
星期五, 2月 08, 2019

BPS released budget proposal

Largest-Ever BPS Budget Proposal Includes Funding to Expand Access to Exam Schools, Targeted Funds for High-Needs Students
FY20 Allocation Is $200 Million Increase Since 2014
BOSTON — Wednesday, February 6, 2019 — Tonight, Boston Public Schools (BPS) Interim Superintendent Laura Perille presented to the Boston School Committee a proposed district budget for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) of $1.139 billion, which includes targeted investments that directly support students and families, increase per-pupil spending, and expand access to exam school admissions.

The proposed BPS budget represents a $26 million projected increase over the current year, and is the largest school budget in Boston’s history. Over the past six years under the leadership of Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the City’s allocation to BPS has increased by $200 million. The appropriation for next year will increase further when the City reaches a contract agreement for teachers with the Boston Teachers Union.

More information on the FY20 budget proposal is available online atbostonpublicschools.org/budget.

The FY20 proposal reflects Mayor Walsh’s continued commitment to invest in BPS, increasing Boston’s school budget despite facing an ongoing decline in state education funding. This comes as the Mayor joins a statewide coalition of legislators, municipalities, teachers, students and advocates in supporting the Education PROMISE Actwhich would address historic inequities in state funding formulas.

"Our students in Boston deserve every opportunity to receive a high-quality education, and I am proud that our record investments in the Boston Public Schools reflect that commitment," said Mayor Walsh. "Through this budget, more funding than ever before is being directed towards individual schools and students to support the enrichment of their academics. With the hard work and dedication of our committed school leaders and staff, we will keep our students on a pathway toward achieving their dreams."

The FY20 budget proposal reflects an increase in per-pupil spending by 25 percent over the past six years, from about $16,500 in FY14 to $20,700 in FY20, for a total increase of $200 million. This has allowed BPS to improve its student-to-teacher-and-para ratio from 11-to-1 to 10-to-1 for every 100 students over the past six years.

BPS is also proposing an additional $6 million for “soft landings” and items that serve high-need students. Soft landings are funds to support schools with declining enrollment.

There are numerous targeted investments in the proposed FY20 budget that would directly benefit students and families in FY20, including:

  • $3.8 million in new City funding to sustain access to high-quality preschool (K1) classroom seats in Boston as part of the Universal Pre-K initiative;

  • $750,000 to facilitate improved outcomes for students in schools identified as needing the greatest amount of support;

  • $500,000 for the BPS Office of Engagement to support improvements to family engagement at schools and at BPS Welcome Centers, where families register students for schools and receive various services;

  • $375,000 to strengthen science instruction;

  • $364,000 to host the exam that students must pass to gain entrance into one of the district’s three exam schools — the ISEE — in students’ current schools. This is another tool aimed at closing opportunity gaps for students of traditionally underserved backgrounds.

  • And, $350,000 to strengthen high school pathways. (More details on these investments are found lower in this press release.)

“Despite decreased funding from the state, the City of Boston and BPS are working tirelessly to provide the resources our students need to succeed,” saidBPS Interim Superintendent Laura Perille. “Our budget proposal not only gives more funding directly to schools, it supports our students who need it the most through targeted investments that help traditionally marginalized populations and those with special needs.”

The Boston School Committee appreciates the thorough and thoughtful planning that went into the FY20 budget proposal,” said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael Loconto. “We all want the very best for each and every student in the Boston Public Schools. The School Committee looks forward to engaging in ongoing dialogue with the district and the public as we deliberate aspects of the budget proposal over the next two months.”

In addition to new investments in the proposed budget, BPS would sustain the research-backed investments core to the district’s efforts to close opportunity gaps. Those include the expansion of pre-kindergarten seats (K1), the district’s hiring initiative to attract and retain the best educators, the Extended Learning Time (ELT) initiative that extended minutes in the school day, and the Excellence for All academic enrichment program in grades 4-6.

Key Investments

  • Expanding access to the exam school entrance test: BPS is allocating $364,000 to provide easier access for students wishing to take the test to attend one of the district’s three exam schools: Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, and the John D. O’Bryant School for Mathematics and Science. This fall, BPS will begin providing the test to sixth-grade students in the schools they are currently attending. For many years, students have had to travel to one of a handful of testing locations on a Saturday in November, which can pose barriers for students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds. This funding would help with family engagement and communication about the ISEE, expanding test facilitation and the use of test proctors in conjunction with ERB, the company that provides the ISEE assessment. This funding follows multiple years of investment by BPS, Mayor Walsh, and partners to expand access to test preparation through the Exam School Initiative program.

  • Strengthening science instruction: BPS is investing $375,000 to ensure equitable access to Next Generation Standards-aligned science instruction in the elementary grades. The funding will also support professional development for teachers. This comes as BPS aims to improve the percentage of students scoring advanced or proficient in science on state assessments, and as the state accountability system begins putting an increased weight on science proficiency.

  • Strengthening high school pathways: BPS is allocating $350,000 toward efforts to assist high school students, including those who are not on track to graduate high school on time. This includes expanding the use of a technology-based system, Naviance, that provides interactive college- and career-readiness assessment tools and a data system to better identify “early warning indicators” for students who may be falling off-track for graduation. This $350,000 is in addition to $1.6 million provided to school budgets to support high school students and the expansion of vocational programming.

  • Assisting schools in greatest need of support: BPS will provide $750,000 to provide professional development and coaching focused on both improving instruction and providing appropriate supports for students in schools identified as having the greatest need for support toward student achievement.

  • Family Engagement Support: About $500,000 will be provided to the BPS Office of Engagement to support family engagement at schools across the district and improve services at BPS Welcome Centers. This includes the creation of a staff position to provide coaching and technical assistance to school administrators on improving family engagement efforts, along with funding to support increased customer service, quality control, and upgrades aimed at improving the experiences for families using Welcome Centers for registration and other purposes.

Education PROMISE Act

As the City of Boston’s investments in Boston Public Schools has grown considerably over the past several years, state funding has lagged behind. Inequities in the Commonwealth's education funding formulas have failed urban school districts, like Boston, which educate the majority of economically disadvantaged students, English learners and special education students in the state.

The current education funding formulas result in less net state funding every year for BPS students. Under the Baker Administration’s education bill, the net state aid to Boston would decrease by at least $12 million between FY19 and FY20 alone. If the status quo persists and these formulas are not changed, in two years, Boston will receive no state education aid to support the City's 55,000 BPS students.

To create a more equitable education funding system, Boston is proud to support The Education PROMISE Act that builds upon the important work of the state-appointed Foundation Budget Review Commission by updating and amending the state education funding formula to better reflect the reality of educating complex, high-need students, like those in Boston. This proposal will also support the high needs of the student populations cities educate and ensure baseline funding levels that guarantee a predictable funding stream for districts.

The Education PROMISE Act provides certainty and sustainability that would enable districts to fund their own education priorities, such as Boston's desire to implement universal pre-K, close persistent achievement gaps, and provide a 21st-century learning environment to all of Boston's students. 

Weighted Student Funding

BPS determines how much funding each individual school receives largely through a formula called Weighted Student Funding (WSF). Established in 2011, WSF allows for the distribution of resources in an equitable manner based on the needs of students.

Through WSF, dollars follow students. Each school is provided a specific allocation based on the number of students it has, and each student is assigned a “weight” based on their individual needs. Students who are designated as having special needs, English learners, or another classification such as homelessness, will receive a higher weight, which means more funding.

WSF also provides principals and headmasters flexibility in how to spend their allocations based on their schools’ unique needs.

For schools with enrollment declines that would negatively impact its funding allocation under the WSF formula, BPS provides “soft landings,” which are financial supports in order to maintain stability. BPS is increasing its support for schools with enrollment declines by absorbing changes up to 2 percent in any school budget. This is an increase from 1 percent in FY19.

At the Mattahunt Elementary School in Mattapan, Principal Walter Henderson says Weighted Student Funding has helped provide for crucial resources to serve his students with special needs, which make up about one-third of the students who attend the school.
“Weighted Student Funding is allowing the Mattahunt School to maximize every dollar for our students with special needs, including those with autism,” Henderson said. “Because Weighted Student Funding was designed to help provide resources to the students with the highest need, we're able to make certain investments next year, like hire an additional paraprofessional and purchase more technology."

Opportunity Index

The Opportunity Index is a tool that BPS developed last year to better identify student need. The district began using the tool in the current fiscal year to allocate specific centrally-based funds to schools in a more equitable manner than was done previously. Through the Opportunity Index, each BPS school is provided an Opportunity Index score annually, and schools with the highest scores indicate the highest need for resources. The scores are compiled through numerous factors, such as academic outcomes, attendance rates, neighborhood violence, socioeconomic status, and more.

BPS first used the Opportunity Index in FY19 to provide nearly $6 million in funds for community partnerships based in the BPS Central Office to schools with the highest Opportunity Index scores. Community partnerships often involve extracurricular activities and after-school programs. This did not affect community partnerships that were facilitated through individual schools.

Wes Enicks, the executive director of Generations Incorporated, a community organization that provides literacy instruction for early elementary students, said the use of the Opportunity Index has helped his organization provide for students who need it the most.

“The Opportunity Index has bolstered our mission of serving communities where opportunity gaps exist in literacy proficiency,” Enicks said. “This tool has helped ensure that Generations Incorporated is allocating our resources in a thoughtful, deliberate manner that reaches students in the greatest need of support.”

For FY20, the Opportunity Index would continue to be applied to partnership funds. In addition, the district is building upon another source of resources for schools, “School Support Funds,” which are allocated with the Opportunity Index and can be used at the school’s discretion. Funding in that area will increase from $3 million to $5 million under the FY20 proposal.

Long Term Financial Plan

The FY20 budget proposal is informed by the work of the BPS Long Term Financial Plan, and in particular, the investment framework developed by the Budget Equity Workgroup. Parents, school leaders, and other stakeholders dedicated their time to that effort, which informs our budgeting process today.


【波士頓慈濟人文學校新春聯歡  傳揚民俗文化與靜思精神】




紐頓中文學校新春聯歡 牛頓市長、學區委到賀

【紐頓中文學校新春聯歡  傳揚民俗文化】


波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉(左三)、牛頓市市長Ruthanne Fuller(右三)
波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉、牛頓市市長Ruthanne Fuller和學區委員沈安平等貴賓都應邀出席盛會,觀賞學生們的精彩表演;會場中也設置民俗童玩等攤位,由老師和家長通力合作,讓學生們度過一個節慶氣氛洋溢的新春聯歡活動,溫馨熱絡。



          (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)天外飛來橫禍。27日一早10點多,發生在第1116家重慶劉一手火鍋店,不知哪來的一輛卡車,就這麼撞上門來,店中午暫時關了,一名行人送醫。

            好在,卡車撞過來的速度不是太快,這棟樓也挺紮實,門口的柱子,撞空了一截,玻璃門也碎了,但店裏沒事。火鍋店老闆Victor WuTerry Chan, Angus Wei接受了電視台的簡短採訪,說明中午暫時歇業。該店晚上5點就又照常開門做生意。


【美食之家(北京樓)加入僑胞卡特約商店 今年2月起提供消費優惠】

位於波士頓南部Falmouth 的中餐館「美食之家」,也就是大家熟悉的「北京樓」,響應中華民國僑務委員會發行的「僑胞卡」,正式加入海外特約商店的行列,將從今年2月起提供持卡人5%10%的消費優惠,希望能讓更多僑胞鄉親感受到政府的用心與美意。

該餐廳負責人同時也是波克萊臺灣商會副會長的徐小玲女士表示,「美食之家」成立以來都是秉持精緻美食的優良傳統,除了臺灣鄉親經常前來品嚐風味獨特的餐點外,也吸引許多主流社會各界人士前來用餐;在獲知僑委會於海外發行「僑胞卡」,且在波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉的鼓勵下,美食之家成為波士頓地區第18家「僑胞卡」特約商店,並訂於今年21日起提供現金付款九折(10 off)或信用卡消費九五折(5 off)的優惠服務。(圖與文:波士頓僑教中心提供)



聯邦關門35天 麻州4000移民案聆訊取消

(Boston Orange)聯邦政府一連關門35天,估計有86,000移民的聆訊因此取消,麻州也有4000宗。
波士頓環球報一篇報導指出,根據追蹤聯邦移民數據的雪城大學(Syracuse University)交易紀錄清算中心(Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse)資料,從去年12月迄今,為期35天的聯邦政府關門,已導致大約86,000宗移民聆訊被取消了。
司法部移民審核辦公室(Executive Office for Immigration Review in the Department of Justice)發言人John Martin表示,截至去年12月,全美約有80萬宗待審的移民案件,比2016會計年度時的數量又增加了50%全美有大約409名移民法官,他們希望在2019年上半年再增加50名,同時增聘支援工作人員。在2018會計年度內,結案數提高了20%

星期四, 2月 07, 2019


副教授馬晶,BE Capital 合夥人何淑圭等人合影。(周菊子攝)



Free workshops focused on contracting with the City of Boston, training for construction jobs,  small business resources, and targeted entrepreneur series scheduled for next six weeks

BOSTON - Thursday, February 7, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined the Office of Economic Development and partners to kickoff the first workshop under the newly-created Economic Development Center. Designed to engage with residents on economic development opportunities around job growth, business development, placemaking and community economic development, the Center will be accessible and convenient to all communities in order to generate economic opportunities for all residents and businesses, and discuss policy and planning in a thoughtful and collaborative manner.
By Chutze Chou

"The Economic Development Center is a testament to how the City invests in our people, communities, and businesses, giving people all across the City the opportunity to invest in their future," said Mayor Walsh. "As Boston continues to grow at an incredible rate, we will continue to prioritize economic equity to ensure all Bostonians benefit from Boston's booming economy."

The Center kicked off today with a "City Contracting Opportunity Fair," which is part of the "Equity and Inclusion Series" designed to create a network of individuals and businesses to connect with good jobs and public procurement opportunities, and serve as a vehicle to engage directly with diverse communities on equity policy and decision making. An open-house style networking fair that featured 18 city departments and the Commonwealth's Supplier Diversity Office, the event hosted a panel with City procurement liaisons to discuss the bid process, best practices, and success stories to encourage small businesses and minority- and women-owned businesses to seek procurement opportunities as a means to grow capacity and collaborate.

Boston Chief of Economic Development,
 F. Barros(right)。By Chutze Chou
"We are working to build an inclusive and equitable Boston, and in order to do that, we are bringing access to jobs, resources, opportunities, and policy development directly to ensure these policies offer real results for the people of Boston," said John F. Barros, Chief of Economic Development. "Today's Equity and Inclusion series kickoff was a great start, and I look forward to engaging with residents and business on in our upcoming series on small business, jobs, and community development."

The Economic Development Center will host free workshops year-round, across four series that focus on different sectors and different policy areas including: equity and inclusion, small business, community economic development, and jobs and talent. The Mayor's Office of Economic Development staff and partner organizations will facilitate workshops to engage with residents on policy, connect businesses and entrepreneurs with necessary resources and support organizations, and directly work with individuals to access career advancement trainings, hiring and contracting opportunities, and networking events.

By Chutze Chou
The "Pathways to Contracting with the City" will be held at the Bolling Building, with the next workshop scheduled for Wednesday, February 13 at 5 p.m. As more workshop details are confirmed and added to the schedule, all information will be available at boston.gov/economic-center.

Announced by Mayor Walsh last month during his State of the City address, the Economic Development Center builds on the success of the Small Business Center, first launched as a pop-up pilot by Mayor Walsh in 2017. As a result of the 2016 Citywide Small Business Plan, the Office of Economic Development developed a pop-up series of free workshops in neighborhoods around the City to make services more accessible to small businesses. The 2017-2018 Pilot included a series in Mattapan, East Boston, and Roxbury for about six consecutive weeks each, reaching over 400 individuals.

These centers complement Mayor Walsh's overall work to increase access to economic opportunity throughout the City of Boston, including his 15-bill housing security and economic mobility package which promotes equity, opportunity, and resilience through preserving neighborhoods, stabilizing vulnerable households, supporting small businesses, removing barriers that keep people in poverty, providing new pathways to good jobs, and continuing to leverage Boston's prosperity to build a more inclusive and equitable city. In 2014, Mayor Walsh created the Economic Development Cabinet to make Boston an appealing and accessible place for families and businesses to grow and thrive in a way that fosters inclusion, broadens opportunity, and shares prosperity, thereby enhancing the quality of life for all Bostonians.