
星期五, 5月 21, 2021

City Councilor At-Large and Candidate for Mayor Michelle Wu Releases 2020 Financial Disclosures

 City Councilor At-Large and Candidate for Mayor Michelle Wu Releases 2020 Financial Disclosures

Boston, MA -  City Councilor At-Large and Candidate for Mayor Michelle Wu today released her 2020 City of Boston Statement of Financial Interests and 2020 federal tax return to ensure public transparency and establish a precedent for financial disclosure. Click here to access the information.

           “At a moment when building trust in government is critical to our recovery and collective future, we must start with a baseline of transparency throughout our departments and from our officials. The decisions and policies implemented in City Hall have tremendous consequences for our economy, communities, and families. Residents deserve a foundation of good government and unwavering commitment to transparency and civic engagement across city government, starting from the top,” said Michelle Wu.

           Michelle Wu has been serving on the City Council for 8 years, including two as City Council President, and has implemented key reforms to make government work better for people, including passing a landmark language and communications access ordinance in 2016 to ensure everyone could access city services and a comprehensive lobbyist disclosure ordinance in 2018. She has consistently worked to deliver transparency and accountability, including implementing several major reforms to make city government more accessible in her time as City Council President—making closed captioning transcripts of public hearings available online, renovating the Council Chamber for universal accessibility, and doubling the Council’s capacity to conduct public meetings and hearings outside City Hall in the neighborhoods. She has repeatedly challenged the administration to do more to build trust through good government and transparency.


 Chamber Announces Four New Board Members

The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the addition of four extraordinary business leaders to the Chamber’s Board of Directors. The new committee members, Emanuel Alves, General Counsel at John Hancock, Dana Mendenhall, Vice President of Marketing & Strategy at Takeda Pharmaceutical, Adam Portnoy, President & CEO at RMR Group, and Steven C. Webb, Regional President at TD Bank, bring an intense commitment to the Chamber’s mission to create an inclusive economy and make Boston the best place for all people and all businesses to thrive.


Emanuel Alves, General Counsel, John Hancock

Emanuel (Manny) Alves is Senior Vice President and General Counsel for John Hancock, the U.S. division of Toronto-based Manulife. He is responsible for all aspects of the U.S. Law & Compliance department. Mr. Alves is also a member of the U.S. Leadership Team, the Manulife Global Leadership Team, and the Global Law, Compliance and Audit Leadership Team. In his 20 years at John Hancock, Mr. Alves has held a range of roles. Most recently, he served as Vice President, Counsel & Corporate Secretary for John Hancock. Prior to that, he was Corporate Secretary, governance and regulatory counsel and head of U.S. Law & Compliance Administration. Previous responsibilities include oversight of litigation and general corporate and securities law matters. He was appointed Corporate Secretary in 2003. Before joining the company, Mr. Alves worked for Brown, Rudnick, Freed and Gesmer as a litigation attorney.


Dana Mendenhall, Vice President, Marketing & Strategy, Takeda Pharmaceutical

Dana is a results-oriented, globally focused senior marketing executive with more than 20 years of progressive leadership roles, highlighted by a strong record of achievement in the healthcare industry. Dana’s many years of industry experience is uniquely diverse and includes increasing roles of responsibility in marketing, sales, strategic planning, operations, manufacturing, and engineering. Dana’s ability to translate technical expertise into vastly different disciplines demonstrates her flexibility and ease in identifying opportunities, defining and executing strategic visions, leading commercial execution, and accelerating revenue growth. Dana also successfully develops and executes cross- functional initiatives in diverse, multi-cultural environments to contribute to top and bottom-line profits while exploiting multi-layered challenges and improving organizational processes. A self-defined servant leader, Dana states her greatest passion is to develop, coach and inspires global talent to deliver unprecedented results while contributing to a common cause.


Adam Portnoy, President & CEO, RMR Group

Adam Portnoy is a Managing Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of The RMR Group (Nasdaq: RMR), an alternative asset management company with more than $32 billion of assets under management, a role he has held since 2005. Mr. Portnoy is the Chair of the RMR Executive Operating Committee, which is responsible for the strategic direction for RMR and its client companies. Mr. Portnoy also serves on the Boards of RMR’s managed companies, which include four equity REITs: Service Properties Trust (Nasdaq: SVC), Diversified Healthcare Trust (Nasdaq: DHC), Office Properties Income Trust (Nasdaq: OPI), Industrial Logistics Properties Trust (Nasdaq: ILPT); two mortgage REITs: Tremont Mortgage Trust (Nasdaq: TRMT), RMR Mortgage Trust (Nasdaq: RMRM); and three operating companies: Five Star Senior Living Inc. (Nasdaq: FVE), TravelCenters of America Inc. (Nasdaq: TA) and Sonesta International Hotels Corporation (private).


Steven C. Webb, Regional President, TD Bank

Steven C. Webb is Regional President for TD Bank's Southern New England, which includes, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Upstate NY and part of Connecticut. Steve oversees all retail, small business, commercial and middle-market banking operations and lending services throughout the region. Steve has over 30 years of banking experience. Prior to his current position, he served as TD Bank's Market President of Commercial Banking for New Hampshire, where he helped facilitate the growth of the bank's commercial banking portfolio. Steve is an active member of the community. He is a member of Robert Morris Associates, a professional association of lending and credit risk professionals, serves as a Trustee for the Wentworth Douglass Health System, as Chairman of the New Hampshire Bankers Association, a former board member of the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, and a former board member for the Granite United Way.

關於停職波士頓警察局長 Kim Janey、吳弭都有話要說

From Kim Janey:

I respect Judge Brieger’s decision to take more time before issuing a ruling in this case and appreciate her intent to rule as soon as possible. The people of Boston and the Boston Police Department deserve leadership that shares our goal of safety, healing, and justice. We look forward to the court’s ruling. 

From Michelle Wu:

Statement: Michelle Wu on Ongoing Developments with Regards to Police Commissioner Dennis White

Boston, MA— The following statement can be attributed to Boston City Councilor At-Large and Mayoral Candidate Michelle Wu:

“The role of police commissioner is one of the most impactful positions in the city, and we need a leader who can build trust with our communities to deliver deep structural and cultural reforms. Given the information revealed from the recent investigation, Dennis White cannot lead this department. As Mayor, I will lead a comprehensive vetting process and national search to engage community in choosing a permanent police commissioner to shift to a public health-led approach, demilitarize our police, and rein in ballooning overtime costs. These changes must be embedded in the new police contracts, which the city is currently negotiating. The public deserves and needs an update on the state of those ongoing negotiations. 

With only a little over five months to go until a new administration, the new Mayor should launch a comprehensive, national search to fill this post upon taking office in November. The decision naming Boston’s next permanent police commissioner should wait until after the mayoral election, and the interim leadership should work with community to address the urgent issues at hand: planning for a healthy, safe summer; strengthening the newly formed Office of Police Accountability & Transparency; and setting a course for transparent contract negotiations to set the stage for the changes we need.”

 (updated post)

星期四, 5月 20, 2021

江明信偕友支持吳弭 身後Hello Taiwan布條讓更多人看見台灣

伊利諾州聯邦參議員Tammy Duckworth(右)出席支持吳弭(左)的籌款會。
                (Boston Orange)吳弭的籌款會,紐約和波士頓的人承辦,聯邦參議員Tammy Duckworth站台,近70名參與者,在數小時內募得13,000餘元,助力吳弭競選波士頓市市長,要為亞裔在波士頓締造歷史。

               519日晚,吳弭的非波士頓外地支持者,邀得逼使美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)聘用一名亞美聯絡員暨總統特別副助理Erika Moritsugu的聯邦參議員Tammy Duckworth出席,增加聲勢。

亞美行動基金(Asian American Action Fund)董事 Irene Bueno(右)主持問答環節。

               在近日反亞裔仇恨暴力事件頻傳之際,在泰國出生的美國伊拉克戰役退伍軍人,伊利諾州聯邦參議員Tammy Duckworth積極為亞裔發聲,也加入了提攜亞裔第二代行列,應邀出席支持吳弭的籌款會。

               在籌款會中,Tammy Duckworth和吳弭交換了許多政策上的意見。Tammy Duckworth還問吳弭當市長後,施政重點會放在哪些方面,吳弭做了自我介紹,並簡述了她在市議員任上,曾有哪些成績。

               籌款會由Daniel Park開場,會末,有亞美行動基金(Asian American Action Fund)董 Irene Bueno主持問答環節,紐約商人,熱心支持亞裔從政的江明信為籌款會總結,又鼓勵出席者加捐了1000元。
                     根據吳弭主要支持者之一的李超榮,吳弭在四月底至昨日(5月19日),一連舉辦了3場籌款會,其中另有1場在華府。吳弭競選辦公室日前也高興宣佈,她手邊的競選經費現金已打破100萬元大關。 (所有圖片由江明信提供。)

波士頓考試學校錄取結果公佈爭議未息 張可仁提醒亞裔家長昆士中學前景好

              (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)波士頓三所考試學校不考試,改以區域編號(Zip code)和學校成績為新生錄取準則的結果揭曉,確有更多黑人,拉丁裔學生獲邀入讀,但申請入學總人數降半,子女失去機會的家長們紛表憤怒,使相關議題及情緒持續縈繞人們心中。

               波士頓公校在4月底發出1314份邀請,給2426名申請入讀的7 年級及9年級新生中,通過審核者。根據波士頓公校公佈的數據,2020-2021學年有4010名學生申請入讀,有1433人獲得入學邀請。

               波士頓拉丁學校(Boston Latin),波士頓拉丁學院(Boston Latin Academy),奧布萊安數理學校(O'Bryant School of Math & Science)這三所波士頓市的考試學校,依序各有245317671535712年級學生。

               根據波士頓公校在官網上公佈的數據,發給三所考試學校79年級新生邀請入學數量,依前述學校秩序為465+41320+82 189+217





波士頓環球報以往年贏得這三所考試學校最多學位的西洛士百利(West Roxbury)為例,指出該區申請,獲得邀請入讀三所考試學校的7年級學生人數,在入學辦法限制每一郵遞區號可入讀比率後,從去年的133人降至今年的69人,學業成績至少A-,但麥特潘(Mattapan)獲得入學機會的學生人數卻倍增至51人,有些學生的學業成績平均只有B-


許多白人及華裔家長對子女一整年準備考試,一下子苦心全付諸流水,非常氣憤。其中14名家長組成波士頓學業卓越父母聯盟(Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Excellence Corp)”,上法院提告,並上訴,但法院認為以郵政區域編號來劃分,並無種族歧視之嫌,結果駁回該案。




美國土安全局終止與Bristol郡治安官辦公室的移民拘留所合約 麻州AG、民主黨主席都稱許


BOSTON — Today, Massachusetts Attorney General issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) decision to terminate contracts with the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) to house federal immigration detainees at the Bristol County Jail and House of Correction and participate in immigration enforcement.

“We commend DHS for ending its partnership with the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office, which has a long history of abuse and neglect of immigration detainees. Our extensive investigation and advocacy have made it clear that the Sheriff’s Office is not willing to take any steps to protect the rights and safety of detainees, and that ICE must sever ties with BCSO. This decision under the Biden Administration ensures that the civil rights of immigrants are protected and not violated in a callous disregard for human life and dignity.”

After an extensive investigation into a May 1, 2020 incident at Bristol County Jail and House of Correction, Attorney General Maura Healey issued a December 2020 report finding that the BCSO violated the civil rights of federal immigration detainees during the course of responding to a disturbance in the unit where the detainees were housed. The AG’s Office recommended a series of reforms to address the systemic issues at the facility, ensure public health and safety, and protect the rights of detainees. One of those recommendations was that DHS terminate its partnership with the BCSO.

Last month, the AG’s Office reached out to newly appointed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to share the report findings and ask DHS to terminate its contracts with BCSO.

Read the December 2020 report here

Statement from Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair Gus Bickford on Termination of ICE Contract for Bristol Sheriff Thomas Hodgson

"Tom Hodgson, like his hero Donald Trump, is a national disgrace and is unfit to serve in public office. This swift action by the Biden administration provides yet another example that decency and humanity has been restored to the White House."

波士頓代市長Kim Janey宣佈快樂議程 推出轉型公共藝術計畫


A city-wide invitation to hold space for joy, encourage opportunities for collective processing of grief and invest in healing, imagination and play.



Victor “Marka27” Quiñonez, 2019 Transformative Public Art grantee, creating the mural “Back to the Essence” in Newmarket Square.


BOSTON - Thursday, May 20, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey, in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture, Boston Parks Department and the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, among other departments, today announced the Joy Agenda, which is a city-wide invitation, opportunity, and investment in our collective well being. As a key part of this initiative, the City of Boston and Boston Art Commission are now accepting applications for the 2021 Transformative Public Art Program, which is now in its third year. 

“After over a year of incredible hardships caused by COVID-19 and acts of violence against communities of color across the country, we’re looking at ways we can foster an equitable recovery that allows all residents of Boston to thrive,” said Mayor Janey. “We believe that by emphasizing the power of joy in healing and growth, we’ll be able to come back together as a stronger, more welcoming city.”

Through the Joy Agenda, the City of Boston wants to place a focus on:

·     Creating spaces to reflect on and share what joy means to Boston and re-imagine more equitable policies and practices that promote joyful access to public space and other services;

·     Providing a range of ways for residents to safely reconnect with family, friends, and neighbors through engaging both virtually and in our vibrant public spaces; and

·     Investing in recovery and renewal through supporting the power and delight that arts and culture workers, local small businesses and youth bring to the City of Boston.

A key part of this work includes a focus on City-led initiatives that create job opportunities for creative workers across artistic disciplines throughout communities, organizations, and City departments. The Transformative Public Art Program, led by the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture, is one element of this initiative.

“This past year, we saw so many artists bring together communities amid social isolation and provide collective opportunities for processing grief, healing, and joy,” said Kara Elliott-Ortega, Chief of Arts and Culture for the City of Boston. “This program will bring more arts opportunities to Boston, while also investing in artists and creative workers who need our support now more than ever.”

This is the third year of the Transformative Public Art Program. Last year, 24 public art projects were awarded grants totaling $35,000 as part of the program. This year, the call has been split into three different opportunities: 

·     Opportunity 1 is for artists interested in creating murals, who are flexible about location. Artists will be selected based on a written proposal, portfolio, and interests, and the City will match them with a site. The deadline to apply for this opportunity is Wednesday, June 2 at 5 p.m.

·     Opportunity 2 is for artists interested in creating murals that are associated with specific themes or communities identified by the City. Projects include working with Hyde Square Task Force and community members to create a mural for Boston’s Latin Quarter in Mozart Park in Jamaica Plain, working with the Boston Parks Department and community members to create a mural honoring the legacy of Malcolm X in Malcolm X Park in Roxbury, working with a consulting team and community members to create a mural commemorating the legacy of Rita Hester and Transgender Day of Remembrance in Allston, and working with Age Strong and community members to create a mural at the East Boston Senior Center. The deadline to apply for this opportunity is Wednesday, June 16 at 5 p.m.

·     Opportunity 3 is for artists with a specific short-term project and location in mind. Projects can include murals, new media, traditional media, installations or performances, community-engaged cultural practices, social practice, or elements that specifically engage youth and/or non-English speaking communities. The deadline to apply for this opportunity is Wednesday, June 30th at 5 p.m. 

Budgets for Opportunity 1 and 2 projects will range from $25,000-$75,000 depending on site. Budgets for Opportunity 3 projects will start at $1,000.

This program is open to all arts and culture practitioners, organizers, professional artists, curators, cultural workers, arts administrators, etc. with a strong preference for those who live in or have a connection to Boston and/or the overall theme or the theme for an individual site.

The Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture will be holding virtual Question and Answer sessions on Monday, May 24th at 7 p.m. and Wednesday, May 26th at noon. More information about the Transformative Public Art Program can be found here. To apply, visit here. To learn more about the Joy Agenda, visit boston.gov/joy

星期三, 5月 19, 2021

徐千田教你做健康好管家 (圖片)


加斯林糖尿病中心"薑味"籌款21萬5千 (圖片)



"薑味"今年籌委會共同主席之一Shunee Yee。



長年支持"薑味"的Fuji Group(富士集團)負責人梁戰士。


加斯林糖尿病中新任董事長Roberta Herman。

籌委會的李超榮,Shunee Yee,甄碧鳳,周樹昂等人。


支持薑味的咖啡商Alvin Tsang。

"薑味"大廚之一,"Mei Mei"的Irene Li。




"薑味"大廚之一,"Bone Me"的Alison Fong。


