
星期三, 5月 18, 2022


Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates $4 Million in Travel & Tourism Recovery Grants to 80 Organizations

PLYMOUTH – Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – Today, Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy and Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism Executive Director Keiko Matsudo Orrall were joined by Senator Susan Moran, Representatives Matt Muratore and Kathleen LaNatra, and other state and local officials to celebrate a total of $4 million in awards to 80 tourism organizations, chambers of commerce, and municipalities as part of the Travel and Tourism Recovery (TTR) Grant Program. 
The awards, which were first announced in April, were funded from the TTR Grant Pilot Program and are dedicated to marketing projects that support the My Local MA campaign, enhance tourism recovery, and have the potential to increase non-resident visitation.  The program’s goal is to strengthen the Massachusetts economy through the development and enhancement of the state’s tourism industry.  Today’s event took place at the Plymouth Center for the Arts, which received a $55,000 award to promote increased tourism to Plymouth this spring. 

"Our tourism and hospitality industries are key drivers of economic activity in the Commonwealth and this program provides targeted support for initiatives that accelerate these industries’ progress toward recovery,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  "Recognizing the pandemic’s impact on these industries, we are excited to continue our support through this important grant program." 
“Through this series of awards, our Administration continues to uphold our commitment to supporting the tourism and hospitality industries as they continue to bounce back from the effects of COVID-19,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.  “Thanks to the strong partnerships with our tourism councils, municipal leaders, and regional and local chambers of commerce, and with the help from this grant program, we can capitalize on these opportunities as we enter the peak travel season.”

“We want to ensure the Commonwealth’s economic recovery is both equitable and statewide, and this grant program directs resources to two key sectors that were hit especially hard by the pandemic,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy.  “I want to thank the team at MOTT for ensuring these critical dollars are providing direct support for our downtowns and town centers. These funds, in addition to the Main Streets investments proposed in the FORWARD bill, will foster the resurgence of tourism and local economic activity across the Commonwealth.”
“By enabling regional tourism groups, destination marketing organizations and municipalities to market their specific strengths and visitor assets, the TTR grant program enhances the overall brand of Massachusetts,” said MOTT Executive Director Keiko Matsudo Orrall. “This approach also shines a spotlight on family-owned businesses, Main Street retailers and seasonal enterprises that rely on tourism dollars.”
Funded through the Tourism Trust Fund, the TTR Grant Program was open to any public, nonprofit agency, 501(c)3, or 501(c)6 that has been in operation in Massachusetts for at least two consecutive years since January 2019, and is in good standing with taxes and licenses/registrations in the Commonwealth.
The TTR programs are in alignment with the Baker-Polito Administration's Partnerships for Recovery Plan to help stabilize and grow the Massachusetts economy. The plan focuses on getting people back to work, supporting small businesses, fostering innovation, revitalizing downtowns, and ensuring housing stability.
“Tourism is an integral part of my district’s ability to grow, both economically and culturally,” said Senator Susan Moran. “This program intentionally gives grantees the autonomy to identify where funding should be targeted in a manner that best aligns with their own travel and tourism goals, as well as the region’s broader community development landscape.”

"I am thrilled to see our community receive so much funding to promote and invest in our tourism industry,” said Representative Kathy LaNatra. “Plymouth and the surrounding areas have so much to offer to visitors from around the world. I want to thank the Baker-Polito Administration for their crucial and worthwhile investments in this area's tourism industry."

“I’m grateful to Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism Director Orrall and Secretary Kennealy for recognizing that investments in targeted marketing efforts lead to increased consumer spending, support our businesses, and help entice more visitors to accelerate tourism recovery efforts,” said Representative Matt Muratore. “Tourism is Plymouth’s number 1 industry, with something for everyone here and these grants for See Plymouth, Plymouth Center for the Arts, Plimoth Patuxet Museums, and Plymouth Regional Economic Development Foundation will assist in drawing visitors interested in a variety of different attractions to Plymouth and Southeastern Massachusetts.” 

The full list of grant recipients can be found here.

星期二, 5月 17, 2022

波士頓市老人局宣佈16 機構得款36萬元減少社交隔離感


Sixteen community nonprofits will receive $360,000 in total to strengthen social connections and community for Boston’s older adults.
BOSTON – Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – Mayor Michelle Wu and the Age Strong Commission today announced the recipients of its Creating Community and Reducing Social Isolation grant, a new City program designed to provide funding to nonprofit community organizations to create new or expand current programs inviting older adults to engage more for better physical and mental health. The City is awarding $360,000 in funding to 16 nonprofit community organizations. 

“Connecting our older residents with more opportunities to build community is crucial to our City’s recovery,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “It's clear that the ongoing pandemic has only exacerbated the challenges that our older adults face as they try to stay engaged and connected. These investments will help build community for older adults and support our local organizations as they work to expand and build opportunities for our older adults to engage.”

Strong social connections and networks can boost a person’s lifespan by 50 percent, according to an article in Scientific American magazine. Socially-connected communities are more likely to thrive because a virtuous cycle is created when social connections are strengthened: civic engagement and a sense of belonging increases, which further deepens social networks.

“We’re thrilled to have received so many applications,” said Emily K. Shea, Commissioner of Boston’s Age Strong Commission. “Through the pandemic, we had to stop our in-person programs that once got folks out of the house and engaged with each other. Sure, we pivoted to offering programs online, which is something, but nothing like the benefits of in-person human connection–which is valuable to all people, not just older adults.” 

The Creating Community and Reducing Social Isolation grants announced today range in size from $12,000 to $27,000 and will be awarded to the following organizations (alphabetical order):

  • Boston Project Ministries
  • Boston Public Housing Corporation
  • Central Boston Elder Services
  • Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation
  • Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly/Boston
  • Madison Park Development Corporation
  • Maverick Landing Community Services
  • Nigerian-American Multi-Service Association
  • Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast
  • Orchard Park Tenants Association/Saida’s Community Garden
  • Somali Development Center
  • The Urban Farming Institute of Boston
  • Tzu Chi Foundation 
  • Urban Edge Housing Corporation
  • Voice of the Tabernacle Multi Service Center
  • Whittier Street Health Center Committee

The grantee cohort includes organizations specializing in aging, community development, housing, the faith community, and immigrant advancement. Proposed programs include Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation’s on-site, in-person wellness series educating residents about health risks and prevention;  the Tzu Chi Foundation’s Home Buddy Project for homebound, Chinese-speaking elders; the Nigerian American Multi-Service Association’s “eating together is healing together” community meal series; and Urban Edge’s digital literacy program teaching older adults to use computers and the internet.

Age Strong convened a diverse group to review the grants from various sectors including the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement, Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities, Mayor’s Office of Veterans’ Services, Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, higher education, long-term care providers, and Boston’s older adult residents. In order to evaluate the impact of the grants, Age Strong has partnered with UMass Boston’s Gerontology Institute to facilitate all grantee data collection and program metrics.

Vertex 製藥今日啟用第二棟大樓 波士頓海港區成麻州第二大生醫重鎮

Vertex董事會主席Jeff Leiden (右)和現任執行長Reshma Kewalramani。 (周菊子攝)
          (Boston Orange 編譯) 製藥業鉅子之一Vertex,今 (17)日慶祝位於Ray Flynn工業園,在Tide6號的4層樓高,佔地267千平方呎新辦公大樓開張。

這個新辦公大樓和Vertex座落在扇碼頭 (Fan Pier)的總部距離,僅約一里之遙。

麻州州長Charlie Baker身體有恙,副州長白莉朵 (Karen Polito) 代表出席致賀。(周菊子攝)
Vertex還宣佈計畫,要在對街的Drydock大道22號上,佔用7層樓高,344千平方呎的大樓,並且命名為Jeff Leiden細胞及基因療法中心。Vertex公司內部,把由Related Beal Kavanagh顧問集團所發展的這2棟樓稱為Leiden 1,以及Leiden 2

Vertex也宣佈了將在未來5年內投資5000萬元,致力促進醫療平等,包括改善一型糖尿病臨床試驗的多元化,加強麻州總醫院 (MGH)的鐮狀細胞性貧血症 (sickle-cell disease)治療,擴大該公司與非牟利機構Year Up的人力培訓,以幫助年輕人為踏進生命科學界工作做準備。這些經費將來自於Vertex2017年設立的5億元慈善基金。

愛國者球隊老闆,麻州的億萬富豪Robert Kenneth Kraft (左)也來恭喜 Jeff Leiden。 
這是Vertex當年執行長,現任董事會主席的Jeff Leiden八年前野心勃勃,為將來擴張做的準備。如今Vertex的前沿細胞及基因療法距離商業化銷售不遠,還打算擴大生產及研究園區,這些發展都和Jeff Leiden當年的野心相符。



這是Vertex的新大樓,剛命名為Jeff Leiden細胞及基因療法中心。(周菊子攝)
Leiden希望第二座樓在2025年時能夠啟用。不過那時候他可能已經離開Vertex了。當Reshma Kewalramani2020年接任執行長一職時,Leiden原本預定劉認為執行主席知道2023年,現在他同意繼續留任至2024年春,在投資者關係和政府事務上協助Kewalramani處理波士頓新園區。


約有一、二百人出席了命名儀式。 (周菊子攝)
麻州州長查理貝克   (Charlie Baker)原定出席這宣佈大樓新名稱儀式,但臨時身體有恙,由副州長代表出席。

在儀式中,Jeff Leiden感謝麻州長查理貝克,副州長白莉朵,前任波士頓市長馬丁華殊,現任市長吳弭,以及波士頓市不分區市議員Michael Flaherty等人這些年來給予的協助。 (更新版)


             (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市公校系統計畫在6月底現任總監離職時,聘得繼任者,目前已知有31人申請。


             熟悉波士頓公校總監搜尋歷史的人指出,波士頓市在覓得卡蘿強森 (Carol Johnson),張欽棠 (Tommy Chang)出任公校總監時,都花了大約2年時間,2019年聘用現任公校總監Brenda Cassellius,也花了大約10個月。

             波士頓市長吳弭和學校委員會主席Jeri Robinson今年2月時突然宣佈Brenda Cassellius 將於6月底離職,以至於波士頓公校要在五個月內找一名新總監接任,搜尋時間的確短了些。

             波士頓公校總監搜尋委員會的共同主席,也是邦克丘社區學院校長余慕潔 (Pam Eddinger)表示,她對有這麼多人申請感到滿意,她相信他們會找到一名可以確保波士頓學校學生學業優異的新總監。


             有學生49千人的波士頓公校是麻州內最大的公校系統,近來不斷出現狀況,有些學校老師和家長甚至揣測,在波士頓公校學生考試成績不佳,校長及校區行政人員流動率高,特殊教育營運長期不佳,也未能遵循聯邦政府法令為英語不流利學生提供適當項目,麻州教育局局長Jeffrey Riley是否是會試圖接管波士頓公校系統。


             當年波士頓市在搜尋新任公校總監時,Cassellius那一屆有39人申請,其中一半為黑人、拉丁裔及亞裔,有三分之一當過學校總監。2015年挑選了張欽棠出任公校總監時,有75人申請該職位。不過那次的搜選很特別,因為時任波士頓市長的馬丁華殊 (Martin Walsh)原本打算2014年初就聘用新總監,但是那一年,因為只有26人申請,而且其中只有5名申請者是有色人種,申請搜尋委員會在顧問忠告下,暫停了搜尋動作。

City of Boston Funding update



The Funding Update

National Endowment for the Humanities

Digital Projects for the Public, 6/8/2022
Digital Humanities Advancement Grants, 6/24/2022
Fellowships Open Book Program, 7/15/2022

Treasury Department, 6/16/2022
The Low Income Taxpayer Clinic program focus is on representation, education, and advocacy. Average award $100,000.

National Institutes of Health, through 3/21/2025
The goal of the Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Development Program is to advance science, including treatments and interventions that are intended to be more efficient, better tailored to individuals, or more readily transported to the community.
R34 Planning grants will support Stage I behavioral and integrative intervention research on substance abuse. Max award: $450,000 over 3 years. 
R01 Research grants will support Stages II and III. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project, over a maximum of 5 years.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Briefing, 5/17/2022 at 2PM Eastern
Senior Administration officials will discuss the first six months of implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Learn more about recent program and funding announcements, and the actions the Administration is taking to spread the word about these opportunities.
RSVP here 


News for Applicants

In April 2022, the federal government will transition from the use of the DUNS Number to a new SAM.gov Unique Entity ID, which is required to apply for and receive federal awards. If you are registered in SAM.gov, you’ve already been assigned a new UEI.  FAQ 

Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov


Massachusetts Housing Partnership + Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency

The Massachusetts Homeowner Assistance Fund is available for homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of HAF is to prevent foreclosures and displacements of eligible homeowners. 
MA Office of Travel and Tourism, 5/20/2022
Seeking proposals from experienced Massachusetts marketing agencies in public relations, marketing strategy, social media, graphic design, and advertising support services for a marketing campaign to promote Massachusetts to tourists and travelers.

Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office, 5/24/2022
The Community Reinvestment Grant ($10,000) will support nonprofit programming designed to prevent youth violence or substance use disorder or substance use treatment in Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop.  

New This Week

Office of the State Treasurer and Receiver General, 5/31/2022
A Request for Information is issued to elicit the advice and best analysis of knowledgeable persons and entities in the vendor community to enable the State Treasury, the State Lottery Commission and the state School Building Authority to inform the development of a possible RFR or RFQ for a Disparity Study.

MassDevelopment, 6/3/2022
Grants support innovation centers, incubators, makerspaces, artists’ spaces, collaborative kitchens, and co-working spaces to accelerate the pace of new business formation, job formation, and entrepreneurial activity in communities. Awards range from $15,000 to $100,000.
Please note that municipal support letters are not required for this grant application.

Supplier Diversity Office, Open through 9/9/2022
SDO is seeking information on organizations providing resources such as  educational, technical assistance, and financing assistance to small and diverse businesses for inclusion on its resource webpage.

Cannabis Control Commission, Open through 2/24/2023
Seeks to contract with Vendor/s that would provide support services such as event planning and implementation; multimedia and other content development; support to and organization of virtual and in-person conferences, job fairs, clinics, organizing, and hosting focus groups; specialized outreach to non-English-speaking communities and various affinity groups; financial administration of local advertisement payments; and other outreach activities.

Department of Mental Health, Open through 6/30/2025
DMH seeks to include, on a Master Agreement, the services of various accredited (ordained) individuals of different faiths to provide religious services on an as-needed basis. Services will include worship ceremonies, memorial services, funerals, burials and conferring with clients to fulfill their religious 
and spiritual needs. Fee-for-service contracts.

Department of Public Health, Open through 6/30/2027
DPH seeks organizations and individuals to provide specialized training services for health, healthcare or safety training for departmental staff, service provider staff, or others. Service engagements are limited to $50,000 per project. (RFR232727, top of list of Attachments.)

Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.


Office of Civic Organizing, 6/10/2022
Love Your Block mini-grants fund projects that bring community groups together to improve their neighborhoods. The max award of $3,500 comes with additional city services. 

Arts and Culture, 5/27/2022

Boston-based artists are invited to apply to the PaintBox Program, to paint utility boxes located in neighborhoods across the city. This opportunity is open to all artists at least 18 years of age, with a strong preference for artists who currently live, work, or organize in Boston. High interest in artists who are new to PaintBox. Budget: $200 advance, $300 upon completion; $500 total. 

New This Week

Boston Housing Authority, 5/20/2022
Requesting Proposals for Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Services on an as-needed basis to advise and assist the BHA with respect to various financing transactions including bonds, capital leases, and loans.

Office of Workforce Development, 5/31/2022
Looking to make money this summer? Want to get a jumpstart on your college education, or just give it a try? The Summer Learn & Earn Program is a unique opportunity for rising high school juniors and seniors in Boston to earn money while taking college-level courses. Benefits:
- Take a FREE college course
- Earn $200/week (for 6 or 8 weeks)
- Earn 3-6 college credits
- Learn remotely (for most classes)
- Meet with an academic coach
- Get college readiness support
Apply here 

Treasury Department, 5/31/2022
Small Grants are provided for 1) Charitable and humane purposes; 2) Summer field trips for children to nature areas; 3) Special or new recreation for Bostonians; 4) Recreational areas for children; 5) To adorn and embellish Boston's streets and public spaces. Grants range from $500 to $2,000. Applicants must be nonprofits or community organizations partnering with 501c3 fiscal agents or the City of Boston.

Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.


Roddenberry Foundation, 5/27/2022
Up to 20 applicants working in one of five issue areas will be selected as 2023 Roddenberry Fellows: 1) Civil Rights; 2) Environmental Protection; 3) Immigrant & Refugee Rights; 4) LGBTQIA & Women’s Rights; 5) Health & Wellness. Fellows will be awarded $50,000 and access to a community of like-minded peers who are collectively working to reimagine a fairer, more inclusive country.

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, 6/7/2022
The following types of grants are currently being offered: Community Vitality; Thriving Women; Flicker Fund; and Land, Water, and Climate. Grants will range from $500 to $50,000.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, 7/14/2022
The New England Forests and Rivers Fund is dedicated to restoring and sustaining healthy forests and rivers that provide habitat for diverse native fish and wildlife populations in the six New England states. Awards range from $50,000 to $500,000. 

Kendal Charitable Funds, 6/10/2022
The Promising Innovations Gran will support organizations that address the issue of national workforce shortages that are straining the U.S. healthcare system.Max award: $50,000 over 2 years.

Vilcek Foundation, 6/10/2022
Prizes for Creative Promise ($50,000) are awarded in Biomedical Science and Music.

Saucony Run For Good Foundation, 6/15/2022
Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to community nonprofit organizations that initiate and support running programs to combat childhood obesity.

Black Ambition Prize, 6/20/2022
Eligible applicants consist of Black and Latinx innovators building early-stage ventures across five distinct categories: 1) Consumer Products and Services; 2) Healthcare; 3) Media and Entertainment; 4) Technology; 5) Web 3.0. Eligible ventures will compete for awards between $25,000 and $1M. Multiple semi-finalists will be selected, with one grand prize winner receiving $1M. 

Gold Futures Challenge, 6/30/2022
The Challenge will award ten prizes ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 to Asian American and Pacific Islander organizations for projects that ensure that AAPI communities are seen, heard, empowered, and united.

Classics for Kids Foundation, 6/30/2022
Matching grants are available to K-12 schools and nonprofits that serve at-risk and rural youth throughout the United States to help purchase stringed instruments.

Sharon Gewirtz Kids to Concerts Fund, 6/30/2022
Small grants (up to $500) support nonprofit music programs that provide the opportunity for children and youth to attend live performances of classical music and related programming.

Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines.


What Is Donor Stewardship?

Courtesy of funraise

A few common examples:
- Targeted donation follow-up emails
- Handwritten gift acknowledgment letters
- Personal thank-you phone calls
- Exclusive donor appreciation events
- Donor anniversary messages
- Holiday greetings
- Behind-the-scenes facility tours
- Newsletters depicting recent success stories

Fundraising Templates, and More
Courtesy of Network for Good

Their team of nonprofit experts curated a series of fundraising templates to help you succeed in your campaigns: detailed checklists, planning guides, and more for events, Giving Tuesday, and all communication needs.

Daily Updates from the City of Boston
News, Resources, Applications, Permits, Events and more

星期一, 5月 16, 2022

大波士頓商會訂5/17舉行年會 麻州長查理貝克獲選為傑出波士頓人

Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Announces 2022 Annual Meeting &

Inductees into the Academy of Distinguished Bostonians


The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce will host its Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Chamber’s Annual Meeting, the region’s preeminent business event, will convene at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center with the theme, “Essential Business Leadership, Now.”  


“The leadership and bold action of the business community is essential to the vibrant future of Greater Boston and the Commonwealth. Despite the challenges presented during recent years, business leaders and the workforce continue to drive innovation and success. Every business – large and small - continues to lead us forward and keep Massachusetts competitive,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. “And, the Distinguished Bostonians that we recognize at this year’s Annual Meeting reflect and embody essential business leadership – their vision and commitment to our collective, equitable future is incredible.”


The Annual Meeting will also include the induction of illustrious members of the business community into the Academy of Distinguished Bostonians. Our 2022 Distinguished Bostonians are Governor Charlie Baker, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dr. Paula A. Johnson, President, Wellesley College, Dr. Thomas P. Glynn, Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School and Former CEO, Massachusetts Port Authority, and Dr. Vanessa Calderón-Rosado, CEO, Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA). These Distinguished Bostonians are dedicated to the future of our region – the businesses, the communities, and the workforce. These honorees join an exemplary group of Academy members, including business leaders, philanthropists, elected officials, dignitaries, and sports greats - all with local and international acclaim.


During the Annual Meeting, the Chamber will celebrate and applaud the extensive leadership of Micho F. Spring, the Chair of the Board of Directors and Chief Reputation Officer, Weber Shandwick, who served her term from 2020 and will conclude July 1, 2022. The new, incoming Chair of the Board of Directors, Ronald O’Hanley, Chairman and CEO of State Street, will begin his term on July 1, 2022. The Chamber Vice Chairs of the Board include Corey Thomas, Chairman and CEO, Rapid7, Dr. Anne Klibanski, President and CEO, Mass General Brigham, David Foss, Managing Partner, Northeast PwC, Jerry Sargent, President, Citizens Bank, and Pallavi Verma, Senior Managing Director, Accenture.


The Greater Boston Chamber’s 2022 Annual Meeting Host Committee is co-chaired by Yvonne Garcia, Chief of Staff to Chairman & CEO, Global Head, State Street, and Gary Coombe, CEO – Grooming, of P&G Gillette. The Annual Meeting is the Chamber’s signature convening for the region, and one of the largest gatherings of the Greater Boston business community, attracting more than 2,000 business, government, and civic leaders whether virtual or in person. Information to purchase tickets and a list of past honorees are available online


GBH慶祝亞裔傳統月 探討華埠未來命運

GBH電視部總經理程必璧 (左起),僑領陳秀英,GBH董事李保華。 (周菊子攝)
             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) GBH公共電視台今年以「近似鄰里 (affinity neighborhoods) 」為主題,於512日在現場及網路上同步慶祝亞美傳統月。一整個5月份,公視也安排放映十餘部關於亞裔的影片。

              在奧斯頓 (Allston) GBH總部舉行的這場慶祝亞美傳統月活動,由李超榮等10人籌畫,GBH電視部總經理程必璧主持。

程必璧 (左起)主持座談,「三華埠傳奇」顧問梁聯星和導演 Penny Lee,製片Lisa Mao。
              活動分三個環節,放映「三華埠傳奇 (A Tale of Three Chinatowns) 」片段,邀該片導演及製片Lisa MaoPenny Lee,以及麻州大學波士頓分校哲學系副教授梁聯星 (Andrew Leong)在程必璧的主持中座談;由波士頓亞裔社區基金主任Danielle Kim 主持,柬埔寨互助協會主任Sothea Chiemruom,波士頓小西貢董事會董事長Annie Le,亞美社區發展協會 (ACDC)主任劉安琪座談。

              Lisa MaoPenny Lee感慨談論波士頓、芝加哥、華府這3個地區的華埠消長,以及全美各地華埠同樣面對著都市化與貴族化 (gentrification)的威脅。


李超榮頒獎表揚GBH執行長Jon Abbott 。 (周菊子攝)
              Danielle Kim主持的座談,從波霸奶茶店,融合式 (Fusion)餐廳在華埠街頭浮現為引,討論未來華埠會是什麼模樣,人們如何能夠在維繫文化、歷史傳統之際,又接納新興趨勢。劉安琪認為人們要注意的有2方面,一是如何維持店面租金的可負擔程度,以期小商家可以長期經營;一是社區如何支援小企業的生存。



Danielle Kim主持座談,柬埔寨互助協會主任Sothea Chiemruom,波士頓小西貢
Annie Le,亞美社區發展協會 (ACDC)主任劉安琪與談。 (周菊子攝)

517日晚10點,在GBH2號頻道上放映的「美國大師」系列,描繪好萊塢動畫片大師,1942年就擔任「小鹿斑比」領銜動畫師的黃齊耀 (Tyrus Wong)

519日晚8點,在GBH世界台放映「重構美國華埠崛起 (America ReFramed: Chinatown Rising)」。


GBH亞裔傳統月慶祝活動由10人委員會籌辦。 (周菊子攝)

524日晚9點,在GBH2號頻道的「美國經驗」系列,放映「金門瘟疫 (Plague at the Golden Gate)」。

526日晚8點,在GBH世界台的「重構美國」系列,放映「親屬關係地理 (Geographies of Kinship)」。

531日晚9點,在GBH2號頻道的「站起來反對仇恨亞裔:遊行中的一天 (Rising Against Asian Hate: One Day in March)」。

根據GBH網站,該機構有30名董事,其中Brian H. Chu,以及李保華 (Paul Lee) 為僅有的2名華裔。該機構的顧問委員會有成員51人,從姓名看有6名華裔,包括陳潔瀅,Cecilia Chao,陳禹祥 (Francis Chin) Ingrid Chung 龔南葳 (Nan-Wei Gong),以及Geoffrey Why