
星期三, 6月 23, 2021



BOSTON - Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - Mayor Janey, in collaboration with the City of Boston’s Environment Department, Boston Public Schools (BPS) and Northeast-based textile recycling company Helpsy, has delivered dropboxes for residents to bring their textiles to eleven BPS locations across Boston. These dropboxes are a part of the City of Boston's work to expand recycling services citywide, creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for generations to come. This expansion of services builds on the work of Boston’s Zero Waste Plan and BPS Sustainability efforts in reducing the amount of waste generated and going to landfill or incineration. 

 “Promoting sustainable practices are especially important as we work towards a greener and more equitable Boston,” said Mayor Janey. “I am excited that the City of Boston, in collaboration with Boston Public Schools and Helpsy, has delivered dropboxes for residents to bring their textiles to eleven BPS locations throughout Boston. These dropboxes will help expand recycling services citywide and will create a healthier environment for generations to come.” 

 Residents, including BPS teachers and students, looking to drop off their textiles, including clothes, shoes, sneakers, bags, stuffed animals, bedding and towels, should ensure items are dry and placed into a secured plastic bag. This Helpsy collaboration expands upon the partnership with BPS and Bay State Textile boxes. Together with the Boston Public Works Department, Helpsy boxes can already be found at municipal lots in Brighton, Dorchester, East Boston, Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain, South Boston, Roslindale and West Roxbury. 

 Boston Public Schools’ new textile dropbox locations include:

·    Blackstone Elementary, South End

·    Boston International Newcomers Academy, Dorchester

·    Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers, Fenway

·    James Hennigan K-8, Jamaica Plain

·    Josiah Quincy Elementary, Chinatown

·    Mary Lyon High, Brighton

·    Mather Elementary, Dorchester

·    McKinley Elementary, Back Bay

·    McKinley Middle, Kenmore

·    Pauline A. Shaw Elementary, Dorchester

·    Warren Prescott K-8, Charlestown

 “Our student leaders have prioritized climate justice and environmental activism and this program honors and lifts up our students’ voices and priorities,” said Boston Public Schools Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. “Textile recycling companies like Helpsy not only help us create a healthier and greener Boston for our students, but it also helps promote sustainability awareness for our students to help them understand the importance of caring for our environment for future generations.”

 These Helpsy textile boxes accept

·    Dresses, Shirts, Pants, Suites

·    Coats, Gloves, Hats

·    Belts, Ties, Scarves

·    Wallets, Purses, Backpacks, Totes

·    Shoes / Sandals

·    Towels / Bedding / comforters

·    Halloween Costumes

·    Pet Clothing

·    Curtains / Drapes

·    Placemats / Tablecloths and Linen

·    Throw Rugs

 Helpsy sorts and grades the materials and 95 percent of textiles collected are reused, upcycled, or recycled, 75 percent being reused, and 20 percent being recycled. The higher grades are resold to thrift stores in North America and other second hand markets around the world. The lower grades get put to industrial use or alternative functions such as stuffing or insulation. In just the last year, Helpsy has collected and processed over 25 million pounds of textiles. Helpsy will pay a percentage per pound of clothing, shoes, and other textiles. On a monthly basis, Helpsy will calculate the pounds of clothes that were collected from the school and send it a check quarterly.

 “Individuals can play a critical role in helping Boston meet its goal of zero waste by choosing what they do with the materials in their lives,” said Laura Alves, the City of Boston’s Zero Waste Coordinator. “The launch and expansion of the textile dropbox program is a shared focus across our city to increase material reuse and recycling. Collaborating with BPS Sustainability to roll out the opportunity for schools to participate in textiles waste reduction has already resulted in BPS communities helping Boston collect nearly a total of 69 thousand pounds of textiles in May.” 

 From 2017-2020, BPS Sustainability distributed new recycling equipment to BPS schools: 340 curbside carts, 333 barrels, and 5,197 classroom bins. From 2020 to 2021, even with the shift to school-from-home, BPS added 35 carts, 47 barrels, 119 classroom bins. BPS schools put out an estimated 820 recycling carts per week to be serviced by the City of Boston Public Works Department’s curbside residential recycling program. The Environment Department and BPS Sustainability also partnered to design and post new trash and recycling signage in all BPS classrooms.

 In addition to textiles, roughly 30 percent of what gets put into the trash in Boston is compostable. Boston has expanded its leaf and yard waste curbside collection program from 17 to 20 weeks a year. The City is offering 20 additional weekends where yard waste can be dropped off at the Public Works composting facility on American Legion Highway. All residential yard waste is turned into compost and distributed to City Gardens and Boston Parks and Recreation Department greenhouses. Leaf and yard waste curbside collection will continue every week through December 11. 

 The City of Boston continues to encourage residents to utilize tools like the City's free "Trash Day" app. The app enables Boston residents to search a directory of hundreds of household items to find out the right way to dispose of them while on the go or at home. App users can also view a calendar for their home's collection dates, set reminders, get notifications of schedule changes, and locate the nearest textile dropbox in your neighborhood.  

Boston residents can also safely dispose of hazardous waste, shred unwanted documents, discard textiles and recycle electronics for free at a series of Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off events. These programs build on Boston's Zero Waste Plan, which was released in June 2019. This plan includes 30 near- and long-term strategies to divert at least 80 percent of the City's waste from landfills and municipal solid waste combustors by 2035. 

 Key pieces of the plan include expanding Boston's composting program, increasing access to recycling opportunities and launching a city-wide education campaign on recycling. Approximately six percent of Boston's greenhouse gas emissions come from the City's discarded materials. By reducing waste, recycling more, and composting, Boston can reduce emissions associated with waste and move one step closer to its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, outlined in the City's 2019 Climate Action Plan update

麻州8月14、15放稅假 州長正遞法案要擴大為2個月

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces Legislation to Make August and September 2021 Sales Tax Holiday Months

BOSTON — The Baker-Polito Administration today is filing legislation to establish a Sales Tax Holiday for the months of August and September. This plan aims to support Main Street businesses and local economies and promote economic growth and opportunity as the Commonwealth continues to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

State tax revenues for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) continue to significantly exceed projections, with revenues to date 14.9% above benchmark. Strong revenues across the board have allowed the Commonwealth to grow the size of the Stabilization Fund and be poised to end the fiscal year with a significant surplus for the FY21 budget. As a result, the Administration is proposing to support the Commonwealth’s taxpayers and downtown economies by designating the entire months of August and September as sales tax-free.

“A two-month sales tax holiday will provide a boost to Massachusetts’ taxpayers and Main Street economies as we continue to recover from COVID-19,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Massachusetts’ economic recovery is off to a good start, but it’s crucial that the Commonwealth takes action now to spur more economic activity in communities and support taxpayers. Thanks to stronger than expected tax revenues, the Commonwealth has managed to grow the Rainy Day Fund to a balance higher than it was at the beginning of the pandemic, and we can also afford to return these tax dollars to our residents and small businesses.”

“We recognize that many residents, families, and small businesses continue to face challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “As a result of the Commonwealth’s strong revenue performance, we are proposing to extend the annual sales tax-free weekend to two months to help support small and local businesses throughout Massachusetts and power our economy forward.”

Through May 2021, FY21 tax revenues collections are $3.938 billion or 14.9% more than the year-to-date benchmark. Additionally, Massachusetts has been awarded significant federal resources since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, including Coronavirus Relief Fund dollars through the CARES Act which have helped reduce pressure on the operating budget.

“We are proud to offer this proposal to keep money in the hands of taxpayers and promote economic development amidst Massachusetts’ recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “These two sales tax-free months would be a great opportunity for consumers throughout local neighborhoods to help support small and Main Street businesses and grow our economy.”

Tax revenues have continued to come in at higher-than-expected levels. Yesterday, the Department of Revenue certified to the Comptroller that a total of $2.3 billion in capital gains tax revenue has so far been collected in FY21. This figure is $947 million higher than the FY21 capital gains tax collections threshold, meaning that under state law, $852 million is transferred to the Commonwealth’s Stabilization Fund. Therefore, the Stabilization Fund balance will now stand at approximately $4.4 billion, which is higher than it was at the beginning of the pandemic and nearly quadruple the balance when the Administration took office in 2015.

"A two month sales tax holiday is a smart, exciting, and progressive economic incentive that will benefit our small businesses and our consumers just when they need it,” said Retailers of Massachusetts Association President Jon Hurst. “Consumers represent 70% of our economy, and it is important that we encourage them to invest in our Main Streets, small businesses and communities.  And for our lower income families, this tax cut is all about temporarily suspending the most regressive tax on the books, just as their children are heading back to school.  Retailers and small businesses across the Commonwealth thank the Baker-Polito Administration in proposing this important economic growth incentive, and urge the Legislature to pass it into law."

If enacted, this proposal would be an expansion of the annual sales tax-free weekend, which the Administration is today also officially designating as August 14-15. In 2018, Governor Baker signed legislation that makes the annual sales tax holiday permanent. The Department of Revenue today is designating August 14-15 as the sales tax holiday under M.G.L. Chapter 64H, Section 6A

陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz)宣佈參選麻州州長

Sonia Chang Diaz在推特上宣佈參選麻州州長。
         (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合編譯 ) 有四分之一華裔血統的麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮 (Sonia Chang Diaz) 今天(23) 宣佈參選麻州州長了。

                     麻州現任州長,共和黨籍的查理貝克(Charlie Baker)在全美州長中,一直是近年來民調支持率最高的州長,支持率甚至高達70%以上,雖然他還未鬆口表示自己是否再次競選連任,但從迄今已出現三名挑戰者來看,民主黨不耐煩了。

                   哈佛大學教授Danielle Allen是在一星期前的616日,才剛宣佈參選麻州州長。今天(23)一大早,陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz)在推特上,以及她個人的競選官網,放了一段視頻,宣佈她也參選麻州州長了。


               陳翟蘇妮現年43歲,住在牙買加平原(Jamaica Plain),已在位7任。2008年她首度當選時,還是麻州的首名拉丁裔參議員。

                 在新冠病毒大流行期間,陳翟蘇妮是麻州現任州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)的最激烈批評者,直指他在促使有色人種接種疫苗的努力不夠,麻州的疫苗分發系統,可作為結構性種族歧視教材。




另一名已宣佈參選者,是二月時表態,曾任麻州參議員的Ben Browning。共和黨籍的麻州現任州長查理貝克還未宣佈他是否再度競選連任。

民主黨籍的麻州總檢察官奚莉(Maura Healey)是否參選,仍然是人們心中的懸念。一旦參選,她將是民主黨籍參選人中財力最雄厚,全美知名度最高者。


僑團獻愛心支援"社區冰箱" 駐波士頓經文處率先響應

康麗雪(右一)Evan Lam(左一),駐波士頓經文處處長孫儉元
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 新冠病毒疫情不但已使數以億計的人染病、388萬人辭世,更讓數難以計的人,陷入無物果腹窘境。在熱心人推動,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處率先響應下,大波士頓地區華人將接棒支持社區冰箱項目。

                    619日,經發起人康麗雪、康雅雰姊妹聯繫,推動,波士頓經文處處長孫儉元,雞肉飯傢伙(Chicken & Rice Guy)創辦人兼執行長蘇宇寅(Ian So),全美亞裔專業人員協會(NAAAP)波士頓分會社區服務主任Evan Lam,中華廣教學校副董事長雷國輝,紐英崙玉山科技協會會長許益祥,曾任新英格蘭台灣青年商會會長的王力遠,全美亞裔婦女協會會長黎雯,麻州越美協會副會長Khang H Nguyen等許多人,都來到多徹斯特(Dorchester)社區冰箱項目所在地,協助發放食物。




                NAAAPEvan Lam表示,該會將積極為此項目募款,預定至少一個月一次,組織志工到場參與服務。


                    在美國是新冠病毒肆虐後,20202月由在我們心中(In Our Hearts)這慈善機構在紐約設立了第一家,接著在紐約市就迅速擴展到70家。

                 大波士頓地區是去年9月,在牙買加平原(Jamaica Plain)出現了第一家社區冰箱,接著是多徹斯特,然後是奧斯頓(Allston),羅森岱爾(Roslindale),尚莫維爾,甚至劍橋市,牛頓市,布魯克蘭鎮這些一向被人視為富裕人士或專業人士聚居之地,也出現了社區冰箱,而且所有這些社區冰箱,都驚人的,在志工們填滿冰箱後,沒多久食物就清空了。

                   多徹斯特社區冰箱志工表示,最近他們獲得Whole Food捐贈新鮮蔬果,因此在平日一天24小時開放,供人拿取食物的冰箱之外,週六會擺出一排桌子,擺放出新鮮的花菜,香菇,蘋果,香蕉,葡萄,吐司麵包,牛奶,雞蛋等等食品。她們表示因為不知道到場者是為自己,或是為好幾家人拿取食物,又或者需要甚麼樣的食物,因此她們並沒有任何的拿取規定或限制。





                    多徹斯特社區冰箱志工表示,最近他們獲得Whole Food捐贈新鮮蔬果,因此在平日一天24小時開放,供人拿取食物的冰箱之外,週六會擺出一排桌子,擺放出新鮮的花菜,香菇,蘋果,香蕉,葡萄,吐司麵包,牛奶,雞蛋等等食品。她們表示因為不知道到場者是為自己,或是為好幾家人拿取食物,又或者需要甚麼樣的食物,因此她們並沒有任何的拿取規定或限制。 




星期二, 6月 22, 2021



Long-vacant City of Boston parcel transformed into a beautiful community gathering space.


BOSTON - Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today joined Chief of Housing and Director of Neighborhood Development Sheila Dillon, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Boston Parks and Recreation Commissioner Ryan Woods, the Boston Planning & Development Agency, the Friends of West 2nd Street Park, the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation, local residents, and urban gardeners to celebrate the grand opening of West 2nd Street Park and Community Garden, located at 175 West 2nd Street in South Boston.

Formerly a vacant lot, the 16,000 square feet of new park and community garden space includes both active and passive areas along with design features such as a patio area, trees, benches, flower containers, and 21 community garden plots providing shared amenities like compost bins and a tool shed. Three of the plots are raised beds, reserved for gardeners with accessibility needs. A total of 31 new trees have been added to Boston’s urban canopy as a result of the project. 

“Creating community green spaces provides great physical activity, increases access to affordable healthy fresh produce, and brings the residents of our neighborhoods closer together,” said Mayor Janey. “I want to thank our partners here today for helping us create this beautiful new community space in the heart of South Boston.”

The celebration marked the completion of the new park and community garden funded by a community benefits contribution from Breakthrough Properties as part of Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) project approval for the 105 West 1st Street development, as well as a joint contract between the Parks and Recreation Department and Department of Neighborhood Development for the design phase of the project. 

The community engagement process began in 2015, when the Public Works Department transferred the property to the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) to discuss development options for the parcel. South Boston residents voiced a strong preference for the site to be a public green space. The South Boston community, the Department of Neighborhood Development, and the Parks Department partnered to hold community design workshops, eventually producing a project plan and scope of work for the site. With neighborhood support, the Parks Commission voted on June 7 to add the property to its inventory for long-term ownership, with the provision that the Friends of West 2nd Street Park and the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation would be responsible for site maintenance.

"It's been a long journey to get here that required the effort of many people, elected officials, City of Boston staff, and South Boston residents," said South Boston Activist Gary Murad. "We are so excited to be reaching the finish line and adding a piece to what we consider our own little emerald necklace connecting this new park with Flaherty Park and A Street Park. Hopefully, we will get additional open space as community benefits connected with future development projects in the area that add to our South Boston Necklace."

“All of us at the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation are thrilled to see the community's enthusiasm for gardening these new plots in this beautiful park,” said Donna Brown, Executive Director. “We look forward to working with new and experienced gardeners to grow food and enjoy this beautiful park. Our team is grateful to the City of Boston and Breakthrough Properties for making this incredible green space possible for our neighbors in South Boston.”

Today's ribbon cutting at the West 2nd Street Park and Community Garden aligns with DND's Grassroots Open Space Program, which helps communities start community gardens, urban farms, food forests, and other open spaces on public and private land. The project is also part of the Parks Department’s Open Space and Recreation Plan, focusing on access, equity, and excellence—so that every neighborhood is home to beautiful spaces that serve both people and the environment.Additionally, the City’s Food Access Agenda supports the creation of community gardens to advance equitable access to nutritious food with respect to affordability, physical accessibility, and cultural connectedness. 

B.A.A. Announces 2022 Boston Marathon Registration Dates & Qualifying Window for first Patriots’ Day Boston Marathon since 2019

B.A.A. Announces 2022 Boston Marathon Registration Dates & Qualifying Window for first Patriots’ Day Boston Marathon since 2019

Registration opens Monday, November 8 at 10:00 AM ET

BOSTON— Registration for the 2022 Boston Marathon will take place over five days, November 8–November 12, 2021. The 126th Boston Marathon, scheduled to take place on Monday, April 18, 2022, will be the first race held on the traditional Patriots’ Day date since 2019.

The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) will use the same registration process for qualified runners as it used for the 2021 race, allowing any athlete who has achieved a currently valid Boston Marathon qualifying time to submit a registration application between November 8-12, 2021 through the B.A.A.’s online platform, Athletes' Village. Registration is not first come, first served and applications will be accepted until 5:00PM ET on Friday, November 12. The qualifying window began on September 1, 2019 and will close at 5:00PM ET on Friday, November 12. Qualifiers may submit an application at any point during the registration window.

“Athletes from around the world strive to earn a place on the Boston Marathon start line each and every year," said Tom Grilk, B.A.A. President and Chief Executive Officer. "The return to racing on the third Monday in April 2022 will certainly be one of the most highly anticipated races in Boston Marathon history. Though we are in the initial planning stages for 2022, we hope the traditional race date will also be complemented by a more traditional field size.”

The qualifying window for the 127th Boston Marathon, scheduled to take place on April 17, 2023, will begin on September 1, 2021. Registration details for that race will be announced following the 2022 Boston Marathon.

Additional registration information, including entry fees, for the 126th Boston Marathon will be announced in the coming months. Achieving one’s qualifying standard does not guarantee acceptance into the Boston Marathon due to field size limitations. Those who are fastest among the pool of applicants in their age and gender group will be accepted.

星期日, 6月 20, 2021

台山鄉親飲早茶慶父親節 吳弭參選波士頓市長來拜票

        (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓台山鄉親聯誼會620日一大早到帝苑大酒樓飲早茶,慶祝父親節。在新冠病毒逼使人們宅家以來,許多鄉親已一年多未見面,今天還是第一次面對面聚會,格外興奮。

                 波士頓台山鄉親聯誼會會長鄺元杰表示,今天的聚會,一來是為慶祝父親節,提醒鄉親發揚中華民族以孝為先的傳統,二是自從新冠病毒肆虐以來,人們被勸留守家中,早已迫不及待的想要和親朋好友見面,因而特地安排聚會,報告會務。由於今年的波士頓市長選舉,首見華裔候選人,因此特地邀請刻正競選波士頓市市長的吳弭(Michelle Wu)來和台山鄉親們見面,希望台山鄉親們同心協力,為波士頓締造歷史,選出391年來的第一位華裔市長。






星期六, 6月 19, 2021

波士頓華埠居民再向大麻店說"不" "你申請幾次,我們就反對幾次"

             (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 「不管你開幾次會,申請多少次,我們都『反對』」。波士頓華埠居民和波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)日前再次齊聲告訴Royalty集團,反對他們在華埠旁的Jacob Wirth餐廳舊址開大麻店。

              Royalty集團執行長Andrea Pearce在會中回應,在波士頓市可以發放的52張大麻店執照發完前,該集團會不斷提出申請。

Royalty集團繼1月、4月之後, 615日在波士頓市鄰里服務局及波士頓市議員愛德華費林辦公室安排下,再次在網上的社區外展會議中,出現於華埠居民面前,以20餘頁文字敘述,說明該公司申請在史都華街(Stuart)31-39號開設休閒娛樂用大麻零售店樹星(Tree Star)”的概況。

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn強調他重視華裔,移民社區聲音,反對大麻店
              波士頓市鄰里服務局的華埠及皮革區連絡員許麗莎(Lisa Hy)事先說明,市府並不會在這場會議中就是否發放牌照做決定。她並鼓勵民眾發電郵給波士頓大麻委員會表達意見,cannabisboard@boston.gov

Royal集團執行長Andrea Pearce表示,在波士頓市發完52張牌照前,
她都會繼續申請。 (Andrea Pearce requested to take down her picture)

              Royal集團執行長Andrea Pearce做說明時,關於大麻零售店地點的文字圖片中寫有,波士頓市府有規定,2間休閒娛樂用大麻店(MRE)的彼此距離不得少於半英里,目前該公司提案開設的大麻店僅只差了199英尺,一旦取得波士頓計畫發展局(BPDA)的變通(variance)特別許可,就符合這區域規劃規定。在必須距離幼稚園到12年級學校500英尺之遠的區域規劃規定上,該店符合規定。

              在另一張以地方貢獻及社區支持為標題的說明文字圖片中,Royalty集團和地方上的非牟利機構談過,王氏/Boch教育及藝術計畫中心和波士頓共濟會(Masonic Temple)都已加入不反對行列。該集團還和波士頓亞裔青年會(YES),聖法蘭西斯屋(St. Francis House),蘿絲地(Rosie’s Place),婦女的午餐地(Woman’s Lunch Place)等地方機構談過捐款,給社區提共額外支持。另外在這頁的小字說明中,Royalty集團寫明,根據大麻管理局(Cannabis Control Commission)的申請牌照要求,該集團選擇每年捐款25,000元給亞裔青年會,以及王氏/Boch教育及藝術計畫中心,但這兩個機構並不需要支持或不反對Royalty集團的申請。

Linda SeeJoyce ChanMaggie ChanAgatha Tong, Manhua XuPeiying Yu,律師Rebecca Lee,昆士中學校長張可仁,聖法蘭西斯屋主任Karen LaFrazia,關心華埠的羅燕玲,愛默生(Emerson)學院的聯合副校長Margaret Ings等許多人都在會中發言,一面倒的反對Royalty集團在華埠旁邊開大麻店。

              波士頓市議員Ed Flynn也慎重的直接表示,他反對這大麻店的開張申請,因為他的選民們擔憂生活品質受影響,強烈反對。許多華埠居民告訴他,這附近有學校,托兒所,還有很多老人家,顯然不適合開一家這種店。他很重視華人社區、移民社區的聲音,所以他要說明自己反對這提案。

波士頓市亞裔社區聯絡員許麗莎(Lisa Hy)提醒民眾,可向波士頓市
Rebecca Lee指出,Royalty集團的陳詞,不符事實,讓人困惑,因為波士頓計畫發展局(BPDA)並沒有批准變更區域規劃規定的權利,區域規劃上訴委員會(Zoning Board of Appeal)才有權批准有條件的使用許可,而且在區域規劃地圖上,Jacob Wirth餐廳舊址也並未列為准許開設大麻店的地點。

              Rebecca Lee也質疑,稱波士頓市稽核局(ISD)已發信拒絕了Royalty集團的申請。Andrea Pearce回應表示,該集團已上訴,案號BOA896068






              聖法蘭西斯屋的Karen LaFrazia很客氣的表示,她完全沒有Royalty集團曾和該機構洽談過的印象,她也要強調,該機構並不支持大麻店在Jacob Wirth舊址開張。






              在麻州開設大麻店,有數大障礙,一是資本。根據大麻市場研究調查公司Arcview的說法,在麻州要開設一家大麻店,估計至少要有50萬元。二是找到批給東道主社區協議(Host Community Agreement)的市鎮。然後是根據州法,大麻店的申請開張者必須繳付最高3%社區影響費(community impact fee)”。不過根據麻州大麻改革聯盟,以及麻州種植者顧問委員會的調查,79%的麻州東道主社區協議要求的付款費用都超過3%