
星期二, 2月 12, 2019

新英格蘭華裔專業人士慶豬年 美國總統候選人楊安澤致詞


          (Boston Orange 周菊子伯靈頓鎮報導) 10屆新英格蘭華人專業人士春節聯歡晚會/專業交流論壇,29日晚在伯靈頓萬豪酒店,以五場專業講座,一場晚會表演,華裔美國總統候選人楊安澤出席致詞,波士頓市長代表頒表揚狀,和數百佳賓同慶已亥豬年新春。
          晚會表演由楊雨晴任總導演,楊洪芳任總監製,和楊湛萍,陸德禮,張引,何敏濤等十幾人的工作團隊,排出16項節目,從舞蹈,視覺燈光藝術,混合武術表演,合唱,對話,交際舞,京劇片段,魔術,內容十分豐富。其中燈光藝術讓不少人驚嘆,螢光棒居然可以在空中舞弄出恭賀新年的中文字樣,交際舞表演者Andrew Escolme舞技之精湛,也讓台下許多人稱讚。患有自閉症的王睿萌和Guy Chiapponi,孔學君對唱”Sweet Caroline”,也十分感人,但最叫人驚訝的是,擁有240個專利,創辦的波士頓生物醫藥公司(Boston Biomedical)2012年被日本住友集團以26億美元收購的李嘉強,竟然也上台,和小朋友胡皓研壓軸演唱一曲難忘金宵
麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham)。(周菊子攝)
            當晚有不少嘉賓出席。中國駐紐約總領事館科技參贊邢繼俊上台致詞,說明今年是中美建交40週年,也是中國建國70週年。美國各州飛往中國各城市的直航班機也陡增至300多。受邀但未克出席的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)派出亞裔聯絡員徐丹晨到會,送上表揚狀。此外還有麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham),羅德島州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung),香港貿發局美洲首席代表周瑞𪊟,麻省理工學院機械工程系主任陳剛,加斯林糖尿病中心首席科學家金良城,美國華人聯合會會長薛海培等人。(圖片已於11日發表)

Ampls Plus Fund合夥人李躍進。(周菊子攝)
Liz Knight表演視覺燈光藝術。(周菊子攝)
王睿萌和Guy Chiapponi,孔學君對唱”Sweet Caroline”。

星期一, 2月 11, 2019

紐英崙中華專業人員協會和11社團攜手迎新春 慶豬年

(Boston Orange 周菊子勒星頓鎮報導) 紐英崙中華專業人員協會29日和11個社團聯袂慶祝豬年新春,百餘人歡聚,享用中式自助餐,認識新朋友,動腦、猜謎、抽獎。
201929日在勒星頓鎮Sanyo-Asian Cuisine舉辦的慶祝春節猜謎餐會,就邀約了台大,成大,師大,北一女,建中等五個校友會,大波士頓中華文化協會,華夏文化協會,新英格蘭中文學校協會,紐英崙客家鄉親會等四個文化,鄉親團體,以及新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會,玉山科技協會等共11個社團共襄盛舉。

昆市已亥豬年聯歡會 市長拜年 人氣鼎盛

               (Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導)昆士市由亞協服務中心(QARI)主辦,210日在北昆士高中舉行的第31屆農曆新年慶祝會,昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)和州市政要與川流不息,數以千計的來自各方民眾,同慶已亥豬年新春。
昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)(中)和華林功夫太極學校創辦人
            210日的豬年慶祝會,和往年差不多的,北昆士高中體育館是主會場,早上11點祥龍舞動拉開序幕後,由美國第42童軍及昆市女童軍主持升旗典禮,莊建豪和昆士市長柯奇,麻州眾議員陳德基,韓國領事Yonghyon Kim致詞,感謝贊助者,華林派醒獅賀歲後,娛樂表演活動揭開序幕。
            昆士市長柯奇表示,目前昆士市發展順利,市府還正在和南岸醫療系統(South Shore Health System),以及Brigham醫療協商,要建一座大醫療樓,由這兩個機構攜手經營。此外,南岸醫療系統還計畫於今夏在興國街1495號設立初級醫療服務(primary care practice)
            1240分開史的表演節目,包括少兒中國舞蹈,德國城鄰里中心樂隊演奏流行搖滾樂,MIT亞裔舞蹈隊表演K-Pop,種子音樂青年團演奏小提琴,Eastern Nazarene學院輕唱團表演,見聞旅行社主持財神派利是,Just Felice表演魔術,茉莉花舞蹈團,樂舞族,中國文化聯繫者和王氏青年會青少年舞蹈團,新星社區藝術學校表演少兒舞,中國古典舞,兒童拉丁舞等舞蹈。洪家舞獅學校表演打鼓。
            期間,伍國光主持亞協唱歌達人活動後頒獎,表揚優勝者,超級打砸兄弟(Super Smash Brother)宣佈電遊比賽優勝者。
剛上任諾福克郡治安官的Jerry Jerry McDermott(中)和


麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham)也來拜年。



Super Smash Brother的電競遊戲是新流行。(周菊子攝)
亞協服務中心董事之一David Zou為APIA Vote百選民登記
昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch,右)和他的連襟,麻州參議員
John Kenan(左)笑說,自己都是昆士市的當然義工。
昆士市唯一的華裔女市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang,左)和

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7.74 M in Anti-Gang Funding

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7.74 M in Anti-Gang Funding

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Secretary of Public Safety and Thomas Turco announced the release of $7.74 million in competitive Senator Charles E. Shannon Jr., Community Safety Initiative (Shannon CSI) Grant Program funds to communities and local partners to bolster their efforts to combat gang violence. The awards were made to 15 sites made up of 27 cities and 13 research partners through the Shannon Community Safety Initiative, which targets gang violence in the Commonwealth. With today’s announcement, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded more than $33 million through the program since taking office.

“The Shannon Initiative is a successful program that allows the Commonwealth to partner with local communities and make a serious impact to prevent youth violence and gang activity,” said Governor Baker. “We are pleased to announce today’s recipients and look forward to working with everyone involved on another successful year of continuing Senator Shannon’s legacy of improving the lives of young people all across Massachusetts.”

“Our municipal and local partners are on the front lines of combatting the gang violence that threatens the safety and well-being of everyone in their communities,”said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “It is our honor to partner with them and members of the Legislature to support a program that helps get young people back on track and makes our communities safer.”

“For the last 13 years, Shannon funding has allowed the Boston Police Department to decrease youth and gang violence in the City of Boston with the support of community based non-profit groups and city led initiatives,” said Boston Police Commissioner William Gross. “In addition, Shannon funds boost community based policing efforts in the city, which are a cornerstone of the department. Thanks to Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, and Secretary Thomas Turco for their investment in the Senator Charles. E. Shannon Community Safety Initiative for Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”

The grants provide funds to communities that demonstrate high levels of youth violence and gang problems, a comprehensive plan to work with multi-disciplinary partners and a commitment to coordinated prevention and intervention strategies. Funded strategies include social intervention and opportunity provision programs, as well as gang task force personnel costs and overtime.

“We are proud to join with these communities and partners each year to help provide the tools necessary to make a serious impact on youth violence and gang activity,”said Secretary Turco. “Disrupting illegal activity makes these communities safer and helps young people redirect their lives in a positive direction.” 

“Shannon grant funding is critically important to the City of Lowell and has been essential in helping the City have a real positive impact on public safety,” said Maryann Ballotta, Public Safety Research and Planning Director for the Lowell Police Department. “This funding has enabled us to develop a strong multi-disciplinary approach to gang and youth violence by focusing on prevention, intervention and suppression strategies. We are grateful to the Governor and his administration for their support.”

The grant program is named after the late Senator Charles E. Shannon of Winchester. Senator Shannon represented Massachusetts’ Second Middlesex district of Winchester, Woburn, Somerville and Medford from 1991 until his death in 2005 from leukemia. Prior to serving in the legislature, he had spent twenty years on the Lexington Police.

For 2019, the following municipalities and research partners were awarded a total of $7,741,913.

Shannon CSI Grant Sites:

·       Boston (incl. Brookline) - $1,559,014.18
·       Brockton - $544,527.37
·       Fall River - $420,636.00
·       Fitchburg (incl. Gardner) - $220,000.00
·       Haverhill (incl. Methuen) - $185,334.80.
·       Holyoke (incl. Chicopee) - $434,981.27
·       Lawrence - $224,000.00
·       Lowell - $581,262.41
·       Lynn - $222,133.63
·       Metro Mayors Coalition (incl. Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Quincy, Revere, Somerville, Winthrop) - $434,786.07
·       New Bedford - $618,844.95
·       Pittsfield - $197,964.94
·       Springfield - $786,025.70
·       Taunton (incl. Attleboro) - $86,316.55
·       Worcester - $656,525.14

Local Action Research Partners (LARP):

·       Clark University - $49,995.15
·       Community Resources for Justice - $49,941.65
·       Institute for Community Health - $49,970.00
·       Kelley Research Associates- $45,540.00
·       Northeastern University - $50,000.00
·       North Shore Community College - $28,573.00
·       Salem State University- $44,157.00
·       Sean Varano $42,212.50
·       University of Massachusetts, Amherst - $49,751.47           
·       University of Massachusetts, Boston - $50,000.00
·       University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Haverhill/Methuen Site) - $29,709.61
·       University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Lawrence Site) - $29,709.61
·       University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Lowell Site) - $50,000.00


 【波士頓臺灣媽媽親子會 金豬迎春聯歡大團圓】

波士頓臺灣媽媽親子會於29日在牛頓市海德社區中心舉辦2019「金豬迎春聯歡會」,活動現場有安排春聯書寫、鞭炮 、金豬剪紙、生肖圖畫、毽子、撿紅點、擲骰子、象棋、舞龍和吉祥話等活動暖身,讓親子共同體會農曆年的過節氣氛,約有200位嘉賓、家長和小朋友們參加了本次聯歡會,活動現場熱鬧非凡。
會長張惠雯向與會者介紹2019年度各項活動的計畫,歡迎臺灣來的媽媽和家人們一起參與將於54日舉行牛頓「臺灣日」、雙十國慶等各項活動;此外,張惠雯會長今年邀請LuLu 老師和舞蹈治療師胡俞伶老師分別帶來帶動跳和表演佛朗明哥西班牙舞曲,讓臺灣媽媽和小朋友們體驗舞蹈治療及表達正向能量的身心幸福感。

星期日, 2月 10, 2019

Rep. Joe Kennedy III Introduces and Endorses Elizabeth Warren for President in Lawrence

Rep. Joe Kennedy III Introduces and Endorses Elizabeth Warren for President in Lawrence

Lawrence, MA - Representative Joe Kennedy III introduced and endorsed Elizabeth Warren for President in Lawrence, Massachusetts today.

Below are his remarks:

Good morning everybody, how we doing?! Welcome to sunny and warm Lawrence, Massachusetts. 
I am so so honored and grateful to be with you guys, and I am so thrilled to be able to introduce the next President of the United States, Elizabeth Warren. 
Ustedes estan listo para elegir una presidente?
Folks, I want to tell you why I’m here on the very first day of this historic campaign.
I’m here because I represent places like Fall River, Taunton and Attleboro. These are proud Massachusetts hometowns, like Lawrence, where there is a legacy of work – of hard work.
And where folks don’t ask for much in return – just the ability to take care of the ones that they love. To do right by themselves and their families.
And I’m here because their story is your story. 
It’s the story I saw in McAllen, Texas and Tampa, Florida and in Charleston, West Virginia. In cities like Detroit and Phoenix and South Bend. Communities that are full of grit and fight, and a country whose broken economy takes every single ounce of it for granted.
A system that has made it difficult to be middle class. Excruciating to be poor. And down-right impossible to be poor AND. Poor and black. Poor and brown. Poor and female. Poor and gay. Poor and old or sick or addicted.
Folks, today we are a country of soaring stock prices and rising profits and global profits and global force.
But we are a country of working poor, of hunger in rich places, of deep worry for what tomorrow brings.
And this has been our fight. The painful disconnect that we have seen for decades. Another young senator named Robert F. Kennedy discussed some fifty years ago and said:
“Our Gross National Product, if we judge the United States of America by that…does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play…It measures neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country. It measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.”
Half a century later, economic injustice remains the challenge of our time, tangled with every other cause we carry: racial discrimination, immigration, climate change, health care.
So friends, I am here with you today because there is ONE candidate in this race, ONE US Senator, ONE proud daughter of Oklahoma and adopted daughter of our mighty Commonwealth who has dedicated her entire life to this battle, to our cause. 
For decades before most people in power noticed something was wrong, there was Elizabeth. 
Before most Democrats stood up and said yes, we passed the Civil Rights Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Fair Housing Act and Dodd Frank –but they weren’t enough.
Before there was an editorial every day lamenting economic inequity, Elizabeth Warren knew: that stock prices don’t tell a country’s full economic story.
Medical bankruptcies and foreclosures and paychecks are part of that story too.
And the most powerful nation on earth with the most powerful economy in human history doesn’t have to sacrifice people for progress.
That is the truth that echoes through the rafters here at Everett Mills, where workers fought not just for their livelihood but their dignity.
“Hearts starve as well as bodies, give us bread but give us roses…Small art and love and beauty their drudging spirits knew. Yes, it is bread we fight for, but we fight for roses too.”
And ladies and gentleman, that truth that has anchored Elizabeth Warren’s career.
I remember asking her years ago – of all things on earth why bankruptcy? Of all the areas of law she could have chosen, why bankruptcy? Why one so specific and – a young student might say – why the incredibly complicated and arcane bankruptcy?
And her response: Because bankruptcy is about how our system treats people when they lose everything. When rock bottom comes.
And the deeper meaning she took from that. That ours is a country of second chances, of redemption, of horizons that don’t disappear when fate gives you a tough hand. Our national character is measured not by how we treat people when they are flying high but when they are broken. On their knees and empty. And wanting to rise again.
In Elizabeth Warren’s America, we pull them up. We fight by their side. We refuse to leave anyone behind. We will not splinter and we will not segregate. We refuse to accept a status quo that tells us the big things are impossible, progressive dreams unreachable.
And we refuse – we REJECT – a President who tells us we are each other’s enemy. Who forces Americans to fight over the scraps of a system. Instead of UNITING against a system that finds them worthy of only scraps to begin with.
So, I am here with you today because this country needs a leader who will restore the solidarity that Donald Trump stole. Who won’t cower from the big, tough battles, from the ugly injustice and oppression that still finds its way to American soil.
A leader will bring this country together to take on our greatest common threat: a system that protects the powerful and privileged while the rest struggle to scrape by.
That leader is my colleague, my mentor, my friend – Elizabeth Warren.
Please join me in welcoming the next President of the United States!!