal resilience initiative, port regulations, and play an important role in fostering offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine 

BOSTON – Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper today announced Alison Brizius's appointment to Assistant Secretary and Director of the Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). CZM leads the state's policy and planning on coastal and ocean issues. The Office's mission is to balance the impact of human activities with the protection of coastal and marine resources through planning, public involvement, education, research, and sound resource management.  

The Healey-Driscoll Administration recently launched the ResilientCoasts initiative, a holistic and proactive strategy to guide state and local coastal resiliency policy and action. Brizius will oversee this initiative as well as implement the state's coastal programs under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, ensuring environmental justice and equity is embedded into this work. She starts May 6. 

“Our coastal communities are on the front lines of climate change, experiencing more frequent and significant storms, increased flooding and erosion, and rising sea levels. It's important now more than ever to have a strong, bold, and innovative person leading CZM,” said EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “The Healey-Driscoll Administration is taking a whole-of-government approach to protecting the state's coastlines and adapting for the future. Alison Brizius is the perfect person to help us meet this moment. Her background and expertise demonstrate her ability to tackle challenging issues and prove she is the right person for the job.” 

“I am honored to join the Healey-Driscoll Administration as they elevate the state's focus on climate change. Our coastlines are a huge part of Massachusetts' identity - it's our culture, economy, and livelihood. Protecting our coastal environments and communities is a task I'm eager to take on,” added Brizius. I’m excited to be joining such a talented team at CZM and am eager to work with them to enhance resilience, environmental justice and sustainability that will benefit Massachusetts for generations to come. 

About Alison Brizius

Alison Brizius joins CZM from the City of Boston, where she previously served as Commissioner of Environment. In that role, she was responsible for leading the Department in addressing climate change impacts, such as achieving net zero emissions while protecting air, water, climate, and land resources, enhancing environmental justice, and improving Boston residents' quality of life. Previously, Brizius was the city's Director of Climate and Environmental Planning. Prior to that, she served as the Executive Director of the Center for Robust Decision-making on Climate and Energy Policy (RDCEP) at the University of Chicago, a multi-institutional interdisciplinary center founded to improve society's ability to respond to climate change and energy supply challenges. She received her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Chicago. 


              (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州政府宣佈,州政府高等教育局 (DHE)的升學補助MASSGrant,申請截止日期,現從五月一日展延至七月一日。         



              麻州教育廳廳長Patrick Tutwiler表示,Healey-Driscoll政府和麻州議會合作,致力幫助學生接受高等教育。他們希望學生們藉由申請財務援助,可以擴大以更可負擔方式上大專院校的機會。

              麻州政府在20238月時推出了MassReconnect (麻州重新連繫)這項目,讓25歲以上,之前沒有大專院校學歷者,都可以免學雜費的上社區大專院校。接著在202311月,州政府又推出了MASSGrant Plus Expansion (擴大麻州補助)計畫,為所有在公立麻州大學及學院就讀,符合培爾補助 (Pell Grant)資格的學生們,免除學費及雜費 (不包括食宿費),另外還提供1200元書本用品津貼。此舉讓年收入在73千元到10萬元的中等收入家庭,學雜費負擔減半。

              麻州參議會議長Karen E. Spika,參眾兩會高等教育聯席委員會的參議會主席Jo Comerford,眾議會主席Dave Rogers,參眾兩會教育聯席委員會的參議會主席Jason Lewis,眾議會主席Denise Garlick,以及中小學教育局代理局長Russell D. Johnston都為此稱許奚莉州長 (Maura Healey)Kim Driscoll副州長。

              麻州政府還特地為學生及家長們提供了填表援助資源,包括可連繫為低收入家庭及第一代上大學學生服務的MassEdCO,只要在這麻州教育及職業機會公司的網站上,輸入區域編號 (zip code),就可找到相關資訊。

              或者是觀看” FAFSA如何的視頻;參加麻州FAFSA”: fafsaday@gmail.com ;撥打電話(800) 449-MEFA (6332),發電郵到 collegeplanning@mefa.org,給麻州教育性財務援助局 ( The Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority );撥打電話 (617) 391-6070,發電郵 osfa@osfa.mass.edu,到麻州高等教育局的學生財務援助辦公室。

          學生們還可以參加麻州FAFSA日活動。麻州高等教育局建議學生及其家庭在參加活動前的至少一星期,先設立一個聯邦學生援助 (FSA) 帳號,藉以登入網站,完成填表。激活該帳號需要幾天的時間,所以最好在一星期以前就先設立帳號。如果在設立帳號上需要協助,可以上網studentaid.gov。最好把社會安全號碼也準備著。

          另外是登記參加完成FAFSA”的活動,在430日或513日,登記參加免費的網上麻州FAFSA。在麻州中小學教育局 (DESE)的網站上也有類似活動。另一個方法是諮詢學校裏的輔導員,問問在自己所居住社區有沒有即將要辦理的FAFSA填表活動。

          然後就是要準備文件,可點擊下列網址,參考該準備哪些文件。 https://www.doe.mass.edu/FinancialAid/basics.html?utm_source=DHE+Newsletters+Subscribers&utm_campaign=c388ee43d0-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_04_17_04_30&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-c388ee43d0-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

Healey-Driscoll Administration Extends State Financial Aid Priority Deadline to July 1

Students are encourage to complete and submit their FAFSAs as soon as possible 

BOSTON - In alignment with the Biden-Harris Administration’s call to support students in completing their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced today that the Department of Higher Education (DHE) has moved the priority deadline for its largest state financial aid program, MASSGrant, from May 1 to July 1, 2024. This later deadline gives Massachusetts students more time to complete their FAFSA for the 2024-2025 academic year.
MASSGrant is a need-based financial aid program that helps to cover educational expenses at state public and private colleges and universities. During FAFSA Week of Action, the administration is encouraging students to complete their FAFSA as soon as possible.
“Massachusetts is home to the greatest higher education institutions in the world, but we need to make sure that students are able to access that education. That’s why our administration has taken action to significantly expand financial aid,” said Governor Maura Healey. “We are extending the MASSGrant deadline to ensure that students who qualify for this financial aid have enough time and support to apply and do not leave money on the table.”
“Many students’ post-high school plans rest on whether or not they receive the financial aid needed to make going to college a reality,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “This year’s updated deadline supports students who have reported challenges completing this year’s new FAFSA, and the move is part of larger efforts to remove financial barriers to the life-changing opportunities that higher education offers.”   
The extended priority deadline for MASSGrant comes in response to challenges that students are facing as they work to complete the significantly updated FAFSA. Students who qualify for MASSGrant and apply by the July 1, 2024 priority deadline are guaranteed to receive financial assistance from this program. Students who cannot complete the FAFSA due to their immigration status can complete the MASFA to apply for state need-based financial aid. 
“We’re happy to allow more time for FAFSA completion this year to support our students, families, and those in our K-12 schools and educational community who work tirelessly to help with FAFSA completion,” said Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler. “The Healey-Driscoll Administration, in partnership with the Legislature, is committed to helping students access higher education. We are hopeful that students will apply for financial aid and take advantage of the many expanded opportunities to attend college more affordably.”  
“Our message to students and families continues to remain the same: fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible,” said Commissioner of Higher Education Noe Ortega. “This year’s extended deadline responds to feedback from students, campuses and other partners about this year’s unique challenges with FAFSA completion. We want students to know there are significant financial aid dollars available for those who qualify, and that persevering through completing the FAFSA is worth it.”  
“This updated MASSGrant priority deadline is welcome news,” said Elementary and Secondary Education Acting Commissioner Russell D. Johnston. “I hope students, especially first generation college students, will see the extended deadline and the Administration’s significant expansion of financial aid and realize that public higher education is within reach.”   
Along with Massachusetts’ longstanding MASSGrant program, the Healey-Driscoll Administration has brought historic increases in student financial aid. In August 2023, the administration launched MassReconnect, which makes community college tuition and fees free for students ages 25 and older without prior degrees, regardless of income. Then in November 2023, the administration launched MASSGrant Plus Expansion that provides free tuition and fees to Pell Grant-eligible students at all Massachusetts public colleges and universities (not including room and board) along with a $1,200 allowance for books and supplies. The expansion of MASSGrant Plus also cuts tuition and fees in half for middle-income families earning an adjusted gross income between $73,000 and $100,000 annually.   

“Extending the MASSGrant deadline puts higher education within reach for more students and families in our Commonwealth at a moment when we should be doing everything in our power to make college accessible to every resident. I’m proud to live in a Commonwealth where education is a priority, and I applaud the Healey-Driscoll Administration for extending this deadline and giving families more time to complete their FAFSA,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland).

"As a former public school teacher, I understand firsthand the importance of ensuring equitable access to education," said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). "I applaud the Healey-Driscoll Administration for extending the state's application deadline as it will be impactful for students most in need of financial support to make college a reality."
"I applaud the Healey-Driscoll Administration's action to ensure as many students as possible have the opportunity to complete a FAFSA and to keep the doors to higher education wide open to students regardless of their financial situation,” said Senator Jo Comerford (D-Amherst), Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Higher Education.

“The college application process has always been a challenging time for students and their families, this year made more difficult by the new FAFSA form rollout,” said House Chair of the Joint Committee on Higher Education Dave Rogers (D-Cambridge). “I commend the Healey-Driscoll Administration for extending the MASSGrant priority deadline and, more generally, for partnering with the House to expand access to higher education significantly.”

“We should be doing everything in our power to make applying to college and financial aid as accessible and simple as possible, said State Senator Jason Lewis, Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Education. “I am proud that the Healey-Driscoll Administration and the State Legislature have been allocating significant funding and resources to make public higher education more accessible in Massachusetts. Extending the priority deadline for MASSGrant will allow more students to receive this financial support from the state to be able to attend college.”

“I join with my colleagues in the House of Representatives as we welcome all tools available to aid students and their families to meet the challenges of financial concerns and, more importantly, the great opportunities of higher education,” said State Representative Denise Garlick, House Chair of the Joint Committee on Education.
How to complete the FAFSA for students and their families  

· High school students are encouraged to inquire with their school counselor about applying for financial aid and applying to college. Additional resources are available for students looking for assistance completing the FAFSA, including the below contacts:   

· MassEdCO serves students who are low-income and first-generation to college. Students can find local assistance with college access by entering their zip code on the MassEdCO website: Massachusetts Education & Career Opportunities, Inc. (MassEdCo)

· Watch the “FAFSA How to” videos.

· FAFSA Day Massachusetts: fafsaday@gmail.com   

· The Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA): (800) 449-MEFA (6332), collegeplanning@mefa.org   

· The Department of Higher Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA): (617) 391-6070, osfa@osfa.mass.edu   

Students are encouraged to attend an upcoming free, virtual FAFSA Day MA event, where they can receive personalized help from a financial aid professional. DHE recommends these three steps to students and families:     

1.      Create an FSA ID. At least a week before attending a FAFSA completion event, create your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID if you don’t have one. This ID allows you to log in and complete a FAFSA. It takes a few days for your account to be activated, so please start this process a week in advance of trying to complete your FAFSA. For instructions on creating the FSA ID, visit studentaid.gov. If applicable, have your Social Security number ready.   

2.      Sign up for a FAFSA completion event. Sign up for a virtual, free FAFSA Day MA event on April 30 or May 13 by following this link. You can look for similar events on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE) website. Another option is to ask your school counselor if there are any upcoming FAFSA completion events in your community.   

3.      Gather your documents. Visit this link for a list of documents you should have with you when you complete the FAFSA. You do NOT need to submit these items to the federal government, but you may need the information on them.  


New England States Seek Federal Funding for Significant Investments in Transmission and Energy Storage Infrastructure

Two applications demonstrate continued regional and interregional collaboration on electricity infrastructure to bolster grid reliability and resilience  

BOSTON – A coalition of New England states jointly submitted two applications to secure federal funding to support investments in large-scale transmission and energy storage infrastructure to enhance grid reliability and resilience across the region. The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Maine Governor’s Energy Office, the New Hampshire Department of Energy, the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, and the Vermont Department of Public Service submitted applications for the Power Up New England project, and, in collaboration with the State of New York, the Clean Resilience Link project for the second round of funding through the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Grid Innovation Program (GIP). The projects feature transformational investments in the power grid to strengthen grid reliability and resilience, unlock additional supplies of renewable resources, and reduce energy burdens across the New England region and beyond. 

· Power Up New England features new and upgraded transmission points of interconnection in Southeast Massachusetts and Southeast Connecticut to unlock up to 4,800 megawatts (MW) of additional offshore wind and innovative battery energy storage systems in Southwest Connecticut and Northern Maine to enhance grid resilience and optimize delivery of renewable energy. Project developers supporting the Power Up New England application include Elevate Renewables, Eversource Energy, a multi-day energy storage technology provider, and National Grid.  

· Clean Resilience Link features an interregional transmission upgrade that would enable operation of a New York-New England transmission line at 345 kilovolts (kV), increasing transfer capacity between the two regions by up to 1,000 MW. Project developers supporting the Clean Resilience Link application include National Grid and Reactive Technologies. 

“The Northeast region offers DOE two compelling applications, highlighting our strong regional ties,” said Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Elizabeth Mahony. “As we work to achieve our climate goals and increase the generation of renewable energy in the region, we need to invest in our transmission system and storage resources to deliver clean energy to our residents and businesses.” 

The GIP, administered through DOE’s $10.5 billion Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program, is intended to fund projects that improve grid reliability and resilience using advanced technologies and innovative partnerships and approaches. The maximum award per project is $250 million, or $1 billion for a project with significant transmission investment, like Power Up New England and Clean Resilience Link. Up to $1.82 billion in funding is available through the second round of the GIP. The deadline to submit applications to DOE is April 17, 2024.  

In pursuing federal funds, the New England states seek to capture significant benefits for the region and its 15 million residents and businesses. Funding through the DOE program would offset costs for transmission and storage infrastructure projects that support clean energy goals, enhance operational flexibility, grid reliability, and resilience during extreme weather events and periods of system stress, and provide necessary innovation in project planning and development. 

The applications include robust Community Benefits Plans that describe the actions project developers will take related to community engagement, workforce development, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. An important objective of DOE’s GIP and of state energy offices is to advance the interests of and opportunities for disadvantaged communities as energy infrastructure is developed across the nation. 

Last September, the New England states issued an Invitational Call for Innovative Project Design Conceptsto solicit proposals for possible submission to DOE for the second round of the GIP. Project proposals were due November 17, 2023. The New England states evaluated the proposals, with technical assistance from ISO New England, the region’s grid operator. In January, the states submitted concept papers for Power Up New England and Clean Resilience Link, for which they received encouragement from DOE to submit full applications. ISO New England continued to provide valuable technical assistance to the states throughout the application process.

DOE is expected to announce project selections this Fall.  

"These two applications for the Grid Innovation Program are the result of a whole-of-government effort to compete for federal funding, and close partnerships with our counterparts in neighboring states," said Massachusetts Director of Federal Funds and Infrastructure Quentin Palfrey. "The funding would be transformational for the development of renewable energy and grid resiliency across the entire Northeast region, and we look forward to the consideration of our proposals by the U.S. Department of Energy." 

"Connecticut is excited to submit these two innovative projects, together with our sister New England states, to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Innovation Program,” said Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Katie Dykes. “If funded, these projects will provide critical support to our state, regional, and national efforts to affordably and equitably transition to a cleaner and more reliable grid." 

“A more modern and resilient electric grid is an essential component of Maine and the region's clean energy future," said Dan Burgess, Director of the Maine Governor’s Energy Office. “This joint application to the Grid Innovation Program underscores the importance of continued collaboration with neighboring states and puts forth thoughtful proposals that will help strengthen and prepare our regional grid.” 

“New Hampshire appreciates opportunities for regional cooperation as we seek to improve our system’s reliability and resiliency,” said New Hampshire Department of Energy Commissioner Jared Chicoine. “We are excited to join New England in pursuing support for this multi-pronged approach with the expectation that it will provide ratepayer benefits." 

“Regional collaboration on significant energy projects is critical in advancing our collective clean energy and system reliability efforts. These DOE applications provide a great opportunity to make our regional energy system more resilient and reliable long term," said Acting Rhode Island Energy Commissioner Chris Kearns

“Vermont is encouraged by the interstate collaboration that took place to submit these two applications to the Department of Energy,” said Vermont Department of Public Service Commissioner June Tierney. “These projects promise to deliver on the values held by Vermont for electricity – reliability, affordability, resilience, and sustainability.” 

“Elevate believes we’re at a pivotal inflection point where reliability meets a reasoned, clean energy transition, and we’re excited to partner with the New England States and be part of the Power Up portfolio of innovative projects considered for partnership funding through DOE. Elevate is continuing to demonstrate the transformative addition of a carbon-neutral battery storage system to transform the operations of an existing generating facility to meet New England’s resiliency goals, repurpose existing brownfield sites with clean energy investments to benefit disadvantaged local communities, retaining and retraining a workforce for a new era, and provide resources to address customer energy burdens, while enabling the region for the clean energy transition,” said Eric Cherniss, Founder and Head of Development at Elevate Renewables.  

“Power Up presents an opportunity for a transformational investment in New England’s clean energy transition while improving grid reliability, reducing energy burdens for customers, uplifting local communities, and creating high-quality jobs,” said Bill Quinlan, President of Transmission and Offshore Wind Projects at Eversource Energy. “Eversource is proud to be a partner in Power Up and help advance the nation’s goal of building a clean and equitable energy economy. We are confident our proposal will result in a new era of planning and development for New England’s electric grid and deliver resounding local economic and community benefits.” 

“National Grid is proud to partner with the six New England states, New York, and other developers to propose two projects that will drive our region toward a stronger, smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy future,” said Lisa Wieland, President of National Grid, New England.  “These projects will deliver more clean energy to our customers, create thousands of jobs, and bring significant economic opportunities to our communities. National Grid looks forward to partnering on these projects to help the region meet its clean energy goals.”