
星期日, 12月 20, 2020

12月20日新冠病毒疫情 新增確診 麻州4162 美國201,490 世界 537241 新增死亡 麻州60 美國2624

            (Boston Orange編譯) 1220日這天,麻州的新冠病毒(COVID-19)確診人數新添4162,累計至311,090;新增60人死亡,累計已有11465人因為染患新冠病毒辭世。

             麻州訂購了12萬劑Moderna的疫苗,將陸續送交給200各醫療護理機構。根據麻州指揮中心資料,截至上週五,麻州共分發出去17,573劑疫苗。麻州耆英護理協會(Massachhusetts Senior Care Association)會長Tara Gregorio表示,包括頤養院等長照機構的工作人員及病人,估計1228日就會開始打疫苗。CVSWalgreens會執行這些疫苗的分送、施打等工作。




             麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)這幾天不斷強調,聖誕新年假期將至,但請民眾千萬不要群聚,以免病毒傳播更為嚴重。


麻州琵琶地(Peabody)市市長Ted Bettencourt也在上週五獲悉確診了。他在臉書上透露,是經由家人傳染的。目前症狀輕微。琵琶地市是麻州的高危社區之一,過去2週有827宗新確診個案,累計達到3081宗。

紅襪隊球星Jason Varitek也確診了。他太太Catherine Varitek週六在推特上說,Jason正在自我隔離。

牛頓市市長Ruthanne Fuller為了促使人們正視新冠病毒疫情的嚴重程度,在市政府大樓外面的草坪上放了許多張黑色空椅子,藉以代表有那麼多生命已經殞落。截至上週三,牛頓市有160人因為新冠病毒辭世,累計有1900人染病。



波士頓市長宣佈三地點有免費新冠病毒檢測 HYDE PARK, ROXBURY 及 JAMAICA PLAIN

           (Boston Orange)「無論有沒症狀,所有居民都可做新冠病毒檢測(COVID-19)」。波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)1220日提醒民眾,波士頓市府這星期安排流動團隊到洛士百利(Roxbury),海德公園(Hyde Park),以及牙買加平原(Jamaica Plain)等三個地區,為民眾免費檢測。

             波士頓市府和Whittier Street健康中心,東波士頓鄰里健康中心,以及LCG波士頓合作的流動團隊,座落在洛士百利,海德公園,牙買加平原。其中海德公園這站點將擴大到容許任何居民做新冠病毒檢測。


             座落在海德公園大道1432號,波士頓復興特許學校(Boston Renaissance Charter Public School)的這個檢測站,只辦理駕車經過(drive-thru)檢測。前往檢測,需先預約,直至26日都可做檢測,但122425兩日暫停服務。

             Whittier Street健康中心將在洛士百利(Roxbury)Warren333號的華盛頓街購物廣場內,服務至1226日。無論是否有症狀,任何人都可做檢測,但須事先致電617-858-2406登記。


             LCG波士頓將在牙買加平原(Jamaica Plain)Heath24Mildred Hailey公寓裏的Anna Mae Cole社區中心,免費為任何人提供新冠病毒檢測。





Open to all residents, testing available regardless of symptoms


BOSTON - Sunday, December 20, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced this week that free, mobile COVID-19 testing is available to anyone regardless of symptoms. Currently, the City of Boston's mobile teams, in partnerships with Whittier Street Health Center,  East Boston Neighborhood Health Center and LCG Boston, are located in Roxbury, Hyde Park and Jamaica Plain. The Hyde Park site's expanded testing capacity will increase the accessibility of COVID-19 testing for any resident.

"Expanding access to COVID-19 testing, particularly in communities facing higher positive test rates of COVID-19, is vital to our response. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have placed equity at the center of our response to ensure every Bostonian can stay healthy," said Mayor Walsh. "As we continue to see elevated COVID-19 activity in Boston, I want to thank our partners for their continued support for the City of Boston and our residents. In Boston, our decisions and planning are guided by public health metrics and the safety of all Bostonians."

East Boston Neighborhood Health Center: Hyde Park

Free COVID-19 testing in Hyde Park is operating five days a week, totaling 40 hours of testing availability. Additionally, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center's testing capacity has expanded to 500 tests per day at its mobile site. Testing is drive-thru only, located at Boston Renaissance Charter Public School at 1432 Hyde Park Avenue. Individuals must make an appointment online, available through Saturday, December 26. Testing will not be available Thursday, December 24 and Friday, December 25. 

"Testing takes on renewed importance during the holiday season, especially given the current surge in cases, and we're honored to partner with Mayor Walsh to support this critical need for the City of Boston," said President and Chief Executive Officer of the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Manny Lopes. "Safe preparation and planning starts now."


Whittier Street Health Center: Roxbury


Whittier Street Health Center has COVID-19 testing available in Roxbury at Washington Park Mall at 333 Warren Street until December 26. Anyone can get tested for free and regardless of symptoms. Individuals are asked to pre-register by calling 617-858-2406 before visiting the site during the hours of operation listed below.


Tuesday, December 22 - Thursday, December 24: 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 26: 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


"We are grateful to partner with the City to provide consistent access to COVID-19 testing, which is crucial to help identify, treat, isolate or hospitalize people who are infected. In addition to testing, we also always want to encourage people to follow the CDC guidelines to wear a mask, wash your hands, and social distance," said Frederica M. Williams, President & CEO of Whittier Street Health Center. "These prevention strategies are critical in controlling the spread of the virus and keeping all of us safe and healthy."

LCG Boston: Jamaica Plain

In Jamaica Plain, testing is available in partnership with LCG through Wednesday, December 30 at the Anna Mae Cole Community Center, located at the Mildred Hailey Apartments at 24 Heath Street. Testing is available to anyone at no cost and regardless of symptoms and insurance, and by walk-up only during the hours below. With questions, individuals should contact the Mayor's Health Line at 617-534-5050.

Sunday, December 20: 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

Monday, December 21 - Tuesday, December 22: 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 

Wednesday, December 23: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 


Sunday, December 27: 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

Monday, December 28 - Tuesday, December 29:  2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 

Wednesday, December 30: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

The mobile site testing initiative was announced by Mayor Walsh in May as a way to help fill any gaps in testing availability, prioritizing neighborhoods and populations that need dedicated testing efforts to create equitable access to testing. The mobile testing teams have previously been located in Roxbury, Allston, South Boston, Mattapan, East Boston, and Dorchester. 

In addition to the City's mobile testing sites, COVID-19 testing is available at over 30 locations across the city. Individuals can call the Mayor's Health Line with any questions using 617-534-5050.  View a complete list of all testing sites.

The City of Boston has been partnering with community health centers to increase access to testing, particularly in neighborhoods experiencing higher rates of COVID-19. As of Sunday, December 13, 2020, there were 447,170 COVID-19 tests of Boston residents. For all Boston residents, the current community positivity for tests increased from 7.2% for the prior week (November 30- December 6) to 8.0% for the current week (December 7-13). The latest numbers of cases from the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) by neighborhoods are  available online.

Resources and information about COVID-19 are available online. Resources available on Boston.gov and through City departments include support for renters and homeowners; small businesses; free meals for Boston students; free toiletries for Boston students; support for older residents; information on homeless shelters; resources for those in recovery or those who have a substance use disorder; and mental health resources. More information on Boston's reopening can be found at boston.gov/reopening.

For additional questions or programs, please visit our coronavirus website or call 3-1-1, Boston's 24-hour constituent hotline. Text BOSCOVID to 888-777 to receive text alerts on a regular basis, available in 11 languages.


聯邦參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren),聯邦眾議員普利斯萊
(Ayanna Pressley)兩人轉發了這同一則推特貼文。(圖片取自推特)
            (Boston Orange 編譯整理)波士頓市議會16日才剛通過成立「警察問責、透明辦公室(The Office of Police Accountability and Transparency)」,18日就發生波士頓市警察局和薩福克郡地方檢察官辦公室因為警察穿載相機所錄視頻,要啟動調查事件。

成立「警察問責、透明辦公室」是波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)指派的警察改革工作小組所做的建議之一。波士頓市13名市議員除了Frank Baker,全部在16日舉行的會議中投贊成票,通過這一做法,而且還要增設一個「公民審核委員會(Civic Review Board)」。

18日時,因為「上訴(The Appeal)」這網路媒體把月前民眾為警察殺了明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)喬治弗洛依德(George Floyd)事件而走上街頭抗議,警察維持秩序時行動粗暴,甚至故意傷害抗議民眾的視頻公佈上網,引發一片韃伐聲,包括聯邦參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren),聯邦眾議員普利斯萊(Ayanna Pressley),波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),全都在推特上發聲。

吳弭(Michelle Wu)在推特上的發言。
                自稱無黨派,觀眾公共政策議題的「上訴」,公佈的是攝於61日視頻,來自警察的穿戴相機(body camera),其中有個別片段明顯可見穿制服的警察對著抗議者的臉噴灑煙霧劑,用警棍把人打倒在地,以粗暴語言威嚇抗議者。




波士頓警察局局長葛羅斯(William G. Gross)週五時在一份聲明中表示,在他得知有此視頻後,已下令該部門的專業標準局就此事,以及所有的相關環境,執行徹底且公平的調查。他也下令一名涉事警官(Sergeant)暫時離職,一旦調查結果出來後,他會在必要情況下採取額外行動。他要鼓勵人們提醒他們有這類事情出現,以便他們能做事當調查。



薩福克郡地區檢察官Rachael Rollins辦公室表示,他們將非常認真地調查此案。

星期六, 12月 19, 2020


聯邦參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)
             (Boston Orange整理編譯)新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫苗送到麻州,醫護工作人員開始接種後,兩名麻州聯邦參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)及馬基(Ed Markey),聯邦眾議員凱薩琳克拉克(Katherine Clark)(19)日都在推特上發出自己接種疫苗的照片。



聯邦參議員馬基(Ed Markey)。

                   FDA批准疫苗後,現在已經排到國會議員可以接種疫苗了。這個週末,這些議員們應該都還在華府協商新冠病毒疫情紓緩方案。美國副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)也已於週五在電視攝影鏡頭前接種了疫苗。共和黨籍的聯邦參議員麥康納(Mitch McConnell),代表猶他州,曾任麻州州長的朗尼(Mitt Romney),也都在推特上宣佈他們接種了疫苗。

聯邦眾議員凱薩琳克拉克(Katherine Clark)。
            民主黨籍的眾議院議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi),紐約州聯邦眾議員Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez也宣佈他們接種了疫苗。(所有圖片都取自推特)

12月19日新冠疫情 新增確診 麻州3995 美國CDC403,359 全世界588,788 新增死亡麻州47 美國2756 全世界10654



星期五, 12月 18, 2020

11月18日新冠疫情 新增確診 麻州5632 美國230953 世界706,780 新增死亡 麻州53 美國3444 全世界12,262

               (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州的1218日新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情是新增確診個案5632宗,累計302,933宗。新增53人死亡,累計11,358人。









             若從新增確診人數來看,美國的一日確診人數竟高逾20萬,確實讓人覺得不可思議。其餘各國,確診人數最多的是巴西,52,385,其次為德國31,553,英國28,507。從死亡人數來看,美國新增2753人死亡 (這數據比CDC3444少得多),也遠比德國的838,巴西的811,墨西哥的718,義大利的674高得多。






麻州年底前收到的輝瑞疫苗會比訂購量少20% 145,000劑 Moderna疫苗已獲批准使用


        (Boston Orange編譯)麻州訂購了的18萬劑輝瑞(Pfizer)/BioNTech新冠疫苗,估計現在頂多能拿到145000劑,比預定能收到的少了20%

             麻州公共衛生廳廳長Marylou Sudders1218日的州長疫情匯報會說,聯邦政府通知麻州,以及其他十幾個州,交給各州的疫苗劑數比各州訂購的為少。


             麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,州府人員對此結果感到沮喪,也不知道為什麼會有這樣的變化,同時將著手弄清楚,收到疫苗數量的變化,對麻州預定的三階段免疫時間表會有些甚麼影響。

麻州公共衛生廳廳長Marylou Sudders(右)說明,麻州被告知,收到的










            獲告知疫苗數量會比訂購數量少的州包括新罕布夏州( New Hampshire),康州(Connecticut),加州(California),以及印第安那州(Indiana)


Governor Baker Names Jose Delgado Director of Western Massachusetts Office

 Governor Baker Names Jose Delgado Director of Western Massachusetts Office


BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker announced Jose Delgado as the Director of the Governor’s Western Massachusetts Office in Springfield, effective January 4, 2021. Delgado is deeply involved in the communities of Greater Springfield and brings more than a decade of private and public sector experience working in Western Massachusetts. He will be the Administration’s primary liaison to the region’s constituents and communities, replacing outgoing Director Patrick Carnevale after more than two years of service.


“Our Springfield office serves as a key conduit between our Administration and the residents, leaders and municipalities of Western Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Jose Delgado is a highly accomplished professional who has demonstrated his commitment to public service and the communities of Western Massachusetts, and we look forward to him continuing to serve the region as a member of our team. Outgoing Director Patrick Carnevale’s service to the region and to the Commonwealth has been invaluable to our Administration. We are thankful for Pat’s commitment over the years and I know Jose will hit the ground running with Pat’s help during this transition .”


“Our Administration is grateful to Patrick Carnevale for his time as Director of the Western Massachusetts Office, and we are thrilled Jose is joining the team,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “I am confident that Jose’s experience as a leader in business, government and the community will make him an effective liaison between our Administration and the people of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden Counties.”


“Serving the people of Massachusetts is an honor and I am thankful the Governor and Lieutenant Governor gave me the opportunity to give back to the community I care deeply about," said Patrick Carnevale. "Jose is highly talented and will be an asset to the region and the Commonwealth in this role.”  


“I am honored to be named the Director of the Governor’s Western Massachusetts Office,” said Jose Delgado. “Thank you to Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito for the opportunity to serve this dynamic region and its many vibrant communities.”


About Jose Delgado


Jose Delgado has served since 2017 as Director of Government Affairs at MGM Springfield, where he was responsible for managing the property’s government relations and community engagement throughout and following the opening of the $960 million-dollar resort that has helped transform Downtown Springfield. He has also overseen communications and media relations for the property during the pandemic. Previously, Delgado served as an aide to Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, where he managed constituent services throughout the city and represented the Mayor at community events, in addition to serving as Chairman of the Buy Springfield Now Program for local homeowners and prospective homebuyers. He has also worked as an Advisor and Recruitment Coordinator for the University Without Walls Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In addition to his professional work, Delgado is deeply involved in the communities of Greater Springfield, and has been a member of boards and organizations including the Massachusetts Latino Chamber of Commerce, Suit Up Springfield and the Springfield Puerto Rican Parade Committee. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Holyoke Community College, the Legislative Steering Committee for the Springfield Regional Chamber, Businesses Against Human Trafficking and the Hispanic American Library. In recognition of his role as a regional leader, Delgado was recognized as a member of BusinessWest’s 40 Under Forty, Class of 2014. He earned his Master’s of Business Administration from the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Westfield State University

星期四, 12月 17, 2020

12月17日新冠毅情 新增確診麻州4958 美國236,913 世界709,997 全美新增死亡ˇ3,435

波士頓市風雪停車禁令18日早上7點起取消 公校學生可回校上課



Residents urged to abide by snow regulations, and offer help to older adults and neighbors with disabilities in shoveling sidewalks and pedestrian ramps 

BOSTON - Thursday, December 17, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the declared snow emergency and parking ban will be lifted at 7 a.m. on Friday, December 18, giving residents parked in participating discounted lots or garages until 9 a.m. to move their cars before regular rates resume. The Public Works Department (PWD) currently has almost 300 pieces of snow and ice control equipment on Boston's streets and is treating streets with salt, following a snow storm that resulted in 12.5 inches of snow.

"I'd like to thank the people of Boston for their great compliance with the snow emergency and parking ban," said Mayor Walsh. "It allows our hardworking crews to effectively and efficiently plow the snow, making our streets safer for all. I ask everyone to keep up the good work and continue to keep sidewalks and pedestrian ramps in front of your properties clear. This is a great way to help make your neighborhood safer and more accessible for everyone, especially for older residents and those with disabilities." 

Residents are able to look up towed cars on the City of Boston's online database, call the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) at (617) 635-3900 or call the Boston Police Department at (617) 343-4629 to find out which tow company was used if it was not towed by BTD.  

Boston City Hall and 1010 Massachusetts Avenue will reopen tomorrow to the public. Boston Public Schools buildings will reopen for students who are currently learning in-person. All other students will return to a full day of remote learning. Boston Public Library locations will be open for BPL To Go services. Boston Centers for Youth & Families in-person programming is set to resume. 

As a reminder, trash and recycling pick-up was cancelled citywide today. Neighborhoods with a Thursday and Friday pick-up schedule will be delayed by one day. Residents are encouraged to download the Trash Day App. Street sweeping is cancelled until further notice. Some COVID-19 testing sites were closed on Thursday. Please check each site's hours of operation here and call before going. 

Rules on clearing snow:

  • Property owners must fully clear snow, sleet and ice from sidewalks and curb ramps abutting the property within three hours after the snowfall ends or within three hours after sunrise if the snow ends overnight. For this storm, snow will have ended after sunset; consequently, residents have until 10 a.m. tomorrow to complete clearing their sidewalk. We highly encourage people to clear their sidewalk sooner. Curb and pedestrian ramps to the street should be cleared fully and continually over the duration of the storm to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities. 
  • Do not throw snow from the sidewalk or private property into the street. 
  • Failure to comply with the rules can result in fines issued by the Code Enforcement Division. Fines associated with failing to shovel sidewalks or throwing snow from private property onto public streets can be found here.

Bitterly cold weather between 14 and 30 degrees is expected on Friday into Saturday. Street outreach teams will operate with extended hours and provide mobile outreach vans on the streets in the evening and throughout the day. Residents are reminded if you see homeless and vulnerable individuals out in the cold who appear immobile, disoriented or underdressed for the cold, please call 911.

Safety tips:

  • Keep catch basins and fire hydrants clear. For a map of catch basins and fire hydrants, visit here. You can assist in keeping hydrants clear of snow so the Boston Fire Department can access them quickly in case of emergency.
  • Shoveling snow requires significant exertion; please be cautious and pay attention to symptoms. Stop if you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheaded, nauseous/vomiting. Call 911 if those symptoms do not resolve quickly.
  • Please take extra care on our streets while walking or driving, staying alert for other people on the road.  
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning is a concern during winter weather, especially with the use of generators. Residents should use their home heating systems wisely and safely, and have a working carbon monoxide detector on each floor of the home. Call 911 immediately if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Sitting in a car while idling can be deadly if the tailpipe is blocked. Do not let children sit in an idling car while shoveling. Clear any household exhaust pipes of snow like gas exhaust from the heating system or dryer.
  • Have a contractor check the roof to see if snow needs to be removed. If roof snow can be removed from the ground with the use of a snow-rake, do so with caution. Avoid working from ladders and be mindful of slippery surfaces. 

Residents are encouraged to sign up for emergency notifications through AlertBoston and call 311 for non-emergency related issues. Please follow @CityofBoston and visit boston.gov/snow for the latest updates.