
星期五, 10月 22, 2021



Webinars and Trainings are Free and Open to the Public and the Media; Next Week’s Webinars Will Cover Combatting Hate in our Communities and Landlord-Tenant Rights


Tuesday, October 26, 2021


What:             AGO Convening on Addressing Hate in Our Communities Webinar


Who:               Attorney General Maura Healey

Staff from the Community Engagement Division and AG’s Office   

                        Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, Executive Director, Lawyers for Civil Rights

                        Tanisha Sullivan, President, NAACP Boston Branch

                        Bethany Li, Director, Greater Boston Legal Services’ Asian Outreach Unit

                        Robert Trestan, Regional Director, Anti-Defamation League


Details:           This webinar will convene community and civil rights leaders to discuss hate in our communities and what we can do to combat it.


When:             3:30 PM – 5:00 PM 


Where:           Members of the public can RSVP here.


Thursday, October 28, 2021


What:             Housing: Landlord and Tenant Duties Webinar


Who:               Marcony Almeida-Barros, Director, Community Engagement Division


Details:           This webinar will cover the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords, as well as resources available for resolving disputes.


When:             10:30 AM – 11:30 AM


Where:           Members of the public can RSVP here.


Baker-Polito Administration Advances Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Project

Everett - Governor Charlie Baker today announced that the Baker-Polito Administration has committed to completing the design, permitting and construction of the Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge. The bridge project, once constructed, will provide a connection from Draw Seven Park near the MBTA Assembly Station in the City of Somerville to the City of Everett next to the Encore Boston Harbor Resort, enhancing mobility and access for residents while linking communities within the Northern Strand and Mystic River trail network. The announcement was made by Governor Baker, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, Transportation Secretary Jamey Tesler, Gaming Commission Chair Cathy Judd Stein, and state and local officials in the Cities of Everett and Somerville.

“This long-awaited project will provide the residents of Everett, Somerville and surrounding communities with a safe and convenient way to walk or bike across the Mystic River,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Once built, the Mystic River bridge will re-connect these communities, enhance access to transportation and local businesses and link the long-distance trail network on the North Shore, delivering significant benefits to the entire region.” 

“The Mystic River bridge is an important connector to get bicyclists and pedestrians across the river,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We’re pleased to move forward with this project and are grateful for the local community groups, and the cities of Everett and Somerville, for their advocacy in support of this needed infrastructure.”

In 2009, the Department of Conservation and Recreation completed a feasibility study which found that a new bridge was the best option for a connection across the Mystic River due to its ability to provide a direct, safe route that would increase mobility, provide pedestrians and bicyclists access to transit and local businesses, and reconnect communities divided by highways, high speed roads, and water.  State officials estimate that approximately 2,300 pedestrians and more than 350 bicyclists will utilize the bridge on a daily basis. Formally proposed as a result of the study, the bridge will be approximately 12 feet wide, 785 feet long, and 35 feet high at the top of the structure, and will include lighting, signage, and benches along its entire length.

“By making sure this bridge gets built, the Baker-Polito Administration is delivering a mobility solution that prioritizes equity, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and enhances access to local businesses and services for residents in these Environmental Justice communities,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “The Mystic River bridge will provide a critical link for residents that makes public transit and recreational trails easier to access, building on the Administration’s investments in long-distance trail networks like the Northern Strand.”

“The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is pleased to be part of efforts to construct a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Mystic River which will increase the options for traveling between Everett and Somerville,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “Construction of this bridge supports the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to providing a safe and equitable transportation network to advance the Commonwealth’s transit, economic, climate and public health goals.”

Once completed, the bridge will also allow the Northern Strand shared use path, which travels from Lynn to the Mystic River, to realize its full potential. The 11.5 mile Northern Strand project, which the Baker-Polito Administration supported through a $15 million investment, provides a transportation and recreation corridor that connects the communities of Everett, Malden, Revere, Saugus, and Lynn. The bridge between Somerville and Everett will connect the Northern Strand to the Mystic River and Malden River trail networks, and deliver an equitable mobility solution to residents of surrounding communities. Four of the five communities along the Northern Strand are Gateway Cities, and all the communities, as well as Somerville, are Environmental Justice communities. Of the 111,000 people that live within one half mile of the Northern Strand, 96,000, or 86%, meet at least one Environmental Justice Criteria.

The announcement to advance and complete the project follows a commitment from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission in October 2021 to provide $650,000 to finish the design and permitting phase of the project. This phase of the project is expected to be completed in Summer 2022, with construction projected to begin in 2024 or sooner pending the permitting process. To pay for the approximately $35 million construction cost, the Administration will pursue opportunities for federal grant funding and is exploring several additional options to finance the project. Once completed, the bridge will be under the care and custody of DCR, which will maintain the structure and provide services such as snow and ice removal.

“On behalf of my fellow commissioners, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission is delighted to contribute to this exciting initiative through the MGC Community Mitigation Fund,” said Cathy Judd-Stein, Chair of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. “As envisioned by the Legislature and established under the Expanded Gaming Act, the Community Mitigation Fund provides support to communities and governmental entities in offsetting impacts related to casino gaming. The pedestrian and bicycle bridge will connect Encore Boston Harbor’s host community Everett to Somerville, enhancing economic opportunities, and link the T to a new and extensive network of bike paths, offering critical transportation alternatives to casino patrons and employees and Massachusetts residents.”

“Providing our residents and visitors with unique opportunities to get outdoors and live healthy active lifestyles is more important now than ever before,” said Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Jim Montgomery. “Creating critical trail connections by building the Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge is yet another example of the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to improving our trail system and forging community bonds.”

“This project provides a new, direct, safe, and comfortable connection for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling across the Mystic River between Everett and Assembly Station in Somerville,” said Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “The bridge stitches the growing 25-mile network Mystic River trail system and regional pedestrian and bicycle routes.  It will provide Everett residents direct access to the rapid MBTA station at Assembly Row, in turn, providing access to jobs and other key destinations without a car or multiple transit transfers. Thank you to the Baker Polito Administration as well as the Mass. Gaming Commission. When government works cohesively, we can and will accomplish the unthinkable.

"The Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge will be an important link in a larger network of regional pathways on both sides of the Mystic River,” said Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone. “Connecting the communities in the Mystic River basin is a step forward for transportation equity and for making sustainable, environmentally friendly transit options more accessible to residents in our region. I look forward to this project moving forward and opening up a new connection between Somerville and Everett."

The Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to build the project follows significant stakeholder engagement, including input and strong support for the project from local officials, legislators, community groups, and environmental and mobility advocacy groups. Public meetings were held in both Everett and Somerville in addition to six large stakeholder meetings focused on various aspects of the project. Additionally, the Administration held other public hearings associated with project permitting in each community.

全市人口只有67萬5? 波士頓市要挑戰人口統計局2020數據



BOSTON - Friday, October 22, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey yesterday sent a letter to the U.S. Census Bureau announcing the City of Boston’s intention to challenge the 2020 Census count. Based on research provided by the Boston Planning & Development Agency’s (BPDA) Research Division, the population count provided to Boston of 675,647 likely omits significant portions of Boston’s college and university student and foreign born populations, as well as individuals living in correctional facilities. 

“Every Boston resident deserves an accurate Census count. This is required by our Constitution and is critical for Boston to receive its fair share of federal funding to support our most vulnerable populations and elected representation at all levels,” said Mayor Janey. “An accurate census also ensures future planning accurately reflects the needs of our neighborhoods. We recognize the enormous challenges the Census Bureau faced conducting the 2020 Census during a pandemic, and we look forward to working together to obtain an accurate count for Boston.” 

In response to the evacuation of the majority of Boston’s college and university students in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Census Bureau instructed colleges and universities to report spring semester dorm populations to the Census count. However, analysis of data collected by the City shows an undercount of approximately 5,000 students.  

Additionally, analysis of records provided by the Suffolk County Department of Corrections show that approximately 500 individuals living in Boston’s correctional facilities on April 1, 2020 were omitted from Boston’s Census count. 

Boston also has concerns related to the Household Population Counts. In the 2010 Census, self response rates in all of Boston’s census tracts exceeded 50 percent. During the 2020 Census, 29 census tracts in Boston had a self response rate below 50 percent. The tracts with low response rates had either large shares of college and university students living off campus or large shares of foreign born residents. The drop in response rates was likely due to factors including the COVID-19 pandemic and distrust created by a potential citizenship question. 

The City of Boston will provide the necessary supporting documentation when formal guidelines for challenges are released by the U.S. Census Bureau. 

波士頓市提早投票 10/23-29 選務局提供多語選票問題說明



2021 年 11 月 2 日星期二,波士頓選民將收到一個關於擬議章憲章修正案提案(Proposed Charter Amendment)的投票問題。該信息郵件為您提供了具有約束力的問題的文本,該文本將出現在常規市政選舉的選票上。它還規定了擬議的修訂城市憲章語言(Amended City Charter language)的語言,它不會出現在您的選票上,但如果問題通過,它將成為城市憲章的一部分。


問題 1(約束性)

本市是否應該批准市議會, 提出下述的憲章修正案?



《波士頓市憲章》的擬議修正案, 將會從多方面改變波士頓市的預算程序。






問題1所涉及的城市憲章(City Charter)修正案的案文如下:

制定和批准市政預算。波士頓市(City of Boston)的市長和市議會應共同擁有預算權力,有權對全部或部分撥款令或撥款令中的項目進行修改,並根據 1936 年法案第224章2節(Acts of 1936, c. 224, s.2,)修改波士頓公立學校的預算, 由1986年法案第701章5節(Acts of 1986, c. 701, s. 5)修訂,並由1987年法案第613章2節【第75節】(by Acts of 1987, c. 613, s. 2 [section 75])進一步修訂,章程闡明預算程序並採取其他必要的行動來修改、批准或不批准本市的年度預算,但發出撥款令的權力除外,該權力應保留給市長。為進一步促進公眾參與和民主參與城市支出,在2024財年,波士頓市(City of Boston)應根據城市法令設立一個獨立的參與式預算辦公室(Office of Participatory Budgeting),並設有外部監督委員會,以創建和監督對所有波士頓居民開放的公平且具有約束力的決策過程,與G.L. c. 44, § 53一致。




波士頓亞美電影節開幕 李保華、梁聯星、駱理德談華埠環境變遷 (圖片)


Showcasing stories from around the world, these documentaries illuminate our reality from serious social issues to heart-warming familial traditions. Documentaries have the power to build and embolden the community, making their influence more important and significant in contributing to how we are RISING TOGETHER! 

You'll be sure to find a documentary that will inspire you! Our featured documentaries will premiere at the designated start time and are available until Sunday, October 24, 10:00PM ET or until tickets sell out! 

Scroll for more details!




Documentary Film
A Letter to A'ma
Premiering October 23, 3:00PM EST until October 24, 10:00PM EST
Directed by Hui-Ling Chen | Documentary | 105 mins | USA
Followed by Q&A with Filmmaker
*Both film and Q&A are in Chinese with English subtitles

An art teacher returns to her childhood home to mourn the passing of her grandmother. As she pieces together the fragmented memories of her youth she finds herself coming face-to-face with the problematic issue of her country’s fractured history. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]


Followed by Q&A with Director Hui-Ling Chen.
Moderated by Wing-Kai To.




Premiering October 23, 6:00PM until October 24, 10:00PM EST
Directed by Richard Lui | Documentary | 87 mins | USA 
Followed by Q&A with Filmmakers

When viewers say they cried, they say it was because of the uplifting hope of the courage and beauty the students share with us. As young as eleven years old, they are taking care of parents and grandparents who are battling sickness. We call them Care Heroes. And there are five million of them in America. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]




Premiering October 24, 5:00PM EST
Directed by Jeff Mizushima | ​Documentary | 81 mins | USA 
Followed by Q&A with Filmmakers

"Who Is Lun*na Menoh" follows the life and work of the extraordinary Japanese artist. From her early career in Japan to the underground music scene in Los Angeles - from fashion show runways featuring her sculptural designs to art galleries showing her fantastical work, Lun*na's edgy, witty and beautiful creations are explored. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]


Followed by Q&A with Lun*na Menoh & Director Jeff Mizushima.
Moderated by Anna Zeng.





BAAFF is a co-production of Asian American Resource Workshop and ArtsEmerson. 






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