
星期四, 9月 03, 2020



BOSTON - Thursday, September 3, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture today announced the City of Boston awarded $815,000 in grants to 146 local arts and cultural organizations as part of the  Arts and Culture COVID-19 Fund. This fund, made available by the City of Boston's allocated CARES Act funding, was established earlier this summer to support small and mid-sized arts and culture nonprofits in adapting their programs, spaces, and operating models as a result of COVID-19.

"Supporting the organizations that bring transformative arts programming to every neighborhood in our city is imperative during this unprecedented time," said Mayor Walsh. "These organizations have put a tremendous amount of effort into making sure Bostonians can still participate in the arts and express themselves creatively, and it's important that we do what we can to ensure they remain a part of Boston's arts community in the future."

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the arts and culture sector, particularly performing arts organizations. Boston's arts and culture sector is a critical part of the city's economy and generates $1.35 billion in total economic activity, according to Americans for the Arts'  Arts and Economic Prosperity 5 report ArtsBoston's 2019 Arts Factor report indicated that more than 21 million people attend arts and cultural events annually.  Mass Cultural Council reported cultural nonprofits in Massachusetts have lost $425 million in revenue with 17,000 jobs impacted, and are facing $441.8 million in total recovery costs.

As organizations and cultural facilities begin reopening, the Arts and Culture COVID-19 Fund aims to mitigate costs for finding new safe spaces for performance and rehearsal, adapting existing facilities to comply with public health standards, developing new capacities in streaming and virtual engagement, addressing issues of equitable access on digital programs, retraining staff, and other costs associated with physically distanced program delivery. 

"By enabling us to access video and audio engineering services, the Arts and Culture COVID-19 Fund is helping us do something amazing: to continue paying performers and bringing opera performances to Boston audiences during a pandemic," said grantee Greg Smucker, Artistic Director of Boston Opera Collaborative.

In addition to the Arts and Culture COVID-19 Fund, the City of Boston  distributed grants totaling $490,000 to 146 arts and cultural organizations that offer programming in the City of Boston through the Boston Cultural Council. Throughout the COVID-19 public health emergency, the City of Boston in partnership with Boston Center for the Arts (BCA) have also awarded grants totaling over $330,000 to over 600 artists as part of the Boston Artist Relief Fund, which was established to support artists whose creative practices and incomes were adversely impacted by the pandemic.

"Providing ongoing support to Boston's arts organizations is critical during this time," said Kara Elliott-Ortega. "We hope this will encourage Boston residents to do what they can to make sure these organizations are able to continue providing valuable programming to our communities in the future." 

View the complete list of Arts and Culture COVID-19 Fund grantees here. To learn more about how the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture is supporting artists and arts organizations during COVID-19, visit boston.gov/arts 

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Start of FY2021 Community Compact Cabinet IT Grant Program

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces Start of FY2021 Community Compact Cabinet IT Grant Program



BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the opening of the sixth year of the Community Compact IT Grant Program which will provide a total of $3 million in grants for municipal and school district projects designed to modernize and improve technology systems. The Community Compact IT program will be accepting applications from September 15, through October 15, and will provide each municipal recipient up to $200,000 in funding.


Since its inception, the Community Compact IT Grant Program has awarded 240 grants totaling $12 million to municipalities and school districts to invest in transformative technology infrastructure and critical equipment.


“Our Administration remains committed to supporting cities and towns and modernizing and securing the Commonwealth’s technological resources,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We continue to work closely with our partners in the legislature and in local government to improve technology systems, a need that is even more apparent due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”


“The Community Compact IT Grant Program continues to help meet communities’ technology needs and bolster technological capabilities,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “As the Chair of the Community Compact Cabinet, I am proud of the work we have done so far and look forward to another year of important projects.”


COVID-19 has greatly impacted how Commonwealth residents interact with municipalities and utilize technology services. These Community Compact IT grants will be allocated to Commonwealth cities, towns, and school districts to aid in one-time capital improvements such as technology infrastructure, upgrades, or equipment purchases. This includes records management and e-permitting systems, implementing new cybersecurity measures, and improvements to public safety systems.


“Community Compact IT grants provide important opportunities for local governments to engage in projects that may otherwise be cost-prohibitive,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “We appreciate the support of the Legislature and municipal partners across the Commonwealth as we continue to improve the delivery of essential technology services for Massachusetts residents.”

"We believe that making smart investments to modernize and secure technology assets at both the state and local level is a key component in creating a resilient and responsive government for the Commonwealth's residents and businesses," said Secretary of Technology Services and Security Curtis M. Wood. "The Community Compact IT Grant Program has funded many critical municipal IT projects to date, and we look forward to the continued dialogue with our partners in municipal government."


Formed in January 2015, the Community Compact Cabinet is chaired by Lt. Governor Polito and is composed of the secretaries of Housing & Economic Development, Education, Transportation, Energy & Environmental Affairs, and Technology Services and Security, and the Senior Deputy Commissioner of Local Services and the Assistant Secretary of Operational Services. The Community Compact Cabinet elevates the Administration’s partnerships with cities and towns and allows the Governor’s Office to work more closely with leaders from all municipalities.


The Cabinet champions municipal interests across all executive secretariats and agencies, and develops, in consultation with cities and towns, mutual standards and best practices for both the state and municipalities.

Baker-Polito Administration Launches Additional Intervention Initiatives for Communities With Highest Risk for COVID-19

 Baker-Polito Administration Launches Additional Intervention Initiatives for Communities With Highest Risk for COVID-19

COVID-19 Enforcement and Intervention Team to Add Resources, Begin Public Messaging Campaign for Chelsea, Everett, Lawrence, Lynn and Revere with Mass.gov/StopCOVID19


BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration stepped up its targeted initiative to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in communities across the Commonwealth with the highest number of positive cases. This initiative brings even greater focus to the top 5 highest-risk communities with regular neighborhood-level assessments and a comprehensive multi-lingual public messaging campaign.


The initiative focuses efforts on Chelsea, Everett, Lawrence, Lynn and Revere. The Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Enforcement and Intervention Team (CEIT), in partnership with local community officials, is leading this effort. This targeted initiative includes regular meetings with local leadership to understand residential and business activities contributing to trends, an even greater level of state focus to stop the spread and a new public messaging campaign.


The goal of the public messaging campaign is to ensure residents know they live in a high-risk community and reiterate the importance of wearing a mask and other best practices to stop the spread. Built around a message of, “You have the power to save a life,” the comprehensive campaign will encourage the use of masks and social distancing and will run in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Vietnamese, Arabic and other languages common to these communities. The campaign includes:


(Additional multilingual online resources will be available soon)


  • Advertising on billboards, digital and social media


  • Downloadable materials in multiple languages


  • Multi-lingual field teams deployed in the communities


  • Phone and text communications


  • Outreach to local community groups


This new website Mass.gov/StopCOVID19 provides residents and local business owners with information on how to stop the spread, state restrictions on gathering sizes, testing locations and materials that can be printed for display in apartment complexes, restaurants and community areas.


The campaign’s advertising will run on hundreds of displays, message boards, signs, billboards and other channels in these top 5 communities through paid partnerships and via state-owned resources, such as at MBTA stations, on MassDOT signs and much more. During Labor Day weekend, the field teams will be active at approximately 15 locations in these top 5 communities. All aspects of this campaign will expand throughout the fall.


In early August, the Administration established CEIT through the COVID-19 Command Center. CEIT is a cross-agency response unit, which includes representatives from the Community Tracing Collaborative, Department of Public Health, Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission, Massachusetts State Police, Department of Labor Standards and other agencies.


Since it was launched, this team has worked closely with all higher-risk communities to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in areas that are persistently above the state average. CEIT partnered with local elected and community officials, including municipal leadership, police chiefs and local health departments, to assess trends and most effectively utilize resources. Collectively, these teams have enforced gathering size restrictions and shared with municipalities additional state support, such as testing and contact tracing information.


Over the last two weeks the statewide average daily incidence rate is 4.2 cases per 100,000 people, while Chelsea is 29.4, Revere is 20.9, Lynn is 12.1, Everett is 15.9 and Lawrence is 14.9. As new community data is reported, CEIT will adjust as cities and towns move into or out of higher-risk categories. Throughout September, the campaign will expand beyond the top 5 communities.  

星期三, 9月 02, 2020

麻州初選結果揭曉 聯邦參議員馬基開懷

聯邦參議員馬基(Ed Markey)順利跨過初選大關,預料十一月大選將
            (Boston Orange編譯整理)2020年的聯邦及州級民代的初選,91日晚落幕。麻州投票人數超過160萬,打破紀錄。最受矚目的聯邦參議員選舉,74歲的馬基(Ed Markey)成功保位。
              今年的選舉,總統部分,大家早就知道民主黨將由拜登(Joe Biden)代表參選,共和黨也會是由現任總統川普競遠連任。他倆在91日麻州初選中的得票率依序為民主黨的33.6%,共和黨的87.7%
                 已退出選戰,但仍名列選票上的民主黨總統參選人,諸如Bernie Sanders,伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren),彭博(Michael Bloomberg)Pete Buttigieg,依序獲得26.7%21.4%11.8%2.7%的選票。顯然民主黨員們對未來四年美國應該由誰領導,看法很不一致。
               在聯邦參議員部分,民主黨有39歲出自政治世家的約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Joseph Kennedy, III)74歲的在位參議員馬基(Ed Markey)競爭。
             他們倆的這場選戰,可謂頗為激烈,還締造了麻州最昂貴選舉紀錄。截至812日,他倆就已花了2200萬元來參選,超級政治行動委員會(Spuer PAC)也為他倆花了790萬元。他倆各自的支持率起起伏伏,一度讓許多人對誰可能進入大選,都持保留態度。結果是馬基得票率55.5%,約瑟夫甘乃迪44.5%,差距高達11%,頗出人意料之外。
             在初選競爭後期表態支持馬基的波士頓環球報,寫了一篇長文分析大概原因,指稱支持Bernie SandersElizabeth Warren日出運動(Sunrise Movement)年輕人,不滿這兩人被擠掉了代表民主黨參選美國總統的機會,於是把精力轉向支持馬基,還為馬基製作了一個長約3分鐘的數位廣告,吸引超過400萬人次收看,馬基和紐約州國會議員Ocasio-Cortez合撰新綠色法案(Green New Deal)”,也為他吸引了許多重視環保議題的年輕人支持者,陡然抬高了他的民調支持度。
             年輕,又出身於麻州最著名政治世家,現任聯邦眾議員的約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Josephy Kennedy, III)卻一直沒能很清晰表達,他跳出來和同黨的在位議員競爭,到底是為什麼。他的競選策略原本是走草根路線拜碼頭,但新型冠狀病毒大流行,打亂了他的做法。波士頓環球報指出,馬基本來有早年僅以26%左右的得票率當選,其後住在華府,馬里蘭州的時間比麻州還多,本地選民很多人根本不知道他是誰,他在位這些年也沒有什麼非常令人矚目的政績,在一項奧巴馬提出的政策上還是唯一投出無意見票的議員等等缺點,但約瑟夫甘乃的卻是等到競選末期,才著手攻擊馬基的形象,就已經來不及了。
             麻州的聯邦眾議員共有9個席位,第一區部分,民主黨籍候選人Richard Neal竟然還獲得麻州共和黨籍州長查理貝克的支持,順利贏得初選。共和黨只有John Cain一人參選,不須辦理初選。
             第二區,民主黨Jim McGovern晉級,將和共和黨的Tracy Lovvorn在大選中爭勝負。
             第三區,民主黨只有Lori Trahan參選,共和黨因無人角逐,取消了初選。
             第四區,民主黨有13人角逐約瑟夫甘乃迪空出來的席位,但最後只有9人列名選票,競爭十分激烈。Jake Auchincloss得票率22.4%,將在大選中和共和黨的Julie Hall競爭。
             第五區範圍包括摩頓市(Malden),民主黨參選人陸續退選後,Katherine Clark同額晉級,將和共和黨籍也是同額晉級進入大選的Caroline Colarusso競爭。
             第六區,民主黨由Seth Moulton晉級,將和同額晉級的共和黨John Paul Moran競爭。
             第七區,民主黨籍Aynna Pressley同額晉級,共和黨無人參選,取消辦理初選。
             第八區,民主黨籍Stephen Lynch晉級,共和黨無人參選。
             第九區,民主黨及共和黨各只有一人參選,Bill KeatingHelen Brady將在大選日對決。
            轄區包括華埠的第一薩福克郡(Suffolk)及米斗塞郡(Middlesex)區參議員Joseph Boncore,以及父親為美國首名亞裔太空人陳福林的第二薩福克區參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz)都無競爭對手,十一月大選時將同額當選。共和黨籍的屋斯特(Worcester)及米斗塞(Middlesex)區越南裔參議員,Dean Tran將於十一月和民主黨籍的John J. Cronin競爭。
             麻州眾議會有160席,其中127人為民主黨籍,31人共和黨籍,1人獨力無黨籍,1席出缺。共有15名在位議員未參選。和麻州參議會選舉類似,許多席位都只有一人參選,不須辦理黨派初選。轄區包括華埠的第三薩福克區(Suffolk)只有在位眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)參選,第九益士石區(Essex)的共和黨籍眾議員黃子安(Donald Wong),轄區包括昆士市的的第二諾福克區(Norfolk),只有在位眾議員陳德基(Tackey Chan)參選。他們三人都將於十一月大選時同額當選。
             第十八米斗塞區的民主黨籍眾議員Rady Mom無競爭者,也將在大選時同額當選。
            第十八益士石區(Essex)的越南裔眾議員Tram Nguyen將和共和黨籍的Jeffrey DuFour在十一月大選中競爭。參選這一席位的華裔Shishan Wang,在共和黨初選中落敗。

麻州初選投票踴躍 選前已有近百萬人投了票


             (Boston Orange編譯整理)儘管新型冠狀病毒疫情未消,美國今年的選舉民眾投票踴躍。麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William Galvin)指出,在今日這91日的初選投票日之前,已經有90萬人投了票。
             今年的初選,雖然總統部分大勢已定,人們都知道會由拜登(Joe Biden)代表民主黨,川普(Donald Trump)代表共和黨來競爭美國總統大位,但麻州的聯邦參議員席位民主黨代表選舉,卻因為39歲的現任聯邦眾議員約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Joe Kennedy, III)跳出來挑戰74歲的在位議員馬基(Ed Markey),備受矚目。
             劍橋市的Moses青年中心投票站,隊伍排得挺長。好幾個人說因為綠色新法案(Green New Deal)”,他們投票給馬基。
             麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William Galvin)在選前就已經預測,今年的選舉投票率大概會破紀錄,一來是因應新型冠狀病毒疫情,今年的選舉辦法改變了,人們可以更容易地以郵寄選票,以及提前投票方式來投票。截至831日止,麻州已收到768000張民主黨選票,以及88000張共和黨選票。還有40萬張郵寄選票待計算,估計總共會至少有120萬到130萬人投票。

星期二, 9月 01, 2020

九月一日麻州新增354人新冠確診 新增4人死亡

MBTA 慶祝地鐵綠線C、E線修繕完工

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。
(Boston Orange編譯)本來要用掉一整年週末時間來完成的地鐵(MBTA)綠線C線及E線修繕工程,在地鐵當局改變策略下,僅用28天就完工了。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(1)日在波士頓美術博物館站前稱許相關人員。
地鐵總經理Steve Poftak說明,這是麻州80億元打造更好地鐵(Building a Better T program)”基礎設施改善工程的一部分。他要特別感謝地鐵的綠線改造小組(Capital Delivery and Green Line Transformation teams)”,讓地鐵能夠把更新維修工程對乘客的影響,從一整年縮減到不足一個月。
地鐵總經理Steve Poftak(左)。

Steve Poftak表示,在疫情漸緩下,巴士乘客人數回升得比較多,現在大約每天發車16萬次,約42%的乘客回來了,地鐵則是每天10萬車次,大約26%的乘客回來了。各顏色地鐵的乘客回流率不同,藍線最高。根據他們所追蹤的數據,乘客數是在緩慢回升。地鐵會繼續觀察各項相關數據。

Building a Better T: Baker-Polito Administration, Transportation Officials Celebrate Successful Completion of Accelerated Green Line C and E Branch Work

Posted on September 1, 2020

Today Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Massachusetts Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack, MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak, and others celebrated the successful completion of accelerated work on the Green Line C and E Branches this summer with a tour of completed work at Museum of Fine Arts Station. 

Governor Baker, Lieutenant Governor Polito, MassDOT Secretary Pollack, MBTA General Manager Poftak toured accelerated Green Line E Branch work at Museum of Fine Arts Station led by the MBTA’s Green Line Transformation Team.

With the goal of expediting safety and reliability improvements through core infrastructure investments as part of the MBTA’s $8 billion Building a Better T program, the MBTA accelerated essential track and intersection work on the entirety of the Green Line C Branch during a 28-day shutdown in service in July and on the entirety of the E Branch during a 28-day shutdown in service in August. During this accelerated work, Green Line trolley service on these branches was replaced with alternate services that included bus shuttles.  
“Each month-long Green Line diversion this summer enabled 1 full year’s worth of work to be completed in just a few weeks, and these improvements will result in faster and more reliable service for riders,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “By allowing crews longer periods of 24/7 access, the T is able to complete important upgrades more quickly and save money along the way.”
“The Green Line C Branch and Green Line E Branch capital improvement projects demonstrate the MBTA’s commitment to being aggressive about capital projects that are vital to improving safety and service,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “Despite the public health challenges in recent months due to the coronavirus, the MBTA is delivering on previously announced projects which improve the core infrastructure, replacing or repairing track, signals, power, and other assets.”
“Doing this accelerated E Branch work over 28 days last August saved us a year’s worth of weekend and evening diversions, and we exceeded our track replacement goals by replacing over 3 miles of E Branch track, allowing us to provide a safer, more reliable trip for riders,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “While ridership has been reduced during the pandemic, the MBTA has had a busy spring and summer making accessibility, infrastructure, customer experience, and safety improvements. This work follows additional expedited work on the C Branch during a 28-day shutdown in July and a 9-day shutdown in June, 2 9-day shutdowns on the D Branch in June, a 14-day shutdown on the Red Line in June, and a 14-day shutdown on the Blue Line in May. I want to express my appreciation to the T’s Capital Delivery and Green Line Transformation teams for their hard work these past few months, and to our riders for their continued patience while we accomplished this important work.”

Governor Baker, Lieutenant Governor Polito, MassDOT Secretary Pollack, MBTA General Manager Poftak near Museum of Fine Arts Station along the Green Line E Branch.

More Information about The Work

The suspensions in Green Line C and E Branch service was part of both the MBTA’s $8 billion Building a Better T program and the MBTA’s Green Line Transformation program. Though this work was previously announced and planned during the summer when ridership is historically lower, doing this work also allowed its completion at a time when ridership on the Green Line was significantly decreased due to the pandemic. Completion of this work on both branches results in improved safety and reliability, fewer unplanned service disruptions, and improved travel times for riders. 
These nearly month-long closures on the C and E Branches were equivalent to about 1 full year of weekend and night closures on each branch. During these diversions in service, work crews accomplished the following:
  • Allowed for a more reliable trip and the removal of longstanding speed restrictions through the replacement of 2.5 miles (about 13,200 feet) of track on the C Branch and over 3 miles (about 17,000 feet) of track on the E Branch (exceeding the project’s goal of about 14,300 feet) that, in some areas, was over 30 years old and had reached the end of its service life;
  • Allowed for improvements to safety, accessibility, and the rider experience through the replacement of 7 road crossings and 4 individual pedestrian track crossings on the C Branch and the restoration of 6 road crossings and 5 individual pedestrian track crossings on the E Branch, including the replacement of uneven pavement and the installation of accessible ramps where needed; and
  • Performed additional customer improvements that included upgrades to system maps, walkways, station brightening, and yellow tactile edging at C and E Branch Stations. 

Information on Previous Accelerated Work in 2020

The MBTA continues to assess whether other projects can be further accelerated. Previous and current accelerated work in 2020 includes:
  • Track work, harbor tunnel repairs, and additional infrastructure improvements during a 14-day shutdown of the Blue Line from Bowdoin to Airport in May 2020;
  • Tie replacement work, concrete repairs, Quincy Adams elevator work, track replacement, and bridge inspection work during a 14-day shutdown of the Red Line from Braintree to Quincy Center in June 2020;
  • Track and signal replacement work during 2 9-day shutdowns of the Green Line D Branch from Kenmore to Riverside in June 2020;
  • Infrastructure work in the area known as the Beacon Junction during a 9-day shutdown of the C Branch from Kenmore to St. Mary’s in June 2020.

Governor Baker Proclaims September to be Emergency Preparedness Month in Massachusetts

Governor Baker Proclaims September to be Emergency Preparedness Month in Massachusetts
Thank you campaign for COVID-19 essential workers and organizations helps kick-off month-long effort to encourage a focus on preparedness.

  • Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
  • Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
  • Office of Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito
  • Governor's Press Office

FRAMINGHAM — Governor Charlie Baker has proclaimed September 2020 to be Emergency Preparedness Month in Massachusetts to encourage residents, families, and organizations to prepare for emergencies and disasters. September is also National Preparedness Month.
The Commonwealth will kick-off the annual observance by launching a public Thank You campaign on social media to recognize the tireless efforts of essential workers and organizations that are doing so much to keep the Commonwealth prepared and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of emergency preparedness, and the role we all must play in better preparing our homes, workplaces and communities for the unexpected,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “It has also highlighted the incredible contributions of so many individuals who have stepped up every day to ensure that essential services and goods continued to be delivered throughout this public health emergency.”
“Emergency Preparedness Month provides us with an opportunity each year to focus on what we can do to make ourselves and our families better prepared,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Especially now, we are thankful for all the tireless efforts of the Commonwealth’s essential workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Visitors to Mass.Gov/EPmonth can download a certificate of appreciation to thank an essential worker or organization in their community. After personalizing the certificate, residents are asked to post a picture of the certificate to the social media platform of their choice with the hashtag #EPisEssential.
“Everyone plays an important role in staying prepared, especially in the face of new challenges posed by the pandemic,” said Public Safety and Security Secretary Thomas Turco. “I hope these initiatives raise awareness of present-day risks, outline measures we all should be taking, and facilitate collaboration between the public and private sectors. When we embrace preparedness, we all have an opportunity to serve our communities.”
“Preparedness takes a whole community effort and during the COVID-19 pandemic so many essential workers and organizations across the Commonwealth have worked tirelessly to keep medical services operating, public safety operations functioning, food, medicine and commodities stocked, and other vital needs met during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said MEMA Director Samantha Phillips. 
During September, MEMA and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health will share information on their respective social media accounts about emergency preparedness topics including emergency planning, building an emergency kit, preparing for disasters, youth preparedness, ways to get involved in community preparedness, and more. This emergency preparedness information includes guidance about how to prepare for emergencies during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation will feature signage along highways to raise awareness of Emergency Preparedness Month.
To say thank you to an essential worker or organization in your community, and to find resources on how to prepare for emergencies large and small, visit http://www.mass.gov/EPmonth.

About MEMA
MEMA is the state agency charged with ensuring the state is prepared to withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of emergencies and disasters, including natural hazards, accidents, deliberate attacks, and technological and infrastructure failures. MEMA's staff of professional planners, communications specialists and operations and support personnel is committed to an all hazards approach to emergency management. By building and sustaining effective partnerships with federal, state and local government agencies, and with the private sector - individuals, families, non-profits and businesses - MEMA ensures the Commonwealth's ability to rapidly recover from large and small disasters by assessing and mitigating threats and hazards, enhancing preparedness, ensuring effective response, and strengthening our capacity to rebuild and recover. For additional information about MEMA and Emergency Preparedness, go to www.mass.gov/mema.
Continue to follow MEMA updates on Twitter at www.twitter.com/MassEMA; Facebook at www.facebook.com/MassachusettsEMA; YouTube at www.youtube.com/MassachusettsEMA.


 (Boston Orange)從今(1)天開始,台灣駕照可以直接換佛蒙特州駕照了。


Driver’s License Reciprocity Agreement between R. O. C. and Vermont takes effect from today, Sept. 1st.

(Boston Orange) Starting from Sept. 1st, driver’s license holders from the Republic of China (Taiwan) can apply and receive a driver’s license from the State of Vermont.  Vermont visitors to Taiwan can enjoy the same treatment.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office(TECO) in Boston, on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the Republic of China (Taiwan), signed a driver’s license reciprocity agreement with the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles back on June 3, 2020.  That agreement takes effect from today, September 1st, 2020.
TECO had signed a similar agreement with the State of Massachusetts in 2016, and with the State of Rhode Island in 2018, as well as with the State of Vermont in 2020.
According to TECO, Vermont is the 34th state in the U.S., and the third in New England, to enter into such agreement with Taiwan.  This is also the first time that the State of Vermont entered into such agreement with a foreign government.  So far, approximately 1,900 persons from Taiwan received a driver’s license from MA and RI.
According to TECO, this agreement was drafted based on the principle of reciprocity and the respective driving laws and regulations of each jurisdiction. It tooks two years to neogtiate the agreement.  TECO indicated its appreciation to the Vermont State Government and Legislature for their concerted efforts in making this agreement possible.
All holders of Taiwan class B, C, D or E driver’s license residing in Vermont can enjoy this reciprocal arrangement.  When applying for a Vermont driver’s license, one must present his/her valid driver’s license and a driving record certified by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication. All these documents must be translated into English and certified by TECO-Boston.
On the basis of reciprocity, all holders of Vermont driver’s license or commercial driver’s licenses who have valid Taiwan Alien Resident Certificates (ARC) which has at least six months’ validity can apply and receive an R. O. C. driver’s license.
An applicant must present his/her U.S. Passport, a valid Vermont operator license, and a driving record certified by the Vermont DMV issued no more than 60 days prior to the date of the application for the Taiwan license. An applicant’s license and driving record shall be authenticated by TECO-Boston. Applications can be made at any Motor Vehicles Office in Taiwan. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, both sides will process applications in accordance with respective travel regulations.
TECO-Boston indicates that it will continue to work with other states in its jurisdiction to facilitate the signing of similar agreements in order to benefit drivers from all these places.
For more information, please visit the website of Taiwan’s Directorate General of Highways, MOTC at http://www.thb.gov.tw/sites/en/ (under the “Organization Duty” section, click on “Motor Vehicle Inspection and Administration”) or e-mail dghmail@thb.gov.tw. For inquiries regarding authentication of driver’s licenses, please contact TECO-Boston at (617) 259-1350.