
星期一, 3月 27, 2023

哈佛大學華裔名教授江淵聲辭世 享年93歲

              (Boston Orange 編譯) 哈佛大學榮休教授江淵聲 (Nelson Yuan-sheng Kiang) 319日辭世,享年93歲。波士頓環球報 (Boston Globe)繼日前刊發訃聞後,42日再發一篇千字長文,描述江教授一生。


              他有多方面長才,曾在麻省理工學院和哈佛大學醫學院任職,創辦了麻州眼耳機構(Mass Eye and Ear) Eaton-Peabody實驗室。他經常發現自己被形塑成一種翻譯者,幫助不同領域的人了解並狠狠地和彼此協作。

              1989年,他在麻省理工學院的電子研究實驗室刊物RLE趨勢 (RLE Currents) 發表的訪問中說,「你可以說我是一名科學界的語言家,我發現自己和臨床醫生、工程師、生物學家及心理學家很容易溝通」。


              江淵聲博士是一位聽覺生理學先驅。他有這麼多成就,部分原因是他很出名的只需要很少睡眠。319日,他在位於畢肯丘 (Beacon Hill)的家中去世,他的兒子,麻州大學波士頓分校亞美研究系主任江念祖說,他已93歲,健康也在走下坡。

              大約 60 年前,江淵聲博士開創了人們對聲音如何轉成電子脈動的理解。接替前任成為Eaton-Peabody實驗室19962022年主任的Charles Liberman表示,那最後刺激了聽覺神經的身經纖維。


Charles Liberman 說, “他是第一個真正嘗試系統地描述那些規則是什麼的人

Liberman 補充的說,江淵聲博士起先研究的是正常聽力,後來專注於“受損的耳朵”。 “他對人們聽力受損時出了什麼問題很感興趣。”





江淵聲博士於192976日在中國無錫出生。他是家中3名子女中的排行老二,父親是中華民國外交官江義生 (譯音,Yi-seng Kiang),母親江石英 (譯音,Shih-ying Kiang)在他父親的駐館中管理領館事務。



              那一年,他加入麻省理工學院的電子研究實驗室,成為研究員。之後,他起初被指派到由慈善家,也是麻州眼耳機構前任董事的Amelia Peabody協助,新成立的Easton-Peabody實驗室。






              江淵聲博士的第一次婚姻,娶了Madlyn Rowe,一位行政助理,但最終離婚。他們倆人有個兒子,彼得 (Peter)

              江淵聲博士的葬禮將於日後公佈。他身後遺有妻子,兒子,在紐約市當心理治療師的繼女Pamela Raab,以及一名孫子。









              RLE 潮流刊物的訪問結論中,江淵聲博士談到他做為一名研究員和老師的一生。他說,只要人們支持我所代表的想法,讓任何一個人記住我並不重要


            (Boston Orange) 創辦了麻州眼耳醫院Eaton-Peabody聽覺生理實驗室的]哈佛大學榮教授江淵聲 (Nelson Kiang)319日在家中安詳辭世,享年93歲。

                        江淵聲於1929 7 6 日出生於中國無錫。五歲時,隨外交官父母來到美國,在洛杉磯、紐約市和西雅圖度過青年時期,其後畢業於芝加哥大學,再於1955 年取得博士學位。

1956 年他來到波士頓,並於1959年在麻州眼耳醫院創立Eaton-Peabody聽覺生理實驗室,擔任主任,在聽力方面做開創性研究,並同時在麻省理工學院、哈佛醫學院當教授,1992年創辦了兩校聯合的語言及聽力科學學術研究項目,一直到1996年他退休為止。


江淵聲退休後,還積極參與波士頓華埠社區活動,人們常可在波士頓華埠社區中心,華埠聯盟 (TCC) 等地活動中,見到他的身影。

                      江淵聲身後遺有妻子Barbara Kiang,在麻州大學波士頓分校擔任教育系主任的兒子江念祖 (Peter Kiang),媳婦Vivian Lee,孫子Jazz Kiang,繼女帕梅拉·拉布 (Pamela Raab); 繼女婿大衛·斯托克斯; 以及繼孫 Emma Stokes-Raab Noah Stokes-Raab



 City to observe One Boston Day with acts of kindness & community service


BOSTON - Monday, March 27, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) today announced two One Boston Day remembrance events on Boylston Street planned for April 15, 2023 to honor the victims, survivors, and first responders of the 2013 Boston Marathon. Additionally, more than a dozen One Boston Day volunteer events will be hosted by City departments and neighborhood organizations in recognition of our City’s spirit of care for one another in response to the tragic events of April 15, 2013. Residents are encouraged to participate in one of these acts of service or take part in their own act of kindness. One Boston Day volunteer events are being held Citywide and a full list is on boston.gov/one-boston. 

“Every year we come together on One Boston Day to remember the courage, strength, and resilience shown by our City’s people in 2013,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “As we mark ten years, we will gather together in community on April 15 to remember the lives that were lost, the many injured, and the spirit of humanity displayed that day. As we honor those forever impacted, people in all corners of our City will be giving back in a number of ways and I encourage everyone to get involved.” 

The City of Boston and the B.A.A. will honor the day with two remembrance events on Boylston Street on Saturday, April 15, 2023. The first will be an early morning private gathering and wreath laying at the memorial sites for the families who lost loved ones at the 2013 Boston Marathon. Honor guards, including the Boston Fire Department, Boston Police Department, Boston Emergency Medical Services, and Suffolk County Sheriff Department’s Honor Guards, will be present at the memorial sites throughout the day. After the B.A.A. 5K race, the City will open Boylston Street between Dartmouth and Fairfield Streets for members of the public to visit the memorial sites.  

At 2:30 p.m., the public is invited to join members of the One Fund Community, Governor Maura Healey and Mayor Wu, first responders, hospital leaders, B.A.A. leadership, and local running groups at the Boston Marathon Finish Line for a dedication of a new commemorative finish line, the ringing of bells, and the unveiling of a One Boston Day marker on Boylston Street. 

WCVB will be the pool television camera for the morning gathering on Boylston Street. The B.A.A. will provide an on-street pool camera tv feed for the 2:30 p.m. remembrance, but media will be able to film this afternoon event in other designated areas. More detailed media guidelines will be sent closer to April 15. 

“As One Boston Day approaches, we continue to honor the strength and resilience of our community,” said Jack Fleming, B.A.A. President and Chief Executive Officer. “This year, our theme for the Boston Marathon is oneBOSTON, symbolizing the unity and spirit witnessed after April 15, 2013. This year, we will gather on Boylston Street as one with the City of Boston and runners from around the world in reflection and remembrance.” 

Mayor Wu made a call to action last month for City departments and local organizations to register their One Boston Day acts of service events on boston.gov/one-boston. Many organizations including hospitals, neighborhood civic groups, and City of Boston departments are hosting service events in honor of One Boston Day, and are open to the public to volunteer. Service events range from a shoe drive held by Cradles to Crayons, Parkway Running Club, and West Roxbury Main Streets; to a Dorchester neighborhood cleanup hosted by Columbia-Savin Hill Civic Association & John Hancock Investment Management. A full list is available on boston.gov/one-boston and will be updated as more volunteer opportunities are submitted. 

"This time of year evokes a strong emotion for so many of us across the City and the people touched by the tragedy ten years ago. But the most prevailing one is that Boston is indeed strong, and that our communities show up for each other in times of need,” said Jacob Robinson, West Roxbury Main Streets Executive Director. “Over the course of the pandemic, we've seen the same mentality and resilience throughout Boston's neighborhoods and Main Streets districts. It's that spirit which is so important to admire and keep aflame. We're honored to participate in the One Boston Day volunteer event with Mayor Wu, the City of Boston, Parkway Running Club, and the many other groups and individuals coming together on Saturday, April 15."  

“Cradles to Crayons is committed to making life better for children by providing the essentials they need. We are grateful to partner with West Roxbury Main Streets and the Parkway Running Club to collect new and gently used sneakers as part of the One Boston Day events,” said Aubrey Henderson, Executive Director of Cradles to Crayons Massachusetts. “What better way to celebrate our community’s resilience, generosity and strength, than by giving back to help others.” 

“That day on April 15, 2013 uprooted our community in many ways but Boston united in strength. Since that day, our communities have continued to come together and give back in their own way to bring people a sense of purpose as reinforced with the Martin Richard Foundation,” said Desmond Rohan, Board member of Columbia-Savin Hill Civic Association. “The feeling of giving back in whatever way is a fulfilling feeling for anyone.  It’s also a great way to know your community and its citizens.  Boston needs a little love after the winter months and our event of a community cleanup will make our neighborhood shine a little more as we head toward spring.” 

Groups interested in registering their events can continue to do so here. Mayor Wu is also encouraging Boston residents to take part in their own individual acts of kindness, including those on the 2023 One Boston Day Acts of Kindness Checklist. Examples from the checklist range from buying a cup of coffee for a stranger to donating blood. Like in years past, people are welcome to share their reflections and acts of service plans for One Boston Day on social media with the hashtag #OneBostonDay. 

More on One Boston Day can be found at boston.gov/one-boston.

麻州州長Maura Healey 宣佈從紐約聘伍華偉任麻州地鐵總經理

新任麻州地鐵總經理伍華偉 (Philip Eng)首度露面。 (周菊子攝)
          (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)辦公室今 (27)早宣佈,紐約州長島鐵路歷史中的首位華裔主席伍華偉 (Philip Eng)將從410日起出任麻州地鐵總經理,成為麻州地鐵歷來的第一位華裔總經理,而且年薪最高,將近半個一百萬元。

麻州州長Maura Healey(前)表示她第一次見到伍華偉時,就已認定這是
麻州地鐵需要的人。 (周菊子攝)
                    今日下午2點半多,州長奚莉和副州長Kim Driscoll,交通廳廳長 Gina Fiandaca ,原任麻州地鐵代理總經理的Jeff Gonneville,和伍華偉聯袂來到位於牛頓市Riverside的綠線地鐵站,宣佈這一消息。


麻州州長Maura Healey (左一)  和副州長Kim Driscoll (右起), 交通廳廳長
 Gina Fiandaca,以及伍華偉,其妻Carol ,其女Catherine在宣佈儀式後合影。

             父母來自中國廣東,自己還能說一點中文,取了個洋人妻子的伍華偉,在記者會中走到講台前的第一句話是「麻州下午好」,然後說抱歉,他不是洋基迷 (Yankees),但是願意為紅襪隊加油。他強調自己是工程師,喜歡解決問題,將來麻州地鐵會創新,願意接受新想法,還會在規範之外思考解決方案。他覺得能為大眾服務是讓人驕傲的事,所以他很珍惜再次在公共交通領域服務的機會。他說,很明顯的麻州地鐵還未達到它應有的服務水平,現在是用新方法改變麻州地鐵做事方式的時候了。在麻州州長奚莉等人支持下,他相信一點一點的,麻州地鐵會有正面改變。

          6月起,伍華偉一直是工程顧問公司Liro集團的副總裁。這家公司為公家或私營機構提供工程、交通,以及基礎設施項目的諮詢顧問服務。從2018年到去年初,他宣佈因個人原因決定退休前,他擔任長島鐵路(Metropolitan Transportation Authority Long Island Rail Road (LIRR)) 董事長 

               在那之前,他曾任都會交通局 (MTA) 營運長,以及紐約州交通廳副廳長,在工程領域有大約40年工作經驗。

伍華偉擔任LIRR主席時的年薪是32萬多元,上任麻州地鐵總經理,5年何月的基本薪資是47萬元一年,比麻州地鐵的前任總經理Steve Poftak多了大約13萬元。到20247月時,他還可享有留任獎勵,約等於本薪10%3萬元,2025年時,再漲薪15%。再過幾年這獎金部分會增至20%




伍華偉上任後,除了改善麻州地鐵營運,還將面對麻州地鐵和中車公司 (CRRC)簽有 87千萬元,建造紅線、橘線地鐵車廂共404輛合約,但竣工日期已展延至2026年,橘線地鐵應交車152輛,迄今只交了78輛等狀況。

代表大約6000名MBTA員工的波士頓Carmen's   Union,本地589工會特地派員出席這場宣佈會,並發出新聞稿稱他們相信奚莉州長真心為乘客、地鐵員工及社區著想,他們也都聽到了些關於伍華偉的好話,歡迎他到麻州,更對他有相當的期望。


伍華偉和妻子Carole 已從紐約   Smithtown 搬到麻州,落腳牛頓市。他女兒Catherine即將從東北大學畢業,將在麻州的Sage Product Development 工作。 (更新版)

MBTA 2024-2028年度投資計畫邀民眾給意見

 MBTA Invites Public Comment on the Proposed Capital Investment Plan for Fiscal Years 2024-2028

 The Proposed Fiscal Years 2024-2028 MBTA Capital Investment Plan includes all planned capital investments over the next five years.

 BOSTON – The MBTA released the proposed Fiscal Years 2024-2028 MBTA Capital Investment Plan (FY24-28 MBTA CIP) for public comment, marking the beginning of a 30-day public comment period. 

The CIP is the five-year financial plan that funds all the MBTA’s capital projects. Capital projects are investments or activities related to acquiring, renewing, constructing, improving, or maintaining a capital asset, including project planning and design. The CIP is updated annually to ensure that we are continuing to:  

  1. Advance key safety projects that are instrumental to reducing safety risks, increasing system reliability, lowering maintenance costs and improving system performance.
  2. Improve the reliability of the MBTA’s transit system and modernize existing assets to accommodate current or anticipated growth.
  3. Make targeted investments in the expansion of the transportation network to increase capacity or provide riders with more options across transit modes. 

The proposed FY24-28 MBTA CIP includes 600 unique capital projects to modernize, expand, and increase the safety and reliability of the MBTA transit network. 

The proposed CIP is now available on mbta.com/cip. The CIP document includes an overview of the Authority’s capital planning process, summaries of investment programs, and the full list of capital projects in the proposed five-year CIP. 

The MBTA encourages members of the public to provide input on the proposed FY24-28 CIP before April 24, 2023. 

The MBTA will host two virtual public meetings and one in-person public meeting to provide an overview of the proposed FY24-28 CIP and invite attendees to share their feedback: 

  1. Thursday, March 30, 2023, 6:30 PM
    This virtual public meeting will take place via Zoom with more information available at mbta.com/events.

  1. Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 6:30 PM
    This meeting will be held in person in the State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston.

  1. Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 6:30 PM
    This virtual public meeting will take place via Zoom with more information available at mbta.com/events.

Meeting registration links, presentation materials, and recordings will be made available on mbta.com/cip and mbta.com/events. 

Members of the public who are unable to attend a public meeting are invited to provide comments by: 

  1. Completing the online CIP comment form.
  2. Sending an email to cipengagement@mbta.com.
  3. Mailing a letter to:
    MBTA Capital Investment Plan
    c/o MBTA General Manager
    10 Park Plaza
    Suite 3830
    Boston, MA 02116

Public feedback is important to the CIP development process and we appreciate your input. All comments will be reviewed and considered by MBTA staff and summary responses will be shared after the release of the final CIP. 

For more information, visit mbta.com/CIP or connect with the T on Twitter @MBTA, Facebook /TheMBTA, Instagram @theMBTA, or TikTok @thembta.



 Bank of America to be Presenting Partner of the Boston Marathon

 Beginning in 2024, Boston Athletic Association and Bank of America will partner on all B.A.A. events and programming, marking next great era of running

L to R: B.A.A. President and CEO Jack Fleming, 2018 Boston Marathon champion Des Linden,
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu,  President, Bank of America Massachusetts  Miceal Chamberlain,
and Chief Digital Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, Bank of America  David Tyrie.

Courtesy photo from B.A.A./Frances Ramirez 
BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced today Bank of America will be the presenting partner of the Boston Marathon® beginning in 2024. The world’s oldest annual and most historic marathon has teamed up with one of the world’s leading financial institutions on a decade-long agreement, which will extend far beyond the finish line of the annual Patriots’ Day event. 

“We embark on the next great era for running in Boston and around the world with Bank of America as our partner in all that we do, most notably the Boston Marathon.

“With alignment in values and commitment to both communities and leadership, we’ll work together to enhance one of the world’s great participatory sporting events.  Bank of America will partner with us at every stage to grow, broaden and innovate new pathways in running,” said Jack Fleming, President and CEO of the B.A.A. 


“We are privileged and honored to partner with the B.A.A on this next leg of the journey for the historic Boston Marathon,” said David Tyrie, Chief Digital Officer and Chief Marketing Officer for Bank of America. “Through this partnership, we will broaden our ability to help communities around the world thrive, creating positive impact for small businesses, charities, runners, and teammates on race weekend and throughout the year.” 

Central to Bank of America’s presenting partnership of the Boston Marathon are its four core values: deliver together; act responsibly; realize the power of its people; and trust the team. The B.A.A. shares these principles in its mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle through sports, especially running, and focuses on connecting with participants, volunteers, community members, and supporters throughout the year. As a running and community leader, the B.A.A. will work hand in hand with Bank of America to bring the Boston Marathon’s impact and reach to new heights—both on a national and global scale—in the years ahead. 

“The Boston Marathon is one of the most iconic and beloved events our City holds all year, bringing tens of thousands of people together to enjoy Boston,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “We as a City are grateful to John Hancock for their many years of support, and look forward to building a new partnership with Bank of America and the Boston Athletic Association to elevate this historic event and welcome more people into our community.” 

Bank of America is also the title sponsor of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, where millions of visitors contribute more than $386 million to local economy, providing the equivalent of more than 2,800 jobs at a time of year when tourism in the city would otherwise experience a seasonal decline. In addition to the economic impact, runners make a meaningful charitable impact, totaling more than $246 million from 148,000 runners since 2002 going directly to nonprofits in Chicago, across the U.S and around the world. 

Together, the B.A.A. and Bank of America will strive to make running more accessible and broaden its impact. Bank of America is committed to growing the Boston Marathon’s non-profit, engagement and philanthropic initiatives, and extending the event’s presence through the hundreds of qualifying races in the bank’s nearly 100 markets across United States and communities around the world.   

In recognition of the Boston Marathon’s 127-year heritage and iconic stature, Bank of America has elected that the organization’s name will appear after the words “Boston Marathon” in the event’s new official title, beginning in 2024: The Boston Marathon® presented by Bank of America. 

Fleming added, “Together, the B.A.A. and Bank of America will keep Boston front and center to ensure the Marathon remains a source of pride and passion for so many. Through this new partnership with Bank of America, we will expand social, economic and inclusive programs for local residents, businesses, neighborhoods and communities.”

In celebration of the announcement, City of Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, Bank of America, and Boston Athletic Association gathered at Bank of America’s office at 100 Federal Street in Boston for a ceremonial start to the partnership.

星期六, 3月 25, 2023

紀念亞特蘭大槍擊案受害者 波士頓亞裔電影節/藝術愛默生 3/25 放映「三月中的一天」

Two Years After the Atlanta Spa Shootings:
What are We Doing in Boston?

ArtsEmerson presents
Rising Against Asian Hate:
One Day in March

with Director Titi Yu and Community Leaders
Film & Conversation | Paramount Center | SATURDAY | MARCH 25
 | 2PM

Followed by a conversation on activism and combating hate and discrimination with:
  • Nina Liang, City Council President, Quincy
  • Titi Yu, Director, One Day in March & Emerson Alum
  • Mai Du, Community Advocate and Sifu/Wah Lum Kung Fu & Tai Chi Academy
  • with Moderator Susan Chinsen, ArtsEmerson/BAAFF

ONE DAY IN MARCH (TrailerDirected by Titi Yu: In March 2021, a 21-year-old man murdered eight people, including six women of Asian descent, at three spas in Atlanta, Georgia – a horrific attack in a year of widespread anti-Asian violence. Rising Against Asian Hate: One Day in March pays tribute to the lives lost, examines the rise of anti-Asian racism, and documents a growing movement to fight back and stop the hate. For many, the tragic events became a galvanizing moment, reigniting a sense of collective identity and political engagement within AAPI communities. Now, as violence against AAPI people continues to surge nationwide, this documentary chronicles the troubling escalation of hate and spotlights the movement to turn grief and anger into action. 

Free tickets available at ArtsEmerson.org 
Presented with support from:

3/25 大學沙龍第178期宋怡明主持主持 鄧鋼彈經濟史學方法論之辯



 ■ 時間與報名信息

 美東時間:2023年3月25日 週六早上9點

北京時間:2023年3月25日 週六晚上9點


■ 講座內容



■ 演講嘉賓

主講人: 鄧鋼

倫敦政治經濟學院教授,英國皇家史學會終身院士,Palgrave Macmillan出版社經濟史研究系列主編。研究專長:中國長周期經濟增長、東亞現代化、中西經濟發展比較。研究方向:中西方古代、近代和現代經濟發展的條件、模式和效果比較。研究涉及政治地緣、自然禀賦、產權、生產要素效率、市場交換、經濟結構、都市化、物質生活水平。曾出版多部著作,截止2022年1月的谷歌學術統計,所發表的學術論文和著作已被引用1722次。

主持人: 龍登高


主持人: 宋怡明

