
星期日, 3月 29, 2020

NECINA成立抗疫小組 已籌4萬5支援醫護人員

                                           (Boston Orange周菊子報導)紐英崙中華資訊網路協會(NECINA)329日在微信上宣佈,為對抗新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19),現已募得善款45千元,將以11加碼方式,鼓勵各界在未來10天內共襄盛舉,擴大集資效果,以購買更多口罩等防護設備,保護第一線醫療人員。
             網協現已由陶東斌,陳君瑤,陸德禮,王振榕,鄭茹這5名董事,以及高弘,倪繼紅,戴晨方,楊湛萍,張吉善,徐永光,Mellissa Qian等幹事成立統籌小組,和網協志工組成抗疫募捐行動組,連夜加班搜尋資源,處理訂購,捐贈事宜,目前現已下單採購26箱防護衣。
            捐款路徑為Paypal at master.NECINA@gmail.com.  • Bank of America, ACH Routing 011000138, Account number 000012262852.  • Pay by check, payable to NECINA, deposit it to Bank of America, Account number 000012262852。(更新版2)


        最近新冠肺炎病毒的魔爪伸向了世界、伸向了我们赖以生存的第二故乡美国家园,当我们从电视中看到麻州医院的医护人员由于没有PPE(Personal Protect Equipments)被感染的严重惨状,我们心如刀割、非常痛心。
        经董事会讨论决定立即从协会的紧急基金中拿出2万5千美元做为基数鼓励NECINA会员积极募捐,同时还得到董事会元老及NECINA 资深会员追加的各1万元美金捐款。总共4万5千的美金将以1:1的方式匹配到大家的捐款数额中。所有善款将用于捐助或者购买医疗物品支援麻州的医院,争取在联邦救援物资到达麻州前(最快两周)送到需要救助的医院,甚至直接捐款到相关医疗机构,以最快速度帮助到麻州的抗疫行动中。



尊敬的纽英伦中华资讯网络协会会员, 以及我们的大家庭和社区的朋友:

您有机会在网协的慷慨解囊下参加到抗击新冠的战役中来!NECINA 郑重地承诺,对您为医疗系 统员工治疗新冠病人所需防护用品的每一个美元的捐款,我们会用每一个美元来配对, 总数将高达 45000 美元。这个配对的捐款数中,25000 美元来自网协的现金储备,10000 美元捐自网协的一位 高级董事,10000 美元捐自网协的一位校友。
网协对由于新冠病毒带来的预料之外的恶化程度引起的医疗界防护用品的短缺,做出了非常积极 和热心地反应。到 2020 年 3 月 28 日为止,麻州的新冠病人已高达 4257 例,死亡 44 人。很多医 疗机构严重短缺防护用品,导致在第一线抗疫的医护人员在无防护不安全的情况下工作。
网协将配对您的捐款,配对总数将高达到 45000 美元,每一笔捐款的配对最高到 500 美元。我们 在麻州认定了一些需要您和网协捐赠的医疗机构。网协将会用竭尽全力在接下去 2 周之内捐赠现 金和/或防护用品给那些机构。
这是您在这个抗疫的关键时刻做出巨大贡献的机会。我们需要您在未来 10 天的防护用品急需的高 峰期内做出捐款。您的捐款可以抵税。我们接受任何数量的捐款。捐款可以按照以下三种方法捐 赠:
• Paypal at master.NECINA@gmail.com.  • Bank of America, ACH Routing 011000138, Account number 000012262852.  • Pay by check, payable to NECINA, deposit it to Bank of America, Account number 000012262852.
当您捐款时,请留下您的全名、邮箱和地址。网协将会不断公布捐款总额,以及捐赠给医疗机构 的具体的现金和/或防护用品的数字。
网协是 1986 年由新英格兰地区华裔专业人士成立的 501(c)(3)的非营利机构。网协提供给会员无价 的活动,包括提高创业和领导力,促进职业发展和专业网络、促进高精端技术、以及弥补美国和 亚洲高科技和其他商业社区的隔阂。如果您想了解更多,请参观网站 www.necina.org.
若有任何问题,请联络网协主席 HARRY GAO, harry.gao@necina.org.


Dear NECINA members, extended friends and community:
You can make a difference to this unprecedented fight to Covid-19 with the generous support of NECINA! NECINA is solemnly pledging to match any amount of your donation DOLLOR TO DOLLAR up to an aggregated amount of $45,000 to healthcare facilities most need of protective personal equipment (“PPE”) to cure Covid-19 patients. Out of this enormous matching amount, $25,000 is from NECINA’s reserve, $10,000 is from a senior board of directors, and $10,000 from a NECINA alumni.
NECINA is enthusiastically and aggressively responding to the surging and acute need for PPE by healthcare workers as a result of unexpected exacerbated fight against Covid-19. As of March 28, 2020, 4257 people have been tested positive and 44 death in Massachusetts. Many medical facilities have shortage of PPEs that would keep frontline medical professionals performing their jobs unprotected and unsafely.
NECINA is matching up to $45,000 to the total donation and up to $500 for each donation. We have identified multiple healthcare facilities in Massachusetts who can benefit from your donations and NECINA’s match up funds. NECINA will make our best effort to donate cash and/or PPEs to the healthcare facilities within the next Two (2) weeks.
This is your chance to make a difference in this critical time. We need your donation within the next Ten (10) days as the need is at its peak right now. Your donation is tax deductible. No amount is small amount. Donation shall be sent to NECINA through one of the three ways below:
• Paypal at master.NECINA@gmail.com. • BOA ACH Routing 011000138, Account number 000012262852.  • Pay by check, payable to NECINA, deposit it to Bank of America, Account number 000012262852.
When sending the money, leave your full name, e-mail, and address. NECINA will keep you updated on the total amount of donation, and the specific amount and/or number and types of PPEs being delivered to which healthcare facility.
Established in 1996, NECINA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Chinese professionals in New England. It is a trailblazer in offering unmatchable value to its members by fostering entrepreneurship and leadership, facilitating career development and professional networks, promoting cutting edge technologies, and bridging gaps between high tech and other business communities between the United States and Asia. For more information about NECINA visit www.necina.org.
Contact Harry Gao, President of NECINA, at harry.gao@necina.org for any inquiries

馬丁華殊增闢場所照顧無家可歸者 新增公共安全專員職位籲民申請

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)匯報疫情,照顧無家可歸者。
            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(29)日一早匯報新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)在波士頓疫情,說明波士頓開始徵用私人樓宇,已新增240床位,以加強安置無家可歸者的社交安全距離。為執行各項任務,波市府現正增聘多名公共安全專員,輔導員。
             薩福克建築公司已在112 Southampton庇護所旁,增建了有38個床位的隔離場所,
             薩福克(Suffolk)大學Nathan R. Miller Hall宿舍的172張床位,在布萊頓(Brighton)已關門Kindred 醫院的70張床位,以及其他地方的55張床位,預計都可加入這減緩病毒散佈的安排中。
           馬丁華殊指出,波士頓市出現第一宗流浪漢確診病例,促使市府加速推動徵用民間資源行動,以期在減輕鄰近醫院所承受壓力。目前已有薩福克(Suffolk)大學Nathan R. Miller Hall宿舍的172張床位,在布萊頓(Brighton)已關門Kindred 醫院的70張床位,以及其他地方的55張床位,將用於減緩病毒的散佈。
                    波市府已從新設立的波士頓彈性基金撥款250萬元,支持波士頓照顧無家可歸者醫護項目,松街客棧(Pine Street Inn),波士頓醫療中心等非牟利與醫療機構,在抗疫期間照顧無家可歸者。


New beds to help reduce congestion and increase physical distancing in Boston shelters

BOSTON - Sunday, March 29, 2020- Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a comprehensive plan for individuals experiencing homelessness in the City of Boston during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency. The City, through its coordinated network of shelter providers and under the clinical leadership of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program (BHCHP), has implemented screening protocols for shelter guests and created facilities for the testing, isolation and quarantine of individuals exposed, suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19. Today, Mayor Walsh is announcing the City has secured over 240 additional beds to increase social distancing in existing shelters and aid those in need of a home to safely quarantine or isolate themselves and reduce the further spread of COVID-19 in Boston.

"We are fully committed to protecting all of our residents, including those experiencing homelessness, because every life is worth protecting," said Mayor Walsh. "Together with our partners, we have spent the last several years strengthening our ability to protect the health of our homeless population, no matter what challenges come our way. We will continue to ramp up resources as necessary to serve everyone in our city with the care and equity they deserve. I sincerely thank everyone who is doing their part in helping us increase our ability to help those in need."

The City, with support from Suffolk Construction, built an isolation and quarantine facility with a  capacity of 38 beds next to the 112 Southampton Shelter. This site augments the 17 existing beds at Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program's Barbara McInnis House. These facilities provide much needed space for people to receive medical attention. Screenings led by Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program have been happening at shelter sites to identify guests with symptoms or exposure to COVID-19. If needed, guests are referred for observation and support while awaiting test results and/or needing isolation. Collectively, the partners have conducted over 8,000 screenings, tested approximately 100 individuals and have identified five positive COVID-19 cases. 

"We at Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program appreciate the Mayor's leadership in this time of crisis and are grateful for the joint partnership to combat the pandemic," said Barry Bock, Chief Executive Officer at Boston Health Care For the Homeless Program.

"We must care for one another and never forget the individuals and families in our community who need us most, especially during these unprecedented times. We must also do everything we can to support the caregivers and healthcare professionals on the front lines battling the coronavirus every day," said John Fish, Chairman and CEO of Suffolk. "We were honored and privileged to answer the call from the City of Boston by providing our support, sharing our resources and constructing sophisticated temporary healthcare facilities that allow healthcare professionals to treat and care for members of our homeless population with the dignity and respect they deserve."


Suffolk University will be repurposing a dormitory to provide at least 172 beds, helping reduce congestion and increase social distancing in existing shelters in Boston. This facility will be managed in collaboration between the Pine Street Inn and the Boston Public Health Commission. Individuals who need shelter should still go to Boston's shelters where they will be screened and triaged to another location as needed. 

"Mayor Walsh has been clear that the precautions and preparations the city, its institutions, and its residents take now will be critical to successfully responding to the crisis," said Suffolk University President Marisa Kelly. "We commend him for his leadership, and we stand ready to help in any way. Boston is our home, and the University takes very seriously its responsibility to be a good citizen at a time when we are all being called upon to pitch in and help."

"We are so grateful to the Mayor for his leadership during this crisis," said Lyndia Downie, President & Executive Director of the Pine Street Inn. "These sites will enable us to get some of our most vulnerable guests, especially our elders, out of a crowded situation in our congregate shelters. Pine Street is also very grateful to be working with our partners at the Boston Public Health Commission and Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. This has been a remarkable collaboration led by the Mayor and his staff and we appreciate his focus on the homeless men and women, who until now, have had very few options."  

Another 70 beds will be available as space provided by The Davis Companies at the site of a former long-term acute care hospital in Brighton that will be ready to open within days. Davis reached out to the Mayor's Office to see if the facility could be temporarily redeployed in a similar medical capacity and completed the necessary upgrades to return the building to a functional and code-compliant condition to be turned over for use by the city. This facility will be operated by the Boston Public Health Commission in partnership with Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. 

"As the full magnitude of the COVID-19 crisis became clear, we knew we needed to help in some way," said Stephen Davis, Managing Director of Development for The Davis Companies. "Concerned that the crisis posed a significant challenge to the city's hospital infrastructure, we began identifying assets we own that might be of service. This nearly 60,000 square foot former hospital facility was sitting idle as we prepared to redevelop the site and represented an opportunity to help. We are fortunate to live and work in a City where strong leadership enables quick action to protect this high-risk population during such an unprecedented time."  

In addition to the beds the City has already made available and the beds that will become available at these sites next week, the State announced a former Boston Medical Center hospital building will be temporarily reopened and used to meet COVID-19 related medical needs of area homeless residents. The building, known as Newton Pavilion, has a capacity of 250 beds and will be operated by a consortium of providers, including Boston Medical Center, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, shelters including the Pine Street Inn, and the City of Boston.

To support the non-profit partners, Mayor Walsh recently announced Boston awarded $2.5 million from the newly-launched Boston Resiliency Fund to strengthen the health care system for the City's homeless population and its most vulnerable residents, including Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Pine Street Inn and Boston Medical Center. 


The City of Boston coordinates a network of shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness, including overnight emergency shelters, daytime services and meals, and outreach services, in addition to services serving special populations such as homeless youth, families and veterans. Because these services provide food and shelter, they remain open despite the State's emergency order and stay-at-home advisory currently in effect until Tuesday, April 7, 2020. 

Partners in Boston's shelter system, including Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Boston Public Health Commission, Pine Street Inn, Boston Medical Center, St. Francis House, have been communicating daily to ensure that Boston can continue to operate its emergency shelter system safely and care for those needing observation, quarantine or more serious levels of care, and any additional supports needed. Shelter staff have been working with guests with imminent housing offers to move out of shelter and into housing.

City shelters have increased infection control efforts for guests and staff, including additional daily deep cleanings, increasing the availability and frequency of hand washing, providing hand sanitizers, and reminding people to practice good hygiene. Posters with prevention messages are posted throughout shelter sites, encouraging clients and employees to practice good hand hygiene and to cover their coughs. Additional resources have been provided to clients and employees at all City shelters, including hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and tissues. Boxed meals are also being provided to reduce risk.


The City coordinates a network of street outreach teams that work to engage with people who are not currently engaged in services, less likely to seek shelter, and may be in need of information, assessment and assistance. Street outreach teams are equipped with supplies such as hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and gloves, and are escorting individuals in need of care to medical sites. 

The City operates an Engagement Center for individuals in need of a space to spend time during the day and to connect them to services. Since the City began its planning for COVID-19 response, the Engagement Center has implemented screening protocols and added portable wash stations, offering clients more access to practice good hand washing. Many day programs remain open to offer essential services to people experiencing homelessness, and many community meal sites remain open and are providing meals to go. 


Supportive services agencies across the city have been conducting wellness checks by phone to over 1,000 clients who have been housed in the last year through the city's initiatives to end chronic and veterans homelessness, as well as through the various Rapid Re-Housing programs across the city. The frequency of the calls is determined by the needs of the clients, with many engaging daily. Most clients need more frequent engagement than prior to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Much of the stabilization that is being offered by phone is the same as when the clients were able to meet with their case managers in person. However, new challenges such as access to food and medication, preparing for potential isolation, and access to medical care, are also being addressed. 

Many clients are members of vulnerable populations with pre-existing health conditions or age. Studies show that homeless adults over 50 years old have health conditions similar to adults 15-20 years older who have not experienced homelessness. Because of these issues, the City team is looking into the possibility of moving resources within existing federal funding to focus more on food delivery and medication. 

As part of the Boston's Way Home initiative, Boston has housed over 1,000 chronically homeless individuals, 1,200 homeless veterans, and ended chronic veteran homelessness in Boston. From 2017 to 2018, Boston also saw a decrease of more than 12 percent in the number of individuals sleeping on the street. Nationally, the number of unsheltered homeless has increased by 9 percent. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reported in 2017, 2018 and 2019 that Boston maintains the lowest rate of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness among all major U.S. cities.

On the night of March 25, 2020 there were 1,441 individuals in Boston's emergency shelters. Another 63 men and 17 women were seen staying on the street and were offered shelter or services. On the morning of March 26, there were 1,160 homeless families in Boston shelters, the majority in scattered site apartments or congregate shelter units.

For more information and updates on COVID-19, text BOSCOVID to 994-11 or visit boston.gov/coronavirus. For information on emergency shelters, day programs, community meals, and street outreach, please visit here.


麻州COVID-19確診人數累計4955 共48人死亡

                       (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州公共衛生廳(DPH)(29)日公佈的新型冠狀病毒確診人數累計4955,新增698人。死亡者新增4人,累計至48人。昨日檢測的6608人中有719人確診。
 麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,州政府已設置網頁,供個人及公司捐贈或出售第一線工作人員最需要的物品,包括呼吸器,口罩,面罩,護目鏡,手套,罩袍,頭套,鞋套,消毒液,拭紙等。


(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州政府今(29)日宣佈推出網路門戶,供個人或公司更容易地捐贈或出售個人防護用品,或者支援抗疫行動。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,麻州已經從數難以計的組織收到慷愾捐贈,推出這網路門戶(https://www.mass.gov/covid-19-ppe-procurement-and-donation-program),將簡化所有程序,讓人更快的把設備送到需要的人那兒去。同時麻州也需要更多志工來幫忙對付這前所未見的公共衛生危機。他鼓勵人們登記,伸出援手。他說麻州會竭盡所能地從各種渠道獲取設備,以支援第一線工作人員度過難關。
麻州健康及人民服務廳廳長暨疫情指揮中心主任Marylou Sudders表示,麻州的第一線工作人員,醫護人員,以及基本服務社區,一直需要個人防護用品。上星期他們已經運送出去28,000個口罩,12萬雙手套,而且麻州還下了50萬元訂單,來購買更多個人防護用品,但麻州還需要更多,而且麻州也在等國家戰略儲備站送第三批物資來。
麻州政府表示,這項目也將讓本地製造商更容易取得資訊,加入麻州最近成立,由麻州住宅及經濟發展卿暨先進製造合作計畫共同主席Mike Kennealyu3ru6AccuRounds執行長Mike Tamasi所率領的生產製造緊急回應隊。
查詢新型冠狀病毒更多資訊,查詢可上網Mass.gov/covid19,可在手機短訊欄寫下COVIDMA ,發送到888-777
Baker-Polito Administration Launches Online Portal for Personal Protective Equipment, Volunteers to Support COVID-19 Outbreak
Massachusetts Asks Organizations & Residents to Contribute to the COVID-19 Response

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration announced an online portal where individuals and companies can easily donate or sell personal protective equipment (PPE) and volunteer to support the COVID-19 outbreak in Massachusetts. This effort will ensure that front line responders get the protective equipment they need to stay and push for more trained volunteers to join the response. 

Massachusetts has already received generous donations from countless organizations, and by launching this portal we’ll make it easier to streamline these offers and quickly distribute supplies to those in need,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We also need more volunteers to help support our response to this unprecedented public health emergency, and urge people to sign up to lend a hand. Our administration will continue making every effort to secure supplies from all possible resources to support our front line workers during these tough times.”

The Commonwealth’s COVID-19 PPE Procurement and Donation Program creates an easy portal allowing companies and organizations to sell or donate protective equipment that is in short supply given the global demands for such items.

By visiting the COVID-19 PPE Procurement and Donation website, businesses and organizations can offer for purchase or donation critically needed personal protective equipment, including:

  • N95/N99 masks (respirators)
  • Surgical/procedure masks
  • Facemasks with integrated shields
  • Powered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPR)
  • Goggles
  • Gloves
  • Protective suits/gowns
  • Booties/shoe covers
  • Headcovers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sanitizing wipes

The initiative announced today bolsters current efforts to leverage traditional and emergency supply chain channels.

“We have a constant demand and need for personal protective equipment (PPE) available to our medical, first responder and essential service communities. Over the past week, hundreds of deliveries of PPE have been made to front line health care providers, and first responders, but we need so much more,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders, the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Command Center Director. “Last week more than 28,000 masks, and 120,000 pairs of gloves were distributed, and we’ve placed more than $50 million in orders for additional supplies. We are also waiting on our third delivery from the Strategic National Stockpile.”

The program also provides an entry point for local manufacturers to get more information on adapting their businesses to produce more equipment here in Massachusetts, an effort being led by the administration’s recently established Manufacturing Emergency Response Team, co-chaired by Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy, and Mike Tamasi, President and CEO of AccuRounds, a precision components manufacturer located in Avon, MA.

“It comes as no surprise that both manufacturers and university R&D partners across Massachusetts have stepped up during this challenging time to support those saving lives and provide logistical expertise toward stopping the spread of this virus,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy, Co-Chair of the Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative. “This portal serves as a front door for companies that think their operations can be adapted to address manufacturing supply chain issues and produce the equipment needed by those on the front lines.”

A call for volunteers:

To support ongoing COVID-19 emergency response efforts, the Baker-Polito Administration has partnered with the Massachusetts Medical Society to match health and medical volunteers with our communities and health care providers based on skillsets and need. There is an immediate need for respiratory therapists and public health nurses, and the administration is asking health care professionals interested in volunteering to sign up by clicking hereSince launching the initiative, more than 1,000 people have already registered.

For more information on COVID-19, visit Mass.gov/covid19. Get notifications to your phone or other mobile device by texting COVIDMA to 888-777.

麻州COVID-19確診人數升至4,257 累計44人死亡 政府騰空護理之家為需求增大做準備

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)確診人數首次一日破千,328日新增1017人,累計總數現高達4257,死亡新增9人,累計44人。為加強遏制傳染,搶救感染病患,麻州開始騰空護理之家,改為治療康復中心。
             328日,週六,屋斯特(Worcester)博蒙特康復及專業護理之家(Beaumont Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center)147床病人,正陸續被分送到麻州中部幾個耆英護理所。有關人員希望下週三完成搬遷行動,以儘快把這護理之家改成新型冠狀病毒患者的治療及休養場所。
             麻州健康及人民服務長Marylou Sudders在寫給這些護理之家的信中表示,這樣做是為確保急診醫院有足夠床位來因應未來幾星期可能大幅出現的醫治需求。
             擁有博蒙特康復及專業護理之家的Salmon Health & Retirement計畫把50名院民搬到該公司在屋斯特及北橋(Northbridge)經營的姊妹機構,其他人則送往該地區其他有空位的護理之家。
             Salmon Health & Retirement的董事長Matt Salmon表示,他們在屋斯特有很多床位,所以這些耆英仍會留在這地區,人們可以不必擔心。他認為這麼做,反而可以避免院民被病毒感染。

星期六, 3月 28, 2020

白宮批准麻州為COVID-19重災區 將增撥補助

            (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州州長辦公室公告,在州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)要求下,白宮及聯邦緊急管理局(FEMA)(28)日宣佈,川普總統明定麻州為重大災區(Major Disaster Declaration),將可享有比他在313日所宣佈緊急令更多的聯邦資助。


Baker-Polito Administration Announces Federal Disaster Declaration for COVID-19 Response

BOSTON – In response to Governor Charlie Baker’s request for federal disaster assistance, the White House and FEMA announced today that the President has issued a Major Disaster Declaration that will make federal disaster assistance available beyond what was included in the Emergency Declaration declared by President Trump on March 13, 2020. 

Public Assistance Program - Under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program within the Major Disaster Declaration, affected local governments, state agencies and certain private non-profit organizations statewide will be reimbursed for 75% of their costs associated with response and emergency protective measures. The eligible emergency protective measures include non-congregate isolation and quarantine costs for homeless individuals and families as well as first responders as well as other types of properly documented costs.

Individual Assistance Program – Under FEMA’s Individual Assistance Program within the Major Disaster Declaration, Crisis Counseling Assistance will provide funding for the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health to assist individuals and families in recovering from the psychological effects of the COVID -19 outbreak through electronic phone and chat technology.

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency will provide webinars and other information about the process for applying for the Public Assistance Program to municipal and state officials and eligible non-profits. See here for more information.

麻州亞美局譴責眾議員Moulton 稱眾院法案H. Res907有損亞裔尊嚴

Why Congressman Moulton’s Apology Must Be Accompanied By Action

Earlier this week, MA Congressman Seth Moulton (D-6th District) became the lone Democratic lawmaker to place 
his support behind H. Res 907 which blamed the Chinese government for the COVID-19 crisis. Over a dozen Republican members of Congress joined him.

We condemn the ill-conceived and ill-timed resolution. H. Res 907 puts at risk the dignity and well being of AAPIs in the US and abroad just as our communities are experiencing escalating hostilities including verbal and physical attacks as bigots and racists look for a scapegoat for COVID-19.

We demand elected officials refrain from exploiting a global pandemic for the purpose of staking a foreign policy claim.

In the wake of a significant backlash, Congressman Moulton recently released a statement withdrawing his name from the resolution and offered an apology. While his withdrawal of support for the resolution is significant, he must work to convince remaining co-signers to do the same. Just as he led the drive to round up co-sponsors, he must lead the drive to recall the resolution and mitigate the harm, injury and distress he’s inflicted upon our communities.

Otherwise, the Congressman can keep his apology
The Asian American Commission of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was created by legislation on October 29, 2006. This Commission recognizes that the Asian American community is the fastest growing minority group in Massachusetts. The goal of the AAC is to recognize, as well as highlight, the vital contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to the social, cultural, economic, and political life of the Commonwealth. Additionally, the AAC is involved in identifying and addressing the various needs and challenges that currently face the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. The Commission provides a permanent, effective voice for Asian Americans, and is comprised of 21 diverse members who are appointed by the Governor, Attorney General, Auditor, Senate President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Secretary of State, and the Treasurer.
For more information on the Asian American Commission please visit http://www.aacommission.org/

美國COVID-19確診人數逾10萬 超過中國 攀升至全球第一位