
星期一, 1月 30, 2023

麻州總檢察長 Andrea Campbell 和律師樓合作 推出墮胎免費法律諮詢熱線833-309-6301

File photo, By Chutze Chou.

            (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 麻州總檢察官Andrea Joy Campbell 和女律師基金會 (Women’s Bar Foundation) 、美麻州國公民自由聯盟 (, the ACLU of Massachusetts) 、以及5家律師樓,130日推出「墮胎法律熱線」,為麻州的醫療護理提供者,協助者,以及在麻州獲取服務的病患,免費提供關於獲取墮胎服務及照顧的法律諮詢。

             麻州總檢察官Andrea Joy Campbell這天在聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren,聯邦眾議員Katherine ClarkAyanna Pressley,以及曾任麻州總檢察長的Martha Coakley,麻州參議員Cindy Friedman等人陪同中,在她的辦公室一起宣佈了這一消息。

             「生育公平 (Reproductive Equity Now)」董事長Rebecca Hart Holder表示,有150多名來自 Foley Hoag LLPGoodwin ProcterGoulston & StoorsMintz and Ropes & Gray LL等律師樓,以及前述2機構的律師們已同意為打電話者提供免費的法律諮詢。


Hotline, created by the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation, will connect health care providers and patients with free legal advice on abortion access and care 



 – The fall of Roe v. Wade has raised new and unprecedented legal questions concerning the provision of abortion care throughout the country. Today, the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation, in partnership with Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell, the Women’s Bar Foundation, the ACLU of Massachusetts, and five law firms, launched the Abortion Legal Hotline, a free and confidential resource to connect Massachusetts-based health care providers, helpers, and patients obtaining care in Massachusetts with free legal advice and resources about abortion access and care. 


The Hotline’s launch comes as anti-abortion actors in states across the country look to restrict access to care across state lines. When a provider or patient calls the Hotline with a legal question, coordinators from the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation and the Women’s Bar Foundation will help connect callers with specially trained attorneys from the ACLU of Massachusetts; Foley Hoag LLP; Goodwin Procter; Goulston & Storrs PC; Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo, PC; or Ropes & Gray LLP for pro bono legal advice. The Attorney General’s Office convened this group of stakeholders to collaborate on and facilitate the Hotline, which is part of AG Campbell’s commitment to prioritizing reproductive justice and the ongoing work of the AG’s Office to protect residents and providers in the wake of the Dobbs decision.


You can find more information about the Abortion Legal Hotline HERE.


“From codifying protections for providers and patients into state law to creating a free and confidential hotline for residents, Massachusetts continues to lead on reproductive justice,” said Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell. “We know that access to a full spectrum of reproductive care, including abortion, has never been more vital. My office is proud to convene these advocacy groups, law firms and legal advocates to support providers and patients in administering and accessing essential health care.”


“Abortion remains legal in Massachusetts and no anti-abortion extremist should be able to reach across our borders and challenge that,” said Rebecca Hart Holder, President of the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation. “We are proud that the Massachusetts Legislature acted boldly to pass best-in-the-nation protections for abortion providers and patients last legislative session. Now, we are excited to build off their work and launch the Abortion Legal Hotline to ensure those offering or accessing abortion care in Massachusetts fully understand the scope of this new law and how care is protected in our Commonwealth. Massachusetts abortion providers offer life-saving, lawful, and loving care each and every day, and must be able to do so without fear of hostile or harmful litigation.”


“For 30 years, the Women’s Bar Foundation (WBF) has provided free legal assistance to individuals facing critical legal issues, particularly to survivors of domestic abuse,” said Women’s Bar Foundation Executive Director Margaret Talmers. “For survivors, access to reproductive health care is essential to their safety. Forcing someone to stay pregnant or preventing them from having an abortion can keep them trapped in an abusive relationship. This is just one of the many reasons the WBF is proud to be part of the Abortion Legal Hotline, connecting health care providers, helpers and patients who have pressing legal questions to excellent pro bono attorneys.”  

“Everybody should be able to get the reproductive health care they need without fear of arrest or criminalization,” said Carol Rose, Executive Director of the ACLU of Massachusetts. “After the fall of Roe, Massachusetts passed best-in-the-nation protections for abortion providers and patients. Now, the ACLU stands ready to ensure that Massachusetts abortion providers, patients, and helpers have access to high-quality legal advice and resources to realize our state’s protections.”


“We are proud to be part of the Massachusetts Abortion Legal Hotline,” said Foley Hoag Pro Bono Counsel Rebecca Cazabon. "Foley Hoag has a long history of doing pro bono work protecting reproductive rights and promoting access to abortion care and our attorneys look forward to continuing to provide free legal advice to Massachusetts-based health care providers, helpers, and patients obtaining care in the state."


“At a time when long-standing and fundamental rights of women and girls have been revoked and are under increasing curtailment and threat throughout the country, we are grateful to Reproductive Equity Now for their vision and leadership in fighting for equitable access to reproductive health care, including in the creation of this hotline,” said Karen O’Malley, Co-Chair of Goulston & Storrs’ Pro Bono Committee. “This hotline will provide a critical communication channel for healthcare providers, patients, and helpers who have questions about providing and accessing legal and safe abortion care. Goulston & Storrs has long been a pro bono partner with REN and other organizations to support equality and liberty for women and girls, and we look forward to providing pro bono service through this hotline initiative.”


"Everyone should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and lives based on their beliefs and values, free from discrimination, violence, and duress," said Susan Finegan, Chair of Mintz's Pro Bono Committee. “With that in mind, Mintz is proud to partner with Reproductive Equity Now, the Women’s Bar Foundation, the ACLU of Massachusetts, and other firms to establish the Abortion Legal Hotline, designed to respond to important [or time sensitive] inquiries from patients, advocates, and healthcare providers as they navigate the complex changing laws and their potential legal exposure in Massachusetts."

“Massachusetts is a leader in protecting the right to abortion services in the US, and Goodwin is proud to be a part of this effort to help ensure that providers, patients and others within Massachusetts and across the country have a resource they can utilize to understand their rights and the law with regard to accessing and providing safe and legal abortion services in Massachusetts,” said Caroline BullerjahnPartner in Goodwin’s Complex Litigation & Disputes practice and Co-Chair of the Dobbs Task Force.

In July, Massachusetts passed An Act Expanding Protections for Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Carewhich included best-in-the-nation protections for abortion and gender-affirming care providers who offer lawful care in Massachusetts. The law took steps to protect providers’ professional licenses and malpractice insurance, while also prohibiting extradition for the provision of lawful care in Massachusetts and ensuring Massachusetts courts do not become a venue for hostile-state claims.


Any attorney qualified to practice law in Massachusetts who is interested in providing pro bono legal services should contact the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation at info@reproequitynow.org.

麻州就業市場情況錯綜 2022迄今已有9家生物科技公司關門

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州受新冠病毒疫情衝擊3年,經濟持續下滑以來,現正緩慢復甦,但人力市場出現供需失調現象。跨入2023年,雇主們到底會提高薪資以招睞員工,推動經濟發展,還是會因經濟成長趨緩,縮減雇員人數,目前似乎還難以看出確切趨勢。



波士頓商業期刊 (BBJ) (30)日也刊文稱,上週又有位於劍橋市,主力研發治肝病藥的Goldfinch Bio,以及2020年才初創,投資者包括拜耳 (Bayer)20228月才募到290萬元,有15名員工的Theonys2家生物科技公司關上大門。

如果從2022年初開始計算,包括Kaleido BiosciencesGenocea BiosciencesH3 BiomedicineRubius TherapeuticsFaze MedicinesGemini Therapeutics ,以及Yumanity Therapeutics.在內,已經共有9家生物科技公司宣告結束營業了。









紐英崙中華公所舞獅迎兔年 波士頓華埠萬人空巷好熱鬧 (嘉賓致詞視頻)


                                              波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn致詞。
                                              麻州眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威 (Aaron Michleqitz)致詞。
                                            麻州眾議員黃子安 (Donald Wong) 致詞。

                                             波士頓市警察局局長Michael Cox用中文說恭喜發財。

星期日, 1月 29, 2023

紐英崙中華公所11獅齊舞迎兔春 吳弭強調家庭的重要 黃子安籲照顧本地商家

                     (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠29日早上,鑼鼓喧天,萬人空巷,熱鬧的程度近3年來從未見過。11隊醒獅團輪番來朝,在夏利臣街舞台前,向台上嘉賓拜年,和擠滿街頭群眾同慶癸卯兔年時,都幾乎寸步難行。




                    波士頓市有史以來的首名華裔市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)致詞時,也先以以中文說,「新年快樂,非常高興看到大家」,再闡釋農曆新年是關於家庭、社區,在疫情逼使大家幾近3年未聚之後,今年更是特別重要,她丈夫和2個小孩也全家出動都來了,她感謝州市政要,以及波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox,亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐等許多波士頓市政府同事也都來和大家見面,呼籲群眾這天,還有以後,別忘了光顧本地商家,支持地方小企業。

波士頓歷年首名華裔市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)帶著2名兒子出席波士頓的華埠舞獅,
強調慶祝農曆新年的重點之一是家庭。 (周菊子攝)


波士頓經文處處長孫儉元代表中華民國(台灣)政府祝波士頓民眾新年快樂。 (周菊子攝)
                        麻州眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)作為華埠社區的眾議會代表,已有14年之久,他指出,還記得去年這活動是在下雪天中舉行,這次天氣真是太好了。他還透露消息的告訴華埠群眾,轄區包括華埠的波士頓警察局A-1區警長榮升,要有新警長來了。

波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox特地學會一句「恭喜發財」,在台上以中文向群眾拜年。他還透露,年輕時華埠也曾是他生活中很重要的一部分。

                   這天到場的其他嘉賓還有,麻州眾議員黃子安,波士頓市議員Erin MurphyJulia Mejia等人。波士頓市長的幕僚長朱為婷後來也趕到現場。

今年破歷來紀錄,有11隊之多的醒獅隊,分別為洪青體育會、華林派,少林洪家超武館,陳耀祥虎鶴太氣門,巾幗醒獅隊、胡清白鶴派、黃強醒獅團,波士頓安良工商會醒獅隊,華美文化中心 (南派),廣教學校醒獅隊。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報:  https://ocacnews.net/article/331452?cid=2 )

麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz) 已經會用中文說自己的名字。他回頭笑司儀阮鴻燦
,都已經14年了,不記得他的中文名字。 (周菊子攝)
麻州眾議員黃子安呼籲民眾常常進華埠,光顧店家,照顧本地小生意。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn再提他知道亞裔面對種族歧視與暴力的處境,呼籲人人承諾
彼此尊重。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市長吳弭 (右二)應邀和右起陳文珊,黃楚嵐,余麗媖,雷國輝、黎健慈等人合影。
會議廳內的氣球兔子,都覺得應景。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓市長吳弭的2個兒子,拿著紅包,準備待會兒發給醒獅。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市長的幕僚長朱為婷也現身在波士頓華埠今年的舞獅大會中。 (周菊子攝)
黃強醒獅隊的大頭財神,第一次出現在波士頓華埠。 (周菊子攝)
胡清白鶴派在舞台後等出場。 (周菊子攝)
巾幗醒獅隊今年製作了別具特色的非傳統獅頭。 (周菊子攝)
巾幗醒獅隊今年製作了別具特色的非傳統獅頭。 (周菊子攝)
璞石中華文化工作室在中華公所會議廳內擺攤,職員鄺坤珍也坐鎮一個攤位。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市長吳弭教小兒子怎麼發紅包給祥獅。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市長吳弭(中)應邀與新任波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox,以及波士頓警察們合影,
彼此關係良好。 (周菊子攝)

AAJA Mourns the Loss of Two Community Members Associated with the LA Times: Randy Hagihara, Retired Editor, and Gregory Yee, Breaking News Reporter

AAJA Mourns the Loss of Two Community Members Associated with the LA Times: Randy Hagihara, Retired Editor, and Gregory Yee, Breaking News Reporter

The Asian American Journalists Association is saddened to hear of the deaths of Randy Hagihara, a veteran journalist, retired editor at The Los Angeles Times and longtime member of AAJA; and Gregory Yee, breaking news reporter at the Times and AAPI journalist.

Randy Hagihara passed away at his home Jan. 7, 2023, after a battle with esophageal cancer. He was 72 years old. 

Randy was born and raised in Los Angeles. Following four years in the Air Force, he started his journalism career in 1979 reporting and photographing for Koreatown Weekly, known as the first English-language newspaper for Korean Americans. He worked at a series of other small papers before joining The Los Angeles Times in 1990, where he would spend more than two decades. When he retired in 2011, he was senior editor for recruitment and ran Metpro, the Times’ minority-recruitment program. 

Randy was a staunch supporter of AAJA, assisting in countless programs, especially those involving recruiting, hiring and career advancement. Fellow members remember Randy as one in a group of pioneering AAPI journalists that broke many barriers and were among the first through the doors. 

“Without leaders like Randy paving the way for younger generations of AAPI journalists, AAJA and so many of its members would not be where we are today,” AAJA Board President Nicole Dungca said. “While he will be dearly missed for his empathy, eagle-eyed edits, and quick wit, his legacy lives on in the journalists who have learned from Randy himself to pay it forward.”

Friends and colleagues remember his strong, no-nonsense work ethic, as well as a sharp sense of humor. He had a passion for mentoring the younger generation and recruited hundreds of journalists to the Times and other publications. One of his mentees remembers him for inspiring her and her colleagues “to be not just good journalists, but also good people.” Another remembers, ‘‘He pushed me to get better, to dig deeper, to write more simply, to tell stories and not just assemble facts.”

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Randy Hagihara, a longtime member of AAJA who championed its causes, as well as countless young journalists, during a remarkable, decades-long career,” AAJA-Los Angeles Chapter said. “At the Times, he stewarded the organization's internship and Metpro programs for years, recruiting, hiring, mentoring and guiding hundreds of reporters, many of whom were journalists of color. Today, news organizations across the world are filled with talented journalists in whom Randy saw potential and gave their start.”

AAJA-LA plans to honor Randy and his legacy of mentorship and will announce details soon. 

Gregory Yee was only 33, and passed away from complications from a respiratory issue on Jan. 4, according to the Times.

Greg, a Los Angeles native who graduated from UC Irvine in 2012, served as the university paper's editor-in-chief, according to The Los Angeles Times

He worked in several newsrooms, including the Post and Courier in Charleston, S.C., where he was known for his warmth, humor and dedication to breaking news. In 2021, he returned to his hometown to take a job at The Los Angeles Times.

“Greg was a friend to many at the Times and beyond,” AAJA-Los Angeles Chapter said. “He was taken much too soon and his young age betrays the impact he had in his newsrooms.” 

“Knowing Greg was a gift that now feels a little like a curse because a world without Greg’s tenderness and genuine zest for life feels unbearable right now,” said his friend and former colleague Deanna Pan.

AAJA-LA and The Los Angeles Times will start a scholarship to honor Greg. It will focus on skills development and training opportunities for early career journalists “to develop the next generation of Greg Yees,” according to LA Times Executive Editor Kevin Merida.

– AAJA Board of Directors and AAJA-Los Angeles

波士頓華埠哀悼全美槍擊案逝者 4市長3檢察長同場譴責暴力 呼籲和平 (圖片)


星期五, 1月 27, 2023

Statement from Governor Healey and AG Campbell on the Death of Tyre Nichols

Statement from Governor Healey on the Death of Tyre Nichols 


BOSTON – Governor Maura T. Healey issued the following statement on the death of Tyre Nichols: 


“We face another tragic moment in our country. What we see today will cause tremendous pain, for Tyre Nichols’ family, for Memphis, and for Black people forced to relive generational trauma caused by police brutality.  


“While true justice would mean Tyre Nichols being here with his loved ones, the swift action taken by the Memphis Police Chief and prosecutors demonstrates the essential accountability and oversight we need and what families deserve.   


“What happened in Memphis is a betrayal of our basic humanity. We value the dignity and worth of every member of our Black and Brown communities, every person in Massachusetts. 


“Now is a time across this Commonwealth for us to communicate with honesty and understanding, and to show care, empathy and love. We will be guided by our continued conversations with faith leaders and community members, and we will commit to the work we need to do as a nation, and as a state, to address systemic profiling and racism, and protect basic human rights.”  



BOSTON – Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell issued the following statement on the death of Tyre Nichols:


“Tyre Nichols was a father, a son, a friend, a community member and a human being. I am deeply saddened and emotionally overwhelmed by the brutal and savage beating ending in the murder of Tyre. I am sad for his loved ones, including his parents and daughter, friends, the Memphis community - all of us. 
“I did not need to see another video to know that there remains tremendous work to do to address corruption, police brutality and racial injustice in this country and in Massachusetts. While I applaud the immediate firing and indictment of the officers involved, I also recognize that our society has begun to normalize these violent acts and as long as we continue to do that, we will issue statements and then move on.  
“As the chief law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth, I will not move on. Each of these cases breaks the heart of mothers, communities especially the Black community. This persistent trauma destroys our young people and families. While I believe in accountability, and holding all five Black officers fully accountable, the direct and active participation of Black officers adds an additional layer of pain for the community.  
“With this deep understanding that people are suffering, I know that praying and issuing a statement are not enough. The Attorney General’s office will do everything in its power to tackle racial injustice, public corruption, hate and brutality.”

紐英崙中華公所兔年迎春 波士頓政要群集與民同歡

1.      紐英崙中華公所職員、嘉賓和醒獅隊合影。後排右起,紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝,英文書記阮鴻燦,麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox,波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,市議員Ruthzee Louijeune,波士頓經文處處長孫儉元,中華公所核數張青梅,波士頓僑務委員陳仕維,中華公所財政余寶愛,中文書記翁宇才。 (周菊子攝)

鄺劍峰等多名警察出席春宴,加強警民關係。 (周菊子攝)
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所(CCBA) 123日晚在帝苑大酒樓慶祝兔年新春,席開約五十桌,包括波士頓市長吳弭,波士頓經文處處長孫儉元等多名政要應邀出席,與大波士頓華人社區同歡,和主辦單位合唱「朋友」。


波士頓市長吳弭致詞,向華人社區拜年。 (周菊子攝)

Michael Cox,紐英崙至孝篤親公所主席陳文珊,
Nora Baston,以及鄺劍峰等人合影。 (周菊子攝)
               周美桃率領的紐英倫養生舞協會,黃納斯帶隊的鄉土舞蹈團,以及元極舞聯誼會,長者交誼舞則以太極功夫扇,少兒拉丁舞,春回大地,美麗星期天,梅花賦,雪落下的聲音,ChaCha Bille Jean,大合唱明天會更好等表演節目為春宴助興。英文書記阮鴻燦扮財神,每桌分送糖果,更是華人都喜歡的好意頭。
。 (周菊子攝)


              當晚到會的嘉賓還有市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn) ,警察局局長Michael Cox,警察局社區參與副局長陳孔恩,警察學校負責人Nora Batson,麻州眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市議員Ruthzee LouijeuneErin Murphy,警察局社區關係副局長陳孔恩,波士頓消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,以及波士頓市長幕僚長朱為婷,波士頓市平等及包容長 Mariangely Solis Cervera,聯邦關係主任Sam Hyun, 亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐 ,以及數位麻州議員代表等人,還有許多警察。

               中華公所並在會中提醒道,129日為波士頓華埠社區一年一度的舞獅遊行日,上午10 點將在Philips 廣場舉行開幕式,11點起至下午2點在中華公所的會所大樓內安排有文化村活動。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報, https://ocacnews.net/article/331150?cid=2   )

張青梅,右六起為阮鴻燦,波士頓僑務委員陳仕維,波士頓市議員Ruthzee Louijeune,
余寶愛,波士頓市議員Erin Murphy。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,波士頓消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,麻州眾議會財政委員會
(Aaron Michlewitz)在政壇中都是朋友。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓僑務委員陳仕維。 (周菊子攝)
拜會僑社各界。 (周菊子攝)
昆士中學校長張可仁 (右)和中華廣教學校董事長梁爾尊,依序同是華埠王氏青年會董事會
的正副董事長。 (周菊子攝)
紐英崙中華公所大同村停車場改建住宅大樓的土地發展案,正由鄭繼良 (左一)所率領的團隊
負責設計。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市府的亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐 (左起)和波士頓市平等及包容長Mariangely Solis Cervera
等人,這晚都坐在帝苑大酒樓的主席台上。 (周菊子攝)