
星期四, 8月 04, 2022

財政辦公室稱有41億元可動用 麻州長面對橘線維修稱經費不是問題

             (Boston Orange 綜合報導) 麻州財政辦公室 (Executive Office for Administration and Finance) (4)日宣佈,初估麻州2022會計年度有19億元盈餘,加上麻州還未拿到的聯邦援救法財政復甦基金大約23億美元,麻州將有41億元可動用。

               麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 83日在橘線地鐵Wellington站就橘線停駛維修召開記者會時,面對記者維修共需經費多少的問題時,哂然表示,麻州財政狀況極佳,經費不是問題。

               麻州財政辦公室表示,就如稅收局 (DOR)所宣佈,2022會計年度共收得411500萬元,比2021會計年度增加了20.5%,也比2022會計年度預算估計的要多67億元。


              根據州法,在2022會計年度收到的稅款中,來自資本收益及銷售稅的收入,有14億元轉移給了麻州地鐵 (MBTA)、學校樓宇局,以及包括穩定基金的預算儲備。總額共計23億元的稅金轉移及超額資本收益,在2022會計年度中存進了穩定基金,使得這一帳戶的餘額達到歷史性的69億元之多。另外有大約8億元由麻州議會分配進2月及4月通過的2個補充預算。



Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC Urges Senate to Reject Anti-Immigrant Amendments to the Inflation Reduction Act

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC Urges Senate to Reject Anti-Immigrant Amendments to the Inflation Reduction Act


Advancing Justice – AAJC joins nearly 300 organizations in urging Senators to vote down anti-immigrant poison pill amendments during the vote on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022


WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the wake of an agreement reached by members of the Senate on a bill to address inflation, climate change, and rising healthcare costs, some are now planning to offer up anti-immigrant amendments that would harm our communities and their loved ones. This week, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC joined a coalition of over 286 organizations urging Senators to vote NO on “poison pill” amendments attached to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. 


“Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC urges Senators to reject anti-immigrant amendments to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,” said Martin Kim, Associate Director of Immigration Advocacy at Advancing Justice – AAJC. “Efforts to dismantle the asylum system, restrict family migration, unjustly target and surveil immigrant communities, and increase enforcement or militarize the border, are immoral, extreme, and run counter to American values. Senators should remember that their constituents want economic opportunities, not amendments that would harm immigrant families who make our communities stronger.”


The letter signed-on by nearly 300 organizations can be read in its entirety here.


聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren 支持聯邦眾議員Ayanna Pressley競選連任

Senator Elizabeth Warren Endorses Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley for Re-Election to House of Representatives

Ayanna Pressley。 File photo by Chutze Chou
Boston, August 4 - Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley today received the endorsement of U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren in her reelection campaign to continue representing Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

“Senator Warren has been a friend, mentor, and partner-in-good since even before I was in Congress,” said Representative Pressley. “As Massachusetts’ Senior Senator, she has been a national leader on issues of consequence to people in the Massachusetts 7th, and in communities across the Commonwealth and the country – from abortion access and gun control to economic justice and holding Wall Street accountable. I’m proud to have earned the Senator’s endorsement and, in this moment, when our communities continue to face pressing challenges – from ongoing threats to public health to economic inequality to racial injustice – I look forward to continuing to work together to advance systemic, progressive change at the Federal level.”

“Since she arrived in Congress in 2019, Ayanna has brought her trademark compassion and conviction to every fight — advocating and legislating for every resident of the Massachusetts 7th, delivering critical resources to benefit our communities, and standing up against attacks on our most basic rights and freedoms. I’m grateful to call Ayanna a friend and partner, and I’ve been so proud to work alongside her to protect the rights of workers, ensure a more just and equitable public health response to COVID-19, push to cancel student debt, and more. We need Ayanna’s bold, principled leadership in Congress, and I’m very happy to endorse her campaign for re-election,” said Senator Warren. 

Congresswoman Pressley made history in 2018 when she became the first woman of color elected to represent Massachusetts in the U.S. Congress, representing constituents in Boston, Somerville, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Randolph, and Milton. During her time in office, Congresswoman Pressley has introduced landmark legislation to combat the crisis of childhood trauma, codify the right to abortion and comprehensive reproductive care, abolish the federal death penalty, fix our broken clemency system, cancel student debt, and more. She serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and she has led on issues ranging from expanding transit justice and ensuring an equitable public health response to COVID-19 to ending discriminatory credit practices and keeping families safely housed. 

To learn more about Congresswoman Pressley’s leadership, please visit https://ayannapressley.com/

大同村 "全美滅罪安全夜" 波士頓 市長吳弭率大隊人馬到場同慶

波士頓市長吳弭 (前左五),駐麻州美國地區檢察官Rachel Rollins(前右七),波士頓警察局社區參與局總監陳孔恩 (前右四)等警檢人員和紐英崙中華
公所華埠治安巡邏隊成員合影。右一為紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝,右三圍波士頓市議員Erin Murphy,右五為黃兆祥,右六為阮鴻燦。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)在華埠的「全美滅最安全夜」中以國語致詞開場。 (周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 每年一度的全美滅罪安全夜 (National Night Out) 因為新冠病毒疫情停辦2
紐英崙中華公所主席暨華埠社區議會共同主席雷國輝 (左二)致詞。右一起為薩福克俊治安官
Steve Tompkins,薩福克郡地方檢察官 Kevin Hayden,華埠社區議會共同主席梅伍銀寬,
Robert Ciccolo,CNC共同主席曾雪清,波士頓市長吳弭 (左一)。(周菊子攝)

                      全美滅罪安全夜 (National Night Out)又稱警民聯歡日,是由全國城鎮守望相助協會 (National Association of Town Watch)這個非牟利團體,在每年8月第一個星期二舉辦的活動,旨在培養警民之間的互信、合作關係。

                     波士頓市今年的全美滅罪安全夜,由波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 率領龐大的民代與警檢人員,在812日這2天之中,巡迴到訪波士頓市的11個社區。

協助華埠民眾抗疫。  (周菊子攝)
                 81日,巡訪的是布萊頓 (Brighton),海德公園 (Hyde Park) ,羅森岱爾 (Roslindale),麥特潘 (Mattapan)和洛士百利 (Roxbury)等地。

                       82日,則是巡訪東波士頓 (East Boston) ,華埠 (Chinatown),南端 (South End) ,北端 (North End) ,南波士頓 (South Boston) ,以及多徹斯特 (Dorchester)。波士頓市長吳弭率領的巡訪團,包括警察局、消防局、緊急救護局 (EMS),前後相連有十餘輛車,從大同村駛往下一站南端時,前後都有警察騎摩托車前導、壓陣,儼然車隊,比往年市長出席這活動的規模大得多。

梅伍銀寬(右三)創辦的中華耆英會在活動中擺出攤位。 (周菊子攝)
隨同吳弭市長出巡的民代及檢警人員有波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn) ,波士頓市議員 Erin MurphyRiccardo Arroyo,薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin Hayden,薩福克郡地方治安官( Sheriff) Steve Tompkins,以及駐麻州美國檢察官Rachael Rollins

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn和為社區教授「希望 (Hope)跆拳道」的景官Mike Lam早已熟稔。
在波士頓華埠這一站的警民聯歡活動,由已2年未辦改選的華埠社區議會 (CNC)主辦。既是紐英崙中華公所主席,也是華埠社區議會共同主席的雷國輝和另外2名共同主席梅伍銀寬、曾雪清,以及大同村物業管理經理翁麗芳一起主持,邀請了地方上的幼稚園,以及僑聲音樂社等表演節目。華埠居民會會長,也是僑聲音樂社資深成員的黃國威,波士頓華埠獅子會的前會長伍國光都獻唱了一曲。

會場有華埠各個服務機構擺攤位,派傳單,做介紹。包括塔芙茨醫療中心,中華耆英會,中城家庭健康服務社,美國退休人士協會 (AARP)麻州分會,建橋者協會,華人前進會,華埠居民會,波士頓社區發展行動會 (ABCD),亞裔青年會 (YES),王氏青年會 (Wang YMCA) ,也有捏麵人師傅麥炳潤現場示範,吹紮動物氣球。

經麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)指派,現正競選留任的薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin Hayden利用機會,不但擺攤位,把競選宣傳車帶到會場,還在會場上和正角逐他這職位,已獲得波士頓市長吳弭背書支持的波士頓市議員Ricardo Arroyo同台。

波士頓市長吳弭特地向社區介紹她的亞裔連絡員黃楚嵐 (中)。右為波士頓警察局社區參與局
總監陳孔恩,左為波士頓市議員Erin Murphy。 (周菊子攝)
紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝 (右)和駐麻州美國檢察官Rachael Rollins談笑風生。 (周菊子攝)

吳弭市長還特地介紹了波士頓市的參與辦公室,亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐,轄區包括波士頓華埠的波士頓警察局A-1A-15區警長Robert Ciccolo,以及和她一起到訪的民代及檢警。



吳弭市長強調警民合作是降低犯罪案件的關鍵。她在致詞時說,「我們在波士頓市政府非常重要的工作…. 就是要所有中國城的家庭能夠和我們一起合作,非常榮幸有好多朋友和我們在一起做這個事情,從波士頓警察到所有其他的…..」。 (部分圖片已於8/3刊發)

華人前進會名譽主席李素影(左)和駐麻州美國檢察官Rachael Rollins   也以相識多年。
會場民眾要求合影,波士頓市長吳弭欣然同意。 (周菊子攝)
華埠土地信託會主任駱理德宣傳將於8月6日下午舉行的社區遊樂日。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓華埠大同村難得熱鬧到有點寸步難行的程度。 (周菊子攝)

麥炳潤的捏麵人攤位也很受歡迎。 (周菊子攝)
小朋友表演唱歌。 (周菊子攝)
全美滅最安全夜。 (周菊子攝)
曾任僑聲音樂社社長,現為華埠居民會會長的黃國威獻唱。 (周菊子攝)
曾任波士頓華埠獅子會會長的伍國光獻唱。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓華埠居民會談全市增加20個投票站 支持Food Opera酒牌轉移申請

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠居民會 83日晚在網上召開月例會,解說華埠投票站變動,支持喜臨門餐廳酒牌轉移,預告86日有美華村、尊尼閣街區派對,814日有中華公所中秋節聯歡會等活動。

              波士頓選務局局長Eneida Tavares,以及該局的Sabino Piemonte當晚應邀出席,解說波士頓市選務局今年4月調整各選區投票站選民人數,凡是超過3000人的投票站,都以2000上下為準則,做了調整。共有29,以及1516192011個選區的投票站數量或地點有變動。

波士頓選務局局長Eneida Tavares 說明選區投票站變動。 (周菊子翻攝自網會視頻)
              波士頓市原有共有22個選區 (ward)255個投票站,前述11個選區投票站數量依選民人口數做增減調整後,共增加了20個投票站。其中增加數量最多的是包括華埠的第3選區,投票站數量從8個變成17個。有許多華埠居民的第5選區,則增加了3個投票站。


              根據波士頓市選務局網站上可察看的選區投票站變動簡報,第3選區包括北端 (North End) ,西端 (West End) ,城中區 (Downtown),南端 (South End) ,中國城 (Chinatown),原本只有8個投票站,各投票站的選民人數從20007000,差距頗大。調整後,投票站數量增至17個,各投票站選民人數調整為最低有1161人的第13號投票站,以及最高有2604人的第10號投票站。


              調整後第3選區第8號投票站和新增的第14號投票站的投票地點一樣,都在華埠內屋接 (Oak) 8號的的王氏青年會 (Wang YMCA) 。


              3選區新增的第12及第13號投票站,投票地點都在Arch100號的聖安東尼教堂 (St. Anthony Shrine) 。在會中為選務局做翻譯的華人前進會主任陳玉珍說明,美順樓,彩絲樓,史頓樓的居民,都改在這個投票站投票。

             住在華福樓的居民,要改到所物街 (Shawmut) 120 號的波士頓華人佈道會現址去投票。

              5選區的第1號投票站,包括城中區/中國城/南端,原本有4684選民,經調整後,減少為1704名選民,投票站地點改至天滿街 (Tremont) 539號的Cyclorama劇院。堡壘村居民將改到這個地點投票。

              Eneida Tavares在會上說明,這一選區及投票站的變動,從今年96日的初選,就開始實施。選務局將在寄發提早投票通知時,提醒選民相關變動。

              82728兩日的早上11點至下午7點,是波士頓市華埠的提早投票日。選民可到華埠昆士小學大樓內的波士頓青年及家庭中心 (BCYF)投票。由於選民登記的截止日也是827日,當天登記為選民者可在提早投票站立刻投票。



              Eneida Tavares在回答鄺寶蓮的提問時說明,無論是郵寄選票或提早投票,只要民眾預先向市政府提出要求,都可拿到雙語選票。

              在華埠居民會主席黃國威建議下,Eneida Tavares感謝華埠居民會與華人前進會的願意協助,到老人屋等地派發通知,或設立看板,讓更多華埠居民知道投票地點可能有的變動。


Food Opera餐廳老闆梁國光親自出席會議,請華埠居民支持酒牌轉移申請。
              華埠居民會當晚的第2項議題是喜臨門大酒樓因土地發展計畫關門後,東主梁國光 (Albert Leung) 希望把喜臨門的酒牌轉給他在潮州城舊址經營的新餐廳 Food Opera使用。雖然兩家餐廳的老闆是同一個人,但餐廳不同,仍須辦理牌照轉移手續。由於梁國光在華埠經營餐廳不下40年,許多人都認識他,梁國光又親自出席會議,表現了誠意,當晚只走了個程序,就無異議的通過支持了。該餐廳營業時間為早上10點至凌晨2點。

華人前進會的鄺寶蓮提醒華埠居民, 8月6日,14日這兩個週末都有熱鬧活動。
              波士頓市亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐當晚也特地出席會議,說明波士頓市長吳弭剛發佈熱浪警報 (Heat Emergency) 847日這幾天的早上9點至下午5點,都可以到昆士小學大樓內的波士頓青年家庭中心 (BCYF)納涼。


星期三, 8月 03, 2022



Coalition of 15 Attorneys General File Brief to Protect an Indiana Transgender Student Against Gender-Based Discrimination 


BOSTON — Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey today joined a coalition of 15 attorneys general in filing a brief in support of a 13-year-old Indiana transgender boy who is suing his school district for banning him from using the boys’ bathrooms, instead forcing him to use a single-sex restroom located in the school’s medical clinic.


The brief, filed today in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, urges the appeals court to affirm a lower court ruling requiring the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville, Indiana to allow the student to use the boys’ bathrooms in his school. The coalition argues that preventing a transgender student from using a school restroom consistent with the student’s gender identity violates Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 by denying transgender students access to the same common restrooms as cisgender students.


“Trans kids deserve the right to be their full authentic selves at school,” AG Healey said. “Discriminatory policies like this one stigmatize transgender children and put them at risk. I’m joining my colleagues in calling on the court to protect their rights.”

According to the brief, over 1.6 million people in the United States, including approximately 300,000 youth between the ages of 13 and 17, identify as transgender. Transgender students experience discrimination, violence and harassment at rates that far exceed their cisgender peers.

Today’s brief is a continuation of AG Healey’s ongoing advocacy for the equal rights of LGBTQI+ individuals. Earlier this year, AG Healey joined a coalition of attorneys general in filing an amicus brief opposing an Arkansas law that prohibits healthcare professionals from providing transgender teenagers with medically necessary care. Last year, AG Healey was part of a coalition of attorneys general who filed an amicus brief in support of a transgender student who sued the St. Johns County School Board in Florida for gender identity discrimination. In 2017, she joined an amicus brief filed with the Supreme Court in support of a transgender student suing his school in Gloucester County, Virginia for gender identity discrimination. In 2016, AG Healey worked closely with advocates, the business community, and transgender families to successfully garner support for the passage of an amendment to Massachusetts’ Public Accommodations Law protecting against discrimination on the basis of gender identity.

Joining AG Healey in filing the brief are the attorneys general of California, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia.