
星期五, 1月 06, 2023

麻州文化協會撥款75萬元給50個文化區 波士頓小西貢拉丁屯各得1萬5

Mass Cultural Council Awards $750,000 to 50 Cultural Districts across the Commonwealth 


Cultural District Investment Grants Encourage the Development and Success of State-Designated Districts and Foster Local Cultural Preservation Efforts


Framingham – Mass Cultural Council, the independent state agency charged with supporting a vibrant cultural sector across the Commonwealth, was joined by state, local, and cultural partners today at the Danforth Art Museum at Framingham State University to celebrate the recipients of the Fiscal Year 2023 Cultural District Investment Grant Program.
In total, the Council awarded $750,000 to 50 state-designated cultural districts located in communities in every region of Massachusetts. Each district received $15,000 to support activities and goals that encourage its development and success, such as marketing and promotion, capacity building, artist or vendor fees, the development or implementation of creative community placemaking, placekeeping, or public art, collaborative cultural policy or strategic planning processes, or community-engaged and informed data collection and/or reporting.
“A decade ago, our partners in the Legislature asked Mass Cultural Council to develop and administer this initiative to spur cultural and economic activities in cities and towns of all sizes and in all regions of the Commonwealth,” said Michael J. Bobbitt, Executive Director, Mass Cultural Council. “We are immensely proud of this powerful network that works every day to uplift the diversity of creativity and culture living and working in Massachusetts, and the exciting programming the districts provide their host communities.”
Established in 2011 by an act of the state Legislature, state-designated cultural districts drive economic growth, strengthen our communities’ distinctive local character, and improve the quality of life for families across Massachusetts. By supporting cultural and creative experiences, cultural districts attract tourists and entrepreneurs, which in turn help cities and towns develop their cultural sector and expand their tax base. Cultural districts are walkable areas with a density of cultural facilities, activities, and assets. They are easy-to-navigate, act as hubs of cultural, artistic, and economic activity, and offer a place-based identity to collaborative community initiatives.
State Representatives Jack Patrick Lewis (D- Framingham), Priscila Sousa (D- Framingham), and Kate Donaghue (D- Westborough) joined Mass Cultural Council at the Danforth Art Museum today, as did Susan Nicholl, who serves as District and Special Projects Director for the Office of Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D- Ashland) and as a member of the Board of Directors for the Framingham Centre Common Cultural District. Framingham’s Director of Planning and Community Development, Sarkis Sarkisian, was also in attendance on behalf of the city.
“The Mass Cultural Council serves a vital role in supporting and expanding the rich tapestry of traditions and cultures across our Commonwealth,” said Representative Lewis. “It is an honor to join Framingham leaders in hosting the Council today, as $750,000 is awarded to cultural districts across the state, including the Framingham Centre Common Cultural District. I’ll never forget joining the late Rep. Chris Walsh in his office as he helped lay the groundwork for our local cultural district. This award is a wonderful testimony to his work and the contribution of so many in our community.”
Today’s investment, three-quarters of a million dollars, represents Mass Cultural Council’s largest grant round in the history of the Cultural District Investment Grant Program. The $15,000 grant awards made today are double the $7,500 awards approved a year ago.  Mass Cultural Council was able to increase the grants due an increase in its FY23 state budget appropriation.
When she learned of her FY23 $15,000 Investment Grant, Franklin Cultural District Committee Co-Chair Pandora Carlucci was simply amazed. “This funding will be truly transformative for our district,” she said.
To date, Mass Cultural Council has approved and supports the efforts of 51 state-designated cultural districts across Massachusetts. Communities interested in establishing a new cultural district are encouraged to connect with their assigned Communities Initiative staff member.
The following state-designated cultural districts received a $15,000 Investment Grant today:

麻州州長Maura Healey上任第一把火 設立全美第一個內閣級氣候創新辦公室

                    (Boston Orange
奚莉 (Maura Healey) 就任麻州州長,第一天就發行政命令。 (周菊子攝)
) 麻州有史以來的第一位女州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) ,上任第一天,立即簽署行政命令,設立麻州有史以來的第一個內閣級別的環保職位,正式指派Melissa Hoffer出任麻州氣候長。

麻州有史以來的首名氣候長 Melissa Hoffer。 (周菊子攝)
             奚莉宣佈,她要在州長辦公室內設立一個氣候創新及韌力辦公室 (Office Of Climate Innovation and Resilience),並交由氣候長來領導,負責研擬氣候相關法案,計畫,並追蹤、監管麻州政府各部會機構中的氣候政策進展,確保州政府各部會做決定時,優先考慮環保、氣候影響,採納可持續的實務作業。


原任美國環保署副總法律顧問的Melissa Hoffer,上任麻州氣候長一職後,她將負責做初步評估,並在180天內,就各部會應如何改善涉及環保、氣候事務的決策過程,向州長提交一份初步建議。

州政府的每一內閣部會,將諮詢氣候長,指派一人擔任氣候秘書(Secretariat Climate Officers),追蹤、協調與氣候創新相關事務。


麻州新州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)率新內閣露面。 (周菊子攝)




星期四, 1月 05, 2023

麻州首名女性、同性戀州長 Maura Healey 締造歷史 就職演說拋多項新政

奚莉 (Maura Healey) 締造歷史,宣誓就位成為麻州有史以來的首名女州長暨同性戀州長。

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州有史以來的首名女州長,全美首名女同性戀州長Maura Healey,今 (5) 日中午宣誓成為第73任麻州州長。受到長達一分多鐘的雷動掌聲歡迎後,她在就職演說中給出房屋、育兒、交通、環保等多項承諾,強調麻州是最偉大的州,可以,也將領導世界。

奚莉在就職演說中,侃侃而言新政措施,令人期待她將帶動的改變。 (周菊子攝)
奚莉表示,她在環保、氣候上,看到無與倫比的機會。上任後的第一天 (6),她將簽發行政命令,設立內閣級的氣候長 (Climate Chief)職位,跨部門的來推動氣候目標,包括離岸風力及太陽能產能加倍,清潔能源中心預算增加3倍,能源儲存翻4倍,電動化公共交通系統,把1%的州政府預算撥給環保及能源部門。

今日中午,奚莉 (Maura Healey)和副州長Kim Driscoll在麻州眾議會議事廳,由麻州參議會議長Karen E. Spilka主禮,宣誓就任。

3名麻州前州長出席Maura Healey的就職典禮。 (周菊子攝)
奚莉宣誓時,用的是來自曾祖母Henrietta Porter的家傳聖經。她的曾祖父Jere W. Porter在美國內戰時,為聯軍打仗,戰後和他的曾祖母在Newburyport結婚。

麻州前州長Deval Patrick (右二)William Weld   (前中) Michael Dukakis (前左二)和美國
前國務卿John Kerry (右一),聯邦參議員Ed  Markey都應邀出席觀禮。麻州新任總檢察長
Andrea Campbell (後左二) 也在貴賓席中。 (周菊子攝)

在侃侃而言麻州偉大,有著許多美國第一之際,奚莉直言,麻州當年在Deval Patrick大手筆1010億元投資下,成為生物科技的樞紐,將來麻州也要以這樣的規模來帶動、投資於環保科技。

她認為要實現麻州做為最偉大州的潛力,有一系列改變要推動。她列舉了上任後將付諸行動的事項,包括上任100天內,將設立房屋廳廳長(Secretary of Housing)這職位;在一年內找出還未使用,可供建造房屋的州有土地及樓宇;推動稅務改革,讓所有人都負擔得起育兒 (Childcare)費用。

奚莉還向企業界喊話,誓言在她任內的第一個預算,將編列經費辦理「麻州重新連接 (Mass Reconnect) 」計畫,為25歲以上沒有大專學位的人,提供免費的社區學院教育。她也呼籲資助「學升機會法」,擴大撥給精神健康和食物安全的經費。


奚莉稱人才是麻州競爭力的最重要因素,為充分發揮這一競爭力,她誓言打破系統性障礙,將要求州政府的每一個機構全面執行公平稽查 (equity audit),以充分啟用移民、有色人種、同性戀族群的潛力。

在氣候、環境上,奚莉誓言要從BerkshiresBarnstable,打造研究,創新的氣候迴廊,為麻州創造數以千計的新工作機會。她還要在2030年時讓100萬輛電動車上路,要設立「綠銀行 (Green Bank) 」,以促進麻州在基礎設施韌性上的投資,吸引新的企業進麻州。

目前在世的歷任麻州州長,除了4日卸任揮別的查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 外,有Deval PatrickWilliam Weld Michael Dukakis出席致賀。聯邦參議員Ed Markey和曾任美國國務卿的John Kerry也都應邀坐在貴賓席上。甫當選為麻州總檢察長,承接奚莉所遺職缺的Andrea Campbell也坐在主席台的貴賓席中。

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michell Wu),今日也應邀出席觀禮。4日坐在吳弭身旁,出席麻州卸任州長查理貝克主持麻州眾議員就職典禮的聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren,或許因為在選舉時支持另一名候選人當州長,今日並未出席奚莉的就職典禮。


羅德島州長Dan McKee就職 波士頓經文處長孫儉元應邀觀禮

羅德島州州長Dan McKee宣誓就職,正式成為民選州長。
              (Boston Orange 周菊子羅德島州報導) 當了2年代理州長,在去年大選中以206,478張票,58.1%高得票率當選羅德島州第76任州長的麥基 (Daniel McKee) (3) 日在羅德島州普域敦斯 (Providence)市的羅德島會議中心宣誓就任。近千人冒雨趕來祝賀,盛極一時。


波士頓經文處處長孫儉元(右)、組長洪麗玲應邀出席羅德島州州長Dan McKee就職典禮。
              71歲的麥基在發表就職演說時,先請出席者和他一起,為前一晚辭世的羅德島州前州長Lincoln Almond默哀1分鐘,接著說家庭對他來說很重要,他感謝妻子Susan,以及一子一女,兄弟姊妹,還有目前跟他住在一起的母親Willa,今天都來參加就職典禮。


波士頓經文處處長孫儉元(右)、組長洪麗玲恭喜James Diossa就任羅德島州財政廳廳長。

              他說羅德島州已把離岸風力帶進東普域敦斯,正在普域敦斯 (Providence)建新的州政府衛生實驗室,在Galilee投資進世界級的漁業,在Woonsocket新開了家教育中心,在Quonset做重要投資,為家庭帶來歷史性的減稅幅度,拯救了超人,為普塔基帶來新生命。



              麥基其實不是第一次宣誓就任州長。2021年,時任羅德島州州長的雷萌朵 (Gina Rainmond)被美國總統拜登 (Joe Biden)指派為美國商務部部長,當時還是副州長的麥基遞補上位,就宣誓了一次。

              麥基當時指派接替副州長職位的Sabina Matos,今天也宣誓成為正式的民選副州長。

              今年是第111次羅德島州州長就職典禮,也是從1999Lincoln Almond在這兒舉行過州長就職典禮以來,第一次重回羅德島會議中心舉辦。

              今日同時宣誓就任的還有成功連任的羅德島州總檢察長Peter Neronha,以及第一次就任的羅德島州務卿State Gregg Amore,以及財政廳廳長,曾任中央瀑布市市長的James Diossa



              財政廳廳長James Diossa則是來自哥倫比亞移民的第二代,線年僅37歲。






Pre-Need Sales of Cemetery Plots Available in January

Pre-Need Sales of Cemetery Plots Available in January

QUINCY, MA – Mayor Thomas Koch announced that the Cemetery Division of the Department of

Natural Resources will sell cemetery plots on a pre-need basis starting in January. The City has not sold

pre-need plots for more than 25 years. The expansion of the Pine Hill Cemetery off Willard Street is

allowing for the pre-need sales initiative.

In order to purchase a cemetery plot or cremation niche at Pine Hill Cemetery, one must be a resident

of Quincy. Not more than eight interment spaces will be sold to any one individual. Burial plots will

only be sold to individuals and not organizations or institutions.

Plots are available for purchase now. Residents can purchase plots on-line by visiting

www.quincyma.gov Residents that do not have access to the internet or that would prefer to purchase

the plots in person, can visit the Mount Wollaston Cemetery Office at 20 Sea Street. The office is open

for sales from 8 am to 2 pm. Monday through Friday. Payment for the purchase of the internment

spots is required upon purchase.

The Pine Hill Cemetery expansion project has been planned for many years and is now underway.

Seven acres of new land will be developed and include interment spaces for more than 13,650 people.

Those interment spaces will be made up of traditional burial spaces and the City’s first cremation

niches. The work is expected to be completed in late-2023 or early-2024.

“We are happy to achieve this goal of providing Quincy residents the peace of mind that interment

spaces will be available to them in their hometown,” said Mayor Koch. “It is important to the people

we serve that they do not have to travel far to visit the final resting place of a loved one. The expanded

Pine Hill Cemetery will provide an appropriate and dignified final resting place for more than 13,000 of

our residents and allow their loved ones to easily visit.”The contract work for the expansion project is being performed by C Naughton Corp. Project

engineering has been done by Woodward and Curran. Landscape Architectural firm KZLA is handling a

number of the design features of the landscape. Monti Ackerman, a Quincy-based business, is

contracted to create the water features and other monuments and memorials.

The Cemetery Board of Managers oversees the six municipal cemeteries in Quincy; Pine Hill, Mount

Wollaston, Hall, Hancock, Sailors’ Home, and Snug Harbor. The Board sets the policies for the

municipal cemeteries and establishes the fees.

The City will be providing cremation niches as part of this project. These are the first niches in any of

Quincy’s municipal cemeteries. Cremation remains are eligible to be buried in other cemeteries but

this is the first niche wall in Quincy’s cemeteries.

In addition to the expansion, the existing areas of Pine Hill Cemetery will be improved. The roads will

be repaved, new barrels and water connections will be added, a new office building will be built, and a

meditation garden will be added. New trees and flowering shrubs will be added to the existing areas

to add to the aesthetics.

“Pine Hill Cemetery will be a beautiful place that provides a necessary service to Quincy residents,”

said Commissioner of Natural Resources David Murphy. “Mayor Koch has worked tirelessly to get this

new section permitted by the State and now Quincy residents will be able to find a dignified, final

resting place in their hometown. I am also proud that we are providing various internment options

that meet the diverse needs of our community. This is a great project for the City and I am grateful for

the support from Mayor Koch, the City Council, and the Cemetery Board of Managers.”



QUINCY, MA – January 5, 2023 – On Monday, February 20, 2023, Mayor Thomas P.

Koch and the City of Quincy will host Presidents Day Winterfest 2023, a family-friendly

holiday event.

The afternoon and early evening activities will take place from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in

and around the Hancock Adams Common, 1305 Hancock Street, under a heated tent as

well as inside Quincy City Hall and the Church of the Presidents. All events are free to

the public.

Shows will include the Blue Hills Trailside Museum Birds of Prey Show, Rainforest

Reptile Show, Mad Science Fire and Ice Show, Ice Sculptures Demonstration by Ice Man

Craig, Sasha the Fire Gypsy Fire Show. Performances include Brendan Ryan from

NBC’s The Voice, No Static, Steely Dan Tribute Band, Puppernickel Puppets Sir George

and the Dragon Puppet Show and 2 Patriotic/Winter Laser Shows by Pinnacle Laser


Some shows require free tickets to reserve your space in advance. Visit

Eventbrite.com/e/481661180557. Patrons are welcome to reserve up to 6 tickets per

themed show to allow multiple families to have access to each event.

Food is available for purchase throughout the event by Black’s Creek BBQ, Hive, Coffee

Break Café and The Whoopie Pie Wagon or at one of the City’s downtown restaurants


For more information on this and upcoming events, follow the City of Quincy across

social media and visit the City’s website at quincyma.gov

星期三, 1月 04, 2023

新麻州政府再公佈2內閣名單 Yvonne Hao掌經濟發展廳 Jason Snyder掌科技服務及安全廳

 Healey and Driscoll Announce Economic Development Secretary, Technology Services and Security Secretary

BOSTON – Massachusetts Governor-elect Maura Healey and Lieutenant Governor-elect Kim Driscoll today announced that they will appoint Yvonne Hao as Secretary of the Executive Office of Economic Development and Jason Snyder as Secretary of the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS). 

Hao will be the first woman and person of color to lead the state’s chief economic development agency. She has had more than 25 years of executive business experience as a senior executive, including as Co-founder, Advisor and Managing Director at investment firm Cove Hill Partners and as an Operating Partner at Pillar Ventures. Previously, she was the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of PillPack, an online pharmacy that was acquired by Amazon in 2018. She is also a former Operating Partner at Bain Capital. 

“Massachusetts is home to so many innovative businesses that are the backbone of our economy – and we have limitless potential to unlock them in the years ahead,” said Healey. “Yvonne Hao has a proven record of growing businesses and turning ideas into results. We can count on her to drive Massachusetts’ economic competitiveness, innovation and entrepreneurship.”

“Massachusetts is a national leader in the innovation economy, and the next Secretary of Economic Development has an opportunity to not only maintain that leadership role, but also grow our economic competitiveness,” said Hao. “I’m honored that Governor-elect Healey and Lieutenant Governor-elect Driscoll have placed their faith in me to capitalize on this moment, support our businesses and expand economic opportunities in every region of the state.”

In addition, Hao has been a Board Director of companies such as CarGurus, Flywire, Gentherm, ZipRecruiter, and Bose. She also has been involved in the community, is the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Beth Israel Lahey Health, and a Trustee Emeriti of her alma mater, Williams College. She lives in Williamstown and Cambridge, and is a graduate of Williams College and the University of Cambridge.

Healey pledged to separate the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development into two separate secretariats, creating a new position of Secretary of Housing. 

Jason Snyder is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Harvard University. He has more than 30 years of information technology experience in government, higher education and the private sector. He has worked at Harvard for almost ten years, as a Program Director for Identity & Access Management, as Managing Director of Architecture and Engineering, and as Chief Technology Officer since 2015. He served as Chief Technology of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the duration of Governor Patrick’s tenure, and prior to that spent 13 years in the private sector at CSC Consulting Group. He's a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and lives in Reading.

“Jason has decades of experience building strong teams and implementing best technology practices in government, in higher education and in the private sector,” said Governor-elect Healey. “We’re confident that he will make sure the Commonwealth’s digital information is high quality and secure, and that the people of Massachusetts have access to the services they need.”

“The Commonwealth of Massachusetts does incredible work day in and day out to deliver critical services to residents, but we need to make sure that everyone is able to access those services,” said Snyder. “I’m honored to have the opportunity to serve in the Healey-Driscoll Administration and look forward to the work ahead to make sure that our technology is resilient, secure and accessible to all.”



 Guide Centralizes Information on Existing Mental Health Resources for LGBTQ2IA+ Care Across the State to Improve Access to Services   

BOSTON – Seeking to increase access to critical mental health resources for LGBTQ2IA+ young people across Massachusetts, Attorney General Maura Healey today issued her office’s first-ever “Mental Health and Gender-Affirming Care Resource Guide for Massachusetts LGBTQ2IA+ Young People and Their Trusted Adults.”  

The Resource Guide, intended for LGBTQ2IA+ young people, their trusted adults, and supportive community members, was developed in connection with a $1 million grant awarded to the AG’s Office by the U.S. Department of Justice for the STOP School Violence and Mental Health Grant Program in 2018. The AG’s Office is utilizing the funding to collaborate with Sandy Hook Promise to implement and expand violence and suicide prevention training programs in middle and high schools across the state. As part of this federal grant, the AG’s Office also created this Resource Guide with the goal of providing information about specialized mental health services available throughout Massachusetts for LGBTQ2IA+ young people, a community who experiences high rates of suicide and mental illness as well as high rates of discrimination and victimization, yet traditionally has had unequal access to health care services. The Resource Guide also aims to acknowledge the roles that intersectionality and social determinants of health play in mental health outcomes of the LGBTQ2IA+ community. 

“As dangerous homophobic and transphobic policies are being enacted across the country, it is more important than ever that we support our LGBTQ2IA+ young people and ensure they have access to critical services and resources,” said AG Healey. “In publishing this Resource Guide, it is our hope that we are able to increase the visibility and accessibility of health care providers to our young people, and to better help them navigate through various financial and socio-cultural barriers to receive care.” 

 “There are so many caring professionals and organizations looking to support and affirm LGBTQ2IA+ people in the Commonwealth,” said Dr. Scott Hadland, Chief of the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Mass General Hospital. “The LGBTQ2IA+ Mental Health Resource Guide is full of high-quality services, and it will not only save lives, but just as importantly, it will help LGBTQ2IA+ people find affirmation and thrive, all across our state.” 

 “On behalf of the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health (MAMH), I commend Attorney General Healey and her office for their leadership in developing a Mental Health Resource Guide for LGBTQ2IA+ Youth and Their Trusted Adults,” said President and CEO of Massachusetts Association for Mental Health (MAMH), Danna Mauch. “This resource is particularly timely, as we know that LGBTQ2IA+ youth are suffering disproportionately in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This Guide will be a key resource in supporting the Commonwealth’s Roadmap for Behavioral Health Reform, in that it will help advance equitable access to culturally competent mental health and substance use services. This resource will remove barriers to care access for LGBTQ2IA+ Youth — a community that has been historically marginalized and is as a consequence at greatest risk for disruption of their mental health and well-being. We look forward to disseminating the Guide through the Network of Care Massachusetts website, and trust it will be a helpful tool for the new Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line call, text, and chat operators.” 

 “In these challenging times, mental health resources, especially for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults, are critically important in helping young people access the support that they need and deserve,” said Grace Sterling Stowell, Executive Director of BAGLY, Inc. “We applaud outgoing Attorney General and Governor-Elect Maura Healey and her team for developing this much needed and useful resource for all LGBTQ+ youth, and those who provide services for their support.” 

 “LGBTQ+ youth are the targets of significant and unprecedented attacks resulting in increased need for mental health services and supports,” said Christopher Bellonci, M.D. Senior Policy Advisor, Baker Center for Children and Families. “This is a timely resource that will benefit LGBTQ+ youth and their allies in the Commonwealth and I applaud the AGO’s office for investing the time and resources to develop it.” 

 “So many youths are struggling with mental health challenges these days, and we know that LGBTQIA+ youth face unique challenges in accessing mental health supports that are responsive to their needs,” said Maria Mossaides, Director of the Office of the Child Advocate. “This Resource Guide is an important step toward helping ensure LGBTQIA+ youth and the individuals who work with them are aware of the resources that do exist. The OCA was pleased to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Office of the Attorney General in support of this project.”  

 “We are currently experiencing a national behavioral health crisis among youth, however studies show that youth identifying as LGBTQ2IA+ face additional barriers to accessing quality behavioral health care,” said Amara Anosike, JD, Director of Behavioral Health Policy & Advocacy for Government Relations at Boston Children's Hospital. “I applaud the Office of Attorney General Maura Healey for putting together a Resource Guide to support the unique mental health needs that youth identifying as LGBTQ2IA+ face.” 

 “This guide is an essential resource for LGBTQ2IA+ young people and supportive adults in the Commonwealth. All youth need and deserve access to trusted mental and medical healthcare resources, and such access is vital to ensuring LGBTQ2IA+ youth have the opportunity to thrive and grow into healthy, self-actualized adults,” said Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education for GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) “We commend the Office of the Attorney General for creating a clear and useful resource that will help thousands of LGBTQ2IA+ youth, their parents, family members, and other trusted adults navigate the landscape of providers in the state to find the care and support that best fits their needs.” 

 The AG’s Resource Guide focuses on mental health providers in every county in the state who offer care that is affirming of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, including specialized services around domestic and sexual violence, housing assistance and shelter, and substance use disorder. The Guide also seeks to centralize existing services and medical options that provide support or access to gender-affirming care for members of the LGBTQ2IA+ community, including puberty blockers, hormone therapy, speech therapy, or other forms of culturally competent and trauma-informed care. Research has consistently shown that having proper access to gender-affirming care is lifesaving and improves health outcomes, including mental health, of the transgender community. In Massachusetts, access to gender-affirming care is a protected civil right. All organizations listed in the Guide provide care or information to LGBTQ2IA+ populations, and many self-identify as free or low-cost and provide services in multiple languages.  

 In addition to information on finding a mental health provider, the Guide contains general information about mental health topics, LGBTQ2IA+ identities, as well as responses to common questions and concerns from the community. Along with featuring organizations that provide mental health care, the Resource Guide includes provider directories, which allow young people to find individual therapists using filters relevant to their specific needs and identities. There is also a Social Connection section, which lists local communities that offer acceptance to LGBTQ2IA+ youth and promote positive and inclusive youth development. 

The Resource Guide is a continuation of AG Healey’s  work to advocate on behalf of the LGBTQ2IA+ community. Last month, the AG’s Office joined a coalition of 19 attorneys general in filing a brief in support of the rights of the more than 20 million LGBTQ+ Americans to live, work, and pursue education free from discrimination, following a challenge from a group of states to undermine recent guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. AG Healey also recently led a coalition urging the federal courts to uphold anti-discrimination efforts for LGBTQ+ Americans, following the termination of a substitute teacher at a North Carolina Catholic high school who was terminated after announcing plans to marry his same-sex partner. 

 To view the Resource Guide in full, please click here. In the coming weeks, the Resource Guide will also be made available in Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and Mandarin. This Resource Guide will be distributed to school districts and health care providers and will also be available online. 

 The creation of the “Mental Health and Gender-Affirming Care Resource Guide for Massachusetts LGBTQ2IA+ Young People and Their Trusted Adults” was led by Project Manager Allison Beaufort and Director of Strategic Initiatives Elise Yannett with assistance from the AG’s Chief of Organizational Development and Inclusion April English, Director of Grants Management Nathan Gardner, Chief of the Policy & Government Division Alicia Rebello-Pradas, and staff in the AG’s Health Care Division, Civil Rights Division, Children’s Justice Unit, Community Engagement Division, and Non-Profit Organizations Public Charities Division.