
星期三, 9月 01, 2021




BOSTON- September 1, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey along with representatives from several city agencies today greeted college and university students moving into Boston, and helped ensure they have a smooth transition into their new homes. The City’s Inspectional Services, Transportation, Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services, Fire, Police and Public Works departments are conducting housing inspections (upon request), trash inspections, and distributing informational brochures in neighborhoods with large student populations.  Mayor Janey and other City officials conducted a walkthrough at 12:00pm beginning at 20 Linden St. in Allston and proceeded to Pratt and other neighboring streets.  

The Inspectional Services Department (ISD) have up to 50 inspectors canvassing areas heavily populated with students including:  Allston, Brighton, Fenway, Mission Hill, South Boston, Back Bay and the North End.  Inspectors will visit addresses with a history of violations, as well as units identified through random selection. They will conduct on-the-spot inspections upon request, and confirm that units are registered with the City of Boston in compliance with the City's Rental Units Ordinance, which requires that all private rental units are registered annually.   

“Boston is proudly home to colleges and universities that attract students from all over the world,” said Mayor Janey. “For those students living off campus in our city, we work to ensure they have safe housing, are informed about services the City provides and understand how to be good neighbors.”   

City officials would like to remind students to avoid used furniture, and to notify their landlord immediately in the event of a suspected infestation. The Code Enforcement Division of PWD is issuing citations for trash violations, including improperly placed trash, and trash placed on the curb on the incorrect trash day. Trash trucks are circulating through key student move-in neighborhoods to collect discarded items that have been placed on the curb. New residents can visit boston.gov/trash-day to find their trash and recycling dates. In addition, information pertaining to rodent control can be found on our Rodent Control website

Representatives from the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services will be staffing tents at several locations to answer questions about city services and to distribute informational handouts, including at:

·     Speedway, 219 Cambridge St. in Brighton 

·    Whole Foods, 413 Cambridge St. in Jamaica Plain

·     Andrew Station in South Boston

·     Forest Hills Train Station

·     Star Market, 45 Morrissey Blvd in Dorchester 


The Boston Transportation Department have implemented on-street parking restrictions on several streets in Allston, Brighton, Fenway, Mission Hill, South Boston, Back Bay and the North End. In addition, on-street parking restrictions signage have been posted in affected neighborhoods. For more information on street restrictions, visit boston.gov/moving .

Students are encouraged to visit https://www.boston.gov/moving for more information regarding parking restrictions and permits, trash removal and restrictions, and rental requirements.  

今年首宗人類感染西尼羅病毒案例 麻州公衛廳籲民眾小心防蚊咬

State Health Officials Announce Season’s First Human Case of West Nile Virus in Massachusetts


Residents urged to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites

BOSTON (September 1, 2021) – The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) today announced the first human case of West Nile virus (WNV) in the state this year. The individual is a female in her 80s who was likely exposed to the virus in Middlesex County, an area known to be at moderate risk. The risk of human infection with WNV is moderate in the Greater Boston area, and several towns in Bristol and Worcester counties. There are no risk level changes associated with this finding; there have been no deaths this year associated with WNV.

“This is the first time that West Nile virus infection has been identified in a person in Massachusetts this year,” said Acting Public Health Commissioner Margret Cooke. “Risk from West Nile virus has been slow to increase this year. This is an important reminder that we all need to continue to take steps to protect ourselves and our families from mosquito bites.”

Although late in the season, the substantial amount of rain in the region in July and the recent hot weather have resulted in an increase in the population of the Culex species of mosquitoes, known to spread West Nile virus and breed in places where standing water accumulates.

In 2020, there were five human cases of WNV infection identified in Massachusetts. WNV is usually transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. While WNV can infect people of all ages, people over the age of 50 are at higher risk for severe disease. Most people infected with WNV will have no symptoms. When present, WNV symptoms tend to include fever and flu-like illness. In rare cases, more severe illness can occur.

People have an important role to play in protecting themselves and their loved ones from illnesses caused by mosquitoes.

Avoid Mosquito Bites

Apply Insect Repellent when Outdoors. Use a repellent with DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide), permethrin, picaridin (KBR 3023), oil of lemon eucalyptus [p-menthane 3, 8-diol (PMD)], or IR3535 according to the instructions on the product label. DEET products should not be used on infants under two months of age and should be used in concentrations of 30% or less on older children. Oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under three years of age.

Be Aware of Peak Mosquito Hours. The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many mosquitoes. Consider rescheduling outdoor activities that occur during evening or early morning.

Clothing Can Help Reduce Mosquito Bites. Wear long-sleeves, long pants, and socks when outdoors to help keep mosquitoes away from your skin.

Mosquito-Proof Your Home

Drain Standing Water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Limit the number of places around your home for mosquitoes to breed by either draining or discarding items that hold water. Check rain gutters and drains. Empty any unused flowerpots and wading pools and change the water in birdbaths frequently.

Install or Repair Screens. Keep mosquitoes outside by having tightly fitting screens on all of your windows and doors.

Protect Your Animals

Animal owners should reduce potential mosquito breeding sites on their property by eliminating standing water from containers such as buckets, tires, and wading pools – especially after heavy rains. Water troughs provide excellent mosquito breeding habitats and should be flushed out at least once a week during the summer months to reduce mosquitoes near paddock areas. Horse owners should keep horses in indoor stalls at night to reduce their risk of exposure to mosquitoes. Owners should also speak with their veterinarian about mosquito repellents approved for use in animals and vaccinations to prevent WNV and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). If an animal is diagnosed with WNV or EEE, owners are required to report to DAR, Division of Animal Health by calling 617-626-1795 and to the Department of Public Health (DPH) by calling 617-983-6800.

More information, including all WNV and EEE positive results, can be found on the Arbovirus Surveillance Information web page at www.mass.gov/dph/mosquito or by calling the DPH Epidemiology Program at 617-983-6800.

Kim Janey要調查波士頓市寬頻公平狀態


Report to Document the Quality and Accessibility of Residential and Small Business Internet Service


BOSTON - Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey, in partnership with the City’s Department of Innovation & Technology, today announced a partnership to document the availability, cost and quality of broadband internet services in Boston.  The State of Broadband Equity in Boston report will identify broadband offerings by neighborhood and identify any service opportunities or disparities within the city. 

“The last 18 months have underscored that internet access is a public good.  In those places where high quality broadband has been affordable and accessible, it has helped youth stay engaged in school, grandparents connect with their grandchildren, and employees remain productive while apart,” said Mayor Kim Janey.  “I want to ensure that every resident - regardless of zip code, age or income - has access to quality choices to get online.”

This will be the City’s first report on the State of Broadband Equity in Boston. Mayor Janey has requested broadband internet companies provide their service and pricing data by neighborhood to inform the report, which will be developed in partnership with CTC Technology & Energy, a consultancy with expertise in public technology strategy.  As part of the study, CTC will document residential internet options across the city, including their terms and upload and download speeds.  The City and CTC will launch a website that the public can use to share ideas and check the speed of their internet service. CTC will use this data to document the quality of internet service in Boston, the nature of Boston’s digital divide, and make recommendations about how service can be improved in the City. It is expected that the report will be completed in six months.

“The City has made significant investments to bring public services online, from community meetings to City permitting to public notices.  This summer, we also invested nearly $500,000 in nonprofit organizations to increase digital equity,” said David Elges, the City of Boston’s Chief Information Officer.  “This report will help us identify how and where it is best to invest those funds to close the digital divide.”

This report will build on the work of and update the digital equity report prepared for the Boston Human Rights Commission.  This previous report highlighted gaps in services that Boston residents experience.   

Digital Equity Investments and Listening Session Today

In addition to commissioning the State of Broadband Equity in Boston report, Mayor Janey has made significant investments in digital equity and has scheduled a listening session on the issue, as part of the Let’s Go Better campaign to prioritize the City’s American Rescue Plan Act spending. 

The City has also invested over $15 million in digital resources during the COVID-19 pandemic that have:

·    Distributed 7,500 devices to residents and families in need, 

·    Began distributing 3,500 annual subscriptions of Internet Essentials to households,

·    Supported digital training and skills development through a network of dedicated non-profits, and

·    Strengthened the City's internet network and connectivity.

A public listening session today at 5:30PM will focus on resident ideas and concerns on digital equity that can be addressed using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. In addition, the City plans to hire a Digital Equity & Inclusion Advocate to help guide grant rounds for the City’s Digital Equity Fund.

Boston is committed to bringing more equity and choice to residents throughout every neighborhood through the Digital Equity Fund; bringing Wi-Fi hotspots to the Boston Public Library's lending program; growing Boston's Wicked Free Wi-Fi program; and working to protect Net Neutrality rules that ensure a fair and open internet. All of these efforts aim to make the internet affordable and accessible for all Boston residents.

Kim Janey八月份籌款近40萬元

(Boston Orange整理編譯)Kim Janey的競選陣營今(1)日一早8點宣佈,在8月分內,Kim Janey共籌款392千元,相信那是所有競選團隊的單月籌款最高額,而這是Kim Janey連續4個月籌款額高居榜首後的又一佳績。

          Kim Janey競選經理Kirby Chandler表示,這籌款數目顯示競選團隊的支持在加大,並且得到以更強勢位置完成初選競爭的資源。

            Kim Janey的田野運作也全力開動,一週敲了6000戶大門,為提早投票吉選舉日推出精緻的出來投票活動。

            支持Kim Janey的重要領導人及組織包括「在這兒團結(UNITE HERE)本地第26分會,民主黨第15區麻州眾議員Nika Elugardo,波士頓市前市議員Tito JacksonCharles Yancy,服務業員工國際工會(SEIU)32BJ分會,888分會,國際食品和商業工人工會1145分會,有權在城市投票(RTCV),華人協選會(CPPA),以及瓦干達二號(Wakanda II)


Latest fundraising numbers — combined with field program and recent endorsements — fuel momentum going into preliminary

BOSTON — Mayor Kim Janey’s campaign announced today that she raised $392,000 in the month of August, the largest single-month total of any campaign thus far. The latest fundraising totals follow four straight months of leading the race in fundraising and — when combined with the campaign’s robust field program and critical endorsements — add to the campaign’s momentum heading into the preliminary election on September 14th.  

“These fundraising numbers show that our campaign is growing the support and securing the resources we need to finish the preliminary campaign in a strong position,” said Janey Campaign Manager Kirby Chandler. 

In addition to the fundraising numbers announced today, the Janey campaign's field operation is also running on all cylinders — knocking on more than 6,000 doors a week and launching a sophisticated GOTV operation for mail-in, early voting and Election Day.

Mayor Janey has also been endorsed by major leaders and organizations across the city including UNITE HERE Local 26, State Representative Nika Elugardo (D-15), Former Councilors Tito Jackson (D-7) and Charles Yancey (D-4), 32BJ SEIU, UFCW 1145, SEIU 888, Right to the City Vote! (RTCV), Chinese Progressive Political Association (CPPA), and Wakanda II. 

星期二, 8月 31, 2021

波士頓華埠迎雙十掛新國旗 街頭串旗還待審批許可

          (Boston Orange)送走8月,迎向10月,波士頓華埠街頭又將出現旗海飄揚,兩岸爭輝的美麗風景。





             華埠坊間有聽聞這消息者好奇探問,波士頓市的北端(North End)才剛在七,八月間舉辦了聖安東尼節等節慶活動,張燈結綵的規模十分盛大。相關規定應該一樣才是。





         (Boston Orange編譯)WalletHub的一份最新調查,把波士頓市列為全美開車體驗最糟糕城市的第18名。





開車體驗最糟糕城市的排名為加州的奧克蘭(Oakland, CA),密西根州的底特律,加州舊金山,賓州費城,紐約州紐約,伊利諾州芝加哥,加州洛杉磯,馬里蘭州巴爾的摩,華盛頓特區,加州聖伯納迪諾(San Bernardino, CA)。(標題訂正)

Kim Janey宣佈房屋穩定議程


Creates citywide eviction moratorium and plans for Foreclosure Prevention Fund


BOSTON - Tuesday, August 31, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced a Housing Stability Agenda, following the recent ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States to end the Center of Disease Control’s nationwide eviction moratorium and the continuing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the Housing Stability Agenda, the Boston Public Health Commission's Interim Executive Director signed a new public health order establishing a moratorium on evictions in the City of Boston, effective immediately. Mayor Janey has also directed the Department of Neighborhood Development to lead creation of a $5 million Foreclosure Prevention Fund, with program information to be released next week.   

“The loss of federal eviction protections and the ongoing pandemic has put our most vulnerable neighbors at risk of losing their homes,” said Mayor Janey. “I am implementing a housing stability agenda to continue Boston’s public health recovery with emergency assistance for renters and homeowners who need help.” 

The moratorium temporarily halts residential evictions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of the Delta variant. The public health order prohibits landlords and property owners from pursuing tenant eviction proceedings in the City of Boston. 

In the coming weeks, the $5 million Emergency Foreclosure Prevention Fund will be available to eligible homeowners to help cover costs related to homeownership including mortgage, insurance, and condominium fee payments. To be eligible for the Fund, a homeowner must be delinquent on those payments. Priority will be given to those homeowners most at risk for foreclosure. The program will be financed through both the American Rescue Plan Act and the CARES ACT Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF).

The new eviction moratorium and Emergency Foreclosure Prevention Fund build on the City’s ongoing measures to protect both renters and homeowners, including allocating $50 million to the Rental Relief Fund, distributing more than $19 million to 3,500 households around the City at a pace exceeding state and national averages. The recently expanded Office of Housing Stability has also connected Boston residents to state housing relief resources. To date, a total of 12,500 Boston households have received $72 million in state and City housing stability assistance.  

Danielle Allen Hosts ‘Listening Live’ Event on Back to School and Covid Safety

Danielle Allen Hosts ‘Listening Live’ Event on Back to School and Covid Safety 

Meira Levinson to Join Danielle Allen to Talk Covid Safety This School Year


Wednesday, September 1, 5:15 – 5:45pm. 


Gubernatorial candidate Danielle Allen and co author of The Path to Zero and Schools: Achieving Pandemic-Resilient Teaching and Learning Spaces policy guidance,  Professor Meira Levinson will gather on Facebook Live for a thirty minute Q&A about best policy practices that Massachusetts can take up as this school year starts to keep students, educators, and school staff safe as the Commonwealth starts its second school year affected by COVID. Both Allen and Levinson have worked with schools on COVID safety practices throughout the pandemic and are considered national experts. 



Meira Levinson, in collaboration with other colleagues, co-authored The Path to Zero and Schools: Achieving Pandemic-Resilient Teaching and Learning Spaces policy guidance, a New England Journal of Medicine article on Reopening Primary Schools in a Pandemic, and two additional white papers. She is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. In doing so, she draws upon scholarship from multiple disciplines as well as her eight years of experience teaching in the Atlanta and Boston Public Schools. Since the onslaught of the global novel coronavirus pandemic, Levinson has been focused on expanding educational ethics to address the multitude of ethical challenges posed by school closures, remote schooling, and uncertain reopenings. She has also been leading global teacher discussion groups on the ethical challenges they face.



Danielle is a mom, policy expert, nonprofit leader, and professor at Harvard University. She has advised policy makers at all levels of government on critical policy decisions. Over the last twenty years, she has led organizations at all scales from local civic education providers to a global philanthropy. Danielle has achieved impact over decades through policy and implementation in the domains of education, justice, health, and democracy. Her leadership is characterized by listening, collaborating, and innovating--as in leading a multi-disciplinary covid response team that led to the Biden-Harris Pandemic Testing Board and an interstate compact to build out COVID testing resources.