
星期四, 11月 04, 2021

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Over $1.4 Million to Support Local Land Use Planning

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Over $1.4 Million to Support Local Land Use Planning

BOSTON - The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $1,452,098 in grant funding for 35 projects from the Planning Assistance Grant Program. The program, which is funded through spending authorized in the Environmental Bond Bill, is part of an effort to encourage municipalities to implement land use regulations that are consistent with the Baker-Polito Administration’s land conservation and development objectives. These objectives include the reduction of land, energy, and natural resource consumption; the creation of sufficient and diverse housing, and the mitigation of and preparation for climate change. The program is also part of the technical assistance offered to communities in support of the Baker-Polito Administration’s Housing Choice Initiative.

“Working with municipalities across the Commonwealth is critical for us to achieve important objectives, such as building more housing, better protecting natural resources, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which will greatly improve local communities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These important grants will enable updated zoning and better planning, ensuring the public will receive both immediate and long-term benefits.”  

“We are very pleased to be able to help municipalities update local regulations so that they can better achieve their housing, economic development, natural resource protection, and other goals,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “The grants represent exactly the sort of partnership between state and local governments that our Administration has worked to encourage.”

The grants are awarded to the Commonwealth’s municipalities and Regional Planning Agencies acting on their behalf to support their efforts to plan, regulate, and act to conserve and develop land consistent with the Massachusetts’ Sustainable Development Principles.

“Under the leadership of Gov. Baker and Lt. Gov. Polito we are helping communities update and enhance their zoning, subdivision, and other land use regulations so that they can grow in ways that reduce land, natural resource, and energy consumption, said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “Projects we are funding today will help address climate change and make the Commonwealth more resilient, to the benefit for future generations.”

The following are 2022 grant recipients:


Municipality (ies)

Project Name

Grant Award



Plan for Smart Redevelopment with the Sewering of Avon Industrial Park

$       40,000



Update & Consolidate Design, Infrastructure, & Historic District Guidelines

$       37,500



Incorporate Climate Resilience into Belchertown's Master Plan

$       47,430



Downtown Zoning Amendments & Design Guidelines

$       39,500

Cape Cod Commission

Cape Cod Region

Land Use Planning for Economic Resilience

$     144,043



Climate Action Regulatory Audit & Action Plan

$       30,000



Completion of an Open Space and Recreation Plan

$          9,900

Central MA Regional Planning Commission


Completion of an Open Space and Recreation Plan

$       13,932

Central MA Regional Planning Commission


Master Plan Phase III - Transportation, Circulation, Public Services, & Facilities

 $       45,000

Central MA Regional Planning Commission


Master Plan Phase II - Transportation, Facilities & Services, Natural & Cultural Resources, & Open Space and Recreation Elements

$       45,000

Central MA Regional Planning Commission

Central MA Region

Regional Housing & Infrastructure Plan - Phase I

$       70,000

Central MA Regional Planning Commission


Transportation & Natural and Cultural Resources Elements of the Master Plan

$       26,782



Natural Resource Protection and Tree Preservation Bylaws

$          7,500



40R Zoning & Design Standards

$       45,000



Completion of an Open Space and Recreation Plan

$       32,500



Franklin Center Rezoning for Economic Growth & Diverse Housing

$       45,000



Ayer Road Commercial District Vision Plan

$       45,000



Dock planning, Trail Design, EV Station Mapping, Bike Route Mapping

$       45,500



Climate Action Plan Phases II and III

$       50,000

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Malden, Medford, Melrose

"Building Resilience, Efficiency, and Affordability Project"

$     113,211

Montachusett Regional Planning Commission


Master Plan - Natural & Cultural Resources, Services & Facilities, Circulation, & Economic Development

$       45,000

Montachusett Regional Planning Commission


Solar Bylaw

$       30,000

Montachusett Regional Planning Commission


Climate Vulnerability Assessment & Plan

$       45,000

Montachusett Regional Planning Commission


Completion of an Open Space and Recreation Plan

$       28,000



Comprehenbsive Plan - Visioning & Scenario Planning

$       33,000

Merrimack Valley Planning Commission

Andover, Boxford, Georgetown, and North Andover

Enhanced land use regulations to mitigate climate change in 4 communities

$       68,000



Southwood State Hospital Site Re-Use Analysis & Zoning Recommendations

$       42,500



Zoning Update to Incorporate Climate Resilience & Regeneration Plan

$       45,000



Completion of an Open Space and Recreation Plan

$       30,000



Climate Resilience Plan

$       11,000



Revitalization of the Route 9 Corridor

$       45,000



Natural Resource Protection Zoning Bylaw

$       20,000



Commercial/Residential Mixed Use Bylaw

$       48,300



Eiseman's Beach Design Project

$       15,000



Downtown Rezoning - Illustrations

$       13,500


The administration’s Housing Choice Initiative, which was announced in December 2017, is a package of technical assistance for communities, the Housing Choice Communities (HCC) designation, new capital grant funding, and pending legislation, An Act to Promote Housing Choices. This initiative, and its goal to produce 135,000 new units of housing by 2025, complements the investments made by the Department of Housing and Community Development in affordable housing production across the state, and supports local government actions to meet the demands of a growing and aging population in Massachusetts.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC Applauds the Confirmation of Robert Santos for Director of the U.S. Census Bureau

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC Applauds the Confirmation of Robert Santos for Director of the U.S. Census Bureau 

Robert Santos becomes the U.S. Census Bureau’s first Senate-confirmed Director of color  

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the Senate confirmed Robert Santos on a bipartisan basis to serve as the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau at the Department of Commerce.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC, a national Asian American policy advocacy organization, issues the following statement: 

“Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC celebrates the Senate’s confirmation of Robert Santos as the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau at the Department of Commerce. We congratulate Santos as he becomes the first person of color to serve in this position. 

His confirmation is particularly significant as his areas of specialization include working with undocumented immigrant populations and disadvantaged communities. Having worked with these communities, Santos understands the issues facing communities of color and immigrant populations and will use that knowledge to work effectively with our communities to get an accurate and fair count of traditionally hard to reach segments of our population. Furthermore, Santos has engaged with a diverse range of policy work, which spans from education and health to immigration and elections.  

Communities across the country, especially the most marginalized, depend on fair and accurate Decennial Census data, which determine the distribution of federal funds and resources, the American Community Survey, and other data products. With over 40 years of experience as a statistician, Santos has dedicated his career toward building expertise in quantitative and qualitative research design, statistical analysis, sampling, and survey operations. As the 116th President of the American Statistical Association and the Vice President and Chief Methodologist at the Urban Institute, Santos engaged directly with the intersections of data, statistics, and advocacy —a set of knowledge that makes him more than qualified to serve as the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau. 

We look forward to working with Santos, especially as redistricting data has been released, and other important data products are forthcoming. With his extensive expertise in mind, Advancing Justice – AAJC is confident that he is the right person to lead the federal government’s largest statistical agency.” 

Mayor-Elect Michelle Wu Launches Transition Website

Mayor-Elect Michelle Wu Launches Transition Website

Boston, MA, November 4, 2021 — Mayor-elect Michelle Wu today announced the launch of her official transition website, www.AllAboardBoston.com, reflecting the inclusivity and momentum of her history-making victory in Tuesday’s Mayoral election. Visitors to the new website will find information about the transition, along with links to provide feedback on key issues and apply for roles within the Wu Administration. 

“Our focus throughout this transition and my administration will be to connect every person in Boston to the work of shaping our future. We need unprecedented collaboration and activism to take on our biggest challenges. That starts with building a team that represents all of Boston’s diversity, reflects the expertise in our communities, and moves with the urgency facing our families,” said Mayor-elect Wu. “AllAboardBoston.com is one of the first steps in that effort — for all of Boston to get involved, and for anyone interested in joining our administration to apply to be part of making that vision a reality. I am so grateful for the trust that the people of Boston have placed in me to be our next Mayor, and I’m so excited to continue the work of making Boston a city for everyone.”

“We encourage everyone to check out AllAboardBoston.com,” said Dr. Mariel Novas, Transition Director for Mayor-elect Wu. “There are so many incredibly talented people in our community, and we are focused on building a team in City Hall that represents everyone and is ready to hit the ground running, to deliver the core city services our residents count on every day and start tackling Boston’s biggest challenges with the boldness and vision that this moment demands.” 

After running a campaign rooted in inclusivity, vision, and experience, Michelle Wu swept to victory in Tuesday’s Mayoral election, making history as the first woman and first person of color to be elected Mayor of Boston. 

In addition to applying through the website, people interested in roles in the Wu Administration can also express interest by emailing jobs@allaboardboston.com.

麻州眾議員黃子安宣佈競選連任 麻州長Charlie Baker助陣 (圖片)

黃子安(Donald Wong)宣佈競選連任辦籌款會,
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)親自出席助陣。(周菊子攝)

黃子安(Donald Wong,中)宣佈競選連任,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie
Baker,右),麻州眾議會少數黨領袖 Bradley Jones Jr.出席助陣。


星期三, 11月 03, 2021

波士頓代市長和候任市長選後晤面談交接 詳細內容,嗯,還不能說

波士頓候任市長吳弭(Michele Wu)和代理市長 Kim Janey 續談交接事宜。(周菊子攝)
                        (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 選舉落幕,波士頓市政府開始籌備交接。剛當選下任市長的吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 和代理事長Kim Janey113日中午晤面,進一步談交接。會後接受媒體提問,但交接細節卻暫時無可奉告。

                                    在正常情況下,新任市長在11月大選結束後,有一個多月的時間來籌備交接。但波士頓前市長馬丁華殊 (Martin Walsh) 今年3月去華府當美國勞工部部長了,依照波士頓市憲章,新的民選市長一出爐,選票經過認證後,代理市長就下台。波士頓市在位時間最長的市長萬寧路 (Tom Menino) 1993年時也是這樣,只不過,當年他自己是代理市長,基本上可說不需要交接,但吳弭是112日當選,1116日就要從代理市長手中接管這共有18,000員工,77個部門,至少16名閣員首長,年度營運預算11900萬元的政府,要在2星期之內,完成所有佈署,幾乎是不可能的任務。

波士頓代市長Kim Janey(左)聽到她是波士頓市第一位有色市長的問題,很是高興。
                                        113日,吳弭一早在洛士百利 (Roxbury) Underground Café用早餐,和一些記者閒談,直言雖然現在已經是2021年,有色人種和女性仍然面對障礙,是有點讓人驚訝。她還記得8年前剛進市議會時,只有她和Ayanna Pressley 2人是女性,經過4次選舉後,現在的市議會已經差不多可以反映社區結構了。


                                早餐後,她出席了她的最後一次市議會會議。所有的市議員都恭喜她當選,但參選市長落敗的波士頓市不分區市議員Annissa Essaibi George也在,整個會場並沒有那麼歡欣的氣氛。

                                113日下午,吳弭和波士頓代市長Kim Janey晤談,聯袂會見記者見面,晚上再雙雙出席波士頓學校委員會網上會議。Kim Janey和吳弭在記者會上互換恭喜及讚揚話語。吳弭在2日晚的勝選致詞中也點名表示,Kim Janey是她永遠的姊妹,倆人會一起繼續為社區服務。不過在回覆本刊的Kim Janey是否會加入吳弭政府這提問時,Kim Janey辦公室表示,選舉過後,Kim Janey將稍事休息,12月回任市議員,明年有什麼計畫還沒公佈。

                                    在波士頓前市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)離任後,富比世(Forbes)雜誌4月時發表了一篇文章,解釋為什麼波士頓有麻煩,因為市府員工有8451人年薪超過10萬元,花掉納稅人12億元。

                                    波士頓市的人事薪資是其中一個重點。市長馬丁華殊的薪資高達199千元,比全美50州中的48州州長都高。馬丁華殊辦公室有員工68人,也比麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)60人多。不過也有其他文章稱馬丁華殊辦公室只有58名員工。代理市長Kim Janey就任後,市長辦公室人事大變動,但人數及薪資不相上下。市長辦公室的薪資總額高達520萬元。


                                    其他的高額人事花費,包括波士頓公校總監Brenda Cassellius年薪31萬餘元,比美國教育部長Miguel Cardona的年薪19萬餘元高多了。麻州各學校系統的公校總監平均在15萬到23萬元之間。


                                消防局新任局長John Dempsey年薪284700元。2名副局長Michael Hocking Michael Doherty的年薪更高,33萬及31萬元。消防局員工有1000人年薪超過15萬元。

                            這篇文章稱波士頓市是世界上經濟力量最強的前30個城市,既是科學中心,創新中心,高等教育也備受重視。但是波士頓市議會在去年面對6500萬元預算赤字之際,仍然投票通過新年度要花11900萬元。由於美國援救法(American Rescue Act)預定要撥給波士頓市43400萬元,這似乎已不是大問題。至少2022年沒問題。 (更新版)



The annual Boston Veterans Day Parade will take place on Saturday, November 6



BOSTON - Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced that the annual Boston Veterans Day Parade, held by the American Legion and the City of Boston Office of Veterans’ Services, will take place on Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. In previous years, the parade has been held on the Veterans Day holiday, November 11. The traditional ceremonies that the City of Boston Office of Veterans’ Services supports will still take place on November 11 and throughout the entire month of November, but the parade will take place on November 6 to kick off Veterans Month.

“Veterans Day is an opportunity to honor the service and sacrifice of veterans, their families, and those who continue to serve,” said Mayor Janey. “This year, the Veterans Day Parade will take place on November 6, to kickstart Veterans Month. I encourage Boston residents and visitors to view the event from the Boston Common and pay respect to those who have bravely and selfishly fought to protect us and our values.” 

The parade begins at 12:00 p.m. at the corner of Charles Street and Boylston Street (Boston Common), and then marches to Government Center. It will proceed down Boylston St. to Tremont St., then on Tremont St. to Government Center. Residents are encouraged to view the parade from Boston Common. 

This is a new parade designed to honor the service and sacrifice of veterans and their families, as well as thank all who continue to serve. Units will include the Danvers Falcons Marching Band, various Color Guards, VFW and American Legion Posts, and a Duck Boat with local veterans onboard to include World War II veterans.

Deputy Commissioner of Veterans Services Bryan Bishop, longtime curator and planner for the South Boston and Somerville Parades, is the co-lead and visionary for the Boston Veterans Parade. “We’ve tried to reimagine what this parade can be,” said Bishop. “It takes a couple years to build up a spectacle as big as the South Boston parade, but with these fresh ideas and new opportunities, this year will be a springboard into a new time honored tradition in the City of Boston.”

James Sinatra, co-lead from American Legion’s Suffolk County District Seven, echoes those sentiments and sees an even bigger impact this parade can have in the years to follow. “The Office of Veterans Services and the American Legion see an extremely unique opportunity upon the completion of the City Hall Plaza,” said Sinatra. “Just looking at the present here in 2021 though, it is a great thing to be back to honor and celebrate our veteran community on November 6th.”

Additional information about the event can be found here: www.boston.gov/calendar/2021-boston-veterans-parade.

曾御宸當選為麥德福市首名亞裔市議員 梁秀婷順利連任昆市不分區市議員


曾御宸(Justin Tseng)當選為麥德福市首名亞裔,華裔
             (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 選舉就是有得有失。對華人社區來說,麻州今年的市級選舉,既有波士頓市締造歷史,選出一名華裔女市長吳弭(Michelle Wu),也有麥德福市曾御宸(Justin Tseng)當選並成為該市首名華裔市議員,昆士市則有梁秀婷(Nina Liang)順利連任不分區市議員,令人振奮。

              讓人略感遺憾的是,第二度參選牛頓市市長的馬惠美(Amy Mah Sangiolo),儘管初選告捷,大選時卻與既有雄厚競選經費,又有在位優勢的的現任市長Ruthanne Fuller,相差1508票,再次飲恨。

              麥德福市(Medofrd)是個人口不到6萬,亞裔近6000,約10%,華裔2,585,約占總人口4.5%的小城市。曾就讀勒星頓中文學校,畢業於哈佛大學的曾御宸(Justin Tseng),首度參選,就以排位第四的5978票,當選為麥德福市7名市議員之一,也成為該市1892年立市以來的首名華裔市議員。


              梁秀婷在2015年,僅27歲時,首度當選昆士市不分區市議員,並連任迄今,期間還當上昆市市議會議長。今年她再度競選連任,和另外2名不分區市議員Anne Mahoney,以及Noel Dibona,依序以27.7%28.5%,以及31.9%的得票率順利連任。

              昆士市的學校委員會3名委員席位有Doug GutroEmily Lebo 2人,依序以17%19.7% 順利連任,Tina Cahill則以18.5%的得票率打敗在位的Perdios,成為新任學校委員。

Governor Baker Nominates Stephen W. McClenon as Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court

 Governor Baker Nominates Stephen W. McClenon as Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court


BOSTON — Today, Governor Charlie Baker nominated Stephen W. McClenon as Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court. Attorney McClenon has over 25 years of legal experience.


"Attorney McClenon possesses decades of experience at trial both as a defense attorney and as a prosecutor,​" said Governor Charlie Baker. "I am pleased to submit this qualified candidate to the Governor's Council for their advice and consent."


“Throughout his career, Attorney McClenon has shown a deep commitment to criminal justice," said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.​ "If confirmed by the Governor's Council, I am confident that he will continue to serve the Commonwealth well as an Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court."


The Boston Municipal Court Department has 30 judges serving the City of Boston in 8 court divisions located in Brighton, Central (downtown), Charlestown, Dorchester, East Boston, Roxbury, South Boston, and West Roxbury. Besides both criminal and civil cases, the Boston Municipal Court Department also has jurisdiction to review some government agency actions, such as unemployment compensation appeals and firearms license appeals.


For more information about the Boston Municipal Court, please visit their homepage.


Judicial nominations are subject to the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council. Applicants for judicial openings are reviewed by the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and recommended to the governor. Governor Baker established the JNC in February 2015 pursuant to Executive Order 558, a non-partisan, non-political Commission composed of volunteers from a cross-section of the Commonwealth's diverse population to screen judicial applications. Twenty-one members were later appointed to the JNC in April 2015.


About Stephen W. McClenon

Stephen W. McClenon began his legal career ​in 1993 when he joined the Office of the Middlesex County District Attorney as an Assistant District Attorney where he prosecuted misdemeanor and felony criminal offenses, developed and implemented trial strategy, prepared witnesses, recommended sample jury instructions, and conducted both bench and jury trials. In 1996, Attorney McClenon entered his own private practice, where he has practiced both criminal law and general civil law for more than 20 years. Prior to earning his law degree, Attorney McClenon worked as an environmental engineer at the Dow Chemical Company in Freeport, Texas. Attorney McClenon is a member of Middlesex Defense Attorneys, serving on the Board of Directors since 2010 and as its Vice President since 2017. Attorney McClenon received his Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Howard University in 1988 and received his Juris Doctorate from Boston College Law School in 1993.

波士頓市非正式選舉結果 選票一號問題通過 市議會將可參與決定市府預算