
星期二, 10月 25, 2022

第二屆春田台灣日 中華民國旗幟再度飄揚

波士頓經文處處長孫儉元 (右一)親自上場,和春田市僑領劉宗聖
(右二)一起升旗。 (波士頓經文處提供)
         (Boston Orange) 200多名麻州台灣鄉親和地方民眾與波士頓經文處處長孫儉元、春田市長Domenic J. Sarno,麻州眾議會出口發展委員會主席Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.等人,1022日在麻州春田市 (Springfield)仰望中華民國國旗第二度冉冉升起。


春田市市長Domenic J. Sarno今年還把1022日訂為「春田台灣日」。這天他再度感謝台灣在新冠病毒疫情最嚴峻時,捐贈逾萬片醫療用口罩給春田市,雙方關係也從而與日俱增,在心懷感念之中,該市將持續堅定支持台灣。」

波士頓經文處處長孫儉元 (右起) 致詞。旁為春田市市長Domenic J. Sarno,麻州眾議會
Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
            選區位於春田市的麻州眾議會出口發展委員會主席 Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. 先以華語「你好」問候出席升旗典禮人士,再強調今年剛好是台灣及麻州締結姊妹關係的30週年,眾議會議長Ronald Mariano已領導眾議員們再度通過友台決議,加入「新英格蘭州議會台灣連線」的眾議員人數,也已超過了眾議會160名眾議員總數的四分之一,相信雙方關係明年會進一步深化。他也祝福「春田台灣日」成為當地年度盛事之一,他本人將永遠支持台灣。

麻州大學Amherst分校的林璦玫領唱中華民國國歌。 (經文處教育組臉書)
            駐波士頓經文處與台灣鄉親們為了讓春田市民眾知道、認識台灣,這天不但邀請春田市台灣僑領劉宗聖和孫處長一起升旗,經文處教育組也特地邀請威廉斯學院 (Williams College)留學生參加升旗禮,麻州大學Amherst分校的林璦玫領唱中華民國國歌。升旗後,中華民俗藝術工作坊表演源自台灣的舞蹈,扯鈴,舞獅等技藝,現場則有「品味台灣」攤位,讓到場民眾品嚐台式牛肉麵、刈包、珍珠奶茶、茶葉蛋及鳳梨酥。

                   駐波士頓辦事處還舉辦了「台灣南波萬Taiwan No.1」臉書打卡文宣活動。


Committee of 100 Statement on the Negative Rhetoric in the Race to Represent U.S. House of Representatives California District 45

 Committee of 100 Statement on the Negative Rhetoric in the Race to

Represent U.S. House of Representatives California District 45
New York, NY (October 25, 2022) –Committee of 100, a non-profit leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, issued the following statement regarding advertisements by Congresswoman Michelle Steel that question the patriotism of her challenger Jay Chen, an American military veteran of Chinese descent and the son of immigrants from Taiwan. 

Incumbent Michelle Steel and Jay Chen are currently engaged in an election campaign to select the next U.S. Representative for California’s 45th Congressional District. More than a quarter of the residents of the 45th District identify as of Asian descent, according to the 2020 U.S. Census.

“A Congressional race between two candidates of Asian descent should be an opportunity to highlight the diversity and achievement of the Asian American community. Instead, one candidate is using racist attacks and advertisements to question the patriotism and loyalty of an American military veteran,” said Zhengyu Huang, President, Committee of 100. “These racist attacks perpetuate the harmful and inaccurate stereotypes that foment the anti-Asian hate and violence plaguing our country. It is especially harmful when these unfounded attacks come from members of our own community. We will not allow this behavior to divide the Asian American community. We call on Congresswoman Steel to remove these negative ads and focus on the issues.”

About Committee of 100
Committee of 100 is a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, healthcare, and the arts focused on public policy engagement, civic engagement, and philanthropy. For over 30 years, Committee of 100 has served as the preeminent organization committed to the dual missions of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and constructive relations between the United States and Greater China. Visit https://www.committee100.org/ or follow Committee of 100 on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Instagram for more information.

Baker-Polito Administration Joins Military Families and Legislators to Celebrate Signing of SPEED Act

 Baker-Polito Administration Joins Military Families and Legislators to Celebrate Signing of SPEED Act


A group of people standing behind a podium

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BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today joined military family members and legislators for a ceremonial signing of the SPEED Act, a comprehensive new law that makes Massachusetts a more welcoming place for military families and strengthens efforts to support and honor the Commonwealth’s veterans. Governor Charlie Baker held a ceremonial signing of the legislation today at Hanscom Air Force Base with Secretary of Veterans’ Services Cheryl Lussier Poppe, Massachusetts National Guard Adjunct General Major General Gary W. Keefe, and leaders from the military family community.


“Massachusetts has a strong history of supporting our nation’s military, and we are proud that thousands of servicemembers and their families call the Commonwealth their home,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The SPEED Act makes Massachusetts a more welcoming place for military families transferring here by streamlining the occupational licensing process so military spouses can continue their professional careers and by making it easier for those families to access educational opportunities in the Commonwealth. In addition, I am pleased that this new law will create a Medal of Fidelity so that Massachusetts can recognize fallen heroes who lost their lives to the hidden wounds of war. We are grateful to the many military family members who supported this important proposal and to our legislative colleagues for passing this bill.”


“Military families sacrifice so much for our country, and it’s important we do all we can to make their transitions as seamless as possible,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We are glad that the SPEED Act will help military spouses continue their professional careers and military family members access educational opportunities here in the Commonwealth. We are grateful for the partnership of our legislative colleagues on this important issue.”


The SPEED Act streamlines the processes for occupational licensure and school enrollment for military families transferring to Massachusetts, so families can continue their careers and education when a servicemember is newly stationed in the Commonwealth. Governor Baker initially proposed legislation to improve the licensing process for military families last year. The SPEED Act also includes language first proposed by Governor Baker creating a new Medal of Fidelity to honor veterans who lost their lives due to service-related injuries or illnesses. The Military Spouse Licensure Portability, Education and Enrollment of Dependents (SPEED) Act was passed by the Legislature this summer and signed by Governor Baker on August 5, 2022.


“The SPEED Act is momentous legislation that will improve the lives of every single service member, Veteran, and military family member who resides in our Commonwealth, now and in the future,” said Senator John Velis (D – Westfield), Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “This new law supports our military families in their transition to Massachusetts, introduces new benefits and services for Veterans and National Guard members, and expands the ways our Commonwealth recognizes the sacrifices of those who have served. I am grateful to Governor Baker for signing this bill into law, to my colleagues in the Legislature for their support, and to all our Commonwealth’s service members and military families for their advocacy and their service.”


"The SPEED Act recognizes our veterans most immediate issues and addresses them head on to provide the highest quality of life,” said Representative Paul McMurtry (D – Dedham), House Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “Veteran-related issues have been a top priority from the start of this session and along with Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito and their administration, we have worked collaboratively to continue the Commonwealth’s long history of recognizing deserving veterans and their families.”


“This is a historic bill and is most likely the most encompassing military and veterans bill passed in the Commonwealth in the last century,” said Major General Gary W. Keefe, Adjunct General of the Massachusetts National Guard. “This bill recognizes both the sacrifice of our military service members, as well as veterans and their families, and it establishes programs that will recruit and retain service members, attract future military missions, and continue to provide for our growing veteran population. Our thanks to Governor Baker, all the Massachusetts legislators in the House and the Senate, as well as the tenacity and leadership of the Joint Committee on Military and Veterans’ Affairs who worked tirelessly to get this bill over the goal line. This bill will make it clear to every state in the republic that Massachusetts is unmatched in its care and support of it military members, veterans, and their families.”


“The SPEED Act provides critical resources that our veterans, service members and their families so rightfully deserve,” said Secretary of Veterans’ Services Cheryl Lussier Poppe.  “Through this legislation, Massachusetts continues to lead the way in providing an array of services and benefits to ensure that veterans and family members can thrive. I am grateful to Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito, members of the Legislature and other key stakeholders who helped make this legislation possible.”


"The Army recruits Soldiers, but retains Military Families; the other Services do the same.  I see the Massachusetts SPEED Act as a big step forward in alleviating several challenges facing Military Families,” said Maria McConville, Registered Dietitian, Army Veteran, and Military Spouse. “As an Army Spouse of 35 years, in a profession requiring state licensing, I am excited to see the Act's focus on portability of licensure for all professions and expedited licensure for teachers. Valuing Military Children through the Purple Star school designations, In-state tuition, and simplification of school enrollment, speaks volumes of Massachusetts' commitment to Service Members and their Families. On behalf of Military Spouses, I am grateful for this legislation and encourage Massachusetts, along with other states, to continue advocating for and supporting their Military residents."


SPEED ACT Major Components:


Expedited Licensing: The SPEED Act creates a new 30-day expedited licensing process for military spouses to receive licenses issued by the Division of Occupational Licensure (DOL) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) if they are licensed in another state and meet necessary requirements. The law also allows for granting of automatic 3-year teaching certificates for spouses of active-duty military members serving in Massachusetts or a bordering state if they are licensed in another state, enabling them to work before completing testing requirements for the regular certificate.


Medal of Fidelity: The SPEED Act includes legislation first filed by Governor Baker in 2020 and again in 2021 to create a Medal of Fidelity to be awarded to the next-of-kin of Massachusetts service members who died as the result of service-connected diseases, conditions, or injuries, including PTSD, traumatic brain injury, or exposure to harmful toxins.


Educational Access for Military Families: The SPEED Act helps military families transferring to Massachusetts by allowing them to enroll students in K-12 school in advance and without having to physically appear. The law also extends Massachusetts residency or “in-state” status at public colleges and universities to any active-duty US military member, spouse, or child who is stationed in the Commonwealth.


Other Measures: The SPEED Act also:


  • Creates a new $2,000 tax credit for businesses with less than 100 employees who hire and retain National Guard members;
  • Allows several public colleges and universities to establish a pilot mentoring program to assist non-enrolled veterans to adjust to civilian life; and
  • Codifies existing practice by requiring the Governor annually to issue proclamations on the anniversaries of the founding of the US Army, the US Air Force, the US Coast Guard and the National Guard.

星期六, 10月 22, 2022

波士頓華埠退伍軍人會追思前會長 二戰英雄黃廷琛

               (Boston Orange) 波士頓華埠退伍軍人會約12名會員,1020日到Needham出席黃廷琛追思會,補上他們向這名曾任會長的百歲人瑞所要表達的敬意。





黃廷琛領獎。 (華埠退伍軍人會提供)



               黃廷琛在生之年歷任波士頓黃氏宗親會主席,華裔退伍軍人會會長,也是共濟會 (Freemasons)的高層幹部,曾獲得紐英崙華人歷史協會,抗日戰爭勝利七十週年活動表揚。

               黃國麟指出,為國家服務,成為飛虎隊一員是黃廷琛一生最感驕傲的事。2019年美國通過法案,也發國會金質獎章給參加第二次世界大戰的華裔軍人,但可惜的是頒發行動因故延期,讓黃廷琛錯過了親手領獎章的機會。去年,麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)親手把這金質獎章交到黃廷琛的女兒Cheriann的手中。

               波士頓華埠退伍軍人會近年會員凋零迅速,今年79日有曾任會長,1931年出生,1952年入伍陸軍的Bolton Wong辭世,2月有1943年被徵招入伍到德文斯堡 (Fort Devens) ,曾派往法國南部的Jummy K Y Wong辭世。2021年有1953年被徵招入伍,受訓後被國家司令部軍事援助團派做翻譯,1955年退伍的陳毓璇等人。

市長,現為美國勞工部部長的Marty Walsh (後),以及波士頓市議員Ed Flynn(後右一)合影。


中國駐紐約總領事館派員到波士頓 方便200民眾辦證照

駐紐約中領館領事到波士頓為民眾辦理證照申請。 (官吏沙提供)
                (Boston Orange) 中國駐紐約總領事館的「領事服務進社區」行動,1015日在波士頓黃氏宗親會位於華埠牌樓旁的會址,為將近200民眾辦理更換護照服務。



中國駐紐約總領事館副總領事吳曉明(中),領事劉愛明 (右二),以及一名副領事(左三)
和在場的梁添光 (右一),黃國威(左起),司徒宗達等人歡迎波士頓市議會議長Ed   Flynn



1015日,中國駐紐約總領事館副總領事吳曉明,僑務領事劉愛明率員到黃氏宗親會為民眾辦理更換護照等領務工作。波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)也應邀出席,和中領館領事,以及中美文化協會會長梁添光,鳳倫公所主席司徒宗達,黃氏宗親會元老黃國威,主席黃偉健等人寒暄。

摩頓市新設 3個 Bluebikes車站 幸運市民可獲發30天免費騎乘證

摩頓市長Gary Christenson宣佈藍自行車進入摩頓市。將為市民提供30天免費騎乘證。
                (Boston Orange) 共享單車的藍自行車 (Bluebikes)進入摩頓市啦! 市長葛帝生 (Gary Christenson)日前高興宣佈,摩頓市現在設有3個藍自行車車站,將為市民提供數量有限的30天免費騎乘證 (Passes)

               摩頓市的3個藍自行車車站,分別座落在商業街 (Commercial)和交換街(Exchange)交界處,主街 (Main St.)上的北岸 (Northern Strand)自行車道,以及摩頓高中那兒的Holden街。







            (Boston Orange) 美國海軍最初的6艘護衛艦,也是最早服役軍艦之一的美國憲法號 (USS Constitution) 1021日下水225週年。 1022日在海軍碼頭將舉辦慶生街區派對,慶祝憲法號服役225週年,憲法號博物館成立50週年。

                          在當年經由為海軍提供武器 (An Act to Provide a Naval Armament)”法案授權建造的6艘美國最早軍艦中,美國憲法號是唯一倖存者。

            其他5艘船分別為美國號 (the United States)、星座號(Constellation)、國會號 (Congress)、乞沙比克號(Chesapeake)、總統號 (President)

            美國總統喬治華盛頓在1794327日簽署了為海軍提供武器 法案,准許購買或建造6艘軍艦。這一建造6艘護衛艦帆船的決定,建立了美國海軍,護衛美國商船在世界各地的海洋上進行重要貿易。

            美國海軍歷史及傳統司令部 (NHHC)上個春天,在美國海軍博物館的一個活動上宣佈,510日為美國海軍初始6艘護衛艦日 (U.S. Navy Original Six Frigates Day),那是美國這6艘護衛艦中第1艘竣工225週年的日子。

            美國海軍歷史及傳統司令部 (NHHC)副主任Patrick C. Burns表示,這6艘護衛艦的第1艘下水,在美國海軍及美國歷史中是個重要時刻。"我們紀念這225週年也很重要。一些我們國家最早期的英雄,成就及傳統,都是這6艘護衛艦故事的一部份。


            美國海軍歷史及傳統司令部 (NHHC)的美國憲法號歷史學家Margherita M. Desy表示,當人們走在美國憲法號的甲板上時,就有如追隨著美國海軍中最偉大的一些船長,諸如Edward PrebleIsaac HullWilliam BainbridgeThomas McDonoughDavid Dixon Porter,以及George Dewey

星期五, 10月 21, 2022

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley to Campaign with Democrats in Michigan Ahead of Midterms

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley to Campaign with Democrats in Michigan Ahead of Midterms 


Boston, MA, October 21 – This weekend, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) will travel to Michigan to campaign for Democratic candidates ahead of November’s midterm elections.


“In Michigan, in Massachusetts, and across the country, the future of our democracy and our communities is on the ballot,” said Congresswoman Pressley. “Who we elect on November 8 determines what policies we advance. And what policies we champion determines who lives and who dies, who survives and who thrives. We need leaders at every level – from my colleagues in the U.S. House, to governors and statewide leaders, to state legislators – who will organize, advocate, and advance real progress, and I’m excited to join Democrats in Michigan committed to that work.” 


At several events on Saturday and Sunday, Congresswoman Pressley will connect with students, small business owners, faith leaders, volunteers, and voters to talk about what’s at stake in the upcoming midterm elections and make sure folks have a plan to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.


Congresswoman Pressley made history in 2018 when she became the first woman of color elected to represent Massachusetts in the U.S. Congress, representing constituents in Boston, Somerville, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Randolph, and Milton. During her time in office, Congresswoman Pressley has introduced landmark legislation to combat the crisis of childhood trauma, codify the right to abortion and comprehensive reproductive care, abolish the federal death penalty, fix our broken clemency system, cancel student debt, and more. She serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and she has led on issues ranging from expanding transit justice and ensuring an equitable public health response to COVID-19 to ending discriminatory credit practices and keeping families safely housed. 


To learn more about Congresswoman Pressley’s leadership, please visit https://ayannapressley.com/

Department of Public Health Promotes ACCESS Law Through Public Awareness Campaign

 Department of Public Health Promotes ACCESS Law Through Public Awareness Campaign


Campaign aims to increase awareness of contraception coverage available under ACCESS law


BOSTON (October 21, 2022) — The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) today announced an expansion of its statewide public information campaign to raise awareness of the birth control benefits available under the Act Relative to Advancing Contraceptive Coverage and Economic Security in our State (ACCESS) law. The campaign was launched this summer with a focus on educating residents, and new elements of the campaign announced today focus on educating and training pharmacists and other professionals to ensure they share relevant information about the law with patients and members.


The ACCESS law enacted in 2017 enables eligible individuals to receive:


  • A year’s supply of no-cost birth control — including the pill, patches, rings, or injectable birth control — with just one visit to the pharmacy.
  • Emergency contraception (like Plan B) at no cost with a prescription from a clinician.

To be eligible, individuals must be covered by a health insurance plan subject to Massachusetts law, including MassHealth, plans purchased on the MA Health Connector, or the MA Group Insurance Commission. Find out if you are covered.


“The ACCESS law represented an important step in the Commonwealth’s efforts to protect women’s reproductive health care services, and we are pleased to be running this campaign to remind residents about the benefits of this law,” said Public Health Commissioner Margret Cooke. “Our campaign also focuses on health care providers to ensure they are aware of the ACCESS law and its benefits for their patients.”


DPH, in collaboration with the MGH Institute of Health Professions, has launched an ACCESS online training geared specifically to prescribers, pharmacists, and insurers who may not be fully aware of the law and its benefits for their patients and members. The training is available at https://learnmore.mghihp.edu/access and offers continuing education credits.


Campaign research earlier this year found that 86 percent of eligible individuals surveyed are interested in receiving a 12-month supply of birth control at one time, but only half were aware of the option. The new campaign outlines details about the law and its benefits, as well as guidance for learning about eligibility.


The campaign includes a dedicated website, mass.gov/BirthControl, and is being promoted through social media and other online ads, posters, and flyers in English and Spanish.


To learn more about affordable birth control and the ACCESS law, visit mass.gov/BirthControl.

波士頓市綠色基礎設施新政 先從人行道路邊開始

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)。
                   (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 1021日率同新任綠色基礎設施主任Kate England等人,在東波士頓宣佈波士頓市歷來的首個綠化基礎設施 新政,規定某些小規模基礎設施工程符合5種設計標準及維修資源。


波士頓新任綠色基礎設施主任Kate England。
                 轄區包括東波士頓的麻州參議員Lydia Edwards,麻州眾議員Adrian Madaro這天也都出席了宣佈會,稱許吳弭市長這一新政嘉惠社區。

波士頓市街道長Jascha Franklin-Hodge。

               適用於路邊延伸的新政策,也被稱為 neckdowns, bulb-outs, or bumpouts,藉由減少從街道一邊跨越到另外一邊的距離來防止車輛停得太靠近行人穿越道,讓駕駛更容易看見行人,改善人行道安全。

              波士頓市街道長Jascha Franklin-Hodge表示,新設計標準將容許行人穿越街道更加容易,為城市增加更多綠化空間,改善生活品質。

麻州參議員Lydia Edwards。
             綠色基礎設施主任Kate England表示,把綠色基礎設施作為標準,融入市府工程項目將有助於減少雨水氾濫,創造新的綠色空間,為鄰里提供更多樹蔭。波士頓市還將推出志工計畫,給市民機會維護這些新設施, 一起努力綠化波士頓。

             Kate England還說,波士頓市府將發包安裝多孔設施,景觀維護等2項特定的綠色基礎設施維修合約。

麻州眾議員Adrian Madaro。




Internal design standards will embed environmental benefits into certain future City of Boston public infrastructure

BOSTON - Friday, October 21, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced a new policy to require that certain City projects include environmental benefits and stormwater mitigation through the use of green infrastructure. The policy establishes five new standard designs and the necessary accompanying maintenance resources to expand the implementation of small-scale green infrastructure installations in Boston. In dense urban areas where space in public sidewalks and roadways (referred to as the right-of-way) is limited, small-scale green infrastructure (GI) can be effective in reducing stormwater flooding, promoting groundwater recharge, and filtering pollutants from runoff. Additionally, green infrastructure has numerous co-benefits, including increasing urban tree canopy, mitigating urban heat island effect, and enhancing ecological diversity. 

“Today we are announcing Boston’s first ever green infrastructure policy and in doing so setting a new standard for safer, more sustainable roadway infrastructure throughout the city,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Together these elements will improve community safety, foster community engagement, and boost our climate resilience.” 

This new policy will apply to curb extensions, also known as neckdowns, bulb-outs, or bumpouts. Curb extensions improve safety at crosswalks by reducing the distance to cross from one side of the street to the other and preventing vehicles from parking too close to crosswalks, making pedestrians more visible to drivers. Curb extensions can also be used to ensure that crosswalks are accessible for people with limited mobility or in wheelchairs. Due to Boston’s compact nature, curb extension projects often result in the creation of small spaces not suited for other uses. Historically, these spaces have been paved with impervious materials. 

“These new design standards will allow the City to continue enhancing our streets as public spaces for everyone,” said Chief of Streets Jascha Franklin-Hodge. “These curb extensions help keep our neighborhood safe by slowing cars and making street crossing easier for pedestrians and now they can also benefit our quality of life by providing more green space in our City.”

“Integrating green infrastructure into the City's projects as a standard will help us reduce stormwater flooding, create new green space and provide more shade in all of our neighborhoods,” said Kate England, Director of Green Infrastructure. “We are also excited to introduce a volunteer program that will foster stewardship by creating opportunities for neighbors to come together and take care of these new features.”

“Innovative green infrastructure policies offer an additional pathway to adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as stormwater flooding and sea level rise, while making our communities more resilient," said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. "I am excited to support these new design measures that will bring us closer to our collective goal of being a Green New Deal city."

The purpose of this policy is to aid the City in implementing preferred GI alternatives to current design practices and ensure adequate maintenance so that GI can be integrated as standard practice into large-scale capital projects in the future. The five design alternatives are as follows: 

  1. Right-of-way (ROW) Bioretention: Curb extensions may incorporate green infrastructure in the form of Rain Gardens, Bioswales, etc.
  2. Infiltration Tree Pit/Tree Trench: Curb extensions may incorporate green infrastructure in the form of Infiltration Tree Pits or Infiltration Tree Trenches.
  3. Porous Paving: Curb extensions may incorporate Porous Asphalt, Permeable Pavers, Porous Paver Installations, and Porous Concrete Slabs.
  4. Subsurface Infiltration Area: Curb extensions may incorporate Stone Subsurface Infiltration Areas (with or without perforated pipe). 
  5. One-time Seeding: The area within the curb extension may be seeded once with a groundcover, low-grow fescue or wildflower mix. 

Additionally, to help support the longevity of green infrastructure, two GI-specific maintenance contracts will be available for maintenance on new and existing public GI installations. The first is a contract for maintenance on porous paving installations. The second is a contract for landscape maintenance on “green” infrastructure features. These two contracts will provide much needed regular maintenance, including regenerative air vacuum sweeping for porous paving, as well as vegetation maintenance, replacement, and pruning for GI features in the right-of-way. They will also provide the flexibility required to perform maintenance as needed or requested by residents through the City’s 311 system.

The policy will also establish a volunteer program to assist in the maintenance of select GI sites. Prospective volunteers will be able to sign up through an online portal to “adopt” a GI feature. This program will allow volunteers to aid in litter removal and/or seasonal cleanups for GI features where they live, work, and play. 

This infrastructure will complement the City’s network of nearly 36,000 catch basins connected to roughly 600 miles of pipes beneath our streets, which is maintained by the Boston Water & Sewer Commission. 

Today’s announcement builds on the Wu administration’s commitment to creating resilient communities while adapting to the impacts of climate change. Green infrastructure is a key component of the recently released Urban Forest Plan, which includes strategies to bolster the City of Boston’s tree canopy while enhancing the livability and public health of Boston’s neighborhoods. Curb extensions will be a common tool in implementing the Mayor’s vision for safer streets, announced in September.